{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library Copyright (C) 2006 - 2008 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Defines Scrollbar controls. } unit gui_scrollbar; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} { TODO: * Set slider button to minimum length (default setting) * Create property to enable dynamic sizing of slider button length. * Paint scroll area between arrow buttons and slider button a different color on click. } interface uses Classes, SysUtils, gfxbase, fpgfx, gfx_widget; type TScrollNotifyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; position: integer) of object; TfpgScrollStyle = (ssNone, ssHorizontal, ssVertical, ssAutoBoth); TfpgScrollBar = class(TfpgWidget) private FLargeChange: Integer; PrevAreaPressed: Boolean; NextAreaPressed: Boolean; procedure SetMax(const AValue: integer); procedure SetMin(const AValue: integer); procedure SetPosition(const AValue: integer); protected FMax: integer; FMin: integer; FPosition: integer; FScrollStep: integer; FSliderPos: TfpgCoord; FSliderLength: TfpgCoord; FSliderDragging: boolean; FStartBtnPressed: Boolean; FEndBtnPressed: Boolean; FSliderDragPos: TfpgCoord; FSliderDragStart: TfpgCoord; FScrollTimer: TfpgTimer; FActiveButtonRect: TfpgRect; FMousePosition: TPoint; FOnScroll: TScrollNotifyEvent; procedure ScrollTimer(Sender: TObject); procedure DrawButton(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; const imgname: string; Pressed: Boolean = False); virtual; procedure DrawSlider(recalc: boolean); virtual; procedure HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); override; procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure PositionChange(d: integer); public Orientation: TOrientation; SliderSize: double; // 0-1 constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure RepaintSlider; property Position: integer read FPosition write SetPosition default 10; property ScrollStep: integer read FScrollStep write FScrollStep default 1; // property LargeChange: Integer read FLargeChange write FLargeChange default 0; property Min: integer read FMin write SetMin default 0; property Max: integer read FMax write SetMax default 100; property OnScroll: TScrollNotifyEvent read FOnScroll write FOnScroll; end; implementation { TfpgScrollBar } constructor TfpgScrollBar.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FScrollTimer := TfpgTimer.Create(500); FScrollTimer.Enabled := False; FScrollTimer.OnTimer := @ScrollTimer; Orientation := orVertical; FMin := 0; FMax := 100; FPosition := 10; SliderSize := 0.5; FOnScroll := nil; FSliderPos := 0; FSliderDragging := False; FSliderLength := 10; FScrollStep := 1; FLargeChange := 0; PrevAreaPressed := False; NextAreaPressed := False; end; destructor TfpgScrollBar.Destroy; begin FScrollTimer.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TfpgScrollBar.HandlePaint; begin // Do NOT localize Canvas.BeginDraw; if Orientation = orVertical then begin DrawButton(0, 0, Width, Width, 'sys.sb.up', FStartBtnPressed); DrawButton(0, Height-Width, Width, Width, 'sys.sb.down', FEndBtnPressed); end else begin DrawButton(0, 0, Height, Height, 'sys.sb.left', FStartBtnPressed); DrawButton(Width-Height, 0, Height, Height, 'sys.sb.right', FEndBtnPressed); end; DrawSlider(True); Canvas.EndDraw; end; procedure TfpgScrollBar.RepaintSlider; begin if not HasHandle then Exit; //==> DrawSlider(True); end; procedure TfpgScrollBar.SetMax(const AValue: integer); begin if AValue = FMax then Exit; if AValue < FMin then FMax := FMin else FMax := AValue; if FPosition > FMax then SetPosition(FMax); end; procedure TfpgScrollBar.SetMin(const AValue: integer); begin if AValue = FMin then Exit; if AValue > FMax then FMin := FMax else FMin := AValue; if FPosition < FMin