diff options
-rw-r--r-- | src/lang/dutch.txt | 34 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | src/lang/english_AU.txt | 39 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | src/lang/english_US.txt | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | src/lang/gaelic.txt | 30 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | src/lang/german.txt | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | src/lang/italian.txt | 10 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | src/lang/korean.txt | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | src/lang/russian.txt | 7 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | src/lang/swedish.txt | 3 |
9 files changed, 120 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/src/lang/dutch.txt b/src/lang/dutch.txt index 935b64dc5..c8977f016 100644 --- a/src/lang/dutch.txt +++ b/src/lang/dutch.txt @@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ STR_LIST_FILTER_TITLE :{BLACK}Filter t STR_LIST_FILTER_OSKTITLE :{BLACK}Voer filtertekst in STR_LIST_FILTER_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Geef een woord waarop gefilterd kan worden in de lijst +STR_TOOLTIP_GROUP_ORDER :{BLACK}Kies groepeervolgorde STR_TOOLTIP_SORT_ORDER :{BLACK}Selecteer sorteerrichting (aflopend/oplopend) STR_TOOLTIP_SORT_CRITERIA :{BLACK}Selecteer sorteercriteria STR_TOOLTIP_FILTER_CRITERIA :{BLACK}Kies filtercriteria @@ -303,6 +304,8 @@ STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_SUBSIDIES :{BLACK}Toon sub STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_STATIONS :{BLACK}Toon lijst met stations van het bedrijf STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_FINANCES :{BLACK}Toon financiële informatie over het bedrijf STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_GENERAL :{BLACK}Toon algemene informatie over het bedrijf +STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_STORY_BOOK :{BLACK}Toon verhaallijn +STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GOALS_LIST :{BLACK}Geven doellijst STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GRAPHS :{BLACK}Toon grafieken STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_LEAGUE :{BLACK}Toon bedrijfscompetitietabel STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Betaal de bouw van nieuwe industrie of toon lijst van alle industrieën @@ -1560,12 +1563,15 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CITY_SIZE_MULTIPLIER_HELPTEXT :Gemiddelde groo STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MODIFIED_ROAD_REBUILD :Verwijder rare weg-elementen tijdens het repareren van de weg: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MODIFIED_ROAD_REBUILD_HELPTEXT :Verwijder doodlopende wegen bij het bouwen van gefinancierde wegen. +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SHORT_PATH_SATURATION :Verzadiging van korte routes voor het gebruik van ruime routes: {STRING} +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SHORT_PATH_SATURATION_HELPTEXT :Vaak zijn er meerdere routes mogelijk tussen twee stations. Cargodist zal de kortste route eerst verzadigen, gebruik dan de tweede kortste route tot die verzadigd is en ga zo maar door. Verzadiging wordt bepaald door een schatting van de capaciteit en het geplande gebruik. Zodra alle routes verzadigd zijn, maar er is meer vraag, zal alle wegen overbelast worden, die met hoge capaciteit eerst. In veel gevallen zat het algoritme niet nauwkeurig de capaciteit inschatten, helaas. Met deze instelling kunt u aangeven tot welk percentage een korter pad moet worden verzadigd eer de eerst volgende langere route wordt gekozen. Zet deze op minder dan 100% om overvolle stations in geval van overschat capaciteit te voorkomen. STR_CONFIG_SETTING_GUI :{ORANGE}Interface STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CONSTRUCTION :{ORANGE}Constructie STR_CONFIG_SETTING_VEHICLES :{ORANGE}Voertuigen STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STATIONS :{ORANGE}Stations STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ECONOMY :{ORANGE}Economie +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINKGRAPH :{ORANGE}Vrachtdistributie STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI :{ORANGE}Tegenstanders STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISPLAY_OPTIONS :{ORANGE}Weergave-opties STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INTERACTION :{ORANGE}Interactie @@ -2903,9 +2909,12 @@ STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_EXCLUSIVE_TRANSPORT :{YELLOW}Koop 1 STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_BRIBE :{YELLOW}Koop het plaatselijk gezag om om je reputatie te verhogen, met het gevaar van een strenge sanctie wanneer je gepakt wordt.