path: root/src/window.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/window.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 830 deletions
diff --git a/src/window.h b/src/window.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 403b2268e..000000000
--- a/src/window.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,830 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id$ */
-/** @file window.h regroups declarations for all windowing system, as well as a few helper functions */
-#ifndef WINDOW_H
-#define WINDOW_H
-#include "macros.h"
-#include "string.h"
-#include "order.h"
-#include "rail_type.h"
-#include "road_type.h"
-#include "airport.h"
-#include "vehicle.h"
-#include "viewport.h"
- * The maximum number of windows that can be opened.
- */
-static const int MAX_NUMBER_OF_WINDOWS = 25;
-struct WindowEvent;
-typedef void WindowProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e);
-/* How the resize system works:
- First, you need to add a WWT_RESIZEBOX to the widgets, and you need
- to add the flag WDF_RESIZABLE to the window. Now the window is ready
- to resize itself.
- As you may have noticed, all widgets have a RESIZE_XXX in their line.
- This lines controls how the widgets behave on resize. RESIZE_NONE means
- it doesn't do anything. Any other option let's one of the borders
- move with the changed width/height. So if a widget has
- RESIZE_RIGHT, and the window is made 5 pixels wider by the user,
- the right of the window will also be made 5 pixels wider.
- Now, what if you want to clamp a widget to the bottom? Give it the flag
- RESIZE_TB. This is RESIZE_TOP + RESIZE_BOTTOM. Now if the window gets
- 5 pixels bigger, both the top and bottom gets 5 bigger, so the whole
- widgets moves downwards without resizing, and appears to be clamped
- to the bottom. Nice aint it?
- You should know one more thing about this system. Most windows can't
- handle an increase of 1 pixel. So there is a step function, which
- let the windowsize only be changed by X pixels. You configure this
- after making the window, like this:
- w->resize.step_height = 10;
- Now the window will only change in height in steps of 10.
- You can also give a minimum width and height. The default value is
- the default height/width of the window itself. You can change this
- AFTER window-creation, with:
- w->resize.width or w->resize.height.
- That was all.. good luck, and enjoy :) -- TrueLight */
-enum ResizeFlag {
- RESIZE_NONE = 0, ///< no resize required
- RESIZE_LEFT = 1, ///< left resize flag
- RESIZE_RIGHT = 2, ///< rigth resize flag
- RESIZE_TOP = 4, ///< top resize flag
- RESIZE_BOTTOM = 8, ///< bottom resize flag
- RESIZE_LR = RESIZE_LEFT | RESIZE_RIGHT, ///< combination of left and right resize flags
- RESIZE_RB = RESIZE_RIGHT | RESIZE_BOTTOM, ///< combination of right and bottom resize flags
- RESIZE_TB = RESIZE_TOP | RESIZE_BOTTOM, ///< combination of top and bottom resize flags
- RESIZE_LRB = RESIZE_LEFT | RESIZE_RIGHT | RESIZE_BOTTOM, ///< combination of left, right and bottom resize flags
- RESIZE_LRTB = RESIZE_LEFT | RESIZE_RIGHT | RESIZE_TOP | RESIZE_BOTTOM, ///< combination of all resize flags
- RESIZE_RTB = RESIZE_RIGHT | RESIZE_TOP | RESIZE_BOTTOM, ///< combination of right, top and bottom resize flag
- /* The following flags are used by the system to specify what is disabled, hidden, or clicked
- * They are used in the same place as the above RESIZE_x flags, Widget visual_flags.
