/* $Id$ */ /** @file genworld.h Functions related to world/map generation. */ #ifndef GENWORLD_H #define GENWORLD_H #include "player_type.h" /* * Order of these enums has to be the same as in lang/english.txt * Otherwise you will get inconsistent behaviour. */ enum { LG_ORIGINAL = 0, ///< The original landscape generator LG_TERRAGENESIS = 1, ///< TerraGenesis Perlin landscape generator GENERATE_NEW_SEED = (uint)-1, ///< Create a new random seed }; typedef void gw_done_proc(); typedef void gw_abort_proc(); struct gw_info { bool active; ///< Is generating world active bool abort; ///< Whether to abort the thread ASAP bool wait_for_draw; ///< Are we waiting on a draw event bool quit_thread; ///< Do we want to quit the active thread bool threaded; ///< Whether we run _GenerateWorld threaded int mode; ///< What mode are we making a world in PlayerID lp; ///< The local_player before generating uint size_x; ///< X-size of the map uint size_y; ///< Y-size of the map gw_done_proc *proc; ///< Proc that is called when done (can be NULL) gw_abort_proc *abortp; ///< Proc that is called when aborting (can be NULL) class ThreadObject *thread; ///< The thread we are in (can be NULL) }; enum gwp_class { GWP_MAP_INIT, ///< Initialize/allocate the map, start economy GWP_LANDSCAPE, ///< Create the landscape GWP_ROUGH_ROCKY, ///< Make rough and rocky areas GWP_TOWN, ///< Generate towns GWP_INDUSTRY, ///< Generate industries GWP_UNMOVABLE, ///< Generate unmovables (radio tower, light houses) GWP_TREE, ///< Generate trees GWP_GAME_INIT, ///< Initialize the game GWP_RUNTILELOOP, ///< Runs the tile loop 1280 times to make snow etc GWP_GAME_START, ///< Really prepare to start the game GWP_CLASS_COUNT }; /** * Check if we are currently in the process of generating a world. */ static inline bool IsGeneratingWorld() { extern gw_info _gw; return _gw.active; } /* genworld.cpp */ void SetGeneratingWorldPaintStatus(bool status); bool IsGeneratingWorldReadyForPaint(); bool IsGenerateWorldThreaded(); void GenerateWorldSetCallback(gw_done_proc *proc); void GenerateWorldSetAbortCallback(gw_abort_proc *proc); void WaitTillGeneratedWorld(); void GenerateWorld(int mode, uint size_x, uint size_y); void AbortGeneratingWorld(); bool IsGeneratingWorldAborted(); void HandleGeneratingWorldAbortion(); /* genworld_gui.cpp */ void SetGeneratingWorldProgress(gwp_class cls, uint total); void IncreaseGeneratingWorldProgress(gwp_class cls); void PrepareGenerateWorldProgress(); void ShowGenerateWorldProgress(); void StartNewGameWithoutGUI(uint seed); void ShowCreateScenario(); void StartScenarioEditor(); #endif /* GENWORLD_H */