{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2009 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Property editor for grid columns. } unit vfdpropeditgrid; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_base, fpg_widget, fpg_form, fpg_label, fpg_edit, fpg_button, fpg_combobox, fpg_customgrid, fpg_basegrid, fpg_grid, vfdwidgetclass, vfdprops, vfdformparser; type TPropertyDBColumns = class(TVFDWidgetProperty) public function ParseSourceLine(wg: TfpgWidget; const line: string): boolean; override; function GetPropertySource(wg: TfpgWidget; const ident: string): string; override; function GetValueText(wg: TfpgWidget): string; override; function CreateEditor(AOwner: TComponent): TVFDPropertyEditor; override; procedure OnExternalEdit(wg: TfpgWidget); override; end; // A normal grid's column information now become rows of data. TColumnsGrid = class(TfpgCustomGrid) protected function GetRowCount: Integer; override; procedure DrawCell(ARow, ACol: Integer; ARect: TfpgRect; AFlags: TfpgGridDrawState); override; public dbgrid: TfpgStringGrid; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; end; TColumnEditForm = class(TfpgForm) private procedure GridRowChange(Sender: TObject; row: Integer); procedure EditChange(Sender: TObject); procedure NewButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure DeleteButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure CloseButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure UpDownButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure SaveColumn(row: integer); public {@VFD_HEAD_BEGIN: ColumnEditForm} lbLabel1: TfpgLabel; grid: TColumnsGrid; lbLabel2: TfpgLabel; lbLabel3: TfpgLabel; lbLabel6: TfpgLabel; lbLabel5: TfpgLabel; lbCOLNO: TfpgLabel; edTITLE: TfpgEdit; edCOLWIDTH: TfpgEdit; chlALIGN: TfpgComboBox; btnNew: TfpgButton; btnDelete: TfpgButton; btnUP: TfpgButton; btnDOWN: TfpgButton; btnClose: TfpgButton; {@VFD_HEAD_END: ColumnEditForm} dbgrid: TfpgStringGrid; procedure AfterCreate; override; end; implementation procedure EditStringGridColumns(agrid: TfpgStringGrid); var frm: TColumnEditForm; begin frm := TColumnEditForm.Create(nil); frm.dbgrid := agrid; frm.grid.dbgrid := agrid; frm.ShowModal; frm.Free; end; { TColumnEditForm } procedure TColumnEditForm.AfterCreate; begin {%region 'Auto-generated GUI code' -fold} {@VFD_BODY_BEGIN: ColumnEditForm} Name := 'ColumnEditForm'; SetPosition(270, 267, 511, 269); WindowTitle := 'Column editor'; Sizeable := False; lbLabel1 := TfpgLabel.Create(self); with lbLabel1 do begin Name := 'lbLabel1'; SetPosition(8, 4, 110, 16); Text := 'String Grid columns:'; FontDesc := '#Label1'; AutoSize := True; end; grid := TColumnsGrid.Create(self); with grid do begin Name := 'grid'; SetPosition(8, 24, 328, 204); OnRowChange := @GridRowChange; end; lbLabel2 := TfpgLabel.Create(self); with lbLabel2 do begin Name := 'lbLabel2'; SetPosition(344, 24, 56, 16); Text := 'Column:'; FontDesc := '#Label1'; AutoSize := True; end; lbLabel3 := TfpgLabel.Create(self); with lbLabel3 do begin Name := 'lbLabel3'; SetPosition(344, 56, 34, 16); Text := 'Title:'; FontDesc := '#Label1'; AutoSize := True; end; lbLabel6 := TfpgLabel.Create(self); with lbLabel6 do begin Name := 'lbLabel6'; SetPosition(344, 100, 88, 16); Text := 'Column width:'; FontDesc := '#Label1'; AutoSize := True; end; lbLabel5 := TfpgLabel.Create(self); with lbLabel5 do begin Name := 'lbLabel5'; SetPosition(344, 144, 83, 16); Text := 'Alignment:'; FontDesc := '#Label1'; AutoSize := True; end; lbCOLNO := TfpgLabel.Create(self); with lbCOLNO do begin Name := 'lbCOLNO'; SetPosition(404, 24, 54, 16); Text := '--'; FontDesc := '#Label1'; AutoSize := True; end; edTITLE := TfpgEdit.Create(self); with edTITLE do begin Name := 'edTITLE'; SetPosition(344, 72, 160, 22); Text := ''; FontDesc := '#Edit1'; OnChange := @EditChange; end; edCOLWIDTH := TfpgEdit.Create(self); with edCOLWIDTH do begin Name := 'edCOLWIDTH'; SetPosition(344, 116, 160, 22); Text := ''; FontDesc := '#Edit1'; OnChange := @EditChange; end; chlALIGN := TfpgComboBox.Create(self); with chlALIGN do begin Name := 'chlALIGN'; SetPosition(344, 162, 160, 22); Items.Add('Left'); Items.Add('Right'); Items.Add('Center'); FontDesc := '#List'; OnChange := @EditChange; end; btnNew := TfpgButton.Create(self); with btnNew do begin Name := 'btnNew'; SetPosition(8, 236, 75, 24); Text := 'New'; FontDesc := '#Label1'; ImageName := ''; ModalResult := 0; OnClick := @NewButtonClick; end; btnDelete := TfpgButton.Create(self); with btnDelete do begin Name := 'btnDelete'; SetPosition(86, 236, 75, 24); Text := 'Delete'; FontDesc := '#Label1'; ImageName := ''; ModalResult := 0; OnClick := @DeleteButtonClick; end; btnUP := TfpgButton.Create(self); with btnUP do begin Name := 'btnUP'; SetPosition(182, 236, 75, 24); Text := 'UP'; FontDesc := '#Label1'; ImageName := ''; ModalResult := 0; OnClick := @UpDownButtonClick; end; btnDOWN := TfpgButton.Create(self); with btnDOWN do begin Name := 'btnDOWN'; SetPosition(260, 236, 75, 24); Text := 'DOWN'; FontDesc := '#Label1'; ImageName := ''; ModalResult := 0; OnClick := @UpDownButtonClick; end; btnClose := TfpgButton.Create(self); with btnClose do begin Name := 'btnClose'; SetPosition(428, 236, 75, 24); Text := 'Close'; FontDesc := '#Label1'; ImageName := 'stdimg.close'; ModalResult := 0; OnClick := @CloseButtonClick; end; {@VFD_BODY_END: ColumnEditForm} {%endregion} end; procedure TColumnEditForm.GridRowChange(Sender: TObject; row: Integer); var i: integer; c: TfpgStringColumn; begin c := dbgrid.Columns[row]; if c = nil then Exit; try // disable event handlers edTITLE.OnChange := nil; edCOLWIDTH.OnChange := nil; chlALIGN.OnChange := nil; lbCOLNO.Text := IntToStr(row); edTITLE.Text := c.Title; edCOLWIDTH.Text := IntToStr(c.Width); case c.Alignment of taRightJustify: i := 1; taCenter: i := 2 else i := 0; end; chlALIGN.FocusItem := i; finally // enable event handlers again. edTITLE.OnChange := @EditChange; edCOLWIDTH.OnChange := @EditChange; chlALIGN.OnChange := @EditChange; end; end; procedure TColumnEditForm.SaveColumn(row: integer); var c: TfpgStringColumn; begin c := dbgrid.Columns[row]; if c = nil then Exit; c.Title := edTITLE.Text; c.Width := StrToIntDef(edCOLWIDTH.Text, 30); case chlALIGN.FocusItem of 1: c.Alignment := taRightJustify; 2: c.Alignment := taCenter; else c.Alignment := taLeftJustify; end; grid.RePaint; dbgrid.Update; end; procedure TColumnEditForm.EditChange(Sender: TObject); begin if grid.FocusRow < 0 then Exit; SaveColumn(grid.FocusRow) end; procedure TColumnEditForm.NewButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin dbgrid.AddColumn('New', 50, taLeftJustify); grid.FocusRow := grid.RowCount; grid.Update; GridRowChange(Sender, grid.FocusRow); end; procedure TColumnEditForm.DeleteButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin dbgrid.DeleteColumn(grid.FocusRow); grid.Update; end; procedure TColumnEditForm.CloseButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TColumnEditForm.UpDownButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Sender = btnUP then begin if grid.FocusRow > 0 then begin dbgrid.MoveColumn(grid.FocusRow - 1, grid.FocusRow - 2); grid.FocusRow := grid.FocusRow - 1; grid.Update; end; end else if grid.FocusRow < grid.RowCount-1 then begin dbgrid.MoveColumn(grid.FocusRow - 1, grid.FocusRow); grid.FocusRow := grid.FocusRow + 1; grid.Update; end; end; { TColumnsGrid } function TColumnsGrid.GetRowCount: Integer; begin try // Yes, it must be ColumnCount and *not* RowCount! Result := dbgrid.ColumnCount; except Result := inherited GetColumnCount; end; end; procedure TColumnsGrid.DrawCell(ARow, ACol: Integer; ARect: TfpgRect; AFlags: TfpgGridDrawState); var s: string; x: integer; c: TfpgStringColumn; begin // writeln('ARow=', ARow, ' ACol=', ACol); c := dbgrid.Columns[ARow{ - 1}]; if c = nil then begin // writeln(' TColumnsGrid.DrawCell -> exit early because c = nil'); Exit; end; // writeln(' ... we passed the nil test'); x := ARect.Left + 1; case ACol of 0: s := IntToStr(ARow); 1: s := c.Title; 2: s := IntToStr(c.Width); 3: case c.Alignment of taRightJustify: s := 'Right'; taCenter: s := 'Center'; else s := 'Left'; end; else s := '?'; end; Canvas.DrawString(x, ARect.Top + 1, s); end; constructor TColumnsGrid.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); RowSelect := True; ColumnCount := 0; RowCount := 0; AddColumn('Col.', 30); AddColumn('Title', 80); AddColumn('Width', 40); AddColumn('Align', 50); end; { TPropertyDBColumns } function TPropertyDBColumns.CreateEditor(AOwner: TComponent): TVFDPropertyEditor; begin Result := TExternalPropertyEditor.Create(AOwner, self); end; function TPropertyDBColumns.GetValueText(wg: TfpgWidget): string; begin with TfpgStringGrid(wg) do Result := '[' + IntToStr(ColumnCount) + ' columns]'; end; procedure TPropertyDBColumns.OnExternalEdit(wg: TfpgWidget); begin if not Assigned(wg) then raise Exception.Create('TPropertyDBColumns.OnExternalEdit(wg) - wg widget may not be nil.'); if not (wg is TfpgStringGrid) then raise Exception.Create('TPropertyDBColumns.OnExternalEdit(wg) - wg widget is not a TfpgStringGrid.'); EditStringGridColumns(TfpgStringGrid(wg)); end; function TPropertyDBColumns.ParseSourceLine(wg: TfpgWidget; const line: string): boolean; var c: TfpgStringColumn; s: string; sval: string; begin s := line; Result := False; if UpperCase(GetIdentifier(s)) <> UpperCase('ADDCOLUMN') then Exit; c := TfpgStringColumn.Create; Result := CheckSymbol(s, '('); if Result then c.Title := GetStringValue(s); Result := Result and CheckSymbol(s, ','); if Result then c.Width := GetIntValue(s); Result := Result and CheckSymbol(s, ','); if Result then begin sval := UpperCase(GetIdentifier(s)); if sval = 'TARIGHTJUSTIFY' then c.Alignment := taRightJustify else if sval = 'TACENTER' then c.Alignment := taCenter else c.Alignment := taLeftJustify; end; Result := Result and CheckSymbol(s, ')'); Result := Result and CheckSymbol(s, ';'); if Result then TfpgStringGrid(wg).AddColumn(c.Title, c.Width, c.Alignment); c.Free; end; function TPropertyDBColumns.GetPropertySource(wg: TfpgWidget; const ident: string): string; var f: integer; c: TfpgStringColumn; alstr: string; begin Result := ''; with TfpgStringGrid(wg) do begin for f := 0 to ColumnCount-1 do begin c := Columns[f]; case c.Alignment of taRightJustify: alstr := 'taRightJustify'; taCenter: alstr := 'taCenter'; else alstr := 'taLeftJustify'; end; Result := Result + ident + 'AddColumn(' + QuotedStr(c.Title) + ', ' + IntToStr(c.Width) + ', ' + alstr + ');' + LineEnding; end; { for } end; { with } end; end.