{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: This unit forms part of the PDF Reporting Engine. This unit implements the report preview form. The PDF Reporting Engine was originally written by Jean-Marc Levecque } unit U_Visu; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, {$ifdef win32} shellapi, {$endif} fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_form, fpg_panel, fpg_label, fpg_button, fpg_edit, fpg_dialogs, fpg_utils, fpg_scrollbar, U_Report; type TF_Visu = class(TfpgForm) private FReport: T_Report; Bv_Command: TfpgBevel; Bt_Close: TfpgButton; Bt_Print: TfpgButton; Bt_Printer: TfpgButton; Bt_Stop: TfpgButton; Bt_Pdf: TfpgButton; Bv_Pages: TfpgBevel; L_Pages: TfpgLabel; Bt_FirstPage: TfpgButton; Bt_PrecPage: TfpgButton; E_NumPage: TfpgEditInteger; Bt_NextPage: TfpgButton; Bt_LastPage: TfpgButton; L_FromPage: TfpgLabel; L_NbrPages: TfpgLabel; Bv_Sections: TfpgBevel; L_Sections: TfpgLabel; Bt_PrecSect: TfpgButton; E_NumSect: TfpgEditInteger; Bt_NextSect: TfpgButton; L_FromSect: TfpgLabel; L_NbrSect: TfpgLabel; L_PageSect: TfpgLabel; L_NumPageSect: TfpgLabel; L_FromPageSect: TfpgLabel; L_NbrPageSect: TfpgLabel; Bv_PreviewPage: TfpgBevel; VScrollBar: TfpgScrollbar; FPreviewMargin: integer; procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject); procedure FormMouseScroll(Sender: TObject; AShift: TShiftState; AWheelDelta: Single; const AMousePos: TPoint); procedure VScrollBarScrolled(Sender: TObject; position: integer); procedure Bt_CloseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PrintClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PrinterClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_StopClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PdfClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_FirstPageClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PrecPageClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_NextPageClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_LastPageClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_PrecSectClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Bt_NextSectClick(Sender: TObject); procedure E_NumPageKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: Boolean); procedure E_NumSectKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: Boolean); procedure ChangeButtons; procedure SetPreviewMargin(AValue: integer); procedure RepositionPage; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent; AImprime: T_Report); reintroduce; destructor Destroy; override; procedure RecalcScrollbars; property PreviewMargin: integer read FPreviewMargin write SetPreviewMargin; end; var F_Visu: TF_Visu; Bv_Visu: TfpgBevel; implementation uses U_Command, U_Pdf, U_ReportImages; procedure TF_Visu.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin L_Pages.Text := 'Page'; L_Sections.Text := 'Section'; L_PageSect.Text := 'Page'; L_FromPage.Text := 'of'; with FReport do begin if Sections.Count = 1 then E_NumSect.Focusable := False; if T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages = 1 then E_NumPage.Focusable := False; E_NumPage.Text := IntToStr(NumPage); L_NbrPages.Text := IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages); E_NumSect.Text := IntToStr(NumSection); L_NbrSect.Text := IntToStr(Sections.Count); L_NumPageSect.Text := IntToStr(NumPageSection); L_NbrPageSect.Text := IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]).NbPages); ChangeButtons; end; end; procedure TF_Visu.FormResize(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(Bv_Visu) then begin RepositionPage; end; end; procedure TF_Visu.FormMouseScroll(Sender: TObject; AShift: TShiftState; AWheelDelta: Single; const AMousePos: TPoint); begin if AWheelDelta < 0 then VScrollBar.LineUp else VScrollBar.LineDown; end; procedure TF_Visu.VScrollBarScrolled(Sender: TObject; position: integer); begin if Assigned(Bv_Visu) then begin Bv_Visu.Top := Bv_Command.Height + PreviewMargin - position; Bv_Visu.UpdateWindowPosition; end; end; procedure TF_Visu.Bt_CloseClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TF_Visu.Bt_PrintClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TF_Visu.Bt_PrinterClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TF_Visu.Bt_StopClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TF_Visu.Bt_PdfClick(Sender: TObject); var Fd_SavePdf: TfpgFileDialog; PdfFile: string; PdfFileStream: TFileStream; begin Fd_SavePdf := TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil); Fd_SavePdf.InitialDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)); Fd_SavePdf.FontDesc := 'bitstream vera sans-9'; Fd_SavePdf.Filter := 'PDF Documents |*.pdf'; Fd_SavePdf.FileName := FReport.DefaultFile; try if Fd_SavePdf.RunSaveFile then begin PdfFile := Fd_SavePdf.FileName; if Lowercase(Copy(PdfFile, Length(PdfFile) - 3, 4)) <> '.pdf' then PdfFile := PdfFile + '.pdf'; Document := TPdfDocument.CreateDocument; with Document do begin PdfFileStream := TFileStream.Create(PdfFile, fmCreate); WriteDocument(PdfFileStream); PdfFileStream.Free; Free; end; {$ifdef linux} fpgOpenURL(PdfFile); {$endif} {$ifdef win32} ShellExecute(0, PChar('OPEN'), PChar(PdfFile), PChar(''), PChar(''), 1); {$endif} end; finally Fd_SavePdf.Free; end; end; procedure TF_Visu.Bt_FirstPageClick(Sender: TObject); begin with FReport do begin NumPage := 1; NumSection := 1; NumPageSection := 1; E_NumPage.Text := IntToStr(NumPage); with T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]), F_Visu do begin Bv_Visu.Height := Paper.H; Bv_Visu.Width := Paper.W; RepositionPage; Bv_Visu.Invalidate; end; ChangeButtons; E_NumSect.Text := IntToStr(NumSection); L_NumPageSect.Text := IntToStr(NumPageSection); L_NbrPageSect.Text := IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]).NbPages); end; end; procedure TF_Visu.Bt_PrecPageClick(Sender: TObject); begin with FReport do begin NumPage := NumPage - 1; if NumPageSection = 1 then begin NumSection := NumSection - 1; NumPageSection := T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]).NbPages; with T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]), F_Visu do begin Bv_Visu.Height := Paper.H; Bv_Visu.Width := Paper.W; RepositionPage; end; end else begin NumPageSection := NumPageSection - 1; Bv_Visu.Invalidate; end; E_NumPage.Text := IntToStr(NumPage); ChangeButtons; E_NumSect.Text := IntToStr(NumSection); L_NumPageSect.Text := IntToStr(NumPageSection); L_NbrPageSect.Text := IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]).NbPages); end; end; procedure TF_Visu.Bt_NextPageClick(Sender: TObject); begin with FReport do begin NumPage := NumPage + 1; if NumPageSection = T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]).NbPages then begin NumSection := NumSection + 1; NumPageSection := 1; with T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]), F_Visu do begin Bv_Visu.Height := Paper.H; Bv_Visu.Width := Paper.W; RepositionPage; end; end else begin NumPageSection := NumPageSection + 1; Bv_Visu.Invalidate; end; E_NumPage.Text := IntToStr(NumPage); ChangeButtons; E_NumSect.Text := IntToStr(NumSection); L_NumPageSect.Text := IntToStr(NumPageSection); L_NbrPageSect.Text := IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]).NbPages); end; end; procedure TF_Visu.Bt_LastPageClick(Sender: TObject); begin with FReport do begin NumPage := T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages; NumSection := Sections.Count; NumPageSection := T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).NbPages; E_NumPage.Text := IntToStr(NumPage); with T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]), F_Visu do begin Bv_Visu.Height := Paper.H; Bv_Visu.Width := Paper.W; RepositionPage; Bv_Visu.Invalidate; end; ChangeButtons; E_NumSect.Text := IntToStr(NumSection); L_NumPageSect.Text := IntToStr(NumPageSection); L_NbrPageSect.Text := IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]).NbPages); end; end; procedure TF_Visu.Bt_PrecSectClick(Sender: TObject); begin with FReport do begin NumSection := NumSection - 1; NumPage := T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]).FirstPage; NumPageSection := 1; E_NumPage.Text := IntToStr(NumPage); with T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]), F_Visu do begin Bv_Visu.Height := Paper.H; Bv_Visu.Width := Paper.W; RepositionPage; end; ChangeButtons; E_NumSect.Text := IntToStr(NumSection); L_NumPageSect.Text := IntToStr(NumPageSection); L_NbrPageSect.Text := IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]).NbPages); end; end; procedure TF_Visu.Bt_NextSectClick(Sender: TObject); begin with FReport do begin NumSection := NumSection + 1; NumPage := T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]).FirstPage; NumPageSection := 1; E_NumPage.Text := IntToStr(NumPage); with T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]), F_Visu do begin Bv_Visu.Height := Paper.H; Bv_Visu.Width := Paper.W; RepositionPage; end; ChangeButtons; E_NumSect.Text := IntToStr(NumSection); L_NumPageSect.Text := IntToStr(NumPageSection); L_NbrPageSect.Text := IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]).NbPages); end; end; procedure TF_Visu.ChangeButtons; begin with FReport do if T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages > 1 then if NumPage = 1 then begin Bt_FirstPage.Enabled := False; Bt_PrecPage.Enabled := False; Bt_NextPage.Enabled := True; Bt_LastPage.Enabled := True; Bt_PrecSect.Enabled := False; if Sections.Count > 1 then Bt_NextSect.Enabled := True else Bt_NextSect.Enabled := False; end else if NumPage = T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages then begin Bt_FirstPage.Enabled := True; Bt_PrecPage.Enabled := True; Bt_NextPage.Enabled := False; Bt_LastPage.Enabled := False; if Sections.Count > 1 then Bt_PrecSect.Enabled := True else Bt_PrecSect.Enabled := False; Bt_NextSect.Enabled := False; end else begin Bt_FirstPage.Enabled := True; Bt_PrecPage.Enabled := True; Bt_NextPage.Enabled := True; Bt_LastPage.Enabled := True; if Sections.Count > 1 then if NumSection = 1 then begin Bt_PrecSect.Enabled := False; Bt_NextSect.Enabled := True; end else if NumSection = Sections.Count then begin Bt_PrecSect.Enabled := True; Bt_NextSect.Enabled := False; end else begin Bt_PrecSect.Enabled := True; Bt_NextSect.Enabled := True; end else begin Bt_PrecSect.Enabled := False; Bt_NextSect.Enabled := False; end; end else begin Bt_FirstPage.Enabled := False; Bt_PrecPage.Enabled := False; Bt_NextPage.Enabled := False; Bt_LastPage.Enabled := False; Bt_PrecSect.Enabled := False; Bt_NextSect.Enabled := False; end; end; procedure TF_Visu.SetPreviewMargin(AValue: integer); begin if FPreviewMargin = AValue then Exit; FPreviewMargin := AValue; end; procedure TF_Visu.RepositionPage; begin Bv_Visu.Left := (Width - Bv_Visu.Width - VScrollBar.Width - (PreviewMargin*2)) div 2; if Bv_Visu.Left < PreviewMargin then Bv_Visu.Left := PreviewMargin; Bv_Visu.Top := (Height - Bv_Visu.Height - (PreviewMargin*2)) div 2; if Bv_Visu.Top < Bv_Command.Height+PreviewMargin then Bv_Visu.Top := Bv_Command.Height+PreviewMargin; Bv_Visu.UpdateWindowPosition; RecalcScrollbars; end; procedure TF_Visu.E_NumPageKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: Boolean); var CptSect, CptPage, CptPageSect: integer; begin if (KeyCode = KeyReturn) or (KeyCode = KeyPEnter) then with FReport do begin if E_NumPage.Value > T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages then NumPage := T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages else if E_NumPage.Value = 0 then NumPage := 1 else NumPage := E_NumPage.Value; E_NumPage.Value := NumPage; CptSect := 0; CptPage := 0; repeat Inc(CptSect); CptPageSect := 0; repeat Inc(CptPage); Inc(CptPageSect); until (CptPage = NumPage) or (CptPage = T_Section(Sections[Pred(Cptsect)]).NbPages); until CptPage = NumPage; NumSection := CptSect; NumPageSection := CptPagesect; Bv_Visu.Invalidate; ChangeButtons; E_NumSect.Text := IntToStr(NumSection); L_NumPageSect.Text := IntToStr(NumPageSection); L_NbrPageSect.Text := IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]).NbPages); end; end; procedure TF_Visu.E_NumSectKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: Boolean); begin if (KeyCode = KeyReturn) or (KeyCode = KeyPEnter) then with FReport do begin if E_NumSect.Value > Sections.Count then NumSection := Sections.Count else if E_NumSect.Value = 0 then NumSection := 1 else NumSection := E_NumSect.Value; E_NumSect.Value := NumSection; NumPage := T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]).FirstPage; NumPageSection := 1; E_NumPage.Value := NumPage; Bv_Visu.Invalidate; ChangeButtons; L_NumPageSect.Text := IntToStr(NumPageSection); L_NbrPageSect.Text := IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]).NbPages); end; end; constructor TF_Visu.Create(AOwner: TComponent; AImprime: T_Report); var