#!/usr/bin/perl ########################################################################## # $Id$ ########################################################################## ######################################################## # The openvpn script was written by: # Jim Richardson ######################################################## ##################################################### ## Copyright (c) 2008 Jim Richardson ## Covered under the included MIT/X-Consortium License: ## http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php ## All modifications and contributions by other persons to ## this script are assumed to have been donated to the ## Logwatch project and thus assume the above copyright ## and licensing terms. If you want to make contributions ## under your own copyright or a different license this ## must be explicitly stated in the contribution an the ## Logwatch project reserves the right to not accept such ## contributions. If you have made significant ## contributions to this script and want to claim ## copyright please contact logwatch-devel@lists.sourceforge.net. ######################################################### use strict; my $Debug = $ENV{'LOGWATCH_DEBUG'}; my $Detail = $ENV{'LOGWATCH_DETAIL_LEVEL'}; my %Auth; my %ConnErrors; my %ConnectCauseDrop; my %Connections; my %Crypt; my %Error; my %IncorrectPassword; my $MaxClients; my $MaxConn; my %OtherList; my %PluginCallFailure; my %PluginCallOK; my %VerifyList; my %VersionInfo; if ( $Debug >= 5 ) { print STDERR "\n\nDEBUG \n\n"; } while (defined(my $ThisLine = )) { chomp($ThisLine); # normalise - this could possibly be used for more detailed per host statistics # further down $ThisLine =~ s/^([\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+)\:([\d]+) //; $ThisLine =~ s/^([\S]+)\/([\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+)\:([\d]+) //; if ( ($ThisLine =~ /Inactivity timeout \(--ping-restart\), restarting/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^\/sbin\//) or ($ThisLine =~ /^Attempting to establish TCP connection with [\d.]+:\d+/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^Closing TUN\/TAP interface/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^Connection reset, restarting \[\d+\]/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^Control Channel Authentication/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^Control Channel MTU parms/) or ($ThisLine =~ /CRL CHECK OK: \/.*\//) or ($ThisLine =~ /^Data Channel MTU parms/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^Delayed exit in \d+ seconds/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^Diffie-Hellman initialized/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^event_wait : Interrupted system call \(code=\d+\)/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^Exiting/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^Expected Remote Options/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^GID set to/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^IFCONFIG POOL/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^IMPORTANT: OpenVPN's default port number is now 1194/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^Initialization Sequence Completed/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^Listening for incoming TCP connection on \S+:\d+/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^LZO compression initialized/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^Local Options hash/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^MULTI: Learn:/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^MULTI: multi_init called/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^MULTI: multi_create_instance called/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^MULTI: primary virtual IP for/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^MULTI: TCP INIT maxclients=\d+ maxevents=\d+/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^MULTI: bad source address from client .*, packet dropped/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^MULTI_sva: pool returned IPv4=/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^Need IPv6 code in mroute_extract_addr_from_packet/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^NOTE: UID\/GID downgrade will be delayed because of --client, --pull, or --up-delay/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^NOTE: (Beginning e|E)mpirical MTU test (completed )?/) or ($ThisLine =~ /OpenVPN .* built on [A-Z][a-z]{2} [ 12]?[0-9] [0-9]{4}/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^OPTIONS IMPORT/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^PLUGIN_CALL: plugin function /) or ($ThisLine =~ /^PLUGIN_INIT: POST .* intercepted=/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^Preserving previous TUN\/TAP instance: \w+/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^PUSH: Received control message/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^Re-using pre-shared static key/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^Re-using SSL\/TLS context/) or ($ThisLine =~ /read UDPv4 \[.