{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Defines a basic Treeview control and Node classes. The treeview keeps track of the nodes in a double-linked list structure. Each Node as .prev and .next property pointing to it's neighbours. } unit fpg_tree; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} { TODO: * Lots!! * Columns need to be reworked. We don't want coluns per node levels. Instead we want a main column covering the tree. Then extra columns for user text and data. * Implement event handlers the user can hook into and do custom drawing. WARNING: This is still under heavy development. Use at own risk! } {.$Define Debug} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_widget, fpg_imagelist, fpg_scrollbar, fpg_menu; type TfpgNodeAttachMode = (naAdd, naAddFirst, naAddChild, naAddChildFirst, naInsert); PfpgTreeColumnWidth = ^TfpgTreeColumnWidth; TfpgTreeColumnWidth = record next: PfpgTreeColumnWidth; width: word; end; // forward declaration TfpgTreeView = class; TfpgTreeNode = class; TfpgTreeNodeFindMethod = procedure(ANode: TfpgTreeNode; var AFound: boolean) of object; TfpgTreeNode = class(TObject) private FCollapsed: boolean; FData: Pointer; FFirstSubNode: TfpgTreeNode; // the subnodes - for list implementation FImageIndex: integer; FInactSelColor: TfpgColor; FInactSelTextColor: TfpgColor; FLastSubNode: TfpgTreeNode; FNext: TfpgTreeNode; FParent: TfpgTreeNode; FPrev: TfpgTreeNode; FSelColor: TfpgColor; FSelTextColor: TfpgColor; FText: TfpgString; FTextColor: TfpgColor; FHasChildren: Boolean; FTree: TfpgTreeView; procedure SetCollapsed(const AValue: boolean); procedure SetInactSelColor(const AValue: TfpgColor); procedure SetInactSelTextColor(const AValue: TfpgColor); procedure SetParent(const AValue: TfpgTreeNode); procedure SetSelColor(const AValue: TfpgColor); procedure SetSelTextColor(const AValue: TfpgColor); procedure SetText(const AValue: TfpgString); procedure SetTextColor(const AValue: TfpgColor); procedure DoRePaint; procedure SetHasChildren(const AValue: Boolean); procedure DoTreeCheck(ANode: TfpgTreeNode); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; // node related function AppendText(AText: TfpgString): TfpgTreeNode; function Count: integer; function CountRecursive: integer; function FindSubNode(AText: string; ARecursive: Boolean): TfpgTreeNode; overload; function FindSubNode(ATreeNodeFindMethod: TfpgTreeNodeFindMethod): TfpgTreeNode; overload; function FindSubNode(AData: TObject; ARecursive: Boolean): TfpgTreeNode; overload; function GetMaxDepth: integer; function GetMaxVisibleDepth: integer; procedure Append(var ANode: TfpgTreeNode); procedure Clear; // remove all nodes recursively procedure Collapse; procedure Expand; procedure Remove(var aNode: TfpgTreeNode); procedure MoveTo(Destination: TfpgTreeNode; Mode: TfpgNodeAttachMode); procedure UnregisterSubNode(aNode: TfpgTreeNode); // parent color settings function ParentInactSelColor: TfpgColor; function ParentInactSelTextColor: TfpgColor; function ParentSelColor: TfpgColor; function ParentSelTextColor: TfpgColor; function ParentTextColor: TfpgColor; // general properties property Collapsed: boolean read FCollapsed write SetCollapsed; property Data: Pointer read FData write FData; property FirstSubNode: TfpgTreeNode read FFirstSubNode; property ImageIndex: integer read FImageIndex write FImageIndex; property LastSubNode: TfpgTreeNode read FLastSubNode; property Next: TfpgTreeNode read FNext write FNext; property Parent: TfpgTreeNode read FParent write SetParent; property Prev: TfpgTreeNode read FPrev write FPrev; property Text: TfpgString read FText write SetText; { determines the + or - image in the treeview } property HasChildren: Boolean read FHasChildren write SetHasChildren; // color settings property InactSelColor: TfpgColor read FInactSelColor write SetInactSelColor; property InactSelTextColor: TfpgColor read FInactSelTextColor write SetInactSelTextColor; property SelColor: TfpgColor read FSelColor write SetSelColor; property SelTextColor: TfpgColor read FSelTextColor write SetSelTextColor; property TextColor: TfpgColor read FTextColor write SetTextColor; end; TfpgTreeExpandEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ANode: TfpgTreeNode) of object; TfpgTreeView = class(TfpgWidget) private FImageList: TfpgImageList; FColumnHeight: integer; // height of the column header FDefaultColumnWidth: word; FIndentNodeWithNoImage: boolean; FFirstColumn: PfpgTreeColumnWidth; // the list for column widths FFont: TfpgFont; FHScrollbar: TfpgScrollbar; FMoving: boolean; FMovingCol: integer; FMovingPos: integer; FNoImageIndent: integer; FOnChange: TNotifyEvent; FOnExpand: TfpgTreeExpandEvent; FRootNode: TfpgTreeNode; FScrollWheelDelta: integer; FSelection: TfpgTreeNode; // currently selected node FShowColumns: boolean; FShowImages : boolean; FTreeLineColor: TfpgColor; FTreeLineStyle: TfpgLineStyle; FVScrollbar: TfpgScrollbar; FXOffset: integer; // for repaint