/* $Id$ */ /** @file genworld_gui.cpp */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "openttd.h" #include "heightmap.h" #include "table/strings.h" #include "table/sprites.h" #include "gui.h" #include "window_gui.h" #include "textbuf_gui.h" #include "gfxinit.h" #include "player.h" #include "command_func.h" #include "variables.h" #include "string.h" #include "settings_func.h" #include "debug.h" #include "genworld.h" #include "network/network.h" #include "thread.h" #include "newgrf_config.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "window_func.h" #include "date_func.h" #include "sound_func.h" #include "fios.h" /** * In what 'mode' the GenerateLandscapeWindowProc is. */ enum glwp_modes { GLWP_GENERATE, GLWP_HEIGHTMAP, GLWP_SCENARIO, GLWP_END }; struct generate_d { uint widget_id; uint x; uint y; char name[64]; }; extern void SwitchMode(int new_mode); static inline void SetNewLandscapeType(byte landscape) { _opt_newgame.landscape = landscape; InvalidateWindowClasses(WC_SELECT_GAME); InvalidateWindowClasses(WC_GENERATE_LANDSCAPE); } enum GenerateLandscapeWindowWidgets { GLAND_TEMPERATE = 3, GLAND_ARCTIC, GLAND_TROPICAL, GLAND_TOYLAND, GLAND_MAPSIZE_X_TEXT, GLAND_MAPSIZE_X_PULLDOWN, GLAND_MAPSIZE_Y_TEXT, GLAND_MAPSIZE_Y_PULLDOWN, GLAND_TOWN_TEXT, GLAND_TOWN_PULLDOWN, GLAND_INDUSTRY_TEXT, GLAND_INDUSTRY_PULLDOWN, GLAND_RANDOM_EDITBOX, GLAND_RANDOM_BUTTON, GLAND_GENERATE_BUTTON, GLAND_START_DATE_DOWN, GLAND_START_DATE_TEXT, GLAND_START_DATE_UP, GLAND_SNOW_LEVEL_DOWN, GLAND_SNOW_LEVEL_TEXT, GLAND_SNOW_LEVEL_UP, GLAND_TREE_TEXT, GLAND_TREE_PULLDOWN, GLAND_LANDSCAPE_TEXT, GLAND_LANDSCAPE_PULLDOWN, GLAND_HEIGHTMAP_ROTATION_TEXT = GLAND_LANDSCAPE_TEXT, GLAND_HEIGHTMAP_ROTATION_PULLDOWN = GLAND_LANDSCAPE_PULLDOWN, GLAND_TERRAIN_TEXT, GLAND_TERRAIN_PULLDOWN, GLAND_WATER_TEXT, GLAND_WATER_PULLDOWN, GLAND_SMOOTHNESS_TEXT, GLAND_SMOOTHNESS_PULLDOWN }; static const Widget _generate_landscape_widgets[] = { { WWT_CLOSEBOX, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 11, 337, 0, 13, STR_WORLD_GENERATION_CAPTION, STR_NULL}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 0, 337, 14, 267, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_IMGBTN_2, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 10, 86, 24, 78, SPR_SELECT_TEMPERATE, STR_030E_SELECT_TEMPERATE_LANDSCAPE}, { WWT_IMGBTN_2, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 90, 166, 24, 78, SPR_SELECT_SUB_ARCTIC, STR_030F_SELECT_SUB_ARCTIC_LANDSCAPE}, { WWT_IMGBTN_2, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 170, 246, 24, 78, SPR_SELECT_SUB_TROPICAL, STR_0310_SELECT_SUB_TROPICAL_LANDSCAPE}, { WWT_IMGBTN_2, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 250, 326, 24, 78, SPR_SELECT_TOYLAND, STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 114, 149, 90, 101, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 150, 161, 90, 101, STR_0225, STR_NULL}, // Mapsize X { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 180, 215, 90, 101, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 216, 227, 90, 101, STR_0225, STR_NULL}, // Mapsize Y { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 114, 163, 112, 123, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 164, 175, 112, 123, STR_0225, STR_NULL}, // Number of towns { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 114, 163, 130, 141, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 164, 175, 130, 141, STR_0225, STR_NULL}, // Number of industries { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 15, 114, 207, 152, 163, 0x0, STR_RANDOM_SEED_HELP}, // Edit box for seed { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 216, 326, 152, 163, STR_RANDOM, STR_RANDOM_HELP}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 6, 243, 326, 228, 257, STR_GENERATE, STR_NULL}, // Generate button { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 216, 227, 112, 123, SPR_ARROW_DOWN, STR_029E_MOVE_THE_STARTING_DATE}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 228, 314, 112, 123, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 315, 326, 112, 123, SPR_ARROW_UP, STR_029F_MOVE_THE_STARTING_DATE}, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 282, 293, 130, 141, SPR_ARROW_DOWN, STR_SNOW_LINE_DOWN}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 294, 314, 130, 141, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 315, 326, 130, 141, SPR_ARROW_UP, STR_SNOW_LINE_UP}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 114, 219, 192, 203, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 220, 231, 192, 203, STR_0225, STR_NULL}, // Tree placer { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 114, 219, 174, 185, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 220, 231, 174, 185, STR_0225, STR_NULL}, // Landscape