/* $Id$ */ /** @file bridge_gui.cpp Graphical user interface for bridge construction */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "openttd.h" #include "gui.h" #include "window_gui.h" #include "command_func.h" #include "economy_func.h" #include "variables.h" #include "bridge.h" #include "strings_func.h" #include "window_func.h" #include "sound_func.h" #include "map_func.h" #include "viewport_func.h" #include "gfx_func.h" #include "tunnelbridge.h" #include "sortlist_type.h" #include "widgets/dropdown_func.h" #include "table/strings.h" /* Save the sorting during runtime */ static Listing _bridge_sorting = {false, 0}; /** * Carriage for the data we need if we want to build a bridge */ struct BuildBridgeData { BridgeType index; const BridgeSpec *spec; Money cost; }; typedef GUIList<BuildBridgeData> GUIBridgeList; /** Sort the bridges by their index */ static int CDECL BridgeIndexSorter(const void *a, const void *b) { const BuildBridgeData* ba = (BuildBridgeData*)a; const BuildBridgeData* bb = (BuildBridgeData*)b; int r = ba->index - bb->index; return (_bridge_sorting.order) ? -r : r; } /** Sort the bridges by their price */ static int CDECL BridgePriceSorter(const void *a, const void *b) { const BuildBridgeData* ba = (BuildBridgeData*)a; const BuildBridgeData* bb = (BuildBridgeData*)b; int r = ba->cost - bb->cost; return (_bridge_sorting.order) ? -r : r; } /** Sort the bridges by their maximum speed */ static int CDECL BridgeSpeedSorter(const void *a, const void *b) { const BuildBridgeData* ba = (BuildBridgeData*)a; const BuildBridgeData* bb = (BuildBridgeData*)b; int r = ba->spec->speed - bb->spec->speed; return (_bridge_sorting.order) ? -r : r; } typedef int CDECL BridgeSortListingTypeFunction(const void*, const void*); /* Availible bridge sorting functions */ static BridgeSortListingTypeFunction* const _bridge_sorter[] = { &BridgeIndexSorter, &BridgePriceSorter, &BridgeSpeedSorter }; /* Names of the sorting functions */ static const StringID _bridge_sort_listing[] = { STR_SORT_BY_NUMBER, STR_ENGINE_SORT_COST, STR_SORT_BY_MAX_SPEED, INVALID_STRING_ID }; /** * Callback executed after a build Bridge CMD has been called * * @param scucess True if the build succeded * @param tile The tile where the command has been executed * @param p1 not used * @param p2 not used */ void CcBuildBridge(bool success, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2) { if (success) SndPlayTileFx(SND_27_BLACKSMITH_ANVIL, tile); } /* Names of the build bridge selection window */ enum BuildBridgeSelectionWidgets { BBSW_CLOSEBOX = 0, BBSW_CAPTION, BBSW_DROPDOWN_ORDER, BBSW_DROPDOWN_CRITERIA, BBSW_BRIDGE_LIST, BBSW_SCROLLBAR, BBSW_RESIZEBOX }; class BuildBridgeWindow : public Window { private: /* The last size of the build bridge window * is saved during runtime */ static uint last_size; TileIndex start_tile; TileIndex end_tile; uint32 type; GUIBridgeList *bridges; void BuildBridge(uint8 i) { DoCommandP(this->end_tile, this->start_tile, this->type | this->bridges->sort_list[i].index, CcBuildBridge, CMD_BUILD_BRIDGE | CMD_MSG(STR_5015_CAN_T_BUILD_BRIDGE_HERE)); } /** Sort the builable bridges */ void SortBridgeList() { /* Skip sorting if resort bit is not set */ if (!