- * These states are used in exceptions. If nothing is specified, they will indicate
- * Enabled, visible or unclicked widgets*/
- WIDG_DISABLED = 4, ///< widget is greyed out, not available
- WIDG_HIDDEN = 5, ///< widget is made invisible
- WIDG_LOWERED = 6, ///< widget is paint lowered, a pressed button in fact
-enum {
- WIDGET_LIST_END = -1, ///< indicate the end of widgets' list for vararg functions
-struct Widget {
- byte type; ///< Widget type, see WindowWidgetTypes
- byte display_flags; ///< Resize direction, alignment, etc. during resizing, see ResizeFlags
- byte color; ///< Widget colour, see docs/ottd-colourtext-palette.png
- int16 left, right, top, bottom; ///< The position offsets inside the window
- uint16 data; ///< The String/Image or special code (list-matrixes) of a widget
- StringID tooltips; ///< Tooltips that are shown when rightclicking on a widget
-enum FrameFlags {
- FR_NONE = 0,
- FR_TRANSPARENT = 1 << 0, ///< Makes the background transparent if set
- FR_BORDERONLY = 1 << 4, ///< Draw border only, no background
- FR_LOWERED = 1 << 5, ///< If set the frame is lowered and the background color brighter (ie. buttons when pressed)
- FR_DARKENED = 1 << 6, ///< If set the background is darker, allows for lowered frames with normal background color when used with FR_LOWERED (ie. dropdown boxes)
-void DrawFrameRect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int color, FrameFlags flags);
-enum WindowEventCodes {
- WE_4,
-struct WindowEvent {
- byte event;
- union {
- struct {
- void *data;
- } create;
- struct {
- Point pt;
- int widget;
- } click;
- struct {
- Point pt;
- TileIndex tile;
- TileIndex starttile;
- ViewportPlaceMethod select_method;
- byte select_proc;
- } place;
- struct {
- Point pt;
- int widget;
- } dragdrop;
- struct {
- Point size;
- Point diff;
- } sizing;
- struct {
- char *str;
- } edittext;
- struct {
- Point pt;
- } popupmenu;
- struct {
- int button;
- int index;
- } dropdown;
- struct {
- Point pt;
- int widget;
- } mouseover;
- struct {
- bool cont; ///< continue the search? (default true)
- uint16 key; ///< 16-bit Unicode value of the key
- uint16 keycode; ///< untranslated key (including shift-state)
- } keypress;
- struct {
- int msg; ///< message to be sent
- int wparam; ///< additional message-specific information
- int lparam; ///< additional message-specific information
- } message;
- struct {
- Point delta; ///< delta position against position of last call
- } scroll;
- struct {
- int wheel; ///< how much was 'wheel'd'
- } wheel;
- } we;
-struct WindowDesc {
- int16 left, top, minimum_width, minimum_height, default_width, default_height;
- WindowClass cls;
- WindowClass parent_cls;
- uint32 flags;
- const Widget *widgets;
- WindowProc *proc;
-enum WindowDefaultFlag {
- WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS = 1 << 0, ///< use standard routine when displaying tooltips
- WDF_DEF_WIDGET = 1 << 1, ///< default widget control for some widgets in the on click event
- WDF_STD_BTN = 1 << 2, ///< default handling for close and drag widgets (widget no 0 and 1)
- WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS = 1 << 4, ///< Unclick buttons when the window event times out */
- WDF_STICKY_BUTTON = 1 << 5, ///< Set window to sticky mode; they are not closed unless closed with 'X' (widget 2)
- WDF_RESIZABLE = 1 << 6, ///< A window can be resized
- WDF_MODAL = 1 << 7, ///< The window is a modal child of some other window, meaning the parent is 'inactive'
-/* can be used as x or y coordinates to cause a specific placement */
-enum WindowDefaultPosition {
- WDP_AUTO = -1, ///< Find a place automatically
- WDP_CENTER = -2, ///< Center the window (left/right or top/bottom)
- WDP_ALIGN_TBR = -3, ///< Align the right side of the window with the right side of the main toolbar
- WDP_ALIGN_TBL = -4, ///< Align the left side of the window with the left side of the main toolbar
-struct Textbuf {
- char *buf; ///< buffer in which text is saved
- uint16 maxlength, maxwidth; ///< the maximum size of the buffer. Maxwidth specifies screensize in pixels, maxlength is in bytes
- uint16 length, width; ///< the current size of the string. Width specifies screensize in pixels, length is in bytes
- bool caret; ///< is the caret ("_") visible or not
- uint16 caretpos; ///< the current position of the caret in the buffer, in bytes
- uint16 caretxoffs; ///< the current position of the caret in pixels
-#define WP(ptr, str) (*(str*)(ptr)->custom)
-/* You cannot 100% reliably calculate the biggest custom struct as
- * the number of pointers in it and alignment will have a huge impact.
