path: root/src/linkgraph/linkgraphjob.h
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authorfonsinchen <>2013-06-09 12:57:41 +0000
committerfonsinchen <>2013-06-09 12:57:41 +0000
commit22f56ffdd7b106b0fd080e1dc4adc957e1b356ea (patch)
tree477872c3fddd35ea741b211596fa7a91594bbf7b /src/linkgraph/linkgraphjob.h
parent33ad9774fb7c51f1ec706851c7a96a7ced5ff622 (diff)
(svn r25353) -Add: link graph job implementation
Diffstat (limited to 'src/linkgraph/linkgraphjob.h')
1 files changed, 413 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/linkgraph/linkgraphjob.h b/src/linkgraph/linkgraphjob.h
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index 000000000..f54270e6d
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+++ b/src/linkgraph/linkgraphjob.h
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+/* $Id$ */
+ * This file is part of OpenTTD.
+ * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
+ * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/** @file linkgraph.h Declaration of link graph job classes used for cargo distribution. */
+#include "../thread/thread.h"
+#include "linkgraph.h"
+#include <list>
+class LinkGraphJob;
+class Path;
+typedef std::list<Path *> PathList;
+/** Type of the pool for link graph jobs. */
+typedef Pool<LinkGraphJob, LinkGraphJobID, 32, 0xFFFFFF> LinkGraphJobPool;
+/** The actual pool with link graph jobs. */
+extern LinkGraphJobPool _link_graph_job_pool;
+ * Class for calculation jobs to be run on link graphs.
+ */
+class LinkGraphJob : public LinkGraphJobPool::PoolItem<&_link_graph_job_pool>{
+ /**
+ * Annotation for a link graph edge.
+ */
+ struct EdgeAnnotation {
+ uint demand; ///< Transport demand between the nodes.
+ uint unsatisfied_demand; ///< Demand over this edge that hasn't been satisfied yet.
+ uint flow; ///< Planned flow over this edge.
+ void Init();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Annotation for a link graph node.
+ */
+ struct NodeAnnotation {
+ uint undelivered_supply; ///< Amount of supply that hasn't been distributed yet.
+ PathList paths; ///< Paths through this node.
+ FlowStatMap flows; ///< Planned flows to other nodes.
+ void Init(uint supply);
+ };
+ typedef SmallVector<NodeAnnotation, 16> NodeAnnotationVector;
+ typedef SmallMatrix<EdgeAnnotation> EdgeAnnotationMatrix;
+ friend const SaveLoad *GetLinkGraphJobDesc();
+ friend class LinkGraphSchedule;
+ const LinkGraph link_graph; ///< Link graph to by analyzed. Is copied when job is started and mustn't be modified later.
+ const LinkGraphSettings settings; ///< Copy of _settings_game.linkgraph at spawn time.
+ ThreadObject *thread; ///< Thread the job is running in or NULL if it's running in the main thread.
+ const Date join_date; ///< Date when the job is to be joined.
+ NodeAnnotationVector nodes; ///< Extra node data necessary for link graph calculation.
+ EdgeAnnotationMatrix edges; ///< Extra edge data necessary for link graph calculation.
+ /**
+ * A job edge. Wraps a link graph edge and an edge annotation. The
+ * annotation can be modified, the edge is constant.
+ */
+ class Edge : public LinkGraph::ConstEdge {
+ private:
+ EdgeAnnotation &anno; ///< Annotation being wrapped.
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ * @param edge Link graph edge to be wrapped.
+ * @param anno Annotation to be wrapped.
+ */
+ Edge(const LinkGraph::BaseEdge &edge, EdgeAnnotation &anno) :
+ LinkGraph::ConstEdge(edge), anno(anno) {}
+ /**
+ * Get the transport demand between end the points of the edge.
+ * @return Demand.
+ */
+ uint Demand() const { return this->anno.demand; }
+ /**
+ * Get the transport demand that hasn't been satisfied by flows, yet.
+ * @return Unsatisfied demand.
+ */
+ uint UnsatisfiedDemand() const { return this->anno.unsatisfied_demand; }
+ /**
+ * Get the total flow on the edge.
+ * @return Flow.
+ */
+ uint Flow() const { return this->anno.flow; }
+ /**
+ * Add some flow.
+ * @param flow Flow to be added.
+ */
+ void AddFlow(uint flow) { this->anno.flow += flow; }
+ /**
+ * Remove some flow.
+ * @param flow Flow to be removed.
+ */
+ void RemoveFlow(uint flow)
+ {
+ assert(flow <= this->anno.flow);
+ this->anno.flow -= flow;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add some (not yet satisfied) demand.
+ * @param demand Demand to be added.
