diff options
authorPatric Stout <>2019-01-05 20:11:29 +0100
committerCharles Pigott <>2019-01-13 11:31:04 +0000
commit750927372f7d10f648aa2015193d1f7f800f3a69 (patch)
parent52a66e4dd3ed3831d0bfa02ecde72e6f2a491e05 (diff)
Add: [AzurePipeline] introducing a release pipeline
This release pipeline creates all the official release binaries, and publishes them as artifacts. Currently it can only produce nightlies and custom builds; stable/testing release binaries are untested. This commit also splits up the pipeline in small bits, to both improve readability, and to share code with the CI pipeline where possible.
21 files changed, 466 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/azure-pipelines-ci.yml b/azure-pipelines-ci.yml
index e71ab60ea..d624f8ce7 100644
--- a/azure-pipelines-ci.yml
+++ b/azure-pipelines-ci.yml
@@ -17,37 +17,12 @@ jobs:
BuildPlatform: 'x64'
- # Rebase to origin/master for every PR. This means users don't have to
- # rebase every time master changes. As long as the PR applies cleanly, we
- # will validate it.
- - script: |
- git config ''
- git config 'OpenTTD CI'
- git rebase origin/master
- displayName: 'Rebase to master'
- - bash: |
- set -ex
- curl -L >
- unzip
- rm -f
- displayName: 'Download dependencies'
- workingDirectory: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
- - script: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\windows-dependencies\vcpkg.exe integrate install
- displayName: 'Install dependencies'
- - bash: |
- set -ex
- cd bin/baseset
- curl -L >
- unzip
- rm -f
- displayName: 'Install OpenGFX'
- - task: VSBuild@1
- displayName: 'Build'
- inputs:
- solution: 'projects/openttd_vs141.sln'
- platform: $(BuildPlatform)
- configuration: Release
- maximumCpuCount: true
+ - template: azure-pipelines/templates/ci-git-rebase.yml
+ - template: azure-pipelines/templates/windows-dependencies.yml
+ - template: azure-pipelines/templates/ci-opengfx.yml
+ - template: azure-pipelines/templates/windows-build.yml
+ parameters:
+ BuildPlatform: $(BuildPlatform)
- script: |
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x86
cd projects
@@ -67,22 +42,13 @@ jobs:
linux-i386-gcc-6: {}
- # Rebase to origin/master for every PR. This means users don't have to
- # rebase every time master changes. As long as the PR applies cleanly, we
- # will validate it.
- - script: |
- git config ''
- git config 'OpenTTD CI'
- git rebase origin/master
- displayName: 'Rebase to master'
- - task: Docker@1
- displayName: 'Build and test'
- inputs:
- command: 'Run an image'
- imageName: openttd/compile-farm-ci:$(Agent.JobName)
- volumes: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory):$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
- workingDirectory: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
- runInBackground: false
+ - template: azure-pipelines/templates/ci-git-rebase.yml
+ # The dockers already have the dependencies installed
+ # The dockers already have OpenGFX installed
+ - template: azure-pipelines/templates/linux-build.yml
+ parameters:
+ Image: compile-farm-ci
+ Tag: $(Agent.JobName)
- job: macos
displayName: 'MacOS'
@@ -90,27 +56,9 @@ jobs:
vmImage: 'macOS-10.13'
- # Rebase to origin/master for every PR. This means users don't have to
- # rebase every time master changes. As long as the PR applies cleanly, we
- # will validate it.
