/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

/** @file console_cmds.cpp Implementation of the console hooks. */

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "console_internal.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "engine_func.h"
#include "landscape.h"
#include "saveload/saveload.h"
#include "network/network.h"
#include "network/network_func.h"
#include "network/network_base.h"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "settings_func.h"
#include "fios.h"
#include "fileio_func.h"
#include "screenshot.h"
#include "genworld.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "viewport_func.h"
#include "window_func.h"
#include "date_func.h"
#include "vehicle_func.h"
#include "company_func.h"
#include "gamelog.h"
#include "ai/ai.hpp"
#include "ai/ai_config.hpp"
#include "newgrf.h"
#include "console_func.h"

	#include "table/strings.h"
#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */

/* scriptfile handling */
static bool _script_running; ///< Script is running (used to abort execution when #ConReturn is encountered).

/* console command defines */
#define DEF_CONSOLE_CMD(function) static bool function(byte argc, char *argv[])
#define DEF_CONSOLE_HOOK(function) static ConsoleHookResult function(bool echo)

 * command hooks


static inline bool NetworkAvailable(bool echo)
	if (!_network_available) {
		if (echo) IConsoleError("You cannot use this command because there is no network available.");
		return false;
	return true;

	if (!NetworkAvailable(echo)) return CHR_DISALLOW;

	if (!_network_server) {
		if (echo) IConsoleError("This command is only available to a network server.");
		return CHR_DISALLOW;
	return CHR_ALLOW;

	if (!NetworkAvailable(echo)) return CHR_DISALLOW;

	if (_network_server) {
		if (echo) IConsoleError("This command is not available to a network server.");
		return CHR_DISALLOW;
	return CHR_ALLOW;

	if (!NetworkAvailable(echo)) return CHR_DISALLOW;

	if (!_networking) {
		if (echo) IConsoleError("Not connected. This command is only available in multiplayer.");
		return CHR_DISALLOW;
	return CHR_ALLOW;

	if (_networking) {
		if (echo) IConsoleError("This command is forbidden in multiplayer.");
		return CHR_DISALLOW;
	return CHR_ALLOW;

#	define ConHookNoNetwork NULL
#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */

	if (_settings_client.gui.newgrf_developer_tools) {
		if (_game_mode == GM_MENU) {
			if (echo) IConsoleError("This command is only available in game and editor.");
			return CHR_DISALLOW;
		return ConHookNoNetwork(echo);
		return CHR_ALLOW;
	return CHR_HIDE;

static void IConsoleHelp(const char *str)
	IConsolePrintF(CC_WARNING, "- %s", str);

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Reset status data of all engines. This might solve some issues with 'lost' engines. Usage: 'resetengines'");
		return true;

	return true;

#ifdef _DEBUG
	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Reset a tile to bare land. Usage: 'resettile <tile>'");
		IConsoleHelp("Tile can be either decimal (34161) or hexadecimal (0x4a5B)");
		return true;

	if (argc == 2) {
		uint32 result;
		if (GetArgumentInteger(&result, argv[1])) {
			return true;

	return false;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Stops all vehicles in the game. For debugging only! Use at your own risk... Usage: 'stopall'");
		return true;

	return true;
#endif /* _DEBUG */

	switch (argc) {
		case 0:
			IConsoleHelp("Center the screen on a given tile.");
			IConsoleHelp("Usage: 'scrollto <tile>' or 'scrollto <x> <y>'");
			IConsoleHelp("Numbers can be either decimal (34161) or hexadecimal (0x4a5B).");
			return true;

		case 2: {
			uint32 result;
			if (GetArgumentInteger(&result, argv[1])) {
				if (result >= MapSize()) {
					IConsolePrint(CC_ERROR, "Tile does not exist");
					return true;
				return true;

		case 3: {
			uint32 x, y;
			if (GetArgumentInteger(&x, argv[1]) && GetArgumentInteger(&y, argv[2])) {
				if (x >= MapSizeX() || y >= MapSizeY()) {
					IConsolePrint(CC_ERROR, "Tile does not exist");
					return true;
				ScrollMainWindowToTile(TileXY(x, y));
				return true;

	return false;

/* Save the map to a file */
	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Save the current game. Usage: 'save <filename>'");
		return true;

	if (argc == 2) {
		char *filename = str_fmt("%s.sav", argv[1]);
		IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, "Saving map...");

		if (SaveOrLoad(filename, SL_SAVE, SAVE_DIR) != SL_OK) {
			IConsolePrint(CC_ERROR, "Saving map failed");
		} else {
			IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "Map successfully saved to %s", filename);
		return true;

	return false;

/* Explicitly save the configuration */
	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Saves the configuration for new games to the configuration file, typically 'openttd.cfg'.");
		IConsoleHelp("It does not save the configuration of the current game to the configuration file.");
		return true;

	IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, "Saved config.");
	return true;

static const FiosItem *GetFiosItem(const char *file)
	_saveload_mode = SLD_LOAD_GAME;

	for (const FiosItem *item = _fios_items.Begin(); item != _fios_items.End(); item++) {
		if (strcmp(file, item->name) == 0) return item;
		if (strcmp(file, item->title) == 0) return item;

	/* If no name matches, try to parse it as number */
	char *endptr;
	int i = strtol(file, &endptr, 10);
	if (file == endptr || *endptr != '\0') i = -1;

	if (IsInsideMM(i, 0, _fios_items.Length())) return _fios_items.Get(i);