(bridges->flags & VL_RESORT)) return; qsort(this->bridges->sort_list, this->bridges->list_length, sizeof(this->bridges->sort_list[0]), _bridge_sorter[_bridge_sorting.criteria]); /* Display the current sort variant */ this->widget[BBSW_DROPDOWN_CRITERIA].data = _bridge_sort_listing[this->bridges->sort_type]; bridges->flags &= ~VL_RESORT; /* Set the modified widgets dirty */ this->InvalidateWidget(BBSW_DROPDOWN_CRITERIA); this->InvalidateWidget(BBSW_BRIDGE_LIST); } public: BuildBridgeWindow(const WindowDesc *desc, TileIndex start, TileIndex end, uint32 br_type, GUIBridgeList *bl) : Window(desc), start_tile(start), end_tile(end), type(br_type), bridges(bl) { this->SortBridgeList(); /* Change the data, or the caption of the gui. Set it to road or rail, accordingly */ this->widget[BBSW_CAPTION].data = (GB(this->type, 15, 2) == TRANSPORT_ROAD) ? STR_1803_SELECT_ROAD_BRIDGE : STR_100D_SELECT_RAIL_BRIDGE; this->resize.step_height = 22; this->vscroll.count = bl->list_length; if (this->last_size <= 4) { this->vscroll.cap = 4; } else { /* Resize the bridge selection window if we used a bigger one the last time */ this->vscroll.cap = (this->vscroll.count > this->last_size) ? this->last_size : this->vscroll.count; ResizeWindow(this, 0, (this->vscroll.cap - 4) * this->resize.step_height); this->widget[BBSW_BRIDGE_LIST].data = (this->vscroll.cap << 8) + 1; } this->FindWindowPlacementAndResize(desc); } ~BuildBridgeWindow() { free(this->bridges->sort_list); delete bridges; } virtual void OnPaint() { this->DrawWidgets(); this->DrawSortButtonState(BBSW_DROPDOWN_ORDER, (this->bridges->flags & VL_DESC) ? SBS_DOWN : SBS_UP); uint y = this->widget[BBSW_BRIDGE_LIST].top + 2; for (int i = this->vscroll.pos; (i < (this->vscroll.cap + this->vscroll.pos)) && (i < this->bridges->list_length); i++) { const BridgeSpec *b = this->bridges->sort_list[i].spec; SetDParam(2, this->bridges->sort_list[i].cost); SetDParam(1, b->speed * 10 / 16); SetDParam(0, b->material); DrawSprite(b->sprite, b->pal, 3, y); DrawString(44, y, STR_500D, TC_FROMSTRING); y += this->resize.step_height; } } virtual EventState OnKeyPress(uint16 key, uint16 keycode) { const uint8 i = keycode - '1'; if (i < 9 && i < this->bridges->list_length) { /* Build the requested bridge */ this->BuildBridge(i); delete this; return ES_HANDLED; } return ES_NOT_HANDLED; } virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget) { switch (widget) { default: break; case BBSW_BRIDGE_LIST: { uint i = ((int)pt.y - this->widget[BBSW_BRIDGE_LIST].top) / this->resize.step_height; if (i < this->vscroll.cap) { i += this->vscroll.pos; if (i < this->bridges->list_length) { this->BuildBridge(i); delete this; } } } break; case BBSW_DROPDOWN_ORDER: /* Revers the sort order */ this->bridges->flags ^= VL_DESC; _bridge_sorting.order = !_bridge_sorting.order; this->bridges->flags |= VL_RESORT; this->SortBridgeList(); break; case BBSW_DROPDOWN_CRITERIA: ShowDropDownMenu(this, _bridge_sort_listing, bridges->sort_type, BBSW_DROPDOWN_CRITERIA, 0, 0); break; } } virtual void OnDropdownSelect(int widget, int index) { if (widget == BBSW_DROPDOWN_CRITERIA && this->bridges->sort_type != index) { this->bridges->sort_type = index; _bridge_sorting.criteria = index; this->bridges->flags |= VL_RESORT; this->SortBridgeList(); } } virtual void OnResize(Point new_size, Point delta) { this->vscroll.cap += delta.y / (int)this->resize.step_height; this->widget[BBSW_BRIDGE_LIST].data = (this->vscroll.cap << 8) + 1; SetVScrollCount(this, this->bridges->list_length); this->last_size = this->vscroll.cap; } }; /* Set the default size of the Build Bridge Window */ uint BuildBridgeWindow::last_size = 4; /* Widget definition for the rail bridge selection window */ static const Widget _build_bridge_widgets[] = { { WWT_CLOSEBOX, RESIZE_NONE, 7, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, // BBSW_CLOSEBOX { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 7, 11, 199, 0, 