+ */
+ void AddDemand(uint demand)
+ {
+ this->anno.demand += demand;
+ this->anno.unsatisfied_demand += demand;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Satisfy some demand.
+ * @param demand Demand to be satisfied.
+ */
+ void SatisfyDemand(uint demand)
+ {
+ assert(demand <= this->anno.unsatisfied_demand);
+ this->anno.unsatisfied_demand -= demand;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Iterator for job edges.
+ */
+ class EdgeIterator : public LinkGraph::BaseEdgeIterator<const LinkGraph::BaseEdge, Edge, EdgeIterator> {
+ EdgeAnnotation *base_anno; ///< Array of annotations to be (indirectly) iterated.
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ * @param base Array of edges to be iterated.
+ * @param base_anno Array of annotations to be iterated.
+ * @param current Start offset of iteration.
+ */
+ EdgeIterator(const LinkGraph::BaseEdge *base, EdgeAnnotation *base_anno, NodeID current) :
+ LinkGraph::BaseEdgeIterator<const LinkGraph::BaseEdge, Edge, EdgeIterator>(base, current),
+ base_anno(base_anno) {}
+ /**
+ * Dereference.
+ * @return Pair of the edge currently pointed to and the ID of its
+ * other end.
+ */
+ SmallPair<NodeID, Edge> operator*() const
+ {
+ return SmallPair<NodeID, Edge>(this->current, Edge(this->base[this->current], this->base_anno[this->current]));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dereference. Has to be repeated here as operator* is different than
+ * in LinkGraph::EdgeWrapper.
+ * @return Fake pointer to pair of NodeID/Edge.
+ */
+ FakePointer operator->() const {
+ return FakePointer(this->operator*());
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Link graph job node. Wraps a constant link graph node and a modifiable
+ * node annotation.
+ */
+ class Node : public LinkGraph::ConstNode {
+ private:
+ NodeAnnotation &node_anno; ///< Annotation being wrapped.
+ EdgeAnnotation *edge_annos; ///< Edge annotations belonging to this node.
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ * @param lgj Job to take the node from.
+ * @param node ID of the node.
+ */
+ Node (LinkGraphJob *lgj, NodeID node) :
+ LinkGraph::ConstNode(&lgj->link_graph, node),
+ node_anno(lgj->nodes[node]), edge_annos(lgj->edges[node])
+ {}
+ /**
+ * Retrieve an edge starting at this node. Mind that this returns an
+ * object, not a reference.
+ * @param to Remote end of the edge.
+ * @return Edge between this node and "to".
+ */
+ Edge operator[](NodeID to) const { return Edge(this->edges[to], this->edge_annos[to]); }
+ /**
+ * Iterator for the "begin" of the edge array. Only edges with capacity
+ * are iterated. The others are skipped.
+ * @return Iterator pointing to the first edge.
+ */
+ EdgeIterator Begin() const { return EdgeIterator(this->edges, this->edge_annos, index); }
+ /**
+ * Iterator for the "end" of the edge array. Only edges with capacity
+ * are iterated. The others are skipped.
+ * @return Iterator pointing beyond the last edge.
+ */
+ EdgeIterator End() const { return EdgeIterator(this->edges, this->edge_annos, INVALID_NODE); }
+ /**
+ * Get amount of supply that hasn't been delivered, yet.
+ * @return Undelivered supply.
+ */
+ uint UndeliveredSupply() const { return this->node_anno.undelivered_supply; }
+ /**
+ * Get the flows running through this node.
+ * @return Flows.
+ */
+ FlowStatMap &Flows() { return this->node_anno.flows; }
+ /**
+ * Get a constant version of the flows running through this node.
+ * @return Flows.
+ */
+ const FlowStatMap &Flows() const { return this->node_anno.flows; }
+ /**
+ * Get the paths this node is part of.
+ * @return Paths.
+ */
+ PathList &Paths() { return this->node_anno.paths; }
+ /**
+ * Get a constant version of the paths this node is part of.
+ * @return Paths.
+ */
+ const PathList &Paths() const { return this->node_anno.paths; }
+ /**
+ * Deliver some supply, adding demand to the respective edge.
+ * @param to Destination for supply.
+ * @param amount Amount of supply to be delivered.
+ */
+ void DeliverSupply(NodeID to, uint amount)
+ {
+ this->node_anno.undelivered_supply -= amount;
+ (*this)[to].AddDemand(amount);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Bare constructor, only for save/load. link_graph, join_date and actually
+ * settings have to be brutally const-casted in order to populate them.