generator { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 114, 219, 210, 221, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 220, 231, 210, 221, STR_0225, STR_NULL}, // Terrain type { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 113, 219, 228, 239, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 220, 231, 228, 239, STR_0225, STR_NULL}, // Water quantity { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 113, 219, 246, 257, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 220, 231, 246, 257, STR_0225, STR_NULL}, // Map smoothness { WIDGETS_END}, }; static const Widget _heightmap_load_widgets[] = { { WWT_CLOSEBOX, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 11, 337, 0, 13, STR_WORLD_GENERATION_CAPTION, STR_NULL}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 0, 337, 14, 235, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_IMGBTN_2, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 10, 86, 24, 78, SPR_SELECT_TEMPERATE, STR_030E_SELECT_TEMPERATE_LANDSCAPE}, { WWT_IMGBTN_2, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 90, 166, 24, 78, SPR_SELECT_SUB_ARCTIC, STR_030F_SELECT_SUB_ARCTIC_LANDSCAPE}, { WWT_IMGBTN_2, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 170, 246, 24, 78, SPR_SELECT_SUB_TROPICAL, STR_0310_SELECT_SUB_TROPICAL_LANDSCAPE}, { WWT_IMGBTN_2, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 250, 326, 24, 78, SPR_SELECT_TOYLAND, STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 114, 149, 112, 123, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 150, 161, 112, 123, STR_0225, STR_NULL}, // Mapsize X { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 180, 215, 112, 123, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 216, 227, 112, 123, STR_0225, STR_NULL}, // Mapsize Y { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 114, 163, 134, 145, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 164, 175, 134, 145, STR_0225, STR_NULL}, // Number of towns { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 114, 163, 152, 163, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 164, 175, 152, 163, STR_0225, STR_NULL}, // Number of industries { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 15, 114, 194, 174, 185, 0x0, STR_RANDOM_SEED_HELP}, // Edit box for seed { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 203, 285, 174, 185, STR_RANDOM, STR_RANDOM_HELP}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 6, 243, 326, 196, 225, STR_GENERATE, STR_NULL}, // Generate button { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 216, 227, 134, 145, SPR_ARROW_DOWN, STR_029E_MOVE_THE_STARTING_DATE}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 228, 314, 134, 145, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 315, 326, 134, 145, SPR_ARROW_UP, STR_029F_MOVE_THE_STARTING_DATE}, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 282, 293, 152, 163, SPR_ARROW_DOWN, STR_SNOW_LINE_DOWN}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 294, 314, 152, 163, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 315, 326, 152, 163, SPR_ARROW_UP, STR_SNOW_LINE_UP}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 114, 219, 196, 207, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 220, 231, 196, 207, STR_0225, STR_NULL}, // Tree placer { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 114, 219, 214, 225, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 220, 231, 214, 225, STR_0225, STR_NULL}, // Heightmap rotation { WIDGETS_END}, }; void StartGeneratingLandscape(glwp_modes mode) { DeleteAllNonVitalWindows(); /* Copy all XXX_newgame to XXX when coming from outside the editor */ UpdatePatches(); _opt = _opt_newgame; _opt_ptr = &_opt; ResetGRFConfig(true); SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP); switch (mode) { case GLWP_GENERATE: _switch_mode = (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) ? SM_GENRANDLAND : SM_NEWGAME; break; case GLWP_HEIGHTMAP: _switch_mode = (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) ? SM_LOAD_HEIGHTMAP : SM_START_HEIGHTMAP; break; case GLWP_SCENARIO: _switch_mode = SM_EDITOR; break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } } static void LandscapeGenerationCallback(Window *w, bool confirmed) { if (confirmed) StartGeneratingLandscape((glwp_modes)w->window_number); } static void GenerateLandscapeWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) { static const StringID mapsizes[] = {STR_64, STR_128, STR_256, STR_512, STR_1024, STR_2048, INVALID_STRING_ID}; static const StringID elevations[] = {STR_682A_VERY_FLAT, STR_682B_FLAT, STR_682C_HILLY, STR_682D_MOUNTAINOUS, INVALID_STRING_ID}; static const StringID sea_lakes[] = {STR_VERY_LOW, STR_6820_LOW, STR_6821_MEDIUM, STR_6822_HIGH, INVALID_STRING_ID}; static