/* $Id$ */ /** @file airport.cpp Functions related to airports. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "debug.h" #include "airport.h" #include "airport_movement.h" #include "core/bitmath_func.hpp" #include "core/alloc_func.hpp" #include "date_func.h" #include "settings_type.h" /* 8-66 are mapped to 0-58, 83+ are mapped to 59+ */ enum AirportTiles { APT_APRON = 8, APT_APRON_FENCE_NW = 9, APT_APRON_FENCE_SW = 10, APT_STAND = 11, APT_APRON_W = 12, APT_APRON_S = 13, APT_APRON_VER_CROSSING_S = 14, APT_APRON_HOR_CROSSING_W = 15, APT_APRON_VER_CROSSING_N = 16, APT_APRON_HOR_CROSSING_E = 17, APT_APRON_E = 18, APT_ARPON_N = 19, APT_APRON_HOR = 20, APT_APRON_N_FENCE_SW = 21, APT_RUNWAY_1 = 22, APT_RUNWAY_2 = 23, APT_RUNWAY_3 = 24, APT_RUNWAY_4 = 25, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_SE = 26, APT_BUILDING_2 = 27, APT_TOWER_FENCE_SW = 28, APT_ROUND_TERMINAL = 29, APT_BUILDING_3 = 30, APT_BUILDING_1 = 31, APT_DEPOT_SE = 32, APT_STAND_1 = 33, APT_STAND_PIER_NE = 34, APT_PIER_NW_NE = 35, APT_PIER = 36, APT_EMPTY = 37, APT_EMPTY_FENCE_NE = 38, APT_RADAR_GRASS_FENCE_SW = 39, /* 40-50 are for turning the radar */ APT_RADIO_TOWER_FENCE_NE = 51, APT_SMALL_BUILDING_3 = 52, APT_SMALL_BUILDING_2 = 53, APT_SMALL_BUILDING_1 = 54, APT_GRASS_FENCE_SW = 55, APT_GRASS_2 = 56, APT_GRASS_1 = 57, APT_GRASS_FENCE_NE_FLAG = 58, /* 59-61 are for flag animation */ APT_RUNWAY_SMALL_NEAR_END = 62, APT_RUNWAY_SMALL_MIDDLE = 63, APT_RUNWAY_SMALL_FAR_END = 64, APT_SMALL_DEPOT_SE = 65, APT_HELIPORT = 66, APT_RUNWAY_END = 83, APT_RUNWAY_5 = 84, APT_TOWER = 85, APT_SMALL_DEPOT_SE_2 = 86, // unused (copy of 65) APT_APRON_FENCE_NE = 87, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_NW = 88, APT_RUNWAY_FENCE_NW = 89, APT_RADAR_FENCE_SW = 90, /* 91-101 are for turning the radar */ APT_RADAR_FENCE_NE = 102, /* 103-113 are for turning the radar */ APT_HELIPAD_1 = 114, APT_HELIPAD_2_FENCE_NW = 115, APT_HELIPAD_2 = 116, APT_APRON_FENCE_NE_SW = 117, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_NW_SW = 118, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_SE_SW = 119, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_NE_NW = 120, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_NE_SE = 121, APT_HELIPAD_2_FENCE_NE_SE = 122, APT_APRON_FENCE_SE_SW = 123, APT_LOW_BUILDING_FENCE_N = 124, APT_ROT_RUNWAY_FENCE_NE = 125, // unused APT_ROT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_NE= 126, // unused APT_ROT_RUNWAY_FENCE_SW = 127, // unused APT_ROT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_SW= 128, // unused APT_DEPOT_SW = 129, // unused APT_DEPOT_NW = 130, // unused APT_DEPOT_NE = 131, // unused APT_HELIPAD_2_FENCE_SE_SW = 132, // unused APT_HELIPAD_2_FENCE_SE = 133, // unused APT_LOW_BUILDING_FENCE_NW = 134, APT_LOW_BUILDING_FENCE_NE = 135, // unused APT_LOW_BUILDING_FENCE_SW = 136, // unused APT_LOW_BUILDING_FENCE_SE = 137, // unused APT_STAND_FENCE_NE = 138, // unused APT_STAND_FENCE_SE = 139, // unused APT_STAND_FENCE_SW = 140, // unused APT_APRON_FENCE_NE_2 = 141, // unused (copy of 87) APT_APRON_FENCE_SE = 142, APT_HELIPAD_2_FENCE_NW_SW = 143, // unused APT_HELIPAD_2_FENCE_SW = 144, // unused APT_RADAR_FENCE_SE = 145, // unused /* 146-156 used for radar rotation */ APT_HELIPAD_3_FENCE_SE_SW = 