{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: A component implementing a 'Most Recently Used' feature normally inserted in the File menu. } unit gui_mru; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, gui_menu; type TMRUClickEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const FileName: String) of object; TfpgMRU = class(TComponent) private FItems: TStringList; FMaxItems: Word; FShowFullPath: boolean; FParentMenuItem: TfpgPopupMenu; FIniFilePath: string; FOnClick: TMRUClickEvent; procedure SetMaxItems(const AValue: Word); // procedure SetIniFilePath(const AValue: string); procedure SetParentMenuItem(const AValue: TfpgPopupMenu); procedure SetShowFullPath(const AValue: boolean); procedure SaveMRU; procedure ItemsChange(Sender: TObject); procedure ClearParentMenu; protected // this never gets called without a Form Streaming class, which fpGUI doesn't use procedure Loaded; override; procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; procedure DoClick(Sender: TObject); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure AddItem(const FileName: string); function RemoveItem(const FileName : string) : boolean; procedure LoadMRU; published property MaxItems: Word read FMaxItems write SetMaxItems default 4; // property IniFilePath: string read FIniFilePath write SetIniFilePath; property ShowFullPath: boolean read FShowFullPath write SetShowFullPath default True; property ParentMenuItem: TfpgPopupMenu read FParentMenuItem write SetParentMenuItem; property OnClick: TMRUClickEvent read FOnClick write FOnClick; end; implementation uses gui_iniutils; type //to be able to recognize MRU menu item when deleting TMRUMenuItem = class(TfpgMenuItem); { TfpgMRU } procedure TfpgMRU.SetMaxItems(const AValue: Word); begin if AValue <> FMaxItems then begin if AValue < 1 then FMaxItems := 1 else if AValue > MaxInt then FMaxItems := High(Word) - 1 else begin FMaxItems := AValue; FItems.BeginUpdate; try while FItems.Count > MaxItems do FItems.Delete(FItems.Count - 1); finally FItems.EndUpdate; end; end; end; end; { procedure TfpgMRU.SetIniFilePath(const AValue: string); begin if FIniFilePath=AValue then exit; FIniFilePath:=AValue; end; } procedure TfpgMRU.SetParentMenuItem(const AValue: TfpgPopupMenu); begin if AValue = FParentMenuItem then Exit; FParentMenuItem := AValue; end; procedure TfpgMRU.SetShowFullPath(const AValue: boolean); begin if FShowFullPath <> AValue then begin FShowFullPath := AValue; ItemsChange(Self); end; end; procedure TfpgMRU.LoadMRU; var i: cardinal; begin FItems.BeginUpdate; FItems.Clear; try for i := 1 to FMaxItems do if gINI.ValueExists('MRU', 'MRU'+IntToStr(i)) then FItems.Add(gINI.ReadString('MRU', 'MRU'+IntToStr(i), '')); finally FItems.EndUpdate; end; end; procedure TfpgMRU.SaveMRU; var i: integer; begin if FItems.Count = 0 then Exit; //delete old mru i := 1; while gINI.ValueExists('MRU', 'MRU'+IntToStr(i)) do begin gINI.DeleteKey('MRU', 'MRU'+IntToStr(i)); Inc(i); end; //write new mru for i := 0 to FItems.Count-1 do gINI.WriteString('MRU', 'MRU'+IntToStr(i+1), FItems[i]); end; procedure TfpgMRU.ItemsChange(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; NewMenuItem: TfpgMenuItem; FileName: String; begin // writeln('TfpgMRU.ItemsChange'); if ParentMenuItem <> nil then begin ClearParentMenu; if FItems.Count = 0 then ParentMenuItem.AddMenuItem('-', '', nil); // add something if we have no previous MRU's for i := 0 to -1 + FItems.Count do begin if ShowFullPath then FileName := StringReplace(FItems[I], '&', '&&', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]) else FileName := StringReplace(ExtractFileName(FItems[i]), '&', '&&', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); // NewMenuItem := ParentMenuItem.AddMenuItem(Format('%s', [FileName]), '', @DoClick); // NewMenuItem.Tag := i; NewMenuItem := TMRUMenuItem.Create(ParentMenuItem); NewMenuItem.Text := Format('%s', [FileName]); NewMenuItem.Tag := i; NewMenuItem.OnClick := @DoClick; end; end; end; procedure TfpgMRU.ClearParentMenu; //var // i:integer; begin if Assigned(ParentMenuItem) then ParentMenuItem.DestroyComponents; { for i := ParentMenuItem.ComponentCount-1 downto 0 do if ParentMenuItem.Components[i] is TMRUMenuItem then ParentMenuItem.Delete(i); } end; procedure TfpgMRU.Loaded; begin inherited Loaded; if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then // if FIniFilePath <> '' then LoadMRU; end; procedure TfpgMRU.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation); if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FParentMenuItem) then FParentMenuItem := nil; end; procedure TfpgMRU.DoClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(FOnClick) and (Sender is TMRUMenuItem) then FOnClick(Self, FItems[TMRUMenuItem(Sender).Tag]); end; constructor TfpgMRU.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FParentMenuItem := nil; FItems := TStringList.Create; FItems.OnChange := @ItemsChange; FMaxItems := 4; FShowFullPath := True; // Loaded; end; destructor TfpgMRU.Destroy; begin if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then SaveMRU; FItems.OnChange := nil; FItems.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TfpgMRU.AddItem(const FileName: string); begin if FileName <> '' then begin FItems.BeginUpdate; try if FItems.IndexOf(FileName) > -1 then FItems.Delete(FItems.IndexOf(FileName)); FItems.Insert(0, FileName); while FItems.Count > MaxItems do FItems.Delete(MaxItems); finally FItems.EndUpdate; end; end; end; function TfpgMRU.RemoveItem(const FileName: string): boolean; begin if FItems.IndexOf(FileName) > -1 then begin FItems.Delete(FItems.IndexOf(FileName)); Result := True; end else Result := False; end; end.