	/* As a last effort assume it is an OpenTTD savegame and
	 * that the ".sav" part was not given. */
	char long_file[MAX_PATH];
	seprintf(long_file, lastof(long_file), "%s.sav", file);
	for (const FiosItem *item = _fios_items.Begin(); item != _fios_items.End(); item++) {
		if (strcmp(long_file, item->name) == 0) return item;
		if (strcmp(long_file, item->title) == 0) return item;

	return NULL;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Load a game by name or index. Usage: 'load <file | number>'");
		return true;

	if (argc != 2) return false;

	const char *file = argv[1];
	const FiosItem *item = GetFiosItem(file);
	if (item != NULL) {
		switch (item->type) {
				_switch_mode = SM_LOAD;

				strecpy(_file_to_saveload.name, FiosBrowseTo(item), lastof(_file_to_saveload.name));
				strecpy(_file_to_saveload.title, item->title, lastof(_file_to_saveload.title));
			default: IConsolePrintF(CC_ERROR, "%s: Not a savegame.", file);
	} else {
		IConsolePrintF(CC_ERROR, "%s: No such file or directory.", file);

	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Remove a savegame by name or index. Usage: 'rm <file | number>'");
		return true;

	if (argc != 2) return false;

	const char *file = argv[1];
	const FiosItem *item = GetFiosItem(file);
	if (item != NULL) {
		if (!FiosDelete(item->name)) {
			IConsolePrintF(CC_ERROR, "%s: Failed to delete file", file);
	} else {
		IConsolePrintF(CC_ERROR, "%s: No such file or directory.", file);

	return true;

/* List all the files in the current dir via console */
	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("List all loadable savegames and directories in the current dir via console. Usage: 'ls | dir'");
		return true;


	for (uint i = 0; i < _fios_items.Length(); i++) {
		IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "%d) %s", i, _fios_items[i].title);

	return true;

/* Change the dir via console */
	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Change the dir via console. Usage: 'cd <directory | number>'");
		return true;

	if (argc != 2) return false;

	const char *file = argv[1];
	const FiosItem *item = GetFiosItem(file);
	if (item != NULL) {
		switch (item->type) {
			default: IConsolePrintF(CC_ERROR, "%s: Not a directory.", file);
	} else {
		IConsolePrintF(CC_ERROR, "%s: No such file or directory.", file);

	return true;

	const char *path;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Print out the current working directory. Usage: 'pwd'");
		return true;

	/* XXX - Workaround for broken file handling */

	FiosGetDescText(&path, NULL);
	IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, path);
	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Clear the console buffer. Usage: 'clear'");
		return true;

	SetWindowDirty(WC_CONSOLE, 0);
	return true;

 * Network Core Console Commands

static bool ConKickOrBan(const char *argv, bool ban)
	const char *ip = argv;

	if (strchr(argv, '.') == NULL && strchr(argv, ':') == NULL) { // banning with ID
		ClientID client_id = (ClientID)atoi(argv);

		if (client_id == CLIENT_ID_SERVER) {
			IConsolePrintF(CC_ERROR, "ERROR: Silly boy, you can not %s yourself!", ban ? "ban" : "kick");
			return true;

		NetworkClientInfo *ci = NetworkFindClientInfoFromClientID(client_id);
		if (ci == NULL) {
			IConsoleError("Invalid client");
			return true;

		if (!ban) {
			/* Kick only this client, not all clients with that IP */
			return true;

		/* When banning, kick+ban all clients with that IP */
		ip = GetClientIP(ci);

	uint n = NetworkServerKickOrBanIP(ip, ban);
	if (n == 0) {
		IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, ban ? "Client not online, address added to banlist" : "Client not found");
	} else {
		IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "%sed %u client(s)", ban ? "Bann" : "Kick", n);

	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Kick a client from a network game. Usage: 'kick <ip | client-id>'");
		IConsoleHelp("For client-id's, see the command 'clients'");
		return true;

	if (argc != 2) return false;

	return ConKickOrBan(argv[1], false);

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Ban a client from a network game. Usage: 'ban <ip | client-id>'");
		IConsoleHelp("For client-id's, see the command 'clients'");
		IConsoleHelp("If the client is no longer online, you can still ban his/her IP");
		return true;

	if (argc != 2) return false;

	return ConKickOrBan(argv[1], true);


	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Unban a client from a network game. Usage: 'unban <ip | client-id>'");
		IConsoleHelp("For a list of banned IP's, see the command 'banlist'");
		return true;

	if (argc != 2) return false;

	uint index = (strchr(argv[1], '.') == NULL) ? atoi(argv[1]) : 0;
	uint i = 0;

	for (char **iter = _network_ban_list.Begin(); iter != _network_ban_list.End(); iter++, i++) {
		if (strcmp(_network_ban_list[i], argv[1]) == 0 || index == i) {
			IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, "IP unbanned.");
			return true;

	IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, "IP not in ban-list.");
	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("List the IP's of banned clients: Usage 'banlist'");
		return true;

	IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, "Banlist: ");

	uint i = 1;
	for (char **iter = _network_ban_list.Begin(); iter != _network_ban_list.End(); iter++, i++) {
		IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "  %d) %s", i, *iter);

	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Pause a network game. Usage: 'pause'");
		return true;

	if ((_pause_mode & PM_PAUSED_NORMAL) == PM_UNPAUSED) {
		if (!_networking) IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, "Game paused.");
	} else {
		IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, "Game is already paused.");

	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Unpause a network game. Usage: 'unpause'");
		return true;

	if ((_pause_mode & PM_PAUSED_NORMAL) != PM_UNPAUSED) {
		if (!_networking) IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, "Game unpaused.");
	} else if ((_pause_mode & PM_PAUSED_ERROR) != PM_UNPAUSED) {
		IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, "Game is in error state and cannot be unpaused via console.");
	} else if (_pause_mode != PM_UNPAUSED) {
		IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, "Game cannot be unpaused manually; disable pause_on_join/min_active_clients.");
	} else {
		IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, "Game is already unpaused.");

	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Remote control the server from another client. Usage: 'rcon <password> <command>'");
		IConsoleHelp("Remember to enclose the command in quotes, otherwise only the first parameter is sent");
		return true;

	if (argc < 3) return false;

	if (_network_server) {
	} else {
		NetworkClientSendRcon(argv[1], argv[2]);
	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("List the status of all clients connected to the server. Usage 'status'");
		return true;

