{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2015 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: This unit forms part of the PDF Reporting Engine. This unit builds the objects in memory to produce either the preview or pdf files. The PDF Reporting Engine was originally written by Jean-Marc Levecque } unit U_Command; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_base, fpg_main, U_Pdf; type TZone = (zHeader, zFooter, zPage, zMargins); TSectPageNum = (PageNum, SectNum, PSectNum); TBorderFlags = set of (bfLeft, bfRight, bfTop, bfBottom); TDimensions = record T: single; L: single; R: single; B: single; end; TPaper = record H: integer; W: integer; Printable: TDimensions; end; // document classes T_Section = class(TObject) private FNumSect: integer; FNbPages: integer; FPaper: TPaper; FMargins: TDimensions; FBotHead: single; FTopFoot: single; FPages: TList; FHeader: TList; FFooter: TList; FFrames: TList; FDefCol: integer; FTitle: string; function GetFirstPage: integer; function GetTotalPages: integer; public constructor Create(APaper: TPaper; AMargins: TDimensions; ANum: integer); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; procedure LoadPage(APageNum: integer); procedure LoadCmdHeader; procedure LoadCmdPage; procedure LoadCmdFooter; procedure LoadCmdGroup; procedure LoadCmdGroupToPage; procedure LoadSpaceHeader(APosY: single; AColumn: integer; AHeight: single; ABackColor: integer); procedure LoadSpacePage(APosY: single; AColumn: integer; AHeight: single; ABackColor: integer); procedure LoadSpaceFooter(APosY: single; AColumn: integer; AHeight: single; ABackColor: integer); procedure LoadSpaceGroup(AHeight: single); procedure LoadFrame(AStyle, ALeft, ARight, ATop, ABottom: integer; AZone: TZone); procedure LoadLine(APosXBegin, APosYBegin: single; AColumn: integer; APosXEnd, APosYEnd: single; AStyle: integer); procedure LoadLineHorizHeader(APosXBegin, APosYBegin: single; AColumn: integer; APosXEnd, APosYEnd: single; AStyle: integer); procedure LoadLineHorizPage(APosXBegin, APosYBegin: single; AColumn: integer; APosXEnd, APosYEnd: single; AStyle: integer); procedure LoadLineHorizFooter(APosXBegin, APosYBegin: single; AColumn: integer; APosXEnd, APosYEnd: single; AStyle: integer); procedure LoadLineHorizGroupe(AHeight: single); procedure LoadSurf(APos: T_Points; AColor: TfpgColor); procedure LoadImgHeader(APosX, APosY: single; AColumn, AImgNum: integer); procedure LoadImgPage(APosX, APosY: single; AColumn, AImgNum: integer); procedure LoadImgFooter(APosX, APosY: single; AColumn, AImgNum: integer); function GetCmdPage(NumPage: integer): TList; property CmdHeader: TList read FHeader; property CmdFooter: TList read FFooter; property NbPages: integer read FNbPages; property FirstPage: integer read GetFirstPage; property Pages: TList read FPages; property TotPages: integer read GetTotalPages; property Paper: TPaper read FPaper; property Margins: TDimensions read FMargins; property CmdFrames: TList read FFrames; property DefaultCol: integer read FDefCol write FDefCol; property Title: string read FTitle write FTitle; end; T_Page = class(TObject) private FNumPageTot: integer; FNumPageSect: integer; FCommands: TList; public constructor Create(ANumSec, ANumTot: integer); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; property Commands: TList read FCommands write FCommands; property PagesTot: integer read FNumPageTot; property PagesSect: integer read FNumPageSect; end; T_Group = class(TObject) private FLineHeight: single; FGroupHeight: single; FCommands: TList; public constructor Create; virtual; destructor Destroy; override; property Commands: TList read FCommands write FCommands; property LineHeight: single read FLineHeight; property GroupeHeight: single read FGroupHeight; end; T_WriteLine = class(TObject) private FHeight: integer; FCommands: TList; public constructor Create; virtual; destructor Destroy; override; procedure LoadText(APosX, APosY: single; AColumn, AText, AFont, AHeight, ABackColor, ABorder, ALineSpace: integer; ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags); procedure LoadNumber(APosX, APosY: single; AColumn, ATextNum, ATextTot, AFont, AHeight, ABackColor, ABorder, ALineSpace: integer; ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags; ATotal, AAlpha: Boolean; ATypeNum: TSectPageNum); property Commands: TList read FCommands; property LineHeight: integer read FHeight; end; // command classes T_Command = class end; PSection = ^T_Section; PPage = ^T_Page; PLigne = ^T_WriteLine; PCommande = ^T_Command; PFont = ^TfpgFont; T_WriteText = class(T_Command) private FPosX: single; FPosY: single; FColumn: integer; FText: integer; FFont: integer; FBackColor: integer; FBorder: integer; FLineSpace: integer; FCurFont: Boolean; FFlags: TfpgTextFlags; public constructor Create(APosX, APosY: single; AColumn, AText, AFont, ABackColor, ABorder, ALineSpace: integer; ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags); virtual; procedure SetPosY(const AValue: single); property GetPosX: single read FPosX; property GetPosY: single read FPosY; property GetColumn: integer read FColumn; property GetText: integer read FText; property GetFont: integer read FFont; property GetBackColor: integer read FBackColor; property GetBorder: integer read FBorder; property GetLineSpace: integer read FLineSpace; property GetCurFont: Boolean read FCurFont; property GetFlags: TfpgTextFlags read FFlags; end; T_Number = class(T_Command) private FPosX: single; FPosY: single; FColumn: integer; FTextNum: integer; FTextTot: integer; FFont: integer; FBackColor: integer; FBorder: integer; FLineSpace: integer; FCurFont: Boolean; FFlags: TfpgTextFlags; FTotal: Boolean; FAlpha: Boolean; FTypeNum: TSectPageNum; public constructor Create(APosX, APosY: single; AColumn, ATextNum, ATextTot, AFont, ABackColor, ABorder, ALineSpace: integer; ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags; ATotal, AAlpha: Boolean; ATypeNum: TSectPageNum); virtual; procedure SetPosY(const AValue: single); property GetPosX: single read FPosX; property GetPosY: single read FPosY; property GetColumn: integer read FColumn; property GetTextNum: integer read FTextNum; property GetTextTot: integer read FTextTot; property GetFont: integer read FFont; property GetBackColor: integer read FBackColor; property GetBorder: integer read FBorder; property GetLineSpace: integer read FLineSpace; property GetCurFont: Boolean read FCurFont; property GetFlags: TfpgTextFlags read FFlags; property GetTotal: Boolean read FTotal; property GetAlpha: Boolean read FAlpha; property GetTypeNum: TSectPageNum read FTypeNum; end; T_Line = class(T_Command) private FPosX: single; FPosY: single; FColumn: integer; FStyle: integer; FEndX: single; FEndY: single; public constructor Create(APosX, APosY: single; AColumn, AStyle: integer; AEndX, AEndY: single); virtual; property GetPosX: single read FPosX; property GetPosY: single read FPosY; property GetColumn: integer read FColumn; property GetStyle: integer read FStyle; property GetEndX: single read FEndX; property GetEndY: single read FEndY; end; T_Column = class(T_Command) private FPos: single; FWidth: single; FMargin: single; FColor: TfpgColor; public constructor Create(APos, AWidth, AMargin: single; AColor: TfpgColor); virtual; function GetTextPos: single; function GetTextWidth: single; procedure SetColColor(AColor: TfpgColor); property