{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library Copyright (C) 2006 - 2008 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Defines a push button control. } unit gui_button; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, gfxbase, fpgfx, gfx_widget, gfx_command_intf; type { TfpgButton } TfpgButton = class(TfpgWidget, ICommandHolder) private FCommand: ICommand; FImageName: string; FClicked: Boolean; FShowImage: Boolean; FClickOnPush: Boolean; FGroupIndex: integer; FAllowAllUp: boolean; FModalResult: integer; function GetFontDesc: string; procedure SetDefault(const AValue: boolean); procedure SetEmbedded(const AValue: Boolean); procedure SetFontDesc(const AValue: string); procedure SetImageName(const AValue: string); procedure SetText(const AValue: string); procedure SetDown(AValue: Boolean); procedure SetImageMargin(const Value: integer); procedure SetImageSpacing(const Value: integer); function GetAllowDown: Boolean; procedure SetAllowDown(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetAllowAllUp(const Value: boolean); procedure DoPush; procedure DoRelease(x, y: integer); protected FImageMargin: integer; FImageSpacing: integer; FEmbedded: Boolean; FDown: Boolean; FImage: TfpgImage; FText: string; FFont: TfpgFont; FDefault: boolean; procedure SetShowImage(AValue: Boolean); procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override; procedure HandleKeyRelease(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override; procedure HandleLMouseDown(X, Y: integer; ShiftState: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleMouseExit; override; procedure HandleMouseEnter; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Click; function GetCommand: ICommand; // ICommandHolder interface procedure SetCommand(ACommand: ICommand); // ICommandHolder interface property Down: Boolean read FDown write SetDown; property Font: TfpgFont read FFont; property AllowDown: Boolean read GetAllowDown write SetAllowDown; published property AllowAllUp: boolean read FAllowAllUp write SetAllowAllUp default False; property BackgroundColor default clButtonFace; property Default: boolean read FDefault write SetDefault default False; property Embedded: Boolean read FEmbedded write SetEmbedded default False; property FontDesc: string read GetFontDesc write SetFontDesc; property GroupIndex: integer read FGroupIndex write FGroupIndex default 0; property ImageMargin: integer read FImageMargin write SetImageMargin default 3; property ImageName: string read FImageName write SetImageName; property ImageSpacing: integer read FImageSpacing write SetImageSpacing default -1; property ModalResult: integer read FModalResult write FModalResult default 0; property ShowImage: Boolean read FShowImage write SetShowImage default True; property TabOrder; property Text: string read FText write SetText; property TextColor; property OnMouseExit; property OnMouseEnter; property OnClick; end; function CreateButton(AOwner: TComponent; x, y, w: TfpgCoord; AText: string; AOnClickEvent: TNotifyEvent): TfpgButton; implementation uses gui_form; {$Note Try and remove this gui_form dependency.} function CreateButton(AOwner: TComponent; x, y, w: TfpgCoord; AText: string; AOnClickEvent: TNotifyEvent): TfpgButton; begin Result := TfpgButton.Create(AOwner); Result.Text := AText; Result.SetPosition(x, y, w, Result.Height); // font was used to calculate height. Result.OnClick := AOnClickEvent; end; { TfpgButton } procedure TfpgButton.SetDown(AValue: Boolean); begin if AValue <> FDown then begin FDown := AValue; if AllowDown then RePaint; end; end; procedure TfpgButton.SetShowImage(AValue: Boolean); begin if AValue <> FShowImage then begin FShowImage := AValue; if (FImage <> nil) and ShowImage then RePaint; end; end; procedure TfpgButton.SetText(const AValue: string); begin if FText = AValue then Exit; FText := AValue; RePaint; end; procedure TfpgButton.SetImageName(const AValue: string); begin FImageName := AValue; FImage := fpgImages.GetImage(FImageName); Repaint; end; function TfpgButton.GetFontDesc: string; begin Result := FFont.FontDesc; end; procedure TfpgButton.SetDefault(const AValue: boolean); var i: integer; wg: TfpgWidget; begin if FDefault = AValue then Exit; //==> FDefault := AValue; // Clear other buttons Default state if FDefault and (Parent <> nil) then begin for i := 0 to Parent.ComponentCount-1 do begin wg := TfpgWidget(Parent.Components[i]); if (wg <> nil) and (wg <> self) and (wg is TfpgButton) then begin TfpgButton(wg).Default := False; end; end; { for } end; { if } RePaint; end; procedure TfpgButton.SetEmbedded(const AValue: Boolean); begin if FEmbedded = AValue then Exit; FEmbedded := AValue; end; procedure TfpgButton.SetFontDesc(const AValue: string); begin FFont.Free; FFont := fpgGetFont(AValue); RePaint; end; constructor TfpgButton.