	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("List current and maximum client/company limits. Usage 'server_info'");
		IConsoleHelp("You can change these values by modifying settings 'network.max_clients', 'network.max_companies' and 'network.max_spectators'");
		return true;

	IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "Current/maximum clients:    %2d/%2d", _network_game_info.clients_on, _settings_client.network.max_clients);
	IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "Current/maximum companies:  %2d/%2d", (int)Company::GetNumItems(), _settings_client.network.max_companies);
	IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "Current/maximum spectators: %2d/%2d", NetworkSpectatorCount(), _settings_client.network.max_spectators);

	return true;

	if (argc != 3) {
		IConsoleHelp("Change the nickname of a connected client. Usage: 'client_name <client-id> <new-name>'");
		IConsoleHelp("For client-id's, see the command 'clients'");
		return true;

	ClientID client_id = (ClientID)atoi(argv[1]);

	if (client_id == CLIENT_ID_SERVER) {
		IConsoleError("Please use the command 'name' to change your own name!");
		return true;

	if (NetworkFindClientInfoFromClientID(client_id) == NULL) {
		IConsoleError("Invalid client");
		return true;

	if (!NetworkServerChangeClientName(client_id, argv[2])) {
		IConsoleError("Cannot give a client a duplicate name");

	return true;

	if (argc < 2) {
		IConsoleHelp("Request joining another company. Usage: join <company-id> [<password>]");
		IConsoleHelp("For valid company-id see company list, use 255 for spectator");
		return true;

	CompanyID company_id = (CompanyID)(atoi(argv[1]) <= MAX_COMPANIES ? atoi(argv[1]) - 1 : atoi(argv[1]));

	/* Check we have a valid company id! */
	if (!Company::IsValidID(company_id) && company_id != COMPANY_SPECTATOR) {
		IConsolePrintF(CC_ERROR, "Company does not exist. Company-id must be between 1 and %d.", MAX_COMPANIES);
		return true;

	if (NetworkFindClientInfoFromClientID(_network_own_client_id)->client_playas == company_id) {
		IConsoleError("You are already there!");
		return true;

	if (company_id == COMPANY_SPECTATOR && NetworkMaxSpectatorsReached()) {
		IConsoleError("Cannot join spectators, maximum number of spectators reached.");
		return true;

	if (company_id != COMPANY_SPECTATOR && !Company::IsHumanID(company_id)) {
		IConsoleError("Cannot join AI company.");
		return true;

	/* Check if the company requires a password */
	if (NetworkCompanyIsPassworded(company_id) && argc < 3) {
		IConsolePrintF(CC_ERROR, "Company %d requires a password to join.", company_id + 1);
		return true;

	/* non-dedicated server may just do the move! */
	if (_network_server) {
		NetworkServerDoMove(CLIENT_ID_SERVER, company_id);
	} else {
		NetworkClientRequestMove(company_id, NetworkCompanyIsPassworded(company_id) ? argv[2] : "");

	return true;

	if (argc < 3) {
		IConsoleHelp("Move a client to another company. Usage: move <client-id> <company-id>");
		IConsoleHelp("For valid client-id see 'clients', for valid company-id see 'companies', use 255 for moving to spectators");
		return true;

	const NetworkClientInfo *ci = NetworkFindClientInfoFromClientID((ClientID)atoi(argv[1]));
	CompanyID company_id = (CompanyID)(atoi(argv[2]) <= MAX_COMPANIES ? atoi(argv[2]) - 1 : atoi(argv[2]));

	/* check the client exists */
	if (ci == NULL) {
		IConsoleError("Invalid client-id, check the command 'clients' for valid client-id's.");
		return true;

	if (!Company::IsValidID(company_id) && company_id != COMPANY_SPECTATOR) {
		IConsolePrintF(CC_ERROR, "Company does not exist. Company-id must be between 1 and %d.", MAX_COMPANIES);
		return true;

	if (company_id != COMPANY_SPECTATOR && !Company::IsHumanID(company_id)) {
		IConsoleError("You cannot move clients to AI companies.");
		return true;

	if (ci->client_id == CLIENT_ID_SERVER && _network_dedicated) {
		IConsoleError("Silly boy, you cannot move the server!");
		return true;

	if (ci->client_playas == company_id) {
		IConsoleError("You cannot move someone to where he/she already is!");
		return true;

	/* we are the server, so force the update */
	NetworkServerDoMove(ci->client_id, company_id);

	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Remove an idle company from the game. Usage: 'reset_company <company-id>'");
		IConsoleHelp("For company-id's, see the list of companies from the dropdown menu. Company 1 is 1, etc.");
		return true;

	if (argc != 2) return false;

	CompanyID index = (CompanyID)(atoi(argv[1]) - 1);

	/* Check valid range */
	if (!Company::IsValidID(index)) {
		IConsolePrintF(CC_ERROR, "Company does not exist. Company-id must be between 1 and %d.", MAX_COMPANIES);
		return true;

	if (!Company::IsHumanID(index)) {
		IConsoleError("Company is owned by an AI.");
		return true;

	if (NetworkCompanyHasClients(index)) {
		IConsoleError("Cannot remove company: a client is connected to that company.");
		return false;
	const NetworkClientInfo *ci = NetworkFindClientInfoFromClientID(CLIENT_ID_SERVER);
	if (ci->client_playas == index) {
		IConsoleError("Cannot remove company: the server is connected to that company.");
		return true;

	/* It is safe to remove this company */
	DoCommandP(0, 2 | index << 16, 0, CMD_COMPANY_CTRL);
	IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, "Company deleted.");

	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Get a list of connected clients including their ID, name, company-id, and IP. Usage: 'clients'");
		return true;


