{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library Copyright (C) 2006 - 2009 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: This unit contains the Message Dialog used throughout fpGUI Toolkit. } {%mainunit fpg_dialogs.pas} {$IFDEF read_interface} type TfpgMessageDialog = class(TfpgForm) private FInformativeText: TStringList; FText: string; FButtons: TfpgMsgDlgButtons; FDefaultButton: TfpgMsgDlgBtn; FDialogType: TfpgMsgDlgType; FButtonList: TList; // pointers to buttons FMaxLineWidth: Integer; FFont: TfpgFont; FTextY: Integer; FLineHeight: Integer; function GetInformativeText: string; procedure SetButtons(const AValue: TfpgMsgDlgButtons); procedure SetDefaultButton(const AValue: TfpgMsgDlgBtn); procedure SetInformativeText(const AValue: string); procedure SetText(const AValue: string); procedure pnlIconPaint(Sender: TObject); procedure PrepareIcon; procedure PrepareText; procedure PrepareButtons; protected procedure SetWindowTitle(const ATitle: string); override; procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure HandleShow; override; procedure HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override; procedure PrepareLayout; public {@VFD_HEAD_BEGIN: fpgMessageDialog} lblName1: TfpgLabel; pnlIcon: TfpgBevel; {@VFD_HEAD_END: fpgMessageDialog} constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure AfterCreate; override; class procedure About(const ATitle: string; const AText: string); class procedure AboutFPGui(const ATitle: string = ''); class function Critical(const ATitle: string; const AText: string; AButtons: TfpgMsgDlgButtons = [mbOK]; ADefaultButton: TfpgMsgDlgBtn = mbNoButton): TfpgMsgDlgBtn; class function Information(const ATitle: string; const AText: string; AButtons: TfpgMsgDlgButtons = [mbOK]; ADefaultButton: TfpgMsgDlgBtn = mbNoButton): TfpgMsgDlgBtn; class function Question(const ATitle: string; const AText: string; AButtons: TfpgMsgDlgButtons = [mbYes, mbNo]; ADefaultButton: TfpgMsgDlgBtn = mbNo): TfpgMsgDlgBtn; class function Warning(const ATitle: string; const AText: string; AButtons: TfpgMsgDlgButtons = [mbOK]; ADefaultButton: TfpgMsgDlgBtn = mbNoButton): TfpgMsgDlgBtn; property InformativeText: string read GetInformativeText write SetInformativeText; property Text: string read FText write SetText; property Buttons: TfpgMsgDlgButtons read FButtons write SetButtons; property DefaultButton: TfpgMsgDlgBtn read FDefaultButton write SetDefaultButton; property DialogType: TfpgMsgDlgType read FDialogType; end; {$ENDIF read_interface} {$IFDEF read_implementation} { TfpgMessageDialog } procedure TfpgMessageDialog.SetInformativeText(const AValue: string); var outw: integer; begin if not Assigned(FInformativeText) then FInformativeText := TStringList.Create; WrapText(AValue, FInformativeText, FFont, FMaxLineWidth, outw); // adjust dialog's height Height := lblName1.Bottom + (FLineHeight*FInformativeText.Count) + FTextY + 35; end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.SetButtons(const AValue: TfpgMsgDlgButtons); begin if FButtons = AValue then Exit; //==> FButtons := AValue; end; function TfpgMessageDialog.GetInformativeText: string; begin if Assigned(FInformativeText) then Result := FInformativeText.Text else Result := ''; end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.SetDefaultButton(const AValue: TfpgMsgDlgBtn); begin if FDefaultButton = AValue then Exit; //==> FDefaultButton := AValue; // Remember to check if button exists in FButtons end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.SetText(const AValue: string); begin if FText = AValue then Exit; //==> FText := AValue; lblName1.Text := FText; end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.pnlIconPaint(Sender: TObject); var wg: TfpgBevel; begin wg := TfpgBevel(Sender); wg.Visible := False; end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.PrepareIcon; begin // do nothing yet end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.PrepareText; begin { todo: Implement this correctly } // Height := 150; end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.PrepareButtons; const cSpacing = 4; var i: integer; b: TfpgButton; lcount: integer; lwidth: integer; ltop: integer; lleft: integer; sl: TStringList; lDefault: integer; function GetButtonCount: integer; var i: TfpgMsgDlgBtn; begin Result := 0; // try known sets first if Buttons = mbYesNoCancel then begin { TODO : At some stage the StyleManager can give us the correct button order based on the OS and Window Manager. } Result := 3; sl.Add(cMsgDlgBtnText[mbYes] + '=' + IntToStr(mrYes)); sl.Add(cMsgDlgBtnText[mbNo] + '=' + IntToStr(mrNo)); sl.Add(cMsgDlgBtnText[mbCancel] + '=' + IntToStr(mrCancel)); case DefaultButton of mbYes: lDefault := 0; mbNo: lDefault := 1; mbCancel: lDefault := 2; end; Exit; //==> end; // if we got here, try all known buttons. for i := Low(TfpgMsgDlgBtn) to High(TfpgMsgDlgBtn) do begin if i in Buttons then begin inc(Result); { TODO : How could we improve this to stay in sync with TfpgModalResult values like mrOK, mrCancel etc... } sl.Add(cMsgDlgBtnText[i] + '=' + IntToStr(Ord(i))); if i = DefaultButton then lDefault := Result-1; end; end; end; begin sl := TStringList.Create; // holds button captions lcount := GetButtonCount; lwidth := 0; // create buttons for i := 0 to lcount-1 do begin b := TfpgButton.Create(self); b.Name := 'DlgButton' + IntToStr(i+1); b.Text := sl.Names[i]; b.ModalResult := StrToInt(sl.ValueFromIndex[i]); if (i = lDefault) or (lcount = 1) then b.Default := True; FButtonList.Add(b); lwidth := lwidth + b.Width end; lwidth := lwidth + (cSpacing * (lcount-1)); // position buttons if Assigned(FInformativeText) then ltop := lblName1.Bottom + 50 + (FLineHeight*FInformativeText.Count) + 15 else ltop := lblName1.Bottom + 15; // ltop := Height - TfpgButton(FButtonList[0]).Height - cSpacing; lleft := (Width - lwidth) div 2; for i := 0 to lcount-1 do begin b := TfpgButton(FButtonList[i]); b.SetPosition(lleft, ltop, b.Width, b.Height); lleft := lleft + b.Width + cSpacing; end; sl.Free; end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.SetWindowTitle(const ATitle: string); begin if ATitle = '' then begin case DialogType of mtAbout: SetWindowTitle(Format(rsAbout, [fpGUIName])); mtError: SetWindowTitle(rsError); mtWarning: SetWindowTitle(rsWarning); mtConfirmation: SetWindowTitle(rsConfirmation); end; end else inherited SetWindowTitle(ATitle); end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.HandlePaint; var logo: TfpgImage; i: integer; y: integer; tw: integer; begin Canvas.BeginDraw; inherited HandlePaint; case FDialogType of mtAbout: begin Canvas.Clear(BackgroundColor); logo := CreateImage_BMP(@stdimg_fpgui_logo, SizeOf(stdimg_fpgui_logo)); Canvas.SetColor(clBlack); Canvas.DrawRectangle(12, 12, logo.Width+2, logo.Height+2); Canvas.DrawImage(13, 13, logo); logo.free; end; mtError: begin Canvas.DrawImage(12, 12, fpgImages.GetImage('stdimg.dlg.critical')); // Do NOT localize end; mtConfirmation: begin Canvas.DrawImage(12, 12, fpgImages.GetImage('stdimg.dlg.help')); // Do NOT localize end; mtWarning: begin Canvas.DrawImage(12, 12, fpgImages.GetImage('stdimg.dlg.warning')); // Do NOT localize end; else begin // default to Information Canvas.DrawImage(12, 12, fpgImages.GetImage('stdimg.dlg.info')); // Do NOT localize end; end; // paint informative text if Assigned(FInformativeText) then begin Canvas.SetFont(FFont); y := FTextY; for i := 0 to FInformativeText.Count-1 do begin // centre text // tw := FFont.TextWidth(FInformativeText[i]); // Canvas.DrawString(Width div 2 - tw div 2, y, FInformativeText[i]); // left align text if FInformativeText[i] <> '' then Canvas.DrawString(70, y, FInformativeText[i]); Inc(y, FLineHeight); end; end; Canvas.EndDraw; end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.HandleShow; var i: integer; begin inherited HandleShow; for i := 0 to ComponentCount-1 do if Components[i] is TfpgButton then if TfpgButton(Components[i]).Default then TfpgButton(Components[i]).SetFocus; end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); begin if keycode = keyEscape then // Esc cancels the dialog ModalResult := mrCancel else inherited HandleKeyPress(keycode, shiftstate, consumed); end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.PrepareLayout; begin PrepareIcon; PrepareText; PrepareButtons; end; constructor TfpgMessageDialog.