const StringID smoothness[] = {STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_ROUGHNESS_OF_TERRAIN_VERY_SMOOTH, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_ROUGHNESS_OF_TERRAIN_SMOOTH, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_ROUGHNESS_OF_TERRAIN_ROUGH, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_ROUGHNESS_OF_TERRAIN_VERY_ROUGH, INVALID_STRING_ID}; static const StringID tree_placer[] = {STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_TREE_PLACER_NONE, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_TREE_PLACER_ORIGINAL, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_TREE_PLACER_IMPROVED, INVALID_STRING_ID}; static const StringID rotation[] = {STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_HEIGHTMAP_ROTATION_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_HEIGHTMAP_ROTATION_CLOCKWISE, INVALID_STRING_ID}; static const StringID landscape[] = {STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_LAND_GENERATOR_ORIGINAL, STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_LAND_GENERATOR_TERRA_GENESIS, INVALID_STRING_ID}; static const StringID num_towns[] = {STR_NUM_VERY_LOW, STR_6816_LOW, STR_6817_NORMAL, STR_6818_HIGH, INVALID_STRING_ID}; static const StringID num_inds[] = {STR_26816_NONE, STR_NUM_VERY_LOW, STR_6816_LOW, STR_6817_NORMAL, STR_6818_HIGH, INVALID_STRING_ID}; /* Data used for the generate seed edit box */ static querystr_d _genseed_query; static char _genseed_buffer[11]; glwp_modes mode = (glwp_modes)w->window_number; uint y; switch (e->event) { case WE_CREATE: w->LowerWidget(_opt_newgame.landscape + GLAND_TEMPERATE); snprintf(_genseed_buffer, sizeof(_genseed_buffer), "%u", _patches_newgame.generation_seed); InitializeTextBuffer(&_genseed_query.text, _genseed_buffer, lengthof(_genseed_buffer), 120); _genseed_query.caption = STR_NULL; _genseed_query.afilter = CS_NUMERAL; break; case WE_PAINT: /* You can't select smoothness if not terragenesis */ if (mode == GLWP_GENERATE) { w->SetWidgetDisabledState(GLAND_SMOOTHNESS_TEXT, _patches_newgame.land_generator == 0); w->SetWidgetDisabledState(GLAND_SMOOTHNESS_PULLDOWN, _patches_newgame.land_generator == 0); } /* Disable snowline if not hilly */ w->SetWidgetDisabledState(GLAND_SNOW_LEVEL_TEXT, _opt_newgame.landscape != LT_ARCTIC); /* Disable town, industry and trees in SE */ w->SetWidgetDisabledState(GLAND_TOWN_TEXT, _game_mode == GM_EDITOR); w->SetWidgetDisabledState(GLAND_TOWN_PULLDOWN, _game_mode == GM_EDITOR); w->SetWidgetDisabledState(GLAND_INDUSTRY_TEXT, _game_mode == GM_EDITOR); w->SetWidgetDisabledState(GLAND_INDUSTRY_PULLDOWN, _game_mode == GM_EDITOR); w->SetWidgetDisabledState(GLAND_TREE_TEXT, _game_mode == GM_EDITOR); w->SetWidgetDisabledState(GLAND_TREE_PULLDOWN, _game_mode == GM_EDITOR); w->SetWidgetDisabledState(GLAND_START_DATE_DOWN, _patches_newgame.starting_year <= MIN_YEAR); w->SetWidgetDisabledState(GLAND_START_DATE_UP, _patches_newgame.starting_year >= MAX_YEAR); w->SetWidgetDisabledState(GLAND_SNOW_LEVEL_DOWN, _patches_newgame.snow_line_height <= 2 || _opt_newgame.landscape != LT_ARCTIC); w->SetWidgetDisabledState(GLAND_SNOW_LEVEL_UP, _patches_newgame.snow_line_height >= MAX_SNOWLINE_HEIGHT || _opt_newgame.landscape != LT_ARCTIC); w->SetWidgetLoweredState(GLAND_TEMPERATE, _opt_newgame.landscape == LT_TEMPERATE); w->SetWidgetLoweredState(GLAND_ARCTIC, _opt_newgame.landscape == LT_ARCTIC); w->SetWidgetLoweredState(GLAND_TROPICAL, _opt_newgame.landscape == LT_TROPIC); w->SetWidgetLoweredState(GLAND_TOYLAND, _opt_newgame.landscape == LT_TOYLAND); DrawWindowWidgets(w); y = (mode == GLWP_HEIGHTMAP) ? 22 : 0; DrawString( 12, 91 + y, STR_MAPSIZE, TC_FROMSTRING); DrawString(119, 91 + y, mapsizes[_patches_newgame.map_x - 6], TC_BLACK); DrawString(168, 91 + y, STR_BY, TC_FROMSTRING); DrawString(182, 91 + y, mapsizes[_patches_newgame.map_y - 6], TC_BLACK); DrawString( 12, 113 + y, STR_NUMBER_OF_TOWNS, TC_FROMSTRING); DrawString( 12, 131 + y, STR_NUMBER_OF_INDUSTRIES, TC_FROMSTRING); if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) { DrawString(118, 113 + y, STR_6836_OFF, TC_BLACK); DrawString(118, 131 + y, STR_6836_OFF, TC_BLACK); } else { DrawString(118, 113 + y, num_towns[_opt_newgame.diff.number_towns], TC_BLACK); DrawString(118, 131 + y, num_inds[_opt_newgame.diff.number_industries], TC_BLACK); } DrawString( 12, 153 + y, STR_RANDOM_SEED, TC_FROMSTRING); DrawEditBox(w, &_genseed_query, GLAND_RANDOM_EDITBOX); DrawString(182, 113 + y, STR_DATE, TC_FROMSTRING); SetDParam(0, ConvertYMDToDate(_patches_newgame.starting_year, 0, 1)); DrawStringCentered(271, 113 + y, STR_GENERATE_DATE, TC_FROMSTRING); DrawString(182, 131 + y, STR_SNOW_LINE_HEIGHT, TC_FROMSTRING); SetDParam(0, _patches_newgame.snow_line_height); DrawStringCentered(303, 