#!/bin/sh # $Id$ if ! [ -f ai/regression/run.sh ]; then echo "Make sure you are in the root of OpenTTD before starting this script." exit 1 fi if [ -f scripts/game_start.scr ]; then mv scripts/game_start.scr scripts/game_start.scr.regression fi params="" gdb="" if [ "$1" != "-r" ]; then params="-snull -mnull -vnull:ticks=30000" fi if [ "$1" = "-g" ]; then gdb="gdb --ex run --args " fi if [ -d "ai/regression/tst_$1" ]; then tests="ai/regression/tst_$1" elif [ -d "ai/regression/tst_$2" ]; then tests="ai/regression/tst_$2" else tests=ai/regression/tst_* fi ret=0 for tst in $tests; do echo "running $tst" # Make sure that only one info.nut is present for each test run. Otherwise openttd gets confused. cp ai/regression/regression_info.nut $tst/info.nut sav=$tst/test.sav if ! [ -f $sav ]; then sav=ai/regression/empty.sav fi if [ -n "$gdb" ]; then $gdb ./openttd -x -c ai/regression/regression.cfg $params -g $sav else ./openttd -x -c ai/regression/regression.cfg $params -g $sav -d script=2 -d misc=9 2>&1 | awk '{ gsub("0x(\\(nil\\)|0+)(x0)?", "0x00000000", $0); gsub("^dbg: \\[script\\]", "", $0); gsub("^ ", "ERROR: ", $0); gsub("ERROR: \\[1\\] ", "", $0); gsub("\\[P\\] ", "", $0); print $0; }' | grep -v '^dbg: \[.*\]' > tmp.regression fi if [ -z "$gdb" ]; then # Ugly newline insertion, but it says /bin/sh above ... res="$res `diff -ub $tst/result.txt tmp.regression`" fi rm $tst/info.nut done if [ -z "$gdb" ]; then if [ -z "$res" ]; then echo "Regression test passed!" else echo "Regression test failed! Difference:" echo "$res" ret=1 fi echo "" echo "Regression test done" fi if [ -f scripts/game_start.scr.regression ]; then mv scripts/game_start.scr.regression scripts/game_start.scr fi if [ "$1" != "-k" ]; then rm -f tmp.regression fi exit $ret