+ */
+ LinkGraphJob() : settings(_settings_game.linkgraph), thread(NULL),
+ join_date(INVALID_DATE) {}
+ LinkGraphJob(const LinkGraph &orig);
+ ~LinkGraphJob();
+ void Init();
+ /**
+ * Check if job is supposed to be finished.
+ * @return True if job should be finished by now, false if not.
+ */
+ inline bool IsFinished() const { return this->join_date <= _date; }
+ /**
+ * Get the date when the job should be finished.
+ * @return Join date.
+ */
+ inline Date JoinDate() const { return join_date; }
+ /**
+ * Get the link graph settings for this component.
+ * @return Settings.
+ */
+ inline const LinkGraphSettings &Settings() const { return this->settings; }
+ /**
+ * Get a node abstraction with the specified id.
+ * @param num ID of the node.
+ * @return the Requested node.
+ */
+ inline Node operator[](NodeID num) { return Node(this, num); }
+ /**
+ * Get the size of the underlying link graph.
+ * @return Size.
+ */
+ inline uint Size() const { return this->link_graph.Size(); }
+ /**
+ * Get the cargo of the underlying link graph.
+ * @return Cargo.
+ */
+ inline CargoID Cargo() const { return this->link_graph.Cargo(); }
+ /**
+ * Get the date when the underlying link graph was last compressed.
+ * @return Compression date.
+ */
+ inline Date LastCompression() const { return this->link_graph.LastCompression(); }
+ /**
+ * Get the ID of the underlying link graph.
+ * @return Link graph ID.
+ */
+ inline LinkGraphID LinkGraphIndex() const { return this->link_graph.index; }
+ /**
+ * Get a reference to the underlying link graph. Only use this for save/load.
+ * @return Link graph.
+ */
+ inline const LinkGraph &Graph() const { return this->link_graph; }
+#define FOR_ALL_LINK_GRAPH_JOBS(var) FOR_ALL_ITEMS_FROM(LinkGraphJob, link_graph_job_index, var, 0)
+ * A leg of a path in the link graph. Paths can form trees by being "forked".
+ */
+class Path {
+ Path(NodeID n, bool source = false);
+ /** Get the node this leg passes. */
+ inline NodeID GetNode() const { return this->node; }
+ /** Get the overall origin of the path. */
+ inline NodeID GetOrigin() const { return this->origin; }
+ /** Get the parent leg of this one. */
+ inline Path *GetParent() { return this->parent; }
+ /** Get the overall capacity of the path. */
+ inline uint GetCapacity() const { return this->capacity; }
+ /** Get the free capacity of the path. */
+ inline int GetFreeCapacity() const { return this->free_capacity; }
+ /**
+ * Get ratio of free * 16 (so that we get fewer 0) /
+ * total capacity + 1 (so that we don't divide by 0).
+ * @param free Free capacity.
+ * @param total Total capacity.
+ * @return free * 16 / (total + 1).
+ */
+ inline static int GetCapacityRatio(int free, int total)
+ {
+ return (free << 4) / (total + 1);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get capacity ratio of this path.
+ * @return free capacity * 16 / (total capacity + 1).
+ */
+ inline int GetCapacityRatio() const
+ {
+ return Path::GetCapacityRatio(this->free_capacity, this->capacity);
+ }
+ /** Get the overall distance of the path. */
+ inline uint GetDistance() const { return this->distance; }
+ /** Reduce the flow on this leg only by the specified amount. */
+ inline void ReduceFlow(uint f) { this->flow -= f; }
+ /** Increase the flow on this leg only by the specified amount. */
+ inline void AddFlow(uint f) { this->flow += f; }
+ /** Get the flow on this leg. */
+ inline uint GetFlow() const { return this->flow; }
+ /** Get the number of "forked off" child legs of this one. */
+ inline uint GetNumChildren() const { return this->num_children; }
+ /**
+ * Detach this path from its parent.
+ */
+ inline void Detach()
+ {
+ if (this->parent != NULL) {
+ this->parent->num_children--;
+ this->parent = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ uint AddFlow(uint f, LinkGraphJob &job, uint max_saturation);
+ void Fork(Path *base, uint cap, int free_cap, uint dist);
+ uint distance; ///< Sum(distance of all legs up to this one).
+ uint capacity; ///< This capacity is min(capacity) fom all edges.
+ int free_capacity; ///< This capacity is min(edge.capacity - edge.flow) for the current run of Dijkstra.
+ uint flow; ///< Flow the current run of the mcf solver assigns.
+ NodeID node; ///< Link graph node this leg passes.
+ NodeID origin; ///< Link graph node this path originates from.
+ uint num_children; ///< Number of child legs that have been forked from this path.
+ Path *parent; ///< Parent leg of this one.
+#endif /* LINKGRAPHJOB_H */