#include "stdafx.h" #include "ttd.h" #include "gui.h" #include "command.h" #include "player.h" #include "console.h" #if defined(WIN32) # include # include # pragma comment (lib, "ws2_32.lib") # define ENABLE_NETWORK # define GET_LAST_ERROR() WSAGetLastError() # define EWOULDBLOCK WSAEWOULDBLOCK #endif #if defined(UNIX) // Make compatible with WIN32 names # define SOCKET int # define INVALID_SOCKET -1 // we need different defines for MorphOS and AmigaOS #if !defined(__MORPHOS__) && !defined(__AMIGA__) # define ioctlsocket ioctl # define closesocket close # define GET_LAST_ERROR() errno #endif // Need this for FIONREAD on solaris # define BSD_COMP # include # include // Socket stuff # include # include # include # include # include // NetDB # include # ifndef TCP_NODELAY # define TCP_NODELAY 0x0001 # endif #endif #if defined(__MORPHOS__) || defined(__AMIGA__) # include # include // required for Open/CloseLibrary() # if defined(__MORPHOS__) # include // FION#? defines # else // __AMIGA__ # include # endif // make source compatible with bsdsocket.library functions # define closesocket(s) CloseSocket(s) # define GET_LAST_ERROR() Errno() # define ioctlsocket(s,request,status) IoctlSocket((LONG)s,(ULONG)request,(char*)status) struct Library *SocketBase = NULL; #if !defined(__MORPHOS__) // usleep() implementation #include #include struct Device *TimerBase = NULL; struct MsgPort *TimerPort = NULL; struct timerequest *TimerRequest = NULL; #endif #endif /* __MORPHOS__ || __AMIGA__ */ #define SEND_MTU 1460 #if defined(ENABLE_NETWORK) enum { PACKET_TYPE_WELCOME = 0, PACKET_TYPE_READY, PACKET_TYPE_ACK, PACKET_TYPE_SYNC, PACKET_TYPE_XMIT, PACKET_TYPE_COMMAND, }; // sent from client -> server whenever the client wants to exec a command. // send from server -> client when another player execs a command. typedef struct CommandPacket { byte packet_length; byte packet_type; uint16 cmd; uint32 p1,p2; TileIndex tile; byte player;// player id, this is checked by the server. byte when; // offset from the current max_frame value minus 1. this is set by the server. uint32 dp[8]; } CommandPacket; #define COMMAND_PACKET_BASE_SIZE (sizeof(CommandPacket) - 8 * sizeof(uint32)) // sent from server -> client periodically to tell the client about the current tick in the server // and how far the client may progress. typedef struct SyncPacket { byte packet_length; byte packet_type; byte frames; // how many more frames may the client execute? this is relative to the old value of max. byte server; // where is the server currently executing? this is negatively relative to the old value of max. uint32 random_seed_1; // current random state at server. used to detect out of sync. uint32 random_seed_2; } SyncPacket; // sent from server -> client as an acknowledgement that the server received the command. // the command will be executed at the current value of "max". typedef struct AckPacket { byte packet_length; byte packet_type; byte when; } AckPacket; typedef struct ReadyPacket { byte packet_length; byte packet_type; } ReadyPacket; typedef struct FilePacketHdr { byte packet_length; byte packet_type; } FilePacketHdr; // sent from server to client when the client has joined. typedef struct WelcomePacket { byte packet_length; byte packet_type; uint32 player_seeds[MAX_PLAYERS][2]; uint32 frames_max; uint32 frames_srv; uint32 frames_cnt; } WelcomePacket; typedef struct Packet Packet; struct Packet { Packet *next; // this one has to be the first element. uint siz; byte buf[SEND_MTU]; // packet payload }; typedef struct ClientState { int socket; bool inactive; // disable sending of commands/syncs to client bool writable; bool ready; uint timeout; uint xmitpos; uint eaten; Packet *head, **last; uint buflen; // receive buffer len byte buf[1024]; // receive buffer } ClientState; typedef struct QueuedCommand QueuedCommand; struct QueuedCommand { QueuedCommand *next; CommandPacket cp; CommandCallback *callback; uint32 cmd; uint32 frame; }; typedef struct CommandQueue CommandQueue; struct CommandQueue { QueuedCommand *head, **last; }; #define MAX_CLIENTS (MAX_PLAYERS + 1) // packets waiting to be executed, for each of the players. // this list is sorted in frame order, so the item on the front will be executed first. static CommandQueue _command_queue; // in the client, this is the list of commands that have not yet been acked. // when it is acked, it will be moved to the appropriate position at the end of the player queue. static CommandQueue _ack_queue; static ClientState _clients[MAX_CLIENTS]; static int _num_clients; // keep a history of the 16 most recent seeds to be able to capture out of sync errors. static uint32 _my_seed_list[16][2]; static bool _network_ready_sent; static uint16 _network_ready_ahead = 1; static uint16 _network_client_timeout; typedef struct FutureSeeds { uint32 frame; uint32 seed[2]; } FutureSeeds; // remember some future seeds that the server sent to us. static FutureSeeds _future_seed[8]; static uint _num_future_seed; static SOCKET _listensocket; // tcp socket static SOCKET _udp_client_socket; // udp server socket static SOCKET _udp_server_socket; // udp client socket typedef struct UDPPacket { byte command_code; byte data_len; byte command_check; byte data[255]; } UDPPacket; enum { NET_UDPCMD_SERVERSEARCH = 1, NET_UDPCMD_SERVERACTIVE, NET_UDPCMD_GETSERVERINFO, NET_UDPCMD_SERVERINFO, }; void NetworkUDPSend(bool client, struct sockaddr_in recv,struct UDPPacket packet); static void CloseClient(ClientState *cs); void NetworkSendWelcome(ClientState *cs, bool direct); uint32 _network_ip_list[10]; // network ip list // this is set to point to the savegame static byte *_transmit_file; static size_t _transmit_file_size; static FILE *_recv_file; typedef struct NetworkGameInfo { char server_name[40]; // name of the game char server_revision[8]; // server game version byte server_lang; // langid byte players_max; // max players allowed on server byte players_on; // current count of players on server uint16 game_date; // current date char game_password[10]; // should fit ... 