{%mainunit gui_dialogs.pas} {$IFDEF read_interface} type TfpgMessageDialog = class(TfpgForm) private FInformativeText: TStringList; FText: string; FButtons: TfpgMsgDlgButtons; FDefaultButton: TfpgMsgDlgBtn; FDialogType: TfpgMsgDlgType; FButtonList: TList; // pointers to buttons FMaxLineWidth: Integer; FFont: TfpgFont; FTextY: Integer; FLineHeight: Integer; function GetInformativeText: string; procedure SetButtons(const AValue: TfpgMsgDlgButtons); procedure SetDefaultButton(const AValue: TfpgMsgDlgBtn); procedure SetInformativeText(const AValue: string); procedure SetText(const AValue: string); procedure pnlIconPaint(Sender: TObject); procedure PrepareIcon; procedure PrepareText; procedure PrepareButtons; protected procedure SetWindowTitle(const ATitle: string); override; procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure HandleShow; override; procedure HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override; procedure PrepareLayout; public {@VFD_HEAD_BEGIN: fpgMessageDialog} lblName1: TfpgLabel; pnlIcon: TfpgBevel; {@VFD_HEAD_END: fpgMessageDialog} constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure AfterCreate; override; class procedure About(const ATitle: string; const AText: string); class procedure AboutFPGui(const ATitle: string = ''); class function Critical(const ATitle: string; const AText: string; AButtons: TfpgMsgDlgButtons = [mbOK]; ADefaultButton: TfpgMsgDlgBtn = mbNoButton): TfpgMsgDlgBtn; class function Information(const ATitle: string; const AText: string; AButtons: TfpgMsgDlgButtons = [mbOK]; ADefaultButton: TfpgMsgDlgBtn = mbNoButton): TfpgMsgDlgBtn; class function Question(const ATitle: string; const AText: string; AButtons: TfpgMsgDlgButtons = [mbYes, mbNo]; ADefaultButton: TfpgMsgDlgBtn = mbNo): TfpgMsgDlgBtn; class function Warning(const ATitle: string; const AText: string; AButtons: TfpgMsgDlgButtons = [mbOK]; ADefaultButton: TfpgMsgDlgBtn = mbNoButton): TfpgMsgDlgBtn; property InformativeText: string read GetInformativeText write SetInformativeText; property Text: string read FText write SetText; property Buttons: TfpgMsgDlgButtons read FButtons write SetButtons; property DefaultButton: TfpgMsgDlgBtn read FDefaultButton write SetDefaultButton; property DialogType: TfpgMsgDlgType read FDialogType; end; {$ENDIF read_interface} {$IFDEF read_implementation} { TfpgMessageDialog } procedure TfpgMessageDialog.SetInformativeText(const AValue: string); var outw: integer; begin if not Assigned(FInformativeText) then FInformativeText := TStringList.Create; WrapText(AValue, FInformativeText, FFont, FMaxLineWidth, outw); // adjust dialog's height Height := lblName1.Bottom + (FLineHeight*FInformativeText.Count) + FTextY + 35; end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.SetButtons(const AValue: TfpgMsgDlgButtons); begin if FButtons = AValue then Exit; //==> FButtons := AValue; end; function TfpgMessageDialog.GetInformativeText: string; begin if Assigned(FInformativeText) then Result := FInformativeText.Text else Result := ''; end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.SetDefaultButton(const AValue: TfpgMsgDlgBtn); begin if FDefaultButton = AValue then Exit; //==> FDefaultButton := AValue; // Remember to check if button exists in FButtons end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.SetText(const AValue: string); begin if FText = AValue then Exit; //==> FText := AValue; lblName1.Text := FText; end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.pnlIconPaint(Sender: TObject); var wg: TfpgBevel; begin wg := TfpgBevel(Sender); wg.Visible := False; end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.PrepareIcon; begin // do nothing yet end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.PrepareText; begin { todo: Implement this correctly } // Height := 150; end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.PrepareButtons; const