and scrollbar-calculation FYOffset: integer; function GetFontDesc: string; function GetRootNode: TfpgTreeNode; procedure SetDefaultColumnWidth(const AValue: word); procedure SetFontDesc(const AValue: string); procedure SetSelection(const AValue: TfpgTreeNode); procedure SetShowColumns(const AValue: boolean); procedure SetShowImages(const AValue: boolean); procedure SetTreeLineColor(const AValue: TfpgColor); procedure SetTreeLineStyle(const AValue: TfpgLineStyle); procedure SetIndentNodeWithNoImage(const AValue: boolean); function VisibleWidth: integer; function VisibleHeight: integer; function GetNodeHeightSum: integer; function MaxNodeWidth: integer; function GetNodeHeight: integer; // width of a node inclusive image function GetNodeWidth(ANode: TfpgTreeNode): integer; function NodeIsVisible(ANode: TfpgTreeNode): boolean; // returns the node-top in pixels function GetAbsoluteNodeTop(ANode: TfpgTreeNode): integer; function GetColumnLeft(AIndex: integer): integer; procedure PreCalcColumnLeft; procedure VScrollbarScroll(Sender: TObject; position: integer); procedure HScrollbarScroll(Sender: TObject; position: integer); procedure UpdateScrollbars; procedure ResetScrollbar; procedure ClearColumnLeft; procedure FreeAllTreeNodes; protected FColumnLeft: TList; FPopupMenu: TfpgPopupMenu; procedure HandleResize(awidth, aheight: TfpgCoord); override; procedure HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleRMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleDoubleClick(x, y: integer; button: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override; procedure HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); override; procedure HandleShow; override; procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure DrawHeader(ACol: integer; ARect: TfpgRect; AFlags: integer); virtual; procedure DoChange; virtual; procedure DoExpand(ANode: TfpgTreeNode); virtual; // the nodes between the given node and the direct next node function SpaceToVisibleNext(aNode: TfpgTreeNode): integer; function StepToRoot(aNode: TfpgTreeNode): integer; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure SetColumnWidth(AIndex, AWidth: word); // the width of a column - aIndex of the rootnode = 0 function GetColumnWidth(AIndex: word): word; procedure GotoNextNodeUp; procedure GotoNextNodeDown; procedure FullCollapse; procedure FullExpand; // any next node, even if node is collapsed function NextNode(ANode: TfpgTreeNode): TfpgTreeNode; function PrevNode(ANode: TfpgTreeNode): TfpgTreeNode; // only visual (visible) nodes function NextVisualNode(ANode: TfpgTreeNode): TfpgTreeNode; function PrevVisualNode(ANode: TfpgTreeNode): TfpgTreeNode; property Font: TfpgFont read FFont; // Invisible node that starts the tree property RootNode: TfpgTreeNode read GetRootNode; property Selection: TfpgTreeNode read FSelection write SetSelection; property ImageList: TfpgImageList read FImageList write FImageList; property PopupMenu: TfpgPopupMenu read FPopupMenu write FPopupMenu; published property Align; property BackgroundColor default clListBox; property DefaultColumnWidth: word read FDefaultColumnWidth write SetDefaultColumnWidth default 15; property Enabled; property FontDesc: string read GetFontDesc write SetFontDesc; property IndentNodeWithNoImage: boolean read FIndentNodeWithNoImage write SetIndentNodeWithNoImage default True; property NoImageIndent: integer read FNoImageIndent write FNoImageIndent default 16; property ParentShowHint; property ScrollWheelDelta: integer read FScrollWheelDelta write FScrollWheelDelta default 15; property ShowColumns: boolean read FShowColumns write SetShowColumns default False; property Hint; property ShowHint; property ShowImages: boolean read FShowImages write SetShowImages default False; property TabOrder; property TextColor; property TreeLineColor: TfpgColor read FTreeLineColor write SetTreeLineColor default clShadow1; property TreeLineStyle: TfpgLineStyle read FTreeLineStyle write SetTreeLineStyle default lsDot; property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange; property OnExpand: TfpgTreeExpandEvent read FOnExpand write FOnExpand; property OnDoubleClick; property OnShowHint; end; implementation type PColumnLeft = ^integer; { TfpgTreeNode } procedure TfpgTreeNode.SetInactSelColor(const AValue: TfpgColor); begin if AValue <> FInactSelColor then begin FInactSelColor := AValue; DoRePaint; end; end; procedure TfpgTreeNode.SetCollapsed(const AValue: boolean); begin if aValue <> FCollapsed then begin FCollapsed := AValue; DoRePaint; end; end; procedure TfpgTreeNode.SetInactSelTextColor(const AValue: TfpgColor); begin if AValue <> FInactSelTextColor then begin FInactSelTextColor := AValue; DoRePaint; end; end; procedure TfpgTreeNode.SetParent(const AValue: TfpgTreeNode); begin if aValue <> FParent then begin if FParent <> nil then FParent.UnRegisterSubNode(self); // unregisteres FParent := aValue; if FParent <> nil then begin