*\]: No route to host \(code=[0-9]*\)/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^Restart pause, \d+ second\(s\)/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^ROUTE_GATEWAY/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^send_push_reply/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^SENT CONTROL/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^SIGTERM\[hard,[^\]]*\] received, process exiting/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^SIGUSR1\[soft,(connection-reset|ping-restart|tls-error)\] received, (process|client-instance) restarting$/) or ($ThisLine =~ /Socket Buffers: R=\[[0-9]+->[0-9]+\] S=\[[0-9]+->[0-9]+\]/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^TCP\/UDP: Closing socket/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^TCP\/UDP: Dynamic remote address changed during TCP connection establishment/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^TCP connection established with [\d.]+:\d+/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^TCPv\d_(CLIENT|SERVER) link (local|remote)/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^TLS-Auth MTU parms/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^TLS: Initial packet from/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^TLS: soft reset/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^TLS: tls_process: killed expiring key$/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^TLS: move_session: dest=.* src=.* reinit_src=[0-9]*/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^TLS: tls_multi_process: untrusted session promoted to (semi-)?trusted/) or ($ThisLine =~ /TLS: tls_multi_process: killed expiring key/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^TLS: new session incoming connection from .*/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^TLS Error: cannot locate HMAC in incoming packet from \[AF_INET\][0-9a-f.:]+:\d+$/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^TLS Error: TLS handshake failed$/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within \d+ seconds \(check your network connectivity\)$/) or ($ThisLine =~ /TLS Error: TLS object -> incoming plaintext read error/) or ($ThisLine =~ /TLS ERROR: received control packet with stale session-id=.*/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^TUN\/TAP device \w+ opened/) or ($ThisLine =~ /TUN\/TAP TX queue length set to [0-9]*/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^UDPv4 link /) or ($ThisLine =~ /^UID set to/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^VERIFY OK: nsCertType=\w+/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^chroot to /) or ($ThisLine =~ /^peer info:/) or ($ThisLine =~ /^LDAP bind failed: Invalid credentials$/) or ($ThisLine =~ /Authenticate\/Decrypt packet error: bad packet ID \(may be a replay\): \[ #.* \] -- see the man page entry for --no-replay and --replay-window for more info or silence this warning with --mute-replay-warnings/) ) { # Don't care about these... } elsif (my ($status, $depth, $dn) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^VERIFY (.*): depth=(.*), (.*)/ )) { #VERIFY OK: depth=0, /C=US/ST=TX/O=Aidant.Enterprises/OU=IT/CN=delta.aidant.net/Email=keymaster@aidant.net: 23 Time(s) $VerifyList{"status: $status depth: $depth DN: $dn"}++; } elsif (my ($status, $dn) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^VERIFY X509NAME (.*): (.*)/ )) { #VERIFY X509NAME OK: /C=US/ST=TX/O=Aidant.Enterprises/OU=IT/CN=delta.aidant.net/Email=keymaster@aidant.net: 23 Time(s) $VerifyList{"status: $status X509Name DN: $dn"}++; } elsif (my ($status, $dn) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^CRL CHECK (.*): (.*)/ )) { #CRL CHECK OK: C=US, ST=CO, L=Boulder, O=NWRA, OU=Boulder, CN=user, name=root, emailAddress=xxxx@xxxx.xxx $VerifyList{"CRL check status: $status DN: $dn"}++; } elsif ($ThisLine =~ /^TLS: Username\/Password authentication/) { $VerifyList{$ThisLine}++; } elsif ($ThisLine =~ /^Incorrect password supplied for .* "(.*)"/) { $IncorrectPassword{$1}++; } elsif ($ThisLine =~ m/^MULTI: new incoming connection would exceed maximum number of clients/) { $MaxClients++; } elsif ($ThisLine =~ m/^OpenVPN [\d.]+ [\w-]+ [\[\]\w ]+ built on [\w]+ +[\d]+ [\d]+$/) { $VersionInfo{$ThisLine} = 1; } elsif (my ($config, $peer, $port) = ($ThisLine =~ m/^\[([\S]+)\] Peer Connection Initiated with [^\d]*([\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+)\:([\d]+)/)) { push (@{$Connections{$config}{$peer}}, $port) unless grep(/^$port$/,@{$Connections{$config}{$peer}}); } elsif (my ($peer, $port) = ($ThisLine =~ m/^Peer Connection Initiated with [^\d]*([\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+)\:([\d]+)/)) { push (@{$Connections{"client"}{$peer}}, $port) unless grep(/^$port$/,@{$Connections{"client"}{$peer}}); } elsif (my ($dir, $channel, $bits, $algo) = ($ThisLine =~ /^(Incoming|Outgoing) (Control Channel) Authentication: Using ([\d]+ bit) message hash '(\S+)' for HMAC authentication/)) { $Auth{$channel}{$dir}{"$bits $algo"}++; } elsif (my ($channel, $dir, $bits, $algo) = ($ThisLine =~ /^(Data Channel) (Encrypt|Decrypt): Using ([\d]+ bit) message hash '(\S+)' for HMAC authentication/)) { $Auth{$channel}{$dir}{"$bits $algo"}++; } elsif (my ($channel, $proto, $cipher) = ($ThisLine =~ /^(Control Channel): ([\w.]