/* $Id$ */ /* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** @file cargoaction.cpp Implementation of cargo actions. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "economy_base.h" #include "cargoaction.h" #include "station_base.h" #include "safeguards.h" /** * Decides if a packet needs to be split. * @param cp Packet to be either split or moved in one piece. * @return Either new packet if splitting was necessary or the given one * otherwise. */ template<class Tsource, class Tdest> CargoPacket *CargoMovement<Tsource, Tdest>::Preprocess(CargoPacket *cp) { if (this->max_move < cp->Count()) { cp = cp->Split(this->max_move); this->max_move = 0; } else { this->max_move -= cp->Count(); } return cp; } /** * Determines the amount of cargo to be removed from a packet and removes that * from the metadata of the list. * @param cp Packet to be removed completely or partially. * @return Amount of cargo to be removed. */ template<class Tsource> uint CargoRemoval<Tsource>::Preprocess(CargoPacket *cp) { if (this->max_move >= cp->Count()) { this->max_move -= cp->Count(); return cp->Count(); } else { uint ret = this->max_move; this->max_move = 0; return ret; } } /** * Finalize cargo removal. Either delete the packet or reduce it. * @param cp Packet to be removed or reduced. * @param remove Amount of cargo to be removed. * @return True if the packet was deleted, False if it was reduced. */ template<class Tsource> bool CargoRemoval<Tsource>::Postprocess(CargoPacket *cp, uint remove) { if (remove == cp->Count()) { delete cp; return true; } else { cp->Reduce(remove); return false; } } /** * Removes some cargo from a StationCargoList. * @param cp Packet to be removed. * @return True if the packet was completely delivered, false if only part of * it was. */ template<> bool CargoRemoval<StationCargoList>::operator()(CargoPacket *cp) { uint remove = this->Preprocess(cp); this->source->RemoveFromCache(cp, remove); return this->Postprocess(cp, remove); } /** * Removes some cargo from a VehicleCargoList. * @param cp Packet to be removed. * @return True if the packet was completely delivered, false if only part of * it was. */ template<> bool CargoRemoval<VehicleCargoList>::operator()(CargoPacket *cp) { uint remove = this->Preprocess(cp); this->source->RemoveFromMeta(cp, VehicleCargoList::MTA_KEEP, remove); return this->Postprocess(cp, remove); } /** * Delivers some cargo. * @param cp Packet to be delivered. * @return True if the packet was completely delivered, false if only part of * it was. */ bool CargoDelivery::operator()(CargoPacket *cp) { uint remove = this->Preprocess(cp); this->source->RemoveFromMeta(cp, VehicleCargoList::MTA_DELIVER, remove); this->payment->PayFinalDelivery(cp, remove); return this->Postprocess(cp, remove); } /** * Loads some cargo onto a vehicle. * @param cp Packet to be loaded. * @return True if the packet was completely loaded, false if part of it was. */ bool CargoLoad::operator()(CargoPacket *cp) { CargoPacket *cp_new = this->Preprocess(cp); if (cp_new == NULL) return false; cp_new->SetLoadPlace(this->load_place); this->source->RemoveFromCache(cp_new, cp_new->Count()); this->destination->Append(cp_new, VehicleCargoList::MTA_KEEP); return cp_new == cp; } /** * Reserves some cargo for loading. * @param cp Packet to be reserved. * @return True if the packet was completely reserved, false if part of it was. */ bool CargoReservation::operator()(CargoPacket *cp) { CargoPacket *cp_new = this->Preprocess(cp); if (cp_new == NULL) return false; cp_new->SetLoadPlace(this->load_place); this->source->reserved_count += cp_new->Count(); this->source->RemoveFromCache(cp_new, cp_new->Count()); this->destination->Append(cp_new, VehicleCargoList::MTA_LOAD); return cp_new == cp; } /** * Returns some reserved cargo. * @param cp Packet to be returned. * @return True if the packet was completely returned, false if part of it was. */ bool CargoReturn::operator()(CargoPacket *cp) { CargoPacket *cp_new = this->Preprocess(cp); if (cp_new == NULL) cp_new = cp; assert(cp_new->Count() <= this->destination->reserved_count); this->source->RemoveFromMeta(cp_new, VehicleCargoList::MTA_LOAD, cp_new->Count()); this->destination->reserved_count -= cp_new->Count(); this->destination->Append(cp_new, this->next); return cp_new == cp; } /** * Transfers some cargo from a vehicle to a station. * @param cp Packet to be transfered. * @return True if the packet was completely reserved, false if part of it was. */ bool CargoTransfer::operator()(CargoPacket *cp) { CargoPacket *cp_new = this->Preprocess(cp); if (cp_new == NULL) return false; this->source->RemoveFromMeta(cp_new, VehicleCargoList::MTA_TRANSFER, cp_new->Count()); /* No transfer credits here as they were already granted during Stage(). */ this->destination->Append(cp_new, cp_new->NextStation()); return cp_new == cp; } /** * Shifts some cargo from a vehicle to another one. * @param cp Packet to be shifted. * @return True if the packet was completely shifted, false if part of it was. */ bool CargoShift::operator()(CargoPacket *cp) { CargoPacket *cp_new = this->Preprocess(cp); if (cp_new == NULL) cp_new = cp; this->source->RemoveFromMeta(cp_new, VehicleCargoList::MTA_KEEP, cp_new->Count()); this->destination->Append(cp_new, VehicleCargoList::MTA_KEEP); return cp_new == cp; } /** * Reroutes some cargo from one Station sublist to another. * @param cp Packet to be rerouted. * @return True if the packet was completely rerouted, false if part of it was. */ bool StationCargoReroute::operator()(CargoPacket *cp) { CargoPacket *cp_new = this->Preprocess(cp); if (cp_new == NULL) cp_new = cp; StationID next = this->ge->GetVia(cp_new->SourceStation(), this->avoid, this->avoid2); assert(next != this->avoid && next != this->avoid2); if (this->source != this->destination) { this->source->RemoveFromCache(cp_new, cp_new->Count()); this->destination->AddToCache(cp_new); } /* Legal, as insert doesn't invalidate iterators in the MultiMap, however * this might insert the packet between range.first and range.second (which might be end()) * This is why we check for GetKey above to avoid infinite loops. */ this->destination->packets.Insert(next, cp_new); return cp_new == cp; } /** * Reroutes some cargo in a VehicleCargoList. * @param cp Packet to be rerouted. * @return True if the packet was completely rerouted, false if part of it was. */ bool VehicleCargoReroute::operator()(CargoPacket *cp) { CargoPacket *cp_new = this->Preprocess(cp); if (cp_new == NULL) cp_new = cp; if (cp_new->NextStation() == this->avoid || cp_new->NextStation() == this->avoid2) { cp->SetNextStation(this->ge->GetVia(cp_new->SourceStation(), this->avoid, this->avoid2)); } if (this->source != this->destination) { this->source->RemoveFromMeta(cp_new, VehicleCargoList::MTA_TRANSFER, cp_new->Count()); this->destination->AddToMeta(cp_new, VehicleCargoList::MTA_TRANSFER); } /* Legal, as front pushing doesn't invalidate iterators in std::list. */ this->destination->packets.push_front(cp_new); return cp_new == cp; } template uint CargoRemoval<VehicleCargoList>::Preprocess(CargoPacket *cp); template uint CargoRemoval<StationCargoList>::Preprocess(CargoPacket *cp); template bool CargoRemoval<VehicleCargoList>::Postprocess(CargoPacket *cp, uint remove); template bool CargoRemoval<StationCargoList>::Postprocess(CargoPacket *cp, uint remove);