- * 96 is the largest window-size for 64-bit machines currently */
-struct Scrollbar {
- uint16 count, cap, pos;
-struct ResizeInfo {
- uint width; ///< Minimum width and height
- uint height;
- uint step_width; ///< In how big steps the width and height go
- uint step_height;
-struct WindowMessage {
- int msg;
- int wparam;
- int lparam;
-struct Window {
- uint16 flags4;
- WindowClass window_class;
- WindowNumber window_number;
- int left, top;
- int width, height;
- Scrollbar hscroll, vscroll, vscroll2;
- ResizeInfo resize;
- byte caption_color;
- WindowProc *wndproc;
- ViewPort *viewport;
- const Widget *original_widget;
- Widget *widget;
- uint widget_count;
- uint32 desc_flags;
- WindowMessage message;
- Window *parent;
- byte custom[WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE];
- void HandleButtonClick(byte widget);
- void SetWidgetDisabledState(byte widget_index, bool disab_stat);
- void DisableWidget(byte widget_index);
- void EnableWidget(byte widget_index);
- bool IsWidgetDisabled(byte widget_index) const;
- void SetWidgetHiddenState(byte widget_index, bool hidden_stat);
- void HideWidget(byte widget_index);
- void ShowWidget(byte widget_index);
- bool IsWidgetHidden(byte widget_index) const;
- void SetWidgetLoweredState(byte widget_index, bool lowered_stat);
- void ToggleWidgetLoweredState(byte widget_index);
- void LowerWidget(byte widget_index);
- void RaiseWidget(byte widget_index);
- bool IsWidgetLowered(byte widget_index) const;
- void RaiseButtons();
- void CDECL SetWidgetsDisabledState(bool disab_stat, int widgets, ...);
- void CDECL SetWidgetsHiddenState(bool hidden_stat, int widgets, ...);
- void CDECL SetWidgetsLoweredState(bool lowered_stat, int widgets, ...);
- void InvalidateWidget(byte widget_index) const;
-struct querystr_d {
- StringID caption;
- Textbuf text;
- const char *orig;
- CharSetFilter afilter;
- bool handled;
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(querystr_d));
-struct chatquerystr_d : public querystr_d {
- int dest;
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(chatquerystr_d));
-struct menu_d {
- byte item_count; ///< follow_vehicle
- byte sel_index; ///< scrollpos_x
- byte main_button; ///< scrollpos_y
- byte action_id;
- StringID string_id; ///< unk30
- uint16 checked_items; ///< unk32
- byte disabled_items;
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(menu_d));
-struct def_d {
- int16 data_1, data_2, data_3;
- int16 data_4, data_5;
- bool close;
- byte byte_1;
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(def_d));
-struct void_d {
- void *data;
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(void_d));
-struct tree_d {
- uint16 base;
- uint16 count;
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(tree_d));
-struct tooltips_d {
- StringID string_id;
- byte paramcount;
- uint64 params[5];
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(tooltips_d));
-struct buildvehicle_d {
- VehicleType vehicle_type;
- union {
- RailTypeByte railtype;
- AirportFTAClass::Flags flags;
- RoadTypes roadtypes;
- } filter;
- byte sel_index; ///< deprecated value, used for 'unified' ship and road
- bool descending_sort_order;
- byte sort_criteria;
- bool regenerate_list;
- EngineID sel_engine;
- EngineID rename_engine;
- EngineList eng_list;
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(buildvehicle_d));
-struct replaceveh_d {
- byte sel_index[2];
- EngineID sel_engine[2];
- uint16 count[2];
- bool wagon_btnstate; ///< true means engine is selected
- EngineList list[2];
- bool update_left;
- bool update_right;
- bool init_lists;
- GroupID sel_group;
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(replaceveh_d));
-struct depot_d {
- VehicleID sel;
- VehicleType type;
- bool generate_list;
- uint16 engine_list_length;
- uint16 wagon_list_length;
- uint16 engine_count;
- uint16 wagon_count;
- Vehicle **vehicle_list;
- Vehicle **wagon_list;
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(depot_d));
-struct order_d {