- - script: |
- git config ''
- git config 'OpenTTD CI'
- git rebase origin/master
- displayName: 'Rebase to master'
- - script: HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install pkg-config lzo xz libpng
- displayName: 'Install dependencies'
- - bash: |
- set -ex
- mkdir -p ~/Documents/OpenTTD/baseset
- cd ~/Documents/OpenTTD/baseset
- wget
- unzip
- rm -f
- displayName: 'Install OpenGFX'
- - script: './configure PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig --enable-static'
- displayName: 'Configure'
- - script: 'make -j2'
- displayName: 'Build'
+ - template: azure-pipelines/templates/ci-git-rebase.yml
+ - template: azure-pipelines/templates/osx-dependencies.yml
+ - template: azure-pipelines/templates/ci-opengfx.yml
+ - template: azure-pipelines/templates/osx-build.yml
- script: 'make regression'
displayName: 'Test'
diff --git a/azure-pipelines-release-stable.yml b/azure-pipelines-release-stable.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c42c6bee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines-release-stable.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+trigger: none
+pr: none
+- template: azure-pipelines/templates/release.yml
+ parameters:
+ IsStableRelease: true
diff --git a/azure-pipelines-release.yml b/azure-pipelines-release.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79e2da77a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines-release.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+trigger: none
+pr: none
+- template: azure-pipelines/templates/release.yml
+ parameters:
+ IsStableRelease: false
diff --git a/azure-pipelines/ b/azure-pipelines/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..71bc56fac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+tag=$(git describe --tags 2>/dev/null)
+# If we are a tag, show the part of the changelog that matches the tag.
+# In case of a stable, also show all betas and RCs.
+if [ -n "$tag" ]; then
+ grep="."
+ if [ "$(echo $tag | grep '-')" = "" ]; then
+ grep='^[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9][^-]'
+ fi
+ next=$(cat changelog.txt | grep '^[0-9]' | awk 'BEGIN { show="false" } // { if (show=="true") print $0; if ($1=="'$tag'") show="true"} ' | grep "$grep" | head -n1 | sed 's/ .*//')
+ cat changelog.txt | awk 'BEGIN { show="false" } /^[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]/ { if ($1=="'$next'") show="false"; if ($1=="'$tag'") show="true";} // { if (show=="true") print $0 }'
+ exit 0
+# In all other cases, show the git log of the last 7 days
+revdate=$(git log -1 --pretty=format:"%ci")
+last_week=$(date -u -d "$revdate -7days" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
+git log --after="${last_week}" --pretty=fuller
diff --git a/azure-pipelines/ b/azure-pipelines/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4d1197277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+set -ex
+if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ echo "Usage: $0 <folder-with-bundles>"
+ exit 1
+if [ ! -e .version ] || [ ! -e .release_date ]; then
+ echo "This script should be executed in the root of an extracted source tarball"
+ exit 1
+# Find the name based on the version
+if [ "${ISSTABLERELEASE}" = "true" ]; then
+ isTesting=$(cat .version | grep "RC\|beta" || true)
+ if [ -z "${isTesting}" ]; then
+ NAME="stable"
+ else
+ NAME="testing"
+ fi
+ NAME=$(cat .version | cut -d- -f2 | cut -d- -f-2)
+# Convert the date to a YAML date
+DATE=$(cat .release_date | tr ' ' T | sed 's/TUTC/:00-00:00/')
+VERSION=$(cat .version)
+echo "name: ${NAME}" >> manifest.yaml
+echo "date: ${DATE}" >> manifest.yaml
+echo "base: ${BASE}-" >> manifest.yaml
+echo "files:" >> manifest.yaml
+for i in $(ls ${FOLDER} | grep -v ".txt$\|.md$\|sum$" | sort); do
+ if [ -n "$(echo $i | grep pdb.xz)" ]; then continue; fi
+ if [ -n "$(echo $i | grep dbg.deb)" ]; then continue; fi
+ if [ ! -e ${FOLDER}/$i.md5sum ] || [ ! -e ${FOLDER}/$i.sha1sum ] || [ ! -e ${FOLDER}/$i.sha256sum ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: missing checksum file for ${i}" 1>&2
+ error="y"
+ continue
+ fi
+ echo "- id: $i" >> manifest.yaml
+ echo " size: $(stat -c"%s" ${FOLDER}/$i)" >> manifest.yaml
+ echo " md5sum: $(cat ${FOLDER}/$i.md5sum | cut -d\ -f1)" >> manifest.yaml
+ echo " sha1sum: $(cat ${FOLDER}/$i.sha1sum | cut -d\ -f1)" >> manifest.yaml
+ echo " sha256sum: $(cat ${FOLDER}/$i.sha256sum | cut -d\ -f1)" >> manifest.yaml
+if [ -n "${error}" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: exiting due to earlier errors" 1>&2
+ exit 1
diff --git a/azure-pipelines/templates/ci-git-rebase.yml b/azure-pipelines/templates/ci-git-rebase.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..924302fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines/templates/ci-git-rebase.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Rebase to origin/master for every PR. This means users don't have to
+# rebase every time master changes. As long as the PR applies cleanly, we
+# will validate it.
