/* $Id$ */

/** @file ai_engine.hpp Everything to query and build engines. */


#include "ai_object.hpp"
#include "ai_vehicle.hpp"
#include "ai_road.hpp"
#include "ai_rail.hpp"
#include "ai_airport.hpp"

 * Class that handles all engine related functions.
class AIEngine : public AIObject {
	static const char *GetClassName() { return "AIEngine"; }

	 * Checks whether the given engine type is valid and buildable by you.
	 * @param engine_id The engine to check.
	 * @return True if and only if the engine type is valid.
	static bool IsValidEngine(EngineID engine_id);

	 * Get the name of an engine.
	 * @param engine_id The engine to get the name of.
	 * @pre IsValidEngine(engine_id).
	 * @return The name the engine has.
	static char *GetName(EngineID engine_id);

	 * Get the cargo-type of an engine. In case it can transport 2 cargos, it
	 *  returns the first.
	 * @param engine_id The engine to get the cargo-type of.
	 * @pre IsValidEngine(engine_id).
	 * @return The cargo-type of the engine.
	static CargoID GetCargoType(EngineID engine_id);

	 * Check if the cargo of an engine can be refitted to your requested. If
	 *  the engine already allows this cargo, the function also returns true.
	 * @param engine_id The engine to check for refitting.
	 * @param cargo_id The cargo to check for refitting.
	 * @pre IsValidEngine(engine_id).
	 * @pre AICargo::IsValidCargo(cargo_id).
	 * @return True if the engine can carry this cargo, either via refit, or
	 *  by default.
	static bool CanRefitCargo(EngineID engine_id, CargoID cargo_id);

	 * Check if the engine can pull a wagon with the given cargo.
	 * @param engine_id The engine to check.
	 * @param cargo_id The cargo to check.
	 * @pre IsValidEngine(engine_id).
	 * @pre GetVehicleType(engine_id) == AIVehicle.VEHICLE_RAIL.
	 * @pre AICargo::IsValidCargo(cargo_id).
	 * @return True if the engine can pull wagons carrying this cargo.
	 * @note This function is not exhaustive; a true here does not mean
	 *  that the vehicle can pull the wagons, a false does mean it can't.
	static bool CanPullCargo(EngineID engine_id, CargoID cargo_id);

	 * Get the capacity of an engine. In case it can transport 2 cargos, it
	 *  returns the first.
	 * @param engine_id The engine to get the capacity of.
	 * @pre IsValidEngine(engine_id).
	 * @return The capacity of the engine.
	static int32 GetCapacity(EngineID engine_id);

	 * Get the reliability of an engine. The value is between 0 and 100, where
	 *  100 means 100% reliability (never breaks down) and 0 means 0%
	 *  reliability (you most likely don't want to buy it).
	 * @param engine_id The engine to get the reliability of.
	 * @pre IsValidEngine(engine_id).
	 * @return The reliability the engine has.
	static int32 GetReliability(EngineID engine_id);

	 * Get the maximum speed of an engine.
	 * @param engine_id The engine to get the maximum speed of.
	 * @pre IsValidEngine(engine_id).
	 * @return The maximum speed the engine has.
	 * @note The speed is in km/h.
	static int32 GetMaxSpeed(EngineID engine_id);

	 * Get the new cost of an engine.
	 * @param engine_id The engine to get the new cost of.
	 * @pre IsValidEngine(engine_id).
	 * @return The new cost the engine has.
	static Money GetPrice(EngineID engine_id);

	 * Get the maximum age of a brand new engine.
	 * @param engine_id The engine to get the maximum age of.
	 * @pre IsValidEngine(engine_id).
	 * @returns The maximum age of a new engine in days.
	 * @note Age is in days; divide by 366 to get per year.
	static int32 GetMaxAge(EngineID engine_id);

	 * Get the running cost of an engine.
	 * @param engine_id The engine to get the running cost of.
	 * @pre IsValidEngine(engine_id).
	 * @return The running cost of a vehicle per year.
	 * @note Cost is per year; divide by 365 to get per day.
	static Money GetRunningCost(EngineID engine_id);

	 * Get the type of an engine.
	 * @param engine_id The engine to get the type of.
	 * @pre IsValidEngine(engine_id).
	 * @return The type the engine has.
	static AIVehicle::VehicleType GetVehicleType(EngineID engine_id);

	 * Check if an engine is a wagon.
	 * @param engine_id The engine to check.
	 * @pre IsValidEngine(engine_id).
	 * @pre GetVehicleType(engine_id) == AIVehicle.VEHICLE_RAIL.
	 * @return Whether or not the engine is a wagon.
	static bool IsWagon(EngineID engine_id);

	 * Check if a train vehicle can run on a RailType.
	 * @param engine_id The engine to check.
	 * @param track_rail_type The type you want to check.
	 * @pre IsValidEngine(engine_id).
	 * @pre GetVehicleType(engine_id) == AIVehicle::VEHICLE_RAIL.
	 * @pre AIRail::IsRailTypeAvailable(track_rail_type).
	 * @return Whether an engine of type 'engine_id' can run on 'track_rail_type'.
	 * @note Even if a train can run on a RailType that doesn't mean that it'll be
	 *   able to power the train. Use HasPowerOnRail for that.
	static bool CanRunOnRail(EngineID engine_id, AIRail::RailType track_rail_type);

	 * Check if a train engine has power on a RailType.
	 * @param engine_id The engine to check.
	 * @param track_rail_type Another RailType.
	 * @pre IsValidEngine(engine_id).
	 * @pre GetVehicleType(engine_id) == AIVehicle::VEHICLE_RAIL.
	 * @pre AIRail::IsRailTypeAvailable(track_rail_type).
	 * @return Whether an engine of type 'engine_id' has power on 'track_rail_type'.
	static bool HasPowerOnRail(EngineID engine_id, AIRail::RailType track_rail_type);

	 * Get the RoadType of the engine.
	 * @param engine_id The engine to get the RoadType of.
	 * @pre IsValidEngine(engine_id).
	 * @pre GetVehicleType(engine_id) == AIVehicle.VEHICLE_ROAD.
	 * @return The RoadType the engine has.
	static AIRoad::RoadType GetRoadType(EngineID engine_id);

	 * Get the RailType of the engine.
	 * @param engine_id The engine to get the RailType of.
	 * @pre IsValidEngine(engine_id).
	 * @pre GetVehicleType(engine_id) == AIVehicle.VEHICLE_RAIL.
	 * @return The RailType the engine has.
	static AIRail::RailType GetRailType(EngineID engine_id);

	 * Check if the engine is articulated.
	 * @param engine_id The engine to check.
	 * @pre IsValidEngine(engine_id).
	 * @pre GetVehicleType(engine_id) == AIVehicle.VEHICLE_ROAD || GetVehicleType(engine_id) == AIVehicle.VEHICLE_RAIL.
	 * @return True if the engine is articulated.
	static bool IsArticulated(EngineID engine_id);

	 * Get the PlaneType of the engine.
	 * @param engine_id The engine to get the PlaneType of.
	 * @pre IsValidEngine(engine_id).
	 * @pre GetVehicleType(engine_id) == AIVehicle.VEHICLE_AIR.
	 * @return The PlaneType the engine has.
	static AIAirport::PlaneType GetPlaneType(EngineID engine_id);

#endif /* AI_ENGINE_HPP */