{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: This unit form part of the PDF Reporting Engine. It interfaces with the user program. The PDF Reporting Engine was originally written by Jean-Marc Levecque } unit U_Report; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, StrUtils, fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_dialogs, fpg_utils, fpg_imgfmt_bmp, fpg_imgfmt_jpg, U_Command, U_Pdf; type TPaperType = (A4, Letter, Legal, Executive, Comm10, Monarch, DL, C5, B5); TOrient = (oPortrait, oLandscape); TMeasureUnit = (msMM, msInch); TPreparation = (ppPrepare, ppVisualize, ppPdfFile); T_Report = class(TObject) private OldSeparator: char; FVersion: char; FPaper: TPaper; FPaperType: TPaperType; FOrientation: TOrient; FCurrentMargin: TDimensions; FMeasureUnit: TMeasureUnit; FPreparation: TPreparation; FVisualization: Boolean; FCanvas: TfpgCanvas; FCurrentFont: integer; FCurrentLineSpace: integer; FCurrentColor: integer; FNmSection: integer; FNmPage: integer; FNmPageSect: integer; FPosRef: TRefPos; // absolute writting position FHeaderHeight: single; // end of text vertical position in the header FPageHeight: single; // end of text vertical position in the page FFooterHeight: single; // beginning of text vertical position in the footer FGroup: Boolean; FDefaultFile: string; function Dim2Pixels(Value: single): single; function Pixels2Dim(Value: single): single; function AddLineBreaks(const Txt: TfpgString; AMaxLineWidth: integer; AFnt: TfpgFont): string; function TxtHeight(AWid: integer; const ATxt: TfpgString; AFnt: TfpgFont; ALSpace: integer = 2): integer; function Convert2Alpha(Valeur: integer): string; function GetPaperHeight: integer; function GetPaperWidth: integer; procedure Bv_VisuPaint(Sender: TObject); procedure PrepareFormat; procedure CreateVisu; procedure PrintPage(PageNumero: integer); procedure ShiftFooterLines(Shift: single); procedure ShiftPageLines(Shift: single); procedure ShiftGroup(Shift: single); function WriteText(PosX, PosY: single; Column, Text, FontNum, BkColorNum, BordNum, SpLine: integer; TxtFlags: TfpgTextFlags; Zone: TZone): single; function WriteNumber(PosX, PosY: single; Column, TextNum, TextTot, FontNum, BkColorNum, BordNum, SpLine: integer; TxtFlags: TfpgTextFlags; Total, Alpha: Boolean; Zone: TZone; SPNum: TSectPageNum): single; function InsertSpace(PosY: single; Column: integer; SpaceHeight: single; BkColorNum: integer; Zone: TZone): single; procedure LineEnd(Zone: TZone); procedure DrawAFrame(StyLine, XLeft, XRight, YTop,YBottom: integer; Zone: TZone); procedure DrawALine(XBegin, YBegin, XEnd, YEnd: single; StyLine: integer); procedure DrawAHorizLine(XBegin, YBegin: single; Column: integer; XEnd: single; StyLine: integer; Zone: TZone); procedure PaintSurface(Points: T_Points; Couleur: TfpgColor); procedure PaintImage(PosX, PosY: single; Column, ImgNum: integer; Zone: TZone); function GetSectionTitle: string; procedure SetSectionTitle(ATitle: string); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure BeginWrite(IniOrientation: TOrient = oPortrait; IniPaperType: TPaperType = A4; IniMeasure: TMeasureUnit = msMM; IniVersion: char = 'F'; IniVisu: Boolean = True); // starts preview and printing process with initializations // IniOrientation = paper orientation >> oPortrait or oLandscape // IniPaperType = (A4, Letter,Legal,Executive,Comm10,Monarch,DL,C5,B5) // IniMeasure = millimeters (msMM) or inches (msInches) // IniVersion = version française 'F' or version English 'E', or other, to come // IniVisu = True (Preview) or False (direct printing or PDF generation) procedure EndWrite; procedure WriteDocument; procedure PagePreview; procedure Section(MgLeft, MgRight, MgTop, MgBottom: single; BackPos: single = 0; IniOrientation: TOrient = oPortrait); // new section with initialization of margins // BackPos = additional margin which can be necessary when frames are drawn // IniOrientation = paper orientation >> oPortrait or oLandscape procedure Page; // new page in the current section function BackColor(FdColor: TfpgColor): integer; // returns the number allocated to the color // FdColor = background color function Font(FtNom: string; FtColor: TfpgColor): integer; // returns the number allocated to the font // FtNom = FontDesc of the font // FtColor = font color function LineStyle(StThick: single; StColor: TfpgColor; StStyle: TfpgLineStyle): integer; // returns the number allocated to the line style // StThick = thickness of the line in pixels // StColor = line color // StStyle = line style function Border(BdFlags: TBorderFlags; BdStyle: integer): integer; // returns the number allocated to the border // BdFlags = position of the border (bdTop,bdBottom,bdLeft,bdRight) // BdStyle = border line style: thickness, color, style function Column(ClnPos, ClnWidth: single; ClnMargin: single = 0; ClnColor: TfpgColor = clWhite): integer; // returns the number allocated to the column // ClnPos = left position in numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // ClnWidth = width in numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // ClnMargin = left and right margins in numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // ClnColor = column background color procedure WriteHeader(Horiz, Verti: single; Text: string; ColNum: integer = 0; FontNum: integer = 0; LineSpNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1; BordNum: integer = -1); // Horiz = horizontal position in column (cnLeft,cnCenter,cnRight) // or numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // Verti = line position in column (lnCourante,lnFin) // or numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // Text = text to be written // ColNum = column reference, default between left and right margins // FontNum = font reference // LineSpNum = space between lines reference // BkColorNum = background color reference, if > -1, replaces the column background color if any // BordNum = border reference, if > -1 function WritePage(Horiz, Verti: single; Text: string; ColNum: integer = 0; FontNum: integer = 0; LineSpNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1; BordNum: integer = -1): single; // Horiz = horizontal position in column (cnLeft,cnCenter,cnRight) // or numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // Verti = line position in column (lnCourante,lnFin) // or numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // Text = text to be written // ColNum = column reference, default between left and right margins // FontNum = font reference // LineSpNum = space between lines reference // BkColorNum = background color reference, if > -1, replaces the column background color if any // BordNum = border reference, if > -1 procedure WriteFooter(Horiz, Verti: single; Text: string; ColNum: integer = 0; FontNum: integer = 0; LineSpNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1; BordNum: integer = -1); // Horiz = horizontal position in column (cnLeft,cnCenter,cnRight) // or numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // Verti = line position in column (lnCourante,lnFin) // or numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // Text = text to be written // ColNum = column reference, default between left and right margins // FontNum = font reference // LineSpNum = space between lines reference // BkColorNum = background color reference, if > -1, replaces the column background color if any // BordNum = border reference, if > -1 procedure NumSectionHeader(Horiz, Verti: single; TexteSect: string = ''; TextTot: string = ''; Total: Boolean = False; Alpha: Boolean = False; ColNum: integer = 0; FontNum: integer = 0; LineSpNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1; BordNum: integer = -1); // Horiz = horizontal position in column (cnLeft,cnCenter,cnRight) // or numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // Verti = line position in column (lnCourante,lnFin) // or numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // TexteSection = text to be written before the section number // TextTot = text to be written before the number of sections // Total= True => displays the number of sections // Alpha= True => displays the number of sections using letters in alphabetic order // ColNum = column reference, default between left and right margins // FontNum = font reference // LineSpNum = space between lines reference // BkColorNum = background color reference, if > -1, replaces the column background color if any // BordNum = border reference, if > -1 procedure NumSectionFooter(Horiz, Verti: single; TexteSect: string = ''; TextTot: string = ''; Total: Boolean = False; Alpha: Boolean = False; ColNum: integer = 0; FontNum: integer = 0; LineSpNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1; BordNum: integer = -1); // Horiz = horizontal position in column (cnLeft,cnCenter,cnRight) // or numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // Verti = line position in column (lnCourante,lnFin) // or numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // TexteSection = text to be written before the section number // TextTot = text to be written before the number of sections // Total= True => displays the number of sections // Alpha= True => displays the number of sections using letters in alphabetic order // ColNum = column reference, default between left and right margins // FontNum = font reference // LineSpNum = space between lines reference // BkColorNum = background color reference, if > -1, replaces the column background color if any // BordNum = border reference, if > -1 procedure NumPageHeader(Horiz, Verti: single; TextePage: string = ''; TextTot: string = ''; Total: Boolean = False; ColNum: integer = 0; FontNum: integer = 0; LineSpNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1; BordNum: integer = -1); // Horiz = horizontal position in column (cnLeft,cnCenter,cnRight) // or numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // Verti = line position in column (lnCourante,lnFin) // or numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // TextePage = text to be written before the page number in the document // TextTot = text to be written before the number of pages of the document // Total= True > displays the number of pages of the document // ColNum = column reference, default between left and right margins // FontNum = font reference // LineSpNum = space between lines reference // BkColorNum = background color reference, if > -1, replaces