{}Kosten: {CURRENCY_LONG} # Goal window +STR_GOALS_CAPTION :{WHITE}{COMPANY} Doelen +STR_GOALS_SPECTATOR_CAPTION :{WHITE}Algemene doelen STR_GOALS_GLOBAL_TITLE :{BLACK}Algemene doelen: STR_GOALS_TEXT :{ORANGE}{STRING} STR_GOALS_NONE :{ORANGE}- Geen - +STR_GOALS_SPECTATOR_NONE :{ORANGE}- Niet van toepassing - STR_GOALS_PROGRESS :{ORANGE}{STRING} STR_GOALS_PROGRESS_COMPLETE :{GREEN}{STRING} STR_GOALS_COMPANY_TITLE :{BLACK}Bedrijfsdoelen: @@ -2947,6 +2956,7 @@ STR_SUBSIDIES_SUBSIDISED_FROM_TO :{ORANGE}{STRING STR_SUBSIDIES_TOOLTIP_CLICK_ON_SERVICE_TO_CENTER :{BLACK}Klik op de dienst om het dorp/industrie te centreren. Ctrl+klik opent een nieuw venster op de locatie van het dorp/industrie # Story book window +STR_STORY_BOOK_SPECTATOR_CAPTION :{WHITE}Algemene verhaallijn # Station list window STR_STATION_LIST_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Stationsnamen - klik op naam om het scherm te centreren op het station. Ctrl+klik opent een nieuw venster op de locatie van het station @@ -2978,7 +2988,28 @@ STR_STATION_VIEW_RATINGS_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Bekijk s STR_STATION_VIEW_SUPPLY_RATINGS_TITLE :{BLACK}Maandelijkse levering en lokale waardering: STR_STATION_VIEW_CARGO_SUPPLY_RATING :{WHITE}{STRING}: {YELLOW}{COMMA} / {STRING} ({COMMA}%) - +STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP :{BLACK}Groeperen op +STR_STATION_VIEW_WAITING_STATION :Station: Wachtend +STR_STATION_VIEW_WAITING_AMOUNT :Hoeveelheid: Wachtend +STR_STATION_VIEW_PLANNED_STATION :Station: Gepland +STR_STATION_VIEW_PLANNED_AMOUNT :Hoeveelheid: Gepland +STR_STATION_VIEW_FROM :{YELLOW}{CARGO_SHORT} van {STATION} +STR_STATION_VIEW_VIA :{YELLOW}{CARGO_SHORT} via {STATION} +STR_STATION_VIEW_TO :{YELLOW}{CARGO_SHORT} naar {STATION} +STR_STATION_VIEW_FROM_ANY :{RED}{CARGO_SHORT} van onbekend station +STR_STATION_VIEW_TO_ANY :{RED}{CARGO_SHORT} naar willekeurig station +STR_STATION_VIEW_VIA_ANY :{RED}{CARGO_SHORT} via willekeurig station +STR_STATION_VIEW_FROM_HERE :{GREEN}{CARGO_SHORT} van dit station +STR_STATION_VIEW_VIA_HERE :{GREEN}{CARGO_SHORT} stopt op dit station +STR_STATION_VIEW_TO_HERE :{GREEN}{CARGO_SHORT} naar dit station +STR_STATION_VIEW_NONSTOP :{YELLOW}{CARGO_SHORT} non-stop + +STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP_S_V_D :Bron-Via-Bestemming +STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP_S_D_V :Bron-Bestemming-Via +STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP_V_S_D :Via-Bron-Bestemming +STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP_V_D_S :Via-Bestemming-Bron +STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP_D_S_V :Bestemming-Bron-Via +STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP_D_V_S :Bestemming-Via-Bron ############ range for rating starts STR_CARGO_RATING_APPALLING :Teleurstellend @@ -3726,6 +3757,7 @@ STR_TIMETABLE_STATUS_NOT_STARTED :{BLACK}Deze die STR_TIMETABLE_STATUS_START_AT :{BLACK}Deze dienstregeling begint bij {STRING} STR_TIMETABLE_STARTING_DATE :{BLACK}Begindatum +STR_TIMETABLE_STARTING_DATE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Selecteer een datum als uitgangspunt van dit tijdschema. Ctrl + klik geeft het startpunt van dit tijdschema en distribueert alle voertuigen die deze orders delen gelijkmatig op basis van hun relatieve volgorde, indien de order volledig is ingeroosterd STR_TIMETABLE_CHANGE_TIME :{BLACK}Verander de tijd STR_TIMETABLE_WAIT_TIME_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Verander de tijdsduur die de geselecteerde order mag duren diff --git a/src/lang/english_AU.txt b/src/lang/english_AU.txt index e5e900476..a37abf7cf 100644 --- a/src/lang/english_AU.txt +++ b/src/lang/english_AU.txt @@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ STR_LIST_FILTER_TITLE :{BLACK}Filter s STR_LIST_FILTER_OSKTITLE :{BLACK}Enter filter string STR_LIST_FILTER_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Enter a keyword to filter the list for +STR_TOOLTIP_GROUP_ORDER :{BLACK}Select grouping order STR_TOOLTIP_SORT_ORDER :{BLACK}Select sorting order (descending/ascending) STR_TOOLTIP_SORT_CRITERIA :{BLACK}Select sorting criteria STR_TOOLTIP_FILTER_CRITERIA :{BLACK}Select filtering criteria @@ -303,6 +304,8 @@ STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_SUBSIDIES :{BLACK}Display STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_STATIONS :{BLACK}Display list of company's stations STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_FINANCES :{BLACK}Display company finances information STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_GENERAL :{BLACK}Display general company information +STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_STORY_BOOK :{BLACK}Display story book +STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GOALS_LIST :{BLACK}Display goal list STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GRAPHS :{BLACK}Display graphs STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_LEAGUE :{BLACK}Display company league table STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Fund construction of new industry or list all industries @@ -1560,12 +1563,20 