DoRePaint; end; end; end; procedure TfpgTreeNode.SetSelColor(const AValue: TfpgColor); begin if FSelColor <> aValue then begin FSelColor := aValue; DoRePaint; end; end; procedure TfpgTreeNode.SetSelTextColor(const AValue: TfpgColor); begin if FTextColor <> aValue then begin FSelTextColor := aValue; DoRePaint; end; end; procedure TfpgTreeNode.SetText(const AValue: TfpgString); begin if AValue <> FText then begin FText := aValue; DoRePaint; end; end; procedure TfpgTreeNode.SetTextColor(const AValue: TfpgColor); begin if FTextColor <> aValue then begin FTextColor := aValue; DoRePaint; end; end; procedure TfpgTreeNode.DoRePaint; begin // todo end; procedure TfpgTreeNode.SetHasChildren(const AValue: Boolean); begin if FHasChildren <> AValue then begin FHasChildren := AValue; DoRePaint; end; end; procedure TfpgTreeNode.DoTreeCheck(ANode: TfpgTreeNode); begin if ANode.FTree <> FTree then raise Exception.Create('Nodes must be of the same tree'); end; constructor TfpgTreeNode.Create; begin FData := nil; FFirstSubNode := nil; FLastSubNode := nil; FText := ''; FImageIndex := -1; FCollapsed := True; FHasChildren := False; FParent := nil; FNext := nil; FPrev := nil; FSelColor := clUnset; FSelTextColor := clUnset; FTextColor := clUnset; FInactSelColor := clUnset; FInactSelTextColor := clUnset; end; destructor TfpgTreeNode.Destroy; begin if FParent <> nil then FParent.UnregisterSubNode(self); Clear; FData := nil; FParent := nil; FNext := nil; FPrev := nil; FFirstSubNode := nil; FLastSubNode := nil; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TfpgTreeNode.UnregisterSubNode(aNode: TfpgTreeNode); var h: TfpgTreeNode; begin h := FFirstSubNode; while h <> nil do begin if h = aNode then begin if h = FFirstSubNode then FFirstSubNode := FFirstSubNode.Next; if h = FLastSubNode then FLastSubNode := FLastSubNode.Prev; if h.prev <> nil then h.prev.next := h.next; if h.next <> nil then h.next.prev := h.prev; exit; end; h := h.next; end; end; procedure TfpgTreeNode.Append(var ANode: TfpgTreeNode); begin DoTreeCheck(ANode); ANode.Parent := self; ANode.Next := nil; if FFirstSubNode = nil then FFirstSubNode := ANode; ANode.Prev := FLastSubNode; if FLastSubNode <> nil then FLastSubNode.Next := ANode; FLastSubNode := ANode; end; function TfpgTreeNode.FindSubNode(AText: string; ARecursive: Boolean): TfpgTreeNode; var h: TfpgTreeNode; begin result := nil; if ARecursive then begin h := FirstSubNode; while h <> nil do begin // writeln('h.Text = ', h.Text); if h.Text = AText then begin result := h; Exit; //==> end; if h.count > 0 then begin result := h.FindSubNode(AText, ARecursive); if result <> nil then Exit; //==> end; h := h.next; end; { while } end else begin h := FirstSubNode; while h <> nil do begin if h.Text = AText then begin result := h; break; end; h := h.next; end; end; { if/else } end; function TfpgTreeNode.FindSubNode(ATreeNodeFindMethod: TfpgTreeNodeFindMethod): TfpgTreeNode; var lFound: Boolean; h: TfpgTreeNode; begin result := nil; lFound := False; if not Assigned(ATreeNodeFindMethod) then Exit; //==> h := FirstSubNode; while h <> nil do begin ATreeNodeFindMethod(h, lFound); if lFound then begin result := h; Exit; //==> end; if h.Count > 0 then begin result := h.FindSubNode(ATreeNodeFindMethod); if result <> nil then Exit; //==> end; h := h.next; end; end; function TfpgTreeNode.FindSubNode(AData: TObject; ARecursive: Boolean): TfpgTreeNode; var h: TfpgTreeNode; begin result := nil; if ARecursive then begin h := FirstSubNode; while h <> nil do begin if TObject(h.Data) = AData then begin result := h; Exit; //==> end; if h.count > 0 then begin result := h.FindSubNode(AData, ARecursive); if result <> nil then Exit; //==> end; h := h.next; end; { while } end else begin h := FirstSubNode; while h <> nil do begin if TObject(h.Data) = AData then begin result := h; break; end; h := h.next; end; end; { if/else } end; function TfpgTreeNode.AppendText(AText: TfpgString): TfpgTreeNode; var h: TfpgTreeNode; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TfpgTreeNode.AppendText'); {$ENDIF} h := TfpgTreeNode.Create; h.FTree := FTree; h.Text := AText; Append(h); result := h; end; function TfpgTreeNode.GetMaxDepth: integer; var h: TfpgTreeNode; a: integer; t: integer; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TfpgTreeNode.GetMaxDepth'); {$ENDIF} h := FirstSubNode; result := 1; a := 0; while h <> nil do begin t := h.GetMaxDepth; if t > a then a := t; h := h.next; end; result := result + a; end; function TfpgTreeNode.GetMaxVisibleDepth: integer; var h: TfpgTreeNode; a: integer; t: integer; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TfpgTreeNode.GetMaxVisibleDepth'); {$ENDIF} result := 1; h := FirstSubNode; if h.Collapsed then exit; a := 0; while h <> nil do begin t := h.GetMaxDepth; if t > a then a := t; h := h.next; end; result := result + a; end; procedure TfpgTreeNode.Collapse; begin Collapsed := True; end; procedure TfpgTreeNode.Expand; begin Collapsed := False; end; function