+- script: |
+ git config ''
+ git config 'OpenTTD CI'
+ git rebase origin/master
+ displayName: 'Rebase to master'
diff --git a/azure-pipelines/templates/ci-opengfx.yml b/azure-pipelines/templates/ci-opengfx.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..098f0d2a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines/templates/ci-opengfx.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+- bash: |
+ set -ex
+ cd bin/baseset
+ curl -L >
+ unzip
+ rm -f
+ displayName: 'Install OpenGFX'
diff --git a/azure-pipelines/templates/linux-build.yml b/azure-pipelines/templates/linux-build.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e4fffefb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines/templates/linux-build.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ Image: ''
+ Tag: ''
+ ContainerCommand: ''
+- task: Docker@1
+ ${{ if eq(parameters.Image, 'compile-farm') }}:
+ displayName: 'Build'
+ ${{ if eq(parameters.Image, 'compile-farm-ci') }}:
+ displayName: 'Build and test'
+ inputs:
+ command: 'Run an image'
+ imageName: openttd/${{ parameters.Image }}:${{ parameters.Tag }}
+ volumes: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory):$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
+ workingDirectory: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
+ containerCommand: ${{ parameters.ContainerCommand }}
+ runInBackground: false
diff --git a/azure-pipelines/templates/linux-claim-bundles.yml b/azure-pipelines/templates/linux-claim-bundles.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4434dfcc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines/templates/linux-claim-bundles.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Because we run the compile in a docker (under root), we are not owner
+# of the 'bundles' folder. Fix that by executing a chown on it.
+- bash: sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) bundles
+ displayName: 'Claim bundles folder back'
diff --git a/azure-pipelines/templates/osx-build.yml b/azure-pipelines/templates/osx-build.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae1724125
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines/templates/osx-build.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+- script: './configure PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig --enable-static'
+ displayName: 'Configure'
+- script: 'make -j2'
+ displayName: 'Build'
diff --git a/azure-pipelines/templates/osx-dependencies.yml b/azure-pipelines/templates/osx-dependencies.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4b723c58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines/templates/osx-dependencies.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+- script: |
+ set -ex
+ HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install pkg-config lzo xz libpng
+ # Remove the dynamic libraries of these libraries, to ensure we use
+ # the static versions. That is important, as it is unlikely any
+ # end-user has these brew libraries installed.
+ rm /usr/local/Cellar/lzo/*/lib/*.dylib
+ rm /usr/local/Cellar/xz/*/lib/*.dylib
+ rm /usr/local/Cellar/libpng/*/lib/*.dylib
+ displayName: 'Install dependencies'
diff --git a/azure-pipelines/templates/release-bundles.yml b/azure-pipelines/templates/release-bundles.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9c5a48b96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines/templates/release-bundles.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ CalculateChecksums: true
+- ${{ if eq(parameters.CalculateChecksums, true) }}:
+ - bash: |
+ set -ex
+ cd bundles
+ for i in $(ls); do
+ openssl dgst -r -md5 -hex $i > $i.md5sum
+ openssl dgst -r -sha1 -hex $i > $i.sha1sum
+ openssl dgst -r -sha256 -hex $i > $i.sha256sum
+ done
+ displayName: 'Calculate checksums'
+- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+ displayName: 'Publish bundles'
+ inputs:
+ PathtoPublish: bundles/
+ ArtifactName: bundles
diff --git a/azure-pipelines/templates/release-fetch-source.yml b/azure-pipelines/templates/release-fetch-source.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b4398306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines/templates/release-fetch-source.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Fetch the source tarball as prepared by an earlier job. In there is the
+# version predefined. This ensures we are all going to compile the same
+# source with the same version.