the column background color if any // BordNum = border reference, if > -1 procedure NumPageFooter(Horiz, Verti: single; TextePage: string = ''; TextTot: string = ''; Total: Boolean = False; ColNum: integer = 0; FontNum: integer = 0; LineSpNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1; BordNum: integer = -1); // Horiz = horizontal position in column (cnLeft,cnCenter,cnRight) // or numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // Verti = line position in column (lnCourante,lnFin) // or numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // TextePage = text to be written before the page number in the document // TextTot = text to be written before the number of pages of the document // Total= True > displays the number of pages of the document // ColNum = column reference, default between left and right margins // FontNum = font reference // LineSpNum = space between lines reference // BkColorNum = background color reference, if > -1, replaces the column background color if any // BordNum = border reference, if > -1 procedure NumPageSectionHeader(Horiz, Verti: single; TexteSect: string = ''; TextTot: string = ''; Total: Boolean = False; Alpha: Boolean = False; ColNum: integer = 0; FontNum: integer = 0; LineSpNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1; BordNum: integer = -1); // Horiz = horizontal position in column (cnLeft,cnCenter,cnRight) // or numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // Verti = line position in column (lnCourante,lnFin) // or numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // TextePage = text to ba written before the page number in the section // TextTot = text to be written before the number of pages of the section // Total= True > displays the number of pages of the section // ColNum = column reference, default between left and right margins // FontNum = font reference // LineSpNum = space between lines reference // BkColorNum = background color reference, if > -1, replaces the column background color if any // BordNum = border reference, if > -1 procedure NumPageSectionFooter(Horiz, Verti: single; TexteSect: string = ''; TextTot: string = ''; Total: Boolean = False; Alpha: Boolean = False; ColNum: integer = 0; FontNum: integer = 0; LineSpNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1; BordNum: integer = -1); // Horiz = horizontal position in column (cnLeft,cnCenter,cnRight) // or numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // Verti = line position in column (lnCourante,lnFin) // or numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // TextePage = text to ba written before the page number in the section // TextTot = text to be written before the number of pages of the section // Total= True > displays the number of pages of the section // ColNum = column reference, default between left and right margins // FontNum = font reference // LineSpNum = space between lines reference // BkColorNum = background color reference, if > -1, replaces the column background color if any // BordNum = border reference, if > -1 procedure HorizLineHeader(SpBefore, SpAfter: single; ColNum: integer = 0; StyleNum: integer = 0); // SpBefore = empty space before the horizontal line : numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // SpAfter = empty space after the horizontal line : numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // ColNum = column reference, default between left and right margins // StyleNum = reference of the line style procedure HorizLinePage(SpBefore, SpAfter: single; ColNum: integer = 0; StyleNum: integer = 0); // SpBefore = empty space before the horizontal line : numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // SpAfter = empty space after the horizontal line : numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // ColNum = column reference, default between left and right margins // StyleNum = reference of the line style procedure HorizLineFooter(SpBefore, SpAfter: single; ColNum: integer = 0; StyleNum: integer = 0); // SpBefore = empty space before the horizontal line : numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // SpAfter = empty space after the horizontal line : numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // ColNum = column reference, default between left and right margins // StyleNum = reference of the line style procedure SpaceHeader(Verti: single; ColNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1); // Verti = height of the empty space : numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // ColNum = column reference, default between left and right margins // BkColorNum = background color reference, if > -1, replaces the column background color if any procedure SpacePage(Verti: single; ColNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1); // Verti = height of the empty space : numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // ColNum = column reference, default between left and right margins // BkColorNum = background color reference, if > -1, replaces the column background color if any procedure SpaceFooter(Verti: single; ColNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1); // Verti = height of the empty space : numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // ColNum = column reference, default between left and right margins // BkColorNum = background color reference, if > -1, replaces the column background color if any function LineSpace(SpSup, SpInt, SpInf: single): integer; // SpSup = space between lines, top : numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // SpInt = space between lines, internal if wrapping : numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // SpInf = space between lines, botom : numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) procedure BeginGroup(PageJump: Boolean = False); // PageJump = True >> forces new page before the group // = False >> does not create a new page if the whole group can stand on the same page as the preceding text procedure EndGroup(PageJump: Boolean = False); // PageJump = True >> forces new page after the group // = False >> lets continue on the same page after the group procedure ColorColChange(ColNum: integer; ColColor: TfpgColor); // Changes the background color of a column // ColNum = column reference // ColColor = new background color for the column procedure FrameMargins(AStyle: integer); // draw a frame at the page margins // AStyle = reference of the line style of the frame procedure FrameHeader(AStyle: integer); // draw a frame at the limits of the header // AStyle = reference of the line style of the frame procedure FramePage(AStyle: integer); // draw a frame at the page limits : left and right margins, header bottom and footer top // AStyle = reference of the line style of the frame procedure FrameFooter(AStyle: integer); // draw a frame at the limits of the footer // AStyle = reference of the line style of the frame procedure LinePage(XBegin, YBegin, XEnd, YEnd: single; AStyle: integer); // draw a line at absolute position // XBegin = horizontal position of starting point in numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // YBegin = vertical position of starting point in numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // XEnd = horizontal position of ending point in numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // YEnd = vertical position of ending point in numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // AStyle = reference of the line style of the line procedure SurfPage(XLimits, YLimits: array of single; AColor: TfpgColor); // draw a coloured surface inside the defined limit points // XLimits = list of horizontal positions of limit points // YLimits = list of vertical positions of limit points // AColor = colour to be painted within the limits procedure ImageHeader(Horiz, Verti: single; ImgFileName: string; ColNum: integer = 0; Scale: integer = 1); // draw a bmp or jpg image at the defined position // Horiz = horizontal position in numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // Verti = vertical position in numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // ImgFileName = name of the image file // ColNum = column reference, default between left and right margins // Scale = 1 for full size // 2 for 1/2 size // 3 for 1/3 size // 4 for 1/4 size procedure ImagePage(Horiz, Verti: single; ImgFileName: string; ColNum: integer = 0; Scale: integer = 1); // draw a bmp or jpg image at the defined position // Horiz = horizontal position in numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // Verti = vertical position in numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // ImgFileName = name of the image file // ColNum = column reference, default between left and right margins // Scale = 1 for full size // 2 for 1/2 size // 3 for 1/3 size // 4 for 1/4 size procedure ImageFooter(Horiz, Verti: single; ImgFileName: string; ColNum: integer = 0; Scale: integer = 1); // draw a bmp or jpg image at the defined position // Horiz = horizontal position in numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // Verti = vertical position in numeric value in the measurement unit (msMM or msInch) // ImgFileName = name of the image file // ColNum = column reference, default between left and right margins // Scale = 1 for full size // 2 for 1/2 size // 3 for 1/3 size // 4 for 1/4 size procedure PrintPdf(Layout: TPageLayout = lSingle; Zoom: string = '100'; Prefer: Boolean = True); property Language: char read FVersion write FVersion; property Visualiser: Boolean read FVisualization write FVisualization; property NumSection: integer read FNmSection write FNmSection; property NumPage: integer read FNmPage write FNmPage; property NumPageSection: integer read FNmPageSect write FNmPageSect; property PaperHeight: integer read GetPaperHeight; property PaperWidth: integer read GetPaperWidth; property DefaultFile: string read FDefaultFile write FDefaultFile; property CurrentColor: integer read FCurrentColor write FCurrentColor; property SectionTitle: string read GetSectionTitle write SetSectionTitle; end; // classes for interface with PDF generation TPdfElement = class end; TPdfTexte = class(TPdfElement) private FPage: integer; FFont: integer; FSize: string; FPosX: single; FPosY: single; FWidth: single; FText: string; FColor: TfpgColor; public property PageId: integer read FPage write FPage; property FontName: integer read FFont