path: root/
diff options
authorErich Eckner <>2016-09-10 21:30:23 +0200
committerErich Eckner <>2016-09-10 21:30:23 +0200
commit687f61effcd6e37da42a65d64de0937c8cb12c2c (patch)
treec5c5054e04b03217ba33aeb6ee7e01731d064a79 /
parentf0a6b0fbaaef10cbcdf543972a287db7de955dd9 (diff)
sollte erst mal gehen ... mal sehen
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d508dac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+set -e
+usage () {
+ >&2 echo 'makekernel version #VERSION#'
+ >&2 echo 'usage:'
+ >&2 echo ' makekernel [ -a | --allowDownload ] [ -c $version | --compileVersion=$version ]:'
+ >&2 echo ' download and compile kernel'
+ >&2 echo ' -a | --allowDownload:'
+ >&2 echo ' allow to download complete source instead of patch if necessary'
+ >&2 echo ' -c | --compileVersion $version:'
+ >&2 echo ' download and compile version $version instead of most current stable'
+ >&2 echo ' makekernel ( -s | --showVersion ):'
+ >&2 echo ' show version of most current stable kernel'
+ exit 1
+dlExVer () {
+ wget -nd "$1.xz"
+ wget -nd "$1.sig"
+ xz -d "$2.xz"
+ if ! gpg --verify $2{.sign,}
+ then
+ >&2 echo 'ERROR: Wrong signature! Closing.'
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ rm "$2.sign"
+. #ETCDIR#/makekernel.conf
+if [ "$(whoami)" == "root" ]
+ >&2 echo 'ERROR: Do not call as root! Closing.'
+ exit 1
+eval set -- "$(
+ getopt -o ac:s \
+ --long allowDownload \
+ --long compileVersion: \
+ --long showVersion \
+ -n "$(basename "$0")" \
+ -- "$@" || echo usage
+while true
+ case "$1" in
+ -a|--allowDownload)
+ ${allowDownload} && usage
+ ${showVersion} && usage
+ allowDownload=true
+ ;;
+ -c|--compileVersion)
+ ${forceVersion} && usage
+ ${showVersion} && usage
+ curVer="$2"
+ forceVersion=true
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -s|--showVersion)
+ ${allowDownload} && usage
+ ${forceVersion} && usage
+ ${showVersion} && usage
+ showVersion=true
+ ;;
+ --)
+ shift
+ break
+ ;;
+ *)
+ >&2 echo "ERROR: Option \"$1\" unknown in the end! Closing."
+ usage
+ esac
+ shift
+[ $# -ne 0 ] && usage
+if ${showVersion}
+ mainVersion="$(
+ curl '' 2> /dev/null | \
+ tr '>/' '\n' | \
+ grep '^v.*$' | \
+ sort -V | \
+ tail -n1
+ )"
+ curl "${mainVersion}/" 2> /dev/null | \
+ tr '<>' '\n\n' | \
+ grep '^linux-.*\.tar\.xz$' | \
+ sed 's/^linux-\(.*\)\.tar\.xz$/\1/' | \
+ sort -V | \
+ tail -n1
+ exit 0
+[ -z "${curVer}" ] && curVer="$("$0" -s)"
+ echo "${curVer}" | \
+ sed 's|^\([0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\)\(\..*\)\?$|\1|'
+if [ "${curVer}" == "${mainVer}" ]
+ minPreVer='#invalid#'
+ mainPreVer="${curVer%.*}.$[${curVer##*.}-1]"
+ minPreVer="${mainVer}.$[${curVer##*.}-1]"
+ mainPreVer='#invalid#'
+# possible updates with patches from old sources are:
+# - "recompile" old source
+# - "minor" incremental (e.g. 4.7.2 -> 4.7.3)
+# - make a "stablePatch" (e.g. 4.7 -> 4.7.3)
+# - "major" incremental (e.g. 4.6 -> 4.7)
+# alternative (if allowed):
+# - download complete source
+if [ -d "${kernelDir}/linux-${curVer}" ]
+ updateType='recompile'
+ patchSrc=''
+ dlSrc=''
+elif [ -d "${kernelDir}/linux-${minPreVer}" ]
+ updateType='minor'
+ srcDir="linux-${minPreVer}"
+ patch="patch-${minPreVer}-${curVer##*.}"
+ patchSrc="${curVer%%.*}.x/incr/${patch}"
+ dlSrc=''
+elif [ -d "${kernelDir}/linux-${mainVer}" ]
+ updateType='stablePatch'
+ srcDir="linux-${mainVer}"
+ patch="patch-${curVer}"
+ patchSrc="${curVer%%.*}.x/${patch}"
+ dlSrc=''
+elif [ -d "${kernelDir}/linux-${mainPreVer}" ]
+ updateType='major'
+ srcDir="linux-${mainPreVer}"
+ patch="patch-${curVer}"
+ patchSrc="${curVer%%.*}.x/${patch}"
+ dlSrc=''
+elif ${allowDownload}
+ updateType='download'
+ patchSrc=''
+ dlSrc="${curVer%%.*}.x/linux-${curVer}.tar"
+ >&2 echo 'No patch method available and download of complete source not allowed! Closing.'
+ usage
+cd "${kernelDir}"
+echo "update type: ${updateType}"
+if [ -n "${patchSrc}" ]
+ dlExVer "${patchSrc}" "${patch}"
+ cp -r "${srcDir}" "linux-${curVer}"
+ cd "linux-${curVer}"
+ patch -p1 -i "../${patch}"
+ rm "../${patch}"
+elif [ -n "${dlSrc}" ]
+ dlExVer "${dlSrc}" "linux-${curVer}.tar"
+ tar -xf "linux-${curVer}.tar"
+ rm "linux-${curVer}.tar"
+cd "linux-${curVer}"
+[ ! -r .config ] && zcat /proc/config.gz > .config
+make oldconfig
+grep -q '^# CONFIG_MODULES is not set$' .config || make modules_install
+echo 'becoming root ...'
+su -c ' \
+ before_install_hook && \
+ make install && \
+ grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg && \
+ after_install_hook \
+echo 'Success.'