ColPos: single read FPos write FPos; property ColWidth: single read FWidth write FWidth; property ColMargin: single read FMargin write FMargin; property GetColor: TfpgColor read FColor; end; T_Font = class(T_Command) private FFont: TfpgFont; FColor: TfpgColor; FSize: string; public constructor Create(AFont: string; AColor: TfpgColor); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; function GetHeight: integer; property GetFont: TfpgFont read FFont; property GetColor: TfpgColor read FColor; property GetSize: string read FSize; end; T_LineSpace = class(T_Command) private FSup: single; FInt: single; FInf: single; public constructor Create(ASup, AInt, AInf: single); virtual; property GetSup: single read FSup; property GetInt: single read FInt; property GetInf: single read FInf; end; T_Space = class(T_Command) private FPosY: single; FColumn: integer; FHeight: single; FBackColor: integer; public constructor Create(APosY: single; AColumn: integer; AHeight: single; ABackColor: integer); virtual; procedure SetPosY(const AValue: single); property GetPosY: single read FPosY; property GetColumn: integer read FColumn; property GetHeight: single read FHeight; property GetBackColor: integer read FBackColor; end; T_BackColor = class(T_Command) private FColor: TfpgColor; public constructor Create(AColor: TfpgColor); virtual; property GetColor: TfpgColor read FColor; end; T_LineStyle = class(T_Command) private FThick: single; FColor: TfpgColor; FStyle: TfpgLineStyle; public constructor Create(AThick: single; AColor: TfpgColor; AStyle: TfpgLineStyle); virtual; property GetThick: single read FThick; property GetColor: TfpgColor read FColor; property GetStyle: TfpgLineStyle read FStyle; end; T_Border = class(T_Command) private FFlags: TBorderFlags; FStyle: integer; public constructor Create(AFlags: TBorderFlags; AStyle: integer); property GetFlags: TBorderFlags read FFlags; property GetStyle: integer read FStyle; end; T_Frame = class(T_Command) private FStyle: integer; FZone: TZone; FLeft: integer; FRight: integer; FTop: integer; FBottom: integer; public constructor Create(AStyle, ALeft, ARight, ATop, ABottom: integer; AZone: TZone); property GetStyle: integer read FStyle; property GetZone: TZone read FZone; property GetLeft: integer read FLeft; property GetRight: integer read FRight; property GetTop: integer read FTop; property GetBottom: integer read FBottom; end; T_Surface = class(T_Command) private FPoints: T_Points; FColor: TfpgColor; public constructor Create(APoints: array of TRefPos; AColor: TfpgColor); property GetPoints: T_Points read FPoints; property GetColor: TfpgColor read FColor; end; T_Image = class(T_Command) private FImage: integer; FColumn: integer; FPosX: single; FPosY: single; public constructor Create(APosX, APosY: single; AColumn, AImageNum: integer); property GetImage: integer read FImage; property GetColumn: integer read FColumn; property GetPosX: single read FPosX; property GetPosY: single read FPosY; end; var Sections: TList; Columns: TList; Texts: TStringList; ImageNames: TStringList; Fonts: TList; LineSpaces: TList; BackColors: TList; LineStyles: TList; Borders: TList; Images: TList; VSection: T_Section; VPage: T_Page; VGroup: T_Group; VWriteLine: T_WriteLine; VCommand: T_Command; VColumn: T_Column; VBackColor: T_BackColor; VFont: T_Font; VLineSpace: T_LineSpace; VLineStyle: T_LineStyle; VBorder: T_Border; implementation // utility functions // extracts the font size from the fontdesc function ExtractFontSize(const AValue: string): string; begin if Pos(':', AValue) > 0 then Result := Copy(AValue, Succ(Pos('-', AValue)), Pred(Pos(':', Avalue) - Pos('-', AValue))) else Result := Copy(AValue, Succ(Pos('-', AValue)), Length(AValue) - Pos('-', AValue)); end; // document class methods function T_Section.GetFirstPage: integer; begin Result := T_Page(Pages[0]).PagesTot; end; function T_Section.GetTotalPages: integer; begin if Pages.Count > 0 then Result := T_Page(Pages[Pred(Pages.Count)]).PagesTot else Result := 0; end; constructor T_Section.Create(APaper: TPaper; AMargins: TDimensions; ANum: integer); begin FNumSect := ANum; FNbPages := 0; FPaper := APaper; FMargins := AMargins; FBotHead := FMargins.T; FTopFoot := FMargins.B; FPages := TList.Create; FHeader := TList.Create; FFooter := TList.Create; FFrames := TList.Create; end; destructor T_Section.Destroy; var Cpt: integer; begin if FPages.Count > 0 then for Cpt := 0 to Pred(FPages.Count) do T_Page(FPages[Cpt]).Free; FPages.Free; if FHeader.Count > 0 then for Cpt := 0 to Pred(FHeader.Count) do T_Command(FHeader[Cpt]).Free; FHeader.Free; if FFooter.Count > 0 then for Cpt := 0 to Pred(FFooter.Count) do T_Command(FFooter[Cpt]).Free; FFooter.Free; if FFrames.Count > 0 then for Cpt := 0 to Pred(FFrames.Count) do T_Command(FFrames[Cpt]).Free; FFrames.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure T_Section.LoadPage(APageNum: integer); begin Inc(FNbPages); VPage := T_Page.Create(FNbPages, APageNum); FPages.Add(VPage); end; procedure T_Section.LoadCmdHeader; var Cpt: integer; begin for Cpt := 0 to Pred(VWriteLine.Commands.Count) do FHeader.Add(VWriteLine.Commands.Items[Cpt]); VWriteLine.FHeight := 0; VWriteLine.Commands.Clear; end; procedure T_Section.LoadCmdPage; var Cpt: integer; begin for Cpt := 0 to Pred(VWriteLine.Commands.Count) do T_Page(Pages[Pred(FPages.Count)]).Commands.Add(VWriteLine.Commands.Items[Cpt]); VWriteLine.FHeight := 0; VWriteLine.Commands.Clear; end; procedure T_Section.LoadCmdFooter; var Cpt: integer; begin for Cpt := 0 to Pred(VWriteLine.Commands.Count) do FFooter.Add(VWriteLine.Commands.Items[Cpt]); VWriteLine.FHeight := 0; VWriteLine.Commands.Clear; end; procedure T_Section.LoadCmdGroup; var Cpt: integer; begin for Cpt := 0 to Pred(VWriteLine.Commands.Count) do VGroup.Commands.Add(VWriteLine.Commands.Items[Cpt]); with VGroup do begin FLineHeight := VWriteLine.FHeight; FGroupHeight := FGroupHeight + FLineHeight; end; VWriteLine.FHeight := 0; VWriteLine.Commands.Clear; end; procedure T_Section.LoadCmdGroupToPage; var Cpt: integer; begin for Cpt := 0 to Pred(VGroup.Commands.Count) do T_Page(Pages[Pred(FPages.Count)]).Commands.Add(VGroup.Commands.Items[Cpt]); VGroup.FGroupHeight := 0; VGroup.Commands.Clear; end; procedure T_Section.LoadSpaceHeader(APosY: single; AColumn: integer; AHeight: single; ABackColor: integer); begin VCommand := T_Space.Create(APosY, AColumn, AHeight, ABackColor); FHeader.Add(VCommand); end; procedure T_Section.LoadSpacePage(APosY: single; AColumn: integer; AHeight: single; ABackColor: integer); begin VCommand := T_Space.Create(APosY, AColumn, AHeight, ABackColor); T_Page(Pages[Pred(FPages.Count)]).Commands.Add(VCommand); end; procedure T_Section.LoadSpaceFooter(APosY: single; AColumn: integer; AHeight: single; ABackColor: integer); begin VCommand := T_Space.Create(APosY, AColumn, AHeight, ABackColor); FFooter.Add(VCommand); end; procedure T_Section.LoadSpaceGroup(AHeight: single); begin VGroup.FGroupHeight := VGroup.FGroupHeight + AHeight; end; procedure T_Section.LoadFrame(AStyle, ALeft, ARight, ATop, ABottom: integer; AZone: TZone); begin VCommand := T_Frame.Create(AStyle, ALeft, ARight,ATop, ABottom, AZone); FFrames.Add(VCommand); end; procedure T_Section.LoadLine(APosXBegin, APosYBegin: single; AColumn: integer; APosXEnd, APosYEnd: single; AStyle: integer); begin VCommand := T_Line.Create(APosXBegin, APosYBegin, AColumn, AStyle, APosXEnd, APosYEnd); T_Page(Pages[Pred(FPages.Count)]).Commands.Add(VCommand); end; procedure T_Section.LoadLineHorizHeader(APosXBegin, APosYBegin: single; AColumn: integer; APosXEnd, APosYEnd: single; AStyle: integer); begin VCommand := T_Line.Create(APosXBegin, APosYBegin, AColumn, AStyle, APosXEnd, APosYEnd); FHeader.Add(VCommand); end; procedure T_Section.LoadLineHorizPage(APosXBegin, APosYBegin: single; AColumn: integer; APosXEnd, APosYEnd: single; AStyle: integer); begin VCommand := T_Line.Create(APosXBegin, APosYBegin, AColumn, AStyle, APosXEnd, APosYEnd); T_Page(Pages[Pred(FPages.Count)]).Commands.Add(VCommand); end; procedure T_Section.LoadLineHorizFooter(APosXBegin, APosYBegin: single; AColumn: integer; APosXEnd, APosYEnd: single; AStyle: integer); begin VCommand := T_Line.Create(APosXBegin, APosYBegin, AColumn, AStyle, APosXEnd, APosYEnd); FFooter.Add(VCommand); end; procedure T_Section.LoadLineHorizGroupe(AHeight: single); begin VGroup.FGroupHeight := VGroup.FGroupHeight + AHeight; end; procedure T_Section.LoadSurf(APos: T_Points; AColor: TfpgColor); begin VCommand := T_Surface.Create(APos, AColor); T_Page(Pages[Pred(FPages.Count)]).Commands.Add(VCommand); end; procedure T_Section.LoadImgHeader(APosX, APosY: single; AColumn, AImgNum: integer); begin VCommand := T_Image.Create(APosX, APosY, AColumn, AImgNum); FHeader.Add(VCommand); end; procedure T_Section.LoadImgPage(APosX, APosY: single; AColumn, AImgNum: integer); begin VCommand := T_Image.Create(APosX, APosY, AColumn, AImgNum); T_Page(Pages[Pred(FPages.Count)]).Commands.Add(VCommand); end; procedure T_Section.LoadImgFooter(APosX, APosY: single; AColumn, AImgNum: integer); begin VCommand := T_Image.Create(APosX, APosY, AColumn, AImgNum); FFooter.Add(VCommand); end; function T_Section.GetCmdPage(NumPage: integer): TList; begin Result := T_Page(Pages[Pred(NumPage)]).Commands; end; constructor T_Page.Create(ANumSec, ANumTot: integer); begin FNumPageTot := ANumTot; FNumPageSect := ANumSec; FCommands := TList.Create; end; destructor T_Page.Destroy; var Cpt: integer; begin if FCommands.Count > 0 then for Cpt := 0 to Pred(FCommands.Count) do T_Command(FCommands[Cpt]).Free; FCommands.Free; inherited Destroy; end; constructor T_Group.Create; begin FLineHeight := 0; FGroupHeight := 0; FCommands := TList.Create; end; destructor T_Group.Destroy; var Cpt: integer; begin if FCommands.Count > 0 then for Cpt := 0 to Pred(FCommands.Count) do T_Command(FCommands[Cpt]).Free; FCommands.Free; inherited Destroy; end; constructor T_WriteLine.Create; begin FHeight := 0; FCommands := TList.Create; end; destructor T_WriteLine.Destroy; var Cpt: integer; begin if FCommands.Count > 0 then for Cpt := 0 to Pred(FCommands.Count) do T_Command(FCommands[Cpt]).Free; FCommands.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure T_WriteLine.LoadText(APosX, APosY: single; AColumn, AText, AFont, AHeight, ABackColor, ABorder, ALineSpace: integer; ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags); begin if FHeight < AHeight then FHeight := AHeight; VCommand := T_WriteText.Create(APosX, APosY, AColumn, AText, AFont, ABackColor, ABorder, ALineSpace, ACurFont, AFlags); Commands.Add(VCommand); end; procedure T_WriteLine.LoadNumber(APosX, APosY: single; AColumn, ATextNum, ATextTot, AFont, AHeight, ABackColor, ABorder, ALineSpace: integer; ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags; ATotal, AAlpha: Boolean; ATypeNum: TSectPageNum); begin if FHeight < AHeight then FHeight := AHeight; VCommand := T_Number.Create(APosX, APosY, AColumn, ATextNum, ATextTot, AFont, ABackColor, ABorder, ALineSpace, ACurFont, AFlags, ATotal, AAlpha, ATypeNum); Commands.Add(VCommand); end; // command