unit gui_listview; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, gfxbase, fpgfx, gfx_widget, gui_scrollbar; type TfpgListView = class; TfpgLVItem = class; TfpgLVColumns = class; TfpgLVColumn = class; TfpgLVColumnClickEvent = procedure(Listview: TfpgListView; Column: TfpgLVColumn; Button: Integer) of object; { TfpgLVColumn } TfpgLVColumn = class(TComponent) private FDown: Boolean; FAutoSize: Boolean; FCaption: String; FClickable: Boolean; FColumnIndex: Integer; FHeight: Integer; FResizable: Boolean; FVisible: Boolean; FWidth: Integer; procedure SetAutoSize(const AValue: Boolean); procedure SetCaption(const AValue: String); procedure SetColumnIndex(const AValue: Integer); procedure SetHeight(const AValue: Integer); procedure SetResizable(const AValue: Boolean); procedure SetVisible(const AValue: Boolean); procedure SetWidth(const AValue: Integer); public constructor Create(AColumns: TfpgLVColumns); destructor Destroy; override; property Caption: String read FCaption write SetCaption; property AutoSize: Boolean read FAutoSize write SetAutoSize; property Width: Integer read FWidth write SetWidth; property Height: Integer read FHeight write SetHeight; property Visible: Boolean read FVisible write SetVisible; property ColumnIndex: Integer read FColumnIndex write SetColumnIndex; property Clickable: Boolean read FClickable write FClickable; property Resizable: Boolean read FResizable write SetResizable; end; { TfpgLVColumns } TfpgLVColumns = class(TPersistent) private FListView: TfpgListView; FColumns: TList; function GetColumn(AIndex: Integer): TfpgLVColumn; procedure SetColumn(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: TfpgLVColumn); public constructor Create(AListView: TfpgListView); destructor Destroy; override; function Add(AColumn: TfpgLVColumn): Integer; procedure Delete(AIndex: Integer); procedure Insert(AColumn: TfpgLVColumn; AIndex: Integer); function Count: Integer; property Column[AIndex: Integer]: TfpgLVColumn read GetColumn write SetColumn; end; TfpgLVItemState = set of (lisFocused, lisSelected, lisHotTrack); TfpgLVItemPaintPart = set of (lvppBackground, lvppIcon, lvppText, lvppFocused); TfpgLVPaintColumnEvent = procedure(ListView: TfpgListView; Canvas: TfpgCanvas; Column: TfpgLVColumn; ColumnIndex: Integer; Area: TfpgRect; var PaintPart: TfpgLVItemPaintPart) of object; TfpgLVPaintItemEvent = procedure(ListView: TfpgListView; Canvas: TfpgCanvas; Item: TfpgLVItem; ItemIndex: Integer; Area:TfpgRect; var PaintPart: TfpgLVItemPaintPart) of object; IfpgLVItemViewer = interface procedure ItemDeleted(AIndex: Integer); procedure ItemAdded(AIndex: Integer); procedure ItemChanged(AIndex: Integer); procedure ItemsUpdated; end; { TfpgLVItems } TfpgLVItems = class(TObject) private FUpdateCount: Integer; FColumns: TfpgLVColumns; FViewers: TList; FItems: TList; function GetCapacity: Integer; function GetItem(AIndex: Integer): TfpgLVItem; procedure SetCapacity(const AValue: Integer); procedure SetItem(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: TfpgLVItem); procedure AddViewer(AValue: IfpgLVItemViewer); procedure DeleteViewer(AValue: IfpgLVItemViewer); // interface method triggers procedure DoChange(AItem: TfpgLVItem); procedure DoAdd(AItem: TfpgLVItem); procedure DoDelete(AItem: TfpgLVItem); procedure DoEndUpdate; protected public constructor Create(AViewer: IfpgLVItemViewer); destructor Destroy; override; function Add(AItem: TfpgLVItem): Integer; function Count: Integer; procedure Delete(AIndex: Integer); function IndexOf(AItem: TfpgLVItem): Integer; procedure InsertItem(AItem: TfpgLVItem; AIndex: Integer); procedure BeginUpdate; procedure EndUpdate; property Capacity: Integer read GetCapacity write SetCapacity; property Columns: TfpgLVColumns read FColumns; property Item[AIndex: Integer]: TfpgLVItem read GetItem write SetItem; end; TfpgLVItem = class(TObject) private FCaption: String; FItems: TfpgLVItems; FSubItems: TStrings; function GetSelected(ListView: TfpgListView): Boolean; procedure SetCaption(const AValue: String); procedure SetSelected(ListView: TfpgListView; const AValue: Boolean); procedure SubItemsChanged(Sender: TObject); public constructor Create(Items: TfpgLVItems); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; property Caption: String