+- checkout: none
+- task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
+ displayName: 'Download source'
+ inputs:
+ downloadType: specific
+ itemPattern: 'bundles/openttd-*-source.tar.xz'
+ downloadPath: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
+- bash: tar --xz -xf ../a/bundles/openttd-*-source.tar.xz --strip-components=1
+ displayName: 'Extracting source'
+- bash: |
+ set -e
+ VERSION=$(cat .version)
+ echo "${VERSION}"
+ echo "##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]${VERSION}"
+ displayName: 'Change BuildNumber to version'
diff --git a/azure-pipelines/templates/release-manifest.yml b/azure-pipelines/templates/release-manifest.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c076b30e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines/templates/release-manifest.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+- task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
+ displayName: 'Download all bundles'
+ inputs:
+ downloadType: specific
+ itemPattern: 'bundles/*'
+ downloadPath: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
+- script: |
+ set -ex
+ ./azure-pipelines/ ../a/bundles/
+ mkdir -p bundles
+ mv manifest.yaml bundles/
+ displayName: 'Create manifest.yaml'
diff --git a/azure-pipelines/templates/release-prepare-source.yml b/azure-pipelines/templates/release-prepare-source.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22ec126b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines/templates/release-prepare-source.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Set the revisions, and remove the VCS files.
+# This ensures everything else picks up on the predefined versions, and not
+# that because of some build process the version all of a sudden changes.
+- script: |
+ set -ex
+ ./ > .ottdrev
+ ./azure-pipelines/ > .changelog
+ TZ='UTC' date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC" > .release_date
+ cat .ottdrev | cut -f 1 -d$'\t' > .version
+ echo "Release Date: $(cat .release_date)"
+ echo "Revision: $(cat .ottdrev)"
+ echo "Version: $(cat .version)"
+ displayName: 'Create version files'
+- script: |
+ set -e
+ VERSION=$(cat .version)
+ echo "${VERSION}"
+ echo "##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]${VERSION}"
+ displayName: 'Change BuildNumber to version'
+- script: find . -iname .hg -or -iname .git -or -iname .svn | xargs rm -rf
+ displayName: 'Remove VCS information'
diff --git a/azure-pipelines/templates/release.yml b/azure-pipelines/templates/release.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4daf66ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines/templates/release.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+ # If this is false, not all targets are triggered. For example:
+ # The NSIS installer for Windows and the creation of debs only work for
+ # releases. Not for any other type of binary. So they are skilled if this
+ # is set to false.