- int sel;
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(order_d));
-struct vehicledetails_d {
- byte tab;
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(vehicledetails_d));
-struct smallmap_d {
- int32 scroll_x;
- int32 scroll_y;
- int32 subscroll;
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(smallmap_d));
-/* player face selection window */
-struct facesel_d {
- PlayerFace face; // player face bits
- bool advanced; // advance player face selection window
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(facesel_d));
-struct refit_d {
- int sel;
- struct RefitOption *cargo;
- struct RefitList *list;
- uint length;
- VehicleOrderID order;
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(refit_d));
-struct vp_d {
- VehicleID follow_vehicle;
- int32 scrollpos_x;
- int32 scrollpos_y;
- int32 dest_scrollpos_x;
- int32 dest_scrollpos_y;
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(vp_d));
-struct news_d {
- uint16 follow_vehicle;
- int32 scrollpos_x;
- int32 scrollpos_y;
- int32 dest_scrollpos_x;
- int32 dest_scrollpos_y;
- NewsItem *ni;
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(news_d));
-struct highscore_d {
- uint32 background_img;
- int8 rank;
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(highscore_d));
-struct scroller_d {
- int height;
- uint16 counter;
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(scroller_d));
-enum SortListFlags {
- VL_NONE = 0, ///< no sort
- VL_DESC = 1 << 0, ///< sort descending or ascending
- VL_RESORT = 1 << 1, ///< instruct the code to resort the list in the next loop
- VL_REBUILD = 1 << 2, ///< create sort-listing to use for qsort and friends
- VL_END = 1 << 3,
-struct Listing {
- bool order; ///< Ascending/descending
- byte criteria; ///< Sorting criteria
-struct list_d {
- uint16 list_length; ///< length of the list being sorted
- byte sort_type; ///< what criteria to sort on
- SortListFlags flags; ///< used to control sorting/resorting/etc.
- uint16 resort_timer; ///< resort list after a given amount of ticks if set
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(list_d));
-struct message_d {
- int msg;
- int wparam;
- int lparam;
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(message_d));
-struct dropdown_d {
- uint32 disabled_state;
- uint32 hidden_state;
- WindowClass parent_wnd_class;
- WindowNumber parent_wnd_num;
- byte parent_button;
- byte num_items;
- byte selected_index;
- const StringID *items;
- byte click_delay;
- bool drag_mode;
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(dropdown_d));
-struct vehiclelist_d {
- const Vehicle** sort_list; // List of vehicles (sorted)
- Listing *_sorting; // pointer to the appropiate subcategory of _sorting
- uint16 length_of_sort_list; // Keeps track of how many vehicle pointers sort list got space for
- VehicleType vehicle_type; // The vehicle type that is sorted
- list_d l; // General list struct
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(vehiclelist_d));
-struct grouplist_d {
- const Group **sort_list;
- list_d l; // General list struct
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(grouplist_d));
-struct groupveh_d : vehiclelist_d {
- GroupID group_sel;
- VehicleID vehicle_sel;
- grouplist_d gl;
-assert_compile(WINDOW_CUSTOM_SIZE >= sizeof(groupveh_d));
-/****************** THESE ARE NOT WIDGET TYPES!!!!! *******************/
-enum WindowWidgetBehaviours {
- WWB_PUSHBUTTON = 1 << 5,
- WWB_MASK = 0xE0,
-enum WindowWidgetTypes {
- WWT_PANEL, ///< simple depressed panel
- WWT_INSET, ///< pressed (inset) panel, most commonly used as combo box _text_ area
- WWT_IMGBTN, ///< button with image
- WWT_IMGBTN_2, ///< button with diff image when clicked
- WWT_TEXTBTN, ///< button with text
- WWT_TEXTBTN_2, ///< button with diff text when clicked
- WWT_LABEL, ///< centered label
- WWT_TEXT, ///< pure simple text
- WWT_FRAME, ///< frame
- WWT_SCROLL2BAR, ///< 2nd vertical scrollbar
- WWT_LAST, ///< Last Item. use WIDGETS_END to fill up padding!!