read FCaption write SetCaption; property SubItems: TStrings read FSubItems; property Selected[ListView: TfpgListView]: Boolean read GetSelected write SetSelected; end; { TfpgListView } TfpgListView = class(TfpgWidget, IfpgLVItemViewer) private FItemIndex: Integer; FMultiSelect: Boolean; FOnPaintColumn: TfpgLVPaintColumnEvent; FShiftCount: Integer; FSelectionFollowsFocus: Boolean; FSelectionShiftStart: Integer; FOnColumnClick: TfpgLVColumnClickEvent; FSelected: TList; FOldSelected: TList; FUpdateCount: Integer; FVScrollBar, FHScrollBar: TfpgScrollBar; FColumns: TfpgLVColumns; FItems: TfpgLVItems; FOnPaintItem: TfpgLVPaintItemEvent; FShowHeaders: Boolean; function GetItemHeight: Integer; procedure SetItemIndex(const AValue: Integer); procedure SetItems(const AValue: TfpgLVItems); procedure SetMultiSelect(const AValue: Boolean); procedure SetOnColumnClick(const AValue: TfpgLVColumnClickEvent); procedure SetShowHeaders(const AValue: Boolean); procedure VScrollChange(Sender: TObject; Position: Integer); procedure HScrollChange(Sender: TObject; Position: Integer); // interface methods procedure ItemDeleted(AIndex: Integer); procedure ItemAdded(AIndex: Integer); procedure ItemChanged(AIndex: Integer); procedure ItemsUpdated; function GetClientRect: TfpgRect; procedure StartShiftSelection; procedure EndShiftSelection; procedure SelectionSetRangeEnabled(AStart, AEnd: Integer; AValue: Boolean); procedure SelectionToggleRange(AStart, AEnd: Integer; const ShiftState: TShiftState; IgnoreStartIndex: Boolean); function ItemGetSelected(const AItem: TfpgLVItem): Boolean; procedure ItemSetSelected(const AItem: TfpgLVItem; const AValue: Boolean); function ItemGetFromPoint(const X, Y: Integer): TfpgLVItem; function ItemGetRect(AIndex: Integer): TfpgRect; function ItemIndexFromY(Y: Integer): Integer; function HeaderHeight: Integer; procedure DoRepaint; procedure DoColumnClick(Column: TfpgLVColumn; Button: Integer); procedure HandleHeaderMouseMove(x, y: Integer; btnstate: word; Shiftstate: TShiftState); protected procedure HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); override; procedure HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleRMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleRMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override; procedure HandleKeyRelease(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override; procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure HandleResize(awidth, aheight: TfpgCoord); override; procedure PaintHeaders; virtual; procedure PaintItems; virtual; procedure UpdateScrollBarPositions; virtual; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure BeginUpdate; procedure EndUpdate; procedure MakeItemVisible(AIndex: Integer; PartialOK: Boolean = False); function ItemAdd: TfpgLVItem; property Columns: TfpgLVColumns read FColumns; property Items: TfpgLVItems read FItems write SetItems; property SelectionFollowsFocus: Boolean read FSelectionFollowsFocus write FSelectionFollowsFocus; property ShowHeaders: Boolean read FShowHeaders write SetShowHeaders; property MultiSelect: Boolean read FMultiSelect write SetMultiSelect; property VScrollBar: TfpgScrollBar read FVScrollBar; property HScrollBar: TfpgScrollBar read FHScrollBar; property ItemHeight: Integer read GetItemHeight; property ItemIndex: Integer read FItemIndex write SetItemIndex; property OnColumnClick: TfpgLVColumnClickEvent read FOnColumnClick write SetOnColumnClick; property OnPaintColumn: TfpgLVPaintColumnEvent read FOnPaintColumn write FOnPaintColumn; property OnPaintItem: TfpgLVPaintItemEvent read FOnPaintItem write FOnPaintItem; end; implementation { TfpgLVItems } function TfpgLVItems.GetItem(AIndex: Integer): TfpgLVItem; begin Result := TfpgLVItem(FItems.Items[AIndex]); end; function TfpgLVItems.GetCapacity: Integer; begin Result := FItems.Capacity; end; procedure TfpgLVItems.SetCapacity(const AValue: Integer); begin FItems.Capacity := AValue; end; procedure TfpgLVItems.SetItem(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: TfpgLVItem); begin FItems.Items[AIndex] := AValue; end; procedure TfpgLVItems.AddViewer(AValue: IfpgLVItemViewer); begin if AValue <> nil then FViewers.Add(AValue); end; procedure TfpgLVItems.DeleteViewer(AValue: IfpgLVItemViewer); var