/* $Id$ */ class WrightAI extends AIInfo { function GetAuthor() { return "OpenTTD NoAI Developers Team"; } function GetName() { return "WrightAI"; } function GetShortName() { return "WRAI"; } function GetDescription() { return "A simple AI that tries to beat you with only aircrafts"; } function GetVersion() { return 2; } function GetDate() { return "2008-02-24"; } function CreateInstance() { return "WrightAI"; } function GetSettings() { AddSetting({name = "min_town_size", description = "The minimal size of towns to work on", min_value = 100, max_value = 1000, easy_value = 500, medium_value = 400, hard_value = 300, custom_value = 500, flags = 0}); } } RegisterAI(WrightAI());