unit nvUtilities; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} // disable to remove debugging output {.$Define DEBUG} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_base; const { TODO -oGraeme : Should this change to LineEnding (platfrom dependant) } EndLine= chr(13)+chr(10); TwoEndLines= chr(13)+chr(10)+chr(13)+chr(10); Quote = ''''; DoubleQuote = '"'; // -- Logging -- type LogAspect = ( LogStartup, LogShutdown, LogSettings, LogI18n, LogParse, LogDisplay, LogSearch, LogNHM, LogViewStub, LogObjConstDest, LogDebug ); LogAspects = SET OF LogAspect; procedure LogEvent(const aLogAspect: LogAspect; const anEventDescription: String); // Removes and returns the first value in a separated // value list (removes quotes if found) Function ExtractNextValue(var S: string; const Separator: string ): string; Function ExtractNextValueNoTrim(var S: string; const Separator: string ): string; function AllocateMemory( const Size: ValUInt ): pointer; procedure DeallocateMemory( Var P: pointer ); // Alias method which is the same as Move() but with less confusing name procedure MemCopy(const src; var dest; size: SizeInt); // Allows for debug output and quite disable of output procedure ProfileEvent(const AString: string); // Return AFilename's size in bytes function GetFileSize(const AFilename: string): integer; function IsDigit(const AChar: TfpgChar): boolean; function IsAlpha(const AChar: TfpgChar): boolean; function Between( const Value: longint; const Limit1: longint; const Limit2: longint ): boolean; operator = (ARect: TRect; BRect: TRect): boolean; // Destroy the objects stored in List and clear the list. procedure ClearListAndObjects( List: TList ); // Destroy the objects stored in the list and then destroy the list itself // And set the reference to nil procedure DestroyListAndObjects( Var List: TList ); // Destroy the objects stored in the list. // You probably want to use one of the two functions above. procedure DestroyListObjects( List: TList ); procedure AddList( Source, Dest: TList ); procedure AssignList( Source, Dest: TList ); procedure ListFilesInDirectory(const aDirectory: String; const aFilter: String; const aWithDirectoryFlag: boolean; var aList: TStrings); // add all file name parts of aFileNameString to the aResult // check for containing environment vars // and include all help files if the environment var points // to a directory procedure ParseAndExpandFileNames(const aFileNameString: String; aResult: TStrings); var startTime : Cardinal; lastTime : Cardinal; activeLogAspects : LogAspects; infoMessage1 : String; infoMessage2 : String; implementation uses fpg_utils ,fpg_main ,ACLStringUtility ,dvconstants ; Function GetAspectPrefix(const aLogAspect: LogAspect): String; Begin Case aLogAspect of LogStartup : result := 'Startup'; LogShutdown : result := 'Start'; LogSettings : result := 'Settings'; LogI18n : result := 'I18n'; LogParse : result := 'Parse'; LogDisplay : result := 'Display'; LogSearch : result := 'Search'; LogNHM : result := 'NewHelpManager'; LogViewStub : result := 'ViewStub'; LogObjConstDest : result := 'ObjConstDest'; LogDebug : result := 'Debug'; else result := 'Unknown'; end; End; Procedure SetLogAspects(const aCommaSeparatedListOfAspectNames : String); Var tmpAspects : TStringList; i : Integer; Begin tmpAspects := TStringList.Create; StrExtractStrings(tmpAspects, aCommaSeparatedListOfAspectNames, [','], #0); for i:=0 to tmpAspects.count-1 do begin if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogStartup' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogStartup ]; if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogShutdown' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogShutdown ]; if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogSettings' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogSettings ]; if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogI18n' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogI18n ]; if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogParse' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogParse ]; if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogDisplay' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogDisplay ]; if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogSearch' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogSearch ]; if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogNHM' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogNHM ]; if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogViewStub' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogViewStub ]; if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogObjConstDest' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogObjConstDest ]; if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogDebug' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogDebug ]; end; tmpAspects.Destroy; End; procedure LogEvent(const aLogAspect: LogAspect; const anEventDescription: String); var tmpMessage: String; begin if (aLogAspect IN activeLogAspects) then begin tmpMessage := 'Log[' + GetAspectPrefix(aLogAspect) + '] ' + anEventDescription; debugln(tmpMessage); end; end; Function ExtractNextValue( var S: string; const Separator: string ): string; begin Result := ExtractNextValueNoTrim( S, Separator ); Result := trim( Result ); // Remove quotes if present if Result <> '' then if Result[ 1 ] = DoubleQuote then Delete( Result, 1, 1 ); if Result <> '' then if Result[ length( Result ) ] = DoubleQuote then Delete( Result, length( Result ), 1 ); end; Function ExtractNextValueNoTrim( var S: string; const Separator: string ): string; Var SeparatorPos: integer; Begin SeparatorPos := Pos( Separator, S ); if SeparatorPos > 0 then begin Result := Copy( S, 1, SeparatorPos-1 ); Delete( S, 1, SeparatorPos + length( Separator ) - 1 ); end else begin Result := S; S := ''; end; end; function AllocateMemory( const Size: ValUInt ): pointer; begin GetMem( Result, size + sizeof( Size ) ); PtrUInt(Result^) := Size; inc( Result, sizeof( Size ) ); end; procedure DeallocateMemory( Var P: pointer ); var Size: ValUInt; begin if P = nil then exit; dec( P, sizeof( size ) ); Size := ValUInt(P^); FreeMem( P, Size + sizeof( Size ) ); P := nil; end; procedure MemCopy(const src; var dest; size: SizeInt); begin Move(src, dest, size); end; procedure ProfileEvent(const AString: string); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('DEBUG: ', AString); {$ENDIF} end; function GetFileSize(const AFilename: string): integer; var f: File; begin Result := 0; {$i-} FileMode := 0; // read-only Assign(f, fpgToOSEncoding(AFileName)); Reset(f); {$i+} Result := FileSize(f); CloseFile(f); end; function IsDigit(const AChar: TfpgChar): boolean; begin { TODO -oGraeme -cunicode : Not utf-8 compliant. } Result := ( AChar>='0' ) and ( AChar<='9' ); //Result := TCharacter.IsDigit(AChar); end; function IsAlpha(const AChar: TfpgChar): boolean; var UppercaseC: TfpgChar; Begin { TODO -oGraeme -cunicode : Not utf-8 compliant. } UppercaseC := UpperCase( AChar ); Result := ( UppercaseC >= 'A' ) and ( UppercaseC <= 'Z' ); //Result := TCharacter.IsLetter(AChar); end; function Between( const Value: longint; const Limit1: longint; const Limit2: longint ): boolean; begin if Limit1 < Limit2 then Result:= ( Value >= Limit1 ) and ( Value <= Limit2 ) else Result:= ( Value >= Limit2 ) and ( Value <= Limit1 ) end; operator = (ARect: TRect; BRect: TRect): boolean; begin result := (ARect.Top = BRect.Top) and (ARect.Left = BRect.Left) and (ARect.Bottom = BRect.Bottom) and (ARect.Right = BRect.Right); end; // Destroy the objects stored in List // and clear the list. Procedure ClearListAndObjects( List: TList ); begin DestroyListObjects( List ); List.Clear; end; // Destroy the objects stored in the list // and then destroy the list itself. Procedure DestroyListAndObjects( Var List: TList ); begin if not Assigned( List ) then exit; DestroyListObjects( List ); List.Free; List := nil; end; Procedure DestroyListObjects( List: TList ); var Index: longint; begin for Index := 0 to List.Count - 1 do begin if List[ Index ] <> nil then begin TObject( List[ Index ] ).Free; List[ Index ] := nil; end; end; end; Procedure AddList( Source, Dest: TList ); var i: longint; begin // expand the destination list to what's required Dest.Capacity := Dest.Capacity + Source.Capacity; for i:= 0 to Source.Count - 1 do Dest.Add( Source[ i ] ); end; Procedure AssignList( Source, Dest: TList ); begin Dest.Clear; AddList( Source, Dest ); end; procedure ListFilesInDirectory(const aDirectory: String; const aFilter: String; const aWithDirectoryFlag: boolean; var aList: TStrings); var tmpRC: longint; tmpSearchResults: TSearchRec; tmpMask: String; tmpFilterParts : TStringList; tmpDirectory: String; i: integer; begin tmpFilterParts := TStringList.Create; StrExtractStrings(tmpFilterParts, aFilter, [PathSeparator], #0); for i:=0 to tmpFilterParts.count-1 do begin tmpMask := tmpFilterParts[i]; tmpDirectory := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(aDirectory); tmpRC := fpgFindFirst(tmpDirectory + tmpMask, faAnyFile, tmpSearchResults); while tmpRC = 0 do begin if (tmpSearchResults.Attr and faDirectory) = 0 then begin if (aWithDirectoryFlag) then aList.Add(tmpDirectory + tmpSearchResults.Name) else aList.Add(tmpSearchResults.Name); end; tmpRC := fpgFindNext(tmpSearchResults); end; FindClose(tmpSearchResults); end; tmpFilterParts.Destroy; end; procedure ParseAndExpandFileNames(const aFileNameString: String; aResult: TStrings); var i: longint; tmpFileNamesList: TStringList; tmpItem: String; tmpEnvironmentVarValue: string; begin LogEvent(LogDebug, 'ParseAndExpandFileNames "' + aFileNameString + '"'); tmpFileNamesList := TStringList.Create; StrExtractStrings(tmpFileNamesList, aFileNameString, [HELP_FILE_DELIMITER, PathSeparator], #0); for i := 0 to tmpFileNamesList.Count - 1 do begin tmpItem := tmpFileNamesList[i]; // is this a environment var tmpEnvironmentVarValue := GetEnvironmentVariable(tmpItem); if tmpEnvironmentVarValue <> '' then // environment var exists begin LogEvent(LogStartup, ' Environment var found; translated to: "' + tmpEnvironmentVarValue + '"'); ParseAndExpandFileNames(tmpEnvironmentVarValue, aResult); end else if fpgDirectoryExists(tmpItem) then begin ListFilesInDirectory(tmpItem, '*' + INF_FILE_EXTENSION, true, aResult); end else begin aResult.Add(tmpItem); end; end; tmpFileNamesList.Free; end; {$IFDEF DEBUG} initialization SetLogAspects('LogDebug,LogStartup'); {$ENDIF} end.