macro(_parse_arguments_with_multi_hack ORIGINAL_COMMAND_LINE) # cmake_parse_arguments() put all the MULTIS in a single variable; you # lose the ability to see for example multiple COMMANDs. To be able to # passthrough multiple MULTIS, we add a marker after every MULTI. This # allows us to reassemble the correct amount again before giving it to # the wrapped command with _reassemble_command_line(). set(COMMAND_LINE "${ORIGINAL_COMMAND_LINE}") foreach(MULTI IN LISTS MULTIS) string(REPLACE "${MULTI}" "${MULTI};:::" COMMAND_LINE "${COMMAND_LINE}") endforeach() cmake_parse_arguments(PARAM "${OPTIONS}" "${SINGLES}" "${MULTIS}" ${COMMAND_LINE}) endmacro() macro(_reassemble_command_line) # Reassemble the command line as we original got it. set(NEW_COMMAND_LINE ${PARAM_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) foreach(OPTION IN LISTS OPTIONS) if(PARAM_${OPTION}) list(APPEND NEW_COMMAND_LINE "${OPTION}") endif() endforeach() foreach(SINGLE IN LISTS SINGLES) if(PARAM_${SINGLE}) list(APPEND NEW_COMMAND_LINE "${SINGLE}" "${PARAM_${SINGLE}}") endif() endforeach() foreach(MULTI IN LISTS MULTIS) if(PARAM_${MULTI}) # Replace our special marker with the name of the MULTI again. This # restores for example multiple COMMANDs again. string(REPLACE ":::" "${MULTI}" PARAM_${MULTI} "${PARAM_${MULTI}}") list(APPEND NEW_COMMAND_LINE "${PARAM_${MULTI}}") endif() endforeach() endmacro() # Generated files can be older than their dependencies, causing useless # regenerations. This function replaces each file in OUTPUT with a .timestamp # file, adds a command to touch it and move the original file in BYPRODUCTS, # before calling add_custom_command(). # # Note: Any add_custom_target() depending on files in original OUTPUT must use # add_custom_target_timestamp() instead to have the correct dependencies. # # add_custom_command_timestamp(OUTPUT output1 [output2 ...] # COMMAND command1 [ARGS] [args1...] # [COMMAND command2 [ARGS] [args2...] ...] # [MAIN_DEPENDENCY depend] # [DEPENDS [depends...]] # [BYPRODUCTS [files...]] # [IMPLICIT_DEPENDS <lang1> depend1 # [<lang2> depend2] ...] # [WORKING_DIRECTORY dir] # [COMMENT comment] # [VERBATIM] [APPEND] [USES_TERMINAL]) function(add_custom_command_timestamp) set(OPTIONS VERBATIM APPEND USES_TERMINAL) set(SINGLES MAIN_DEPENDENCY WORKING_DIRECTORY COMMENT) set(MULTIS OUTPUT COMMAND DEPENDS BYPRODUCTS IMPLICIT_DEPENDS) _parse_arguments_with_multi_hack("${ARGN}") # Create a list of all the OUTPUTs (by removing our magic marker) string(REPLACE ":::;" "" OUTPUTS "${PARAM_OUTPUT}") # Reset the OUTPUT and BYPRODUCTS as an empty list (if needed). # Because they are MULTIS, we need to add our special marker here. set(PARAM_OUTPUT ":::") if(NOT PARAM_BYPRODUCTS) set(PARAM_BYPRODUCTS ":::") endif() foreach(OUTPUT IN LISTS OUTPUTS) # For every output, we add a 'cmake -E touch' entry to update the # timestamp on each run. get_filename_component(OUTPUT_FILENAME ${OUTPUT} NAME) string(APPEND PARAM_COMMAND ";:::;${CMAKE_COMMAND};-E;touch;${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${OUTPUT_FILENAME}.timestamp") # We change the OUTPUT to a '.timestamp' variant, and make the real # output a byproduct. list(APPEND PARAM_OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${OUTPUT_FILENAME}.timestamp) list(APPEND PARAM_BYPRODUCTS ${OUTPUT}) # Mark this file as being a byproduct; we use this again with # add_custom_target_timestamp() to know if we should point to the # '.timestamp' variant or not. set_source_files_properties(${OUTPUT} PROPERTIES BYPRODUCT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${OUTPUT_FILENAME}.timestamp) endforeach() # Reassemble and call the wrapped command _reassemble_command_line() add_custom_command(${NEW_COMMAND_LINE}) endfunction() # Generated files can be older than their dependencies, causing useless # regenerations. This function adds a .timestamp file for each file in DEPENDS # replaced by add_custom_command_timestamp(), before calling add_custom_target(). # # add_custom_target_timestamp(Name [ALL] [command1 [args1...]] # [COMMAND command2 [args2...] ...] # [DEPENDS depend depend depend ... ] # [BYPRODUCTS [files...]] # [WORKING_DIRECTORY dir] # [COMMENT comment] # [VERBATIM] [USES_TERMINAL] # [SOURCES src1 [src2...]]) function(add_custom_target_timestamp) set(OPTIONS VERBATIM USES_TERMINAL) set(SINGLES WORKING_DIRECTORY COMMENT) set(MULTIS COMMAND DEPENDS BYPRODUCTS SOURCES) # ALL is missing, as the order is important here. It will be picked up # by ${PARAM_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS} when reassembling the command line. _parse_arguments_with_multi_hack("${ARGN}") # Create a list of all the DEPENDs (by removing our magic marker) string(REPLACE ":::;" "" DEPENDS "${PARAM_DEPENDS}") # Reset the DEPEND as an empty list. # Because it is a MULTI, we need to add our special marker here. set(PARAM_DEPENDS ":::") foreach(DEPEND IN LISTS DEPENDS) # Check if the output is produced by add_custom_command_timestamp() get_source_file_property(BYPRODUCT ${DEPEND} BYPRODUCT) if(BYPRODUCT STREQUAL "NOTFOUND") # If it is not, just keep it as DEPEND list(APPEND PARAM_DEPENDS "${DEPEND}") else() # If it is, the BYPRODUCT property points to the timestamp we want to depend on list(APPEND PARAM_DEPENDS "${BYPRODUCT}") endif() endforeach() # Reassemble and call the wrapped command _reassemble_command_line() add_custom_target(${NEW_COMMAND_LINE}) endfunction()