write FFont; property FontSize: string read FSize write FSize; property TextPosX: single read FPosX write FPosX; property TextPosY: single read FPosY write FPosY; property TextWidt: single read FWidth write FWidth; property Writting: string read FText write FText; property Couleur: TfpgColor read FColor write FColor; end; TPdfRect = class(TPdfElement) private FPage: integer; FThick: single; FLeft: single; FBottom: single; FHeight: single; FWidth: single; FColor: TfpgColor; FFill: Boolean; FStroke: Boolean; FLineStyle: TfpgLineStyle; protected public property PageId: integer read FPage write FPage; property RectThickness: single read FThick write FThick; property RectLeft: single read FLeft write FLeft; property RectBottom: single read FBottom write FBottom; property RectHeight: single read FHeight write FHeight; property RectWidth: single read FWidth write FWidth; property RectColor: TfpgColor read FColor write FColor; property RectFill: Boolean read FFill write FFill; property RectStroke: Boolean read FStroke write FStroke; property RectLineStyle: TfpgLineStyle read FLineStyle write FLineStyle; end; TPdfLine = class(TPdfElement) private FPage: integer; FThick: single; FBeginX: single; FBeginY: single; FEndX: single; FEndY: single; FColor: TfpgColor; FStyle: TfpgLineStyle; protected public property PageId: integer read FPage write FPage; property LineThikness: single read FThick write FThick; property LineBeginX: single read FBeginX write FBeginX; property LineBeginY: single read FBeginY write FBeginY; property LineEndX: single read FEndX write FEndX; property LineEndY: single read FEndY write FEndY; property LineColor: TfpgColor read FColor write FColor; property LineStyle: TfpgLineStyle read FStyle write FStyle; end; TPdfSurf = class(TPdfElement) private FPage: integer; FPoints: T_Points; FColor: TfpgColor; protected public property PageId: integer read FPage write FPage; property Points: T_Points read FPoints; property SurfColor: TfpgColor read FColor write FColor; end; TPdfImg = class(TPdfElement) private FPage: integer; FNumber: integer; FLeft: single; FBottom: single; FWidth: integer; FHeight: integer; protected public property PageId: integer read FPage write FPage; property ImgNumber: integer read FNumber write FNumber; property ImgLeft: single read FLeft write FLeft; property ImgBottom: single read FBottom write FBottom; property ImgWidth: integer read FWidth write FWidth; property ImgHeight: integer read FHeight write FHeight; end; var Infos: record Titre: string; Auteur: string; end; PdfPage: TList; PdfTexte: TPdfTexte; PdfRect: TPdfRect; PdfLine: TPdfLine; PdfSurf: TPdfSurf; PdfImg: TPdfImg; const PPI = 72; FontDefaut = 0; ColDefaut = -2; lnCurrent = -1; lnEnd = -2; // cnSuite= -1; cnLeft = -2; cnCenter = -3; cnRight = -4; implementation uses fpg_constants, U_Visu; const InchToMM = 25.4; function T_Report.Dim2Pixels(Value: single): single; begin if FMeasureUnit = msMM then Result := Value * PPI / InchToMM else Result := Value * PPI; end; function T_Report.Pixels2Dim(Value: single): single; begin if FMeasureUnit = msMM then Result := Value * InchToMM / PPI else Result := Value / PPI; end; function T_Report.AddLineBreaks(const Txt: TfpgString; AMaxLineWidth: integer; AFnt: TfpgFont): string; var i, n, ls: integer; sub: string; lw, tw: integer; begin Result := ''; ls := Length(Txt); lw := 0; i := 1; while i <= ls do begin if (Txt[i] in txtWordDelims) then // read the delimeter only begin sub := Txt[i]; Inc(i); end else // read the whole word begin n := PosSetEx(txtWordDelims, Txt, i); if n > 0 then begin sub := Copy(Txt, i, n - i); i := n; end else begin sub := Copy(Txt, i, MaxInt); i := ls + 1; end; end; tw := AFnt.TextWidth(sub); // wrap if needed if (lw + tw > aMaxLineWidth) and (lw > 0) then begin lw := tw; Result := TrimRight(Result) + sLineBreak; end else Inc(lw, tw); Result := Result + sub; end; end; function T_Report.TxtHeight(AWid: integer; const ATxt: TfpgString; AFnt: TfpgFont; ALSpace: integer = 2): integer; var Cpt: integer; Wraplst: TStringList; begin Wraplst := TStringList.Create; Wraplst.Text := ATxt; for Cpt := 0 to Pred(Wraplst.Count) do Wraplst[Cpt] := AddLineBreaks(Wraplst[Cpt], AWid, AFnt); Wraplst.Text := Wraplst.Text; Result := (AFnt.Height * Wraplst.Count) + (ALSpace * Pred(Wraplst.Count)); WrapLst.Free; end; function T_Report.Convert2Alpha(Valeur: integer): string; var Cpt: byte; begin Result := ''; Cpt := 0; repeat if Valeur > 26 then begin Valeur := Valeur - 26; Inc(Cpt); Result := Chr(Cpt + 64); end else begin Result := Chr(Valeur + 64); Valeur := 0; end; until Valeur < 1; end; function T_Report.GetPaperHeight: integer; begin Result := FPaper.H; end; function T_Report.GetPaperWidth: integer; begin Result := FPaper.W; end; procedure T_Report.Bv_VisuPaint(Sender: TObject); begin PrintPage(NumPage); end; procedure T_Report.PrepareFormat; var TempH, TempW: integer; TempT, TempL, TempR, TempB: single; begin with FPaper do begin case FPaperType of A4: begin H := 842; W := 595; with Printable do begin T := 10; L := 11; R := 586; B := 822; end; end; Letter: begin H := 792; W := 612; with Printable do begin T := 13; L := 13; R := 599; B := 780; end; end; Legal: begin H := 1008; W := 612; with Printable do begin T := 13; L := 13; R := 599; B := 996; end; end; Executive: begin H := 756; W := 522; with Printable do begin T := 14; L := 13; R := 508; B := 744; end; end; Comm10: begin H := 684; W := 297; with Printable do begin T := 13; L := 13; R := 284; B := 672; end; end; Monarch: begin H := 540; W := 279; with Printable do begin T := 13; L := 13; R := 266; B := 528; end; end; DL: begin H := 624; W := 312; with Printable do begin T := 14; L := 13; R := 297; B := 611; end; end; C5: begin H := 649; W := 459; with Printable do begin T := 13; L := 13; R := 446; B := 637; end; end; B5: begin H := 708; W := 499; with Printable do begin T := 14; L := 13; R := 485; B := 696; end; end; end; if FOrientation = oLandscape then begin TempH := H; TempW := W; H := TempW; W := TempH; with Printable do begin TempT := T; TempL := L; TempR := R; TempB := B; T := TempL; L := TempT; R := TempB; B := TempR; end; end; end; end; procedure T_Report.CreateVisu; begin F_Visu := TF_Visu.Create(nil, self); with F_Visu do begin Bv_Visu.SetPosition((F_Visu.Width - FPaper.W - F_Visu.PreviewMargin) div 2, ((F_Visu.Height + 50 + F_Visu.PreviewMargin - FPaper.H) div 2), FPaper.W, FPaper.H); Bv_Visu.OnPaint := @Bv_VisuPaint; RecalcScrollbars; end; end; procedure T_Report.PrintPage(PageNumero: integer); var CptSect, CptPage, CptCmd: integer; ThePage: T_Page; Cmd: T_Command; begin CptSect := 0; repeat Inc(CptSect); CptPage := 0; with T_Section(Sections[Pred(CptSect)]) do repeat Inc(CptPage); ThePage := T_Page(Pages.Items[Pred(CptPage)]); until (ThePage.PagesTot = PageNumero) or (CptPage = Pages.Count); until (ThePage.PagesTot = PageNumero) or (CptSect = Sections.Count); NumPage := PageNumero; NumSection := CptSect; NumPageSection := ThePage.PagesSect; with T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]) do begin if CmdHeader.Count > 0 then for CptCmd := 0 to Pred(CmdHeader.Count) do begin Cmd := T_Command(CmdHeader.Items[CptCmd]); if Cmd is T_WriteText then with Cmd as T_WriteText do WriteText(GetPosX, GetPosY, GetColumn, GetText, GetFont, GetBackColor, GetBorder, GetLineSpace, GetFlags, ZHeader); if Cmd is T_Number then with Cmd as T_Number do WriteNumber(GetPosX, GetPosY, GetColumn, GetTextNum, GetTextTot, GetFont, GetBackColor, GetBorder, GetLineSpace, GetFlags, GetTotal, GetAlpha, zHeader, GetTypeNum); if Cmd is T_Space then with Cmd as T_Space do InsertSpace(GetPosY, GetColumn, GetHeight, GetBackColor, zHeader); if Cmd is T_Line then with Cmd as T_Line do DrawALine(GetPosX, GetPosY, GetEndX, GetEndY, GetStyle); if Cmd is T_Image then with Cmd as T_Image do PaintImage(GetPosX, GetPosY, GetColumn, GetImage, zHeader); end; if GetCmdPage(NumPageSection).Count > 0 then for CptCmd := 0 to Pred(GetCmdPage(NumPageSection).Count) do begin Cmd := T_Command(GetCmdPage(NumPageSection).Items[CptCmd]); if Cmd is T_WriteText then with Cmd as T_WriteText do WriteText(GetPosX, GetPosY, GetColumn, GetText, GetFont, GetBackColor, GetBorder, GetLineSpace, GetFlags, ZPage); if Cmd is T_Space then with Cmd as T_Space do InsertSpace(GetPosY, GetColumn, GetHeight, GetBackColor, zPage); if Cmd is T_Line then with Cmd as T_Line do DrawALine(GetPosX, GetPosY, GetEndX, GetEndY, GetStyle); if Cmd is T_Surface then with Cmd as T_Surface do PaintSurface(GetPoints, GetColor); if Cmd is T_Image then with Cmd as T_Image do PaintImage(GetPosX, GetPosY, GetColumn, GetImage, zPage); end; if CmdFooter.Count > 0 then for CptCmd := 0 to Pred(CmdFooter.Count) do begin Cmd := T_Command(CmdFooter.Items[CptCmd]); if Cmd is T_WriteText then with Cmd as T_WriteText do WriteText(GetPosX, GetPosY, GetColumn, GetText, GetFont, GetBackColor, GetBorder, GetLineSpace, GetFlags, ZFooter); if Cmd is T_Number then with Cmd as T_Number do WriteNumber(GetPosX, GetPosY, GetColumn, GetTextNum, GetTextTot, GetFont, GetBackColor, GetBorder, GetLineSpace, GetFlags, GetTotal, GetAlpha, zFooter, GetTypeNum); if Cmd is T_Space then with Cmd as T_Space do InsertSpace(GetPosY, GetColumn, GetHeight, GetBackColor, zFooter); if Cmd is T_Line then with Cmd as T_Line do DrawALine(GetPosX, GetPosY, GetEndX, GetEndY, GetStyle); if Cmd is T_Image then with Cmd as T_Image do PaintImage(GetPosX, GetPosY, GetColumn, GetImage, zFooter); end; if CmdFrames.Count > 0 then for CptCmd := 0 to Pred(CmdFrames.Count) do begin Cmd := T_Command(CmdFrames.Items[CptCmd]); if Cmd is T_Frame then with Cmd as T_Frame do DrawAFrame(GetStyle, GetLeft, GetRight, GetTop, GetBottom, GetZone); end; end; end; procedure T_Report.ShiftFooterLines(Shift: single); var Cpt: integer; Cmd: T_Command; begin with T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]) do begin if CmdFooter.Count > 0 then begin for Cpt := 0 to Pred(CmdFooter.Count) do begin Cmd := T_Command(CmdFooter.Items[Cpt]); if Cmd is T_WriteText then with Cmd as T_WriteText do SetPosY(GetPosY - Shift); if Cmd is T_Number then with Cmd as T_Number do SetPosY(GetPosY - Shift); if Cmd is T_Space then with Cmd as T_Space do SetPosY(GetPosY - Shift); end; end; end; end; procedure T_Report.ShiftPageLines(Shift: single); var Cpt: integer; Cmd: T_Command; begin with VWriteLine do begin for Cpt := 0 to Pred(Commands.Count) do begin Cmd := T_Command(Commands.Items[Cpt]); if Cmd is T_WriteText