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CITY_SIZE_MULTIPLIER_HELPTEXT :Average size of STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MODIFIED_ROAD_REBUILD :Remove absurd road-elements during the road construction: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MODIFIED_ROAD_REBUILD_HELPTEXT :Remove dead road ends during funded road reconstruction +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINKGRAPH_ACCURACY_HELPTEXT :The higher you set this the more CPU time the calculation of the link graph will take. If it takes too long you may notice lag. If you set it to a low value, however, the distribution will be inaccurate, and you may notice cargo not being sent to the places you expect it to go. +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEMAND_DISTANCE :Effect of distance on demands: {STRING} +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEMAND_DISTANCE_HELPTEXT :If you set this to a value higher than 0, the distance between the origin station A of some cargo and a possible destination B will have an effect on the amount of cargo sent from A to B. The further away B is from A the less cargo will be sent. The higher you set it, the less cargo will be sent to far away stations and the more cargo will be sent to near stations. +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEMAND_SIZE :Amount of returning cargo for symmetric mode: {STRING} +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEMAND_SIZE_HELPTEXT :Setting this to less than 100% makes the symmetric distribution behave more like the asymmetric one. Less cargo will be forcibly sent back if a certain amount is sent to a station. If you set it to 0% the symmetric distribution behaves just like the asymmetric one. +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SHORT_PATH_SATURATION :Saturation of short paths before using capacious paths: {STRING} +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SHORT_PATH_SATURATION_HELPTEXT :Frequently there are multiple paths between two given stations. Cargodist will saturate the shortest path first, then use the second shortest path until that is saturated and so on. Saturation is determined by an estimation of capacity and planned usage. Once it has saturated all paths, if there is still demand left, it will overload all paths, prefering the ones with high capacity. Most of the time the algorithm will not estimate the capacity accurately, though. This setting allows you to specify up to which percentage a shorter path must be saturated in the first pass before choosing the next longer one. Set it to less than 100% to avoid overcrowded stations in case of overestimated capacity. STR_CONFIG_SETTING_GUI :{ORANGE}Interface STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CONSTRUCTION :{ORANGE}Construction STR_CONFIG_SETTING_VEHICLES :{ORANGE}Vehicles STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STATIONS :{ORANGE}Stations STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ECONOMY :{ORANGE}Economy +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINKGRAPH :{ORANGE}Cargo Distribution STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI :{ORANGE}Competitors STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISPLAY_OPTIONS :{ORANGE}Display options STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INTERACTION :{ORANGE}Interaction @@ -2903,9 +2914,12 @@ STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_EXCLUSIVE_TRANSPORT :{YELLOW}Buy 1 y STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_BRIBE :{YELLOW}Bribe the local authority to increase your rating, at the risk of a severe penalty if caught.{}Cost: {CURRENCY_LONG} # Goal window +STR_GOALS_CAPTION :{WHITE}{COMPANY} Goals +STR_GOALS_SPECTATOR_CAPTION :{WHITE}Global Goals STR_GOALS_GLOBAL_TITLE :{BLACK}Global goals: STR_GOALS_TEXT :{ORANGE}{STRING} STR_GOALS_NONE :{ORANGE}- None - +STR_GOALS_SPECTATOR_NONE :{ORANGE}- Not applicable - STR_GOALS_PROGRESS :{ORANGE}{STRING} STR_GOALS_PROGRESS_COMPLETE :{GREEN}{STRING} STR_GOALS_COMPANY_TITLE :{BLACK}Company goals: @@ -2947,6 +2961,7 @@ STR_SUBSIDIES_SUBSIDISED_FROM_TO :{ORANGE}{STRING STR_SUBSIDIES_TOOLTIP_CLICK_ON_SERVICE_TO_CENTER :{BLACK}Click on service to centre main view on industry/town. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on industry/town location # Story book window +STR_STORY_BOOK_SPECTATOR_CAPTION :{WHITE}Global Story Book # Station list window STR_STATION_LIST_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Station names - click on name to centre main view on station. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on station location @@ -2978,7 +2993,28 @@ STR_STATION_VIEW_RATINGS_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Show sta STR_STATION_VIEW_SUPPLY_RATINGS_TITLE :{BLACK}Monthly supply and local rating: STR_STATION_VIEW_CARGO_SUPPLY_RATING :{WHITE}{STRING}: {YELLOW}{COMMA} / {STRING} ({COMMA}%) - +STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP :{BLACK}Group by +STR_STATION_VIEW_WAITING_STATION :Station: Waiting +STR_STATION_VIEW_WAITING_AMOUNT :Amount: Waiting +STR_STATION_VIEW_PLANNED_STATION :Station: Planned +STR_STATION_VIEW_PLANNED_AMOUNT :Amount: Planned +STR_STATION_VIEW_FROM :{YELLOW}{CARGO_SHORT} from {STATION} +STR_STATION_VIEW_VIA :{YELLOW}{CARGO_SHORT} via {STATION} +STR_STATION_VIEW_TO :{YELLOW}{CARGO_SHORT} to {STATION} +STR_STATION_VIEW_FROM_ANY :{RED}{CARGO_SHORT} from unknown station +STR_STATION_VIEW_TO_ANY :{RED}{CARGO_SHORT} to any station +STR_STATION_VIEW_VIA_ANY :{RED}{CARGO_SHORT} via any station +STR_STATION_VIEW_FROM_HERE :{GREEN}{CARGO_SHORT} from this station +STR_STATION_VIEW_VIA_HERE :{GREEN}{CARGO_SHORT} stopping at this station +STR_STATION_VIEW_TO_HERE :{GREEN}{CARGO_SHORT} to this station +STR_STATION_VIEW_NONSTOP :{YELLOW}{CARGO_SHORT} non-stop + +STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP_S_V_D :Source-Via-Destination +STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP_S_D_V :Source-Destination-Via +STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP_V_S_D :Via-Source-Destination +STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP_V_D_S :Via-Destination-Source +STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP_D_S_V :Destination-Source-Via +STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP_D_V_S :Destination-Via-Source ############ range for rating starts STR_CARGO_RATING_APPALLING :Appalling @@ -3726,6 +3762,7 @@ STR_TIMETABLE_STATUS_NOT_STARTED :{BLACK}This tim STR_TIMETABLE_STATUS_START_AT :{BLACK}This timetable will start at {STRING} STR_TIMETABLE_STARTING_DATE :{BLACK}Start date +STR_TIMETABLE_STARTING_DATE_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Select a date as starting point of this timetable. Ctrl+Click sets the starting point of this timetable and distributes all vehicles sharing this order evenly based on their relative order, if the order is completely timetabled STR_TIMETABLE_CHANGE_TIME :{BLACK}Change Time STR_TIMETABLE_WAIT_TIME_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Change the amount of time that the highlighted order should take diff --git a/src/lang/english_US.txt b/src/lang/english_US.txt index e1b44cc48..9e9c54a4f 100644 --- a/src/lang/english_US.txt +++ b/src/lang/english_US.txt @@ -304,6 +304,8 @@ STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_SUBSIDIES :{BLACK}Display STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_STATIONS :{BLACK}Display list of company's stations STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_FINANCES :{BLACK}Display company finances information STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_GENERAL :{BLACK}Display general company information +STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_STORY_BOOK :{BLACK}Display story book +STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GOALS_LIST :{BLACK}Display goal list STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GRAPHS :{BLACK}Display graphs STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_LEAGUE :{BLACK}Display company league table STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Fund construction of new industry diff --git a/src/lang/gaelic.txt b/src/lang/gaelic.txt index 5a744c2c3..1fd82b6e3 100644 --- a/src/lang/gaelic.txt +++ b/src/lang/gaelic.txt @@ -409,6 +409,7 @@ STR_LIST_FILTER_TITLE :{BLACK}Sreang c STR_LIST_FILTER_OSKTITLE :{BLACK}Cuir a-steach sreang criathraige STR_LIST_FILTER_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Cuir a-steach facal-luirg gus an liosta a chriathradh leis +STR_TOOLTIP_GROUP_ORDER :{BLACK}Tagh òrdugh a' bhuidhinn STR_TOOLTIP_SORT_ORDER :{BLACK}Tagh òrdugh an t-seòrsachaidh (a' teàrnadh/a' dìreadh) STR_TOOLTIP_SORT_CRITERIA :{BLACK}Tagh cuspairean-deuchainn an t-seòrsachaidh STR_TOOLTIP_FILTER_CRITERIA :{BLACK}Tagh cuspairean-deuchainn a' chriathraidh @@ -491,6 +492,8 @@ STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_SUBSIDIES :{BLACK}Seall ta STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_STATIONS :{BLACK}Seall liosta stèiseanan na companaidh STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_FINANCES :{BLACK}Seall fiosrachadh maoin na companaidh STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_GENERAL :{BLACK}Seall fiosrachadh coitcheann na companaidh +STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_STORY_BOOK :{BLACK}Seall an sgeulaiche +STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GOALS_LIST :{BLACK}Seall liosta nan amasan STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GRAPHS :{BLACK}Seall grafaichean STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_LEAGUE :{BLACK}Seall clàr co-bhann nan companaidh STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Maoinich togail aig gnìomhachas ùr no seall liosta dhen a h-uile gnìomhachas @@ -1768,6 +1771,7 