157, APT_HELIPAD_3_FENCE_NW_SW = 158, APT_HELIPAD_3_FENCE_NW = 159, APT_LOW_BUILDING = 160, APT_APRON_FENCE_NE_SE = 161, APT_APRON_HALF_EAST = 162, APT_APRON_HALF_WEST = 163, APT_GRASS_FENCE_NE_FLAG_2 = 164, APT_GRASS_2_FENCE_NE_FLAG = 165, /* 166-169 used for flag animation */ }; /** Tiles for Country Airfield (small) */ static const byte _airport_sections_country[] = { APT_SMALL_BUILDING_1, APT_SMALL_BUILDING_2, APT_SMALL_BUILDING_3, APT_SMALL_DEPOT_SE, APT_GRASS_FENCE_NE_FLAG, APT_GRASS_1, APT_GRASS_2, APT_GRASS_FENCE_SW, APT_RUNWAY_SMALL_FAR_END, APT_RUNWAY_SMALL_MIDDLE, APT_RUNWAY_SMALL_MIDDLE, APT_RUNWAY_SMALL_NEAR_END }; /** Tiles for City Airport (large) */ static const byte _airport_sections_town[] = { APT_BUILDING_1, APT_APRON_FENCE_NW, APT_STAND_1, APT_APRON_FENCE_NW, APT_APRON_FENCE_NW, APT_DEPOT_SE, APT_BUILDING_2, APT_PIER, APT_ROUND_TERMINAL, APT_STAND_PIER_NE, APT_APRON, APT_APRON_FENCE_SW, APT_BUILDING_3, APT_STAND, APT_PIER_NW_NE, APT_APRON_S, APT_APRON_HOR, APT_APRON_N_FENCE_SW, APT_RADIO_TOWER_FENCE_NE, APT_APRON_W, APT_APRON_VER_CROSSING_S, APT_APRON_HOR_CROSSING_E, APT_ARPON_N, APT_TOWER_FENCE_SW, APT_EMPTY_FENCE_NE, APT_APRON_S, APT_APRON_HOR_CROSSING_W, APT_APRON_VER_CROSSING_N, APT_APRON_E, APT_RADAR_GRASS_FENCE_SW, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_SE, APT_RUNWAY_1, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_3, APT_RUNWAY_4, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_SE }; /** Tiles for Metropolitain Airport (large) - 2 runways */ static const byte _airport_sections_metropolitan[] = { APT_BUILDING_1, APT_APRON_FENCE_NW, APT_STAND_1, APT_APRON_FENCE_NW, APT_APRON_FENCE_NW, APT_DEPOT_SE, APT_BUILDING_2, APT_PIER, APT_ROUND_TERMINAL, APT_STAND_PIER_NE, APT_APRON, APT_APRON_FENCE_SW, APT_BUILDING_3, APT_STAND, APT_PIER_NW_NE, APT_APRON_S, APT_APRON_HOR, APT_APRON_N_FENCE_SW, APT_RADAR_FENCE_NE, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_TOWER_FENCE_SW, APT_RUNWAY_END, APT_RUNWAY_5, APT_RUNWAY_5, APT_RUNWAY_5, APT_RUNWAY_5, APT_RUNWAY_END, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_SE, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_SE }; /** Tiles for International Airport (large) - 2 runways */ static const byte _airport_sections_international[] = { APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_NW, APT_RUNWAY_FENCE_NW, APT_RUNWAY_FENCE_NW, APT_RUNWAY_FENCE_NW, APT_RUNWAY_FENCE_NW, APT_RUNWAY_FENCE_NW, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_NW, APT_RADIO_TOWER_FENCE_NE, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_DEPOT_SE, APT_BUILDING_3, APT_APRON, APT_STAND, APT_BUILDING_2, APT_STAND, APT_APRON, APT_APRON_FENCE_SW, APT_DEPOT_SE, APT_APRON, APT_STAND, APT_BUILDING_2, APT_STAND, APT_APRON, APT_HELIPAD_1, APT_APRON_FENCE_NE, APT_APRON, APT_STAND, APT_TOWER, APT_STAND, APT_APRON, APT_HELIPAD_1, APT_APRON_FENCE_NE, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_RADAR_FENCE_SW, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_SE, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_SE }; /** Tiles for Intercontinental Airport (vlarge) - 4 runways */ static const byte _airport_sections_intercontinental[] = { APT_RADAR_FENCE_NE, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_NE_NW, APT_RUNWAY_FENCE_NW, APT_RUNWAY_FENCE_NW, APT_RUNWAY_FENCE_NW, APT_RUNWAY_FENCE_NW, APT_RUNWAY_FENCE_NW, APT_RUNWAY_FENCE_NW, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_NW_SW, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_NE_NW, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_SE_SW, APT_APRON_FENCE_NE_SW, APT_APRON_FENCE_NE, APT_SMALL_BUILDING_1, APT_APRON_FENCE_NE, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_RADIO_TOWER_FENCE_NE, APT_APRON_FENCE_NE_SW, APT_APRON_FENCE_NE, APT_APRON_HALF_EAST, APT_APRON_FENCE_NE, APT_TOWER, APT_HELIPAD_2, APT_HELIPAD_2, APT_APRON, APT_APRON_FENCE_NW, APT_APRON_FENCE_SW, APT_APRON_FENCE_NE, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_STAND, APT_BUILDING_1, APT_STAND, APT_APRON, APT_LOW_BUILDING, APT_DEPOT_SE, APT_DEPOT_SE, APT_LOW_BUILDING, APT_APRON, APT_STAND, APT_BUILDING_2, APT_STAND, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_APRON_FENCE_SW, APT_APRON_FENCE_NE, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_STAND, APT_BUILDING_3, APT_STAND, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_APRON_FENCE_SW, APT_APRON_FENCE_NE, APT_APRON_FENCE_SE, APT_APRON, APT_STAND, APT_ROUND_TERMINAL, APT_STAND, APT_APRON_FENCE_SW, APT_APRON_HALF_WEST, APT_APRON_FENCE_SW, APT_APRON_FENCE_NE, APT_GRASS_FENCE_NE_FLAG_2, APT_APRON_FENCE_NE, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_APRON_FENCE_SW, APT_EMPTY, APT_APRON_FENCE_NE_SW, APT_APRON_FENCE_NE, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_NE_NW, APT_RUNWAY_FENCE_NW, APT_RUNWAY_FENCE_NW, APT_RUNWAY_FENCE_NW, APT_RUNWAY_FENCE_NW, APT_RUNWAY_FENCE_NW, APT_RUNWAY_FENCE_NW, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_SE_SW, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_NE_SE, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_SE_SW, APT_EMPTY }; /** Tiles for Commuter Airfield (small) */ static const byte _airport_sections_commuter[] = { APT_TOWER, APT_BUILDING_3, APT_HELIPAD_2_FENCE_NW, APT_HELIPAD_2_FENCE_NW, APT_DEPOT_SE, APT_APRON_FENCE_NE, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_APRON, APT_APRON_FENCE_SW, APT_APRON_FENCE_NE, APT_STAND, APT_STAND, APT_STAND, APT_APRON_FENCE_SW, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_SE, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_2, APT_RUNWAY_END_FENCE_SE }; /** Tiles for Heliport */ static const byte _airport_sections_heliport[] = { APT_HELIPORT, }; /** Tiles for Helidepot */ static const byte _airport_sections_helidepot[] = { APT_LOW_BUILDING_FENCE_N, APT_DEPOT_SE, APT_HELIPAD_2_FENCE_NE_SE, APT_APRON_FENCE_SE_SW }; /** Tiles for Helistation */ static const byte _airport_sections_helistation[] = { APT_DEPOT_SE, APT_LOW_BUILDING_FENCE_NW, APT_HELIPAD_3_FENCE_NW, APT_HELIPAD_3_FENCE_NW_SW, APT_APRON_FENCE_NE_SE, APT_APRON_FENCE_SE, APT_APRON_FENCE_SE, APT_HELIPAD_3_FENCE_SE_SW }; const byte * const _airport_sections[] = { _airport_sections_country, // Country Airfield (small) _airport_sections_town, // City Airport (large) _airport_sections_heliport, // Heliport _airport_sections_metropolitan, // Metropolitain Airport (large) _airport_sections_international, // International Airport (xlarge) _airport_sections_commuter, // Commuter Airport (small) _airport_sections_helidepot, // Helidepot _airport_sections_intercontinental, // Intercontinental Airport (xxlarge) _airport_sections_helistation, // Helistation }; assert_compile(NUM_AIRPORTS == lengthof(_airport_sections)); /* Uncomment this to print out a full report of the airport-structure * You should either use * - true: full-report, print out every state and choice with string-names * OR * - false: give a summarized report which only shows current and next position */ //#define DEBUG_AIRPORT false static AirportFTAClass *DummyAirport; static AirportFTAClass *CountryAirport; static AirportFTAClass *CityAirport; static AirportFTAClass *Oilrig; static AirportFTAClass *Heliport; static AirportFTAClass *MetropolitanAirport; static AirportFTAClass *InternationalAirport; static AirportFTAClass *CommuterAirport; static AirportFTAClass *HeliDepot; static AirportFTAClass *IntercontinentalAirport; static AirportFTAClass *HeliStation; void InitializeAirports() { DummyAirport = new AirportFTAClass( _airport_moving_data_dummy, NULL, NULL, _airport_entries_dummy, AirportFTAClass::ALL, _airport_fta_dummy, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); CountryAirport = new AirportFTAClass( _airport_moving_data_country, _airport_terminal_country, NULL, _airport_entries_country, AirportFTAClass::ALL | AirportFTAClass::SHORT_STRIP, _airport_fta_country, _airport_depots_country, lengthof(_airport_depots_country), 4, 3, 3, 0, 4 ); CityAirport = new AirportFTAClass( _airport_moving_data_town, _airport_terminal_city, NULL, _airport_entries_city, AirportFTAClass::ALL, _airport_fta_city, _airport_depots_city, lengthof(_airport_depots_city), 6, 6, 5, 0, 5 ); MetropolitanAirport = new AirportFTAClass( _airport_moving_data_metropolitan, _airport_terminal_metropolitan, NULL, _airport_entries_metropolitan, AirportFTAClass::ALL, _airport_fta_metropolitan, _airport_depots_metropolitan, lengthof(_airport_depots_metropolitan), 6, 6, 8, 0, 6 ); InternationalAirport = new AirportFTAClass( _airport_moving_data_international, _airport_terminal_international, _airport_helipad_international, _airport_entries_international, AirportFTAClass::ALL, _airport_fta_international, _airport_depots_international, lengthof(_airport_depots_international), 7, 7, 17, 0, 8 ); IntercontinentalAirport = new AirportFTAClass( _airport_moving_data_intercontinental, _airport_terminal_intercontinental, _airport_helipad_intercontinental, _airport_entries_intercontinental, AirportFTAClass::ALL, _airport_fta_intercontinental, _airport_depots_intercontinental, lengthof(_airport_depots_intercontinental), 9, 11, 25, 0, 10 ); Heliport = new AirportFTAClass( _airport_moving_data_heliport, NULL, _airport_helipad_heliport_oilrig, _airport_entries_heliport_oilrig, AirportFTAClass::HELICOPTERS, _airport_fta_heliport_oilrig, NULL, 0, 1, 1, 1, 60, 4 ); Oilrig = new AirportFTAClass( _airport_moving_data_oilrig, NULL, _airport_helipad_heliport_oilrig, _airport_entries_heliport_oilrig, AirportFTAClass::HELICOPTERS, _airport_fta_heliport_oilrig, NULL, 0, 1, 1, 0, 54, 3 ); CommuterAirport = new AirportFTAClass( _airport_moving_data_commuter, _airport_terminal_commuter, _airport_helipad_commuter, _airport_entries_commuter, AirportFTAClass::ALL | AirportFTAClass::SHORT_STRIP, _airport_fta_commuter, _airport_depots_commuter, lengthof(_airport_depots_commuter), 