TfpgTreeNode.Count: integer; var h: TfpgTreeNode; i: integer; begin h := FirstSubNode; i := 0; while h <> nil do begin inc(i); h := h.next; end; result := i; end; function TfpgTreeNode.CountRecursive: integer; var h: TfpgTreeNode; i: integer; begin h := FFirstSubNode; i := 0; while h <> nil do begin inc(i); // current node i := i + h.CountRecursive; // increases i by the count of the subnodes of the subnode h := h.next; end; result := i; end; procedure TfpgTreeNode.Remove(var aNode: TfpgTreeNode); begin if FirstSubNode = aNode then begin FFirstSubNode := aNode.next; if FFirstSubNode <> nil then FFirstSubNode.Prev := nil; end else begin if aNode.prev <> nil then aNode.Prev.next := aNode.next; end; if LastSubNode = aNode then begin FLastSubNode := aNode.prev; if FLastSubNode <> nil then FLastSubNode.next := nil; end else begin if aNode.next <> nil then aNode.next.prev := aNode.prev; end; aNode.prev := nil; aNode.next := nil; aNode.parent := nil; end; procedure TfpgTreeNode.MoveTo(Destination: TfpgTreeNode; Mode: TfpgNodeAttachMode); begin if Destination = nil then Exit; DoTreeCheck(Destination); Parent.Remove(self); case Mode of naAdd: begin Destination.Parent.Append(self); end; naAddFirst: begin Next := Destination.Parent.FirstSubNode; Next.Prev := self; Destination.Parent.FFirstSubNode := self; Parent := Destination.Parent; end; naAddChild: begin Destination.Append(self); end; naAddChildFirst: begin Next := Destination.FirstSubNode; if Assigned(Destination.FirstSubNode) then Destination.FirstSubNode.Prev := self; Destination.FFirstSubNode := self; Parent := Destination; if Destination.LastSubNode = nil then Destination.FLastSubNode := self; end; naInsert: begin Prev := Destination.Prev; Next := Destination; Parent := Destination.Parent; Destination.Prev := self; if Prev = nil then Parent.FFirstSubNode := self else Prev.Next := self; end; end; { case } end; procedure TfpgTreeNode.Clear; var n: TfpgTreeNode; tn: TfpgTreeNode; begin n := LastSubNode; while n <> nil do begin tn := n; n := n.prev; Remove(tn); tn.Free; end; end; function TfpgTreeNode.ParentTextColor: TfpgColor; begin if TextColor <> clUnset then result := TextColor else begin if parent <> nil then result := parent.ParentTextColor else result := clText1; end; end; function TfpgTreeNode.ParentSelTextColor: TfpgColor; begin if SelTextColor <> clUnset then result := SelTextColor else begin if parent <> nil then result := parent.ParentSelTextColor else result := clSelectionText; end; end; function TfpgTreeNode.ParentSelColor: TfpgColor; begin if SelColor <> clUnset then result := SelColor else begin if parent <> nil then result := parent.ParentSelColor else result := clSelection; end; end; function TfpgTreeNode.ParentInactSelTextColor: TfpgColor; begin if InactSelTextColor <> clUnset then result := InactSelTextColor else begin if Parent <> nil then Result := Parent.ParentInactSelTextColor else Result := clInactiveSelText; end; end; function TfpgTreeNode.ParentInactSelColor: TfpgColor; begin if InactSelColor <> clUnset then result := InactSelColor else begin if Parent <> nil then result := parent.ParentInactSelColor else result := clInactiveSel; end; end; { TfpgTreeview } procedure TfpgTreeview.VScrollbarScroll(Sender: TObject; position: integer); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln(Classname, '.VScrollbarMove'); {$ENDIF} FYOffset := Position; RePaint; end; function TfpgTreeview.GetFontDesc: string; begin Result := FFont.FontDesc; end; function TfpgTreeview.GetRootNode: TfpgTreeNode; begin if FRootNode = nil then begin FRootNode := TfpgTreeNode.Create; FRootNode.FTree := self; end; FRootNode.TextColor := clText1; FRootnode.SelTextColor := clSelectionText; FRootnode.SelColor := clSelection; Result := FRootNode; end; procedure TfpgTreeview.SetDefaultColumnWidth(const AValue: word); begin if (aValue <> FDefaultColumnWidth) and (aValue > 3) then begin FDefaultColumnWidth := AValue; RePaint; end; end; procedure TfpgTreeview.SetFontDesc(const AValue: string); begin FFont.Free; FFont := fpgGetFont(AValue); RePaint; end; procedure TfpgTreeview.SetSelection(const AValue: TfpgTreeNode); var n: TfpgTreeNode; dy: integer; // y delta - absolute top node nh: integer; // node height vh: integer; // visible height begin if AValue <> FSelection then begin FSelection := AValue; if AValue <> nil then begin n := AValue.Parent; while n <> nil do begin if n.Collapsed then begin n.Expand; DoExpand(n); end; n := n.parent; end; UpdateScrollbars; end; dy := GetAbsoluteNodeTop(FSelection); nh := GetNodeHeight; vh := VisibleHeight; if dy + nh - FVScrollbar.Position > vh then begin if FVScrollBar.Max = 0 then // the first time and no expansion happened before. FVScrollBar.Max := dy + Height; FVScrollbar.Position := dy + nh - (vh div 2); FYOffset := FVScrollbar.Position; UpdateScrollBars; if FHScrollbar.Visible then // HScrollbar appeared so we need to adjust position again begin FVScrollbar.Position := FVScrollbar.Position + FHScrollbar.Height; FYOffset := FVScrollbar.Position; UpdateScrollBars; end; end; if dy - FVScrollbar.Position < 0 then begin FVScrollbar.Position := dy; FYOffset := FVScrollbar.Position; UpdateScrollbars; end; end; end; procedure TfpgTreeview.SetShowColumns(const AValue: boolean); begin if FShowColumns <> aValue then begin FShowColumns := aValue; RePaint; end; end; procedure TfpgTreeview.SetShowImages(const AValue: boolean); begin if AValue <> FShowImages then begin FShowImages := AValue; UpdateScrollbars; RePaint; end; end; procedure TfpgTreeview.SetTreeLineColor(const AValue: TfpgColor); begin if FTreeLineColor = AValue then Exit; //==> FTreeLineColor := AValue; RePaint; end; procedure TfpgTreeview.SetTreeLineStyle(const AValue: TfpgLineStyle); begin if FTreeLineStyle = AValue then Exit; //==> FTreeLineStyle := AValue; RePaint; end; procedure TfpgTreeView.SetIndentNodeWithNoImage(const AValue: boolean); begin if AValue <> FIndentNodeWithNoImage then begin FIndentNodeWithNoImage := AValue; UpdateScrollbars; RePaint; end; end; function TfpgTreeview.VisibleWidth: integer; begin Result := Width - 2; // border width = 2 pixels if FVScrollbar.Visible then dec(Result, FVScrollbar.Width); end; function TfpgTreeview.VisibleHeight: integer; begin Result := Height - 2; // border width = 2 pixels if FShowColumns then dec(Result, FColumnHeight); if FHScrollbar.Visible then dec(Result, FHScrollbar.Height); end; function TfpgTreeview.GetNodeHeightSum: integer; var h: TfpgTreeNode; i: integer; begin h := RootNode; i := -1; while h <> nil do begin inc(i); if (not h.Collapsed) and (h.Count > 0) then begin h := h.FirstSubNode; end else begin if h.next <> nil then h := h.next else begin while h.next = nil do begin h := h.parent; if h = nil then begin result := i; exit; end; end; h := h.next; end; end; end; result := i; end; function TfpgTreeview.MaxNodeWidth: integer; var h: TfpgTreeNode; w: integer; r: integer; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TfpgTreeView.MaxNodeWidth'); {$ENDIF} result := 0; h := RootNode.FirstSubNode; r := 0; while h <> nil do begin w := GetColumnLeft(StepToRoot(h)); if r < w + GetNodeWidth(h) then r := w + GetNodeWidth(h); if (not h.collapsed) and (h.count > 0) then h := h.FirstSubNode else begin if h.next <> nil then h := h.next else begin while h.next = nil do begin h := h.parent; if h = nil then begin result := r + 4; exit; end; end; { while } h := h.next; end; end; { if/else } end; { while } end; function TfpgTreeview.GetNodeHeight: integer; begin Result := FFont.Height + 2; end; function TfpgTreeview.GetNodeWidth(ANode: TfpgTreeNode): integer; var AImage: TfpgImageItem; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TfpgTreeView.GetNodeWidth'); {$ENDIF} if ANode = nil then Result := 0 else begin Result := FFont.TextWidth(ANode.Text) + 2; if ShowImages and (ImageList <> nil) then begin if ANode.ImageIndex > -1 then begin AImage := ImageList.Items[ANode.ImageIndex]; if AImage <> nil then result := result + AImage.Image.Width + 2; end else if IndentNodeWithNoImage then result := result + NoImageIndent + 2; end; end; { if/else } end; function TfpgTreeview.NodeIsVisible(ANode: TfpgTreeNode): boolean; begin Result := True; if ANode = nil then begin Result := False; exit; end; ANode := ANode.Parent; while ANode <> nil do begin if ANode.Collapsed and (ANode.Parent <> nil) then Result := False; ANode := ANode.Parent; end; end; function TfpgTreeview.GetAbsoluteNodeTop(ANode: TfpgTreeNode): integer; var i: integer; begin i := 0; while (ANode <> nil) and (ANode <> RootNode) do begin ANode := PrevVisualNode(ANode); inc(i); end; result := (i - 1) * GetNodeHeight; end; function TfpgTreeview.GetColumnLeft(AIndex: integer): integer; begin if FColumnLeft = nil then PreCalcColumnLeft; if AIndex < 0 then Result := 0 else begin if AIndex > FColumnLeft.Count - 1 then result := PColumnLeft(FColumnLeft[FColumnLeft.Count - 1])^ else result := PColumnLeft(FColumnLeft[AIndex])^; end; end; function TfpgTreeview.GetColumnWidth(AIndex: word): word; var h: PfpgTreeColumnWidth; i: integer; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TfpgTreeView.GetColumnWidth'); {$ENDIF} h := FFirstColumn; i := 0; if h = nil then // not found begin result := DefaultColumnWidth; exit; end; while i < aIndex do begin if h = nil then // not found - returns the default begin result := DefaultColumnWidth; exit; end; h := h^.next; inc(i); end; if h <> nil then result := h^.width else // not found -> returns the default result := DefaultColumnWidth; end; procedure TfpgTreeView.GotoNextNodeUp; begin if Selection = RootNode.FirstSubNode then Exit; Selection := PrevNode(Selection); end; procedure TfpgTreeView.GotoNextNodeDown; var lNode: TfpgTreeNode; begin if (Selection = RootNode.LastSubNode) and (RootNode.LastSubNode.CountRecursive = 0) then Exit; lNode := NextNode(Selection); if lNode <> nil then Selection := lNode; end; procedure TfpgTreeView.FullCollapse; var