AIndex: Integer; begin AIndex := FViewers.IndexOf(AValue); if AIndex > -1 then begin FViewers.Delete(AIndex); end; if FViewers.Count = 0 then Free; end; procedure TfpgLVItems.DoChange(AItem: TfpgLVItem); var I: Integer; AIndex: Integer; begin if FUpdateCount > 0 then Exit; AIndex := IndexOf(AItem); for I := 0 to FViewers.Count -1 do begin IfpgLVItemViewer(FViewers.Items[I]).ItemChanged(AIndex); end; end; procedure TfpgLVItems.DoAdd(AItem: TfpgLVItem); var I: Integer; AIndex: Integer; begin if FUpdateCount > 0 then Exit; AIndex := IndexOf(AItem); for I := 0 to FViewers.Count -1 do begin IfpgLVItemViewer(FViewers.Items[I]).ItemAdded(AIndex); end; end; procedure TfpgLVItems.DoDelete(AItem: TfpgLVItem); var I: Integer; AIndex: Integer; begin if FUpdateCount > 0 then Exit; AIndex := IndexOf(AItem); for I := 0 to FViewers.Count -1 do begin IfpgLVItemViewer(FViewers.Items[I]).ItemDeleted(AIndex); end; end; procedure TfpgLVItems.DoEndUpdate; var I: Integer; begin if FUpdateCount > 0 then Exit; for I := 0 to FViewers.Count -1 do begin IfpgLVItemViewer(FViewers.Items[I]).ItemsUpdated; end; end; constructor TfpgLVItems.Create(AViewer: IfpgLVItemViewer); begin FItems := TList.Create; FViewers := TList.Create; AddViewer(AViewer); end; destructor TfpgLVItems.Destroy; begin FItems.Free; FViewers.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TfpgLVItems.Add(AItem: TfpgLVItem): Integer; begin Result := Count; InsertItem(AItem, Count); DoAdd(AItem); end; function TfpgLVItems.Count: Integer; begin Result := FItems.Count; end; procedure TfpgLVItems.Delete(AIndex: Integer); begin DoDelete(GetItem(AIndex)); FItems.Delete(AIndex); end; function TfpgLVItems.IndexOf(AItem: TfpgLVItem): Integer; begin Result := FItems.IndexOf(AItem); end; procedure TfpgLVItems.InsertItem(AItem: TfpgLVItem; AIndex: Integer); begin if AItem.InheritsFrom(TfpgLVItem) then FItems.Insert(AIndex, AItem) else raise Exception.Create('Item is not of TfpgLVItem type!'); end; procedure TfpgLVItems.BeginUpdate; begin Inc(FUpdateCount); end; procedure TfpgLVItems.EndUpdate; begin Dec(FUpdateCount); if FUpdateCount < 0 then FUpdateCount := 0; if FUpdateCount = 0 then DoEndUpdate; end; { TfpgLVItem } procedure TfpgLVItem.SetCaption(const AValue: String); begin if FCaption=AValue then Exit; FCaption:=AValue; if Assigned(FItems) then FItems.DoChange(Self); end; function TfpgLVItem.GetSelected(ListView: TfpgListView): Boolean; begin Result := ListView.ItemGetSelected(Self); end; procedure TfpgLVItem.SetSelected(ListView: TfpgListView; const AValue: Boolean); begin ListView.ItemSetSelected(Self, AValue); end; procedure TfpgLVItem.SubItemsChanged(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(FItems) then FItems.DoChange(Self); end; constructor TfpgLVItem.Create(Items: TfpgLVItems); begin FItems := Items; FSubItems := TStringList.Create; TStringList(FSubItems).OnChange := @SubItemsChanged; end; destructor TfpgLVItem.Destroy; begin FSubItems.Free; inherited Destroy; end; { TfpgListView } procedure TfpgListView.SetShowHeaders(const AValue: Boolean); begin if FShowHeaders=AValue then Exit; FShowHeaders:=AValue; DoRePaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.VScrollChange(Sender: TObject; Position: Integer); begin DoRepaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.HScrollChange(Sender: TObject; Position: Integer); begin DoRepaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.SetItems(const AValue: TfpgLVItems); begin if AValue = FItems then Exit; AValue.AddViewer(Self); FItems.DeleteViewer(Self); Fitems := AValue; end; procedure TfpgListView.SetMultiSelect(const AValue: Boolean); begin if FMultiSelect=AValue then Exit; FMultiSelect:=AValue; end; procedure TfpgListView.SetOnColumnClick(const AValue: TfpgLVColumnClickEvent); begin if FOnColumnClick=AValue then Exit; FOnColumnClick:=AValue; end; function TfpgListView.GetItemHeight: Integer; begin Result := Canvas.Font.Height + 4; end; procedure TfpgListView.SetItemIndex(const AValue: Integer); begin if FItemIndex=AValue then Exit; if (AValue >= -1) and (AValue < FItems.Count) then FItemIndex:=AValue; end; procedure TfpgListView.ItemDeleted(AIndex: Integer); begin if FUpdateCount = 0 then DoRePaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.ItemAdded(AIndex: Integer); begin if FUpdateCount = 0 then DoRePaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.ItemChanged(AIndex: Integer); begin if FUpdateCount = 0 then DoRePaint; // TODO end; procedure TfpgListView.ItemsUpdated; begin DoRepaint; end; function TfpgListView.GetClientRect: TfpgRect; begin Result.Top := 2; Result.Left := 2; Result.SetRight(Width - 2); Result.SetBottom(Height - 2); end; procedure TfpgListView.StartShiftSelection; var I: Integer; begin Inc(FShiftCount); if FItems.Count = 0 then Exit; if FShiftCount> 1 then Exit; FSelectionShiftStart := FItemIndex; if FSelectionShiftStart = -1 then Inc(FSelectionShiftStart); FOldSelected.Clear; FOldSelected.Capacity := FSelected.Capacity; for I := 0 to FSelected.Count-1 do begin FOldSelected.Add(FSelected.Items[I]); end; end; procedure TfpgListView.EndShiftSelection; begin Dec(FShiftCount); if FShiftCount > 0 then Exit; FSelectionShiftStart := -1; FOldSelected.Clear; end; procedure TfpgListView.SelectionSetRangeEnabled(AStart, AEnd: Integer; AValue: Boolean); var TmpI: LongInt; I: LongInt; ShouldShow: Boolean; begin if AStart > AEnd then begin TmpI := AStart; AStart := AEnd; AEnd := TmpI; end; FSelected.Clear; FSelected.Capacity := FOldSelected.Capacity; for I := 0 to FOldSelected.Count-1 do begin FSelected.Add(FOldSelected.Items[I]); end; if (AStart < 0) or (AEnd > FItems.Count-1) then Exit; for I := AStart to AEnd do begin ShouldShow := AValue; if FOldSelected.IndexOf(FItems.Item[I]) > -1 then ShouldShow := not AValue; if I <> FSelectionShiftStart then ItemSetSelected(FItems.Item[I], ShouldShow); end; end; procedure TfpgListView.SelectionToggleRange(AStart, AEnd: Integer; const ShiftState: TShiftState; IgnoreStartIndex: Boolean); var TmpI: Integer; I: LongInt; begin TmpI := AStart; if AStart > AEnd then begin AStart := AEnd; AEnd := TmpI; end; if not FMultiSelect then begin FSelected.Clear; ItemSetSelected(FItems.Item[TmpI], True); Exit; end; if ssShift in ShiftState then for I := AStart to AEnd do begin if not(IgnoreStartIndex and (I = TmpI)) then ItemSetSelected(FItems.Item[I], not ItemGetSelected(FItems.Item[I])); end; end; function TfpgListView.ItemGetSelected(const AItem: TfpgLVItem): Boolean; begin Result := FSelected.IndexOf(AItem) > -1; end; procedure TfpgListView.ItemSetSelected(const AItem: TfpgLVItem; const AValue: Boolean); var Index: Integer; begin Index := FSelected.IndexOf(AItem); if AValue and (Index = -1) then FSelected.Add(AItem); if (AValue = False) and (Index <> -1) then FSelected.Delete(Index); end; function TfpgListView.ItemGetFromPoint(const X, Y: Integer): TfpgLVItem; var Index: Integer; ItemTop: Integer; begin Result := nil; ItemTop := (FVScrollBar.Position + Y) -2; if ShowHeaders then Dec(ItemTop, HeaderHeight); Index := ItemTop div ItemHeight; if Index < 0 then Exit; if Index >= FItems.Count then Exit; Result := FItems.Item[Index]; end; function TfpgListView.ItemGetRect(AIndex: Integer): TfpgRect; begin Result.Top := 2 + (AIndex * ItemHeight) - FVScrollBar.Position; if ShowHeaders then Inc(Result.Top, HeaderHeight); Result.SetBottom(Result.Top + ItemHeight-1); Result.Left := 2 - FHScrollBar.Position; Result.SetRight(FHScrollBar.Max+(Width-4) - FHScrollBar.Position); if FVScrollBar.Visible then Dec(Result.Width, FVScrollBar.Width); end; function TfpgListView.ItemIndexFromY(Y: Integer): Integer; var TopPos: Integer; begin if ShowHeaders and (Y < HeaderHeight) then Exit(-1); TopPos := (FVScrollBar.Position + Y) - 2; if ShowHeaders then Dec(TopPos, HeaderHeight); Result := TopPos div ItemHeight; if Result > Fitems.Count-1 then Result := -1; end; function TfpgListView.HeaderHeight: Integer; begin Result := Canvas.Font.Height + 10; end; procedure TfpgListView.DoRepaint; begin if FUpdateCount = 0 then RePaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.DoColumnClick(Column: TfpgLVColumn; Button: Integer); begin if not Column.Clickable then Exit; if Assigned(FOnColumnClick) then FOnColumnClick(Self, Column, Button); Column.FDown := True; if FUpdateCount = 0 then begin Canvas.BeginDraw(False);//(2,2, width-4, Height-4); PaintHeaders; Canvas.EndDraw;//(2,2, width-4, Height-4); end; end; procedure TfpgListView.HandleHeaderMouseMove(x, y: Integer; btnstate: word; Shiftstate: TShiftState); var