path: root/bin/ai/wrightai
diff options
authortruebrain <>2009-01-17 16:57:30 +0000
committertruebrain <>2009-01-17 16:57:30 +0000
commitee1310af719fdf9db650a8855c5726f3819ff78e (patch)
tree2e2f1540060cc86996c72dc0afa421216320530b /bin/ai/wrightai
parent3a13b75e37b5642de3c1e89cf6ab3bf860b76375 (diff)
(svn r15128) -Remove: remove WrightAI and AI Libraries from SVN, as they are now available via the content service
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/ai/wrightai')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 403 deletions
diff --git a/bin/ai/wrightai/info.nut b/bin/ai/wrightai/info.nut
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a3feb8c5..000000000
--- a/bin/ai/wrightai/info.nut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id$ */
-class WrightAI extends AIInfo {
- function GetAuthor() { return "OpenTTD NoAI Developers Team"; }
- function GetName() { return "WrightAI"; }
- function GetShortName() { return "WRAI"; }
- function GetDescription() { return "A simple AI that tries to beat you with only aircrafts"; }
- function GetVersion() { return 2; }
- function GetDate() { return "2008-02-24"; }
- function CreateInstance() { return "WrightAI"; }
- function GetSettings() {
- AddSetting({name = "min_town_size", description = "The minimal size of towns to work on", min_value = 100, max_value = 1000, easy_value = 500, medium_value = 400, hard_value = 300, custom_value = 500, flags = 0});
- }
diff --git a/bin/ai/wrightai/main.nut b/bin/ai/wrightai/main.nut
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c10aeca9..000000000
--- a/bin/ai/wrightai/main.nut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id$ */
-class WrightAI extends AIController {
- name = null;
- towns_used = null;
- route_1 = null;
- route_2 = null;
- distance_of_route = {};
- vehicle_to_depot = {};
- delay_build_airport_route = 1000;
- passenger_cargo_id = -1;
- function Start();
- constructor() {
- this.towns_used = AIList();
- this.route_1 = AIList();
- this.route_2 = AIList();
- local list = AICargoList();
- for (local i = list.Begin(); list.HasNext(); i = list.Next()) {
- if (AICargo.HasCargoClass(i, AICargo.CC_PASSENGERS)) {
- this.passenger_cargo_id = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- * Check if we have enough money (via loan and on bank).
- */
-function WrightAI::HasMoney(money)
- if (AICompany.GetBankBalance(AICompany.COMPANY_SELF) + (AICompany.GetMaxLoanAmount() - AICompany.GetLoanAmount()) > money) return true;
- return false;
- * Get the amount of money requested, loan if needed.
- */
-function WrightAI::GetMoney(money)
- if (!this.HasMoney(money)) return;
- if (AICompany.GetBankBalance(AICompany.COMPANY_SELF) > money) return;
- local loan = money - AICompany.GetBankBalance(AICompany.COMPANY_SELF) + AICompany.GetLoanInterval() + AICompany.GetLoanAmount();
- loan = loan - loan % AICompany.GetLoanInterval();
- AILog.Info("Need a loan to get " + money + ": " + loan);
- AICompany.SetLoanAmount(loan);
- * Build an airport route. Find 2 cities that are big enough and try to build airport in both cities.
- * Then we can build an aircraft and make some money.
