All bugs listed below are marked as known. Please do not submit any bugs 
that are the same as these. If you do, don't act surprised, because
we WILL flame you!!

There is an experimental AI included in the game which you can enable
from the "Configure Patches" window. All bugs related to this AI should
go to:

Of course if you have more knowledge about any of these bugs, have more
specifics, we welcome you to report them. React to the given bug indicated
by the number below on
If the the bug-report is closed, it has been fixed, which then can be verified
in the latest SVN version.

Bugs for 0.3.5
-1085486      Subsidies: Only count when station is in right suburb
-1084797      building stretch leaves gap
-1084789      delivered cargo bug
-1083941      Train gui crash assertion error
-1083717      graphical glitch
-1083710      Reverse train in depot crashes OpenTTD
-1074623      bus pathfinding inadequacies
-1074610      overtaking at signals bug
-1065168      accept iron ore doesn't produce steel
-1060686      changing (load) order doesn't take effect immediately
-1053339      depot/station looping
-1050990      Buying trains sometimes accounted for incorrectly
-1040119      Flood and wagons in depot
-1034778      train breaksdown, when breaks set to none
-1033300      signal bug
-1030918      Negative city population
-1030502      Buying up a company isn't complete
-1024703      Infinite access of A: when saving and no disk in drive
-997251       Realistic acceleration: Trains don't slow down in curves
-996503       Sound volume bug
-992677       BeOS MIDI does not initialise on newer BeOS releases
-985475       Different kinds of signals in same tile? [Bug]
-980271       Realistic acceleration bug / Lev4 Chimaera becomes useless
-978372       Inconsistent stopping.
-968036       Ship blocked at the edge

Minor Bugs for 0.3.5
-1090495      Bridges and straight lakesides
-1087407      wrong message in history
-1084620      Minor bug considering buses/trucks
-1034310      color mauve in diagrams
-1031451      Catchment area shows when buying sign.
-1031184      Smoke visible through tunnel
-1030661      It's possible to build a tunnel under oil wells
-1009171      Canals and locks at sea level cause flooding
-998902       Annoying out-of-date message
-993516       Canal + bouy -> wrong graphics.
-987891       Large UFO destruction bug
-987884       farm fences
-987883       Aircraft landing/taking off
-987880       company league table updating
-985927       many carriages in depot
-985924       aircraft taxi speed
-980276       Overflow in factory directory
-976824       transmitter base
-941694       Clipping problems stations/vehicles on slopes
-936997       Stationname too long to fit in trainwindow bug