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CONSTRUCTION :{ORANGE}Togail STR_CONFIG_SETTING_VEHICLES :{ORANGE}Carbadan STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STATIONS :{ORANGE}Stèiseanan STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ECONOMY :{ORANGE}Eaconamaidh +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINKGRAPH :{ORANGE}Sgaoileadh carago STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI :{ORANGE}Co-farpaisichean STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISPLAY_OPTIONS :{ORANGE}Taisbeanadh STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INTERACTION :{ORANGE}Eadar-ghnìomh @@ -3132,6 +3136,8 @@ STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_EXCLUSIVE_TRANSPORT :{YELLOW}Ceannai STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_BRIBE :{YELLOW}Ceannaich an t-ùghdarras ionadail ach an toir iad rangachadh as fhearr dhut, ach tha cunnart ann gum faigh thu peanas mòr ma thèid do ghlacadh.{}Cosgais: {CURRENCY_LONG} # Goal window +STR_GOALS_CAPTION :{WHITE}Amasan aig {COMPANY} +STR_GOALS_SPECTATOR_CAPTION :{WHITE}Amasan coitcheann STR_GOALS_GLOBAL_TITLE :{BLACK}Amasan coitcheann: STR_GOALS_TEXT :{ORANGE}{STRING} STR_GOALS_NONE :{ORANGE}- Chan eil gin - @@ -3176,6 +3182,7 @@ STR_SUBSIDIES_SUBSIDISED_FROM_TO :{ORANGE}{STRING STR_SUBSIDIES_TOOLTIP_CLICK_ON_SERVICE_TO_CENTER :{BLACK}Briog air an t-seirbheis gus am prìomh-shealladh a mheadhanachadh air a' ghnìomhachas/bhaile. Fosglaidh Ctrl+briogadh port-seallaidh ùr air ionad a' ghnìomhachais/a' bhaile # Story book window +STR_STORY_BOOK_SPECTATOR_CAPTION :{WHITE}Sgeulaiche coitcheann # Station list window STR_STATION_LIST_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Ainmean nan stéiseanan - briog air ainm gus am prìomh-shealladh a mheadhanachadh air an stèisean. Fosglaidh Ctrl+briogadh port-seallaidh ùr air ionad an stèisein @@ -3207,7 +3214,28 @@ STR_STATION_VIEW_RATINGS_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Seall ra STR_STATION_VIEW_SUPPLY_RATINGS_TITLE :{BLACK}Solar mìosail is rangachadh ionadail: STR_STATION_VIEW_CARGO_SUPPLY_RATING :{WHITE}{STRING}: {YELLOW}{COMMA} / {STRING} ({COMMA}%) - +STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP :{BLACK}Buidhnich a-rèir +STR_STATION_VIEW_WAITING_STATION :Stèisean: A' feitheamh +STR_STATION_VIEW_WAITING_AMOUNT :Meud: A' feitheamh +STR_STATION_VIEW_PLANNED_STATION :Stèisean: Air a' phlana +STR_STATION_VIEW_PLANNED_AMOUNT :Meud: Air a' phlana +STR_STATION_VIEW_FROM :{YELLOW}{CARGO_SHORT} bho {STATION} +STR_STATION_VIEW_VIA :{YELLOW}{CARGO_SHORT} slighe {STATION} +STR_STATION_VIEW_TO :{YELLOW}{CARGO_SHORT} gu {STATION} +STR_STATION_VIEW_FROM_ANY :{RED}{CARGO_SHORT} o stèisean neo-aithnichte +STR_STATION_VIEW_TO_ANY :{RED}{CARGO_SHORT} gu stèisean sam bith +STR_STATION_VIEW_VIA_ANY :{RED}{CARGO_SHORT} slighe stèisean sam bith +STR_STATION_VIEW_FROM_HERE :{GREEN}{CARGO_SHORT} on stèisean seo +STR_STATION_VIEW_VIA_HERE :{GREEN}{CARGO_SHORT} a' stad aig an stèisean seo +STR_STATION_VIEW_TO_HERE :{GREEN}{CARGO_SHORT} gun stèisean seo +STR_STATION_VIEW_NONSTOP :{YELLOW}{CARGO_SHORT} gun stad + +STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP_S_V_D :Tùs - Slighe - Ceann-uidhe +STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP_S_D_V :Tùs - Ceann-uidhe - Slighe +STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP_V_S_D :Slighe -Tùs - Ceann-uidhe +STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP_V_D_S :Slighe - Ceann-uidhe -Tùs +STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP_D_S_V :Ceann-uidhe - Tùs - Slighe +STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP_D_V_S :Ceann-uidhe - Slighe -Tùs ############ range for rating starts STR_CARGO_RATING_APPALLING :Sgriosail diff --git a/src/lang/german.txt b/src/lang/german.txt index bef3a24d2..40c0112ed 100644 --- a/src/lang/german.txt +++ b/src/lang/german.txt @@ -305,6 +305,8 @@ STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_SUBSIDIES :{BLACK}Subventi STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_STATIONS :{BLACK}Liste der firmeneigenen Stationen anzeigen STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_FINANCES :{BLACK}Firmenfinanzen anzeigen STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_GENERAL :{BLACK}Allgemeine Firmeninformationen anzeigen +STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_STORY_BOOK :{BLACK}Zeigt die Chronik an +STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GOALS_LIST :{BLACK}Zeigt die von einem Spielskript festgelegten Ziele an STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GRAPHS :{BLACK}Diagramme anzeigen STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_LEAGUE :{BLACK}Firmentabelle oder Punktestand anzeigen STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Liste aller Industrien oder Errichtung und Finanzierung einer neuen Industrie diff --git a/src/lang/italian.txt b/src/lang/italian.txt