5, 4, 4, 0, 4 ); HeliDepot = new AirportFTAClass( _airport_moving_data_helidepot, NULL, _airport_helipad_helidepot, _airport_entries_helidepot, AirportFTAClass::HELICOPTERS, _airport_fta_helidepot, _airport_depots_helidepot, lengthof(_airport_depots_helidepot), 2, 2, 2, 0, 4 ); HeliStation = new AirportFTAClass( _airport_moving_data_helistation, NULL, _airport_helipad_helistation, _airport_entries_helistation, AirportFTAClass::HELICOPTERS, _airport_fta_helistation, _airport_depots_helistation, lengthof(_airport_depots_helistation), 4, 2, 3, 0, 4 ); } void UnInitializeAirports() { delete DummyAirport; delete CountryAirport; delete CityAirport; delete Heliport; delete MetropolitanAirport; delete InternationalAirport; delete CommuterAirport; delete HeliDepot; delete IntercontinentalAirport; delete HeliStation; } static uint16 AirportGetNofElements(const AirportFTAbuildup *apFA); static AirportFTA *AirportBuildAutomata(uint nofelements, const AirportFTAbuildup *apFA); static byte AirportGetTerminalCount(const byte *terminals, byte *groups); static byte AirportTestFTA(uint nofelements, const AirportFTA *layout, const byte *terminals); #ifdef DEBUG_AIRPORT static void AirportPrintOut(uint nofelements, const AirportFTA *layout, bool full_report); #endif AirportFTAClass::AirportFTAClass( const AirportMovingData *moving_data_, const byte *terminals_, const byte *helipads_, const byte *entry_points_, Flags flags_, const AirportFTAbuildup *apFA, const TileIndexDiffC *depots_, const byte nof_depots_, uint size_x_, uint size_y_, byte noise_level_, byte delta_z_, byte catchment_ ) : moving_data(moving_data_), terminals(terminals_), helipads(helipads_), airport_depots(depots_), flags(flags_), nof_depots(nof_depots_), nofelements(AirportGetNofElements(apFA)), entry_points(entry_points_), size_x(size_x_), size_y(size_y_), noise_level(noise_level_), delta_z(delta_z_), catchment(catchment_) { byte nofterminalgroups, nofhelipadgroups; /* Set up the terminal and helipad count for an airport. * TODO: If there are more than 10 terminals or 4 helipads, internal variables * need to be changed, so don't allow that for now */ uint nofterminals = AirportGetTerminalCount(terminals, &nofterminalgroups); if (nofterminals > MAX_TERMINALS) { DEBUG(misc, 0, "[Ap] only a maximum of %d terminals are supported (requested %d)", MAX_TERMINALS, nofterminals); assert(nofterminals <= MAX_TERMINALS); } uint nofhelipads = AirportGetTerminalCount(helipads, &nofhelipadgroups); if (nofhelipads > MAX_HELIPADS) { DEBUG(misc, 0, "[Ap] only a maximum of %d helipads are supported (requested %d)", MAX_HELIPADS, nofhelipads); assert(nofhelipads <= MAX_HELIPADS); } /* Get the number of elements from the source table. We also double check this * with the entry point which must be within bounds and use this information * later on to build and validate the state machine */ for (DiagDirection i = DIAGDIR_BEGIN; i < DIAGDIR_END; i++) { if (entry_points[i] >= nofelements) { DEBUG(misc, 0, "[Ap] entry (%d) must be within the airport (maximum %d)", entry_points[i], nofelements); assert(entry_points[i] < nofelements); } } /* Build the state machine itself */ layout = AirportBuildAutomata(nofelements, apFA); DEBUG(misc, 6, "[Ap] #count %3d; #term %2d (%dgrp); #helipad %2d (%dgrp); entries %3d, %3d, %3d, %3d", nofelements, nofterminals, nofterminalgroups, nofhelipads, nofhelipadgroups, entry_points[DIAGDIR_NE], entry_points[DIAGDIR_SE], entry_points[DIAGDIR_SW], entry_points[DIAGDIR_NW]); /* Test if everything went allright. This is only a rude static test checking * the symantic correctness. By no means does passing the test mean that the * airport is working correctly or will not deadlock for example */ uint ret = AirportTestFTA(nofelements, layout, terminals); if (ret != MAX_ELEMENTS) DEBUG(misc, 0, "[Ap] problem with element: %d", ret - 1); assert(ret == MAX_ELEMENTS); #ifdef DEBUG_AIRPORT AirportPrintOut(nofelements, layout, DEBUG_AIRPORT); #endif } AirportFTAClass::~AirportFTAClass() { for (uint i = 0; i < nofelements; i++) { AirportFTA *current = layout[i].next; while (current != NULL) { AirportFTA *next = current->next; free(current); current = next; }; } free(layout); } /** Get the number of elements of a source Airport state automata * Since it is actually just a big array of AirportFTA types, we only * know one element from the other by differing 'position' identifiers */ static uint16 AirportGetNofElements(const AirportFTAbuildup *apFA) { uint16 nofelements = 0; int temp = apFA[0].position; for (uint i = 0; i < MAX_ELEMENTS; i++) { if (temp != apFA[i].position) { nofelements++; temp = apFA[i].position; } if (apFA[i].position == MAX_ELEMENTS) break; } return nofelements; } /** We calculate the terminal/helipod count based on the data passed to us * This data (terminals) contains an index as a first element as to how many * groups there are, and then the number of terminals for each group */ static byte AirportGetTerminalCount(const byte *terminals, byte *groups) { byte nof_terminals = 0; *groups = 0; if (terminals != NULL) { uint i = terminals[0]; *groups = i; while (i-- > 0) { terminals++; assert(*terminals != 0); // no empty groups please nof_terminals += *terminals; } } return nof_terminals; } static AirportFTA *AirportBuildAutomata(uint nofelements, const AirportFTAbuildup *apFA) { AirportFTA *FAutomata = MallocT(nofelements); uint16 internalcounter = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < nofelements; i++) { AirportFTA *current = &FAutomata[i]; current->position = apFA[internalcounter].position; current->heading = apFA[internalcounter].heading; current->block = apFA[internalcounter].block; current->next_position = apFA[internalcounter].next; /* outgoing nodes from the same position, create linked list */ while (current->position == apFA[internalcounter + 1].position) { AirportFTA *newNode = MallocT(1); newNode->position = apFA[internalcounter + 1].position; newNode->heading = apFA[internalcounter + 1].heading; newNode->block = apFA[internalcounter + 1].block; newNode->next_position = apFA[internalcounter + 1].next; /* create link */ current->next = newNode; current = current->next; internalcounter++; } current->next = NULL; internalcounter++; } return FAutomata; } static byte AirportTestFTA(uint nofelements, const AirportFTA *layout, const byte *terminals) { uint next_position = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < nofelements; i++) { uint position = layout[i].position; if (position != next_position) return i; const AirportFTA *first = &layout[i]; for (const AirportFTA *current = first; current != NULL; current = current->next) { /* A heading must always be valid. The only exceptions are * - multiple choices as start, identified by a special value of 255 * - terminal group which is identified by a special value of 255 */ if (current->heading > MAX_HEADINGS) { if (current->heading != 255) return i; if (current == first && current->next == NULL) return i; if (current != first && current->next_position > terminals[0]) return i; } /* If there is only one choice, it must be at the end */ if (current->heading == 0 && current->next != NULL) return i; /* Obviously the elements of the linked list must have the same identifier */ if (position != current->position) return i; /* A next position must be within bounds */ if (current->next_position >= nofelements) return i; } next_position++; } return MAX_ELEMENTS; } #ifdef DEBUG_AIRPORT static const char * const _airport_heading_strings[] = { "TO_ALL", "HANGAR", "TERM1", "TERM2", "TERM3", "TERM4", "TERM5", "TERM6", "HELIPAD1", "HELIPAD2", "TAKEOFF", "STARTTAKEOFF", "ENDTAKEOFF", "HELITAKEOFF", "FLYING", "LANDING", "ENDLANDING", "HELILANDING", "HELIENDLANDING", "TERM7", "TERM8", "HELIPAD3", "HELIPAD4", "DUMMY" // extra heading for 255 }; static void AirportPrintOut(uint nofelements, const AirportFTA *layout, bool full_report) { if (!full_report) printf("(P = Current Position; NP = Next Position)\n"); for (uint i = 0; i < nofelements; i++) { for (const AirportFTA *current = &layout[i]; current != NULL; current = current->next) { if (full_report) { byte heading = (current->heading == 255) ? MAX_HEADINGS + 1 : current->heading; printf("\tPos:%2d NPos:%2d Heading:%15s Block:%2d\n", current->position, current->next_position, _airport_heading_strings[heading], FindLastBit(current->block)); } else { printf("P:%2d NP:%2d", current->position, current->next_position); } } printf("\n"); } } #endif const AirportFTAClass *GetAirport(const byte airport_type) { /* FIXME -- AircraftNextAirportPos_and_Order -> Needs something nicer, don't like this code * needs constant change if more airports are added */ switch (airport_type) { default: NOT_REACHED(); case AT_SMALL: return CountryAirport; case AT_LARGE: return CityAirport; case AT_METROPOLITAN: return MetropolitanAirport; case AT_HELIPORT: return Heliport; case AT_OILRIG: return Oilrig; case AT_INTERNATIONAL: return InternationalAirport; case AT_COMMUTER: return CommuterAirport; case AT_HELIDEPOT: return HeliDepot; case AT_INTERCON: return IntercontinentalAirport; case AT_HELISTATION: return HeliStation; case AT_DUMMY: return DummyAirport; } } uint32 GetValidAirports() { uint32 mask = 0; if (_cur_year < 1960 || _settings_game.station.always_small_airport) SetBit(mask, 0); // small airport if (_cur_year >= 1955) SetBit(mask, 1); // city airport if (_cur_year >= 1963) SetBit(mask, 2); // heliport if (_cur_year >= 1980) SetBit(mask, 3); // metropolitan airport if (_cur_year >= 1990) SetBit(mask, 4); // international airport if (_cur_year >= 1983) SetBit(mask, 5); // commuter airport if (_cur_year >= 1976) SetBit(mask, 6); // helidepot if (_cur_year >= 2002) SetBit(mask, 7); // intercontinental airport if (_cur_year >= 1980) SetBit(mask, 8); // helistation return mask; }