10 chars char map_name[40]; // map which is played ["random" for a randomized map] uint map_width; // map width / 8 uint map_height; // map height / 8 byte map_set; // graphical set } NetworkGameInfo; typedef struct NetworkGameList { NetworkGameInfo item; uint32 ip; uint16 port; char * _next; } NetworkGameList; static NetworkGameInfo _network_game; static NetworkGameList * _network_game_list = NULL; /* multi os compatible sleep function */ void CSleep(int milliseconds) { #if defined(WIN32) Sleep(milliseconds); #endif #if defined(UNIX) #if !defined(__BEOS__) && !defined(__MORPHOS__) && !defined(__AMIGAOS__) usleep(milliseconds*1000); #endif #ifdef __BEOS__ snooze(milliseconds*1000); #endif #if defined(__MORPHOS__) usleep(milliseconds*1000); #endif #if defined(__AMIGAOS__) && !defined(__MORPHOS__) { ULONG signals; ULONG TimerSigBit = 1 << TimerPort->mp_SigBit; // send IORequest TimerRequest->tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST; TimerRequest->tr_time.tv_secs = (milliseconds * 1000) / 1000000; TimerRequest->tr_time.tv_micro = (milliseconds * 1000) % 1000000; SendIO((struct IORequest *)TimerRequest); if ( !((signals = Wait(TimerSigBit|SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C)) & TimerSigBit) ) { AbortIO((struct IORequest *)TimerRequest); } WaitIO((struct IORequest *)TimerRequest); } #endif // __AMIGAOS__ && !__MORPHOS__ #endif } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ****************************** // // * Network Error Handlers * // // ****************************** // static void NetworkHandleSaveGameError() { _networking_sync = false; _networking_queuing = true; _switch_mode = SM_MENU; _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NETWORK_ERR_SAVEGAMEERROR; } static void NetworkHandleConnectionLost() { _networking_sync = false; _networking_queuing = true; _switch_mode = SM_MENU; _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NETWORK_ERR_LOSTCONNECTION; } static void NetworkHandleDeSync() { DEBUG(net, 0) ("[NET] Fatal ERROR: network sync error at frame %i", _frame_counter); { int i; for (i=15; i>=0; i--) DEBUG(net,0) ("[NET] frame %i: [0]=%i, [1]=%i",_frame_counter-(i+1),_my_seed_list[i][0],_my_seed_list[i][1]); for (i=0; i<8; i++) DEBUG(net,0) ("[NET] frame %i: [0]=%i, [1]=%i",_frame_counter+i,_future_seed[i].seed[0],_future_seed[i].seed[1]); } _networking_sync = false; _networking_queuing = true; _switch_mode = SM_MENU; _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NETWORK_ERR_DESYNC; } // ****************************** // // * TCP Packets and Handlers * // // ****************************** // static QueuedCommand *AllocQueuedCommand(CommandQueue *nq) { QueuedCommand *qp = (QueuedCommand*)calloc(sizeof(QueuedCommand), 1); assert(qp); *nq->last = qp; nq->last = &qp->next; return qp; } static void QueueClear(CommandQueue *nq) { QueuedCommand *qp; while ((qp=nq->head)) { // unlink it. if (!(nq->head = qp->next)) nq->last = &nq->head; free(qp); } nq->last = &nq->head; } // go through the player queues for each player and see if there are any pending commands // that should be executed this frame. if there are, execute them. void NetworkProcessCommands() { CommandQueue *nq; QueuedCommand *qp; // queue mode ? if (_networking_queuing) return; nq = &_command_queue; while ( (qp=nq->head) && (!_networking_sync || qp->frame <= _frame_counter)) { // unlink it. if (!(nq->head = qp->next)) nq->last = &nq->head; if (qp->frame < _frame_counter && _networking_sync) { DEBUG(net,0) ("error: !qp->cp.frame < _frame_counter, %d < %d\n", qp->frame, _frame_counter); } // run the command _current_player = qp->cp.player; memcpy(_decode_parameters, qp->cp.dp, (qp->cp.packet_length - COMMAND_PACKET_BASE_SIZE)); DoCommandP(qp->cp.tile, qp->cp.p1, qp->cp.p2, qp->callback, qp->cmd | CMD_DONT_NETWORK); free(qp); } if (!_networking_server) { // remember the random seed so we can check if we're out of sync. _my_seed_list[_frame_counter & 15][0] = _sync_seed_1; _my_seed_list[_frame_counter & 15][1] = _sync_seed_2; while (_num_future_seed) { assert(_future_seed[0].frame >= _frame_counter); if (_future_seed[0].frame != _frame_counter) break; if (_future_seed[0].seed[0] != _sync_seed_1 ||_future_seed[0].seed[1] != _sync_seed_2) NetworkHandleDeSync(); memcpy_overlapping(_future_seed, _future_seed + 1, --_num_future_seed * sizeof(FutureSeeds)); } } } // send a packet to a client static void SendBytes(ClientState *cs, void *bytes, uint len) { byte *b = (byte*)bytes; uint n; Packet *p; assert(len != 0); // see if there's space in the last packet? if (!cs->head || (p = (Packet*)cs->last, p->siz == sizeof(p->buf))) p = NULL; do { if (!p) { // need to allocate a new packet buffer. p = (Packet*)malloc(sizeof(Packet)); // insert at the end of the linked list. *cs->last = p; cs->last = &p->next; p->next = NULL; p->siz = 0; } // copy bytes to packet. n = minu(sizeof(p->buf) - p->siz, len); memcpy(p->buf + p->siz, b, n); p->siz += n; b += n; p = NULL; } while (len -= n); } // send data direct to a client static void SendDirectBytes(ClientState *cs, void *bytes, uint len) { char *buf = (char*)bytes; uint n; n = send(cs->socket, buf, len, 0); if (n == -1) { int err = GET_LAST_ERROR(); DEBUG(net, 0) ("[NET] send() failed with