13, STR_100D_SELECT_RAIL_BRIDGE, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, // BBSW_CAPTION { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 7, 0, 80, 14, 25, STR_SORT_BY, STR_SORT_ORDER_TIP}, // BBSW_DROPDOWN_ORDER { WWT_DROPDOWN, RESIZE_NONE, 7, 81, 199, 14, 25, 0x0, STR_SORT_CRITERIA_TIP}, // BBSW_DROPDOWN_CRITERIA { WWT_MATRIX, RESIZE_BOTTOM, 7, 0, 187, 26, 113, 0x401, STR_101F_BRIDGE_SELECTION_CLICK}, // BBSW_BRIDGE_LIST { WWT_SCROLLBAR, RESIZE_BOTTOM, 7, 188, 199, 26, 101, 0x0, STR_0190_SCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST}, // BBSW_SCROLLBAR { WWT_RESIZEBOX, RESIZE_TB, 7, 188, 199, 102, 113, 0x0, STR_RESIZE_BUTTON}, // BBSW_RESIZEBOX { WIDGETS_END}, }; /* Window definition for the rail bridge selection window */ static const WindowDesc _build_bridge_desc = { WDP_AUTO, WDP_AUTO, 200, 114, 200, 114, WC_BUILD_BRIDGE, WC_BUILD_TOOLBAR, WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_RESIZABLE, _build_bridge_widgets, }; /** * Add a buildable bridge to the list. * If the list is empty a new one is created. * * @param bl The list which we want to manage * @param item The item to add * @return The pointer to the list */ static GUIBridgeList *PushBridgeList(GUIBridgeList *bl, BuildBridgeData item) { if (bl == NULL) { /* Create the list if needed */ bl = new GUIBridgeList(); bl->flags |= VL_RESORT; if (_bridge_sorting.order) bl->flags |= VL_DESC; bl->list_length = 1; bl->sort_type = _bridge_sorting.criteria; } else { /* Resize the list */ bl->list_length++; } bl->sort_list = ReallocT(bl->sort_list, bl->list_length); bl->sort_list[bl->list_length - 1] = item; return bl; } /** * Prepare the data for the build a bridge window. * If we can't build a bridge under the given conditions * show an error message. * * @parma start The start tile of the bridge * @param end The end tile of the bridge * @param transport_type The transport type * @param bridge_type The bridge type */ void ShowBuildBridgeWindow(TileIndex start, TileIndex end, TransportType transport_type, byte bridge_type) { DeleteWindowById(WC_BUILD_BRIDGE, 0); /* Data type for the bridge. * Bit 16,15 = transport type, * 14..8 = road/rail pieces, * 7..0 = type of bridge */ uint32 type = (transport_type << 15) | (bridge_type << 8); /* only query bridge building possibility once, result is the same for all bridges! * returns CMD_ERROR on failure, and price on success */ StringID errmsg = INVALID_STRING_ID; CommandCost ret = DoCommand(end, start, type, DC_AUTO | DC_QUERY_COST, CMD_BUILD_BRIDGE); GUIBridgeList *bl = NULL; if (CmdFailed(ret)) { errmsg = _error_message; } else { /* check which bridges can be built * get absolute bridge length * length of the middle parts of the bridge */ const uint bridge_len = GetTunnelBridgeLength(start, end); /* total length of bridge */ const uint tot_bridgedata_len = CalcBridgeLenCostFactor(bridge_len + 2); /* loop for all bridgetypes */ for (BridgeType brd_type = 0; brd_type != MAX_BRIDGES; brd_type++) { if (CheckBridge_Stuff(brd_type, bridge_len)) { /* bridge is accepted, add to list */ BuildBridgeData item; item.index = brd_type; item.spec = GetBridgeSpec(brd_type); /* Add to terraforming & bulldozing costs the cost of the * bridge itself (not computed with DC_QUERY_COST) */ item.cost = ret.GetCost() + (((int64)tot_bridgedata_len * _price.build_bridge * item.spec->price) >> 8); bl = PushBridgeList(bl, item); } } } if (bl != NULL) { new BuildBridgeWindow(&_build_bridge_desc, start, end, type, bl); } else { ShowErrorMessage(errmsg, STR_5015_CAN_T_BUILD_BRIDGE_HERE, TileX(end) * TILE_SIZE, TileY(end) * TILE_SIZE); } }