then with Cmd as T_WriteText do SetPosY(GetPosY - Shift); end; end; end; procedure T_Report.ShiftGroup(Shift: single); var Cpt: integer; Cmd: T_Command; begin with VGroup do begin for Cpt := 0 to Pred(Commands.Count) do begin Cmd := T_Command(Commands.Items[Cpt]); if Cmd is T_WriteText then with Cmd as T_WriteText do SetPosY(GetPosY - Shift); end; end; end; function T_Report.WriteText(PosX, PosY: single; Column, Text, FontNum, BkColorNum, BordNum, SpLine: integer; TxtFlags: TfpgTextFlags; Zone: TZone): single; var PosH, PosV, LnSpInt, LnSpSup, LnSpInf, ThickLine: single; HTxt, HeighTxt, Half, ColorLine, Cpt: integer; EndOfLine, UseCurFont: Boolean; Fnt: TfpgFont; StyleLine: TfpgLineStyle; Wraplst: TStringList; begin with T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]) do begin EndOfLine := False; if FPreparation = ppPrepare then begin if FCurrentFont <> FontNum then begin FCurrentFont := FontNum; UseCurFont := False; end else UseCurFont := True; end; Fnt := T_Font(Fonts[FontNum]).GetFont; if LineSpaces.Count = 0 then LineSpace(0, 0, 0); if FCurrentLineSpace <> SpLine then FCurrentLineSpace := SpLine; with T_LineSpace(LineSpaces[FCurrentLineSpace]) do begin LnSpSup := GetSup; LnSpInt := GetInt; LnSpInf := GetInf; end; if Column = -2 then Column := DefaultCol; if Column > -1 then HeighTxt := TxtHeight(Round(T_Column(Columns[Column]).GetTextWidth), Texts[Text], Fnt, Round(LnSpInt)) + Round(LnSpSup + LnSpInf) else HeighTxt := TxtHeight(Paper.W, Texts[Text], Fnt, Round(LnSpInt)) + Round(LnSpSup + LnSpInf); if (Column > -1) and (BordNum > -1) then Half := Round(T_LineStyle(LineStyles[T_Border(Borders[BordNum]).GetStyle]).GetThick) div 2 else Half := 0; case FPreparation of ppPrepare: begin if NbPages = 0 then Page; if Column > -1 then begin HTxt := VWriteLine.LineHeight; if HTxt < HeighTxt then HTxt := HeighTxt; end else if HTxt < Fnt.Height then HTxt := Fnt.Height; case Zone of zHeader: FPosRef.Y := FCurrentMargin.T + FHeaderHeight; zPage: FPosRef.Y := FCurrentMargin.T + FHeaderHeight + FPageHeight; zFooter: begin FPosRef.Y := FCurrentMargin.B - HTxt; FFooterHeight := FFooterHeight + HTxt; ShiftFooterLines(HTxt); end; end; if PosY = lnCurrent then PosV := FPosRef.Y + LnSpSup else begin EndOfLine := True; if PosY = lnEnd then begin PosV := FPosRef.Y + LnSpSup; case Zone of zHeader: FPosRef.Y := FPosRef.Y + HTxt; zPage: if FPosRef.Y + HTxt > FCurrentMargin.B - FFooterHeight then if FGroup then begin if VGroup.GroupeHeight + HTxt < FCurrentMargin.B - FCurrentMargin.T - FHeaderHeight - FFooterHeight then begin Page; if VGroup.Commands.Count > 0 then begin FPosRef.Y := FCurrentMargin.T + FHeaderHeight; ShiftGroup(T_WriteText(VGroup.Commands[0]).GetPosY - FPosRef.Y); FPosRef.Y := FPosRef.Y + VGroup.GroupeHeight + Succ(Half); if VWriteLine.Commands.Count > 0 then ShiftPageLines(T_WriteText(VWriteLine.Commands[0]).GetPosY - FPosRef.Y); PosV := FPosRef.Y + LnSpSup; FPosRef.Y := FPosRef.Y + HTxt + Succ(Half); end else begin if VWriteLine.Commands.Count > 0 then ShiftPageLines(T_WriteText(VWriteLine.Commands[0]).GetPosY - FPosRef.Y); PosV := FPosRef.Y + LnSpSup; FPosRef.Y := FPosRef.Y + HTxt + Succ(Half); end; end else begin LoadCmdGroupToPage; // VGroup.Commands.Clear; Page; FPosRef.Y := FCurrentMargin.T + FHeaderHeight; if VWriteLine.Commands.Count > 0 then ShiftPageLines(T_WriteText(VWriteLine.Commands[0]).GetPosY - FPosRef.Y); PosV := FPosRef.Y + LnSpSup; FPosRef.Y := FPosRef.Y + HTxt + Succ(Half); end; end else begin Page; FPosRef.Y := FCurrentMargin.T + FHeaderHeight; if VWriteLine.Commands.Count > 0 then ShiftPageLines(T_WriteText(VWriteLine.Commands[0]).GetPosY - FPosRef.Y); PosV := FPosRef.Y + LnSpSup; FPosRef.Y := FPosRef.Y + HTxt + Succ(Half); end else FPosRef.Y := FPosRef.Y + HTxt; end; if BordNum > -1 then with T_Border(Borders[BordNum]) do if bfBottom in GetFlags then FPosRef.Y := FPosRef.Y + 1; end else begin PosV := PosY; FPosRef.Y := PosV + LnSpInf; end; case Zone of zHeader: FHeaderHeight := FPosRef.Y - FCurrentMargin.T; zPage: FPageHeight := FPosRef.Y - FHeaderHeight - FCurrentMargin.T; end; end; //if PosX= cnSuite //then //PosH:= FPosRef.X //else if Column = -1 then if PosX > 0 then PosH := PosX else begin PosH := T_Column(Columns[ColDefaut]).GetTextPos; if (txtRight in TxtFlags) then PosH := PosH + T_Column(Columns[ColDefaut]).ColWidth - Fnt.TextWidth(Texts[Text]) - T_Column(Columns[ColDefaut]).ColMargin; if (txtHCenter in TxtFlags) then PosH := PosH + (T_Column(Columns[ColDefaut]).ColWidth - Fnt.TextWidth(Texts[Text])) / 2; end else if PosX > 0 then begin if (PosX < T_Column(Columns[Column]).GetTextPos) or (PosX > (T_Column(Columns[Column]).GetTextPos + T_Column(Columns[Column]).GetTextWidth)) then PosH := T_Column(Columns[Column]).GetTextPos else PosH := PosX; end else begin PosH := T_Column(Columns[Column]).GetTextPos; if (txtRight in TxtFlags) then PosH := PosH + T_Column(Columns[Column]).ColWidth - Fnt.TextWidth(Texts[Text]) - T_Column(Columns[Column]).ColMargin; if (txtHCenter in TxtFlags) then PosH := PosH + (T_Column(Columns[Column]).ColWidth - Fnt.TextWidth(Texts[Text])) / 2; end; FPosRef.X := PosH + Fnt.TextWidth(Texts[Text] + ' '); VWriteLine.LoadText(PosH, PosV, Column, Text, FontNum, HTxt, BkColorNum, BordNum, SpLine, UseCurFont, TxtFlags); Result := Pixels2Dim(FPosRef.Y); if EndOfLine then begin HTxt := 0; LineEnd(Zone); end; end; ppVisualize: begin with FCanvas do begin Font := T_Font(Fonts[FontNum]).GetFont; SetTextColor(T_Font(Fonts[FontNum]).GetColor); if Column > -1 then with T_Column(Columns[Column]) do begin if BkColorNum > -1 then SetColor(T_BackColor(BackColors[BkColorNum]).GetColor) else SetColor(GetColor); FillRectangle(Round(ColPos), Round(PosY - LnSpSup), Round(ColWidth), HeighTxt); if BordNum > -1 then with T_Border(Borders[BordNum]) do begin SetLineStyle(Round(T_LineStyle(LineStyles[GetStyle]).GetThick), T_LineStyle(LineStyles[GetStyle]).GetStyle); SetColor(T_LineStyle(LineStyles[GetStyle]).GetColor); if bfLeft in GetFlags then DrawLine(Round(ColPos) + Half, Round(PosY - LnSpSup), Round(ColPos) + Half, Round(PosY - LnSpSup) + HeighTxt); if bfRight in GetFlags then DrawLine(Round(ColPos + ColWidth) - Succ(Half), Round(PosY - LnSpSup), Round(ColPos + ColWidth) - Succ(Half), Round(PosY - LnSpSup) + HeighTxt); if bfTop in GetFlags then DrawLine(Round(ColPos), Round(PosY - LnSpSup) + Half, Round(ColPos + ColWidth), Round(PosY - LnSpSup) + Half); if bfBottom in GetFlags then DrawLine(Round(ColPos), Round(PosY - LnSpSup) + HeighTxt - Half, Round(ColPos + ColWidth), Round(PosY - LnSpSup) + HeighTxt - Half); end; DrawText(Round(GetTextPos), Round(PosY), Round(GetTextWidth), 0, Texts[Text], TxtFlags, Round(LnSpInt)); end else DrawText(Round(PosX), Round(PosY) - Fnt.Ascent, Round(Paper.W - PosX), 0, Texts[Text], TxtFlags); end; end; ppPdfFile: begin if Column > -1 then with T_Column(Columns[Column]) do begin if (GetColor <> clWhite) or (BkColorNum > -1) then begin PdfRect := TPdfRect.Create; with PdfRect do begin PageId := NumPage; FLeft := ColPos; FBottom := Paper.H - PosY + LnSpSup - HeighTxt; FHeight := HeighTxt; FWidth := ColWidth; if BkColorNum > -1 then FColor := T_BackColor(BackColors[BkColorNum]).GetColor else FColor := GetColor; FFill := True; FStroke := False; end; PdfPage.Add(PdfRect); end; if BordNum > -1 then with T_Border(Borders[BordNum]) do begin StyleLine := T_LineStyle(LineStyles[GetStyle]).GetStyle; ColorLine := T_LineStyle(LineStyles[GetStyle]).GetColor; ThickLine := T_LineStyle(LineStyles[GetStyle]).GetThick; if bfLeft in GetFlags then begin PdfLine := TPdfLine.Create; with PdfLine do begin PageId := NumPage; FBeginX := ColPos; FBeginY := Paper.H - PosY + LnSpSup; FEndX := ColPos; FEndY := Paper.H - PosY + LnSpSup - HeighTxt; FStyle := StyleLine; FColor := ColorLine; FThick := ThickLine; end; PdfPage.Add(PdfLine); end; if bfRight in GetFlags then begin PdfLine := TPdfLine.Create; with PdfLine do begin PageId := NumPage; FBeginX := ColPos + ColWidth; FBeginY := Paper.H - PosY + LnSpSup; FEndX := ColPos + ColWidth; FEndY := Paper.H - PosY + LnSpSup - HeighTxt; FStyle := StyleLine; FColor := ColorLine; FThick := ThickLine; end; PdfPage.Add(PdfLine); end; if bfTop in GetFlags then begin PdfLine := TPdfLine.Create; with PdfLine do begin PageId := NumPage; FBeginX := ColPos; FBeginY := Paper.H - PosY + LnSpSup; FEndX := ColPos + ColWidth; FEndY := Paper.H - PosY + LnSpSup; FStyle := StyleLine; FColor := ColorLine; FThick := ThickLine; end; PdfPage.Add(PdfLine); end; if bfBottom in GetFlags then begin PdfLine := TPdfLine.Create; with PdfLine do begin PageId := NumPage; FBeginX := ColPos; FBeginY := Paper.H - PosY + LnSpSup - HeighTxt; FEndX := ColPos + ColWidth; FEndY := Paper.H - PosY + LnSpSup - HeighTxt; FStyle := StyleLine; FColor := ColorLine; FThick := ThickLine; end; PdfPage.Add(PdfLine); end; end; if Fnt.TextWidth(Texts[Text]) < GetTextWidth then begin PdfTexte := TPdfTexte.Create; with PdfTexte do begin PageId := NumPage; FFont := FontNum; FSize := T_Font(Fonts[FontNum]).GetSize; FColor := T_Font(Fonts[FontNum]).GetColor; TextPosX := GetTextPos; if (txtRight in TxtFlags) then TextPosX := ColPos + ColWidth - ColMargin - Fnt.TextWidth(Texts[Text]); if (txtHCenter in TxtFlags) then TextPosX := GetTextPos + (ColWidth - Fnt.TextWidth(Texts[Text])) / 2; TextPosY := Paper.H - PosY - Fnt.Ascent; TextWidt := ColWidth; Writting := Texts[Text]; end; PdfPage.Add(PdfTexte); end else begin Wraplst := TStringList.Create; Wraplst.Text := Texts[Text]; for Cpt := 0 to Pred(Wraplst.Count) do Wraplst[Cpt] := AddLineBreaks(Wraplst[Cpt], Round(GetTextWidth), Fnt); Wraplst.Text := Wraplst.Text; for Cpt := 0 to Pred(Wraplst.Count) do begin PdfTexte := TPdfTexte.Create; with PdfTexte do begin PageId := NumPage; FFont := FontNum; FSize := T_Font(Fonts[FontNum]).GetSize; FColor := T_Font(Fonts[FontNum]).GetColor; TextPosX := GetTextPos; if (txtRight in TxtFlags) then TextPosX := ColPos + ColWidth - ColMargin - Fnt.TextWidth(Wraplst[Cpt]); if (txtHCenter in TxtFlags) then TextPosX := GetTextPos + (ColWidth - Fnt.TextWidth(Wraplst[Cpt])) / 2; TextPosY := Paper.H - PosY - Fnt.Ascent - (Fnt.Height + LnSpInt) * Cpt; TextWidt := ColWidth; Writting := Wraplst[Cpt]; end; PdfPage.Add(PdfTexte); end; WrapLst.Free; end; end else if Fnt.TextWidth(Texts[Text]) < Paper.W - PosX then begin PdfTexte := TPdfTexte.Create; with PdfTexte do begin PageId := NumPage; FFont := FontNum; FSize := T_Font(Fonts[FontNum]).GetSize; FColor := T_Font(Fonts[FontNum]).GetColor; FPosX := PosX; FPosY := Paper.H - PosY; FWidth := Paper.W; FText := Texts[Text]; end; PdfPage.Add(PdfTexte); end else begin Wraplst := TStringList.Create; Wraplst.Text := Texts[Text]; for Cpt := 0 to Pred(Wraplst.Count) do Wraplst[Cpt] := AddLineBreaks(Wraplst[Cpt], Round(Paper.W - PosX), Fnt); Wraplst.Text := Wraplst.Text; for Cpt := 0 to Pred(Wraplst.Count) do begin PdfTexte := TPdfTexte.Create; with PdfTexte do begin PageId := NumPage; FFont := FontNum; FSize := T_Font(Fonts[FontNum]).GetSize; FColor := T_Font(Fonts[FontNum]).GetColor; FPosX := PosX; FPosY := Paper.H - PosY - Fnt.Ascent - (Fnt.Height + LnSpInt) * Cpt; FWidth := Paper.W; FText := Wraplst[Cpt]; end; PdfPage.Add(PdfTexte); end; WrapLst.Free; end; end; end; end; end; function T_Report.WriteNumber(PosX, PosY: single; Column, TextNum, TextTot, FontNum, BkColorNum, BordNum, SpLine: integer; TxtFlags: TfpgTextFlags; Total, Alpha: Boolean; Zone: TZone; SPNum: TSectPageNum): single; function BuildChaine: string; var NumAlpha: string; begin case SPNum of PageNum: begin if Total then Result := Texts[TextNum] + ' ' + IntToStr(NumPage) + ' ' + Texts[TextTot] + ' ' + IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages) else Result := Texts[TextNum] + ' ' + IntToStr(NumPage); end; SectNum: begin if Alpha then NumAlpha := Convert2Alpha(NumSection) else NumAlpha := IntToStr(NumSection); if Total then Result := Texts[TextNum] + ' ' + NumAlpha + ' ' + Texts[TextTot] + ' ' + IntToStr(Sections.Count) else Result := Texts[TextNum] + ' ' + NumAlpha; end; PSectNum: begin if Alpha then NumAlpha := Convert2Alpha(NumPageSection) else NumAlpha := IntToStr(NumPageSection); if Total then Result := Texts[TextNum] + ' ' + NumAlpha + ' ' + Texts[TextTot] + ' ' + IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]).NbPages) else Result := Texts[TextNum] + ' ' + NumAlpha; end; end; end; var PosH, PosV, LnSpInt, LnSpSup, LnSpInf, ThickLine: single; HTxt, HeighTxt, Half, ColorLine: integer; EndOfLine, UseCurFont: Boolean; Fnt: TfpgFont; StyleLine: TfpgLineStyle; Chaine: string; begin with T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]) do begin EndOfLine := False; if FPreparation = ppPrepare then begin if FCurrentFont <> FontNum then begin FCurrentFont := FontNum; UseCurFont := False; end else UseCurFont := True; end; Fnt := T_Font(Fonts[FontNum]).GetFont; if LineSpaces.Count = 0 then LineSpace(0, 0, 0); if FCurrentLineSpace <> SpLine then FCurrentLineSpace := SpLine; with T_LineSpace(LineSpaces[FCurrentLineSpace]) do begin LnSpSup := GetSup; LnSpInt := GetInt; LnSpInf := GetInf; end; if Column = -2 then Column := DefaultCol; if Column > -1 then HeighTxt := TxtHeight(Round(T_Column(Columns[Column]).GetTextWidth), Texts[TextNum] + ' 0 ' + Texts[TextTot] + ' 0', Fnt, Round(LnSpInt)) + Round(LnSpSup + LnSpInf) else HeighTxt := TxtHeight(Paper.W, Texts[TextNum] + ' 0 ' + Texts[TextTot] + ' 0', Fnt, Round(LnSpInt)) + Round(LnSpSup + LnSpInf); if (Column > -1) and (BordNum > -1) then Half := Round(T_LineStyle(LineStyles[T_Border(Borders[BordNum]).GetStyle]).GetThick) div 2; case FPreparation of ppPrepare: begin if NbPages = 0 then Page; if Column > -1 then begin HTxt := VWriteLine.LineHeight; if HTxt < HeighTxt then HTxt := HeighTxt; end else if HTxt < Fnt.Height then HTxt := Fnt.Height; case Zone of zHeader: FPosRef.Y := FCurrentMargin.T + FHeaderHeight; zFooter: begin FPosRef.Y := FCurrentMargin.B - HTxt; FFooterHeight := FFooterHeight + HTxt; ShiftFooterLines(HTxt); end; end; if PosY = lnCurrent then PosV := FPosRef.Y + LnSpSup else begin EndOfLine := True; if PosY = lnEnd then begin PosV := FPosRef.Y + LnSpSup; case Zone of zHeader: FPosRef.Y := FPosRef.Y + HTxt; end; if BordNum > -1 then with T_Border(Borders[BordNum]) do if bfBottom in GetFlags then FPosRef.Y := FPosRef.Y + 1; end else begin PosV := PosY; FPosRef.Y := PosV + LnSpInf; end; case Zone of zHeader: FHeaderHeight := FPosRef.Y - FCurrentMargin.T; end; end; if Column = -1 then if PosX > 0 then PosH := PosX else begin PosH := T_Column(Columns[ColDefaut]).GetTextPos - T_Column(Columns[0]).ColMargin; if (txtRight in TxtFlags) then if Total then PosH := PosH + T_Column(Columns[ColDefaut]).ColWidth - Fnt.TextWidth(Texts[TextNum] + ' 0 ' + Texts[TextTot] + ' 0 ') - T_Column(Columns[ColDefaut]).ColMargin else PosH := PosH + T_Column(Columns[ColDefaut]).ColWidth - Fnt.TextWidth(Texts[TextNum] + ' 0 ') - T_Column(Columns[ColDefaut]).ColMargin; if (txtHCenter in TxtFlags) then if Total then PosH := PosH + (T_Column(Columns[ColDefaut]).ColWidth - Fnt.TextWidth(Texts[TextNum] + ' 0 ' + Texts[TextTot] + ' 0 ')) / 2 else PosH := PosH + (T_Column(Columns[ColDefaut]).ColWidth - Fnt.TextWidth(Texts[TextNum] + ' 0 ')) / 2; end else if PosX > 0 then if (PosX < T_Column(Columns[Column]).GetTextPos) or (PosX > (T_Column(Columns[Column]).GetTextPos + T_Column(Columns[Column]).GetTextWidth)) then PosH := T_Column(Columns[Column]).GetTextPos else PosH := PosX else begin PosH := T_Column(Columns[Column]).GetTextPos - T_Column(Columns[Column]).ColMargin; if (txtRight in TxtFlags) then if Total then PosH := PosH + T_Column(Columns[Column]).ColWidth - Fnt.TextWidth(Texts[TextNum] + ' 0 ' + Texts[TextTot] + ' 0 ') - T_Column(Columns[Column]).ColMargin else PosH := PosH + T_Column(Columns[Column]).ColWidth - Fnt.TextWidth(Texts[TextNum] + ' 0 ') - T_Column(Columns[Column]).ColMargin; if (txtHCenter in TxtFlags) then if Total then PosH := PosH + (T_Column(Columns[Column]).ColWidth - Fnt.TextWidth(Texts[TextNum] + ' 0 ' + Texts[TextTot] + ' 0 ')) / 2 else PosH := PosH + (T_Column(Columns[Column]).ColWidth - Fnt.TextWidth(Texts[TextNum] + ' 0 ')) / 2; end; FPosRef.X := PosH + Fnt.TextWidth(Texts[TextNum] + ' 0 ' + Texts[TextTot] + ' 0 '); VWriteLine.LoadNumber(PosH, PosV, Column, TextNum, TextTot, FontNum, HTxt, BkColorNum, BordNum, SpLine, UseCurFont, TxtFlags, Total, Alpha, SPNum); Result := Pixels2Dim(FPosRef.Y); if EndOfLine then begin HTxt := 0; LineEnd(Zone); end; end; ppVisualize: begin with FCanvas do begin Chaine := BuildChaine; Font := T_Font(Fonts[FontNum]).GetFont; SetTextColor(T_Font(Fonts[FontNum]).GetColor); if Column > -1 then with T_Column(Columns[Column]) do begin if BkColorNum > -1 then SetColor(T_BackColor(BackColors[BkColorNum]).GetColor) else SetColor(GetColor); FillRectangle(Round(ColPos), Round(PosY - LnSpSup), Round(ColWidth), HeighTxt); if BordNum > -1 then with T_Border(Borders[BordNum]) do begin SetLineStyle(Round(T_LineStyle(LineStyles[GetStyle]).GetThick), T_LineStyle(LineStyles[GetStyle]).GetStyle); SetColor(T_LineStyle(LineStyles[GetStyle]).GetColor); if bfLeft in GetFlags then DrawLine(Round(ColPos) + Half, Round(PosY - LnSpSup), Round(ColPos) + Half, Round(PosY - LnSpSup) + HeighTxt); if bfRight in GetFlags then DrawLine(Round(ColPos + ColWidth) - Half, Round(PosY - LnSpSup), Round(ColPos + ColWidth) - Half, Round(PosY - LnSpSup) + HeighTxt); if bfTop in GetFlags then DrawLine(Round(ColPos), Round(PosY - LnSpSup) + Half, Round(ColPos + ColWidth), Round(PosY - LnSpSup) + Half); if bfBottom in GetFlags then DrawLine(Round(ColPos), Round(PosY - LnSpSup) + HeighTxt - Succ(Half), Round(ColPos + ColWidth), Round(PosY - LnSpSup) + HeighTxt - Succ(Half)); end; DrawText(Round(GetTextPos), Round(PosY), Round(GetTextWidth), 0, Chaine, TxtFlags, Round(LnSpInt)); end else DrawText(Round(PosX), Round(PosY), Chaine, TxtFlags); end; end; ppPdfFile: begin Chaine := BuildChaine; if Column > -1 then with T_Column(Columns[Column]) do begin if (GetColor <> clWhite) or (BkColorNum > -1) then begin PdfRect := TPdfRect.Create; with PdfRect do begin PageId := NumPage; FLeft := ColPos; FBottom := Paper.H - PosY + LnSpSup - HeighTxt; FHeight := HeighTxt; FWidth := ColWidth; if BkColorNum > -1 then FColor := T_BackColor(BackColors[BkColorNum]).GetColor else FColor := GetColor; FFill := True; FStroke := False; end; PdfPage.Add(PdfRect); end; if BordNum > -1 then with T_Border(Borders[BordNum]) do begin StyleLine := T_LineStyle(LineStyles[GetStyle]).GetStyle; ColorLine := T_LineStyle(LineStyles[GetStyle]).GetColor; ThickLine := T_LineStyle(LineStyles[GetStyle]).GetThick; if bfLeft in GetFlags then begin PdfLine := TPdfLine.Create; with PdfLine do begin PageId := NumPage; FBeginX := ColPos; FBeginY := Paper.H - PosY + LnSpSup; FEndX := ColPos; FEndY := Paper.H - PosY + LnSpSup - HeighTxt; FStyle := StyleLine; FColor := ColorLine; FThick := ThickLine; end; PdfPage.Add(PdfLine); end; if bfRight in GetFlags then begin PdfLine := TPdfLine.Create; with PdfLine do begin PageId := NumPage; FBeginX := ColPos + ColWidth; FBeginY := Paper.H - PosY + LnSpSup; FEndX := ColPos + ColWidth; FEndY := Paper.H - PosY + LnSpSup - HeighTxt; FStyle := StyleLine; FColor := ColorLine; FThick := ThickLine; end; PdfPage.Add(PdfLine); end; if bfTop in GetFlags then begin PdfLine := TPdfLine.Create; with PdfLine do begin PageId := NumPage; FBeginX := ColPos; FBeginY := Paper.H - PosY + LnSpSup; FEndX := ColPos + ColWidth; FEndY := Paper.H - PosY + LnSpSup; FStyle := StyleLine; FColor := ColorLine; FThick := ThickLine; end; PdfPage.Add(PdfLine); end; if bfBottom in GetFlags then begin PdfLine := TPdfLine.Create; with PdfLine do begin PageId := NumPage; FBeginX := ColPos; FBeginY := Paper.H - PosY + LnSpSup - HeighTxt; FEndX := ColPos + ColWidth; FEndY := Paper.H - PosY + LnSpSup - HeighTxt; FStyle := StyleLine; FColor := ColorLine; FThick := ThickLine; end; PdfPage.Add(PdfLine); end; end; PdfTexte := TPdfTexte.Create; with PdfTexte do begin PageId := NumPage; FFont := FontNum; FSize := T_Font(Fonts[FontNum]).GetSize; FColor := T_Font(Fonts[FontNum]).GetColor; TextPosX := GetTextPos; if (txtRight in TxtFlags) then TextPosX := ColPos + ColWidth - ColMargin - Fnt.TextWidth(Chaine); if (txtHCenter in TxtFlags) then TextPosX := GetTextPos + (ColWidth - Fnt.TextWidth(Chaine)) / 2; TextPosY := Paper.H - PosY - Fnt.Ascent; TextWidt := ColWidth; Writting := Chaine; end; PdfPage.Add(PdfTexte); end else begin PdfTexte := TPdfTexte.Create; with PdfTexte do begin PageId := NumPage; FFont := FontNum; FSize := T_Font(Fonts[FontNum]).GetSize; FColor := T_Font(Fonts[FontNum]).GetColor; FPosX := PosX; FPosY := PosY - Fnt.Ascent; FWidth := Paper.W; FText := Chaine; end; PdfPage.Add(PdfTexte); end; end; end; end; end; function T_Report.InsertSpace(PosY: single; Column: integer; SpaceHeight: single; BkColorNum: integer; Zone: TZone): single; var PosV: single; begin with