{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2008 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Property editors. } unit vfdprops; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, gfxbase, gfx_widget, vfdwidgetclass, gui_edit, gui_button, gui_combobox; type TPropertyString = class(TVFDWidgetProperty) public function ParseSourceLine(wg: TfpgWidget; const line: string): boolean; override; function GetPropertySource(wg: TfpgWidget; const ident: string): string; override; function GetValueText(wg: TfpgWidget): string; override; function CreateEditor(AOwner: TComponent): TVFDPropertyEditor; override; end; TPropertyInteger = class(TVFDWidgetProperty) public function ParseSourceLine(wg: TfpgWidget; const line: string): boolean; override; function GetPropertySource(wg: TfpgWidget; const ident: string): string; override; function GetValueText(wg: TfpgWidget): string; override; function CreateEditor(AOwner: TComponent): TVFDPropertyEditor; override; end; TPropertyEnum = class(TVFDWidgetProperty) public function ParseSourceLine(wg: TfpgWidget; const line: string): boolean; override; function GetPropertySource(wg: TfpgWidget; const ident: string): string; override; function GetValueText(wg: TfpgWidget): string; override; function CreateEditor(AOwner: TComponent): TVFDPropertyEditor; override; end; TPropertyStringList = class(TVFDWidgetProperty) public function ParseSourceLine(wg: TfpgWidget; const line: string): boolean; override; function GetPropertySource(wg: TfpgWidget; const ident: string): string; override; function GetValueText(wg: TfpgWidget): string; override; function CreateEditor(AOwner: TComponent): TVFDPropertyEditor; override; procedure OnExternalEdit(wg: TfpgWidget); override; end; TPropertyBoolean = class(TVFDWidgetProperty) public function ParseSourceLine(wg: TfpgWidget; const line: string): boolean; override; function GetPropertySource(wg: TfpgWidget; const ident: string): string; override; function GetValueText(wg: TfpgWidget): string; override; function CreateEditor(AOwner: TComponent): TVFDPropertyEditor; override; end; TPropertyFontDesc = class(TPropertyString) function CreateEditor(AOwner: TComponent): TVFDPropertyEditor; override; procedure OnExternalEdit(wg: TfpgWidget); override; end; TGPEType = (gptInteger, gptString); TGeneralPropertyEditor = class(TVFDPropertyEditor) private FOrigValue: string; procedure EditExit(Sender: TObject); procedure EditKeyPressed(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean); public etype: TGPEType; edit: TfpgEdit; procedure CreateLayout; override; procedure LoadValue(wg: TfpgWidget); override; procedure StoreValue(wg: TfpgWidget); override; procedure LoadIntValue(wg: TfpgWidget); procedure StoreIntValue(wg: TfpgWidget); procedure LoadStrValue(wg: TfpgWidget); procedure StoreStrValue(wg: TfpgWidget); end; TChoicePropertyEditor = class(TVFDPropertyEditor) public chl: TfpgComboBox; procedure CreateLayout; override; procedure LoadValue(wg: TfpgWidget); override; procedure StoreValue(wg: TfpgWidget); override; end; TBooleanPropertyEditor = class(TChoicePropertyEditor) public procedure LoadValue(wg: TfpgWidget); override; procedure StoreValue(wg: TfpgWidget); override; end; TExternalPropertyEditor = class(TVFDPropertyEditor) protected procedure HandlePaint; override; public btnEdit: TfpgButton; Widget: TfpgWidget; procedure CreateLayout; override; procedure LoadValue(wg: TfpgWidget); override; procedure StoreValue(wg: TfpgWidget); override; procedure OnEditClick(Sender: TObject); end; procedure EditStringList(sl: TStringList); procedure GetEnumPropValueList(wg: TObject; const APropName: string; sl: TStringList); const DefUndoOnPropExit = False; var UndoOnPropExit: Boolean = DefUndoOnPropExit; implementation uses TypInfo, vfdformparser, vfdeditors, fpgfx, gui_dialogs; procedure EditStringList(sl: TStringList); var frm: TItemEditorForm; begin frm := TItemEditorForm.Create(nil); try frm.edItems.Lines.Assign(sl); if frm.ShowModal = 1 then sl.Assign(frm.edItems.Lines); finally frm.Free; end; end; procedure GetEnumPropValueList(wg: TObject; const APropName: string; sl: TStringList); var lPropInfo: PPropInfo; s: string; lTypeData: PTypeData; n: integer; begin lPropInfo := GetPropInfo(wg, APropName); lTypeData := GetTypeData(lPropInfo^.PropType); sl.BeginUpdate; try sl.Clear; for n := lTypeData^.MinValue to lTypeData^.MaxValue do begin s := GetEnumName(lPropInfo^.PropType, n); sl.Add(s); end; finally sl.EndUpdate; end; end; { TPropertyString } function TPropertyString.CreateEditor(AOwner: TComponent): TVFDPropertyEditor; begin Result := TGeneralPropertyEditor.Create(AOwner, self); with TGeneralPropertyEditor(Result) do etype := gptString; end; function TPropertyString.GetPropertySource(wg: TfpgWidget; const ident: string): string; begin Result := ident + Name + ' := ' + QuotedStr(GetStrProp(wg, Name)) + ';' + LineEnding; end; function TPropertyString.GetValueText(wg: TfpgWidget): string; begin Result := GetStrProp(wg, Name); end; function TPropertyString.ParseSourceLine(wg: TfpgWidget; const line: string): boolean; var s, sval: string; begin s := line; Result := False; if UpperCase(GetIdentifier(s)) <> UpperCase(Name) then Exit; Result := CheckSymbol(s, ':='); if Result then begin sval := GetStringValue(s); Result := CheckSymbol(s, ';'); end; if Result then SetStrProp(wg, Name, sval); end; { TPropertyInteger } function TPropertyInteger.CreateEditor(AOwner: TComponent): TVFDPropertyEditor; begin Result := TGeneralPropertyEditor.Create(AOwner, self); with TGeneralPropertyEditor(Result) do etype := gptInteger; end; function TPropertyInteger.GetPropertySource(wg: TfpgWidget; const ident: string): string; var PropInfo: PPropInfo; begin PropInfo := GetPropInfo(wg.ClassType, Name); if PropInfo^.Default <> GetOrdProp(wg, Name) then Result := ident + Name + ' := ' + IntToStr(GetOrdProp(wg, Name)) + ';' + LineEnding else Result := ''; end; function TPropertyInteger.GetValueText(wg: TfpgWidget): string; begin Result := IntToStr(GetOrdProp(wg, Name)); end; function TPropertyInteger.ParseSourceLine(wg: TfpgWidget; const line: string): boolean; var s: string; ival: integer; begin s := line; Result := False; if UpperCase(GetIdentifier(s)) <> UpperCase(Name) then Exit; Result := CheckSymbol(s, ':='); if Result then begin ival := GetIntValue(s); Result := CheckSymbol(s, ';'); end else ival := 0; if Result then SetOrdProp(wg, Name, ival); end; { TGeneralPropertyEditor } procedure TGeneralPropertyEditor.EditExit(Sender: TObject); begin if FOrigValue <> edit.Text then if UndoOnPropExit then edit.Text := FOrigvalue else begin UpdateProperty(nil); FOrigValue := edit.Text; end; end; procedure TGeneralPropertyEditor.EditKeyPressed(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean); begin if (KeyCode = keyReturn) or (KeyCode = keyPEnter) then begin UpdateProperty(nil); FOrigValue := edit.Text; end else if (keycode=keyEscape) then begin edit.Text := FOrigValue; end else inherited; end; procedure TGeneralPropertyEditor.CreateLayout; begin Anchors := [anTop, anLeft, anRight]; Edit := TfpgEdit.Create(self); Edit.SetPosition(0, 0, Width, Height); Edit.Anchors := Anchors; // Edit.OnChange := @UpdateProperty; Edit.OnKeyPress := @EditKeyPressed; Edit.OnExit :=@EditExit; Edit.Visible := True; end; procedure TGeneralPropertyEditor.LoadIntValue(wg: TfpgWidget); begin edit.Text := IntToStr(GetOrdProp(wg, prop.Name)); end; procedure