131 + y, STR_SNOW_LINE_HEIGHT_NUM, TC_BLACK); if (mode == GLWP_GENERATE) { DrawString( 12, 175, STR_LAND_GENERATOR, TC_FROMSTRING); DrawString(118, 175, landscape[_patches_newgame.land_generator], TC_BLACK); DrawString( 12, 193, STR_TREE_PLACER, TC_FROMSTRING); DrawString(118, 193, tree_placer[_patches_newgame.tree_placer], TC_BLACK); DrawString( 12, 211, STR_TERRAIN_TYPE, TC_FROMSTRING); DrawString(118, 211, elevations[_opt_newgame.diff.terrain_type], TC_BLACK); DrawString( 12, 229, STR_QUANTITY_OF_SEA_LAKES, TC_FROMSTRING); DrawString(118, 229, sea_lakes[_opt_newgame.diff.quantity_sea_lakes], TC_BLACK); DrawString( 12, 247, STR_SMOOTHNESS, TC_FROMSTRING); DrawString(118, 247, smoothness[_patches_newgame.tgen_smoothness], TC_BLACK); } else { char buffer[512]; if (_patches_newgame.heightmap_rotation == HM_CLOCKWISE) { SetDParam(0, WP(w, generate_d).y); SetDParam(1, WP(w, generate_d).x); } else { SetDParam(0, WP(w, generate_d).x); SetDParam(1, WP(w, generate_d).y); } GetString(buffer, STR_HEIGHTMAP_SIZE, lastof(buffer)); DrawStringRightAligned(326, 91, STR_HEIGHTMAP_SIZE, TC_BLACK); DrawString( 12, 91, STR_HEIGHTMAP_NAME, TC_BLACK); SetDParamStr(0, WP(w, generate_d).name); DrawStringTruncated(114, 91, STR_ORANGE, TC_BLACK, 326 - 114 - GetStringBoundingBox(buffer).width - 5); DrawString( 12, 197, STR_TREE_PLACER, TC_FROMSTRING); DrawString(118, 197, tree_placer[_patches_newgame.tree_placer], TC_BLACK); DrawString( 12, 215, STR_HEIGHTMAP_ROTATION, TC_FROMSTRING); DrawString(118, 215, rotation[_patches_newgame.heightmap_rotation], TC_BLACK); } break; case WE_CLICK: switch (e->we.click.widget) { case 0: DeleteWindow(w); break; case GLAND_TEMPERATE: case GLAND_ARCTIC: case GLAND_TROPICAL: case GLAND_TOYLAND: w->RaiseWidget(_opt_newgame.landscape + GLAND_TEMPERATE); SetNewLandscapeType(e->we.click.widget - GLAND_TEMPERATE); break; case GLAND_MAPSIZE_X_TEXT: case GLAND_MAPSIZE_X_PULLDOWN: // Mapsize X ShowDropDownMenu(w, mapsizes, _patches_newgame.map_x - 6, GLAND_MAPSIZE_X_PULLDOWN, 0, 0); break; case GLAND_MAPSIZE_Y_TEXT: case GLAND_MAPSIZE_Y_PULLDOWN: // Mapsize Y ShowDropDownMenu(w, mapsizes, _patches_newgame.map_y - 6, GLAND_MAPSIZE_Y_PULLDOWN, 0, 0); break; case GLAND_TOWN_TEXT: case GLAND_TOWN_PULLDOWN: // Number of towns ShowDropDownMenu(w, num_towns, _opt_newgame.diff.number_towns, GLAND_TOWN_PULLDOWN, 0, 0); break; case GLAND_INDUSTRY_TEXT: case GLAND_INDUSTRY_PULLDOWN: // Number of industries ShowDropDownMenu(w, num_inds, _opt_newgame.diff.number_industries, GLAND_INDUSTRY_PULLDOWN, 0, 0); break; case GLAND_RANDOM_BUTTON: // Random seed _patches_newgame.generation_seed = InteractiveRandom(); snprintf(_genseed_buffer, lengthof(_genseed_buffer), "%u", _patches_newgame.generation_seed); UpdateTextBufferSize(&_genseed_query.text); SetWindowDirty(w); break; case GLAND_GENERATE_BUTTON: // Generate UpdatePatches(); if (_patches.town_layout == TL_NO_ROADS) { ShowQuery( STR_TOWN_LAYOUT_WARNING_CAPTION, STR_TOWN_LAYOUT_WARNING_MESSAGE, w, LandscapeGenerationCallback); } else if (mode == GLWP_HEIGHTMAP && (WP(w, generate_d).x * 2 < (1U << _patches_newgame.map_x) || WP(w, generate_d).x / 2 > (1U << _patches_newgame.map_x) || WP(w, generate_d).y * 2 < (1U << _patches_newgame.map_y) || WP(w, generate_d).y / 2 > (1U << _patches_newgame.map_y))) { ShowQuery( STR_HEIGHTMAP_SCALE_WARNING_CAPTION, STR_HEIGHTMAP_SCALE_WARNING_MESSAGE, w, LandscapeGenerationCallback); } else { StartGeneratingLandscape(mode); } break; case GLAND_START_DATE_DOWN: case GLAND_START_DATE_UP: // Year buttons /* Don't allow too fast scrolling */ if ((w->flags4 & WF_TIMEOUT_MASK) <= 2 << WF_TIMEOUT_SHL) { w->HandleButtonClick(e->we.click.widget); SetWindowDirty(w); _patches_newgame.starting_year = Clamp(_patches_newgame.starting_year + e->we.click.widget - GLAND_START_DATE_TEXT, MIN_YEAR, MAX_YEAR); } _left_button_clicked = false; break; case GLAND_START_DATE_TEXT: // Year text WP(w, generate_d).widget_id = GLAND_START_DATE_TEXT; SetDParam(0, _patches_newgame.starting_year); ShowQueryString(STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_INT32, STR_START_DATE_QUERY_CAPT, 8, 100, w, CS_NUMERAL); break; case GLAND_SNOW_LEVEL_DOWN: case GLAND_SNOW_LEVEL_UP: // Snow line buttons /* Don't allow too fast scrolling */ if ((w->flags4 & WF_TIMEOUT_MASK) <= 2 << WF_TIMEOUT_SHL) { w->HandleButtonClick(e->we.click.widget); SetWindowDirty(w); _patches_newgame.snow_line_height = Clamp(_patches_newgame.snow_line_height + e->we.click.widget - GLAND_SNOW_LEVEL_TEXT, 2, MAX_SNOWLINE_HEIGHT); } _left_button_clicked = false; break; case GLAND_SNOW_LEVEL_TEXT: // Snow line text WP(w, generate_d).widget_id = GLAND_SNOW_LEVEL_TEXT; SetDParam(0, _patches_newgame.snow_line_height); ShowQueryString(STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_INT32, STR_SNOW_LINE_QUERY_CAPT, 