+ IsStableRelease: false
+- job: source
+ displayName: 'Source'
+ pool:
+ vmImage: 'ubuntu-16.04'
+ steps:
+ - template: release-prepare-source.yml
+ - script: |
+ set -ex
+ # Rename the folder to openttd-NNN-source
+ mkdir openttd-$(Build.BuildNumber)
+ find . -maxdepth 1 -not -name . -not -name openttd-$(Build.BuildNumber) -exec mv {} openttd-$(Build.BuildNumber)/ \;
+ # Copy back release_date, as it is needed for the template 'release-bundles'
+ cp openttd-$(Build.BuildNumber)/.release_date .release_date
+ mkdir bundles
+ tar --xz -cf bundles/openttd-$(Build.BuildNumber)-source.tar.xz openttd-$(Build.BuildNumber)
+ zip -9 -r -q bundles/openttd-$(Build.BuildNumber) openttd-$(Build.BuildNumber)
+ displayName: 'Create bundle'
+ - template: release-bundles.yml
+- job: meta
+ displayName: 'Metadata'
+ pool:
+ vmImage: 'ubuntu-16.04'
+ dependsOn: source
+ steps:
+ - template: release-fetch-source.yml
+ - script: |
+ set -ex
+ mkdir -p bundles
+ cp .changelog bundles/changelog.txt
+ cp .release_date bundles/released.txt
+ cp bundles/
+ displayName: 'Copy meta files'
+ - template: release-bundles.yml
+ parameters:
+ CalculateChecksums: false
+- job: docs
+ displayName: 'Docs'
+ pool:
+ vmImage: 'ubuntu-16.04'
+ dependsOn: source
+ steps:
+ - template: release-fetch-source.yml
+ - template: linux-build.yml
+ parameters:
+ Image: compile-farm
+ ContainerCommand: '$(Build.BuildNumber)'
+ Tag: docs
+ - template: linux-claim-bundles.yml
+ - template: release-bundles.yml
+- job: windows
+ displayName: 'Windows'
+ pool:
+ vmImage: 'VS2017-Win2016'
+ dependsOn: source
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ Win32:
+ BuildPlatform: 'Win32'
+ BundlePlatform: 'win32'
+ Win64:
+ BuildPlatform: 'x64'
+ BundlePlatform: 'win64'
+ steps:
+ - template: release-fetch-source.yml
+ - template: windows-dependencies.yml
+ - template: windows-dependency-zip.yml
+ - ${{ if eq(parameters.IsStableRelease, true) }}:
+ - template: windows-dependency-nsis.yml
+ - template: windows-build.yml
+ parameters:
+ BuildPlatform: $(BuildPlatform)
+ - bash: |
+ set -ex
+ make -f Makefile.msvc bundle_pdb bundle_zip PLATFORM=$(BundlePlatform) BUNDLE_NAME=openttd-$(Build.BuildNumber)-windows-$(BundlePlatform)
+ displayName: 'Create bundles'
+ - ${{ if eq(parameters.IsStableRelease, true) }}:
+ - bash: |
+ set -ex
+ # NSIS will be part of the Hosted image in the next update. Till then, we set the PATH ourself
+ export PATH="${PATH}:/c/Program Files (x86)/NSIS"
+ make -f Makefile.msvc bundle_exe PLATFORM=$(BundlePlatform) BUNDLE_NAME=openttd-$(Build.BuildNumber)-windows-$(BundlePlatform)
+ displayName: 'Create installer bundle'
+ - template: release-bundles.yml
+- ${{ if eq(parameters.IsStableRelease, true) }}:
+ - job: linux_stable
+ displayName: 'Linux'
+ pool:
+ vmImage: 'ubuntu-16.04'
+ dependsOn: source
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ linux-ubuntu-xenial-i386-gcc: {}
+ linux-ubuntu-xenial-amd64-gcc: {}
+ linux-ubuntu-bionic-i386-gcc: {}
+ linux-ubuntu-bionic-amd64-gcc: {}
+ linux-debian-jessie-i386-gcc: {}
+ linux-debian-jessie-amd64-gcc: {}
+ linux-debian-stretch-i386-gcc: {}
+ linux-debian-stretch-amd64-gcc: {}
+ steps:
+ - template: release-fetch-source.yml
+ - template: linux-build.yml
+ parameters:
+ Image: compile-farm
+ ContainerCommand: '$(Build.BuildNumber)'
+ Tag: $(Agent.JobName)
+ - template: linux-claim-bundles.yml
+ - template: release-bundles.yml
+- job: macos
+ displayName: 'MacOS'
+ pool:
+ vmImage: 'macOS-10.13'
+ dependsOn: source
+ steps:
+ - template: release-fetch-source.yml
+ - template: osx-dependencies.yml
+ - template: osx-build.yml
+ - script: 'make bundle_zip bundle_dmg BUNDLE_NAME=openttd-$(Build.BuildNumber)-macosx'
+ displayName: 'Create bundles'
+ - template: release-bundles.yml
+- job: manifest
+ displayName: 'Manifest'
+ pool:
+ vmImage: 'ubuntu-16.04'
+ dependsOn:
+ - source
+ - docs
+ - windows
+ - ${{ if eq(parameters.IsStableRelease, true) }}:
+ - linux_stable
+ - macos
+ # "Skipped" is not a status, and is not succeeded. So it seems to be
+ # considered failed. So we trigger if all the earlier jobs are done (which
+ # might be succeeded, failed, or skipped), and run this job. This is not
+ # optimal, but given the rules, it is the only way to get this to work (as
+ # some jobs might be skipped).