cSpacing = 4; var i: integer; b: TfpgButton; lcount: integer; lwidth: integer; ltop: integer; lleft: integer; sl: TStringList; lDefault: integer; function GetButtonCount: integer; var i: TfpgMsgDlgBtn; begin Result := 0; // try known sets first if Buttons = mbYesNoCancel then begin { TODO : At some stage the StyleManager can give us the correct button order based on the OS and Window Manager. } Result := 3; sl.Add(cMsgDlgBtnText[mbYes] + '=' + IntToStr(mrYes)); sl.Add(cMsgDlgBtnText[mbNo] + '=' + IntToStr(mrNo)); sl.Add(cMsgDlgBtnText[mbCancel] + '=' + IntToStr(mrCancel)); case DefaultButton of mbYes: lDefault := 0; mbNo: lDefault := 1; mbCancel: lDefault := 2; end; Exit; //==> end; // if we got here, try all known buttons. for i := Low(TfpgMsgDlgBtn) to High(TfpgMsgDlgBtn) do begin if i in Buttons then begin inc(Result); { TODO : How could we improve this to stay in sync with TfpgModalResult values like mrOK, mrCancel etc... } sl.Add(cMsgDlgBtnText[i] + '=' + IntToStr(Ord(i))); if i = DefaultButton then lDefault := Result-1; end; end; end; begin sl := TStringList.Create; // holds button captions lcount := GetButtonCount; lwidth := 0; // create buttons for i := 0 to lcount-1 do begin b := TfpgButton.Create(self); b.Name := 'DlgButton' + IntToStr(i+1); b.Text := sl.Names[i]; b.ModalResult := StrToInt(sl.ValueFromIndex[i]); if (i = lDefault) or (lcount = 1) then b.Default := True; FButtonList.Add(b); lwidth := lwidth + b.Width end; lwidth := lwidth + (cSpacing * (lcount-1)); // position buttons if Assigned(FInformativeText) then ltop := lblName1.Bottom + 50 + (FLineHeight*FInformativeText.Count) + 15 else ltop := lblName1.Bottom + 15; // ltop := Height - TfpgButton(FButtonList[0]).Height - cSpacing; lleft := (Width - lwidth) div 2; for i := 0 to lcount-1 do begin b := TfpgButton(FButtonList[i]); b.SetPosition(lleft, ltop, b.Width, b.Height); lleft := lleft + b.Width + cSpacing; end; sl.Free; end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.SetWindowTitle(const ATitle: string); begin if ATitle = '' then begin case DialogType of mtAbout: SetWindowTitle(Format(rsAbout, [fpGUIName])); mtError: SetWindowTitle(rsError); mtWarning: SetWindowTitle(rsWarning); mtConfirmation: SetWindowTitle(rsConfirmation); end; end else inherited SetWindowTitle(ATitle); end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.HandlePaint; var logo: TfpgImage; i: integer; y: integer; tw: integer; begin Canvas.BeginDraw; inherited HandlePaint; case FDialogType of mtAbout: begin Canvas.Clear(BackgroundColor); logo := CreateImage_BMP(@stdimg_fpgui_logo, SizeOf(stdimg_fpgui_logo)); Canvas.SetColor(clBlack); Canvas.DrawRectangle(12, 12, logo.Width+2, logo.Height+2); Canvas.DrawImage(13, 13, logo); logo.free; end; mtError: begin Canvas.DrawImage(12, 12, fpgImages.GetImage('stdimg.dlg.critical')); // Do NOT localize end; mtConfirmation: begin Canvas.DrawImage(12, 12, fpgImages.GetImage('stdimg.dlg.help')); // Do NOT localize end; mtWarning: begin Canvas.DrawImage(12, 12, fpgImages.GetImage('stdimg.dlg.warning')); // Do NOT localize end; else begin // default to Information Canvas.DrawImage(12, 12, fpgImages.GetImage('stdimg.dlg.info')); // Do NOT localize end; end; // paint informative text if Assigned(FInformativeText) then begin Canvas.SetFont(FFont); y := FTextY; for i := 0 to FInformativeText.Count-1 do begin // centre text // tw := FFont.TextWidth(FInformativeText[i]); // Canvas.DrawString(Width div 2 - tw div 2, y, FInformativeText[i]); // left align text if FInformativeText[i] <> '' then Canvas.DrawString(70, y, FInformativeText[i]); Inc(y, FLineHeight); end; end; Canvas.EndDraw; end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.HandleShow; var i: integer; begin inherited HandleShow; for i := 0 to ComponentCount-1 do if Components[i] is TfpgButton then if TfpgButton(Components[i]).Default then TfpgButton(Components[i]).SetFocus; end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); begin if keycode = keyEscape then // Esc cancels the dialog ModalResult := mrCancel else inherited HandleKeyPress(keycode, shiftstate, consumed); end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.PrepareLayout; begin PrepareIcon; PrepareText; PrepareButtons; end; constructor TfpgMessageDialog.