3, 100, w, CS_NUMERAL); break; case GLAND_TREE_TEXT: case GLAND_TREE_PULLDOWN: // Tree placer ShowDropDownMenu(w, tree_placer, _patches_newgame.tree_placer, GLAND_TREE_PULLDOWN, 0, 0); break; case GLAND_LANDSCAPE_TEXT: case GLAND_LANDSCAPE_PULLDOWN: // Landscape generator OR Heightmap rotation /* case GLAND_HEIGHTMAP_ROTATION_TEXT: case GLAND_HEIGHTMAP_ROTATION_PULLDOWN:*/ if (mode == GLWP_HEIGHTMAP) { ShowDropDownMenu(w, rotation, _patches_newgame.heightmap_rotation, GLAND_HEIGHTMAP_ROTATION_PULLDOWN, 0, 0); } else { ShowDropDownMenu(w, landscape, _patches_newgame.land_generator, GLAND_LANDSCAPE_PULLDOWN, 0, 0); } break; case GLAND_TERRAIN_TEXT: case GLAND_TERRAIN_PULLDOWN: // Terrain type ShowDropDownMenu(w, elevations, _opt_newgame.diff.terrain_type, GLAND_TERRAIN_PULLDOWN, 0, 0); break; case GLAND_WATER_TEXT: case GLAND_WATER_PULLDOWN: // Water quantity ShowDropDownMenu(w, sea_lakes, _opt_newgame.diff.quantity_sea_lakes, GLAND_WATER_PULLDOWN, 0, 0); break; case GLAND_SMOOTHNESS_TEXT: case GLAND_SMOOTHNESS_PULLDOWN: // Map smoothness ShowDropDownMenu(w, smoothness, _patches_newgame.tgen_smoothness, GLAND_SMOOTHNESS_PULLDOWN, 0, 0); break; } break; case WE_MOUSELOOP: HandleEditBox(w, &_genseed_query, GLAND_RANDOM_EDITBOX); break; case WE_KEYPRESS: HandleEditBoxKey(w, &_genseed_query, GLAND_RANDOM_EDITBOX, e); /* the seed is unsigned, therefore atoi cannot be used. * As 2^32 - 1 (MAX_UVALUE(uint32)) is a 'magic' value * (use random seed) it should not be possible to be * entered into the input field; the generate seed * button can be used instead. */ _patches_newgame.generation_seed = minu(strtoul(_genseed_buffer, NULL, sizeof(_genseed_buffer) - 1), MAX_UVALUE(uint32) - 1); break; case WE_DROPDOWN_SELECT: switch (e->we.dropdown.button) { case GLAND_MAPSIZE_X_PULLDOWN: _patches_newgame.map_x = e->we.dropdown.index + 6; break; case GLAND_MAPSIZE_Y_PULLDOWN: _patches_newgame.map_y = e->we.dropdown.index + 6; break; case GLAND_TREE_PULLDOWN: _patches_newgame.tree_placer = e->we.dropdown.index; break; case GLAND_SMOOTHNESS_PULLDOWN: _patches_newgame.tgen_smoothness = e->we.dropdown.index; break; case GLAND_TOWN_PULLDOWN: _opt_newgame.diff.number_towns = e->we.dropdown.index; if (_opt_newgame.diff_level != 3) ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_DIFFICULTY_TO_CUSTOM, 0, 0); DoCommandP(0, 2, _opt_newgame.diff.number_towns, NULL, CMD_CHANGE_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL); break; case GLAND_INDUSTRY_PULLDOWN: _opt_newgame.diff.number_industries = e->we.dropdown.index; if (_opt_newgame.diff_level != 3) ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_DIFFICULTY_TO_CUSTOM, 0, 0); DoCommandP(0, 3, _opt_newgame.diff.number_industries, NULL, CMD_CHANGE_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL); break; case GLAND_LANDSCAPE_PULLDOWN: /* case GLAND_HEIGHTMAP_PULLDOWN: */ if (mode == GLWP_HEIGHTMAP) { _patches_newgame.heightmap_rotation = e->we.dropdown.index; } else { _patches_newgame.land_generator = e->we.dropdown.index; } break; case GLAND_TERRAIN_PULLDOWN: _opt_newgame.diff.terrain_type = e->we.dropdown.index; if (_opt_newgame.diff_level != 3) ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_DIFFICULTY_TO_CUSTOM, 0, 0); DoCommandP(0, 12, _opt_newgame.diff.terrain_type, NULL, CMD_CHANGE_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL); break; case GLAND_WATER_PULLDOWN: _opt_newgame.diff.quantity_sea_lakes = e->we.dropdown.index; if (_opt_newgame.diff_level != 3) ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_DIFFICULTY_TO_CUSTOM, 0, 0); DoCommandP(0, 13, _opt_newgame.diff.quantity_sea_lakes, NULL, CMD_CHANGE_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL); break; } SetWindowDirty(w); break; case WE_ON_EDIT_TEXT: { if (e->we.edittext.str != NULL) { int32 value = atoi(e->we.edittext.str); switch (WP(w, generate_d).widget_id) { case GLAND_START_DATE_TEXT: w->InvalidateWidget(GLAND_START_DATE_TEXT); _patches_newgame.starting_year = Clamp(value, MIN_YEAR, MAX_YEAR); break; case GLAND_SNOW_LEVEL_TEXT: w->InvalidateWidget(GLAND_SNOW_LEVEL_TEXT); _patches_newgame.snow_line_height = Clamp(value, 2, MAX_SNOWLINE_HEIGHT); break; } SetWindowDirty(w); } break; } } } static const WindowDesc _generate_landscape_desc = { WDP_CENTER, WDP_CENTER, 338, 268, 338, 268, WC_GENERATE_LANDSCAPE, WC_NONE, WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS, _generate_landscape_widgets, GenerateLandscapeWndProc, }; static const WindowDesc _heightmap_load_desc = { WDP_CENTER, WDP_CENTER, 338, 236, 338, 236, WC_GENERATE_LANDSCAPE, WC_NONE, WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS, _heightmap_load_widgets, GenerateLandscapeWndProc, }; static void _ShowGenerateLandscape(glwp_modes