index ff988c1f0..df53d3679 100644 --- a/src/lang/italian.txt +++ b/src/lang/italian.txt @@ -306,6 +306,8 @@ STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_SUBSIDIES :{BLACK}Mostra i STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_STATIONS :{BLACK}Mostra l'elenco delle stazioni di una compagnia STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_FINANCES :{BLACK}Mostra informazioni finanziare sulle compagnie STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_GENERAL :{BLACK}Mostra informazioni generali sulle compagnie +STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_STORY_BOOK :{BLACK}Mostra la storia delle compagnie +STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GOALS_LIST :{BLACK}Mostra le liste degli obiettivi STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GRAPHS :{BLACK}Mostra i grafici STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_LEAGUE :{BLACK}Mostra la classifica delle compagnie STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Finanzia la costruzione di una nuova industria o mostra l'elenco delle industrie @@ -1586,7 +1588,7 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MODIFIED_ROAD_REBUILD :Rimuovi segment STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MODIFIED_ROAD_REBUILD_HELPTEXT :Rimuove i segmenti di strada abbandonati come parte di una ricostruzione finanziata delle strade STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINKGRAPH_INTERVAL :Aggiorna il grafo di distribuzione ogni {STRING} giorn{P 0:2 o i} -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINKGRAPH_INTERVAL_HELPTEXT :Tempo fra due ricalcoli consecutivi del grafo delle rotte. Ad ogni ricalcolo vengono generati i piani per una sola componente del grafo. Ciò significa che una valore X per questa impostazione non causa il ricalcolo dell'intero grafo ogni X giorni, ma solo di una componente. Più breve l'intervallo impostato, più tempo la CPU conuma per calcolare il grafo. Più lungo l'intervallo, più a lungo bisogna attendere prima che la distribuzione abbia inizio su nuovi percorsi. +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINKGRAPH_INTERVAL_HELPTEXT :Tempo fra due ricalcoli consecutivi del grafo delle rotte. Ad ogni ricalcolo vengono generati i piani per una sola componente del grafo. Ciò significa che una valore X per questa impostazione non causa il ricalcolo dell'intero grafo ogni X giorni, ma solo di una componente. Più breve l'intervallo impostato, più tempo la CPU consuma per calcolare il grafo. Più lungo l'intervallo, più a lungo bisogna attendere prima che la distribuzione abbia inizio su nuovi percorsi. STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINKGRAPH_TIME :Impiega {STRING} giorn{P 0:2 o i} per il ricalcolo del grafo di distribuzione STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINKGRAPH_TIME_HELPTEXT :Tempo impiegato per il ricalcolo di una singola componente del grafo. All'avvio di un ricalcolo viene creato un thread che è mantenuto in esecuzione per il numero di giorni impostato. Più corto è l'intervallo impostato, più è probabile che il thread non termini in tempo. In questo caso, il gioco si interrompe attendendo la fine del thread (causando un rallentamento). Più l'intervallo impostato è lungo, più tempo è necessario affinché la distribuzione venga aggiornata quando le rotte cambiano. STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_MANUAL :Manuale @@ -1597,11 +1599,11 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_PAX_HELPTEXT :In modalità "S STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_MAIL :Modalità di distribuzione della posta: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_MAIL_HELPTEXT :In modalità "Simmetrica" la quantità di posta spedita da una stazione A ad una B è approssimativamente la stessa di quella spedita da B ad A. In modalità "Asimmetrica" è consentita la spedizione di quantità di posta arbitrarie in entrambe le direzioni. In modalità "Manuale" non viene effettuata alcuna distribuzione automatica della posta. STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_ARMOURED :Modalità di distribuzione dei carichi della classe ARMOURED: {STRING} -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_ARMOURED_HELPTEXT :La classe di carico ARMOURED contiene i Valori nel clima temperato, i Diamanti nel clima sub-tropicale e l'Oro nel clima sub-artico. I NewGRF possono modificare questa impostazione. In modalità "Simmetrica" la quantità da carico inviata da una stazione A ad una B è approssimativamente la stessa di quella inviata da B ad A. In modalità "Asimmetrica" è consentito l'invio di quantità di carico arbitrarie in entrambe le direzioni. In modalità "Manuale" non viene effettuata alcuna distribuzione automatica dei carichi interessati. Si raccomanda di impostare su "Asimmetrica" o "Manuale" per le partite nel clima sub-artico, in quanto le banche non restituiscono Oro alle miniere. Per i climi temperato e sub-tropicale è possibile scegliere "Simmetrica" poiché le banche restituiscono un carico di valori equivalente a quello ricevuto dalla banca di origine. +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_ARMOURED_HELPTEXT :La classe di carico ARMOURED contiene i Valori nel clima temperato, i Diamanti nel clima sub-tropicale e l'Oro nel clima sub-artico. I NewGRF possono modificare questa impostazione. In modalità "Simmetrica" la quantità di carico inviata da una stazione A ad una B è approssimativamente la stessa di quella inviata da B ad A. In modalità "Asimmetrica" è consentito l'invio di quantità di carico arbitrarie in entrambe le direzioni. In modalità "Manuale" non viene effettuata alcuna distribuzione automatica dei carichi interessati. Si raccomanda di impostare su "Asimmetrica" o "Manuale" per le partite nel clima sub-artico, in quanto le banche non restituiscono Oro alle miniere. Per i climi temperato e sub-tropicale è possibile scegliere "Simmetrica" poiché le banche restituiscono un carico di valori equivalente a quello ricevuto dalla banca di origine. STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_DEFAULT :Modalità di distribuzione dei carichi delle altre classi: {STRING} -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_DEFAULT_HELPTEXT :In modalità "Simmetrica" la quantità da carico inviata da una stazione A ad una B è approssimativamente la stessa di quella inviata da B ad A. In modalità "Asimmetrica" è consentito l'invio di quantità di carico arbitrarie in entrambe le direzioni. In modalità "Manuale" non viene effettuata alcuna distribuzione automatica dei carichi interessati. L'impostazione tipica è "Asimmetrica" o "Manuale". +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_DEFAULT_HELPTEXT :In modalità "Simmetrica" la quantità di carico inviata da una stazione A ad una B è approssimativamente la stessa di quella inviata da B ad A. In modalità "Asimmetrica" è consentito l'invio di quantità di carico arbitrarie in entrambe le direzioni. In modalità "Manuale" non viene effettuata alcuna distribuzione automatica dei carichi interessati. L'impostazione tipica è "Asimmetrica" o "Manuale". STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINKGRAPH_ACCURACY :Precisione della distribuzione: {STRING} -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINKGRAPH_ACCURACY_HELPTEXT :Più alta l'impostazione, più tempo impiega la CPU per calcolare il grafo delle rotte. Nel caso sia richiesto molto tempo, potrebbe verificarsi rallentamenti. Tuttavia, impostando un valore basso, la distribuzione potrebbe essere imprecisa e i carichi potrebbero essere inviati a destinazioni inattese. +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINKGRAPH_ACCURACY_HELPTEXT :Più alta l'impostazione, più tempo impiega la CPU per calcolare il grafo delle rotte. Nel caso sia richiesto molto tempo, potrebbero verificarsi rallentamenti. Tuttavia, impostando un valore basso, la distribuzione potrebbe essere imprecisa e i carichi potrebbero essere inviati a destinazioni inattese. STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEMAND_DISTANCE :Effetto della distanza sulla domanda: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEMAND_DISTANCE_HELPTEXT :Impostando a un valore maggiore di 0, la distanza fra una stazione di origine A e una possibile destinazione B per uno dei carichi prodotti ha effetto sulla quantità di carico effettivamente inviata da A a B. Più B si trova lontano da A, più piccola è la quantità inviata. Aumentando il valore dell'impostazione si aumenta anche lo squilibrio fra le stazioni lontane (che ricevono meno carico) e le stazioni più vicine (che ne ricevono di più). STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEMAND_SIZE :Quantità di carico restituita in modalità simmetrica: {STRING} diff --git a/src/lang/korean.txt b/src/lang/korean.txt index fbc4f0dbc..afbfc3fbf 100644 --- a/src/lang/korean.txt +++ b/src/lang/korean.txt @@ -2904,6 +2904,7 @@ STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_EXCLUSIVE_TRANSPORT :{YELLOW} 1년 STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_BRIBE :{YELLOW} 성취도를 올리기 위해 처벌을 감수하고 지역 당국에 뇌물을 줍니다.