	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Reconnect to server to which you were connected last time. Usage: 'reconnect [<company>]'");
		IConsoleHelp("Company 255 is spectator (default, if not specified), 0 means creating new company.");
		IConsoleHelp("All others are a certain company with Company 1 being #1");
		return true;

	CompanyID playas = (argc >= 2) ? (CompanyID)atoi(argv[1]) : COMPANY_SPECTATOR;
	switch (playas) {
		case 0: playas = COMPANY_NEW_COMPANY; break;
		case COMPANY_SPECTATOR: /* nothing to do */ break;
			/* From a user pov 0 is a new company, internally it's different and all
			 * companies are offset by one to ease up on users (eg companies 1-8 not 0-7) */
			if (playas < COMPANY_FIRST || playas >= MAX_COMPANIES) return false;

	if (StrEmpty(_settings_client.network.last_host)) {
		IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, "No server for reconnecting.");
		return true;

	/* Don't resolve the address first, just print it directly as it comes from the config file. */
	IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "Reconnecting to %s:%d...", _settings_client.network.last_host, _settings_client.network.last_port);

	NetworkClientConnectGame(NetworkAddress(_settings_client.network.last_host, _settings_client.network.last_port), playas);
	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Connect to a remote OTTD server and join the game. Usage: 'connect <ip>'");
		IConsoleHelp("IP can contain port and company: 'IP[:Port][#Company]', eg: 'server.ottd.org:443#2'");
		IConsoleHelp("Company #255 is spectator all others are a certain company with Company 1 being #1");
		return true;

	if (argc < 2) return false;
	if (_networking) NetworkDisconnect(); // we are in network-mode, first close it!

	const char *port = NULL;
	const char *company = NULL;
	char *ip = argv[1];
	/* Default settings: default port and new company */
	uint16 rport = NETWORK_DEFAULT_PORT;
	CompanyID join_as = COMPANY_NEW_COMPANY;

	ParseConnectionString(&company, &port, ip);

	IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "Connecting to %s...", ip);
	if (company != NULL) {
		join_as = (CompanyID)atoi(company);
		IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "    company-no: %d", join_as);

		/* From a user pov 0 is a new company, internally it's different and all
		 * companies are offset by one to ease up on users (eg companies 1-8 not 0-7) */
		if (join_as != COMPANY_SPECTATOR) {
			if (join_as > MAX_COMPANIES) return false;
	if (port != NULL) {
		rport = atoi(port);
		IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "    port: %s", port);

	NetworkClientConnectGame(NetworkAddress(ip, rport), join_as);

	return true;

#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */

 *  script file console commands

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Execute a local script file. Usage: 'exec <script> <?>'");
		return true;

	if (argc < 2) return false;

	FILE *script_file = FioFOpenFile(argv[1], "r", BASE_DIR);

	if (script_file == NULL) {
		if (argc == 2 || atoi(argv[2]) != 0) IConsoleError("script file not found");
		return true;

	_script_running = true;

	char cmdline[ICON_CMDLN_SIZE];
	while (_script_running && fgets(cmdline, sizeof(cmdline), script_file) != NULL) {
		/* Remove newline characters from the executing script */
		for (char *cmdptr = cmdline; *cmdptr != '\0'; cmdptr++) {
			if (*cmdptr == '\n' || *cmdptr == '\r') {
				*cmdptr = '\0';

	if (ferror(script_file)) {
		IConsoleError("Encountered errror while trying to read from script file");

	_script_running = false;
	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Stop executing a running script. Usage: 'return'");
		return true;

	_script_running = false;
	return true;

 *  default console commands
extern bool CloseConsoleLogIfActive();

	extern FILE *_iconsole_output_file;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Start or stop logging console output to a file. Usage: 'script <filename>'");
		IConsoleHelp("If filename is omitted, a running log is stopped if it is active");
		return true;

	if (!CloseConsoleLogIfActive()) {
		if (argc < 2) return false;

		IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "file output started to: %s", argv[1]);
		_iconsole_output_file = fopen(argv[1], "ab");
		if (_iconsole_output_file == NULL) IConsoleError("could not open file");

	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Print back the first argument to the console. Usage: 'echo <arg>'");
		return true;

	if (argc < 2) return false;
	IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, argv[1]);
	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Print back the first argument to the console in a given colour. Usage: 'echoc <colour> <arg2>'");
		return true;

	if (argc < 3) return false;
	IConsolePrint((ConsoleColour)atoi(argv[1]), argv[2]);
	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Start a new game. Usage: 'newgame [seed]'");
		IConsoleHelp("The server can force a new game using 'newgame'; any client joined will rejoin after the server is done generating the new game.");
		return true;

	StartNewGameWithoutGUI((argc == 2) ? strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 10) : GENERATE_NEW_SEED);
	return true;

extern void SwitchToMode(SwitchMode new_mode);

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Restart game. Usage: 'restart'");
		IConsoleHelp("Restarts a game. It tries to reproduce the exact same map as the game started with.");
		IConsoleHelp(" * restarting games started in another version might create another map due to difference in map generation");
		IConsoleHelp(" * restarting games based on scenarios, loaded games or heightmaps will start a new game based on the settings stored in the scenario/savegame");
		return true;

	/* Don't copy the _newgame pointers to the real pointers, so call SwitchToMode directly */
	_settings_game.game_creation.map_x = MapLogX();
	_settings_game.game_creation.map_y = FindFirstBit(MapSizeY());
	_switch_mode = SM_RESTARTGAME;
	return true;