+), cipher (.+)/)) { $Crypt{$channel}{$proto}{$cipher}++; } elsif (my ($channel, $dir, $algo, $bits) = ($ThisLine =~ /^(Data Channel) (Encrypt|Decrypt): Cipher '(\S+)' initialized with ([\d]+ bit) key/)) { $Crypt{$channel}{$dir}{"$bits $algo"}++; } elsif (my ($proto, $host, $port, $error) = ($ThisLine =~ /^(TCP|UDP): connect to ([\d.]+):(\d+) failed, will try again in \d+ seconds: (.*)/)) { $ConnErrors{$error}{"$proto $host:$port"}++; } elsif (my ($proto, $error) = ($ThisLine =~ /^read (\w+)_SERVER \[\]: (.*)/)) { $ConnErrors{$error}{"$proto"}++; } elsif (my ($name) = ($ThisLine =~ /MULTI: new connection by client '(.*)' will cause previous active sessions by this client to be dropped. Remember to use the --duplicate-cn option if you want multiple clients using the same certificate or username to concurrently connect./)) { $ConnectCauseDrop{$name}++; } elsif ((my ($Err) = ($ThisLine =~ /(read UDPv4 \[ECONNREFUSED\]: Connection refused \(code=111\))/)) or (my ($Err) = ($ThisLine =~ /(read UDPv4 \[EHOSTUNREACH\]: No route to host \(code=113\))/))) { $Error{$Err}++; } elsif (my ($plugin,$call,$status) = ($ThisLine =~ /^PLUGIN_CALL: POST (.*)\/(PLUGIN_.*) status=(.*)/)) { if ($status == 0) { $PluginCallOK{$plugin}{$call}++; } else { $PluginCallFailure{$plugin}{$call}++; } } else { # Report any unmatched entries... # remove PID from named messages #$ThisLine =~ s/^(client [.0-9]+)\S+/$1/; $OtherList{$ThisLine}++; } #$LastLine = $ThisLine; } ################################################ if(keys %ConnErrors) { print "Connection Errors:\n"; foreach my $error (sort keys %ConnErrors) { print " $error:\n"; foreach my $host (sort keys %{$ConnErrors{$error}}) { print " $host: ".$ConnErrors{$error}{$host}." Time(s)\n"; } } } if (keys %IncorrectPassword) { print "\nIncorrect Password\n"; foreach my $DN (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %IncorrectPassword) { print " $DN: $IncorrectPassword{$DN} Time(s)\n"; } } if (keys %VerifyList) { print "\nVerify\n"; foreach my $line (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %VerifyList) { print " $line: $VerifyList{$line} Time(s)\n"; } } if ($MaxClients) { print "\nMaximum Number of Clients reached $MaxClients Time(s)\n"; } if (keys %Connections) { print "\nConnections:"; foreach my $config (sort keys %Connections) { print "\n Configuration $config:"; foreach my $peer (sort keys %{$Connections{$config}}) { my $ports = $Connections{$config}{$peer}; print "\n $peer connected " . ($#{$ports} + 1) . " Time(s), Ports:"; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$ports}; $i++) { print "\n " if (($i + 16) % 20 == 0); print " $$ports[$i]"; } } print "\n"; } } if (keys %Auth and $Detail >= 10) { print "\nCiphers used for Authentication:"; foreach my $channel (sort keys %Auth) { print "\n $channel:"; foreach my $dir (sort keys %{$Auth{$channel}}) { print "\n $dir:"; foreach my $algo (sort keys %{$Auth{$channel}{$dir}}) { print "\n $algo used $Auth{$channel}{$dir}{$algo} Time(s)"; } } print "\n"; } } if (keys %Crypt and $Detail >= 10) { print "\nCiphers used for Encryption:"; foreach my $channel (sort keys %Crypt) { print "\n $channel:"; foreach my $dir (sort keys %{$Crypt{$channel}}) { print "\n $dir:"; foreach my $algo (sort keys %{$Crypt{$channel}{$dir}}) { print "\n $algo used $Crypt{$channel}{$dir}{$algo} Time(s)"; } } print "\n"; } } if (keys %VersionInfo) { print "\nVersion Information:\n"; foreach my $vers (sort keys %VersionInfo) { print " $vers\n" } } if (keys %ConnectCauseDrop) { print "\n Previous active sessions of the same client dropped upon new connection:\n"; foreach my $name (sort keys %ConnectCauseDrop) { print " client $name: $ConnectCauseDrop{$name} Time(s)\n" } } if (keys %Error) { print "\n UDPv4 errors:\n"; foreach my $Err (sort keys %Error) { print " " . $Err . ": " .$Error{$Err}. " Time(s)\n"; } } if (keys %PluginCallFailure) { print "\nPlugin Call Failures:"; foreach my $plugin (sort keys %PluginCallFailure) { print "\n Plugin $plugin:"; foreach my $call (sort keys %{$PluginCallFailure{$plugin}}) { my $times = $PluginCallFailure{$plugin}{$call}; print "\n $call failed $PluginCallFailure{$plugin}{$call} Time(s)"; } print "\n"; } } if (keys %PluginCallOK and $Detail >= 5) { print "\nPlugin Call OK:"; foreach my $plugin (sort keys %PluginCallOK) { print "\n Plugin $plugin:"; foreach my $call (sort keys %{$PluginCallOK{$plugin}}) { my $times = $PluginCallOK{$plugin}{$call}; print "\n $call succeeded $PluginCallOK{$plugin}{$call} Time(s)"; } print "\n"; } } if (keys %OtherList) { print "\n**Unmatched Entries**\n"; foreach my $line (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %OtherList) { print " $line: $OtherList{$line} Time(s)\n"; } } exit(0); # vi: shiftwidth=3 tabstop=3 syntax=perl et # Local Variables: # mode: perl # perl-indent-level: 3 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: