/* $Id$ */ /* * This file is part of OpenTTD. * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see . */ /** @file ai_company.cpp Implementation of AICompany. */ #include "ai_company.hpp" #include "ai_error.hpp" #include "ai_log.hpp" #include "../../command_func.h" #include "../../company_func.h" #include "../../company_base.h" #include "../../company_manager_face.h" #include "../../economy_func.h" #include "../../strings_func.h" #include "../../tile_map.h" #include "../../core/alloc_func.hpp" #include "../../string_func.h" #include "../../settings_func.h" #include "table/strings.h" /* static */ AICompany::CompanyID AICompany::ResolveCompanyID(AICompany::CompanyID company) { if (company == COMPANY_SELF) return (CompanyID)((byte)_current_company); return ::Company::IsValidID((::CompanyID)company) ? company : COMPANY_INVALID; } /* static */ bool AICompany::IsMine(AICompany::CompanyID company) { return ResolveCompanyID(company) == ResolveCompanyID(COMPANY_SELF); } /* static */ bool AICompany::SetName(const char *name) { EnforcePrecondition(false, !::StrEmpty(name)); EnforcePreconditionCustomError(false, ::strlen(name) < MAX_LENGTH_COMPANY_NAME_BYTES, AIError::ERR_PRECONDITION_STRING_TOO_LONG); return AIObject::DoCommand(0, 0, 0, CMD_RENAME_COMPANY, name); } /* static */ char *AICompany::GetName(AICompany::CompanyID company) { company = ResolveCompanyID(company); if (company == COMPANY_INVALID) return NULL; static const int len = 64; char *company_name = MallocT(len); ::SetDParam(0, company); ::GetString(company_name, STR_COMPANY_NAME, &company_name[len - 1]); return company_name; } /* static */ bool AICompany::SetPresidentName(const char *name) { EnforcePrecondition(false, !::StrEmpty(name)); return AIObject::DoCommand(0, 0, 0, CMD_RENAME_PRESIDENT, name); } /* static */ char *AICompany::GetPresidentName(AICompany::CompanyID company) { company = ResolveCompanyID(company); static const int len = 64; char *president_name = MallocT(len); if (company != COMPANY_INVALID) { ::SetDParam(0, company); ::GetString(president_name, STR_PRESIDENT_NAME, &president_name[len - 1]); } else { *president_name = '\0'; } return president_name; } /* static */ bool AICompany::SetPresidentGender(Gender gender) { EnforcePrecondition(false, gender == GENDER_MALE || gender == GENDER_FEMALE); EnforcePrecondition(false, GetPresidentGender(AICompany::COMPANY_SELF) != gender); CompanyManagerFace cmf; GenderEthnicity ge = (GenderEthnicity)((gender == GENDER_FEMALE ? (1 << ::GENDER_FEMALE) : 0) | (::InteractiveRandom() & (1 << ETHNICITY_BLACK))); RandomCompanyManagerFaceBits(cmf, ge, false); return AIObject::DoCommand(0, 0, cmf, CMD_SET_COMPANY_MANAGER_FACE); } /* static */ AICompany::Gender AICompany::GetPresidentGender(CompanyID company) { company = ResolveCompanyID(company); if (company == COMPANY_INVALID) return GENDER_INVALID; GenderEthnicity ge = (GenderEthnicity)GetCompanyManagerFaceBits(Company::Get(company)->face, CMFV_GEN_ETHN, GE_WM); return HasBit(ge, ::GENDER_FEMALE) ? GENDER_FEMALE : GENDER_MALE; } /* static */ Money AICompany::GetCompanyValue(AICompany::CompanyID company) { company = ResolveCompanyID(company); if (company == COMPANY_INVALID) return -1; return ::CalculateCompanyValue(::Company::Get((CompanyID)company)); } /* static */ Money AICompany::GetBankBalance(AICompany::CompanyID company) { company = ResolveCompanyID(company); if (company == COMPANY_INVALID) return -1; return ::Company::Get((CompanyID)company)->money; } /* static */ Money AICompany::GetLoanAmount() { return ::Company::Get(_current_company)->current_loan; } /* static */ Money AICompany::GetMaxLoanAmount() { return _economy.max_loan; } /* static */ Money AICompany::GetLoanInterval() { return LOAN_INTERVAL; } /* static */ bool AICompany::SetLoanAmount(int32 loan) { EnforcePrecondition(false, loan >= 0); EnforcePrecondition(false, (loan % GetLoanInterval()) == 0); EnforcePrecondition(false, loan <= GetMaxLoanAmount()); EnforcePrecondition(false, (loan - GetLoanAmount() + GetBankBalance(COMPANY_SELF)) >= 0); if (loan == GetLoanAmount()) return true; return AIObject::DoCommand(0, abs(loan - GetLoanAmount()), 2, (loan > GetLoanAmount()) ? CMD_INCREASE_LOAN : CMD_DECREASE_LOAN); } /* static */ bool AICompany::SetMinimumLoanAmount(int32 loan) { EnforcePrecondition(false, loan >= 0); int32 over_interval = loan % GetLoanInterval(); if (over_interval != 0) loan += GetLoanInterval() - over_interval; EnforcePrecondition(false, loan <= GetMaxLoanAmount()); SetLoanAmount(loan); return GetLoanAmount() == loan; } /* static */ bool AICompany::BuildCompanyHQ(TileIndex tile) { EnforcePrecondition(false, ::IsValidTile(tile)); return AIObject::DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, CMD_BUILD_COMPANY_HQ); } /* static */ TileIndex AICompany::GetCompanyHQ(CompanyID company) { company = ResolveCompanyID(company); if (company == COMPANY_INVALID) return INVALID_TILE; TileIndex loc = ::Company::Get((CompanyID)company)->location_of_HQ; return (loc == 0) ? INVALID_TILE : loc; } /* static */ bool AICompany::SetAutoRenewStatus(bool autorenew) { return AIObject::DoCommand(0, ::GetCompanySettingIndex("company.engine_renew"), autorenew ? 1 : 0, CMD_CHANGE_COMPANY_SETTING); } /* static */ bool AICompany::GetAutoRenewStatus(CompanyID company) { company = ResolveCompanyID(company); if (company == COMPANY_INVALID) return false; return ::Company::Get((CompanyID)company)->settings.engine_renew; } /* static */ bool AICompany::SetAutoRenewMonths(int16 months) { return AIObject::DoCommand(0, ::GetCompanySettingIndex("company.engine_renew_months"), months, CMD_CHANGE_COMPANY_SETTING); } /* static */ int16 AICompany::GetAutoRenewMonths(CompanyID company) { company = ResolveCompanyID(company); if (company == COMPANY_INVALID) return 0; return ::Company::Get((CompanyID)company)->settings.engine_renew_months; } /* static */ bool AICompany::SetAutoRenewMoney(uint32 money) { return AIObject::DoCommand(0, ::GetCompanySettingIndex("company.engine_renew_money"), money, CMD_CHANGE_COMPANY_SETTING); } /* static */ uint32 AICompany::GetAutoRenewMoney(CompanyID company) { company = ResolveCompanyID(company); if (company == COMPANY_INVALID) return 0; return ::Company::Get((CompanyID)company)->settings.engine_renew_money; }