I: Integer; cLeft: Integer; Column: TfpgLVColumn; begin cLeft := 2; for I := 0 to FColumns.Count-1 do begin Column := FColumns.Column[I]; if not Column.Visible then Continue; if Column.Resizable then begin if (X < cLeft + Column.Width) and ((cLeft + Column.Width) - X < 3) then begin MouseCursor := mcSizeEW; end else if MouseCursor <> mcDefault then MouseCursor := mcDefault; end; Inc(cLeft, Column.Width); end; end; procedure TfpgListView.HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); var cRect: TfpgRect; begin // Yes this is a dirty dirty hack cRect := GetClientRect; if FShowHeaders then Inc(cRect.Top, HeaderHeight); if FHScrollBar.Visible then Dec(cRect.Height, FHScrollBar.Height); if FVScrollBar.Visible then Dec(cRect.Width, FVScrollBar.Width); if not PtInRect(cRect, Point(X,Y)) then Exit; TfpgListView(FVScrollBar).HandleMouseScroll(x, y, shiftstate, delta); end; procedure TfpgListView.HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState ); var Item: TfpgLVItem; IndexOfItem: Integer; cRect: TfpgRect; cLeft, cRight: Integer; I: Integer; Column: TfpgLVColumn; begin inherited HandleLMouseDown(x, y, shiftstate); cRect := GetClientRect; if not PtInRect(cRect, Point(X,Y)) then Exit; if FShowHeaders then begin if (Y < HeaderHeight + cRect.Top) then begin cLeft := cRect.Left - FHScrollBar.Position; for I := 0 to FColumns.Count-1 do begin Column := FColumns.Column[I]; if Column.Visible then begin cRight := cLeft + Column.Width-1; if (X <= cRight) and (X >= cLeft) then DoColumnClick(Column, 1); Inc(cLeft, Column.Width); end; end; end; Inc(cRect.Top, HeaderHeight); end; if FHScrollBar.Visible then Dec(cRect.Height, FHScrollBar.Height); if FVScrollBar.Visible then Dec(cRect.Width, FVScrollBar.Width); if not PtInRect(cRect, Point(X,Y)) then Exit; Item := ItemGetFromPoint(X, Y); IndexOfItem := ItemIndexFromY(Y); if not FMultiSelect then FSelected.Clear; if Item <> nil then begin FItemIndex := ItemIndexFromY(Y); MakeItemVisible(FItemIndex); if FMultiSelect then begin if not ((ssCtrl in shiftstate) or (ssShift in shiftstate)) then begin FSelected.Clear; ItemSetSelected(Item, True); end else begin if ssCtrl in shiftstate then ItemSetSelected(Item, not ItemGetSelected(Item)); if ssShift in shiftstate then SelectionSetRangeEnabled(FSelectionShiftStart, FItemIndex, True); end end else ItemSetSelected(Item, True); end; DoRepaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.HandleRMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); var I: Integer; cLeft, cRight: Integer; cRect: TfpgRect; Column: TfpgLVColumn; begin inherited HandleRMouseDown(x, y, shiftstate); cRect := GetClientRect; if not PtInRect(cRect, Point(X,Y)) then Exit; if FShowHeaders then begin if (Y < HeaderHeight + cRect.Top) then begin cLeft := cRect.Left - FHScrollBar.Position; for I := 0 to FColumns.Count-1 do begin Column := FColumns.Column[I]; if Column.Visible then begin cRight := cLeft + Column.Width-1; if (X <= cRight) and (X >= cLeft) then DoColumnClick(Column, 3); Inc(cLeft, Column.Width); end; end; end; Inc(cRect.Top, HeaderHeight); end; if FVScrollBar.Visible then Dec(cRect.Width, FVScrollBar.Width); if FHScrollBar.Visible then Dec(cRect.Height, FHScrollBar.Height); end; procedure TfpgListView.HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); var I: Integer; begin inherited HandleLMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate); for I := 0 to FColumns.Count-1 do begin FColumns.Column[I].FDown := False; end; DoRepaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.HandleRMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); var I: Integer; begin inherited HandleRMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate); for I := 0 to FColumns.Count-1 do begin FColumns.Column[I].FDown := False; end; DoRepaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); var cRect: TfpgRect; begin inherited HandleMouseMove(x, y, btnstate, shiftstate); cRect := GetClientRect; if not PtInRect(cRect, Point(X,Y)) then Exit; if Y < (cRect.Top + HeaderHeight) then begin HandleHeaderMouseMove(x, y, btnstate, shiftstate); end else if MouseCursor <> mcDefault then MouseCursor := mcDefault; //if FVScrollBar.Visible then Dec(cRect.Width, FVScrollBar.Width); //if FHScrollBar.Visible then