program markov; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} uses {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads} cthreads, {$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} Classes { you can add units after this }, sysutils, math, mystringlistunit, lowlevelunit; var wordFileName,s: string; count: longint; depth,i,j,current: int64; c: char; f: tMyStringList; probabilities: array of extended; total: extended; c2i: array[char] of longint; i2c: string; begin __ausgabenMaske:=3; // no logs randomize; if paramCount<>3 then begin writeln(stderr,'usage: markov word-file chain-depth count'); halt(1); end; wordFileName:=paramStr(1); if not fileExists(wordFileName) then begin writeln(stderr,'file '''+wordFileName+''' does not exist'); halt(1); end; try depth:=strToInt(paramstr(2)); except writeln(stderr,''''+paramStr(2)+''' is not a valid integer'); halt(1); end; if depth<=0 then begin writeln(stderr,intToStr(depth)+' is not positive'); halt(1); end; try count:=strToInt(paramstr(3)); except writeln(stderr,''''+paramStr(3)+''' is not a valid integer'); halt(1); end; if count<=0 then begin writeln(stderr,intToStr(count)+' is not positive'); halt(1); end; i2c:='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzäöüßABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÄÖÜ'; for i:=length(i2c)-1 downto 1 do for j:=length(i2c) downto i+1 do if i2c[i]=i2c[j] then delete(i2c,j,1); for c:=#0 to #255 do c2i[c]:=-1; for i:=1 to length(i2c) do c2i[i2c[i]]:=i; setLength(probabilities,round(power(length(i2c)+1,depth))); for i:=0 to length(probabilities)-1 do probabilities[i]:=0; f:=tMyStringList.create; f.loadFromFile(wordFileName); while f.readln(s) do begin s:=s+' '; // lf ends a word, too current:=0; // reset current index for i:=1 to length(s) do begin current:=current*(length(i2c)+1) mod length(probabilities); if c2i[s[i]]<0 then begin if (current<>0) and (s[i]<>'.') then // terminate word probabilities[current]:=probabilities[current]+1; current:=0; continue; end; current:=current + c2i[s[i]]; probabilities[current]:=probabilities[current]+1; end; end; for i:=0 to length(probabilities) div (length(i2c)+1)-1 do begin total:=0; for j:=0 to length(i2c) do total:=total + probabilities[j + i * (length(i2c)+1)]; if total=0 then continue; total:=1/total; for j:=0 to length(i2c) do probabilities[j + i * (length(i2c)+1)]:= probabilities[j + i * (length(i2c)+1)] * total; end; (* // debug output for current:=0 to length(probabilities)-1 do begin j:=current; for i:=1 to depth do begin if (j mod (length(i2c)+1)) = 0 then write('_') else write(i2c[j mod (length(i2c)+1)]); j:=j div (length(i2c)+1); end; writeln(' ',probabilities[current]); end; *) // generation while count>0 do begin current:=0; s:=''; repeat current:=current * (length(i2c)+1) mod length(probabilities); total:=random; while total>0 do begin total:=total - probabilities[current]; inc(current); end; dec(current); if current mod (length(i2c)+1) = 0 then break else s:=s+i2c[current mod (length(i2c)+1)]; until false; if not f.hatZeile(s,false) then begin; writeln(s); dec(count); end; end;; setLength(probabilities,0); end.