{ *************************************************************************** * * * This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * * General Public License for more details. * * * * A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World * * Wide Web at . You can also * * obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation, * * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * * *************************************************************************** Author: Graeme Geldenhuys Name: generateincfiles - generates include files from po files. Synopsis: generateincfiles fpgui_base_dir Description: generateincfiles will generate the lang_.inc files in the src/corelib/ directory. The include files are used when changing the default language of fpGUI. } program GenarateIncFiles; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} {$ifdef Windows} {$define CaseInsensitiveFilenames} {$endif} uses Classes, SysUtils, AvL_Tree, contnrs; const UTF8FileHeader = #$ef#$bb#$bf; type TMsgItem = record Comment: string; ID: string; Str: string; end; PMsgItem = ^TMsgItem; TMsgItemClass = class(TObject) private function GetIdentifier: string; function GetValue: string; public Comment: string; ID: string; Str: string; property Identifier: string read GetIdentifier; property Value: string read GetValue; end; { TMsgItemClass } function TMsgItemClass.GetIdentifier: string; var s: string; p: integer; begin if Comment = '' then Result := '' else begin p := Pos(':', Comment); if p = 0 then begin Result := ''; Exit; end else begin s := Copy(Comment, p+1, Length(Comment)-p); p := Pos(':', s); Result := Copy(s, p+1, Length(s)-p); end; end; end; function TMsgItemClass.GetValue: string; begin if Str <> '' then Result := Str else Result := ID; end; function CompareMsgItems(Data1, Data2: pointer): integer; var MsgItem1: PMsgItem; MsgItem2: PMsgItem; begin MsgItem1:=PMsgItem(Data1); MsgItem2:=PMsgItem(Data2); Result:=CompareStr(MsgItem1^.ID,MsgItem2^.ID); end; procedure DisposeMsgTree(var Tree: TAVLTree); var Node: TAVLTreeNode; MsgItem: PMsgItem; begin Node:=Tree.FindLowest; while Node<>nil do begin MsgItem:=PMsgItem(Node.Data); Dispose(MsgItem); Node:=Tree.FindSuccessor(Node); end; Tree.Free; Tree:=nil; end; function GetAllFilesMask: string; begin {$IFDEF WINDOWS} Result:='*.*'; {$ELSE} Result:='*'; {$ENDIF} end; function CompareFilenames(const Filename1, Filename2: string): integer; begin {$IFDEF CaseInsensitiveFilenames} Result:=AnsiCompareText(Filename1, Filename2); {$ELSE} Result:=CompareStr(Filename1, Filename2); {$ENDIF} end; type TPoFile = class public Tree: TAVLTree; Header: TStringList; Items: TObjectList; UTF8Header: string; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; { TPoFile } constructor TPoFile.Create; begin Tree:=TAVLTree.Create(@CompareMsgItems); Header:=TStringList.Create; Items := TObjectList.Create; end; destructor TPoFile.Destroy; begin DisposeMsgTree(Tree); Header.Free; Items.Free; inherited Destroy; end; //============================================================================== var Files: TStringList; Prefix: string; BaseDir: string; const cLang = PathDelim + 'languages' + PathDelim; cCorelib = PathDelim + 'src' + PathDelim + 'corelib' + PathDelim; procedure IncPrefix; begin Prefix:=Prefix+' '; end; procedure DecPrefix; begin Prefix:=LeftStr(Prefix,length(Prefix)-2); end; function ParamsValid: boolean; var i: Integer; Filename: String; Ext: String; Name: string; begin Result := false; if ParamCount < 1 then Exit; //==> BaseDir := ParamStr(1); if not DirectoryExists(BaseDir) then begin writeln('ERROR: fpGUI base directory <'+BaseDir+'> does not