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FButtonList := TList.Create; FMaxLineWidth := 400; FFont := fpgGetFont('#Label1'); FTextY := 60; FLineHeight := FFont.Height + 4; end; destructor TfpgMessageDialog.Destroy; begin FFont.Free; FButtonList.Clear; FButtonList.Free; FInformativeText.Free; inherited Destroy; end; class procedure TfpgMessageDialog.About(const ATitle: string; const AText: string); begin writeln('** Implement TfpgMessageDialog.About'); end; class procedure TfpgMessageDialog.AboutFPGui(const ATitle: string); var dlg: TfpgMessageDialog; begin dlg := TfpgMessageDialog.Create(nil); try dlg.FDialogType := mtAbout; if ATitle = '' then dlg.WindowTitle := Format(rsAbout, [fpGUIName]) else dlg.WindowTitle := ATitle; dlg.Buttons := [mbOK]; dlg.DefaultButton := mbOK; dlg.PrepareLayout; dlg.ShowModal; finally dlg.Free; end; end; class function TfpgMessageDialog.Critical(const ATitle: string; const AText: string; AButtons: TfpgMsgDlgButtons; ADefaultButton: TfpgMsgDlgBtn): TfpgMsgDlgBtn; var dlg: TfpgMessageDialog; begin dlg := TfpgMessageDialog.Create(nil); try dlg.FDialogType := mtWarning; dlg.FButtons := AButtons; dlg.Text := ATitle; dlg.InformativeText := AText; dlg.WindowTitle := ATitle; dlg.FDefaultButton := ADefaultButton; dlg.PrepareLayout; Result := TfpgMsgDlgBtn(dlg.ShowModal); finally dlg.Free; end; end; class function TfpgMessageDialog.Information(const ATitle: string; const AText: string; AButtons: TfpgMsgDlgButtons; ADefaultButton: TfpgMsgDlgBtn): TfpgMsgDlgBtn; var dlg: TfpgMessageDialog; begin dlg := TfpgMessageDialog.Create(nil); try dlg.FDialogType := mtInformation; dlg.FButtons := AButtons; dlg.Text := ATitle; dlg.InformativeText := AText; dlg.WindowTitle := ATitle; dlg.FDefaultButton := ADefaultButton; dlg.PrepareLayout; dlg.ShowModal; finally dlg.Free; end; end; class function TfpgMessageDialog.Question(const ATitle: string; const AText: string; AButtons: TfpgMsgDlgButtons; ADefaultButton: TfpgMsgDlgBtn): TfpgMsgDlgBtn; var dlg: TfpgMessageDialog; begin dlg := TfpgMessageDialog.Create(nil); try dlg.FDialogType := mtConfirmation; dlg.FButtons := AButtons; dlg.Text := ATitle; dlg.InformativeText := AText; dlg.WindowTitle := ATitle; dlg.FDefaultButton := ADefaultButton; dlg.PrepareLayout; Result := TfpgMsgDlgBtn(dlg.ShowModal); finally dlg.Free; end; end; class function TfpgMessageDialog.Warning(const ATitle: string; const AText: string; AButtons: TfpgMsgDlgButtons; ADefaultButton: TfpgMsgDlgBtn): TfpgMsgDlgBtn; var dlg: TfpgMessageDialog; begin dlg := TfpgMessageDialog.Create(nil); try dlg.FDialogType := mtWarning; dlg.FButtons := AButtons; dlg.Text := ATitle; dlg.InformativeText := AText; dlg.WindowTitle := ATitle; dlg.FDefaultButton := ADefaultButton; dlg.PrepareLayout; Result := TfpgMsgDlgBtn(dlg.ShowModal); finally dlg.Free; end; end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.AfterCreate; begin {@VFD_BODY_BEGIN: fpgMessageDialog} Name := 'fpgMessageDialog'; WindowTitle := rsMessage; Sizeable := False; Width := 500; Height := 400; MinWidth := 300; MinHeight := 160; WindowPosition := wpScreenCenter; lblName1 := TfpgLabel.Create(self); with lblName1 do begin Name := 'lblName1'; SetPosition(116, 20, 312, Font.Height); Text := ''; FontDesc := '#Label2'; end; pnlIcon := TfpgBevel.Create(self); with pnlIcon do begin Name := 'pnlIcon'; SetPosition(12, 12, 80, 80); Shape := bsSpacer; OnPaint := @pnlIconPaint; end; {@VFD_BODY_END: fpgMessageDialog} end; {$ENDIF read_implementation}