error %d", err); CloseClient(cs); } } // client: // add it to the client's ack queue, and send the command to the server // server: // add it to the server's player queue, and send it to all clients. void NetworkSendCommand(TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, uint32 cmd, CommandCallback *callback) { int nump; QueuedCommand *qp; ClientState *cs; qp = AllocQueuedCommand(_networking_server ? &_command_queue : &_ack_queue); qp->cp.packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_COMMAND; qp->cp.tile = tile; qp->cp.p1 = p1; qp->cp.p2 = p2; qp->cp.cmd = (uint16)cmd; qp->cp.player = _local_player; qp->cp.when = 0; qp->cmd = cmd; qp->callback = callback; // so the server knows when to execute it. qp->frame = _frame_counter + 5; // calculate the amount of extra bytes. nump = 8; while ( nump != 0 && ((uint32*)_decode_parameters)[nump-1] == 0) nump--; qp->cp.packet_length = COMMAND_PACKET_BASE_SIZE + nump * sizeof(uint32); if (nump != 0) memcpy(qp->cp.dp, _decode_parameters, nump * sizeof(uint32)); #if defined(TTD_BIG_ENDIAN) // need to convert the command to little endian before sending it. { CommandPacket cp; cp = qp->cp; cp.cmd = TO_LE16(cp.cmd); cp.tile = TO_LE16(cp.tile); cp.p1 = TO_LE32(cp.p1); cp.p2 = TO_LE32(cp.p2); for(cs=_clients; cs->socket != INVALID_SOCKET; cs++) if (!cs->inactive) SendBytes(cs, &cp, cp.packet_length); } #else // send it to the peers for(cs=_clients; cs->socket != INVALID_SOCKET; cs++) if (!cs->inactive) SendBytes(cs, &qp->cp, qp->cp.packet_length); #endif } // client: // server sends a command from another player that we should execute. // put it in the command queue. // // server: // client sends a command that it wants to execute. // fill the when field so the client knows when to execute it. // put it in the appropriate player queue. // send it to all other clients. // send an ack packet to the actual client. static void HandleCommandPacket(ClientState *cs, CommandPacket *np) { QueuedCommand *qp; ClientState *c; AckPacket ap; int i; DEBUG(net, 2) ("[NET] cmd size %d", np->packet_length); assert(np->packet_length >= COMMAND_PACKET_BASE_SIZE); // put it into the command queue qp = AllocQueuedCommand(&_command_queue); qp->cp = *np; i = _frame_counter_max - (_frame_counter + 3); if (i<0) { qp->frame = _frame_counter_max ; } else { qp->frame = _frame_counter + 3; } qp->callback = NULL; // extra params memcpy(&qp->cp.dp, np->dp, np->packet_length - COMMAND_PACKET_BASE_SIZE); ap.packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_ACK; ap.when = _frame_counter_max-(qp->frame); ap.packet_length = sizeof(AckPacket); // send it to the peers if (_networking_server) { for(c=_clients; c->socket != INVALID_SOCKET; c++) { if (c == cs) { SendDirectBytes(c, &ap, ap.packet_length); } else { if (!cs->inactive) SendBytes(c, &qp->cp, qp->cp.packet_length); } } } // convert from little endian to big endian? #if defined(TTD_BIG_ENDIAN) qp->cp.cmd = TO_LE16(qp->cp.cmd); qp->cp.tile = TO_LE16(qp->cp.tile); qp->cp.p1 = TO_LE32(qp->cp.p1); qp->cp.p2 = TO_LE32(qp->cp.p2); #endif qp->cmd = qp->cp.cmd; } // sent from server -> client periodically to tell the client about the current tick in the server // and how far the client may progress. static void HandleSyncPacket(SyncPacket *sp) { uint32 s1,s2; _frame_counter_srv = _frame_counter_max - sp->server; _frame_counter_max += sp->frames; // reset network ready packet state _network_ready_sent = false; // queueing only? if (_networking_queuing || _frame_counter == 0) return; s1 = TO_LE32(sp->random_seed_1); s2 = TO_LE32(sp->random_seed_2); DEBUG(net, 3) ("[NET] sync seeds: frame=%i 1=%i 2=%i",_frame_counter, sp->random_seed_1, sp->random_seed_2); if (_frame_counter_srv <= _frame_counter) { // we are ahead of the server check if the seed is in our list. if (_frame_counter_srv + 16 > _frame_counter) { // the random seed exists in our array check it. if (s1 != _my_seed_list[_frame_counter_srv & 0xF][0] || s2 != _my_seed_list[_frame_counter_srv & 0xF][1]) NetworkHandleDeSync(); } } else { // the server's frame has not been executed yet. store the server's seed in a list. if (_num_future_seed < lengthof(_future_seed)) { _future_seed[_num_future_seed].frame = _frame_counter_srv; _future_seed[_num_future_seed].seed[0] = s1; _future_seed[_num_future_seed].seed[1] = s2; _num_future_seed++; } } } // sent from server -> client as an acknowledgement that the server received the command. // the command will be executed at the current value of "max". static void HandleAckPacket(AckPacket * ap) { QueuedCommand *q; // move a packet from the ack queue to the end of this player's queue. q = _ack_queue.head; assert(q); if (!(_ack_queue.head = q->next)) _ack_queue.last = &_ack_queue.head; q->next = NULL; q->frame = (_frame_counter_max - (ap->when)); *_command_queue.last = q; _command_queue.last = &q->next; DEBUG(net, 2) ("[NET] ack [frame=%i]",q->frame); } static void HandleFilePacket(FilePacketHdr *fp) { int n = fp->packet_length - sizeof(FilePacketHdr); if (n == 0) { assert(_networking_queuing); assert(!_networking_sync); // eof if (_recv_file) { fclose(_recv_file); _recv_file = NULL; } // attempt loading the game. _game_mode = GM_NORMAL; if (SaveOrLoad("networkc.tmp", SL_LOAD) != SL_OK) { NetworkCoreDisconnect(); NetworkHandleSaveGameError(); return; } // sync to server. _networking_queuing = false; NetworkStartSync(false); if (_network_playas == 0) { // send a command to make a new player _local_player = 0; NetworkSendCommand(0, 0, 0, CMD_PLAYER_CTRL, NULL); _local_player = OWNER_SPECTATOR; } else { // take control over an existing company if (DEREF_PLAYER(_network_playas-1)->is_active) _local_player = _network_playas-1; else _local_player = OWNER_SPECTATOR; } } else { if(!