mode) { uint x = 0; uint y = 0; DeleteWindowByClass(WC_GENERATE_LANDSCAPE); /* Always give a new seed if not editor */ if (_game_mode != GM_EDITOR) _patches_newgame.generation_seed = InteractiveRandom(); if (mode == GLWP_HEIGHTMAP) { /* If the function returns negative, it means there was a problem loading the heightmap */ if (!GetHeightmapDimensions(_file_to_saveload.name, &x, &y)) return; } Window *w = AllocateWindowDescFront((mode == GLWP_HEIGHTMAP) ? &_heightmap_load_desc : &_generate_landscape_desc, mode); if (w == NULL) return; if (mode == GLWP_HEIGHTMAP) { WP(w, generate_d).x = x; WP(w, generate_d).y = y; strecpy(WP(w, generate_d).name, _file_to_saveload.title, lastof(WP(w, generate_d).name)); } InvalidateWindow(WC_GENERATE_LANDSCAPE, mode); } void ShowGenerateLandscape() { _ShowGenerateLandscape(GLWP_GENERATE); } void ShowHeightmapLoad() { _ShowGenerateLandscape(GLWP_HEIGHTMAP); } void StartScenarioEditor() { if (_patches_newgame.town_layout == TL_NO_ROADS) { _patches_newgame.town_layout = TL_ORIGINAL; } StartGeneratingLandscape(GLWP_SCENARIO); } void StartNewGameWithoutGUI(uint seed) { /* GenerateWorld takes care of the possible GENERATE_NEW_SEED value in 'seed' */ _patches_newgame.generation_seed = seed; StartGeneratingLandscape(GLWP_GENERATE); } enum CreateScenarioWindowWidgets { CSCEN_TEMPERATE = 3, CSCEN_ARCTIC, CSCEN_TROPICAL, CSCEN_TOYLAND, CSCEN_EMPTY_WORLD, CSCEN_RANDOM_WORLD, CSCEN_MAPSIZE_X_TEXT, CSCEN_MAPSIZE_X_PULLDOWN, CSCEN_MAPSIZE_Y_TEXT, CSCEN_MAPSIZE_Y_PULLDOWN, CSCEN_START_DATE_DOWN, CSCEN_START_DATE_TEXT, CSCEN_START_DATE_UP, CSCEN_FLAT_LAND_HEIGHT_DOWN, CSCEN_FLAT_LAND_HEIGHT_TEXT, CSCEN_FLAT_LAND_HEIGHT_UP }; static void CreateScenarioWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) { static const StringID mapsizes[] = {STR_64, STR_128, STR_256, STR_512, STR_1024, STR_2048, INVALID_STRING_ID}; switch (e->event) { case WE_CREATE: w->LowerWidget(_opt_newgame.landscape + CSCEN_TEMPERATE); break; case WE_PAINT: w->SetWidgetDisabledState(CSCEN_START_DATE_DOWN, _patches_newgame.starting_year <= MIN_YEAR); w->SetWidgetDisabledState(CSCEN_START_DATE_UP, _patches_newgame.starting_year >= MAX_YEAR); w->SetWidgetDisabledState(CSCEN_FLAT_LAND_HEIGHT_DOWN, _patches_newgame.se_flat_world_height <= 0); w->SetWidgetDisabledState(CSCEN_FLAT_LAND_HEIGHT_UP, _patches_newgame.se_flat_world_height >= MAX_TILE_HEIGHT); w->SetWidgetLoweredState(CSCEN_TEMPERATE, _opt_newgame.landscape == LT_TEMPERATE); w->SetWidgetLoweredState(CSCEN_ARCTIC, _opt_newgame.landscape == LT_ARCTIC); w->SetWidgetLoweredState(CSCEN_TROPICAL, _opt_newgame.landscape == LT_TROPIC); w->SetWidgetLoweredState(CSCEN_TOYLAND, _opt_newgame.landscape == LT_TOYLAND); DrawWindowWidgets(w); DrawStringRightAligned(211, 97, STR_MAPSIZE, TC_FROMSTRING); DrawString( 221, 97, mapsizes[_patches_newgame.map_x - 6], TC_BLACK); DrawStringCentered( 272, 97, STR_BY, TC_FROMSTRING); DrawString( 284, 97, mapsizes[_patches_newgame.map_y - 6], TC_BLACK); DrawStringRightAligned(211, 115, STR_DATE, TC_FROMSTRING); SetDParam(0, ConvertYMDToDate(_patches_newgame.starting_year, 0, 1)); DrawStringCentered(271, 115, STR_GENERATE_DATE, TC_FROMSTRING); DrawStringRightAligned(278, 133, STR_FLAT_WORLD_HEIGHT, TC_FROMSTRING); SetDParam(0, _patches_newgame.se_flat_world_height); DrawStringCentered(303, 133, STR_FLAT_WORLD_HEIGHT_NUM, TC_BLACK); break; case WE_CLICK: switch (e->we.click.widget) { case CSCEN_TEMPERATE: case CSCEN_ARCTIC: case CSCEN_TROPICAL: case CSCEN_TOYLAND: w->RaiseWidget(_opt_newgame.landscape + CSCEN_TEMPERATE); SetNewLandscapeType(e->we.click.widget - CSCEN_TEMPERATE); break; case CSCEN_MAPSIZE_X_TEXT: case CSCEN_MAPSIZE_X_PULLDOWN: // Mapsize X ShowDropDownMenu(w, mapsizes, _patches_newgame.map_x - 6, CSCEN_MAPSIZE_X_PULLDOWN, 0, 0); break; case CSCEN_MAPSIZE_Y_TEXT: case CSCEN_MAPSIZE_Y_PULLDOWN: // Mapsize Y ShowDropDownMenu(w, mapsizes, _patches_newgame.map_y - 6, CSCEN_MAPSIZE_Y_PULLDOWN, 0, 0); break; case CSCEN_EMPTY_WORLD: // Empty world / flat world StartGeneratingLandscape(GLWP_SCENARIO); break; case CSCEN_RANDOM_WORLD: // Generate ShowGenerateLandscape(); break; case CSCEN_START_DATE_DOWN: case CSCEN_START_DATE_UP: // Year buttons /* Don't allow too fast scrolling */ if ((w->flags4 & WF_TIMEOUT_MASK) <= 2 << WF_TIMEOUT_SHL) { w->HandleButtonClick(e->we.click.widget); SetWindowDirty(w); _patches_newgame.starting_year = Clamp(_patches_newgame.starting_year + e->we.click.widget - CSCEN_START_DATE_TEXT, MIN_YEAR, MAX_YEAR); } _left_button_clicked = false; break; case CSCEN_START_DATE_TEXT: // Year text WP(w, generate_d).widget_id = CSCEN_START_DATE_TEXT; SetDParam(0, _patches_newgame.starting_year); ShowQueryString(STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_INT32, STR_START_DATE_QUERY_CAPT, 