+ condition: succeededOrFailed()
+ steps:
+ - template: release-fetch-source.yml
+ - template: release-manifest.yml
+ - template: release-bundles.yml
+ parameters:
+ CalculateChecksums: false
diff --git a/azure-pipelines/templates/windows-build.yml b/azure-pipelines/templates/windows-build.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e12f2243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines/templates/windows-build.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ BuildPlatform: ''
+- task: VSBuild@1
+ displayName: 'Build'
+ inputs:
+ solution: 'projects/openttd_vs141.sln'
+ platform: ${{ parameters.BuildPlatform }}
+ configuration: Release
+ maximumCpuCount: true
diff --git a/azure-pipelines/templates/windows-dependencies.yml b/azure-pipelines/templates/windows-dependencies.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06f56e626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines/templates/windows-dependencies.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+- bash: |
+ set -ex
+ curl -L >
+ unzip
+ rm -f
+ displayName: 'Download dependencies'
+ workingDirectory: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
+- script: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\windows-dependencies\vcpkg.exe integrate install
+ displayName: 'Install dependencies'
diff --git a/azure-pipelines/templates/windows-dependency-nsis.yml b/azure-pipelines/templates/windows-dependency-nsis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a1ee8f81e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines/templates/windows-dependency-nsis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ condition: true
+- bash: |
+ set -ex
+ # NSIS will be part of the Hosted image in the next update. Till then, we install it ourself
+ choco install nsis -y
+ mkdir nsis-plugin; cd nsis-plugin
+ curl -L >
+ unzip
+ cp -R Plugins/* "/c/Program Files (x86)/NSIS/Plugins/"
+ cd ..; rm -rf nsis-plugin
+ mkdir nsis-plugin; cd nsis-plugin
+ curl -L >
+ unzip
+ cp -R Plugins/* "/c/Program Files (x86)/NSIS/Plugins/x86-ansi/"
+ cd ..; rm -rf nsis-plugin
+ mkdir nsis-plugin; cd nsis-plugin
+ curl -L >
+ unzip
+ cp -R *.dll "/c/Program Files (x86)/NSIS/Plugins/x86-ansi/"
+ cd ..; rm -rf nsis-plugin
+ displayName: 'Install NSIS with the 7z, GetVersion, and FindProc plugins'
+ condition: and(succeeded(), ${{ parameters.condition }})
diff --git a/azure-pipelines/templates/windows-dependency-zip.yml b/azure-pipelines/templates/windows-dependency-zip.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e2ae06dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines/templates/windows-dependency-zip.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+- bash: |
+ set -ex
+ choco install zip
+ displayName: 'Install zip'
diff --git a/ b/
index 8fd292c8b..ead908167 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -74,8 +74,6 @@ if [ -d "$ROOT_DIR/.git" ]; then
if [ -n "$TAG" ]; then
- elif [ "${BRANCH}" = "master" ]; then