_recv_file) { _recv_file = fopen("networkc.tmp", "wb"); if (!_recv_file) error("can't open savefile"); } fwrite( (char*)fp + sizeof(*fp), n, 1, _recv_file); } } static void HandleWelcomePacket(WelcomePacket *wp) { int i; for (i=0; iplayer_seeds[i][0]; _player_seeds[i][1]=wp->player_seeds[i][1]; } if (wp->frames_srv != 0) { _frame_counter_max = wp->frames_max; _frame_counter_srv = wp->frames_srv; } if (wp->frames_cnt != 0) { _frame_counter = wp->frames_cnt; } } static void HandleReadyPacket(ReadyPacket *rp, ClientState *cs) { cs->ready=true; cs->timeout=_network_client_timeout; } static void CloseClient(ClientState *cs) { Packet *p, *next; DEBUG(net, 1) ("[NET][TCP] closed client connection"); assert(cs->socket != INVALID_SOCKET); closesocket(cs->socket); // free buffers for(p = cs->head; p; p=next) { next = p->next; free(p); } // copy up structs... while ((cs+1)->socket != INVALID_SOCKET) { *cs = *(cs+1); cs++; } cs->socket = INVALID_SOCKET; if (_networking_server) _network_game.players_on--; _num_clients--; } #define NETWORK_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 static bool ReadPackets(ClientState *cs) { byte network_buffer[NETWORK_BUFFER_SIZE]; uint pos,size; unsigned long recv_bytes; size = cs->buflen; for(;;) { if (size != 0) memcpy(network_buffer, cs->buf, size); recv_bytes = recv(cs->socket, (char*)network_buffer + size, sizeof(network_buffer) - size, 0); if ( recv_bytes == (unsigned long)-1) { int err = GET_LAST_ERROR(); if (err == EWOULDBLOCK) break; DEBUG(net, 0) ("[NET] recv() failed with error %d", err); CloseClient(cs); return false; } // no more bytes for now? if (recv_bytes == 0) break; size += recv_bytes; // number of bytes read. pos = 0; while (size >= 2) { byte *packet = network_buffer + pos; // whole packet not there yet? if (size < packet[0]) break; size -= packet[0]; pos += packet[0]; switch(packet[1]) { case PACKET_TYPE_WELCOME: HandleWelcomePacket((WelcomePacket *)packet); break; case PACKET_TYPE_COMMAND: HandleCommandPacket(cs, (CommandPacket*)packet); break; case PACKET_TYPE_SYNC: assert(_networking_sync || _networking_queuing); assert(!_networking_server); HandleSyncPacket((SyncPacket*)packet); break; case PACKET_TYPE_ACK: assert(!_networking_server); HandleAckPacket((AckPacket*)packet); break; case PACKET_TYPE_XMIT: HandleFilePacket((FilePacketHdr*)packet); break; case PACKET_TYPE_READY: HandleReadyPacket((ReadyPacket*)packet, cs); break; default: DEBUG (net,0) ("net: unknown packet type"); } } assert(size < sizeof(cs->buf)); memcpy(cs->buf, network_buffer + pos, size); } cs->buflen = size; return true; } static bool SendPackets(ClientState *cs) { Packet *p; int n; uint nskip = cs->eaten, nsent = nskip; // try sending as much as possible. for(p=cs->head; p ;p = p->next) { if (p->siz) { assert(nskip < p->siz); n = send(cs->socket, p->buf + nskip, p->siz - nskip, 0); if (n == -1) { int err = GET_LAST_ERROR(); if (err == EWOULDBLOCK) break; DEBUG(net, 0) ("[NET] send() failed with error %d", err); CloseClient(cs); return false; } nsent += n; // send was not able to send it all? then we assume that the os buffer is full and break. if (nskip + n != p->siz) break; nskip = 0; } } // nsent bytes in the linked list are not invalid. free as many buffers as possible. // don't actually free the last buffer. while (nsent) { p = cs->head; assert(p->siz != 0); // some bytes of the packet are still unsent. if ( (int)(nsent - p->siz) < 0) break; nsent -= p->siz; p->siz = 0; if (p->next) { cs->head = p->next; free(p); } } cs->eaten = nsent; return true; } // transmit the file.. static void SendXmit(ClientState *cs) { uint pos, n; FilePacketHdr hdr; int p; // if too many unsent bytes left in buffer, don't send more. if (cs->head && cs->head->next) return; pos = cs->xmitpos - 1; p = 20; do { // compute size of data to xmit n = minu(_transmit_file_size - pos, 248); hdr.packet_length = n + sizeof(hdr); hdr.packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_XMIT; SendBytes(cs, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)); if (n == 0) { pos = -1; // eof break; } SendBytes(cs, _transmit_file + pos, n); pos += n; } while (--p); cs->xmitpos = pos + 1; if (cs->xmitpos == 0) { NetworkSendWelcome(cs,false); } DEBUG(net, 2) ("[NET] client xmit at %d", pos + 1); } static ClientState *AllocClient(SOCKET s) { ClientState *cs; if (_num_clients == MAX_CLIENTS) return NULL; if (_networking_server) _network_game.players_on++; cs = &_clients[_num_clients++]; memset(cs, 0, sizeof(*cs)); cs->last = &cs->head; cs->socket = s; cs->timeout = _network_client_timeout; return cs; } void NetworkSendReadyPacket() { if ((!_network_ready_sent) && (_frame_counter + _network_ready_ahead >= _frame_counter_max)) { ReadyPacket *rp = malloc(sizeof(rp)); ClientState *c = _clients; rp->packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_READY; rp->packet_length = sizeof(rp); SendBytes(c, rp, sizeof(rp)); _network_ready_sent = true; } } void NetworkSendSyncPackets() { ClientState *cs; uint32 new_max; SyncPacket sp; new_max = _frame_counter + (int)_network_sync_freq; DEBUG(net,3) ("net: serv: sync frame=%i,max=%i, seed1=%i, seed2=%i",new_max,_sync_seed_1,_sync_seed_2); sp.packet_length = sizeof(sp); sp.packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_SYNC; sp.frames = new_max - _frame_counter_max; sp.server = _frame_counter_max - _frame_counter; sp.random_seed_1 = TO_LE32(_sync_seed_1); sp.random_seed_2 = TO_LE32(_sync_seed_2); _frame_counter_max = new_max; // send it to all the clients and mark them unready for(cs=_clients;cs->socket != INVALID_SOCKET; cs++) { cs->ready=false; SendBytes(cs, &sp, sizeof(sp)); } } void NetworkSendWelcome(ClientState *cs, bool direct) { WelcomePacket wp; int i; wp.packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_WELCOME; wp.packet_length = sizeof(WelcomePacket); for (i=0; iinactive = true; } } // when a new client has joined. it needs different information depending on if it's at the game menu or in an active game. // Game menu: // - list of players already in the game (name, company name, face, color) // - list of game settings and patch settings // Active game: // - the state of the world (includes player name, company name, player face, player color) // - list of the patch settings // Networking can be in several "states". // * not sync - games don't need to be in sync, and frame counter is not synced. for example intro screen. all commands are executed immediately. // * sync - games are in sync } static void SendQueuedCommandsToNewClient(ClientState *cs) { // send the commands in the server queue to the new client. QueuedCommand *qp; SyncPacket sp; uint32 frame; DEBUG(net, 2) ("[NET] sending queued commands to client"); sp.packet_length = sizeof(sp); sp.packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_SYNC; sp.random_seed_1 = sp.random_seed_2 = 0; sp.server = 0; frame = _frame_counter; for(qp=_command_queue.head; qp; qp = qp->next) { DEBUG(net, 4) ("[NET] sending cmd to be executed at %d (old %d)", qp->frame, frame); if (qp->frame > frame) { assert(qp->frame <= _frame_counter_max); sp.frames = qp->frame - frame; frame = qp->frame; SendBytes(cs, &sp, sizeof(sp)); } SendBytes(cs, &qp->cp, qp->cp.packet_length); } if (frame < _frame_counter_max) { DEBUG(net, 4) ("[NET] sending queued sync %d (%d)", _frame_counter_max, frame); sp.frames = _frame_counter_max - frame; SendBytes(cs, &sp, sizeof(sp)); } } bool NetworkCheckClientReady() { bool ready_all = true; uint16 count = 0; ClientState *cs; for(cs=_clients;cs->socket != INVALID_SOCKET; cs++) { count++; ready_all = ready_all && (cs->ready || cs->inactive || (cs->xmitpos>0)); if (!cs->ready) cs->timeout-=1; if (cs->timeout == 0) { SET_DPARAM16(0,count); ShowErrorMessage(-1,STR_NETWORK_ERR_TIMEOUT,0,0); CloseClient(cs); } } return ready_all; } // ************************** // // * TCP Networking * // // ************************** // unsigned long NetworkResolveHost(const char *hostname) { struct hostent* remotehost; if ((hostname[0]<0x30) || (hostname[0]>0x39)) { // seems to be an hostname [first character is no number] remotehost = gethostbyname(hostname); if (remotehost == NULL) { DEBUG(net, 1) ("[NET][IP] cannot resolve %s", hostname); return 0; } else { DEBUG(net, 1) ("[NET][IP] resolved %s to %s",hostname, inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *) remotehost->h_addr_list[0])); return inet_addr(inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *) remotehost->h_addr_list[0])); } } else { // seems to be an ip [first character is a number] return inet_addr(hostname); } } bool NetworkConnect(const char *hostname, int port) { SOCKET s; struct sockaddr_in sin; int b; DEBUG(net, 1) ("[NET][TCP] Connecting to %s %d", hostname, port); s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) error("socket() failed"); b = 1; setsockopt(s, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (const char*)&b, sizeof(b)); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_addr.s_addr = NetworkResolveHost(hostname); sin.sin_port = htons(port); if (connect(s, (struct sockaddr*) &sin, sizeof(sin)) != 0) { NetworkClose(true); return false; } // set nonblocking mode for socket.. { unsigned long blocking = 1; ioctlsocket(s, FIONBIO, &blocking); } // in client mode, only the first client field is used. it's pointing to the server. AllocClient(s); // queue packets.. because we're waiting for the savegame. _networking_queuing = true; _frame_counter_max = 0; return true; } void NetworkListen() { SOCKET ls; struct sockaddr_in sin; int port; port = _network_server_port; DEBUG(net, 1) ("[NET][TCP] listening on port %d", port); ls = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (ls == INVALID_SOCKET) error("socket() on listen socket failed"); // reuse the socket { int reuse = 1; if (setsockopt(ls, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char*)&reuse, sizeof(reuse)) == -1) error("setsockopt() on listen socket failed"); } // set nonblocking mode for socket { unsigned long blocking = 1; ioctlsocket(ls, FIONBIO, &blocking); } sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_addr.s_addr = 0; sin.sin_port = htons(port); if (bind(ls, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, sizeof(sin)) != 0) error("bind() failed"); if (listen(ls, 1) != 0) error("listen() failed"); _listensocket = ls; } void NetworkReceive() { ClientState *cs; int n; fd_set read_fd, write_fd; struct timeval tv; FD_ZERO(&read_fd); FD_ZERO(&write_fd); for(cs=_clients;cs->socket != INVALID_SOCKET; cs++) { FD_SET(cs->socket, &read_fd); FD_SET(cs->socket, &write_fd); } // take care of listener port if (_networking_server) { FD_SET(_listensocket, &read_fd); } tv.tv_sec = tv.tv_usec = 0; // don't block at all. #if !defined(__MORPHOS__) && !defined(__AMIGA__) n = select(FD_SETSIZE, &read_fd, &write_fd, NULL, &tv); #else n = WaitSelect(FD_SETSIZE, &read_fd, &write_fd, NULL, &tv, NULL); #endif if ((n == -1) && (!