Dec(cRect.Height, FHScrollBar.Height); end; procedure TfpgListView.HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); var iIndex: Integer; AStart, AEnd: Integer; OldIndex: Integer; procedure CheckMultiSelect; begin if FMultiSelect then begin if (ssShift in shiftstate) or (FSelectionShiftStart > -1) then begin SelectionSetRangeEnabled(FSelectionShiftStart, FItemIndex, True); end else if ssCtrl in shiftstate then begin SelectionToggleRange(FItemIndex, FItemIndex, shiftstate, False); end; end; end; procedure CheckSelectionFocus; begin if ((ssShift in shiftstate) or (ssCtrl in shiftstate)) then Exit; FSelected.Clear; if FSelectionFollowsFocus and (FItemIndex > -1) then ItemSetSelected(FItems.Item[FItemIndex], True); end; begin consumed := True; OldIndex := FItemIndex; //WriteLn('Got key: ',IntToHex(keycode, 4)); case keycode of keyShift, keyShiftR: begin if FMultiSelect then StartShiftSelection; end; keyUp: begin if ItemIndex > 0 then ItemIndex := ItemIndex-1; MakeItemVisible(ItemIndex); CheckSelectionFocus; CheckMultiSelect; end; keyDown: begin ItemIndex := ItemIndex+1; MakeItemVisible(ItemIndex); CheckSelectionFocus; CheckMultiSelect; end; keyLeft: begin FHScrollBar.Position := FHScrollBar.Position - FHScrollBar.ScrollStep; end; keyRight: begin FHScrollBar.Position := FHScrollBar.Position + FHScrollBar.ScrollStep; end; keyHome: begin ItemIndex := 0; MakeItemVisible(ItemIndex); CheckSelectionFocus; CheckMultiSelect; end; keyEnd: begin ItemIndex := FItems.Count-1; MakeItemVisible(ItemIndex); CheckSelectionFocus; CheckMultiSelect; end; keyPageUp: begin iIndex := ItemIndex - (FVScrollBar.Height div ItemHeight); if iIndex < 0 then iIndex := 0; ItemIndex := iIndex; MakeItemVisible(ItemIndex); CheckSelectionFocus; CheckMultiSelect; end; keyPageDown: begin iIndex := ItemIndex + (FVScrollBar.Height div ItemHeight); if iIndex > FItems.Count-1 then iIndex := FItems.Count-1; ItemIndex := iIndex; MakeItemVisible(ItemIndex); CheckSelectionFocus; CheckMultiSelect end; else consumed := False; inherited HandleKeyPress(keycode, shiftstate, consumed); Exit; end; DoRepaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.HandleKeyRelease(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); begin consumed := True; case keycode of keyShift, keyShiftR: begin EndShiftSelection; end; else consumed := False; inherited HandleKeyRelease(keycode, shiftstate, consumed); end; end; procedure TfpgListView.HandlePaint; var ClipRect: TfpgRect; begin if FUpdateCount > 0 then Exit; // we disable bouble buffering Canvas.BeginDraw;//(False); UpdateScrollBarPositions; //Canvas.Clear(clListBox); fpgStyle.DrawControlFrame(Canvas, 0,0,Width,Height); ClipRect.Top := 2; ClipRect.Left := 2; ClipRect.Width := Width -4; ClipRect.Height := Height -4; if ShowHeaders then begin PaintHeaders; Inc(ClipRect.Top, HeaderHeight); Dec(ClipRect.Height, HeaderHeight); end; Canvas.SetClipRect(ClipRect); // this paints the small square remaining below the vscrollbar and to the right of the hscrollbar if FVScrollBar.Visible and FHScrollBar.Visible then begin Canvas.Color := clButtonFace; Canvas.FillRectangle(Width - 2 - FVScrollBar.Width, Height - 2 - FHScrollBar.Height, Width - 2, Height - 2); end; if FVScrollBar.Visible then Dec(ClipRect.Width, FVScrollBar.Width); if FHScrollBar.Visible then Dec(ClipRect.Height, FhScrollBar.Height); Canvas.SetClipRect(ClipRect); PaintItems; Canvas.EndDraw; end; procedure TfpgListView.HandleResize(awidth, aheight: TfpgCoord); begin inherited HandleResize(awidth, aheight); UpdateScrollBarPositions; end; procedure TfpgListView.PaintHeaders; var I: Integer; cLeft, cTop: Integer; Column: TfpgLVColumn; Flags: TFButtonFlags; ClipRect: TfpgRect; cRect: TfpgRect; PaintPart: TfpgLVItemPaintPart; begin cLeft := 2; ClipRect.Top := 2; ClipRect.Left := 2; ClipRect.Height := HeaderHeight; ClipRect.Width := Width -4; Canvas.SetClipRect(ClipRect); if FHScrollBar.Visible then Dec(cLeft, FHScrollBar.Position); cTop := 2; for I := 0 to Columns.Count-1 do begin Column := Columns.Column[I]; if Column.Visible then begin Flags := [btnIsEmbedded]; if Column.FDown then Flags := Flags + [btnIsPressed]; cRect.Top := cTop; cRect.Left := cLeft; cRect.Width := Column.Width; cRect.Height := HeaderHeight; fpgStyle.DrawButtonFace(Canvas,cLeft, cRect.Top, cRect.Width, cRect.Height, Flags); PaintPart := [lvppText]; if Assigned(FOnPaintColumn) then FOnPaintColumn(Self, Canvas, Column, I, cRect, PaintPart); if lvppText in PaintPart then fpgStyle.DrawString(Canvas, cLeft+5, cTop+5, Column.Caption, Enabled); Inc(cLeft, Column.Width); end; end; if cLeft < FWidth-2 then begin Canvas.SetColor(clButtonFace); Canvas.FillRectangle(cLeft, cTop, cLeft+(Width-3-cLeft), Canvas.Font.Height+10); end; end; procedure TfpgListView.PaintItems; var VisibleItem: TfpgLVItem; FirstIndex, LastIndex: Integer; I, J : Integer; PaintPart: TfpgLVItemPaintPart; ItemRect: TfpgRect; ItemState: TfpgLVItemState; Item: TfpgLVItem; TheText: String; TextColor: TfpgColor; ColumnIndex: Integer; cBottom: Integer; vBottom: Integer; cRight: Integer; begin FirstIndex := (FVScrollBar.Position) div ItemHeight; LastIndex := (FVScrollBar.Position+(Height-4)) div ItemHeight; if LastIndex > Fitems.Count-1 then LastIndex := FItems.Count-1; cBottom := 2 + ((LastIndex+1 - FirstIndex) * ItemHeight); if ShowHeaders then Inc(cBottom, HeaderHeight); for I := FirstIndex to LastIndex do begin ItemState := []; PaintPart := [lvppBackground, lvppIcon, lvppText]; ItemRect := ItemGetRect(I); if (I = FirstIndex) and (ItemRect.Top < 2 + HeaderHeight) then Dec(cBottom, (2 + HeaderHeight) - ItemRect.Top); Item := FItems.Item[I]; if Item.Selected[Self] then Include(ItemState, lisSelected); if FItemIndex = I then begin Include(ItemState, lisFocused); Include(PaintPart, lvppFocused); end; if lisSelected in (ItemState) then begin if Focused then Canvas.Color := clSelection else Canvas.Color := clInactiveSel; end else Canvas.Color := clListBox; Canvas.FillRectangle(ItemRect); Exclude(PaintPart, lvppBackground); TextColor := Canvas.TextColor; if Assigned(FOnPaintItem) then FOnPaintItem(Self, Canvas, Item, I, ItemRect, PaintPart); if lvppIcon in PaintPart then begin // TODO paint icon end; if lvppFocused in PaintPart then begin Canvas.Color := clBlack; Canvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsDot); Canvas.DrawRectangle(ItemRect); end; if lvppText in PaintPart then begin if lisSelected in ItemState then Canvas.TextColor := clSelectionText; for J := 0 to FColumns.Count -1 do begin if FColumns.Column[J].Visible then begin if FColumns.Column[J].ColumnIndex <> -1 then ColumnIndex := FColumns.Column[J].ColumnIndex else ColumnIndex := J; if ColumnIndex = 0 then TheText := Item.Caption else if item.SubItems.Count > ColumnIndex then TheText := Item.SubItems.Strings[ColumnIndex-1] else TheText := ''; fpgStyle.DrawString(Canvas, ItemRect.Left+5, ItemRect.Top+2, TheText, Enabled); Inc(ItemRect.Left, FColumns.Column[J].Width); //WriteLn(ItemRect.Left,' ', ItemRect.Top, ' ', ItemRect.Right, ' ', ItemRect.Bottom); end; end; end; //Inc(cBottom, ItemRect.Height); Canvas.TextColor := TextColor; end; vBottom := Height - 2; if FHScrollBar.Visible then Dec(vBottom, FHScrollBar.Height); // the painted items haven't fully covered the visible area if vBottom > cBottom then begin ItemRect.Left := 2; ItemRect.Top := cBottom; ItemRect.SetBottom(vBottom); ItemRect.Width := Width - 4; Canvas.SetColor(clListBox); Canvas.FillRectangle(ItemRect); end; end; procedure TfpgListView.UpdateScrollBarPositions; var BevelSize: Integer; I: Integer; MaxH, MaxV: Integer; begin MaxH := 0; MaxV := 0; BevelSize := 2; for I := 0 to Columns.Count -1 do begin if Columns.Column[I].Visible then Inc(MaxH, Columns.Column[I].Width); end; MaxV := (FItems.Count+2) * ItemHeight - (Height); if ShowHeaders then Inc(MaxV, HeaderHeight); FHScrollBar.Top := Height - FHScrollBar.Height - (BevelSize ); FHScrollBar.Left := BevelSize; FHScrollBar.Width := Width - (BevelSize * 2); FVScrollBar.Top := BevelSize; if ShowHeaders then FVScrollBar.Top := FVScrollBar.Top + HeaderHeight; FVScrollBar.Left := Width - FVScrollBar.Width - (BevelSize ); FVScrollBar.Height := Height - FVScrollBar.Top - BevelSize; if FVScrollBar.Visible and FHScrollBar.Visible then begin FHScrollBar.Width := FHScrollBar.Width - FVScrollBar.Width; FVScrollBar.Height := FVScrollBar.Height - FHScrollBar.Height; end; FHScrollBar.Max := MaxH-(Width-(BevelSize * 2)); FVScrollBar.Max := MaxV; if FVScrollBar.Max = 0 then FVScrollBar.SliderSize := 1 else FVScrollBar.SliderSize := FVScrollBar.Height / (FVScrollBar.Max + FVScrollBar.Height); FVScrollBar.RepaintSlider; if FHScrollBar.Max = 0 then FHScrollBar.SliderSize := 1 else FHScrollBar.SliderSize := FHScrollBar.Width / (FHScrollBar.Max + FHScrollBar.Width); FHScrollBar.RepaintSlider; if FHScrollBar.Visible then FHScrollBar.UpdateWindowPosition; if FVScrollBar.Visible then FVScrollBar.UpdateWindowPosition; end; constructor TfpgListView.