then SetPosition(FMin); end; procedure TfpgScrollBar.SetPosition(const AValue: integer); begin if AValue < FMin then FPosition := FMin else if AValue > FMax then FPosition := FMax else FPosition := AValue; if HasHandle then DrawSlider(False); end; procedure TfpgScrollBar.ScrollTimer(Sender: TObject); begin FScrollTimer.Interval := 25; if (FMousePosition.X < FActiveButtonRect.Right) and (FMousePosition.X > FActiveButtonRect.Left) and (FMousePosition.Y < FActiveButtonRect.Bottom) and (FMousePosition.Y > FActiveButtonRect.Top) then begin if FStartBtnPressed then begin PositionChange(-FScrollStep); if Position = FMin then FScrollTimer.Enabled := False; end; if FEndBtnPressed then begin PositionChange(FScrollStep); if Position = FMax then FScrollTimer.Enabled := False; end; end else FScrollTimer.Enabled := False; end; procedure TfpgScrollBar.DrawButton(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; const imgname: string; Pressed: Boolean = False); var img: TfpgImage; dx: integer; dy: integer; begin if Pressed then begin Canvas.DrawButtonFace(x, y, w, h, [btnIsEmbedded, btnIsPressed]); dx := 1; dy := 1; end else begin Canvas.DrawButtonFace(x, y, w, h, [btnIsEmbedded]); dx := 0; dy := 0; end; Canvas.SetColor(clText1); img := fpgImages.GetImage(imgname); if img <> nil then Canvas.DrawImage(x + w div 2 - (img.Width div 2) + dx, y + h div 2 - (img.Height div 2) + dy, img); end; procedure TfpgScrollBar.DrawSlider(recalc: boolean); var area: TfpgCoord; mm: TfpgCoord; begin Canvas.BeginDraw; if SliderSize > 1 then SliderSize := 1; Canvas.SetColor(clScrollBar); if Orientation = orVertical then begin Canvas.FillRectangle(0, Width, Width, Height-Width-Width); area := Height - (Width shl 1); end else begin Canvas.FillRectangle(Height, 0, Width-Height-Height, Height); area := Width - (Height shl 1); end; if recalc then begin if FPosition > FMax then FPosition := FMax; if FPosition < FMin then FPosition := FMin; FSliderLength := Trunc(area * SliderSize); //FSliderLength := Trunc((width/area) * (fmax /area )); if FSliderLength < 20 then FSliderLength := 20; if FSliderLength > area then FSliderLength := area; area := area - FSliderLength; mm := FMax - FMin; if mm = 0 then FSliderPos := 0 else FSliderPos := Trunc(area * ((FPosition - FMin) / mm)); end; // Paint the area between the buttons and the Slider if Orientation = orVertical then begin if PrevAreaPressed then begin Canvas.SetColor(clShadow1); Canvas.FillRectangle(0, Width, Width, FSliderPos); Canvas.SetColor(clScrollBar); end else if NextAreaPressed then begin Canvas.SetColor(clShadow1); Canvas.FillRectangle(0, FSliderPos + FSliderLength, Width, Height - Width - FSliderPos); Canvas.SetColor(clScrollBar); end; end else begin if PrevAreaPressed then begin Canvas.SetColor(clShadow1); Canvas.FillRectangle(Height, 0, FSliderPos, Height); Canvas.SetColor(clScrollBar); end else if NextAreaPressed then begin Canvas.SetColor(clShadow1); Canvas.FillRectangle(FSliderPos + FSliderLength, 0, Width - Height - FSliderPos, Height); Canvas.SetColor(clScrollBar); end; end; // Paint the slider button if Orientation = orVertical then begin Canvas.DrawButtonFace(0, Width + FSliderPos, Width, FSliderLength, [btnIsEmbedded]); Canvas.EndDraw(0, Width, Width, Height - Width - Width); end else begin Canvas.DrawButtonFace(Height + FSliderPos, 0, FSliderLength, Height, [btnIsEmbedded]); Canvas.EndDraw(Height, 0, Width - Height - Height, Height); end; end; procedure TfpgScrollBar.HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); var lPos: TfpgCoord; begin inherited; if Orientation = orVertical then begin if y <= Width then begin // Up button has been pressed PositionChange(-FScrollStep); FStartBtnPressed := True; FActiveButtonRect.SetRect(0, 0, Width, Width); end else