_networking_server)) NetworkHandleConnectionLost(); // accept clients.. if (_networking_server && FD_ISSET(_listensocket, &read_fd)) NetworkAcceptClients(); // read stuff from clients for(cs=_clients;cs->socket != INVALID_SOCKET; cs++) { cs->writable = !!FD_ISSET(cs->socket, &write_fd); if (FD_ISSET(cs->socket, &read_fd)) { if (!ReadPackets(cs)) cs--; } } // if we're a server, and any client needs a snapshot, create a snapshot and send all commands from the server queue to the client. if (_networking_server && _transmit_file == NULL) { bool didsave = false; for(cs=_clients;cs->socket != INVALID_SOCKET; cs++) { if (cs->inactive) { cs->inactive = false; // found a client waiting for a snapshot. make a snapshot. if (!didsave) { char filename[256]; sprintf(filename, "%snetwork.tmp", _path.autosave_dir); didsave = true; if (SaveOrLoad(filename, SL_SAVE) != SL_OK) error("network savedump failed"); _transmit_file = ReadFileToMem(filename, &_transmit_file_size, 500000); if (_transmit_file == NULL) error("network savedump failed to load"); } // and start sending the file.. cs->xmitpos = 1; // send queue of commands to client. SendQueuedCommandsToNewClient(cs); NetworkSendWelcome(cs, true); } } } } void NetworkSend() { ClientState *cs; void *free_xmit; free_xmit = _transmit_file; // send stuff to all clients for(cs=_clients;cs->socket != INVALID_SOCKET; cs++) { if (cs->xmitpos) { if (cs->writable) SendXmit(cs); free_xmit = NULL; } if (cs->writable) { if (!SendPackets(cs)) cs--; } } // no clients left that xmit the file, free it. if (free_xmit) { _transmit_file = NULL; free(free_xmit); } } void NetworkInitialize() { ClientState *cs; QueueClear(&_command_queue); QueueClear(&_ack_queue); _command_queue.last = &_command_queue.head; // invalidate all clients for(cs=_clients; cs != &_clients[MAX_CLIENTS]; cs++) cs->socket = INVALID_SOCKET; } void NetworkClose(bool client) { ClientState *cs; // invalidate all clients for(cs=_clients; cs != &_clients[MAX_CLIENTS]; cs++) if (cs->socket != INVALID_SOCKET) { CloseClient(cs); } if (!client) { // if in servermode --> close listener closesocket(_listensocket); _listensocket= INVALID_SOCKET; DEBUG(net, 1) ("[NET][TCP] closed listener on port %i", _network_server_port); } } void NetworkShutdown() { _networking_server = false; _networking = false; _networking_sync = false; _frame_counter = 0; _frame_counter_max = 0; _frame_counter_srv = 0; } // switch to synced mode. void NetworkStartSync(bool fcreset) { DEBUG(net, 3) ("[NET][SYNC] switching to synced game mode"); _networking_sync = true; _frame_counter = 0; if (fcreset) { _frame_counter_max = 0; _frame_counter_srv = 0; } _num_future_seed = 0; _sync_seed_1 = _sync_seed_2 = 0; memset(_my_seed_list, 0, sizeof(_my_seed_list)); } // ********************************* // // * Network Core Console Commands * // // ********************************* // static _iconsole_var * NetworkConsoleCmdConnect(byte argc, byte* argv[], byte argt[]) { if (argc<2) return NULL; if (argc==2) { IConsolePrintF(_iconsole_color_default, "connecting to %s",argv[1]); NetworkCoreConnectGame(argv[1],_network_server_port); } else if (argc==3) { IConsolePrintF(_iconsole_color_default, "connecting to %s on port %s",argv[1],argv[2]); NetworkCoreConnectGame(argv[1],atoi(argv[2])); } else if (argc==4) { IConsolePrintF(_iconsole_color_default, "connecting to %s on port %s as player %s",argv[1],argv[2],argv[3]); _network_playas = atoi(argv[3]); NetworkCoreConnectGame(argv[1],atoi(argv[2])); } return NULL; } // ************************** // // * UDP Network Extensions * // // ************************** // void NetworkUDPListen(bool client) { SOCKET udp; struct sockaddr_in sin; int port; if (client) { port = _network_client_port; } else { port = _network_server_port; }; DEBUG(net, 1) ("[NET][UDP] listening on port %i", port); udp = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); // this disables network _network_available = !(udp == INVALID_SOCKET); // set nonblocking mode for socket { unsigned long blocking = 1; ioctlsocket(udp, FIONBIO, &blocking); } sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_addr.s_addr = 0; sin.sin_port = htons(port); if (bind(udp, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, sizeof(sin)) != 0) DEBUG(net, 1) ("[NET][UDP] error: bind failed on port %i", port); // enable broadcasting { unsigned long val=1; setsockopt(udp, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char *) &val , sizeof(val)); } // allow reusing { unsigned long val=1; setsockopt(udp, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) &val , sizeof(val)); } if (client) { _udp_client_socket = udp; } else { _udp_server_socket = udp; } ; } void NetworkUDPClose(bool client) { if (client) { DEBUG(net, 1) ("[NET][UDP] closed listener on port %i", _network_client_port); closesocket(_udp_client_socket); _udp_client_socket = INVALID_SOCKET; } else { DEBUG(net, 1) ("[NET][UDP] closed listener on port %i", _network_server_port); closesocket(_udp_server_socket); _udp_server_socket = INVALID_SOCKET; }; } void NetworkUDPReceive(bool client) { struct sockaddr_in client_addr; #ifndef __MORPHOS__ int client_len; #else LONG client_len; // for some reason we need a 'LONG' under MorphOS #endif int nbytes; struct UDPPacket packet; int packet_len; SOCKET udp; if (client) udp=_udp_client_socket; else udp=_udp_server_socket; packet_len = sizeof(packet); client_len = sizeof(client_addr); nbytes = recvfrom(udp, (char *) &packet, packet_len , 0, (struct sockaddr *) &client_addr, &client_len); if (nbytes>0) { if (packet.command_code==packet.command_check) switch (packet.command_code) { case NET_UDPCMD_SERVERSEARCH: if (!client) { packet.command_check=packet.command_code=NET_UDPCMD_SERVERINFO; memcpy(&packet.data,&_network_game,sizeof(_network_game)); packet.data_len=sizeof(_network_game); NetworkUDPSend(client,client_addr, packet); } break; case NET_UDPCMD_GETSERVERINFO: if (!client) { packet.command_check=packet.command_code=NET_UDPCMD_SERVERINFO; memcpy(&packet.data,&_network_game,sizeof(_network_game)); packet.data_len=sizeof(_network_game); NetworkUDPSend(client,client_addr, packet); } break; case NET_UDPCMD_SERVERINFO: if (client) { NetworkGameList * item; item = (NetworkGameList *) NetworkGameListAdd(); item -> ip = inet_addr(inet_ntoa(client_addr.sin_addr)); item -> port = ntohs(client_addr.sin_port); memcpy(item,&packet.data,packet.data_len); } break; } } } void NetworkUDPBroadCast(bool client, struct UDPPacket packet) { int i=0, res; struct sockaddr_in out_addr; uint32 bcaddr; byte * bcptr; SOCKET udp; if (client) udp=_udp_client_socket; else udp=_udp_server_socket; while (_network_ip_list[i]!