T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]) do begin if PosY > -1 then PosV := PosY else PosV := FPosRef.Y; if Column = -2 then Column := DefaultCol; case FPreparation of ppPrepare: begin case Zone of zHeader: begin FPosRef.Y := FCurrentMargin.T + FHeaderHeight; FPosRef.Y := FPosRef.Y + SpaceHeight; FHeaderHeight := FPosRef.Y - FCurrentMargin.T; LoadSpaceHeader(PosV, Column, SpaceHeight, BkColorNum); end; zPage: begin FPosRef.Y := FCurrentMargin.T + FHeaderHeight + FPageHeight; if FPosRef.Y + SpaceHeight > FCurrentMargin.B - FFooterHeight then begin FPosRef.Y := FCurrentMargin.T + FHeaderHeight; Page; end else FPosRef.Y := FPosRef.Y + SpaceHeight; FPageHeight := FPosRef.Y - FHeaderHeight - FCurrentMargin.T; LoadSpacePage(PosV, Column, SpaceHeight, BkColorNum); end; zFooter: begin FPosRef.Y := FCurrentMargin.B - SpaceHeight; FFooterHeight := FFooterHeight + SpaceHeight; PosV := FPosRef.Y; ShiftFooterLines(SpaceHeight); LoadSpaceFooter(PosV, Column, SpaceHeight, BkColorNum); end; end; if FGroup then LoadSpaceGroup(SpaceHeight); Result := Pixels2Dim(FPosRef.Y); LineEnd(Zone); end; ppVisualize: begin with FCanvas, T_Column(Columns[Column]) do begin if BkColorNum > -1 then SetColor(T_BackColor(BackColors[BkColorNum]).GetColor) else SetColor(GetColor); FillRectangle(Round(ColPos), Round(PosV), Round(ColWidth), Round(SpaceHeight)); end; end; ppPdfFile: begin if Column > -1 then with T_Column(Columns[Column]) do begin if (GetColor <> clWhite) or (BkColorNum > -1) then begin PdfRect := TPdfRect.Create; with PdfRect do begin PageId := NumPage; FLeft := ColPos; FBottom := Paper.H - PosY - SpaceHeight; FHeight := SpaceHeight; FWidth := ColWidth; if BkColorNum > -1 then FColor := T_BackColor(BackColors[BkColorNum]).GetColor else FColor := GetColor; FFill := True; FStroke := False; end; PdfPage.Add(PdfRect); end; end; { with } end; { ppPdfFile label } end; { case } end; { with } end; procedure T_Report.LineEnd(Zone: TZone); begin with T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]) do begin case Zone of zHeader: LoadCmdHeader; zPage: if FGroup then LoadCmdGroup else LoadCmdPage; zFooter: LoadCmdFooter; end; end; end; procedure T_Report.DrawAFrame(StyLine, XLeft, XRight, YTop,YBottom: integer; Zone: TZone); var Half, MarginL, MarginR, MarginT, MarginB, HeaderH, FooterH: integer; begin with T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]) do begin case FPreparation of ppPrepare: with FCurrentMargin do begin MarginL:= Round(L); MarginR:= Round(R); MarginT:= Round(T); MarginB:= Round(B); HeaderH:= Round(FHeaderHeight); FooterH:= Round(FFooterHeight); case Zone of zHeader: LoadFrame(StyLine, MarginL, MarginR, MarginT, MarginT + HeaderH, zHeader); zPage: LoadFrame(StyLine, MarginL, MarginR, MarginT + HeaderH, MarginB - FooterH, zPage); zFooter: LoadFrame(StyLine, MarginL, MarginR, MarginB - FooterH, MarginB, zFooter); zMargins: LoadFrame(StyLine, MarginL, MarginR, MarginT, MarginB, zMargins); end; end; ppVisualize: begin with FCanvas do begin with T_LineStyle(LineStyles[StyLine]) do begin SetLineStyle(Round(GetThick), GetStyle); Half := Round(GetThick) div 2; SetColor(GetColor); end; DrawLine(XLeft + Half, YTop, XLeft + Half, YBottom); // left DrawLine(XRight - Half, YTop, XRight - half, YBottom); // right DrawLine(XLeft, YTop + Half, XRight, YTop + Half); // top DrawLine(XLeft, YBottom - Half, XRight, YBottom - Half); // bottom end; { with FCanvas } end; ppPdfFile: begin PdfRect := TPdfRect.Create; with PdfRect do begin PageId := NumPage; with T_LineStyle(LineStyles[StyLine]) do begin FThick := GetThick; FColor := GetColor; FLineStyle := GetStyle; end; FLeft:= XLeft; FBottom:= Paper.H - YBottom; FHeight:= YBottom - YTop; FWidth:= XRight - XLeft; FFill := False; FStroke := True; PdfPage.Add(PdfRect); end; { with PdfRect } end; end; { case FPreparation } end; { with T_Section... } end; procedure T_Report.DrawALine(XBegin, YBegin, XEnd, YEnd: single; StyLine: integer); begin with T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]) do begin case FPreparation of ppPrepare: LoadLine(XBegin, YBegin, ColDefaut, XEnd, YEnd, StyLine); ppVisualize: with FCanvas do begin with T_LineStyle(LineStyles[StyLine]) do begin SetLineStyle(Round(GetThick), GetStyle); SetColor(GetColor); end; DrawLine(Round(XBegin), Round(YBegin), Round(XEnd), Round(YEnd)); end; ppPdfFile: begin PdfLine := TPdfLine.Create; with PdfLine do begin PageId := NumPage; FBeginX := XBegin; FBeginY := Paper.H - YBegin; FEndX := XEnd; FEndY := Paper.H - YEnd; FStyle := T_LineStyle(LineStyles[StyLine]).GetStyle; ; FColor := T_LineStyle(LineStyles[StyLine]).GetColor; FThick := T_LineStyle(LineStyles[StyLine]).GetThick; end; PdfPage.Add(PdfLine); end; end; { case FPreparation } end; { with T_Section... } end; procedure T_Report.DrawAHorizLine(XBegin, YBegin: single; Column: integer; XEnd: single; StyLine: integer; Zone: TZone); var PosV: single; begin with T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]) do begin case FPreparation of ppPrepare: begin case Zone of zHeader: begin FPosRef.Y := FCurrentMargin.T + FHeaderHeight; PosV := FPosRef.Y + XBegin; FPosRef.Y := FPosRef.Y + XBegin + YBegin + T_LineStyle(LineStyles[StyLine]).GetThick; FHeaderHeight := FPosRef.Y - FCurrentMargin.T; with T_Column(Columns[Column]) do LoadLineHorizHeader(ColPos, PosV, Column, ColPos + ColWidth, PosV, StyLine); end; zPage: begin FPosRef.Y := FCurrentMargin.T + FHeaderHeight + FPageHeight; PosV := FPosRef.Y + XBegin; FPosRef.Y := FPosRef.Y + XBegin + YBegin + T_LineStyle(LineStyles[StyLine]).GetThick; FPageHeight := FPosRef.Y - FHeaderHeight - FCurrentMargin.T; with T_Column(Columns[Column]) do LoadLineHorizPage(ColPos, PosV, Column, ColPos + ColWidth, PosV, StyLine); end; zFooter: begin FPosRef.Y := FCurrentMargin.B - XBegin; PosV := FPosRef.Y; FPosRef.Y := FPosRef.Y - YBegin - T_LineStyle(LineStyles[StyLine]).GetThick; FFooterHeight := FFooterHeight + XBegin + YBegin + T_LineStyle(LineStyles[StyLine]).GetThick; ShiftFooterLines(XBegin + YBegin + T_LineStyle(LineStyles[StyLine]).GetThick); with T_Column(Columns[Column]) do LoadLineHorizFooter(ColPos, PosV, Column, ColPos + ColWidth, PosV, StyLine); end; end; if FGroup then LoadLineHorizGroupe(T_LineStyle(LineStyles[StyLine]).GetThick); end; ppVisualize: begin with FCanvas do begin with T_LineStyle(LineStyles[StyLine]) do begin SetLineStyle(Round(GetThick), GetStyle); SetColor(GetColor); end; DrawLine(Round(XBegin), Round(YBegin), Round(XEnd), Round(YBegin)); end; end; ppPdfFile: begin PdfLine := TPdfLine.Create; with PdfLine do begin PageId := NumPage; FBeginX := XBegin; FBeginY := Paper.H - YBegin; FEndX := XEnd; FEndY := Paper.H - YBegin; FStyle := T_LineStyle(LineStyles[StyLine]).GetStyle; ; FColor := T_LineStyle(LineStyles[StyLine]).GetColor; FThick := T_LineStyle(LineStyles[StyLine]).GetThick; end; PdfPage.Add(PdfLine); end; end; { case FPreparation } end; { with T_Section... } end; procedure T_Report.PaintSurface(Points: T_Points; Couleur: TfpgColor); var OldColor: TfpgColor; Cpt: integer; Pts: array of TPoint; begin with T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]) do begin case FPreparation of ppPrepare: LoadSurf(Points, Couleur); ppVisualize: begin OldColor := FCanvas.Color; FCanvas.SetColor(Couleur); SetLength(Pts, Length(Points)); for Cpt := 0 to Pred(Length(Pts)) do begin Pts[Cpt].X := Round(Points[Cpt].X); Pts[Cpt].Y := Round(Points[Cpt].Y); end; FCanvas.DrawPolygon(Pts); FCanvas.SetColor(OldColor); end; ppPdfFile: begin PdfSurf := TPdfSurf.Create; SetLength(PdfSurf.FPoints, Length(Points)); for Cpt := 0 to Pred(Length(Points)) do begin PdfSurf.FPoints[Cpt].X := Points[Cpt].X; PdfSurf.FPoints[Cpt].Y := Paper.H - Points[Cpt].Y; end; with PdfSurf do begin PageId := NumPage; //SetLength(FPoints,Length(Points)); //for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(Length(Points)) do // weird behaviour: points gets length= 0 inside the with clause ! // begin // FPoints[Cpt].X:= Points[Cpt].X; // FPoints[Cpt].Y:= Paper.H-Points[Cpt].Y; // end; FColor := Couleur; end; PdfPage.Add(PdfSurf); end; end; { case FPreparation } end; { with T_Section... } end; procedure T_Report.PaintImage(PosX, PosY: single; Column, ImgNum: integer; Zone: TZone); begin with T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]) do begin case FPreparation of ppPrepare: begin if Column > -1 then PosX := T_Column(Columns[Column]).ColPos + PosX; case Zone of zHeader: begin PosY := FCurrentMargin.T + PosY; LoadImgHeader(PosX, PosY, Column, ImgNum); end; zPage: begin PosY := FCurrentMargin.T + FHeaderHeight + PosY; LoadImgPage(PosX, PosY, Column, ImgNum); end; zFooter: begin PosY := FCurrentMargin.B - FFooterHeight + PosY; LoadImgFooter(PosX, PosY, Column, ImgNum); end; end; end; ppVisualize: FCanvas.DrawImage(Round(PosX), Round(PosY), TfpgImage(Images[ImgNum])); ppPdfFile: begin PdfImg := TPdfImg.Create; with PdfImg do begin PageId := NumPage; ImgNumber := ImgNum; ImgLeft := PosX; ImgBottom := Paper.H - PosY - TfpgImage(Images[ImgNum]).Height; ImgWidth := TfpgImage(Images[ImgNum]).Width; ImgHeight := TfpgImage(Images[ImgNum]).Height; end; PdfPage.Add(PdfImg); end; end; { case FPreparation } end; { with T_Section... } end; function T_Report.GetSectionTitle: string; begin Result := T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).Title; end; procedure T_Report.SetSectionTitle(ATitle: string); begin T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).Title := ATitle; end; { public methods } constructor T_Report.Create; begin inherited Create; OldSeparator := DecimalSeparator; DecimalSeparator := '.'; Sections := TList.Create; Fonts := TList.Create; Columns := TList.Create; LineSpaces := TList.Create; BackColors := TList.Create; LineStyles := TList.Create; Borders := TList.Create; Images := TList.Create; ImageNames := TStringList.Create; Texts := TStringList.Create; VWriteLine := T_WriteLine.Create; PdfPage := TList.Create; Outline := False; end; destructor T_Report.Destroy; var Cpt: integer; begin if Sections.Count > 0 then for Cpt := 0 to Pred(Sections.Count) do T_Section(Sections[Cpt]).Free; Sections.Free; if Fonts.Count > 0 then for Cpt := 0 to Pred(Fonts.Count) do T_Font(Fonts[Cpt]).Free; Fonts.Free; if Columns.Count > 0 then for Cpt := 0 to Pred(Columns.Count) do T_Column(Columns[Cpt]).Free; Columns.Free; if LineSpaces.Count > 0 then for Cpt := 0 to Pred(LineSpaces.Count) do T_LineSpace(LineSpaces[Cpt]).Free; LineSpaces.Free; if BackColors.Count > 0 