#ifdef ENABLE_AI
	char buf[4096];
	char *p = &buf[0];
	p = AI::GetConsoleList(p, lastof(buf));

	p = &buf[0];
	/* Print output line by line */
	for (char *p2 = &buf[0]; *p2 != '\0'; p2++) {
		if (*p2 == '\n') {
			*p2 = '\0';
			IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "%s", p);
			p = p2 + 1;

	return true;

	if (argc == 0 || argc > 3) {
		IConsoleHelp("Start a new AI. Usage: 'start_ai [<AI>] [<settings>]'");
		IConsoleHelp("Start a new AI. If <AI> is given, it starts that specific AI (if found).");
		IConsoleHelp("If <settings> is given, it is parsed and the AI settings are set to that.");
		return true;

	if (_game_mode != GM_NORMAL) {
		IConsoleWarning("AIs can only be managed in a game.");
		return true;

	if (Company::GetNumItems() == CompanyPool::MAX_SIZE) {
		IConsoleWarning("Can't start a new AI (no more free slots).");
		return true;
	if (_networking && !_network_server) {
		IConsoleWarning("Only the server can start a new AI.");
		return true;
	if (_networking && !_settings_game.ai.ai_in_multiplayer) {
		IConsoleWarning("AIs are not allowed in multiplayer by configuration.");
		IConsoleWarning("Switch AI -> AI in multiplayer to True.");
		return true;
	if (!AI::CanStartNew()) {
		IConsoleWarning("Can't start a new AI.");
		return true;

	int n = 0;
	Company *c;
	/* Find the next free slot */
		if (c->index != n) break;

	AIConfig *config = AIConfig::GetConfig((CompanyID)n);
	if (argc >= 2) {
		config->ChangeAI(argv[1], -1, true);
		if (!config->HasAI()) {
			IConsoleWarning("Failed to load the specified AI");
			return true;
		if (argc == 3) {

	/* Start a new AI company */
	DoCommandP(0, 1 | INVALID_COMPANY << 16, 0, CMD_COMPANY_CTRL);

	return true;

	if (argc != 2) {
		IConsoleHelp("Reload an AI. Usage: 'reload_ai <company-id>'");
		IConsoleHelp("Reload the AI with the given company id. For company-id's, see the list of companies from the dropdown menu. Company 1 is 1, etc.");
		return true;

	if (_game_mode != GM_NORMAL) {
		IConsoleWarning("AIs can only be managed in a game.");
		return true;

	if (_networking && !_network_server) {
		IConsoleWarning("Only the server can reload an AI.");
		return true;

	CompanyID company_id = (CompanyID)(atoi(argv[1]) - 1);
	if (!Company::IsValidID(company_id)) {
		IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "Unknown company. Company range is between 1 and %d.", MAX_COMPANIES);
		return true;

	if (Company::IsHumanID(company_id)) {
		IConsoleWarning("Company is not controlled by an AI.");
		return true;

	/* First kill the company of the AI, then start a new one. This should start the current AI again */
	DoCommandP(0, 2 | company_id << 16, 0, CMD_COMPANY_CTRL);
	DoCommandP(0, 1 | company_id << 16, 0, CMD_COMPANY_CTRL);
	IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, "AI reloaded.");

	return true;

	if (argc != 2) {
		IConsoleHelp("Stop an AI. Usage: 'stop_ai <company-id>'");
		IConsoleHelp("Stop the AI with the given company id. For company-id's, see the list of companies from the dropdown menu. Company 1 is 1, etc.");
		return true;

	if (_game_mode != GM_NORMAL) {
		IConsoleWarning("AIs can only be managed in a game.");
		return true;

	if (_networking && !_network_server) {
		IConsoleWarning("Only the server can stop an AI.");
		return true;

	CompanyID company_id = (CompanyID)(atoi(argv[1]) - 1);
	if (!Company::IsValidID(company_id)) {
		IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "Unknown company. Company range is between 1 and %d.", MAX_COMPANIES);
		return true;

	if (Company::IsHumanID(company_id)) {
		IConsoleWarning("Company is not controlled by an AI.");
		return true;

	/* Now kill the company of the AI. */
	DoCommandP(0, 2 | company_id << 16, 0, CMD_COMPANY_CTRL);
	IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, "AI stopped, company deleted.");

	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Rescan the AI dir for scripts. Usage: 'rescan_ai'");
		return true;

	if (_networking && !_network_server) {
		IConsoleWarning("Only the server can rescan the AI dir for scripts.");
		return true;


	return true;
#endif /* ENABLE_AI */

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Rescan the data dir for NewGRFs. Usage: 'rescan_newgrf'");
		return true;

	InvalidateWindowData(WC_GAME_OPTIONS, 0, 1);

	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Returns the seed used to create this game. Usage: 'getseed'");
		IConsoleHelp("The seed can be used to reproduce the exact same map as the game started with.");
		return true;

	IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "Generation Seed: %u", _settings_game.game_creation.generation_seed);
	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Returns the current date (day-month-year) of the game. Usage: 'getdate'");
		return true;

	YearMonthDay ymd;
	ConvertDateToYMD(_date, &ymd);
	IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "Date: %d-%d-%d", ymd.day, ymd.month + 1, ymd.year);
	return true;

	IConsoleAlias *alias;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Add a new alias, or redefine the behaviour of an existing alias . Usage: 'alias <name> <command>'");
		return true;

	if (argc < 3) return false;

	alias = IConsoleAliasGet(argv[1]);
	if (alias == NULL) {
		IConsoleAliasRegister(argv[1], argv[2]);
	} else {
		alias->cmdline = strdup(argv[2]);
	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Create a screenshot of the game. Usage: 'screenshot [big | giant | no_con] [file name]'");
		IConsoleHelp("'big' makes a zoomed-in screenshot of the visible area, 'giant' makes a screenshot of the "
				"whole map, 'no_con' hides the console to create the screenshot. 'big' or 'giant' "
				"screenshots are always drawn without console");
		return true;

	if (argc > 3) return false;