8, 100, w, CS_NUMERAL); break; case CSCEN_FLAT_LAND_HEIGHT_DOWN: case CSCEN_FLAT_LAND_HEIGHT_UP: // Height level buttons /* Don't allow too fast scrolling */ if ((w->flags4 & WF_TIMEOUT_MASK) <= 2 << WF_TIMEOUT_SHL) { w->HandleButtonClick(e->we.click.widget); SetWindowDirty(w); _patches_newgame.se_flat_world_height = Clamp(_patches_newgame.se_flat_world_height + e->we.click.widget - CSCEN_FLAT_LAND_HEIGHT_TEXT, 0, MAX_TILE_HEIGHT); } _left_button_clicked = false; break; case CSCEN_FLAT_LAND_HEIGHT_TEXT: // Height level text WP(w, generate_d).widget_id = CSCEN_FLAT_LAND_HEIGHT_TEXT; SetDParam(0, _patches_newgame.se_flat_world_height); ShowQueryString(STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_INT32, STR_FLAT_WORLD_HEIGHT_QUERY_CAPT, 3, 100, w, CS_NUMERAL); break; } break; case WE_DROPDOWN_SELECT: switch (e->we.dropdown.button) { case CSCEN_MAPSIZE_X_PULLDOWN: _patches_newgame.map_x = e->we.dropdown.index + 6; break; case CSCEN_MAPSIZE_Y_PULLDOWN: _patches_newgame.map_y = e->we.dropdown.index + 6; break; } SetWindowDirty(w); break; case WE_ON_EDIT_TEXT: { if (e->we.edittext.str != NULL) { int32 value = atoi(e->we.edittext.str); switch (WP(w, generate_d).widget_id) { case CSCEN_START_DATE_TEXT: w->InvalidateWidget(CSCEN_START_DATE_TEXT); _patches_newgame.starting_year = Clamp(value, MIN_YEAR, MAX_YEAR); break; case CSCEN_FLAT_LAND_HEIGHT_TEXT: w->InvalidateWidget(CSCEN_FLAT_LAND_HEIGHT_TEXT); _patches_newgame.se_flat_world_height = Clamp(value, 0, MAX_TILE_HEIGHT); break; } SetWindowDirty(w); } break; } } } static const Widget _create_scenario_widgets[] = { { WWT_CLOSEBOX, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 11, 337, 0, 13, STR_SE_CAPTION, STR_NULL}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 13, 0, 337, 14, 169, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_IMGBTN_2, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 10, 86, 24, 78, SPR_SELECT_TEMPERATE, STR_030E_SELECT_TEMPERATE_LANDSCAPE}, { WWT_IMGBTN_2, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 90, 166, 24, 78, SPR_SELECT_SUB_ARCTIC, STR_030F_SELECT_SUB_ARCTIC_LANDSCAPE}, { WWT_IMGBTN_2, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 170, 246, 24, 78, SPR_SELECT_SUB_TROPICAL, STR_0310_SELECT_SUB_TROPICAL_LANDSCAPE}, { WWT_IMGBTN_2, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 250, 326, 24, 78, SPR_SELECT_TOYLAND, STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 6, 12, 115, 95, 124, STR_SE_FLAT_WORLD, STR_SE_FLAT_WORLD_TIP}, // Empty (sea-level) map { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 6, 12, 115, 131, 160, STR_SE_RANDOM_LAND, STR_022A_GENERATE_RANDOM_LAND}, // Generate { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 216, 251, 95, 106, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 252, 263, 95, 106, STR_0225, STR_NULL}, // Mapsize X { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 279, 314, 95, 106, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 315, 326, 95, 106, STR_0225, STR_NULL}, // Mapsize Y { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 216, 227, 113, 124, SPR_ARROW_DOWN, STR_029E_MOVE_THE_STARTING_DATE}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 228, 314, 113, 124, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 315, 326, 113, 124, SPR_ARROW_UP, STR_029F_MOVE_THE_STARTING_DATE}, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 282, 293, 131, 142, SPR_ARROW_DOWN, STR_FLAT_WORLD_HEIGHT_DOWN}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 294, 314, 131, 142, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 315, 326, 131, 142, SPR_ARROW_UP, STR_FLAT_WORLD_HEIGHT_UP}, { WIDGETS_END}, }; static const WindowDesc _create_scenario_desc = { WDP_CENTER, WDP_CENTER, 338, 170, 338, 170, WC_GENERATE_LANDSCAPE, WC_NONE, WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS, _create_scenario_widgets, CreateScenarioWndProc, }; void ShowCreateScenario() { DeleteWindowByClass(WC_GENERATE_LANDSCAPE); AllocateWindowDescFront(&_create_scenario_desc, GLWP_SCENARIO); } static const Widget _show_terrain_progress_widgets[] = { { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 180, 0, 13, STR_GENERATION_WORLD, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 180, 14, 96, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 15, 20, 161, 74, 85, STR_GENERATION_ABORT, STR_NULL}, // Abort button { WIDGETS_END}, }; struct tp_info { uint percent; StringID cls; uint current; uint total; int timer; }; static tp_info _tp; static void AbortGeneratingWorldCallback(Window *w, bool confirmed) { if (confirmed) { AbortGeneratingWorld(); } else if (IsGeneratingWorld() && !IsGeneratingWorldAborted()) { SetMouseCursor(SPR_CURSOR_ZZZ, PAL_NONE); } } static void ShowTerrainProgressProc(Window* w, WindowEvent* e) { switch (e->event) { case WE_CLICK: switch (e->we.click.widget) { case 2: if (_cursor.sprite == SPR_CURSOR_ZZZ) SetMouseCursor(SPR_CURSOR_MOUSE, PAL_NONE); ShowQuery( STR_GENERATION_ABORT_CAPTION, STR_GENERATION_ABORT_MESSAGE, w, AbortGeneratingWorldCallback ); break; } break; case WE_PAINT: DrawWindowWidgets(w); /* Draw the % complete with a bar and a text */ DrawFrameRect(19, 20, (w->width - 18), 37, 14, FR_BORDERONLY); DrawFrameRect(20, 21, (int)((w->width - 40) * _tp.percent / 100) + 20, 36, 10, FR_NONE); SetDParam(0, _tp.percent); DrawStringCentered(90, 25, STR_PROGRESS, TC_FROMSTRING); /* Tell which class we are generating */ DrawStringCentered(90, 46, _tp.cls, TC_FROMSTRING); /* And say where we are in that class */ SetDParam(0, _tp.current); SetDParam(1, _tp.total); DrawStringCentered(90, 58, STR_GENERATION_PROGRESS, TC_FROMSTRING); SetWindowDirty(w); break; } } static const WindowDesc _show_terrain_progress_desc = { WDP_CENTER, WDP_CENTER, 181, 97, 181, 97, WC_GENERATE_PROGRESS_WINDOW, WC_NONE, WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS, _show_terrain_progress_widgets, ShowTerrainProgressProc }; /** * Initializes the progress counters to the starting point. */ void PrepareGenerateWorldProgress() { _tp.cls = STR_WORLD_GENERATION; _tp.current = 0; _tp.total = 0; _tp.percent = 0; _tp.timer = 0; // Forces to paint the progress window immediatelly } /** * Show the window where a user can follow the process of the map generation. */ void ShowGenerateWorldProgress() { AllocateWindowDescFront(&_show_terrain_progress_desc, 0); } static void _SetGeneratingWorldProgress(gwp_class cls, uint progress, uint total) { static const int percent_table[GWP_CLASS_COUNT + 1] = {0, 5, 15, 20, 40, 60, 65, 80, 85, 99, 100 }; static const StringID class_table[GWP_CLASS_COUNT] = { STR_WORLD_GENERATION, STR_022E_LANDSCAPE_GENERATION, STR_CLEARING_TILES, STR_022F_TOWN_GENERATION, STR_0230_INDUSTRY_GENERATION, STR_UNMOVABLE_GENERATION, STR_TREE_GENERATION, STR_SETTINGUP_GAME, STR_PREPARING_TILELOOP, STR_PREPARING_GAME }; assert(cls < GWP_CLASS_COUNT); /* Do not run this function if we aren't in a thread */ if (!IsGenerateWorldThreaded() && !_network_dedicated) return; if (IsGeneratingWorldAborted()) HandleGeneratingWorldAbortion(); if (total == 0) { assert(_tp.cls == class_table[cls]); _tp.current += progress; } else { _tp.cls = class_table[cls]; _tp.current = progress; _tp.total = total; _tp.percent = percent_table[cls]; } /* Don't update the screen too often. So update it once in every 200ms */ if (!_network_dedicated && _tp.timer != 0 && _realtime_tick - _tp.timer < 200) return; /* Percentage is about the number of completed tasks, so 'current - 1' */ _tp.percent = percent_table[cls] + (percent_table[cls + 1] - percent_table[cls]) * (_tp.current == 0 ? 0 : _tp.current - 1) / _tp.total; if (_network_dedicated) { static uint last_percent = 0; /* Never display 0% */ if (_tp.percent == 0) return; /* Reset if percent is lower then the last recorded */ if (_tp.percent < last_percent) last_percent = 0; /* Display every 5%, but 6% is also very valid.. just not smaller steps then 5% */ if (_tp.percent % 5 != 0 && _tp.percent <= last_percent + 5) return; /* Never show steps smaller then 2%, even if it is a mod 5% */ if (_tp.percent <= last_percent + 2) return; DEBUG(net, 1, "Map generation percentage complete: %d", _tp.percent); last_percent = _tp.percent; /* Don't continue as dedicated never has a thread running */ return; } InvalidateWindow(WC_GENERATE_PROGRESS_WINDOW, 0); MarkWholeScreenDirty(); SetGeneratingWorldPaintStatus(true); /* We wait here till the paint is done, so we don't read and write * on the same tile at the same moment. Nasty hack, but that happens * if you implement threading afterwards */ while (IsGeneratingWorldReadyForPaint()) { CSleep(10); } _tp.timer = _realtime_tick; } /** * Set the total of a stage of the world generation. * @param cls the current class we are in. * @param total Set the total expected items for this class. * * Warning: this function isn't clever. Don't go from class 4 to 3. Go upwards, always. * Also, progress works if total is zero, total works if progress is zero. */ void SetGeneratingWorldProgress(gwp_class cls, uint total) { if (total == 0) return; _SetGeneratingWorldProgress(cls, 0, total); } /** * Increases the current stage of the world generation with one. * @param cls the current class we are in. * * Warning: this function isn't clever. Don't go from class 4 to 3. Go upwards, always. * Also, progress works if total is zero, total works if progress is zero. */ void IncreaseGeneratingWorldProgress(gwp_class cls) { /* In fact the param 'class' isn't needed.. but for some security reasons, we want it around */ _SetGeneratingWorldProgress(cls, 1, 0); }