n: TfpgTreeNode; begin n := NextNode(RootNode); repeat if n <> nil then begin n.Collapse; end; n := NextNode(n); until n = nil; Repaint; end; procedure TfpgTreeView.FullExpand; var n: TfpgTreeNode; begin n := NextNode(RootNode); repeat if n <> nil then begin n.Expand; end; n := NextNode(n); until n = nil; Repaint; end; procedure TfpgTreeview.PreCalcColumnLeft; var Aleft: TfpgCoord; ACounter: integer; AColumnLeft: PColumnLeft; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TfpgTreeView.PreCalcColumnWidth'); {$ENDIf} if FColumnLeft = nil then FColumnLeft := TList.Create; ClearColumnLeft; // Freeing memory Aleft := 0; for ACounter := 1 to RootNode.GetMaxDepth do begin AColumnLeft := new(PColumnLeft); AColumnLeft^ := Aleft; FColumnLeft.Add(AColumnLeft); Aleft := Aleft + GetColumnWidth(ACounter); end; end; procedure TfpgTreeview.HScrollbarScroll(Sender: TObject; position: integer); begin FXOffset := Position; RePaint; end; procedure TfpgTreeview.UpdateScrollbars; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln(Classname, '.UpdateScrollbars'); {$ENDIF} FVScrollbar.Visible := VisibleHeight < (GetNodeHeightSum * GetNodeHeight); FVScrollbar.Min := 0; FVScrollbar.Max := (GetNodeHeightSum * GetNodeHeight) - VisibleHeight + FHScrollbar.Height; FVScrollbar.PageSize := (VisibleHeight div 4) * 3; // three quarters of the height FVScrollbar.ScrollStep := GetNodeHeight; // up/down buttons move the height of the font FHScrollbar.Min := 0; FHScrollbar.Max := MaxNodeWidth - VisibleWidth + FVScrollbar.Width; FHScrollbar.PageSize := (VisibleWidth div 4) * 3; // three quarters of the height FHScrollbar.Visible := MaxNodeWidth > Width - 2; if not FVScrollbar.Visible then begin FVScrollbar.Position := 0; FVScrollBar.RepaintSlider; FYOffset := 0; end else FVScrollBar.RepaintSlider; if not FHScrollbar.Visible then begin FHScrollbar.Position := 0; FHScrollBar.RepaintSlider; FXOffset := 0; end else FHScrollBar.RepaintSlider; end; procedure TfpgTreeview.ResetScrollbar; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln(Classname, '.ResetScrollbar'); {$ENDIF} UpdateScrollBars; if FHScrollbar.Visible then FVScrollbar.SetPosition(Width - 19, 1, 18, Height - 2 - 18) else FVScrollbar.SetPosition(Width - 19, 1, 18, Height - 2); FHScrollbar.SetPosition(1, Height - 19, Width - 2, 18); end; procedure TfpgTreeView.ClearColumnLeft; var i: integer; AColumnLeft: PColumnLeft; begin for i := 0 to FColumnLeft.Count - 1 do // Freeing Memory begin AColumnLeft := FColumnLeft[i]; Dispose(AColumnLeft); end; FColumnLeft.Clear; end; procedure TfpgTreeView.FreeAllTreeNodes; begin RootNode.Clear; end; procedure TfpgTreeview.HandleResize(awidth, aheight: TfpgCoord); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln(Classname, '.HandleResize'); {$ENDIF} inherited HandleResize(awidth, aheight); if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then ResetScrollbar; RePaint; end; procedure TfpgTreeview.HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); var col: integer; i: integer; w: integer; i1: integer; last: TfpgTreeNode; node: TfpgTreeNode; cancel: boolean; OldSel: TfpgTreeNode; begin inherited HandleLMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate); node := nil; OldSel := Selection; if FMoving then // column resize begin FMoving := false; x := x + FXOffset; SetColumnWidth(FMovingCol, GetColumnWidth(FMovingCol) + x - FMovingPos); FMoving := false; end else begin if ShowColumns then col := FColumnHeight else col := 0; y := y - col - 1 + FYOffset; i := 0; x := x + FXOffset; cancel := False; last := RootNode; while not ((((i - 1) * GetNodeHeight) <= y) and ((i * GetNodeHeight) >= y)) do begin node := NextVisualNode(last); if node = nil then exit; //==> if node = last then begin cancel := True; break; //==> end; inc(i); last := node; end; if (not cancel) or (node <> nil) then begin // +/- or node-selection? i1 := StepToRoot(node); w := GetColumnLeft(i1); if (x >= w - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 - 3) and (x <= w - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 6) then // collapse or expand? begin // yes if (node.Count > 0) or node.HasChildren then begin if node.Collapsed then begin node.expand; DoExpand(node); end else node.Collapse; ResetScrollBar; RePaint; end; end else begin if x > w - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 6 then Selection := node; end; end; end; if OldSel <> Selection then begin RePaint; DoChange; end; end; procedure TfpgTreeview.HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); var xpos: integer; i: integer; begin inherited HandleLMouseDown(x, y, shiftstate); if ShowColumns then begin x := x + FXOffset; xpos := 0; i := 0; while xpos + 2 < x do begin inc(i); xpos := xpos + GetColumnWidth(i); end; if (x > xpos - 2) and (x < xpos + 2) then begin FMoving := True; FMovingPos := xpos; FMovingCol := i; SetColumnWidth(i, GetColumnWidth(i)); end; end; RePaint; end; procedure