	ScreenshotType type = SC_VIEWPORT;
	const char *name = NULL;

	if (argc > 1) {
		if (strcmp(argv[1], "big") == 0) {
			/* screenshot big [filename] */
			type = SC_ZOOMEDIN;
			if (argc > 2) name = argv[2];
		} else if (strcmp(argv[1], "giant") == 0) {
			/* screenshot giant [filename] */
			type = SC_WORLD;
			if (argc > 2) name = argv[2];
		} else if (strcmp(argv[1], "no_con") == 0) {
			/* screenshot no_con [filename] */
			if (argc > 2) name = argv[2];
		} else if (argc == 2) {
			/* screenshot filename */
			name = argv[1];
		} else {
			/* screenshot argv[1] argv[2] - invalid */
			return false;

	MakeScreenshot(type, name);
	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Print out debugging information about a command. Usage: 'info_cmd <cmd>'");
		return true;

	if (argc < 2) return false;

	const IConsoleCmd *cmd = IConsoleCmdGet(argv[1]);
	if (cmd == NULL) {
		IConsoleError("the given command was not found");
		return true;

	IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "command name: %s", cmd->name);
	IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "command proc: %p", cmd->proc);

	if (cmd->hook != NULL) IConsoleWarning("command is hooked");

	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Get/set the default debugging level for the game. Usage: 'debug_level [<level>]'");
		IConsoleHelp("Level can be any combination of names, levels. Eg 'net=5 ms=4'. Remember to enclose it in \"'s");
		return true;

	if (argc > 2) return false;

	if (argc == 1) {
		IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "Current debug-level: '%s'", GetDebugString());
	} else {

	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Exit the game. Usage: 'exit'");
		return true;

	if (_game_mode == GM_NORMAL && _settings_client.gui.autosave_on_exit) DoExitSave();

	_exit_game = true;
	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Leave the currently joined/running game (only ingame). Usage: 'part'");
		return true;

	if (_game_mode != GM_NORMAL) return false;

	_switch_mode = SM_MENU;
	return true;

	if (argc == 2) {
		const IConsoleCmd *cmd;
		const IConsoleAlias *alias;

		cmd = IConsoleCmdGet(argv[1]);
		if (cmd != NULL) {
			cmd->proc(0, NULL);
			return true;

		alias = IConsoleAliasGet(argv[1]);
		if (alias != NULL) {
			cmd = IConsoleCmdGet(alias->cmdline);
			if (cmd != NULL) {
				cmd->proc(0, NULL);
				return true;
			IConsolePrintF(CC_ERROR, "ERROR: alias is of special type, please see its execution-line: '%s'", alias->cmdline);
			return true;

		IConsoleError("command not found");
		return true;

	IConsolePrint(CC_WARNING, " ---- OpenTTD Console Help ---- ");
	IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, " - commands: [command to list all commands: list_cmds]");
	IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, " call commands with '<command> <arg2> <arg3>...'");
	IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, " - to assign strings, or use them as arguments, enclose it within quotes");
	IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, " like this: '<command> \"string argument with spaces\"'");
	IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, " - use 'help <command>' to get specific information");
	IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, " - scroll console output with shift + (up | down) | (pageup | pagedown))");
	IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, " - scroll console input history with the up | down arrows");
	IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, "");
	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("List all registered commands. Usage: 'list_cmds [<pre-filter>]'");
		return true;

	for (const IConsoleCmd *cmd = _iconsole_cmds; cmd != NULL; cmd = cmd->next) {
		if (argv[1] == NULL || strstr(cmd->name, argv[1]) != NULL) {
			if (cmd->hook == NULL || cmd->hook(false) != CHR_HIDE) IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "%s", cmd->name);

	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("List all registered aliases. Usage: 'list_aliases [<pre-filter>]'");
		return true;

	for (const IConsoleAlias *alias = _iconsole_aliases; alias != NULL; alias = alias->next) {
		if (argv[1] == NULL || strstr(alias->name, argv[1]) != NULL) {
			IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "%s => %s", alias->name, alias->cmdline);

	return true;


	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Chat to your fellow players in a multiplayer game. Usage: 'say \"<msg>\"'");
		return true;

	if (argc != 2) return false;

	if (!_network_server) {
		NetworkClientSendChat(NETWORK_ACTION_CHAT, DESTTYPE_BROADCAST, 0 /* param does not matter */, argv[1]);
	} else {

	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("List the in-game details of all clients connected to the server. Usage 'companies'");
		return true;
	NetworkCompanyStats company_stats[MAX_COMPANIES];

	Company *c;
		/* Grab the company name */
		char company_name[NETWORK_COMPANY_NAME_LENGTH];
		SetDParam(0, c->index);
		GetString(company_name, STR_COMPANY_NAME, lastof(company_name));

		char buffer[512];
		const NetworkCompanyStats *stats = &company_stats[c->index];

		GetString(buffer, STR_COLOUR_DARK_BLUE + _company_colours[c->index], lastof(buffer));
		IConsolePrintF(CC_INFO, "#:%d(%s) Company Name: '%s'  Year Founded: %d  Money: " OTTD_PRINTF64 "  Loan: " OTTD_PRINTF64 "  Value: " OTTD_PRINTF64 "  (T:%d, R:%d, P:%d, S:%d) %sprotected",
			c->index + 1, buffer, company_name, c->inaugurated_year, (int64)c->money, (int64)c->current_loan, (int64)CalculateCompanyValue(c),
			/* trains      */ stats->num_vehicle[0],
			/* lorry + bus */ stats->num_vehicle[1] + stats->num_vehicle[2],
			/* planes      */ stats->num_vehicle[3],
			/* ships       */ stats->num_vehicle[4],
			/* protected   */ StrEmpty(_network_company_states[c->index].password) ? "un" : "");

	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Chat to a certain company in a multiplayer game. Usage: 'say_company <company-no> \"<msg>\"'");
		IConsoleHelp("CompanyNo is the company that plays as company <companyno>, 1 through max_companies");
		return true;

	if (argc != 3) return false;

	CompanyID company_id = (CompanyID)(atoi(argv[1]) - 1);
	if (!Company::IsValidID(company_id)) {
		IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "Unknown company. Company range is between 1 and %d.", MAX_COMPANIES);
		return true;

	if (!_network_server) {
		NetworkClientSendChat(NETWORK_ACTION_CHAT_COMPANY, DESTTYPE_TEAM, company_id, argv[2]);
	} else {

	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Chat to a certain client in a multiplayer game. Usage: 'say_client <client-no> \"<msg>\"'");
		IConsoleHelp("For client-id's, see the command 'clients'");
		return true;

	if (argc != 3) return false;

	if (!_network_server) {
		NetworkClientSendChat(NETWORK_ACTION_CHAT_CLIENT, DESTTYPE_CLIENT, atoi(argv[1]), argv[2]);
	} else {
		NetworkServerSendChat(NETWORK_ACTION_CHAT_CLIENT, DESTTYPE_CLIENT, atoi(argv[1]), argv[2], CLIENT_ID_SERVER);

	return true;

extern void HashCurrentCompanyPassword(const char *password);

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Change the password of your company. Usage: 'company_pw \"<password>\"'");
		IConsoleHelp("Use \"*\" to disable the password.");
		return true;

	if (argc != 2) return false;

	if (!Company::IsValidID(_local_company)) {
		IConsoleError("You have to own a company to make use of this command.");
		return false;

	const char *password = NetworkChangeCompanyPassword(argv[1]);

	if (StrEmpty(password)) {
		IConsolePrintF(CC_WARNING, "Company password cleared");
	} else {
		IConsolePrintF(CC_WARNING, "Company password changed to: %s", password);

	return true;

/* Content downloading only is available with ZLIB */
#if defined(WITH_ZLIB)
#include "network/network_content.h"

/** Resolve a string to a content type. */
static ContentType StringToContentType(const char *str)
	static const char * const inv_lookup[] = { "", "base", "newgrf", "ai", "ailib", "scenario", "heightmap" };
	for (uint i = 1 /* there is no type 0 */; i < lengthof(inv_lookup); i++) {
		if (strcasecmp(str, inv_lookup[i]) == 0) return (ContentType)i;

/** Asynchronous callback */
struct ConsoleContentCallback : public ContentCallback {
	void OnConnect(bool success)
		IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "Content server connection %s", success ? "established" : "failed");

	void OnDisconnect()
		IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "Content server connection closed");

	void OnDownloadComplete(ContentID cid)
		IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "Completed download of %d", cid);

	static ContentCallback *cb = NULL;
	if (cb == NULL) {
		cb = new ConsoleContentCallback();

	if (argc <= 1) {
		IConsoleHelp("Query, select and download content. Usage: 'content update|upgrade|select [all|id]|unselect [all|id]|state|download'");
		IConsoleHelp("  update: get a new list of downloadable content; must be run first");
		IConsoleHelp("  upgrade: select all items that are upgrades");
		IConsoleHelp("  select: select a specific item given by its id or 'all' to select all");
		IConsoleHelp("  unselect: unselect a specific item given by its id or 'all' to unselect all");
		IConsoleHelp("  state: show the download/select state of all downloadable content");
		IConsoleHelp("  download: download all content you've selected");
		return true;

	if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "update") == 0) {
		_network_content_client.RequestContentList((argc > 2) ? StringToContentType(argv[2]) : CONTENT_TYPE_END);
		return true;

	if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "upgrade") == 0) {
		return true;

	if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "select") == 0) {
		if (argc <= 2) {
			IConsoleError("You must enter the id.");
			return false;
		if (strcasecmp(argv[2], "all") == 0) {
		} else {
		return true;

	if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "unselect") == 0) {
		if (argc <= 2) {
			IConsoleError("You must enter the id.");
			return false;
		if (strcasecmp(argv[2], "all") == 0) {
		} else {
		return true;

	if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "state") == 0) {
		IConsolePrintF(CC_WHITE, "id, type, state, name");
		for (ConstContentIterator iter = _network_content_client.Begin(); iter != _network_content_client.End(); iter++) {
			static const char * const types[] = { "Base graphics", "NewGRF", "AI", "AI library", "Scenario", "Heightmap", "Base sound", "Base music" };
			assert_compile(lengthof(types) == CONTENT_TYPE_END - CONTENT_TYPE_BEGIN);
			static const char * const states[] = { "Not selected", "Selected", "Dep Selected", "Installed", "Unknown" };
			static const ConsoleColour state_to_colour[] = { CC_COMMAND, CC_INFO, CC_INFO, CC_WHITE, CC_ERROR };

			const ContentInfo *ci = *iter;
			IConsolePrintF(state_to_colour[ci->state], "%d, %s, %s, %s", ci->id, types[ci->type - 1], states[ci->state], ci->name);
		return true;

	if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "download") == 0) {
		uint files;
		uint bytes;
		_network_content_client.DownloadSelectedContent(files, bytes);
		IConsolePrintF(CC_DEFAULT, "Downloading %d file(s) (%d bytes)", files, bytes);
		return true;

	return false;
#endif /* defined(WITH_ZLIB) */
#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Change setting for all clients. Usage: 'setting <name> [<value>]'");
		IConsoleHelp("Omitting <value> will print out the current value of the setting.");
		return true;

	if (argc == 1 || argc > 3) return false;

	if (argc == 2) {
	} else {
		IConsoleSetSetting(argv[1], argv[2]);

	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Change setting for the next game. Usage: 'setting_newgame <name> [<value>]'");
		IConsoleHelp("Omitting <value> will print out the current value of the setting.");
		return true;

	if (argc == 1 || argc > 3) return false;

	if (argc == 2) {
		IConsoleGetSetting(argv[1], true);
	} else {
		IConsoleSetSetting(argv[1], argv[2], true);

	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("List settings. Usage: 'list_settings [<pre-filter>]'");
		return true;

	if (argc > 2) return false;

