# $Id: Makefile 3214 2005-11-17 19:43:37Z bjarni $ # This makefile is not a standalone makefile, but is called from the general one # it contains code specific to MacOS X ifdef RELEASE ifndef STATIC # all OSX releases needs to be static # end users don't tend to have the dynamic libs installed $(warning Compiling a dynamic release. It should be static unless you really know what you are doing!!!) endif endif ifdef RELEASE ifndef BUILD_UNIVERSAL_BINARY $(warning Compiling a release build, that is not a universal binary) endif endif ifdef RELEASE ifdef DEBUG $(warning Compiling a release build, that is a debug build) endif endif # setup flags if none are defined ifndef UNIVERSAL_CFLAGS UNIVERSAL_CFLAGS:= -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk endif ifndef UNIVERSAL_LDFLAGS UNIVERSAL_LDFLAGS:= -Wl,-syslibroot,/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk endif ifndef PPC_CC PPC_CC:=powerpc-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.0 endif ifndef x86_CC x86_CC:=i686-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.0 endif ifdef WITH_PNG ifndef LIBPNG_PPC_CONFIG LIBPNG_PPC_CONFIG:=$(LIBPNG-CONFIG) endif ifndef LIBPNG_x86_CONFIG LIBPNG_x86_CONFIG:=$(LIBPNG-CONFIG) endif endif ifdef WITH_SDL ifndef SDL_PPC_CONFIG SDL_PPC_CONFIG:=$(SDL-CONFIG) endif ifndef SDL_x86_CONFIG SDL_x86_CONFIG:=$(SDL-CONFIG) endif endif ifdef BUILD_UNIVERSAL_BINARY CFLAGS:= $(UNIVERSAL_CFLAGS) LDFLAGS:= $(UNIVERSAL_LDFLAGS) # set up config files ifndef SKIP_LIB_TEST ifdef WITH_PNG TEST:=$(shell lipo -info `$(LIBPNG_PPC_CONFIG) --prefix`/lib/libpng.a | xargs -n 1 | grep "ppc")) ifndef TEST $(error no PPC libpng found) endif TEST:=$(shell lipo -info `$(LIBPNG_x86_CONFIG) --prefix`/lib/libpng.a | xargs -n 1 | grep "i386")) ifndef TEST $(error no x86 libpng found) endif endif ifdef WITH_SDL ifdef STATIC ifndef x86_SDL_LIB $(error static universal build without a defined x86 SDL lib) endif endif TEST:=$(shell lipo -info `$(SDL_PPC_CONFIG) --prefix`/lib/libSDL.a | xargs -n 1 | grep "ppc")) ifndef TEST $(error no PPC SDL lib found) endif TEST:=$(shell lipo -info `$(SDL_x86_CONFIG) --prefix`/lib/libSDL.a | xargs -n 1 | grep "i386")) ifndef TEST $(error no x86 SDL lib found) endif endif endif ifdef UNIVERSAL_x86_PART CFLAGS += -arch i386 LIBPNG-CONFIG:=$(LIBPNG_x86_CONFIG) SDL-CONFIG:=$(SDL_x86_CONFIG) CC_TARGET:=$(x86_CC) # clear the cached list of PPC libs LIBS:= else CFLAGS += -arch ppc LIBPNG-CONFIG:=$(LIBPNG_PPC_CONFIG) SDL-CONFIG:=$(SDL_PPC_CONFIG) CC_TARGET:=$(PPC_CC) endif endif