- */
-function WrightAI::BuildAirportRoute()
- local airport_type = (AIAirport.AirportAvailable(AIAirport.AT_SMALL) ? AIAirport.AT_SMALL : AIAirport.AT_LARGE);
- /* Get enough money to work with */
- this.GetMoney(150000);
- AILog.Info("Trying to build an airport route");
- local tile_1 = this.FindSuitableAirportSpot(airport_type, 0);
- if (tile_1 < 0) return -1;
- local tile_2 = this.FindSuitableAirportSpot(airport_type, tile_1);
- if (tile_2 < 0) {
- this.towns_used.RemoveValue(tile_1);
- return -2;
- }
- /* Build the airports for real */
- if (!AIAirport.BuildAirport(tile_1, airport_type, true)) {
- AILog.Error("Although the testing told us we could build 2 airports, it still failed on the first airport at tile " + tile_1 + ".");
- this.towns_used.RemoveValue(tile_1);
- this.towns_used.RemoveValue(tile_2);
- return -3;
- }
- if (!AIAirport.BuildAirport(tile_2, airport_type, true)) {
- AILog.Error("Although the testing told us we could build 2 airports, it still failed on the second airport at tile " + tile_2 + ".");
- AIAirport.RemoveAirport(tile_1);
- this.towns_used.RemoveValue(tile_1);
- this.towns_used.RemoveValue(tile_2);
- return -4;
- }
- local ret = this.BuildAircraft(tile_1, tile_2);
- if (ret < 0) {
- AIAirport.RemoveAirport(tile_1);
- AIAirport.RemoveAirport(tile_2);
- this.towns_used.RemoveValue(tile_1);
- this.towns_used.RemoveValue(tile_2);
- return ret;
- }
- AILog.Info("Done building a route");
- return ret;
- * Build an aircraft with orders from tile_1 to tile_2.
- * The best available aircraft of that time will be bought.
- */
-function WrightAI::BuildAircraft(tile_1, tile_2)
- /* Build an aircraft */
- local hangar = AIAirport.GetHangarOfAirport(tile_1);
- local engine = null;
- local engine_list = AIEngineList(AIVehicle.VT_AIR);
- /* When bank balance < 300000, buy cheaper planes */
- local balance = AICompany.GetBankBalance(AICompany.COMPANY_SELF);
- engine_list.Valuate(AIEngine.GetPrice);
- engine_list.KeepBelowValue(balance < 300000 ? 50000 : (balance < 1000000 ? 300000 : 1000000));
- engine_list.Valuate(AIEngine.GetCargoType);
- engine_list.KeepValue(this.passenger_cargo_id);
- engine_list.Valuate(AIEngine.GetCapacity);
- engine_list.KeepTop(1);
- engine = engine_list.Begin();
- if (!AIEngine.IsValidEngine(engine)) {
- AILog.Error("Couldn't find a suitable engine");
- return -5;
- }
- local vehicle = AIVehicle.BuildVehicle(hangar, engine);
- if (!AIVehicle.IsValidVehicle(vehicle)) {
- AILog.Error("Couldn't build the aircraft");
- return -6;
- }
- /* Send him on his way */
- AIOrder.AppendOrder(vehicle, tile_1, AIOrder.AIOF_NONE);
- AIOrder.AppendOrder(vehicle, tile_2, AIOrder.AIOF_NONE);
- AIVehicle.StartStopVehicle(vehicle);
- this.distance_of_route.rawset(vehicle, AIMap.DistanceManhattan(tile_1, tile_2));
- this.route_1.AddItem(vehicle, tile_1);
- this.route_2.AddItem(vehicle, tile_2);
- AILog.Info("Done building an aircraft");
- return 0;
- * Find a suitable spot for an airport, walking all towns hoping to find one.
- * When a town is used, it is marked as such and not re-used.