- WWT_MASK = 0x1F,
-#define WIDGETS_END WWT_LAST, RESIZE_NONE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, STR_NULL
-enum WindowFlags {
- WF_DRAGGING = 1 << 3,
- WF_SCROLL_UP = 1 << 4,
- WF_SCROLL_DOWN = 1 << 5,
- WF_SCROLL_MIDDLE = 1 << 6,
- WF_HSCROLL = 1 << 7,
- WF_SIZING = 1 << 8,
- WF_STICKY = 1 << 9,
- WF_WHITE_BORDER_ONE = 1 << 11,
- WF_SCROLL2 = 1 << 13,
-/* window.cpp */
-void CallWindowEventNP(Window *w, int event);
-void CallWindowTickEvent();
- * Marks the window as dirty for repaint.
- *
- * @ingroup dirty
- */
-void SetWindowDirty(const Window *w);
-void SendWindowMessage(WindowClass wnd_class, WindowNumber wnd_num, int msg, int wparam, int lparam);
-void SendWindowMessageClass(WindowClass wnd_class, int msg, int wparam, int lparam);
-Window *FindWindowById(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number);
-void DeleteWindow(Window *w);
-void DeletePlayerWindows(PlayerID pi);
-void ChangeWindowOwner(PlayerID old_player, PlayerID new_player);
-Window *BringWindowToFrontById(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number);
-Window *FindWindowFromPt(int x, int y);
-bool IsWindowOfPrototype(const Window *w, const Widget *widget);
-void AssignWidgetToWindow(Window *w, const Widget *widget);
-Window *AllocateWindow(
- int x,
- int y,
- int width,
- int height,
- WindowProc *proc,
- WindowClass cls,
- const Widget *widget,
- void *data = NULL);
-Window *AllocateWindowDesc(const WindowDesc *desc, void *data = NULL);
-Window *AllocateWindowDescFront(const WindowDesc *desc, int window_number, void *data = NULL);
-void DrawWindowViewport(const Window *w);
-void ResizeWindow(Window *w, int x, int y);
-void InitWindowSystem();
-void UnInitWindowSystem();
-void ResetWindowSystem();
-int GetMenuItemIndex(const Window *w, int x, int y);
-void InputLoop();
-void InvalidateThisWindowData(Window *w);
-void InvalidateWindowData(WindowClass cls, WindowNumber number);
-void RelocateAllWindows(int neww, int newh);
-int PositionMainToolbar(Window *w);
-/* misc_gui.cpp */
-void GuiShowTooltipsWithArgs(StringID str, uint paramcount, const uint64 params[]);
-static inline void GuiShowTooltips(StringID str)
- GuiShowTooltipsWithArgs(str, 0, NULL);
-/* widget.cpp */
-int GetWidgetFromPos(const Window *w, int x, int y);
-void DrawWindowWidgets(const Window *w);
-void ShowDropDownMenu(Window *w, const StringID *strings, int selected, int button, uint32 disabled_mask, uint32 hidden_mask);
-Window *GetCallbackWnd();
-void DeleteNonVitalWindows();
-void DeleteAllNonVitalWindows();
-void HideVitalWindows();
-void ShowVitalWindows();
-Window **FindWindowZPosition(const Window *w);
-/* window.cpp */
-extern Window *_z_windows[];
-extern Window **_last_z_window;
-#define FOR_ALL_WINDOWS(wz) for (wz = _z_windows; wz != _last_z_window; wz++)
-VARDEF Point _cursorpos_drag_start;
-VARDEF int _scrollbar_start_pos;
-VARDEF int _scrollbar_size;
-VARDEF byte _scroller_click_timeout;
-VARDEF bool _scrolling_scrollbar;
-VARDEF bool _scrolling_viewport;
-VARDEF bool _popup_menu_active;
-VARDEF byte _special_mouse_mode;
-enum SpecialMouseMode {
- WSM_NONE = 0,
-void ScrollbarClickHandler(Window *w, const Widget *wi, int x, int y);
-/** Evenly distribute some widgets when resizing horizontally (often a button row)
- * The widgets are presumed to be in a line and numberef from left to right (without gaps)
- * @param w widow to modify
- * @param left The leftmost widget to resize
- * @param right The rightmost widget to resize. Since right side of it is used, remember to set it to RESIZE_RIGHT
- */
-void ResizeButtons(Window *w, byte left, byte right);
- * Sets the enabled/disabled status of a widget.
