#ifndef GUI_H #define GUI_H #include "window.h" /* main_gui.c */ void SetupColorsAndInitialWindow(); void CcPlaySound10(bool success, uint tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2); void PlaceProc_Sign(uint tile); /* settings_gui.c */ void ShowGameOptions(); void ShowGameDifficulty(); void ShowPatchesSelection(); void ShowNewgrf(); /* graph_gui.c */ void ShowOperatingProfitGraph(); void ShowIncomeGraph(); void ShowDeliveredCargoGraph(); void ShowPerformanceHistoryGraph(); void ShowCompanyValueGraph(); void ShowCargoPaymentRates(); void ShowCompanyLeagueTable(); void ShowPerformanceRatingDetail(); /* news_gui.c */ void ShowLastNewsMessage(); void ShowMessageOptions(); void ShowMessageHistory(); /* traintoolb_gui.c */ void ShowBuildRailToolbar(int index, int button); void PlaceProc_BuyLand(uint tile); /* train_gui.c */ void ShowPlayerTrains(int player, int station); void ShowTrainViewWindow(Vehicle *v); void ShowTrainDetailsWindow(Vehicle *v); void ShowOrdersWindow(Vehicle *v); void ShowRoadVehViewWindow(Vehicle *v); /* road_gui.c */ void ShowBuildRoadToolbar(); void ShowBuildRoadScenToolbar(); void ShowPlayerRoadVehicles(int player, int station); /* dock_gui.c */ void ShowBuildDocksToolbar(); void ShowPlayerShips(int player, int station); void ShowShipViewWindow(Vehicle *v); /* aircraft_gui.c */ void ShowBuildAirToolbar(); void ShowPlayerAircraft(int player, int station); /* terraform_gui.c */ void PlaceProc_DemolishArea(uint tile); void PlaceProc_LowerLand(uint tile); void PlaceProc_RaiseLand(uint tile); void PlaceProc_LevelLand(uint tile); void ShowTerraformToolbar(); /* misc_gui.c */ void PlaceLandBlockInfo(); void ShowAboutWindow(); void ShowBuildTreesToolbar(); void ShowBuildTreesScenToolbar(); void ShowTownDirectory(); void ShowIndustryDirectory(); void ShowSubsidiesList(); void ShowPlayerStations(int player); void ShowPlayerFinances(int player); void ShowPlayerCompany(int player); void ShowEstimatedCostOrIncome(int32 cost, int x, int y); void ShowErrorMessage(StringID msg_1, StringID msg_2, int x, int y); void DrawStationCoverageAreaText(int sx, int sy, uint mask,int rad); void CheckRedrawStationCoverage(Window *w); void ShowSmallMap(); void ShowExtraViewPortWindow(); void SetVScrollCount(Window *w, int num); void SetHScrollCount(Window *w, int num); int HandleEditBoxKey(Window *w, int wid, WindowEvent *we); void ShowCheatWindow(); void AskForNewGameToStart(); void DrawEditBox(Window *w, int wid); void HandleEditBox(Window *w, int wid); void BuildFileList(); void SetFiosType(const byte fiostype); /* FIOS_TYPE_FILE, FIOS_TYPE_OLDFILE etc. different colours */ static const byte _fios_colors[] = {13, 9, 9, 6, 5, 6, 5}; /* network gui */ void ShowNetworkGameWindow(); /* bridge_gui.c */ void ShowBuildBridgeWindow(uint start, uint end, byte type); enum { ZOOM_IN = 0, ZOOM_OUT = 1, ZOOM_NONE = 2, // hack, used to update the button status }; bool DoZoomInOutWindow(int how, Window * w); void ShowBuildIndustryWindow(); void ShowQueryString(StringID str, StringID caption, int maxlen, int maxwidth, byte window_class, uint16 window_number); void ShowMusicWindow(); /* main_gui.c */ VARDEF byte _newspaper_flag; VARDEF byte _construct_mode; VARDEF byte _station_show_coverage; VARDEF PlaceProc *_place_proc; VARDEF bool _no_button_sound; #endif /* GUI_H */