TfpgTreeView.HandleRMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); begin inherited HandleRMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate); if Assigned(PopupMenu) then PopupMenu.ShowAt(self, x, y); end; procedure TfpgTreeview.HandleDoubleClick(x, y: integer; button: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); begin // to setup cursor co-ordinates and handle selection HandleLMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate); inherited HandleDoubleClick(x, y, button, shiftstate); if Selection <> nil then begin if Selection.Collapsed then begin Selection.Expand; DoExpand(Selection); end else Selection.Collapse; RePaint; end; end; procedure TfpgTreeview.HandleShow; begin if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then ResetScrollbar; inherited HandleShow; end; procedure TfpgTreeview.HandlePaint; var r: TfpgRect; h: TfpgTreeNode; i: integer; i1: integer; w: integer; YPos: integer; col: integer; ACenterPos: integer; x: integer; y: integer; AImageItem: TfpgImageItem; AVisibleHeight: integer; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TfpgTreeview.HandlePaint'); {$ENDIF} // inherited HandlePaint; Canvas.ClearClipRect; Canvas.Clear(FBackgroundColor); // Limit painting in the UI Designer if csDesigning in ComponentState then begin Canvas.SetColor(clInactiveWgFrame); r.SetRect(0, 0, Width, Height); Canvas.DrawRectangle(r); Canvas.SetTextColor(clInactiveWgFrame); Canvas.DrawString(2, 2, Name + ': ' + Classname); Exit; end; if FFocused then Canvas.SetColor(clWidgetFrame) else Canvas.SetColor(clInactiveWgFrame); r.SetRect(0, 0, Width, Height); Canvas.DrawRectangle(r); // border i1 := 0; PreCalcColumnLeft; UpdateScrollbars; AVisibleHeight := VisibleHeight; // if not HasHandle then // Exit; //==> { TODO : Columns need to be redesigned completely } if ShowColumns then begin // Drawing column headers r.SetRect(1, 1, 0, FColumnHeight); for col := 1 to rootnode.getMaxDepth - 1 do begin r.Width := GetColumnWidth(col); DrawHeader(col, r, 0); inc(r.Left, r.Width); if r.Left >= VisibleWidth then Break; // small optimization. Don't draw what we can't see end; // Fill remainder of the client area with one big header r.width := VisibleWidth - r.Left + 1; DrawHeader(col+1, r, 0); end; // Calculate the client area used for nodes and lines if ShowColumns then begin r.SetRect(1, 1 + FColumnHeight, VisibleWidth, VisibleHeight); col := FColumnHeight; end else begin r.SetRect(1, 1, VisibleWidth, VisibleHeight); col := 0; end; Canvas.ClearClipRect; Canvas.SetClipRect(r); // draw the nodes with lines h := RootNode.FirstSubNode; YPos := 0; while h <> nil do begin Canvas.SetTextColor(h.ParentTextColor); // lines with + or - w := GetColumnLeft(StepToRoot(h)); ACenterPos := YPos - FYOffset + col + (GetNodeHeight div 2); YPos := YPos + GetNodeHeight; i := GetColumnLeft(StepToRoot(h)) + GetNodeWidth(h); // only paint the node if it is fully visible if i > FXOffset then begin // writeln('painting node: ', h.Text); if h = Selection then // draw the selection rectangle and text begin if Focused then begin Canvas.SetColor(h.ParentSelColor); Canvas.SetTextColor(h.ParentSelTextColor); end else begin Canvas.SetColor(h.ParentInactSelColor); Canvas.SetTextColor(h.ParentInActSelTextColor); end; // draw selection rectangle Canvas.FillRectangle(w - FXOffset, ACenterPos - (GetNodeHeight div 2), GetNodeWidth(h), GetNodeHeight); if (ImageList <> nil) and ShowImages then begin AImageItem := ImageList.Items[h.ImageIndex]; if AImageItem <> nil then begin Canvas.DrawImagePart(w - FXOffset + 1, ACenterPos - 8, AImageItem.Image, 0, 0, 16, 16); Canvas.DrawString(w - FXOffset + 1 + AImageItem.Image.Width + 2, ACenterPos - (GetNodeHeight div 2), h.text); end else begin if FIndentNodeWithNoImage then Canvas.DrawString(w - FXOffset + 1 + FNoImageIndent + 2 {spacer}, ACenterPos - (GetNodeHeight div 2), h.text) else Canvas.DrawString(w - FXOffset + 1, ACenterPos - (GetNodeHeight div 2), h.text); end; end else Canvas.DrawString(w - FXOffset + 1, ACenterPos - (GetNodeHeight div 2), h.text); Canvas.SetTextColor(h.ParentTextColor); end else begin if (ImageList <> nil) and ShowImages then begin AImageItem := ImageList.Items[h.ImageIndex]; if AImageItem <> nil then begin Canvas.DrawImagePart(w - FXOffset + 1, ACenterPos - 8, AImageItem.Image, 0, 0, 16, 16); Canvas.DrawString(w - FXOffset + 1 + AImageItem.Image.Width + 2, ACenterPos - (GetNodeHeight div 2), h.text); end else begin if FIndentNodeWithNoImage then Canvas.DrawString(w - FXOffset + 1 + FNoImageIndent + 2 {spacer}, ACenterPos - (GetNodeHeight div 2), h.text) else Canvas.DrawString(w - FXOffset + 1, ACenterPos - (GetNodeHeight div 2), h.text); end end else Canvas.DrawString(w - FXOffset + 1, ACenterPos - (GetNodeHeight div 2), h.text); end; { if/else } Canvas.SetLineStyle(1, FTreeLineStyle); if (h.Count > 0) or h.HasChildren then // do we have subnodes? begin // small horizontal line above rectangle for first subnode (with children) only