/* $Id$ */ /** @file ai_vehiclelist.cpp Implementation of AIVehicleList and friends. */ #include "ai_vehiclelist.hpp" #include "ai_group.hpp" #include "ai_station.hpp" #include "ai_vehicle.hpp" #include "../../company_func.h" #include "../../vehicle_base.h" AIVehicleList::AIVehicleList() { const Vehicle *v; FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { if (v->owner == _current_company && v->IsPrimaryVehicle()) this->AddItem(v->index); } } AIVehicleList_Station::AIVehicleList_Station(StationID station_id) { if (!AIStation::IsValidStation(station_id)) return; const Vehicle *v; FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { if (v->owner == _current_company && v->IsPrimaryVehicle()) { const Order *order; FOR_VEHICLE_ORDERS(v, order) { if (order->IsType(OT_GOTO_STATION) && order->GetDestination() == station_id) { this->AddItem(v->index); break; } } } } } AIVehicleList_SharedOrders::AIVehicleList_SharedOrders(VehicleID vehicle_id) { if (!AIVehicle::IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return; for (const Vehicle *v = GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->FirstShared(); v != NULL; v = v->NextShared()) { this->AddItem(v->index); } } AIVehicleList_Group::AIVehicleList_Group(GroupID group_id) { if (!AIGroup::IsValidGroup((AIGroup::GroupID)group_id)) return; const Vehicle *v; FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { if (v->owner == _current_company && v->IsPrimaryVehicle()) { if (v->group_id == group_id) this->AddItem(v->index); } } } AIVehicleList_DefaultGroup::AIVehicleList_DefaultGroup(AIVehicle::VehicleType vehicle_type) { if (vehicle_type < AIVehicle::VT_RAIL || vehicle_type > AIVehicle::VT_AIR) return; const Vehicle *v; FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { if (v->owner == _current_company && v->IsPrimaryVehicle()) { if (v->type == vehicle_type && v->group_id == AIGroup::GROUP_DEFAULT) this->AddItem(v->index); } } }