class methods procedure T_WriteText.SetPosY(const AValue: single); begin if FPosY <> AValue then FPosY := AValue; end; constructor T_WriteText.Create(APosX, APosY: single; AColumn, AText, AFont, ABackColor, ABorder, ALineSpace: integer; ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags); begin inherited Create; FPosX := APosX; FPosY := APosY; FColumn := AColumn; FText := AText; FFont := AFont; FBackColor := ABackColor; FBorder := ABorder; FLineSpace := ALineSpace; FCurFont := ACurFont; FFlags := AFlags; end; procedure T_Number.SetPosY(const AValue: single); begin if FPosY <> AValue then FPosY := AValue; end; constructor T_Number.Create(APosX, APosY: single; AColumn, ATextNum, ATextTot, AFont, ABackColor, ABorder, ALineSpace: integer; ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TfpgTextFlags; ATotal, AAlpha: Boolean; ATypeNum: TSectPageNum); begin inherited Create; FPosX := APosX; FPosY := APosY; FColumn := AColumn; FTextNum := ATextNum; FTextTot := ATextTot; FFont := AFont; FBackColor := ABackColor; FBorder := ABorder; FLineSpace := ALineSpace; FCurFont := ACurFont; FFlags := AFlags; FTotal := ATotal; FAlpha := AAlpha; FTypeNum := ATypeNum; end; constructor T_Line.Create(APosX, APosY: single; AColumn, AStyle: integer; AEndX, AEndY: single); begin FPosX := APosX; FPosY := APosY; FColumn := AColumn; FStyle := AStyle; FEndX := AEndX; FEndY := AEndY; end; constructor T_Column.Create(APos, AWidth, AMargin: single; AColor: TfpgColor); begin inherited Create; FPos := APos; FWidth := AWidth; FMargin := AMargin; FColor := AColor; end; function T_Column.GetTextPos: single; begin Result := FPos + FMargin; end; function T_Column.GetTextWidth: single; begin Result := FWidth - (FMargin * 2); end; procedure T_Column.SetColColor(AColor: TfpgColor); begin if FColor <> AColor then FColor := AColor; end; constructor T_Font.Create(AFont: string; AColor: TfpgColor); begin inherited Create; FFont := fpgApplication.GetFont(AFont); FColor := AColor; FSize := ExtractFontSize(AFont); end; destructor T_Font.Destroy; begin FFont.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function T_Font.GetHeight: integer; begin Result := TfpgFont(FFont).Height; end; constructor T_LineSpace.Create(ASup, AInt, AInf: single); begin inherited Create; FSup := ASup; FInt := AInt; FInf := AInf; end; constructor T_Space.Create(APosY: single; AColumn: integer; AHeight: single; ABackColor: integer); begin inherited Create; FPosY := APosY; FColumn := AColumn; FHeight := AHeight; FBackColor := ABackColor; end; constructor T_Surface.Create(APoints: array of TRefPos; AColor: TfpgColor); var Cpt: integer; begin inherited Create; SetLength(FPoints, Length(APoints)); for Cpt := 0 to Pred(Length(FPoints)) do FPoints[Cpt] := APoints[Cpt]; FColor := AColor; end; procedure T_Space.SetPosY(const AValue: single); begin if FPosY <> AValue then FPosY := AValue; end; constructor T_BackColor.Create(AColor: TfpgColor); begin FColor := AColor; end; constructor T_LineStyle.Create(AThick: single; AColor: TfpgColor; AStyle: TfpgLineStyle); begin inherited Create; FThick := AThick; FColor := AColor; FStyle := AStyle; end; constructor T_Border.Create(AFlags: TBorderFlags; AStyle: integer); begin inherited Create; FFlags := AFlags; FStyle := AStyle; end; constructor T_Frame.Create(AStyle, ALeft, ARight, ATop, ABottom: integer; AZone: TZone); begin inherited Create; FStyle := AStyle; FZone:= AZone; FLeft:= ALeft; FRight:= ARight; FTop:= ATop; FBottom:= ABottom;; end; constructor T_Image.Create(APosX, APosY: single; AColumn, AImageNum: integer); begin inherited Create; FImage := AImageNum; FColumn := AColumn; FPosX := APosX; FPosY := APosY; end; end.