=0) { bcaddr=_network_ip_list[i]; out_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; if (client) { out_addr.sin_port = htons(_network_server_port); } else { out_addr.sin_port = htons(_network_client_port); }; bcptr = (byte *) &bcaddr; bcptr[3]=255; out_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = bcaddr; res=sendto(udp,(char *) &packet,sizeof(packet),0,(struct sockaddr *) &out_addr,sizeof(out_addr)); if (res==-1) DEBUG(net, 1)("udp: broadcast error: %i",GET_LAST_ERROR()); i++; } } void NetworkUDPSend(bool client, struct sockaddr_in recv,struct UDPPacket packet) { SOCKET udp; if (client) udp=_udp_client_socket; else udp=_udp_server_socket; sendto(udp,(char *) &packet,sizeof(packet),0,(struct sockaddr *) &recv,sizeof(recv)); } bool NetworkUDPSearchGame(const byte ** _network_detected_serverip, unsigned short * _network_detected_serverport) { struct UDPPacket packet; int timeout=3000; NetworkGameListClear(); DEBUG(net, 0) ("[NET][UDP] searching server"); *_network_detected_serverip = ""; *_network_detected_serverport = 0; packet.command_check=packet.command_code=NET_UDPCMD_SERVERSEARCH; packet.data_len=0; NetworkUDPBroadCast(true, packet); while (timeout>=0) { CSleep(100); timeout-=100; NetworkUDPReceive(true); if (_network_game_count>0) { NetworkGameList * item; item = (NetworkGameList *) NetworkGameListItem(0); *_network_detected_serverip=inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *) &item->ip); *_network_detected_serverport=item->port; timeout=-1; DEBUG(net, 0) ("[NET][UDP] server found on %s", *_network_detected_serverip); } } return (*_network_detected_serverport>0); } // *************************** // // * New Network Core System * // // *************************** // void NetworkIPListInit() { struct hostent* he = NULL; char hostname[250]; uint32 bcaddr; int i=0; gethostname(hostname,250); DEBUG(net, 2) ("[NET][IP] init for host %s", hostname); he=gethostbyname((char *) hostname); if (he == NULL) { he = gethostbyname("localhost"); } if (he == NULL) { bcaddr = inet_addr(""); he = gethostbyaddr(inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *) &bcaddr), sizeof(bcaddr), AF_INET); } if (he == NULL) { DEBUG(net, 2) ("[NET][IP] cannot resolve %s", hostname); } else { while(he->h_addr_list[i]) { bcaddr = inet_addr(inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *) he->h_addr_list[i])); _network_ip_list[i]=bcaddr; DEBUG(net, 2) ("[NET][IP] add %s",inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *) he->h_addr_list[i])); i++; } } _network_ip_list[i]=0; } /* *************************************************** */ void NetworkCoreInit() { DEBUG(net, 3) ("[NET][Core] init()"); _network_available=true; _network_client_timeout=300; // [win32] winsock startup #if defined(WIN32) { WSADATA wsa; DEBUG(net, 3) ("[NET][Core] using windows socket library"); if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsa) != 0) { DEBUG(net, 3) ("[NET][Core] error: WSAStartup failed"); _network_available=false; } } #else // [morphos/amigaos] bsd-socket startup #if defined(__MORPHOS__) || defined(__AMIGA__) { DEBUG(misc,3) ("[NET][Core] using bsd socket library"); if (!(SocketBase = OpenLibrary("bsdsocket.library", 4))) { DEBUG(net, 3) ("[NET][Core] Couldn't open bsdsocket.library version 4."); _network_available=false; } #if !defined(__MORPHOS__) // for usleep() implementation (only required for legacy AmigaOS builds) if ( (TimerPort = CreateMsgPort()) ) { if ( (TimerRequest = (struct timerequest *) CreateIORequest(TimerPort, sizeof(struct timerequest))) ) { if ( OpenDevice("timer.device", UNIT_MICROHZ, (struct IORequest *) TimerRequest, 0) == 0 ) { if ( !(TimerBase = TimerRequest->tr_node.io_Device) ) { // free ressources... DEBUG(net, 3) ("[NET][Core] Couldn't initialize timer."); _network_available=false; } } } } #endif } #else // [linux/macos] unix-socket startup DEBUG(net, 3) ("[NET][Core] using unix socket library"); #endif #endif if (_network_available) { DEBUG(net, 3) ("[NET][Core] OK: multiplayer available"); // initiate network ip list NetworkIPListInit(); IConsoleCmdRegister("connect",NetworkConsoleCmdConnect); IConsoleVarRegister("net_client_timeout",&_network_client_timeout,ICONSOLE_VAR_UINT16); IConsoleVarRegister("net_ready_ahead",&_network_ready_ahead,ICONSOLE_VAR_UINT16); IConsoleVarRegister("net_sync_freq",&_network_sync_freq,ICONSOLE_VAR_UINT16); } else { DEBUG(net, 3) ("[NET][Core] FAILED: multiplayer not available"); } } /* *************************************************** */ void NetworkCoreShutdown() { DEBUG(net, 3) ("[NET][Core] shutdown()"); #if defined(__MORPHOS__) || defined(__AMIGA__) { // free allocated ressources #if !defined(__MORPHOS__) if (TimerBase) { CloseDevice((struct IORequest *) TimerRequest); } if (TimerRequest) { DeleteIORequest(TimerRequest); } if (TimerPort) { DeleteMsgPort(TimerPort); } #endif if (SocketBase) { CloseLibrary(SocketBase); } } #endif #if defined(WIN32) { WSACleanup(); } #endif } /* *************************************************** */ bool NetworkCoreConnectGame(const byte* b, unsigned short port) { if (!