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FText := 'Button'; FFont := fpgGetFont('#Label1'); FHeight := FFont.Height + 8; FWidth := 75; FFocusable := True; FTextColor := Parent.TextColor; FBackgroundColor := clButtonFace; OnClick := nil; FDown := False; FClicked := False; FDown := False; FClickOnPush := False; FGroupIndex := 0; FImage := nil; FImageName := ''; FShowImage := True; FImageMargin := 3; // image is 3 pixels from edge of button. -1 will centre image. FImageSpacing := -1; // text is centered in remaining space FModalResult := 0; FEmbedded := False; FDefault := False; FAllowAllUp := False; end; destructor TfpgButton.Destroy; begin FImage := nil; FText := ''; FFont.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TfpgButton.HandlePaint; var AText: string; x, y, iy, w: integer; r: TfpgRect; pofs: integer; lBtnFlags: TFButtonFlags; clr: TfpgColor; begin Canvas.BeginDraw; // inherited HandlePaint; // Canvas.Clear(FBackgroundColor); // Do we need this? Canvas.ClearClipRect; r.SetRect(0, 0, Width, Height); lBtnFlags := []; if FDown then Include(lBtnFlags, btnIsPressed); if FFocused and (not FEmbedded) then Include(lBtnFlags, btnHasFocus); if FEmbedded then Include(lBtnFlags, btnIsEmbedded); if FDefault then Include(lBtnFlags, btnIsDefault); if FBackgroundColor <> clButtonFace then begin clr := fpgColorToRGB(clButtonFace); fpgSetNamedColor(clButtonface, FBackgroundColor); Canvas.DrawButtonFace(r, lBtnFlags); fpgSetNamedColor(clButtonface, clr); end else Canvas.DrawButtonFace(r, lBtnFlags); if FFocused and (not FEmbedded) then begin InflateRect(r, -3, -3); Canvas.DrawFocusRect(r); end; Canvas.SetTextColor(FTextColor); Canvas.SetColor(clText1); Canvas.SetClipRect(r); Canvas.SetFont(Font); AText := FText; y := (Height div 2) - (FFont.Height div 2); if y < 3 then y := 3; if FDown then pofs := 1 else pofs := 0; if (ShowImage) and (FImage <> nil) then begin iy := Height div 2 - FImage.Height div 2; if ImageMargin = -1 then // centered begin w := FFont.TextWidth(AText) + FImage.Width; if FImageSpacing > 0 then Inc(w, FImageSpacing); x := (Width div 2) - (w div 2); if x < 3 then x := 3; end else begin x := FImageMargin + 3; end; Canvas.DrawImage(x + pofs, iy + pofs, FImage); Inc(x, FImage.Width); if FImageSpacing > 0 then Inc(x, FImageSpacing); if (FImageSpacing = -1) and (FImageMargin >= 0) then begin w := (Width - 3 - x) div 2 - FFont.TextWidth(AText) div 2; if w < 1 then w := 1; // minimal spacing x := x + w; end; end else x := (Width div 2) - (FFont.TextWidth(AText) div 2); if x < 3 then x := 3; fpgStyle.DrawString(Canvas, x+pofs, y+pofs, AText, Enabled); Canvas.EndDraw; end; procedure TfpgButton.DoPush; var n: integer; c: TComponent; begin FClickOnPush := (not FDown) and AllowDown; // search the other buttons in the group for n := 0 to Parent.ComponentCount - 1 do begin c := Parent.Components[n]; if (c <> self) and (c is TfpgButton) then with TfpgButton(c) do if GroupIndex = self.GroupIndex then Down := False; end; FDown := True; FClicked := True; RePaint; if FClickOnPush then Click; end; procedure TfpgButton.DoRelease(x, y: integer); var r: TfpgRect; begin r.SetRect(0, 0, Width, Height); if AllowDown then begin if FDown and (not FClickOnPush) and FAllowAllUp then begin FDown := False; RePaint; if PtInRect(r, Point(x, y)) then Click; end; end else begin if FDown and FClicked then if PtInRect(r, Point(x, y)) then Click; FDown := False; RePaint; end; FClickOnPush := False; FClicked := False; end; procedure TfpgButton.HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); begin if (keycode = keyReturn) or (keycode = keySpace) then begin DoPush; Consumed := True; end else inherited; end; procedure TfpgButton.HandleKeyRelease(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); begin if (keycode = keyReturn) or (keycode = keySpace) then begin DoRelease(1, 1); // fake co-ordinates to it executes the Click Consumed := True; end else inherited; end; procedure TfpgButton.HandleLMouseDown(X, Y: integer; ShiftState: TShiftState); begin inherited; if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then Exit; CaptureMouse; DoPush; end; procedure TfpgButton.HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); begin // inherited; if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then Exit; ReleaseMouse; DoRelease(x, y); end; procedure TfpgButton.HandleMouseExit; begin inherited HandleMouseExit; if FDown and (not AllowDown) then begin FDown := False; RePaint; end; end; procedure TfpgButton.HandleMouseEnter; begin inherited HandleMouseEnter; if FClicked and (not AllowDown) then begin FDown := True; RePaint; end; end; procedure TfpgButton.Click; var pform: TfpgForm; begin pform := WidgetParentForm(self); if pform <> nil then pform.ModalResult := ModalResult; if Assigned(OnClick) then OnClick(self); end; function TfpgButton.GetCommand: ICommand; begin Result := FCommand; end; procedure TfpgButton.SetCommand(ACommand: ICommand); begin FCommand := ACommand; end; procedure TfpgButton.SetImageMargin(const Value: integer); begin FImageMargin := Value; Repaint; end; procedure TfpgButton.SetImageSpacing(const Value: integer); begin FImageSpacing := Value; Repaint; end; function TfpgButton.GetAllowDown: Boolean; begin Result := GroupIndex > 0; end; procedure TfpgButton.SetAllowDown(const Value: Boolean); begin GroupIndex := 1; end; procedure TfpgButton.SetAllowAllUp(const Value: boolean); begin FAllowAllUp := Value; end; end.