	IConsoleListSettings((argc == 2) ? argv[1] : NULL);
	return true;

	return true;

	if (argc == 0) {
		IConsoleHelp("Reloads all active NewGRFs from disk. Equivalent to reapplying NewGRFs via the settings, but without asking for confirmation. This might crash OpenTTD!");
		return true;

	return true;

#ifdef _DEBUG
 *  debug commands

static void IConsoleDebugLibRegister()
	IConsoleCmdRegister("resettile",        ConResetTile);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("stopall",          ConStopAllVehicles);
	IConsoleAliasRegister("dbg_echo",       "echo %A; echo %B");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("dbg_echo2",      "echo %!");

 * console command registration

void IConsoleStdLibRegister()
	IConsoleCmdRegister("debug_level",  ConDebugLevel);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("echo",         ConEcho);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("echoc",        ConEchoC);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("exec",         ConExec);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("exit",         ConExit);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("part",         ConPart);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("help",         ConHelp);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("info_cmd",     ConInfoCmd);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("list_cmds",    ConListCommands);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("list_aliases", ConListAliases);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("newgame",      ConNewGame);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("restart",      ConRestart);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("getseed",      ConGetSeed);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("getdate",      ConGetDate);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("quit",         ConExit);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("resetengines", ConResetEngines, ConHookNoNetwork);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("return",       ConReturn);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("screenshot",   ConScreenShot);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("script",       ConScript);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("scrollto",     ConScrollToTile);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("alias",        ConAlias);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("load",         ConLoad);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("rm",           ConRemove);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("save",         ConSave);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("saveconfig",   ConSaveConfig);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("ls",           ConListFiles);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("cd",           ConChangeDirectory);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("pwd",          ConPrintWorkingDirectory);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("clear",        ConClearBuffer);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("setting",      ConSetting);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("setting_newgame", ConSettingNewgame);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("gamelog",      ConGamelogPrint);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("rescan_newgrf", ConRescanNewGRF);

	IConsoleAliasRegister("dir",          "ls");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("del",          "rm %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("newmap",       "newgame");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("patch",        "setting %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("set",          "setting %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("set_newgame",  "setting_newgame %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("list_patches", "list_settings %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("developer",    "setting developer %+");

#ifdef ENABLE_AI
	IConsoleCmdRegister("list_ai",      ConListAI);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("reload_ai",    ConReloadAI);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("rescan_ai",    ConRescanAI);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("start_ai",     ConStartAI);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("stop_ai",      ConStopAI);
#endif /* ENABLE_AI */

	/* networking functions */
/* Content downloading is only available with ZLIB */
#if defined(WITH_ZLIB)
	IConsoleCmdRegister("content",         ConContent);
#endif /* defined(WITH_ZLIB) */

	/*** Networking commands ***/
	IConsoleCmdRegister("say",             ConSay, ConHookNeedNetwork);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("companies",       ConCompanies, ConHookServerOnly);
	IConsoleAliasRegister("players",       "companies");
	IConsoleCmdRegister("say_company",     ConSayCompany, ConHookNeedNetwork);
	IConsoleAliasRegister("say_player",    "say_company %+");
	IConsoleCmdRegister("say_client",      ConSayClient, ConHookNeedNetwork);

	IConsoleCmdRegister("connect",         ConNetworkConnect, ConHookClientOnly);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("clients",         ConNetworkClients, ConHookNeedNetwork);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("status",          ConStatus, ConHookServerOnly);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("server_info",     ConServerInfo, ConHookServerOnly);
	IConsoleAliasRegister("info",          "server_info");
	IConsoleCmdRegister("reconnect",       ConNetworkReconnect, ConHookClientOnly);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("rcon",            ConRcon, ConHookNeedNetwork);

	IConsoleCmdRegister("join",            ConJoinCompany, ConHookNeedNetwork);
	IConsoleAliasRegister("spectate",      "join 255");
	IConsoleCmdRegister("move",            ConMoveClient, ConHookServerOnly);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("reset_company",   ConResetCompany, ConHookServerOnly);
	IConsoleAliasRegister("clean_company", "reset_company %A");
	IConsoleCmdRegister("client_name",     ConClientNickChange, ConHookServerOnly);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("kick",            ConKick, ConHookServerOnly);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("ban",             ConBan, ConHookServerOnly);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("unban",           ConUnBan, ConHookServerOnly);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("banlist",         ConBanList, ConHookServerOnly);

	IConsoleCmdRegister("pause",           ConPauseGame, ConHookServerOnly);
	IConsoleCmdRegister("unpause",         ConUnPauseGame, ConHookServerOnly);

	IConsoleCmdRegister("company_pw",      ConCompanyPassword, ConHookNeedNetwork);
	IConsoleAliasRegister("company_password",      "company_pw %+");

	IConsoleAliasRegister("net_frame_freq",        "setting frame_freq %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("net_sync_freq",         "setting sync_freq %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("server_pw",             "setting server_password %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("server_password",       "setting server_password %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("rcon_pw",               "setting rcon_password %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("rcon_password",         "setting rcon_password %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("name",                  "setting client_name %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("server_name",           "setting server_name %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("server_port",           "setting server_port %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("server_advertise",      "setting server_advertise %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("max_clients",           "setting max_clients %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("max_companies",         "setting max_companies %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("max_spectators",        "setting max_spectators %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("max_join_time",         "setting max_join_time %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("pause_on_join",         "setting pause_on_join %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("autoclean_companies",   "setting autoclean_companies %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("autoclean_protected",   "setting autoclean_protected %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("autoclean_unprotected", "setting autoclean_unprotected %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("restart_game_year",     "setting restart_game_year %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("min_players",           "setting min_active_clients %+");
	IConsoleAliasRegister("reload_cfg",            "setting reload_cfg %+");
#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */

	/* debugging stuff */
#ifdef _DEBUG

	/* NewGRF development stuff */
	IConsoleCmdRegister("reload_newgrfs",  ConNewGRFReload, ConHookNewGRFDeveloperTool);