exist.'); Exit; //==> end; // Does it look like the fpGUI base directory? We do three simple tests. if not FileExists(BaseDir + PathDelim + 'AUTHORS.txt') then begin writeln('ERROR: <'+BaseDir+'> directory does not look like the fpGUI base directory.'); Exit; //==> end; if not DirectoryExists(BaseDir + cLang) then begin writeln('ERROR: <'+BaseDir+'> directory does not look like the fpGUI base directory.'); writeln(' The ' + cLang + ' directory is missing.'); Exit; //==> end; if not DirectoryExists(BaseDir + cCoreLib) then begin writeln('ERROR: <'+BaseDir+'> directory does not look like the fpGUI base directory.'); writeln(' The ' + cCoreLib + ' directory is missing.'); Exit; //==> end; Result := true; end; function ReadMessageItem(SrcFile: TStringList; var Line: integer): PMsgItem; var s: string; begin New(Result); while Line'') and (s[1]='#') then begin Result^.Comment:=Result^.Comment+copy(s,2,length(s)); end else if (LeftStr(s,7)='msgid "') then begin // read ID Result^.ID:=copy(s,8,length(s)-8); inc(Line); while Line'') and (s[1]='"') then begin Result^.ID:=Result^.ID+#10+copy(s,2,length(s)-2); inc(Line); end else break; end; // read Str if Line'') and (s[1]='"') then begin Result^.Str:=Result^.Str+#10+copy(s,2,length(s)-2); inc(Line); end else break; end; end; end; exit; end; inc(Line); end; end; function CreateMsgItemClass(MsgItem: PMsgItem): TMsgItemClass; begin Result := nil; if MsgItem^.Comment[1] <> ':' then exit; Result := TMsgItemClass.Create; Result.Comment := MsgItem^.Comment; // writeln(Prefix, ' Comment: ', Result.Comment); Result.ID := MsgItem^.ID; Result.Str := MsgItem^.Str; end; procedure WriteMessageItem(MsgItem: PMsgItem; DestFile: TStringList); procedure WriteItem(const Prefix: string; Str: string); var s: String; p: Integer; begin s:=Prefix+' "'; p:=1; while (p<=length(Str)) do begin if Str[p]=#10 then begin // a new line s:=s+copy(Str,1,p-1)+'"'; DestFile.Add(s); Str:=copy(Str,p+1,length(Str)); p:=1; // start new line s:='"'; end else inc(p); end; if (Str<>'') or (s<>'"') then begin s:=s+Str+'"'; DestFile.Add(s); end; end; begin if MsgItem^.Comment<>'' then DestFile.Add('#'+MsgItem^.Comment); WriteItem('msgid',MsgItem^.ID); WriteItem('msgstr',MsgItem^.Str); DestFile.Add(''); end; function ReadPoFile(const Filename: string): TPoFile; var SrcFile: TStringList; MsgItem: PMsgItem; Line: Integer; oMsgItem: TMsgItemClass; begin Result:=TPoFile.Create; // read source .po file //writeln(Prefix,'Loading ',Filename,' ...'); SrcFile:=TStringList.Create; SrcFile.LoadFromFile(Filename); if (SrcFile.Count>0) and (copy(SrcFile[0],1,3)=UTF8FileHeader) then begin Result.UTF8Header:=copy(SrcFile[0],1,3); SrcFile[0]:=copy(SrcFile[0],4,length(SrcFile[0])); end; Line:=0; while Linenil) then begin Dispose(MsgItem); continue; end; // message class oMsgItem := CreateMsgItemClass(MsgItem); // add message Result.Tree.Add(MsgItem); if oMsgItem <> nil then Result.Items.Add(oMsgItem); end; end; SrcFile.Free; end; procedure WritePoFile(PoFile: TPoFile; const Filename: string); var DestFile: TStringList; Node: TAVLTreeNode; MsgItem: PMsgItem; Save: Boolean; OldDestFile: TStringList; begin //writeln(Prefix,'Saving ',Filename,' ...'); DestFile:=TStringList.Create; if (PoFile.Header.Count>0) then begin DestFile.Add('msgid ""'); DestFile.Add('msgstr ""'); DestFile.AddStrings(PoFile.Header); DestFile.Add(''); end; Node:=PoFile.Tree.FindLowest; while Node<>nil do begin MsgItem:=PMsgItem(Node.Data); WriteMessageItem(MsgItem,DestFile); Node:=PoFile.Tree.FindSuccessor(Node); end; if (PoFile.UTF8Header<>'') and (DestFile.Count>0) then DestFile[0]:=PoFile.UTF8Header+DestFile[0]; Save:=true; if FileExists(Filename) then