{}가격: {CURRENCY_LONG} # Goal window +STR_GOALS_SPECTATOR_CAPTION :{WHITE}전체 목표 STR_GOALS_GLOBAL_TITLE :{BLACK}전체 목표: STR_GOALS_TEXT :{ORANGE}{STRING} STR_GOALS_NONE :{ORANGE}- 없음 - diff --git a/src/lang/russian.txt b/src/lang/russian.txt index 98e16a12a..036e104fd 100644 --- a/src/lang/russian.txt +++ b/src/lang/russian.txt @@ -430,6 +430,8 @@ STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_SUBSIDIES :{BLACK}Пока STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_STATIONS :{BLACK}Список станций STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_FINANCES :{BLACK}Показать финансовую информацию компании STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_GENERAL :{BLACK}Показать основную информацию о компании +STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_STORY_BOOK :{BLACK}Показать историю компании +STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GOALS_LIST :{BLACK}Показать список задач STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GRAPHS :{BLACK}Показать графики STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_LEAGUE :{BLACK}Показать рейтинги компаний STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Список существующих предприятий; создание новых @@ -1329,7 +1331,7 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SHOWFINANCES_HELPTEXT :Показыв STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NONSTOP_BY_DEFAULT :Создавать задания с меткой «без остановок»: {STRING} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NONSTOP_BY_DEFAULT_HELPTEXT :Обычно транспортное средство останавливается на каждой станции, через которое проезжает. Если в задании стоит метка «без остановок», то ТС не останавливается на пути к станции назначения. Эта настройка влияет только на вновь создаваемые задания; после создания маршрута каждое задание можно настроить индивидуально. STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STOP_LOCATION :По умолчанию поезда останавливаются {STRING} станции -STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STOP_LOCATION_HELPTEXT :Укажите, в какой части станции должны останавливаться поезда. «Начало станции» обозначает тот край платформы, куда поезд прибывает; «середина станции» - середину платформы; «конец станции» - край платформы, противоположный тому, куда прибыл поезд. +STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STOP_LOCATION_HELPTEXT :Укажите, в какой части станции должны останавливаться поезда. «Начало станции» обозначает тот край платформы, куда поезд прибывает; «середина станции» - середину платформы; «конец станции» - край платформы, противоположный тому, откуда прибыл поезд. Учтите, что это значения по умолчанию; в каждом задании можно указать своё место остановки. STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STOP_LOCATION_NEAR_END :в начале STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STOP_LOCATION_MIDDLE :в середине STR_CONFIG_SETTING_STOP_LOCATION_FAR_END :в конце @@ -3097,9 +3099,11 @@ STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_EXCLUSIVE_TRANSPORT :{YELLOW}Куп STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_BRIBE :{YELLOW}Дать взятку городской администрации для повышения рейтинга. Существует риск санкций, если факт взятки раскроется.{}Цена: {CURRENCY_LONG} # Goal window +STR_GOALS_SPECTATOR_CAPTION :{WHITE}Глобальные задачи STR_GOALS_GLOBAL_TITLE :{BLACK}Общие задачи: STR_GOALS_TEXT :{ORANGE}{STRING} STR_GOALS_NONE :{ORANGE}- Нет - +STR_GOALS_SPECTATOR_NONE :{ORANGE}- Неприменимо - STR_GOALS_PROGRESS :{ORANGE}{STRING} STR_GOALS_PROGRESS_COMPLETE :{GREEN}{STRING} STR_GOALS_COMPANY_TITLE :{BLACK}Задачи компании: @@ -3141,6 +3145,7 @@ STR_SUBSIDIES_SUBSIDISED_FROM_TO :{ORANGE}{STRING STR_SUBSIDIES_TOOLTIP_CLICK_ON_SERVICE_TO_CENTER :{BLACK}Нажмите на маршрут для отображения предприятия/города. Ctrl+щелчок показывает в дополнительном окне. # Story book window +STR_STORY_BOOK_SPECTATOR_CAPTION :{WHITE}Мировая история # Station list window STR_STATION_LIST_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Список станций - щелчок по названию показывает станцию в основном окне. Ctrl+щелчок показывает в дополнительном окне. diff --git a/src/lang/swedish.txt b/src/lang/swedish.txt index 86dc03422..a1aa85aa3 100644 --- a/src/lang/swedish.txt +++ b/src/lang/swedish.txt @@ -304,6 +304,8 @@ STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_SUBSIDIES :{BLACK}Visa sub STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_STATIONS :{BLACK}Visa lista över företagets stationer STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_FINANCES :{BLACK}Visa finansinformation för företaget STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_GENERAL :{BLACK}Visa allmän företagsinformation +STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_STORY_BOOK :{BLACK}Visa berättelsebok +STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GOALS_LIST :{BLACK}Visa lista över mål STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GRAPHS :{BLACK}Visa grafer STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_LEAGUE :{BLACK}Visa topplista över företag STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Bekosta konstruktion av en ny industri eller lista alla industrier @@ -2991,6 +2993,7 @@ STR_STATIOV_VIEW_EXCLUSIVE_RIGHTS_COMPANY :{YELLOW}{COMPAN STR_STATION_VIEW_RATINGS_BUTTON :{BLACK}Värderingar STR_STATION_VIEW_RATINGS_TOOLTIP :{BLACK}Visa stationens klassificering +STR_STATION_VIEW_SUPPLY_RATINGS_TITLE :{BLACK}Månadsvis tillförsel av gods och lokal värdering: STR_STATION_VIEW_CARGO_SUPPLY_RATING :{WHITE}{STRING}: {YELLOW}{COMMA} / {STRING} ({COMMA}%) STR_STATION_VIEW_GROUP :{BLACK}Gruppera med hänsyn till |