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FButtonList := TList.Create; FMaxLineWidth := 400; FFont := fpgGetFont('#Label1'); FTextY := 60; FLineHeight := FFont.Height + 4; end; destructor TfpgMessageDialog.Destroy; begin FFont.Free; FButtonList.Clear; FButtonList.Free; FInformativeText.Free; inherited Destroy; end; class procedure TfpgMessageDialog.About(const ATitle: string; const AText: string); begin writeln('** Implement TfpgMessageDialog.About'); end; class procedure TfpgMessageDialog.AboutFPGui(const ATitle: string); var dlg: TfpgMessageDialog; begin dlg := TfpgMessageDialog.Create(nil); try dlg.FDialogType := mtAbout; if ATitle = '' then dlg.WindowTitle := Format(rsAbout, [fpGUIName]) else dlg.WindowTitle := ATitle; dlg.Buttons := [mbOK]; dlg.DefaultButton := mbOK; dlg.Text := dlg.WindowTitle; dlg.InformativeText := LineEnding + LineEnding + 'This program uses ' + fpGUIName + ' version ' + fpGUIVersion + '.' + LineEnding + LineEnding + fpGUIName + ' is intended for Open Source and Commercial applications. fpGUI' + ' uses the LGPL 2 license with a static linking exception - the same as the Free ' + ' Pascal Compiler''s RTL.' + LineEnding + LineEnding + 'fpGUI is a Object Pascal toolkit for cross-platform application development. ' + 'It provides single-source portability across Linux, MS Windows, *BSD ' + 'and embedded devices like Embedded Linux and Windows CE.' + LineEnding + LineEnding + 'For more information, see the ' + fpGUIName + ' website at: ' + 'http://opensoft.homeip.net/fpgui/'; dlg.PrepareLayout; dlg.ShowModal; finally dlg.Free; end; end; class function TfpgMessageDialog.Critical(const ATitle: string; const AText: string; AButtons: TfpgMsgDlgButtons; ADefaultButton: TfpgMsgDlgBtn): TfpgMsgDlgBtn; var dlg: TfpgMessageDialog; begin dlg := TfpgMessageDialog.Create(nil); try dlg.FDialogType := mtError; dlg.FButtons := AButtons; dlg.Text := ATitle; dlg.InformativeText := AText; dlg.WindowTitle := ATitle; dlg.FDefaultButton := ADefaultButton; dlg.PrepareLayout; Result := TfpgMsgDlgBtn(dlg.ShowModal); finally dlg.Free; end; end; class function TfpgMessageDialog.Information(const ATitle: string; const AText: string; AButtons: TfpgMsgDlgButtons; ADefaultButton: TfpgMsgDlgBtn): TfpgMsgDlgBtn; var dlg: TfpgMessageDialog; begin dlg := TfpgMessageDialog.Create(nil); try dlg.FDialogType := mtInformation; dlg.FButtons := AButtons; dlg.Text := ATitle; dlg.InformativeText := AText; dlg.WindowTitle := ATitle; dlg.FDefaultButton := ADefaultButton; dlg.PrepareLayout; Result := TfpgMsgDlgBtn(dlg.ShowModal); finally dlg.Free; end; end; class function TfpgMessageDialog.Question(const ATitle: string; const AText: string; AButtons: TfpgMsgDlgButtons; ADefaultButton: TfpgMsgDlgBtn): TfpgMsgDlgBtn; var dlg: TfpgMessageDialog; begin dlg := TfpgMessageDialog.Create(nil); try dlg.FDialogType := mtConfirmation; dlg.FButtons := AButtons; dlg.Text := ATitle; dlg.InformativeText := AText; dlg.WindowTitle := ATitle; dlg.FDefaultButton := ADefaultButton; dlg.PrepareLayout; Result := TfpgMsgDlgBtn(dlg.ShowModal); finally dlg.Free; end; end; class function TfpgMessageDialog.Warning(const ATitle: string; const AText: string; AButtons: TfpgMsgDlgButtons; ADefaultButton: TfpgMsgDlgBtn): TfpgMsgDlgBtn; var dlg: TfpgMessageDialog; begin dlg := TfpgMessageDialog.Create(nil); try dlg.FDialogType := mtWarning; dlg.FButtons := AButtons; dlg.Text := ATitle; dlg.InformativeText := AText; dlg.WindowTitle := ATitle; dlg.FDefaultButton := ADefaultButton; dlg.PrepareLayout; Result := TfpgMsgDlgBtn(dlg.ShowModal); finally dlg.Free; end; end; procedure TfpgMessageDialog.AfterCreate; begin {@VFD_BODY_BEGIN: fpgMessageDialog} Name := 'fpgMessageDialog'; WindowTitle := rsMessage; Sizeable := False; Width := 500; Height := 400; MinWidth := 300; MinHeight := 160; WindowPosition := wpOneThirdDown; lblName1 := TfpgLabel.Create(self); with lblName1 do begin Name := 'lblName1'; SetPosition(116, 20, 312, Font.Height); Text := ''; FontDesc := '#Label2'; end; pnlIcon := TfpgBevel.Create(self); with pnlIcon do begin Name := 'pnlIcon'; SetPosition(12, 12, 80, 80); Shape := bsSpacer; OnPaint := @pnlIconPaint; end; {@VFD_BODY_END: fpgMessageDialog} end; {$ENDIF read_implementation}