w: integer; h: integer; begin inherited Create(AOwner); FReport := AImprime; Name := 'F_Visu'; WindowTitle := 'Preview'; WindowPosition := wpAuto; if fpgApplication.ScreenWidth < 1055 then w := fpgApplication.ScreenWidth else w := 1055; if fpgApplication.ScreenHeight < 940 then h := fpgApplication.ScreenHeight - 66 { some taskbar height I guess } else h := 940; SetPosition(0, 0, w, h); BackgroundColor := fpgColor(51,51,51); // black/brown or should we use clShadow2 for theming abilities?? MinHeight := 350; MinWidth := 640; OnShow := @FormShow; OnResize := @FormResize; OnMouseScroll := @FormMouseScroll; FPreviewMargin := 10; CreateReportImages; Bv_PreviewPage := CreateBevel(self, 0, 0, 50, 50, bsBox, bsRaised); Bv_PreviewPage.BackgroundColor := clWhite; Bv_PreviewPage.OnMouseScroll := @FormMouseScroll; Bv_Command := CreateBevel(Self, 0, 0, Width, 50, bsBox, bsRaised); Bv_Command.Align := alTop; Bt_Close := CreateButton(Bv_Command, 10, 10, 26, '', @Bt_CloseClick, 'stdimg.exit'); Bt_Print := CreateButton(Bv_Command, 50, 10, 26, '', @Bt_PrintClick, 'stdimg.print'); Bt_Print.Enabled := False; Bt_Printer := CreateButton(Bv_Command, 90, 10, 26, '', @Bt_PrinterClick, 'repimg.Printer'); Bt_Printer.Enabled := False; Bt_Stop := CreateButton(Bv_Command, 130, 10, 26, '', @Bt_StopClick, 'repimg.Stop'); Bt_Pdf := CreateButton(Bv_Command, 170, 10, 26, '', @Bt_PdfClick, 'stdimg.Adobe_pdf'); Bt_Pdf.ImageMargin := 0; Bv_Pages := CreateBevel(Bv_Command, 220, 5, 300, 40, bsBox, bsLowered); Bv_Sections := CreateBevel(Bv_Command, 540, 5, 500, 40, bsBox, bsLowered); Bt_FirstPage := CreateButton(Bv_Pages, 54, 6, 26, '', @Bt_FirstPageClick, 'repimg.First'); Bt_PrecPage := CreateButton(Bv_Pages, 80, 6, 26, '', @Bt_PrecPageClick, 'repimg.Precedent'); E_NumPage := CreateEditInteger(Bv_Pages, 110, 6, 60, 0); E_NumPage.OnKeyPress := @E_NumPageKeypress; Bt_NextPage := CreateButton(Bv_Pages, 174, 6, 26, '', @Bt_NextPageClick, 'repimg.Next'); Bt_LastPage := CreateButton(Bv_Pages, 200, 6, 26, '', @Bt_LastPageClick, 'repimg.Last'); L_Pages := CreateLabel(Bv_Pages, 5, E_NumPage.Top, 'Page', 45, E_NumPage.Height, taLeftJustify, tlcenter); L_FromPage := CreateLabel(Bv_Pages, 235, E_NumPage.Top, 'of', 30, E_NumPage.Height, taLeftJustify, tlcenter); L_NbrPages := CreateLabel(Bv_Pages, 265, E_NumPage.Top, ' ', 30, E_NumPage.Height, taCenter, tlcenter); Bt_PrecSect := CreateButton(Bv_Sections, 90, 6, 26, '', @Bt_PrecSectClick, 'repimg.Precedent'); E_NumSect := CreateEditInteger(Bv_Sections, 120, 6, 60, 0); E_NumSect.OnKeyPress := @E_NumSectKeyPress; Bt_NextSect := CreateButton(Bv_Sections, 184, 6, 26, '', @Bt_NextSectClick, 'repimg.Next'); L_Sections := CreateLabel(Bv_Sections, 5, E_NumSect.Top, 'Section', 75, E_NumSect.Height, taLeftJustify, tlcenter); L_FromSect := CreateLabel(Bv_Sections, 250, E_NumSect.Top, 'of', 30, E_NumSect.Height, taLeftJustify, tlcenter); L_NbrSect := CreateLabel(Bv_Sections, 280, E_NumSect.Top, '-', 30, E_NumSect.Height, taLeftJustify, tlcenter); L_PageSect := CreateLabel(Bv_Sections, 320, E_NumSect.Top, 'Page', 45, E_NumSect.Height, taLeftJustify, tlcenter); L_NumPageSect := CreateLabel(Bv_Sections, 365, E_NumSect.Top, '-', 30, E_NumSect.Height, taLeftJustify, tlcenter); L_FromPageSect := CreateLabel(Bv_Sections, 410, E_NumSect.Top, 'of', 30, E_NumSect.Height, taLeftJustify, tlcenter); L_NbrPageSect := CreateLabel(Bv_Sections, 440, E_NumSect.Top, '-', 30, E_NumSect.Height, taLeftJustify, tlcenter); Bv_Visu := Bv_PreviewPage; // assign to global reference variable VScrollBar := TfpgScrollbar.Create(self); with VScrollBar do begin Name := 'VScrollBar'; SetPosition(self.Width-24, 51, 16, self.Height - (Bv_Command.Height)); Orientation := orVertical; Align := alRight; ScrollStep := 50; PageSize := 200; OnScroll := @VScrollBarScrolled; end; end; destructor TF_Visu.Destroy; begin DeleteReportImages; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TF_Visu.RecalcScrollbars; var h: integer; begin h := Bv_Visu.Height + (PreviewMargin*2); { if page is smaller than screen space, scrolling gets disabled } if h > VScrollBar.Height then VScrollBar.Max := Abs(h - VScrollBar.Height) else VScrollBar.Max := 0; VScrollBar.SliderSize := VScrollBar.Height / h; VScrollBar.Position := 0; VScrollBar.RepaintSlider; end; end.