- */
-function WrightAI::FindSuitableAirportSpot(airport_type, center_tile)
- local airport_x, airport_y, airport_rad;
- airport_x = AIAirport.GetAirportWidth(airport_type);
- airport_y = AIAirport.GetAirportHeight(airport_type);
- airport_rad = AIAirport.GetAirportCoverageRadius(airport_type);
- local town_list = AITownList();
- /* Remove all the towns we already used */
- town_list.RemoveList(this.towns_used);
- town_list.Valuate(AITown.GetPopulation);
- town_list.KeepAboveValue(GetSetting("min_town_size"));
- /* Keep the best 10, if we can't find 2 stations in there, just leave it anyway */
- town_list.KeepTop(10);
- town_list.Valuate(AIBase.RandItem);
- /* Now find 2 suitable towns */
- for (local town = town_list.Begin(); town_list.HasNext(); town = town_list.Next()) {
- /* Don't make this a CPU hog */
- Sleep(1);
- local tile = AITown.GetLocation(town);
- /* Create a 30x30 grid around the core of the town and see if we can find a spot for a small airport */
- local list = AITileList();
- /* XXX -- We assume we are more than 15 tiles away from the border! */
- list.AddRectangle(tile - AIMap.GetTileIndex(15, 15), tile + AIMap.GetTileIndex(15, 15));
- list.Valuate(AITile.IsBuildableRectangle, airport_x, airport_y);
- list.KeepValue(1);
- if (center_tile != 0) {
- /* If we have a tile defined, we don't want to be within 25 tiles of this tile */
- list.Valuate(AITile.GetDistanceSquareToTile, center_tile);
- list.KeepAboveValue(625);
- }
- /* Sort on acceptance, remove places that don't have acceptance */
- list.Valuate(AITile.GetCargoAcceptance, this.passenger_cargo_id, airport_x, airport_y, airport_rad);
- list.RemoveBelowValue(10);
- /* Couldn't find a suitable place for this town, skip to the next */
- if (list.Count() == 0) continue;
- /* Walk all the tiles and see if we can build the airport at all */
- {
- local test = AITestMode();
- local good_tile = 0;
- for (tile = list.Begin(); list.HasNext(); tile = list.Next()) {
- Sleep(1);
- if (!AIAirport.BuildAirport(tile, airport_type, true)) continue;
- good_tile = tile;
- break;
- }
- /* Did we found a place to build the airport on? */
- if (good_tile == 0) continue;
- }
- AILog.Info("Found a good spot for an airport in town " + town + " at tile " + tile);
- /* Make the town as used, so we don't use it again */
- this.towns_used.AddItem(town, tile);
- return tile;
- }
- AILog.Info("Couldn't find a suitable town to build an airport in");
- return -1;
-function WrightAI::ManageAirRoutes()
- local list = AIVehicleList();
- list.Valuate(AIVehicle.GetAge);
- /* Give the plane at least 2 years to make a difference */
- list.KeepAboveValue(365 * 2);
- list.Valuate(AIVehicle.GetProfitLastYear);
- for (local i = list.Begin(); list.HasNext(); i = list.Next()) {
- local profit = list.GetValue(i);
- /* Profit last year and this year bad? Let's sell the vehicle */
- if (profit < 10000 && AIVehicle.GetProfitThisYear(i) < 10000) {
- /* Send the vehicle to depot if we didn't do so yet */
- if (!vehicle_to_depot.rawin(i) || vehicle_to_depot.rawget(i) != true) {
- AILog.Info("Sending " + i + " to depot as profit is: " + profit + " / " + AIVehicle.GetProfitThisYear(i));
- AIVehicle.SendVehicleToDepot(i);
- vehicle_to_depot.rawset(i, true);
- }
- }
- /* Try to sell it over and over till it really is in the depot */
- if (vehicle_to_depot.rawin(i) && vehicle_to_depot.rawget(i) == true) {
- if (AIVehicle.SellVehicle(i)) {
- AILog.Info("Selling " + i + " as it finally is in a depot.");
- /* Check if we are the last one serving those airports; else sell the airports */
- local list2 = AIVehicleList_Station(AIStation.GetStationID(this.route_1.GetValue(i)));
- if (list2.Count() == 0) this.SellAirports(i);
- vehicle_to_depot.rawdelete(i);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Don't try to add planes when we are short on cash */
- if (!this.HasMoney(50000)) return;
- list = AIStationList(AIStation.STATION_AIRPORT);
- list.Valuate(AIStation.GetCargoWaiting, this.passenger_cargo_id);