if y >= Height - Width then begin // Down button has been pressed PositionChange(FScrollStep); FEndBtnPressed := True; FActiveButtonRect.SetRect(0,Height-Width, Width, Height); end else if (y >= (Width + FSliderPos)) and (y <= Width + FSliderPos + FSliderLength) then begin FSliderDragging := True; FSliderDragPos := y; end else if (y > Width) and (y < (Width + FSliderPos)) then begin // Clicked between Up button and Slider PrevAreaPressed := True; PositionChange(-(FScrollStep * 5)) end else if (y < (Height - Width)) and (y > (Width + FSliderPos + FSliderLength)) then begin // Clicked between Down button and Slider NextAreaPressed := True; PositionChange(FScrollStep * 5); end; end else begin if x <= Height then begin // Left button has been pressed PositionChange(-FScrollStep); FStartBtnPressed := True; FActiveButtonRect.SetRect(0, 0, Height, Height); end else if x >= Width - Height then begin // Right button has been pressed PositionChange(FScrollStep); FEndBtnPressed := True; FActiveButtonRect.SetRect(Width-Height, 0, Width, Height); end else if (x >= (Height + FSliderPos)) and (x <= Height + FSliderPos + FSliderLength) then begin FSliderDragging := True; FSliderDragPos := x; end else if (x > Height) and (x < (Height + FSliderPos)) then begin // Clicked between Left button and Slider PrevAreaPressed := True; PositionChange(-(FScrollStep * 5)); end else if (x < (Width - Height)) and (x > (Height + FSliderPos + FSliderLength)) then begin // Clicked between the Right button and Slider NextAreaPressed := True; PositionChange(FScrollStep * 5); end; end; if FSliderDragging then begin FSliderDragStart := FSliderPos; DrawSlider(False); end else if FStartBtnPressed or FEndBtnPressed then begin FScrollTimer.Interval := 500; FScrollTimer.Enabled := True; HandlePaint; end; end; procedure TfpgScrollBar.HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); var WasPressed: Boolean; begin inherited; WasPressed := FStartBtnPressed or FEndBtnPressed; FScrollTimer.Enabled := False; FStartBtnPressed := False; FEndBtnPressed := False; FSliderDragging := False; if PrevAreaPressed then begin PrevAreaPressed := False; WasPressed := True; end else if NextAreaPressed then begin NextAreaPressed := False; WasPressed := True; end; if WasPressed then HandlePaint; end; procedure TfpgScrollBar.HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); var d: integer; area: integer; newp: integer; ppos: integer; begin inherited HandleMouseMove(x, y, btnstate, shiftstate); FMousePosition.X := x; FMousePosition.Y := y; if (not FSliderDragging) or ((btnstate and MOUSE_LEFT) = 0) then begin FSliderDragging := False; Exit; end; if Orientation = orVertical then begin d := y - FSliderDragPos; area := Height - (Width shl 1) - FSliderLength; end else begin d := x - FSliderDragPos; area := Width - (Height shl 1) - FSliderLength; end; ppos := FSliderPos; FSliderPos := FSliderDragStart + d; if FSliderPos < 0 then FSliderPos := 0; if FSliderPos > area then FSliderPos := area; if ppos <> FSliderPos then DrawSlider(False); if area <> 0 then newp := FMin + Trunc((FMax - FMin) * (FSliderPos / area)) else newp := FMin; if newp <> FPosition then begin Position := newp; if Assigned(FOnScroll) then FOnScroll(self, FPosition); end; end; procedure TfpgScrollBar.HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); begin inherited HandleMouseScroll(x, y, shiftstate, delta); if delta < 0 then PositionChange(-FScrollStep); if delta > 0 then PositionChange( FScrollStep); end; procedure TfpgScrollBar.PositionChange(d: integer); begin FPosition := FPosition + d; if FPosition < FMin then FPosition := FMin; if FPosition > FMax then FPosition := FMax; if Visible then DrawSlider(True); if Assigned(FOnScroll) then FOnScroll(self, FPosition); end; end.