then for Cpt := 0 to Pred(BackColors.Count) do T_BackColor(BackColors[Cpt]).Free; BackColors.Free; if LineStyles.Count > 0 then for Cpt := 0 to Pred(LineStyles.Count) do T_LineStyle(LineStyles[Cpt]).Free; LineStyles.Free; if Borders.Count > 0 then for Cpt := 0 to Pred(Borders.Count) do T_Border(Borders[Cpt]).Free; Borders.Free; if Images.Count > 0 then for Cpt := 0 to Pred(Images.Count) do TfpgImage(Images[Cpt]).Free; Images.Free; ImageNames.Free; Texts.Free; VWriteLine.Free; if PdfPage.Count > 0 then begin for Cpt := 0 to Pred(PdfPage.Count) do begin if TPdfElement(PdfPage[Cpt]) is TPdfTexte then TPdfTexte(PdfPage[Cpt]).Free else if TPdfElement(PdfPage[Cpt]) is TPdfRect then TPdfRect(PdfPage[Cpt]).Free else if TPdfElement(PdfPage[Cpt]) is TPdfLine then TPdfLine(PdfPage[Cpt]).Free else if TPdfElement(PdfPage[Cpt]) is TPdfSurf then TPdfSurf(PdfPage[Cpt]).Free else if TPdfElement(PdfPage[Cpt]) is TPdfImg then TPdfImg(PdfPage[Cpt]).Free; end; end; PdfPage.Free; DecimalSeparator := OldSeparator; inherited; end; procedure T_Report.BeginWrite(IniOrientation: TOrient = oPortrait; IniPaperType: TPaperType = A4; IniMeasure: TMeasureUnit = msMM; IniVersion: char = 'F'; IniVisu: Boolean = True); begin FVersion := IniVersion; FOrientation := IniOrientation; FPaperType := IniPaperType; FMeasureUnit := IniMeasure; FPreparation := ppPrepare; FVisualization := IniVisu; PrepareFormat; if IniVisu then CreateVisu; FCurrentFont := -1; FCurrentLineSpace := -1; FGroup := False; with FPaper do VColumn := T_Column.Create(Printable.L, Printable.R - Printable.L, 0, clWhite); Columns.Add(VColumn); end; procedure T_Report.EndWrite; var Cpt: integer; begin FPreparation := ppPdfFile; if Sections.Count > 0 then begin for Cpt := 1 to Sections.Count do begin NumSection := Cpt; if T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]).TotPages > 0 then begin NumPageSection := 1; NumPage := 1; end; end end else Exit; for Cpt := 1 to T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumSection)]).TotPages do PrintPage(Cpt); if FVisualization then begin FPreparation := ppVisualize; try WriteDocument; F_Visu.ShowModal; finally F_Visu.Free; end; end; end; procedure T_Report.WriteDocument; begin if FVisualization then FCanvas := Bv_Visu.Canvas; end; procedure T_Report.PagePreview; begin FVisualization := not FVisualization; if FVisualization then FCanvas := Bv_Visu.Canvas; end; procedure T_Report.Section(MgLeft, MgRight, MgTop, MgBottom: single; BackPos: single; IniOrientation: TOrient = oPortrait); var CMargin: single; begin case FPreparation of ppPrepare: begin FOrientation := IniOrientation; PrepareFormat; with FCurrentMargin, FPaper do begin if Dim2Pixels(MgLeft) > Printable.L then L := Dim2Pixels(MgLeft) else L := Printable.L; if (W - Dim2Pixels(MgRight)) < Printable.R then R := W - Dim2Pixels(MgRight) else R := Printable.R; if Dim2Pixels(MgTop) > Printable.T then T := Dim2Pixels(MgTop) else T := Printable.T; if (H - Dim2Pixels(MgBottom)) < Printable.B then B := H - Dim2Pixels(MgBottom) else B := Printable.B; end; FPosRef.X := FCurrentMargin.L; FHeaderHeight := 0; FPageHeight := 0; FFooterHeight := 0; NumSection := NumSection + 1; VSection := T_Section.Create(FPaper, FCurrentMargin, NumSection); Sections.Add(VSection); CMargin := Dim2Pixels(BackPos); VColumn := T_Column.Create(FCurrentMargin.L, FCurrentMargin.R - FCurrentMargin.L, CMargin, clWhite); T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).DefaultCol := Columns.Add(VColumn); end; end; end; procedure T_Report.Page; begin if FPreparation = ppPrepare then begin NumPage := NumPage + 1; T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).LoadPage(NumPage); FPosRef.Y := FCurrentMargin.T + FHeaderHeight; FPageHeight := 0; end; end; function T_Report.BackColor(FdColor: TfpgColor): integer; begin VBackColor := T_BackColor.Create(FdColor); Result := BackColors.Add(VBackColor); end; function T_Report.Font(FtNom: string; FtColor: TfpgColor): integer; begin VFont := T_Font.Create(FtNom, FtColor); Result := Fonts.Add(VFont); end; function T_Report.LineStyle(StThick: single; StColor: TfpgColor; StStyle: TfpgLineStyle): integer; begin VLineStyle := T_LineStyle.Create(StThick, StColor, StStyle); Result := LineStyles.Add(VLineStyle); end; function T_Report.Border(BdFlags: TBorderFlags; BdStyle: integer): integer; begin VBorder := T_Border.Create(BdFlags, BdStyle); Result := Borders.Add(VBorder); end; //function T_Report.Border(BdFlags: TBorderFlags; StFlags: array of Integer): Integer; //begin //VBorder:= T_Border.Create(BdFlags,BdStyle); //Result:= Borders.Add(VBorder); //end; function T_Report.Column(ClnPos, ClnWidth: single; ClnMargin: single = 0; ClnColor: TfpgColor = clWhite): integer; var CPos, CWidth, CMargin: single; begin CPos := Dim2Pixels(ClnPos); CWidth := Dim2Pixels(ClnWidth); CMargin := Dim2Pixels(ClnMargin); VColumn := T_Column.Create(CPos, CWidth, CMargin, ClnColor); Result := Columns.Add(VColumn); end; procedure T_Report.WriteHeader(Horiz, Verti: single; Text: string; ColNum: integer = 0; FontNum: integer = 0; LineSpNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1; BordNum: integer = -1); var RefText: integer; Flags: TfpgTextFlags; begin Flags := [txtWrap]; if Horiz < 0 then begin if Horiz = cnLeft then Include(Flags, txtLeft); if Horiz = cnCenter then Include(Flags, txtHCenter); if Horiz = cnRight then Include(Flags, txtRight); end else Horiz := Dim2Pixels(Horiz); if Verti > 0 then Verti := Dim2Pixels(Verti); RefText := Texts.IndexOf(Text); if RefText = -1 then RefText := Texts.Add(Text); WriteText(Horiz, Verti, ColNum, RefText, FontNum, BkColorNum, BordNum, LineSpNum, Flags, zHeader); end; function T_Report.WritePage(Horiz, Verti: single; Text: string; ColNum: integer = 0; FontNum: integer = 0; LineSpNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1; BordNum: integer = -1): single; var RefText: integer; Flags: TfpgTextFlags; begin Flags := [txtWrap]; if Horiz < 0 then begin if Horiz = cnLeft then Include(Flags, txtLeft); if Horiz = cnCenter then Include(Flags, txtHCenter); if Horiz = cnRight then Include(Flags, txtRight); end else Horiz := Dim2Pixels(Horiz); if Verti > 0 then Verti := Dim2Pixels(Verti); RefText := Texts.IndexOf(Text); if RefText = -1 then RefText := Texts.Add(Text); Result := WriteText(Horiz, Verti, ColNum, RefText, FontNum, BkColorNum, BordNum, LineSpNum, Flags, ZPage); end; procedure T_Report.WriteFooter(Horiz, Verti: single; Text: string; ColNum: integer = 0; FontNum: integer = 0; LineSpNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1; BordNum: integer = -1); var RefText: integer; Flags: TfpgTextFlags; begin Flags := [txtWrap]; if Horiz < 0 then begin if Horiz = cnLeft then Include(Flags, txtLeft); if Horiz = cnCenter then Include(Flags, txtHCenter); if Horiz = cnRight then Include(Flags, txtRight); end else Horiz := Dim2Pixels(Horiz); if Verti > 0 then Verti := Dim2Pixels(Verti); RefText := Texts.IndexOf(Text); if RefText = -1 then RefText := Texts.Add(Text); WriteText(Horiz, Verti, ColNum, RefText, FontNum, BkColorNum, BordNum, LineSpNum, Flags, zFooter); end; procedure T_Report.NumSectionHeader(Horiz, Verti: single; TexteSect: string = ''; TextTot: string = ''; Total: Boolean = False; Alpha: Boolean = False; ColNum: integer = 0; FontNum: integer = 0; LineSpNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1; BordNum: integer = -1); var RefTextPage, RefTextTot: integer; Flags: TfpgTextFlags; begin Flags := []; if Horiz < 0 then begin if Horiz = cnLeft then Include(Flags, txtLeft); if Horiz = cnCenter then Include(Flags, txtHCenter); if Horiz = cnRight then Include(Flags, txtRight); end else Horiz := Dim2Pixels(Horiz); if Verti > 0 then Verti := Dim2Pixels(Verti); RefTextPage := Texts.IndexOf(TexteSect); if RefTextPage = -1 then RefTextPage := Texts.Add(TexteSect); RefTextTot := Texts.IndexOf(TextTot); if RefTextTot = -1 then RefTextTot := Texts.Add(TextTot); WriteNumber(Horiz, Verti, ColNum, RefTextPage, RefTextTot, FontNum, BkColorNum, BordNum, LineSpNum, Flags, Total, Alpha, zHeader, SectNum); end; procedure T_Report.NumSectionFooter(Horiz, Verti: single; TexteSect: string = ''; TextTot: string = ''; Total: Boolean = False; Alpha: Boolean = False; ColNum: integer = 0; FontNum: integer = 0; LineSpNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1; BordNum: integer = -1); var RefTextPage, RefTextTot: integer; Flags: TfpgTextFlags; begin Flags := []; if Horiz < 0 then begin if Horiz = cnLeft then Include(Flags, txtLeft); if Horiz = cnCenter then Include(Flags, txtHCenter); if Horiz = cnRight then Include(Flags, txtRight); end else Horiz := Dim2Pixels(Horiz); if Verti > 0 then Verti := Dim2Pixels(Verti); RefTextPage := Texts.IndexOf(TexteSect); if RefTextPage = -1 then RefTextPage := Texts.Add(TexteSect); RefTextTot := Texts.IndexOf(TextTot); if RefTextTot = -1 then RefTextTot := Texts.Add(TextTot); WriteNumber(Horiz, Verti, ColNum, RefTextPage, RefTextTot, FontNum, BkColorNum, BordNum, LineSpNum, Flags, Total, Alpha, zFooter, SectNum); end; procedure T_Report.NumPageHeader(Horiz, Verti: single; TextePage: string = ''; TextTot: string = ''; Total: Boolean = False; ColNum: integer = 0; FontNum: integer = 0; LineSpNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1; BordNum: integer = -1); var RefTextPage, RefTextTot: integer; Flags: TfpgTextFlags; begin Flags := []; if Horiz < 0 then begin if Horiz = cnLeft then Include(Flags, txtLeft); if Horiz = cnCenter then Include(Flags, txtHCenter); if Horiz = cnRight then Include(Flags, txtRight); end else Horiz := Dim2Pixels(Horiz); if Verti > 0 then Verti := Dim2Pixels(Verti); RefTextPage := Texts.IndexOf(TextePage); if RefTextPage = -1 then RefTextPage := Texts.Add(TextePage); RefTextTot := Texts.IndexOf(TextTot); if RefTextTot = -1 then RefTextTot := Texts.Add(TextTot); WriteNumber(Horiz, Verti, ColNum, RefTextPage, RefTextTot, FontNum, BkColorNum, BordNum, LineSpNum, Flags, Total, False, zHeader, PageNum); end; procedure T_Report.NumPageFooter(Horiz, Verti: single; TextePage: string = ''; TextTot: string = ''; Total: Boolean = False; ColNum: integer = 0; FontNum: integer = 0; LineSpNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1; BordNum: integer = -1); var RefTextPage, RefTextTot: integer; Flags: TfpgTextFlags; begin Flags := []; if Horiz < 0 then begin if Horiz = cnLeft then Include(Flags, txtLeft); if Horiz = cnCenter then Include(Flags, txtHCenter); if Horiz = cnRight then Include(Flags, txtRight); end