begin OldDestFile:=TStringList.Create; OldDestFile.LoadFromFile(Filename); if OldDestFile.Text=DestFile.Text then Save:=false; OldDestFile.Free; end; if Save then DestFile.SaveToFile(Filename); DestFile.Free; end; procedure WriteIncludeFile(PoFile: TPoFile; const Filename: string); var DestFile: TStringList; OldDestFile: TStringList; Save: Boolean; i: integer; oMsg: TMsgItemClass; begin DestFile := TStringList.Create; { Save:=true; if FileExists(Filename) then begin OldDestFile:=TStringList.Create; OldDestFile.LoadFromFile(Filename); if OldDestFile.Text=DestFile.Text then Save:=false; OldDestFile.Free; end; if Save then DestFile.SaveToFile(Filename); } for i := 0 to PoFile.Items.Count - 1 do begin oMsg := TMsgItemClass(PoFile.Items[i]); DestFile.Add(Format('%s = ''%s'';', [oMsg.Identifier, oMsg.Value])); end; DestFile.SaveToFile(Filename); DestFile.Free; end; function FindAllTranslatedPoFiles(const ALangDir: string): TStringList; var Path: String; NameOnly: String; FileInfo: TSearchRec; CurExt: String; begin Result := TStringList.Create; Path := ALangDir; NameOnly := 'fpgui'; if SysUtils.FindFirst(Path+GetAllFilesMask,faAnyFile,FileInfo)=0 then begin repeat if (FileInfo.Name='.') or (FileInfo.Name='..') or (FileInfo.Name='') or (CompareFilenames(FileInfo.Name, 'fpgui.po')=0) then continue; CurExt:=ExtractFileExt(FileInfo.Name); if (CompareFilenames(CurExt,'.po')<>0) or (CompareFilenames(LeftStr(FileInfo.Name,length(NameOnly)),NameOnly)<>0) then continue; Result.Add(Path+FileInfo.Name); until SysUtils.FindNext(FileInfo)<>0; end; SysUtils.FindClose(FileInfo); end; procedure MergePoTrees(SrcTree, DestTree: TAVLTree); var SrcNode, DestNode: TAVLTreeNode; SrcMsgItem, DestMsgItem: PMsgItem; OldNode: TAVLTreeNode; begin // add all message items from SrcTree into DestTree SrcNode:=SrcTree.FindLowest; while SrcNode<>nil do begin SrcMsgItem:=PMsgItem(SrcNode.Data); DestNode:=DestTree.FindKey(SrcMsgItem,@CompareMsgItems); if DestNode<>nil then begin // ID already exists -> update comment DestMsgItem:=PMsgItem(DestNode.Data); DestMsgItem^.Comment:=SrcMsgItem^.Comment; end else begin // new ID -> add new message item to DestTree New(DestMsgItem); DestMsgItem^.Comment:=SrcMsgItem^.Comment; DestMsgItem^.ID:=SrcMsgItem^.ID; DestMsgItem^.Str:=SrcMsgItem^.Str; DestTree.Add(DestMsgItem); end; SrcNode:=SrcTree.FindSuccessor(SrcNode); end; // remove all old messages in DestTree DestNode:=DestTree.FindLowest; while DestNode<>nil do begin DestMsgItem:=PMsgItem(DestNode.Data); OldNode:=DestNode; DestNode:=DestTree.FindSuccessor(DestNode); if (DestMsgItem^.ID<>'') and (SrcTree.FindKey(DestMsgItem,@CompareMsgItems)=nil) then begin // unused message -> delete it writeln('Deleting unused message "',DestMsgItem^.ID,'"'); Dispose(DestMsgItem); DestTree.Delete(OldNode); end; end; end; procedure ProcessPoFile(const Filename: string); var SrcFile: TPoFile; function Newfile: string; var s: string; p: integer; begin s := ExtractFileName(Filename); p := Pos('.', s); s := Copy(s, p+1, Length(s)); s := StringReplace(s, '.po', '.inc', [rfIgnoreCase]); Result := 'lang_' + s; // writeln(' Newfile: ', cCorelib + Result); end; begin writeln('Loading ',Filename,' ...'); SrcFile := ReadPoFile(Filename); WriteIncludeFile(SrcFile, Newfile); SrcFile.Free; end; procedure ProcessAllPoFiles; var i: Integer; begin Files := FindAllTranslatedPoFiles(BaseDir + cLang); for i := 0 to Files.Count-1 do ProcessPoFile(Files[i]); end; begin Prefix:=''; Files:=nil; if not ParamsValid then begin writeln('Usage: ',ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0)), ' fpgui_base_dir'); Exit; end else begin ProcessAllPoFiles; end; Files.Free; end.