{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: This unit contains the Input Query dialogs. } {%mainunit fpg_dialogs.pas} {$IFDEF read_interface} type TfpgIntegerDialog = class(TfpgForm) private {@VFD_HEAD_BEGIN: fpgIntegerDialog} lblText: TfpgLabel; edtInteger: TfpgEditInteger; btnOK: TfpgButton; btnCancel: TfpgButton; {@VFD_HEAD_END: fpgIntegerDialog} procedure SetupCaptions; procedure edtIntegerKeyPressed(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean); protected procedure HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override; public procedure AfterCreate; override; end; {$ENDIF read_interface} {$IFDEF read_implementation} function fpgIntegerQuery(const ACaption, APrompt: TfpgString; var Value: Integer; MaxValue: Integer; MinValue: Integer= 0): Boolean; var dlg: TfpgIntegerDialog; begin dlg := TfpgIntegerDialog.Create(nil); try dlg.WindowTitle := ACaption; dlg.lblText.Text := APrompt; dlg.edtInteger.MaxValue:= MaxValue; dlg.edtinteger.MinValue:= MinValue; dlg.edtInteger.Value := Value; Result := dlg.ShowModal = mrOK; if Result then Value := dlg.edtInteger.Value; finally dlg.Free; end; end; { TfpgIntegerDialog } procedure TfpgIntegerDialog.SetupCaptions; begin btnOK.Text := rsOK; btnCancel.Text := rsCancel; end; procedure TfpgIntegerDialog.edtIntegerKeyPressed(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean); begin if KeyCode = keyEnter then btnOK.Click; end; procedure TfpgIntegerDialog.HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); begin if KeyCode = keyEscape then begin consumed := True; ModalResult := mrCancel; end; end; procedure TfpgIntegerDialog.AfterCreate; begin {%region 'Auto-generated GUI code' -fold} {@VFD_BODY_BEGIN: fpgIntegerDialog} Name := 'fpgIntegerDialog'; SetPosition(100, 150, 208, 97); WindowTitle := 'IntegerDialog'; Hint := ''; WindowPosition := wpOneThirdDown; lblText := TfpgLabel.Create(self); with lblText do begin Name := 'lblText'; SetPosition(8, 8, 208, 16); Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop]; FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; Text := 'lblText'; end; edtInteger := TfpgEditInteger.Create(self); with edtInteger do begin Name := 'edtInteger'; SetPosition(8, 26, 100, 24); Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop]; Hint := ''; TabOrder := 2; Text := ''; FontDesc := '#Edit1'; Value := 0; OnKeyPress := @edtIntegerKeyPressed; end; btnOK := TfpgButton.Create(self); with btnOK do begin Name := 'btnOK'; SetPosition(8, 64, 92, 24); Anchors := [anRight,anBottom]; Text := 'OK'; FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; ImageName := ''; ModalResult := mrOK; TabOrder := 3; end; btnCancel := TfpgButton.Create(self); with btnCancel do begin Name := 'btnCancel'; SetPosition(108, 64, 92, 24); Anchors := [anRight,anBottom]; Text := 'Cancel'; FontDesc := '#Label1'; Hint := ''; ImageName := ''; ModalResult := mrCancel; TabOrder := 4; end; {@VFD_BODY_END: fpgIntegerDialog} {%endregion} SetupCaptions; end; {$ENDIF read_implementation}