TGeneralPropertyEditor.LoadStrValue(wg: TfpgWidget); var s: string; begin s := GetStrProp(wg, prop.Name); if etype = gptString then edit.Text := s; end; procedure TGeneralPropertyEditor.LoadValue(wg: TfpgWidget); begin case etype of gptInteger: LoadIntValue(wg); else LoadStrValue(wg); end; FOrigValue := edit.Text; end; procedure TGeneralPropertyEditor.StoreIntValue(wg: TfpgWidget); var i: integer; begin try i := StrToInt(edit.Text); SetOrdProp(wg, Prop.Name, i); except // error end; end; procedure TGeneralPropertyEditor.StoreStrValue(wg: TfpgWidget); var s: string; begin if etype = gptString then s := edit.Text; SetStrProp(wg, prop.Name, s); end; procedure TGeneralPropertyEditor.StoreValue(wg: TfpgWidget); begin case etype of gptInteger: StoreIntValue(wg); else StoreStrValue(wg); end; end; { TPropertyStringList } function TPropertyStringList.CreateEditor(AOwner: TComponent): TVFDPropertyEditor; begin Result := TExternalPropertyEditor.Create(AOwner, self); end; function TPropertyStringList.GetPropertySource(wg: TfpgWidget; const ident: string): string; var sl: TStringList; f: integer; begin sl := TStringList(GetObjectProp(wg, Name, TStrings)); if not Assigned(sl) then raise Exception.Create('Failed to find TStrings type property.'); Result := ''; //if sl.Text <> '' then //begin //writeln('Text = <', sl.Text, '>'); //writeln('StringList.Count = ', sl.Count); for f := 0 to sl.Count - 1 do Result := Result + ident + Name + '.Add(' + QuotedStr(sl.Strings[f]) + ');' + LineEnding; //end; end; function TPropertyStringList.GetValueText(wg: TfpgWidget): string; var sl: TStringList; begin sl := TStringList(GetObjectProp(wg, Name, TStrings)); if not Assigned(sl) then raise Exception.Create('Failed to find TStrings type property.'); Result := '[' + IntToStr(sl.Count) + ' lines]'; end; procedure TPropertyStringList.OnExternalEdit(wg: TfpgWidget); var sl: TStringList; begin sl := TStringList(GetObjectProp(wg, Name, TStrings)); if not Assigned(sl) then raise Exception.Create('Failed to find TStrings type property.'); EditStringList(sl); end; function TPropertyStringList.ParseSourceLine(wg: TfpgWidget; const line: string): boolean; var s: string; sval: string; sl: TStringList; begin s := line; Result := False; if UpperCase(GetIdentifier(s)) <> UpperCase(Name) then Exit; Result := CheckSymbol(s, '.'); Result := Result and (UpperCase(GetIdentifier(s)) = 'ADD'); Result := Result and CheckSymbol(s, '('); if Result then begin sval := GetStringValue(s); Result := Result and CheckSymbol(s, ')'); Result := Result and CheckSymbol(s, ';'); end; if Result then begin sl := TStringList(GetObjectProp(wg, Name, TStrings)); if not Assigned(sl) then raise Exception.Create('Failed to find TStrings type property.'); sl.Add(sval); end; end; { TPropertyBoolean } function TPropertyBoolean.ParseSourceLine(wg: TfpgWidget; const line: string): boolean; var s: string; bval: boolean; begin s := line; Result := False; if UpperCase(GetIdentifier(s)) <> UpperCase(Name) then Exit; Result := CheckSymbol(s, ':='); if Result then begin bval := GetBoolValue(s); Result := CheckSymbol(s, ';'); end else bval := False; if Result then SetOrdProp(wg, Name, Ord(bval)); end; function TPropertyBoolean.GetPropertySource(wg: TfpgWidget; const ident: string): string; var i: integer; s: string; PropInfo: PPropInfo; begin PropInfo := GetPropInfo(wg.ClassType, Name); i := GetOrdProp(wg, Name); if PropInfo^.Default <> i then begin if i = 1 then s := 'True' else s := 'False'; Result := ident + Name + ' := ' + s + ';' + LineEnding; end else Result := ''; end; function TPropertyBoolean.GetValueText(wg: TfpgWidget): string; begin if GetOrdProp(wg, Name) = 1 then Result := 'True' else Result := 'False'; end; function TPropertyBoolean.CreateEditor(AOwner: TComponent): TVFDPropertyEditor; begin Result := TBooleanPropertyEditor.Create(AOwner, self); end; { TExternalPropertyEditor } procedure TExternalPropertyEditor.HandlePaint; var r: TfpgRect; begin // inherited HandlePaint; // if not Windowed then // Exit; if widget = nil then Exit; Canvas.Clear(clBoxColor); Canvas.GetWinRect(r); Canvas.SetTextColor(clText1); prop.DrawValue(Widget, Canvas, r, 0); end; procedure TExternalPropertyEditor.CreateLayout; begin inherited; Widget := nil; Anchors := [anTop, anLeft, anRight]; btnEdit := TfpgButton.Create(self); with btnEdit do begin Height := self.Height; Width := 24; Top := 0; Left := self.Width - btnEdit.Width; Text := '...'; UpdateWindowPosition; Anchors := [anTop, anRight]; OnClick := @OnEditClick; Visible := True; end; end; procedure TExternalPropertyEditor.LoadValue(wg: TfpgWidget); begin Widget := wg; RePaint; end; procedure TExternalPropertyEditor.OnEditClick(Sender: TObject); begin if widget = nil then Exit; prop.OnExternalEdit(widget); widget.Invalidate; RePaint; end; procedure TExternalPropertyEditor.StoreValue(wg: TfpgWidget); begin // nothing end; { TPropertyEnum } function TPropertyEnum.CreateEditor(AOwner: TComponent): TVFDPropertyEditor; begin Result := TChoicePropertyEditor.Create(AOwner, self); end; function TPropertyEnum.GetValueText(wg: TfpgWidget): string; begin Result := GetEnumProp(wg, Name); end; function TPropertyEnum.GetPropertySource(wg: TfpgWidget; const ident: string): string; var PropInfo: PPropInfo; begin PropInfo := GetPropInfo(wg.ClassType, Name); if PropInfo^.Default <> GetOrdProp(wg, Name) then Result := ident + Name + ' := ' + GetEnumProp(wg, Name) + ';' + LineEnding else Result := ''; end; function TPropertyEnum.ParseSourceLine(wg: TfpgWidget; const line: string): boolean; var s, sval: string; begin s := line; Result := False; if UpperCase(GetIdentifier(s)) <> UpperCase(Name) then Exit; Result := CheckSymbol(s, ':='); if Result then begin sval := GetIdentifier(s); Result := CheckSymbol(s, ';'); end; if Result then try SetEnumProp(wg, Name, sval); except Writeln('invalid enum value: "' + sval + '" for ' + Name); Result := False; end; end; { TChoicePropertyEditor } procedure TChoicePropertyEditor.CreateLayout; begin Anchors := [anTop, anLeft, anRight]; chl := TfpgComboBox.Create(self); chl.SetPosition(0, 0, Width, Height); chl.Anchors := Anchors; chl.OnChange := @UpdateProperty; chl.Visible := True; end; procedure TChoicePropertyEditor.LoadValue(wg: TfpgWidget); var sv: string; i, fi: integer; sl: TStringList; begin sv := GetEnumProp(wg, prop.Name); sl := TStringList.Create; GetEnumPropValueList(wg, prop.Name, sl); fi := 0; for i := 0 to sl.Count - 1 do begin chl.Items.Add(sl.Strings[i]); if UpperCase(sv) = UpperCase(sl.Strings[i]) then fi := i; end; chl.FocusItem := fi; sl.Free; end; procedure TChoicePropertyEditor.StoreValue(wg: TfpgWidget); begin SetEnumProp(wg, prop.Name, chl.Text); end; { TBooleanPropertyEditor } procedure TBooleanPropertyEditor.LoadValue(wg: TfpgWidget); var b: integer; begin b := GetOrdProp(wg, prop.Name); chl.Items.Add('True'); chl.Items.Add('False'); if b = 1 then chl.FocusItem := 0 else chl.FocusItem := 1; end; procedure TBooleanPropertyEditor.StoreValue(wg: TfpgWidget); begin SetOrdProp(wg, prop.Name, Ord(StrToBool(chl.Text))); end; { TPropertyFontDesc } function TPropertyFontDesc.CreateEditor(AOwner: TComponent): TVFDPropertyEditor; begin Result := TExternalPropertyEditor.Create(AOwner, self); end; procedure TPropertyFontDesc.OnExternalEdit(wg: TfpgWidget); var s: string; begin s := GetStrProp(wg, Name); if SelectFontDialog(s) then SetStrProp(wg, Name, s); end; end.