else Horiz := Dim2Pixels(Horiz); if Verti > 0 then Verti := Dim2Pixels(Verti); RefTextPage := Texts.IndexOf(TextePage); if RefTextPage = -1 then RefTextPage := Texts.Add(TextePage); RefTextTot := Texts.IndexOf(TextTot); if RefTextTot = -1 then RefTextTot := Texts.Add(TextTot); WriteNumber(Horiz, Verti, ColNum, RefTextPage, RefTextTot, FontNum, BkColorNum, BordNum, LineSpNum, Flags, Total, False, zFooter, PageNum); end; procedure T_Report.NumPageSectionHeader(Horiz, Verti: single; TexteSect: string = ''; TextTot: string = ''; Total: Boolean = False; Alpha: Boolean = False; ColNum: integer = 0; FontNum: integer = 0; LineSpNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1; BordNum: integer = -1); var RefTextPage, RefTextTot: integer; Flags: TfpgTextFlags; begin Flags := []; if Horiz < 0 then begin if Horiz = cnLeft then Include(Flags, txtLeft); if Horiz = cnCenter then Include(Flags, txtHCenter); if Horiz = cnRight then Include(Flags, txtRight); end else Horiz := Dim2Pixels(Horiz); if Verti > 0 then Verti := Dim2Pixels(Verti); RefTextPage := Texts.IndexOf(TexteSect); if RefTextPage = -1 then RefTextPage := Texts.Add(TexteSect); RefTextTot := Texts.IndexOf(TextTot); if RefTextTot = -1 then RefTextTot := Texts.Add(TextTot); WriteNumber(Horiz, Verti, ColNum, RefTextPage, RefTextTot, FontNum, BkColorNum, BordNum, LineSpNum, Flags, Total, Alpha, zHeader, PSectNum); end; procedure T_Report.NumPageSectionFooter(Horiz, Verti: single; TexteSect: string = ''; TextTot: string = ''; Total: Boolean = False; Alpha: Boolean = False; ColNum: integer = 0; FontNum: integer = 0; LineSpNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1; BordNum: integer = -1); var RefTextPage, RefTextTot: integer; Flags: TfpgTextFlags; begin Flags := []; if Horiz < 0 then begin if Horiz = cnLeft then Include(Flags, txtLeft); if Horiz = cnCenter then Include(Flags, txtHCenter); if Horiz = cnRight then Include(Flags, txtRight); end else Horiz := Dim2Pixels(Horiz); if Verti > 0 then Verti := Dim2Pixels(Verti); RefTextPage := Texts.IndexOf(TexteSect); if RefTextPage = -1 then RefTextPage := Texts.Add(TexteSect); RefTextTot := Texts.IndexOf(TextTot); if RefTextTot = -1 then RefTextTot := Texts.Add(TextTot); WriteNumber(Horiz, Verti, ColNum, RefTextPage, RefTextTot, FontNum, BkColorNum, BordNum, LineSpNum, Flags, Total, Alpha, zFooter, PSectNum); end; procedure T_Report.HorizLineHeader(SpBefore, SpAfter: single; ColNum: integer = 0; StyleNum: integer = 0); begin DrawAHorizLine(Dim2Pixels(SpBefore), Dim2Pixels(SpAfter), ColNum, -1, StyleNum, zHeader); end; procedure T_Report.HorizLinePage(SpBefore, SpAfter: single; ColNum: integer = 0; StyleNum: integer = 0); begin DrawAHorizLine(Dim2Pixels(SpBefore), Dim2Pixels(SpAfter), ColNum, -1, StyleNum, zPage); end; procedure T_Report.HorizLineFooter(SpBefore, SpAfter: single; ColNum: integer = 0; StyleNum: integer = 0); begin DrawAHorizLine(Dim2Pixels(SpBefore), Dim2Pixels(SpAfter), ColNum, -1, StyleNum, zFooter); end; procedure T_Report.SpaceHeader(Verti: single; ColNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1); begin InsertSpace(-1, ColNum, Dim2Pixels(Verti), BkColorNum, zHeader); end; procedure T_Report.SpacePage(Verti: single; ColNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1); begin InsertSpace(-1, ColNum, Dim2Pixels(Verti), BkColorNum, zPage); end; procedure T_Report.SpaceFooter(Verti: single; ColNum: integer = 0; BkColorNum: integer = -1); begin InsertSpace(-1, ColNum, Dim2Pixels(Verti), BkColorNum, zFooter); end; function T_Report.LineSpace(SpSup, SpInt, SpInf: single): integer; var Sup, Int, Inf: integer; begin if SpSup > 0 then Sup := Round(Dim2Pixels(SpSup)) else Sup := 0; if SpInt > 0 then Int := Round(Dim2Pixels(SpInt)) else Int := 0; if SpInf > 0 then Inf := Round(Dim2Pixels(SpInf)) else Inf := 0; VLineSpace := T_LineSpace.Create(Sup, Int, Inf); Result := LineSpaces.Add(VLineSpace); end; procedure T_Report.BeginGroup(PageJump: Boolean = False); begin VGroup := T_Group.Create; FGroup := True; if PageJump then Page; end; procedure T_Report.EndGroup(PageJump: Boolean = False); begin T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).LoadCmdGroupToPage; FGroup := False; VGroup.Free; if PageJump then Page; end; procedure T_Report.ColorColChange(ColNum: integer; ColColor: TfpgColor); begin T_Column(Columns[ColNum]).SetColColor(ColColor); end; procedure T_Report.FrameMargins(AStyle: integer); begin DrawAFrame(AStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, zMargins); end; procedure T_Report.FrameHeader(AStyle: integer); begin DrawAFrame(AStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, zHeader); end; procedure T_Report.FramePage(AStyle: integer); begin DrawAFrame(AStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, zPage); end; procedure T_Report.FrameFooter(AStyle: integer); begin DrawAFrame(AStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, zFooter); end; procedure T_Report.LinePage(XBegin, YBegin, XEnd, YEnd: single; AStyle: integer); begin DrawALine(Dim2Pixels(XBegin), Dim2Pixels(YBegin), Dim2Pixels(XEnd), Dim2Pixels(YEnd), AStyle); end; procedure T_Report.SurfPage(XLimits, YLimits: array of single; AColor: TfpgColor); var Size, Cpt: integer; Ends: array of TRefPos; begin if Length(XLimits) < Length(YLimits) then Size := Length(XLimits) else if Length(XLimits) > Length(YLimits) then Size := Length(YLimits) else Size := Length(XLimits); SetLength(Ends, Size); for Cpt := 0 to Pred(Size) do begin Ends[Cpt].X := Dim2Pixels(XLimits[Cpt]); Ends[Cpt].Y := Dim2Pixels(YLimits[Cpt]); end; PaintSurface(Ends, AColor); end; procedure T_Report.ImageHeader(Horiz, Verti: single; ImgFileName: string; ColNum, Scale: integer); var RefImage: integer; Image: TfpgImage; begin Horiz := Dim2Pixels(Horiz); Verti := Dim2Pixels(Verti); if FileExists(ImgFileName) then begin RefImage := ImageNames.IndexOf(IntToStr(Scale) + ImgFileName); if RefImage = -1 then begin if Copy(ImgFileName, Succ(Pos('.', ImgFileName)), 3) = 'bmp' then begin Image := LoadImage_BMP(ImgFileName); Scale := 1; end; if (Copy(ImgFileName, Succ(Pos('.', ImgFileName)), 3) = 'jpg') or (Copy(ImgFileName, Succ(Pos('.', ImgFileName)), 4) = 'jpeg') then Image := LoadImage_JPG(ImgFileName, Scale); RefImage := ImageNames.Add(IntToStr(Scale) + ImgFileName); Images.Add(Image); end; PaintImage(Horiz, Verti, ColNum, RefImage, zHeader); end else if fpgImages.GetImage(ImgFileName) <> nil then begin RefImage := ImageNames.IndexOf(IntToStr(Scale) + ImgFileName); if RefImage = -1 then begin Image := fpgImages.GetImage(ImgFileName); Scale := 1; RefImage := ImageNames.Add(IntToStr(Scale) + ImgFileName); Images.Add(Image); end; PaintImage(Horiz, Verti, ColNum, RefImage, zPage); end else { TODO: localize this message } ShowMessage('Image ' + ImgFileName + ' is missing'); end; procedure T_Report.ImagePage(Horiz, Verti: single; ImgFileName: string; ColNum, Scale: integer); var RefImage: integer; Image, TempImage: TfpgImage; begin Horiz := Dim2Pixels(Horiz); Verti := Dim2Pixels(Verti); if FileExists(ImgFileName) then begin RefImage := ImageNames.IndexOf(IntToStr(Scale) + ImgFileName); if RefImage = -1 then begin if Copy(ImgFileName, Succ(Pos('.', ImgFileName)), 3) = 'bmp' then begin Image := LoadImage_BMP(ImgFileName); Scale := 1; end; if (Copy(ImgFileName, Succ(Pos('.', ImgFileName)), 3) = 'jpg') or (Copy(ImgFileName, Succ(Pos('.', ImgFileName)), 4) = 'jpeg') then Image := LoadImage_JPG(ImgFileName, Scale); RefImage := ImageNames.Add(IntToStr(Scale) + ImgFileName); Images.Add(Image); end; PaintImage(Horiz, Verti, ColNum, RefImage, zPage); end else if fpgImages.GetImage(ImgFileName) <> nil then begin RefImage := ImageNames.IndexOf(IntToStr(Scale) + ImgFileName); if RefImage = -1 then begin { This returns a refence to an existing image } TempImage := fpgImages.GetImage(ImgFileName); Scale := 1; RefImage := ImageNames.Add(IntToStr(Scale) + ImgFileName); { Clone the image because we don't want to free fpGUI registered images, because they could be used by other widgets or areas of the application. } Image := TempImage.ImageFromSource; Images.Add(Image); end; PaintImage(Horiz, Verti, ColNum, RefImage, zPage); end else ShowMessage(Format(rsErrReportImageFileMissing, [ImgFileName])); end; procedure T_Report.ImageFooter(Horiz, Verti: single; ImgFileName: string; ColNum, Scale: integer); var RefImage: integer; Image: TfpgImage; begin Horiz := Dim2Pixels(Horiz); Verti := Dim2Pixels(Verti); if FileExists(ImgFileName) then begin RefImage := ImageNames.IndexOf(IntToStr(Scale) + ImgFileName); if RefImage = -1 then begin if Copy(ImgFileName, Succ(Pos('.', ImgFileName)), 3) = 'bmp' then begin Image := LoadImage_BMP(ImgFileName); Scale := 1; end; if (Copy(ImgFileName, Succ(Pos('.', ImgFileName)), 3) = 'jpg') or (Copy(ImgFileName, Succ(Pos('.', ImgFileName)), 4) = 'jpeg') then Image := LoadImage_JPG(ImgFileName, Scale); RefImage := ImageNames.Add(IntToStr(Scale) + ImgFileName); Images.Add(Image); end; PaintImage(Horiz, Verti, ColNum, RefImage, zFooter); end else if fpgImages.GetImage(ImgFileName) <> nil then begin RefImage := ImageNames.IndexOf(IntToStr(Scale) + ImgFileName); if RefImage = -1 then begin Image := fpgImages.GetImage(ImgFileName); Scale := 1; RefImage := ImageNames.Add(IntToStr(Scale) + ImgFileName); Images.Add(Image); end; PaintImage(Horiz, Verti, ColNum, RefImage, zPage); end else ShowMessage(Format(rsErrReportImageFileMissing, [ImgFileName])); end; procedure T_Report.PrintPdf(Layout: TPageLayout; Zoom: string; Prefer: Boolean); var Fd_SavePdf: TfpgFileDialog; PdfFile: string; PdfFileStream: TFileStream; begin if T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages = 0 then begin ShowMessage(rsErrReportNoPagesToPrint); Exit; end; Fd_SavePdf := TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil); Fd_SavePdf.InitialDir := fpgExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)); Fd_SavePdf.Filter := rsFileTypePDF + ' |*.pdf'; Fd_SavePdf.FileName := DefaultFile; try if Fd_SavePdf.RunSaveFile then begin PdfFile := Fd_SavePdf.FileName; if Lowercase(fpgExtractFileExt(PdfFile)) <> '.pdf' then PdfFile := PdfFile + '.pdf'; Document := TPdfDocument.CreateDocument(Layout, Zoom, Prefer); with Document do begin PdfFileStream := TFileStream.Create(PdfFile, fmCreate); WriteDocument(PdfFileStream); PdfFileStream.Free; Free; end; { TODO: Create a cross-platform fpgViewFile() method or something } fpgOpenURL(PdfFile); end; finally Fd_SavePdf.Free; end; end; end.