- list.KeepAboveValue(250);
- for (local i = list.Begin(); list.HasNext(); i = list.Next()) {
- local list2 = AIVehicleList_Station(i);
- /* No vehicles going to this station, abort and sell */
- if (list2.Count() == 0) {
- this.SellAirports(i);
- continue;
- };
- /* Find the first vehicle that is going to this station */
- local v = list2.Begin();
- local dist = this.distance_of_route.rawget(v);
- list2.Valuate(AIVehicle.GetAge);
- list2.KeepBelowValue(dist);
- /* Do not build a new vehicle if we bought a new one in the last DISTANCE days */
- if (list2.Count() != 0) continue;
- AILog.Info("Station " + i + " (" + AIStation.GetLocation(i) + ") has too many cargo, adding a new vehicle for the route.");
- /* Make sure we have enough money */
- this.GetMoney(50000);
- return this.BuildAircraft(this.route_1.GetValue(v), this.route_2.GetValue(v));
- }
- * Sells the airports from route index i
- * Removes towns from towns_used list too
- */
-function WrightAI::SellAirports(i) {
- /* Remove the airports */
- AILog.Info("Removing airports as nobody serves them anymore.");
- AIAirport.RemoveAirport(this.route_1.GetValue(i));
- AIAirport.RemoveAirport(this.route_2.GetValue(i));
- /* Free the towns_used entries */
- this.towns_used.RemoveValue(this.route_1.GetValue(i));
- this.towns_used.RemoveValue(this.route_2.GetValue(i));
- /* Remove the route */
- this.route_1.RemoveItem(i);
- this.route_2.RemoveItem(i);
-function WrightAI::HandleEvents()
- while (AIEventController.IsEventWaiting()) {
- local e = AIEventController.GetNextEvent();
- switch (e.GetEventType()) {
- local ec = AIEventVehicleCrashed.Convert(e);
- local v = ec.GetVehicleID();
- AILog.Info("We have a crashed vehicle (" + v + "), buying a new one as replacement");
- this.BuildAircraft(this.route_1.GetValue(v), this.route_2.GetValue(v));
- this.route_1.RemoveItem(v);
- this.route_2.RemoveItem(v);
- } break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
-function WrightAI::Start()
- if (this.passenger_cargo_id == -1) {
- AILog.Error("WrightAI could not find the passenger cargo");
- return;
- }
- /* Give the boy a name */
- if (!AICompany.SetName("WrightAI")) {
- local i = 2;
- while (!AICompany.SetName("WrightAI #" + i)) {
- i++;
- }
- }
- = AICompany.GetName(AICompany.COMPANY_SELF);
- /* Say hello to the user */
- AILog.Info("Welcome to WrightAI. I will be building airports all day long.");
- AILog.Info(" - Minimum Town Size: " + GetSetting("min_town_size"));
- /* We start with almost no loan, and we take a loan when we want to build something */
- AICompany.SetLoanAmount(AICompany.GetLoanInterval());
- /* We need our local ticker, as GetTick() will skip ticks */
- local ticker = 0;
- /* Determine time we may sleep */
- local sleepingtime = 100;
- if (this.delay_build_airport_route < sleepingtime)
- sleepingtime = this.delay_build_airport_route;
- /* Let's go on for ever */
- while (true) {
- /* Once in a while, with enough money, try to build something */
- if ((ticker % this.delay_build_airport_route == 0 || ticker == 0) && this.HasMoney(100000)) {
- local ret = this.BuildAirportRoute();
- if (ret == -1 && ticker != 0) {
- /* No more route found, delay even more before trying to find an other */
- this.delay_build_airport_route = 10000;
- }
- else if (ret < 0 && ticker == 0) {
- /* The AI failed to build a first airport and is deemed */
- AICompany.SetName("Failed " +;
- AILog.Error("Failed to build first airport route, now giving up building. Repaying loan. Have a nice day!");
- AICompany.SetLoanAmount(0);
- return;
- }
- }
- /* Manage the routes once in a while */
- if (ticker % 2000 == 0) {
- this.ManageAirRoutes();
- }
- /* Try to get ride of our loan once in a while */
- if (ticker % 5000 == 0) {
- AICompany.SetLoanAmount(0);
- }
- /* Check for events once in a while */
- if (ticker % 100 == 0) {
- this.HandleEvents();
- }
- /* Make sure we do not create infinite loops */
- Sleep(sleepingtime);
- ticker += sleepingtime;
- }