# $Id: Makefile 3214 2005-11-17 19:43:37Z bjarni $ # This makefile is not a standalone makefile, but is called from the general one # it contains targets specific to MacOS X # it's possible to link OpenTTD dynamically and move the needed libs into the bundle # this way it's possible to move the app around without thinking about libs on the computer it runs on # dynamic linking is recommended for several reasons, specially because static linking makes issues with OpenTTD # to setup the lib paths, a few flags needs to be set (default setup should work if the libs were installed with fink) # # OSX_LIB_PATH: this is the path to where the lib files are located on the compiling computer. (default /sw/lib/) # OSX_LOCAL_LIB_PATH: is the path that the binary will use to search for the libs. # it's always an absolute path except when the keyword @executable_path is used, then it's the binary # it's important to remember that it's the binary and not the bundle, so to get the bundle path, use @executable_path/../../../ ifdef RELEASE CONVERT_LIB_PATH:=convert_OSX_lib_path endif ifdef OSX_CHANGE_LIB_PATH CONVERT_LIB_PATH:=convert_OSX_lib_path endif ifndef OSX_LIB_PATH OSX_LIB_PATH:=/sw/lib/ endif ifndef OSX_LOCAL_LIB_PATH OSX_LOCAL_LIB_PATH:=@executable_path/../lib/ endif ifdef MAKEMOVEABLE CONVERT_LIB_PATH:=convert_OSX_lib_path OSX_LOCAL_LIB_PATH:=@executable_path/../lib/ MOVE_LIB_INTO_BUNDLE:=move_lib_into_bundle endif # the rest is the targets. If more than one is called, they need to be called in the order they are written # build the bundle. OSX wants to keep apps in bundles, so we will give it one # the good thing about bundles is that you can keep extra files in them, so we keep lng files and a data dir in it build_OSX_bundle: $(Q)rm -fr "$(OSXAPP)" $(Q)mkdir -p "$(OSXAPP)"/Contents/MacOS $(Q)mkdir -p "$(OSXAPP)"/Contents/Resources $(Q)mkdir -p "$(OSXAPP)"/Contents/Data $(Q)mkdir -p "$(OSXAPP)"/Contents/Lang $(Q)echo "APPL????" > "$(OSXAPP)"/Contents/PkgInfo $(Q)cp os/macosx/openttd.icns "$(OSXAPP)"/Contents/Resources/openttd.icns $(Q)os/macosx/plistgen.sh "$(OSXAPP)" "$(REV)" $(Q)cp data/* "$(OSXAPP)"/Contents/Data/ $(Q)cp lang/*.lng "$(OSXAPP)"/Contents/Lang/ $(Q)cp $(TTD) "$(OSXAPP)"/Contents/MacOS/$(TTD) # set the path that OpenTTD will use to search for dynamic libraries $(CONVERT_LIB_PATH): $(Q)install_name_tool -change $(OSX_LIB_PATH)libSDL-1.2.0.dylib $(OSX_LOCAL_LIB_PATH)libSDL-1.2.0.dylib "$(OSXAPP)"/Contents/MacOS/$(TTD) $(Q)install_name_tool -change $(OSX_LIB_PATH)libpng12.0.dylib $(OSX_LOCAL_LIB_PATH)libpng12.0.dylib "$(OSXAPP)"/Contents/MacOS/$(TTD) # copies the lib files into the bundle. This way you can move the bundle around like if it were statically linked $(MOVE_LIB_INTO_BUNDLE): $(Q)mkdir -p "$(OSXAPP)"/Contents/lib/ $(Q)cp -RH $(OSX_LIB_PATH)libSDL-1.2.0.dylib "$(OSXAPP)"/Contents/lib/libSDL-1.2.0.dylib $(Q)cp -RH $(OSX_LIB_PATH)libpng12.0.dylib "$(OSXAPP)"/Contents/lib/libpng12.0.dylib # make the release disk image. Should only be used with releases and is a good and fast way to make sure to remember all the needed files release: all $(Q)mkdir -p "OpenTTD $(RELEASE)" $(Q)mkdir -p "OpenTTD $(RELEASE)"/docs $(Q)mkdir -p "OpenTTD $(RELEASE)"/scenario $(Q)cp -R $(OSXAPP) "OpenTTD $(RELEASE)"/ $(Q)cp docs/OSX_where_did_the_package_go.txt "OpenTTD $(RELEASE)"/Where\ did\ the\ package\ go.txt $(Q)cp readme.txt "OpenTTD $(RELEASE)"/docs/ $(Q)cp docs/README_if_game_crashed_on_OSX.txt "OpenTTD $(RELEASE)"/docs/readme\ if\ crashed\ on\ OSX.txt $(Q)cp docs/console.txt "OpenTTD $(RELEASE)"/docs/ $(Q)cp COPYING "OpenTTD $(RELEASE)"/docs/ $(Q)cp changelog.txt "OpenTTD $(RELEASE)"/docs/ $(Q)cp docs/README_if_game_crashed_on_OSX.txt "OpenTTD $(RELEASE)"/docs/ $(Q)cp os/macosx/*.webloc "OpenTTD $(RELEASE)" $(Q)cp known-bugs.txt "OpenTTD $(RELEASE)"/known-bugs.txt $(Q)cp scenario/* "OpenTTD $(RELEASE)"/scenario/ $(Q)/usr/bin/hdiutil create -ov -format UDZO -srcfolder "OpenTTD $(RELEASE)" openttd-"$(RELEASE)"-osx.dmg $(Q)rm -fr "OpenTTD $(RELEASE)" $(OSX): $(TTD) build_OSX_bundle $(CONVERT_LIB_PATH) .PHONY: release $(CONVERT_LIB_PATH) $(MOVE_LIB_INTO_BUNDLE) build_OSX_bundle