- * By default, widgets are enabled.
- * On certain conditions, they have to be disabled.
- * @param widget_index : index of this widget in the window
- * @param disab_stat : status to use ie: disabled = true, enabled = false
- */
-inline void Window::SetWidgetDisabledState(byte widget_index, bool disab_stat)
- assert(widget_index < this->widget_count);
- SB(this->widget[widget_index].display_flags, WIDG_DISABLED, 1, !!disab_stat);
- * Sets a widget to disabled.
- * @param widget_index : index of this widget in the window
- */
-inline void Window::DisableWidget(byte widget_index)
- SetWidgetDisabledState(widget_index, true);
- * Sets a widget to Enabled.
- * @param widget_index : index of this widget in the window
- */
-inline void Window::EnableWidget(byte widget_index)
- SetWidgetDisabledState(widget_index, false);
- * Gets the enabled/disabled status of a widget.
- * @param widget_index : index of this widget in the window
- * @return status of the widget ie: disabled = true, enabled = false
- */
-inline bool Window::IsWidgetDisabled(byte widget_index) const
- assert(widget_index < this->widget_count);
- return HasBit(this->widget[widget_index].display_flags, WIDG_DISABLED);
- * Sets the hidden/shown status of a widget.
- * By default, widgets are visible.
- * On certain conditions, they have to be hidden.
- * @param widget_index index of this widget in the window
- * @param hidden_stat status to use ie. hidden = true, visible = false
- */
-inline void Window::SetWidgetHiddenState(byte widget_index, bool hidden_stat)
- assert(widget_index < this->widget_count);
- SB(this->widget[widget_index].display_flags, WIDG_HIDDEN, 1, !!hidden_stat);
- * Sets a widget hidden.
- * @param widget_index : index of this widget in the window
- */
-inline void Window::HideWidget(byte widget_index)
- SetWidgetHiddenState(widget_index, true);
- * Sets a widget visible.
- * @param widget_index : index of this widget in the window
- */
-inline void Window::ShowWidget(byte widget_index)
- SetWidgetHiddenState(widget_index, false);
- * Gets the visibility of a widget.
- * @param widget_index : index of this widget in the window
- * @return status of the widget ie: hidden = true, visible = false
- */
-inline bool Window::IsWidgetHidden(byte widget_index) const
- assert(widget_index < this->widget_count);
- return HasBit(this->widget[widget_index].display_flags, WIDG_HIDDEN);
- * Sets the lowered/raised status of a widget.
- * @param widget_index : index of this widget in the window
- * @param lowered_stat : status to use ie: lowered = true, raised = false
- */
-inline void Window::SetWidgetLoweredState(byte widget_index, bool lowered_stat)
- assert(widget_index < this->widget_count);
- SB(this->widget[widget_index].display_flags, WIDG_LOWERED, 1, !!lowered_stat);
- * Invert the lowered/raised status of a widget.
- * @param widget_index : index of this widget in the window
- */
-inline void Window::ToggleWidgetLoweredState(byte widget_index)
- assert(widget_index < this->widget_count);
- ToggleBit(this->widget[widget_index].display_flags, WIDG_LOWERED);
- * Marks a widget as lowered.
- * @param widget_index : index of this widget in the window
- */
-inline void Window::LowerWidget(byte widget_index)
- SetWidgetLoweredState(widget_index, true);
- * Marks a widget as raised.
- * @param widget_index : index of this widget in the window
- */
-inline void Window::RaiseWidget(byte widget_index)
- SetWidgetLoweredState(widget_index, false);
- * Gets the lowered state of a widget.
- * @param widget_index : index of this widget in the window
- * @return status of the widget ie: lowered = true, raised= false
- */
-inline bool Window::IsWidgetLowered(byte widget_index) const
- assert(widget_index < this->widget_count);
- return HasBit(this->widget[widget_index].display_flags, WIDG_LOWERED);
-#endif /* WINDOW_H */