/* $Id$ */ /** @file misc_gui.cpp */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "openttd.h" #include "command_func.h" #include "cheat_func.h" #include "player_base.h" #include "player_func.h" #include "gfx_func.h" #include "date_func.h" #include "saveload.h" #include "window_gui.h" #include "newgrf.h" #include "settings_type.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "window_func.h" #include "rail_gui.h" #include "gui.h" #include "player_gui.h" #include "table/strings.h" #include "table/sprites.h" /** * The 'amount' to cheat with. * This variable is semantically a constant value, but because the cheat * code requires to be able to write to the variable it is not constified. */ static int32 _money_cheat_amount = 10000000; static int32 ClickMoneyCheat(int32 p1, int32 p2) { DoCommandP(0, (uint32)(p2 * _money_cheat_amount), 0, NULL, CMD_MONEY_CHEAT); return _money_cheat_amount; } /** * @param p1 player to set to * @param p2 is -1 or +1 (down/up) */ static int32 ClickChangePlayerCheat(int32 p1, int32 p2) { while (IsValidPlayer((PlayerID)p1)) { if (_players[p1].is_active) { SetLocalPlayer((PlayerID)p1); MarkWholeScreenDirty(); return _local_player; } p1 += p2; } return _local_player; } /** * @param p1 -1 or +1 (down/up) * @param p2 unused */ static int32 ClickChangeClimateCheat(int32 p1, int32 p2) { if (p1 == -1) p1 = 3; if (p1 == 4) p1 = 0; _opt.landscape = p1; ReloadNewGRFData(); return _opt.landscape; } extern void EnginesMonthlyLoop(); /** * @param p1 unused * @param p2 1 (increase) or -1 (decrease) */ static int32 ClickChangeDateCheat(int32 p1, int32 p2) { YearMonthDay ymd; ConvertDateToYMD(_date, &ymd); if ((ymd.year == MIN_YEAR && p2 == -1) || (ymd.year == MAX_YEAR && p2 == 1)) return _cur_year; SetDate(ConvertYMDToDate(_cur_year + p2, ymd.month, ymd.day)); EnginesMonthlyLoop(); SetWindowDirty(FindWindowById(WC_STATUS_BAR, 0)); ResetSignalVariant(); return _cur_year; } typedef int32 CheckButtonClick(int32, int32); struct CheatEntry { VarType type; ///< type of selector StringID str; ///< string with descriptive text void *variable; ///< pointer to the variable bool *been_used; ///< has this cheat been used before? CheckButtonClick *proc;///< procedure }; static const CheatEntry _cheats_ui[] = { {SLE_INT32, STR_CHEAT_MONEY, &_money_cheat_amount, &_cheats.money.been_used, &ClickMoneyCheat }, {SLE_UINT8, STR_CHEAT_CHANGE_PLAYER, &_local_player, &_cheats.switch_player.been_used, &ClickChangePlayerCheat }, {SLE_BOOL, STR_CHEAT_EXTRA_DYNAMITE, &_cheats.magic_bulldozer.value, &_cheats.magic_bulldozer.been_used, NULL }, {SLE_BOOL, STR_CHEAT_CROSSINGTUNNELS, &_cheats.crossing_tunnels.value, &_cheats.crossing_tunnels.been_used, NULL }, {SLE_BOOL, STR_CHEAT_BUILD_IN_PAUSE, &_cheats.build_in_pause.value, &_cheats.build_in_pause.been_used, NULL }, {SLE_BOOL, STR_CHEAT_NO_JETCRASH, &_cheats.no_jetcrash.value, &_cheats.no_jetcrash.been_used, NULL }, {SLE_BOOL, STR_CHEAT_SETUP_PROD, &_cheats.setup_prod.value, &_cheats.setup_prod.been_used, NULL }, {SLE_UINT8, STR_CHEAT_SWITCH_CLIMATE, &_opt.landscape, &_cheats.switch_climate.been_used, &ClickChangeClimateCheat}, {SLE_INT32, STR_CHEAT_CHANGE_DATE, &_cur_year, &_cheats.change_date.been_used, &ClickChangeDateCheat }, }; static const Widget _cheat_widgets[] = { { WWT_CLOSEBOX, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 11, 399, 0, 13, STR_CHEATS, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 399, 14, 169, 0x0, STR_NULL}, { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 399, 14, 169, 0x0, STR_CHEATS_TIP}, { WIDGETS_END}, }; static void CheatsWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) { switch (e->event) { case WE_PAINT: { int clk = WP(w, def_d).data_1; DrawWindowWidgets(w); DrawStringMultiCenter(200, 25, STR_CHEATS_WARNING, w->width - 50); for (int i = 0, x = 0, y = 45; i != lengthof(_cheats_ui); i++) { const CheatEntry *ce = &_cheats_ui[i]; DrawSprite((*ce->been_used) ? SPR_BOX_CHECKED : SPR_BOX_EMPTY, PAL_NONE, x + 5, y + 2); switch (ce->type) { case SLE_BOOL: { bool on = (*(bool*)ce->variable); DrawFrameRect(x + 20, y + 1, x + 30 + 9, y + 9, on ? 6 : 4, on ? FR_LOWERED : FR_NONE); SetDParam(0, on ? STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_ON : STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_OFF); } break; default: { int32 val = (int32)ReadValue(ce->variable, ce->type); char buf[512]; /* Draw [<][>] boxes for settings of an integer-type */ DrawArrowButtons(x + 20, y, 3, clk - (i * 2), true, true); switch (ce->str) { /* Display date for change date cheat */ case STR_CHEAT_CHANGE_DATE: SetDParam(0, _date); break; /* Draw colored flag for change player cheat */ case STR_CHEAT_CHANGE_PLAYER: SetDParam(0, val); GetString(buf, STR_CHEAT_CHANGE_PLAYER, lastof(buf)); DrawPlayerIcon(_current_player, 60 + GetStringBoundingBox(buf).width, y + 2); break; /* Set correct string for switch climate cheat */ case STR_CHEAT_SWITCH_CLIMATE: val += STR_TEMPERATE_LANDSCAPE; /* Fallthrough */ default: SetDParam(0, val); } } break; } DrawString(50, y + 1, ce->str, TC_FROMSTRING); y += 12; } break; } case WE_CLICK: { uint btn = (e->we.click.pt.y - 46) / 12; uint x = e->we.click.pt.x; /* Not clicking a button? */ if (!IsInsideMM(x, 20, 40) || btn >= lengthof(_cheats_ui)) break; const CheatEntry *ce = &_cheats_ui[btn]; int value = (int32)ReadValue(ce->variable, ce->type); int oldvalue = value; *ce->been_used = true; switch (ce->type) { case SLE_BOOL: value ^= 1; if (ce->proc != NULL) ce->proc(value, 0); break; default: /* Take whatever the function returns */ value = ce->proc(value + ((x >= 30) ? 1 : -1), (x >= 30) ? 1 : -1); if (value != oldvalue) WP(w, def_d).data_1 = btn * 2 + 1 + ((x >= 30) ? 1 : 0); break; } if (value != oldvalue) WriteValue(ce->variable, ce->type, (int64)value); w->flags4 |= 5 << WF_TIMEOUT_SHL; SetWindowDirty(w); } break; case WE_TIMEOUT: WP(w, def_d).data_1 = 0; SetWindowDirty(w); break; } } static const WindowDesc _cheats_desc = { 240, 22, 400, 170, 400, 170, WC_CHEATS, WC_NONE, WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS, _cheat_widgets, CheatsWndProc }; void ShowCheatWindow() { DeleteWindowById(WC_CHEATS, 0); AllocateWindowDesc(&_cheats_desc); }