_network_available) return false; if (strcmp(b,"auto")==0) { // do autodetect NetworkUDPSearchGame(&b, &port); } if (port==0) { // autodetection failed if (_networking_override) NetworkLobbyShutdown(); ShowErrorMessage(-1, STR_NETWORK_ERR_NOSERVER, 0, 0); _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NETWORK_ERR_NOSERVER; return false; } NetworkInitialize(); _networking = NetworkConnect(b, port); if (_networking) { NetworkLobbyShutdown(); } else { if (_networking_override) NetworkLobbyShutdown(); ShowErrorMessage(-1, STR_NETWORK_ERR_NOCONNECTION,0,0); _switch_mode_errorstr = STR_NETWORK_ERR_NOCONNECTION; } return _networking; } /* *************************************************** */ bool NetworkCoreStartGame() { if (!_network_available) return false; NetworkLobbyShutdown(); NetworkInitialize(); NetworkListen(); NetworkUDPListen(false); _networking_server = true; _networking = true; NetworkGameFillDefaults(); // clears the network game info _network_game.players_on++; // the serverplayer is online return true; } /* *************************************************** */ void NetworkCoreDisconnect() { /* terminate server */ if (_networking_server) { NetworkUDPClose(false); NetworkClose(false); } /* terminate client connection */ else if (_networking) { NetworkClose(true); } NetworkShutdown(); } /* *************************************************** */ void NetworkCoreLoop(bool incomming) { if (incomming) { // incomming if ( _udp_client_socket != INVALID_SOCKET ) NetworkUDPReceive(true); if ( _udp_server_socket != INVALID_SOCKET ) NetworkUDPReceive(false); if (_networking) { NetworkReceive(); } } else { if ( _udp_client_socket != INVALID_SOCKET ) NetworkUDPReceive(true); if ( _udp_server_socket != INVALID_SOCKET ) NetworkUDPReceive(false); if (_networking) { NetworkSend(); } } } void NetworkLobbyInit() { DEBUG(net, 3) ("[NET][Lobby] init()"); NetworkUDPListen(true); } void NetworkLobbyShutdown() { DEBUG(net, 3) ("[NET][Lobby] shutdown()"); NetworkUDPClose(true); } // ******************************** // // * Network Game List Extensions * // // ******************************** // void NetworkGameListClear() { NetworkGameList * item; NetworkGameList * next; DEBUG(net, 4) ("[NET][G-List] cleared server list"); item = _network_game_list; while (item != NULL) { next = (NetworkGameList *) item -> _next; free (item); item = next; } _network_game_list=NULL; _network_game_count=0; } char * NetworkGameListAdd() { NetworkGameList * item; NetworkGameList * before; DEBUG(net, 4) ("[NET][G-List] added server to list"); item = _network_game_list; before = item; while (item != NULL) { before = item; item = (NetworkGameList *) item -> _next; } item = malloc(sizeof(NetworkGameList)); item -> _next = NULL; if (before == NULL) { _network_game_list = item; } else { before -> _next = (char *) item; } _network_game_count++; return (char *) item; } void NetworkGameListFromLAN() { struct UDPPacket packet; DEBUG(net, 2) ("[NET][G-List] searching server over lan"); NetworkGameListClear(); packet.command_check=packet.command_code=NET_UDPCMD_SERVERSEARCH; packet.data_len=0; NetworkUDPBroadCast(true,packet); } void NetworkGameListFromInternet() { DEBUG(net, 2) ("[NET][G-List] searching servers over internet"); NetworkGameListClear(); // **TODO** masterserver communication [internet protocol list] } char * NetworkGameListItem(uint16 index) { NetworkGameList * item; NetworkGameList * next; uint16 cnt = 0; item = _network_game_list; while ((item != NULL) && (cnt != index)) { next = (NetworkGameList *) item -> _next; item = next; cnt++; } return (char *) item; } // *************************** // // * Network Game Extensions * // // *************************** // void NetworkGameFillDefaults() { NetworkGameInfo * game = &_network_game; #if defined(WITH_REV) extern char _openttd_revision[]; #endif DEBUG(net, 4) ("[NET][G-Info] setting defaults"); ttd_strlcpy(game->server_name,"OpenTTD Game",13); game->game_password[0]='\0'; game->map_name[0]='\0'; #if defined(WITH_REV) ttd_strlcpy(game->server_revision,_openttd_revision,strlen(_openttd_revision)); #else ttd_strlcpy(game->server_revision,"norev000",strlen("norev000")); #endif game->game_date=0; game->map_height=0; game->map_width=0; game->map_set=0; game->players_max=8; game->players_on=0; game->server_lang=_dynlang.curr; } void NetworkGameChangeDate(uint16 newdate) { if (_networking_server) { _network_game.game_date = newdate; } } #else // not ENABLE_NETWORK // stubs void NetworkInitialize() {} void NetworkShutdown() {} void NetworkListen() {} void NetworkConnect(const char *hostname, int port) {} void NetworkReceive() {} void NetworkSend() {} void NetworkSendCommand(TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, uint32 cmd, CommandCallback *callback) {} void NetworkProcessCommands() {} void NetworkStartSync(bool fcreset) {} void NetworkCoreInit() { _network_available=false; }; void NetworkCoreShutdown() {}; void NetworkCoreDisconnect() {}; void NetworkCoreLoop(bool incomming) {}; bool NetworkCoreConnectGame(const byte* b, unsigned short port) {return false;}; bool NetworkCoreStartGame() {return false;}; void NetworkLobbyShutdown() {}; void NetworkLobbyInit() {}; void NetworkGameListClear() {}; char * NetworkGameListAdd() {return NULL;}; void NetworkGameListFromLAN() {}; void NetworkGameListFromInternet() {}; void NetworkGameFillDefaults() {}; char * NetworkGameListItem(uint16 index) {return NULL;}; void NetworkGameChangeDate(uint16 newdate) {}; #endif