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Focusable := True; ShowHeaders := True; FVScrollBar := TfpgScrollBar.Create(Self); FVScrollBar.Orientation := orVertical; FVScrollBar.OnScroll := @VScrollChange; FVScrollBar.ScrollStep := 10; FVScrollBar.Position := 0; FHScrollBar := TfpgScrollBar.Create(Self); FHScrollBar.Orientation := orHorizontal; FHScrollBar.OnScroll := @HScrollChange; FHScrollBar.ScrollStep := 10; FHScrollBar.Position := 0; FColumns := TfpgLVColumns.Create(Self); FItems := TfpgLVItems.Create(Self); FSelected := TList.Create; FOldSelected := TList.Create;; FSelectionShiftStart := -1; FSelectionFollowsFocus := True; FItemIndex := -1; end; destructor TfpgListView.Destroy; begin FItems.DeleteViewer(Self); FSelected.Free; FOldSelected.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TfpgListView.BeginUpdate; begin Inc(FUpdateCount); FItems.BeginUpdate; end; procedure TfpgListView.EndUpdate; begin FItems.EndUpdate; Dec(FUpdateCount); if FUpdateCount < 0 then FUpdateCount := 0; if FUpdateCount = 0 then DoRePaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.MakeItemVisible(AIndex: Integer; PartialOK: Boolean); var Index: Integer; iTop, iBottom, vTop, vBottom: Integer; tVisible, bVisible: Boolean; begin if AIndex = -1 then Exit; iTop := AIndex * ItemHeight; iBottom := iTop + ItemHeight; tVisible := (iTop >= FVScrollBar.Position) and (iTop < FVScrollBar.Position + FVScrollBar.Height); bVisible := (iBottom >= FVScrollBar.Position) and (iBottom < FVScrollBar.Position + FVScrollBar.Height); if PartialOK and (bVisible or tVisible) then Exit; if bVisible and tVisible then Exit; if (iBottom >= FVScrollBar.Position + FVScrollBar.Height) then FVScrollBar.Position := iBottom - FVScrollBar.Height else FVScrollBar.Position := iTop; end; function TfpgListView.ItemAdd: TfpgLVItem; begin Result := TfpgLVItem.Create(FItems); FItems.Add(Result); end; { TfpgLVColumns } function TfpgLVColumns.GetColumn(AIndex: Integer): TfpgLVColumn; begin Result := TfpgLVColumn(FColumns.Items[AIndex]); end; procedure TfpgLVColumns.SetColumn(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: TfpgLVColumn); begin FColumns.Items[AIndex] := AValue; end; constructor TfpgLVColumns.Create(AListView: TfpgListView); begin FListView := AListView; FColumns := TList.Create; end; destructor TfpgLVColumns.Destroy; begin FColumns.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TfpgLVColumns.Add(AColumn: TfpgLVColumn): Integer; begin Result := Count; Insert(AColumn, Count); end; procedure TfpgLVColumns.Delete(AIndex: Integer); begin FColumns.Delete(AIndex); end; procedure TfpgLVColumns.Insert(AColumn: TfpgLVColumn; AIndex: Integer); begin FColumns.Insert(AIndex, AColumn); end; function TfpgLVColumns.Count: Integer; begin Result := FColumns.Count; end; { TfpgLVColumn } procedure TfpgLVColumn.SetCaption(const AValue: String); begin if FCaption=AValue then Exit; FCaption:=AValue; end; procedure TfpgLVColumn.SetColumnIndex(const AValue: Integer); begin if FColumnIndex=AValue then Exit; FColumnIndex:=AValue; end; procedure TfpgLVColumn.SetHeight(const AValue: Integer); begin if FHeight=AValue then Exit; FHeight:=AValue; end; procedure TfpgLVColumn.SetResizable(const AValue: Boolean); begin if FResizable=AValue then exit; FResizable:=AValue; end; procedure TfpgLVColumn.SetVisible(const AValue: Boolean); begin if FVisible=AValue then exit; FVisible:=AValue; end; procedure TfpgLVColumn.SetAutoSize(const AValue: Boolean); begin if FAutoSize=AValue then exit; FAutoSize:=AValue; end; procedure TfpgLVColumn.SetWidth(const AValue: Integer); begin if FWidth=AValue then exit; FWidth:=AValue; end; constructor TfpgLVColumn.Create(AColumns: TfpgLVColumns); begin FVisible := True; FColumnIndex := -1; FClickable := True; end; destructor TfpgLVColumn.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; end; end.