if (h <> RootNode.FirstSubNode) then begin if (h.Parent.FirstSubNode = h) then begin Canvas.SetLineStyle(1, FTreeLineStyle); Canvas.DrawLine(w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 1, ACenterPos - 7, w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 1, ACenterPos - 3); end; end; // subnode rectangle around the "+" or "-" Canvas.SetColor(FTreeLineColor); Canvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsSolid); // rectangle is always solid line style Canvas.DrawRectangle(w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 - 3, ACenterPos - 3, 9, 9); Canvas.SetColor(clText1); if h.Collapsed {or h.HasChildren} then begin // draw a "+" Canvas.DrawLine(w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 - 1, ACenterPos + 1, w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 4, ACenterPos + 1); Canvas.DrawLine(w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 1, ACenterPos - 1, w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 1, ACenterPos + 4); end else begin // draw a "-" Canvas.DrawLine(w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 - 1, ACenterPos + 1, w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 4, ACenterPos + 1); end; Canvas.SetLineStyle(1, FTreeLineStyle); end else begin // short horizontal line for each node Canvas.SetColor(FTreeLineColor); Canvas.DrawLine(w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 1, ACenterPos + 1, w - FXOffset - 1, ACenterPos + 1); end; Canvas.SetColor(FTreeLineColor); if h.prev <> nil then begin // line up to the previous node if (h.prev.count > 0) {or h.prev.HasChildren} then begin // take the previous subnode rectangle in account if (h.count > 0) or h.HasChildren then // we have a subnode rectangle Canvas.DrawLine(w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 1, ACenterPos - 4, w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 1, ACenterPos - (SpaceToVisibleNext(h.prev) * GetNodeHeight) + 5) else Canvas.DrawLine(w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 1, ACenterPos, w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 1, ACenterPos - (SpaceToVisibleNext(h.prev) * GetNodeHeight) + 5); end else begin // previous node has no subnodes if (h.count > 0) or h.HasChildren then // we have a subnode rectangle Canvas.DrawLine(w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 1, ACenterPos - 3, w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 1, ACenterPos - SpaceToVisibleNext(h.prev) * GetNodeHeight + 1) else Canvas.DrawLine(w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 1, ACenterPos, w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 1, ACenterPos - SpaceToVisibleNext(h.prev) * GetNodeHeight + 1); end; end else begin if (h.count > 0) or h.HasChildren then // take the subnode rectangle in account Canvas.DrawLine(w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 1,ACenterPos - 3, w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 1, ACenterPos - GetNodeHeight div 2 + 3) else Canvas.DrawLine(w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 1, ACenterPos, w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 1, ACenterPos - GetNodeHeight div 2 + 3); end; end; if ShowColumns then i := ACenterPos else i := ACenterPos + GetNodeHeight; if AVisibleHeight > i then begin if (h.count > 0) and (not h.Collapsed) then begin h := h.FirstSubNode; continue; end; if h.next <> nil then h := h.next // next node else begin while h.next = nil do // or recurse next node per parent begin h := h.parent; if (h = nil) or (h = rootnode) then begin break; //==> end; end; { while } h := h.next; end; { if/else } end else begin // Draw Lines up to the parent nodes ACenterPos := ACenterPos + GetNodeHeight; while h <> RootNode do begin w := GetColumnLeft(StepToRoot(h)); if h.next <> nil then begin h := h.next; if (h.prev.count > 0) {or h.prev.HasChildren} then begin x := w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 1; y := GetAbsoluteNodeTop(h.prev) - FYOffset + 5 + (GetNodeHeight div 2); if ShowColumns then inc(y, FColumnHeight); Canvas.DrawLine(x, ACenterPos, x, y); end else begin x := w - FXOffset - GetColumnWidth(i1) div 2 + 1; y := GetAbsoluteNodeTop(h.prev) - FYOffset + 1 + (GetNodeHeight div 2); if ShowColumns then inc(y, FColumnHeight); Canvas.DrawLine(x, ACenterPos, x, y); end; end; h := h.parent; end; break; //==> end; end; { while h <> nil } end; procedure TfpgTreeview.DrawHeader(ACol: integer; ARect: TfpgRect; AFlags: integer); begin // Here we can implement a head style check Canvas.DrawButtonFace(ARect, [btfIsEmbedded]); end; procedure TfpgTreeview.HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); var h: TfpgTreeNode; OldSelection: TfpgTreeNode; begin OldSelection := Selection; case KeyCode of keyRight: begin Consumed := True; Selection.Expand; DoExpand(Selection); ResetScrollbar; RePaint; end; keyLeft: begin Consumed := True; Selection.Collapsed := true; ResetScrollbar; RePaint; end; keyUp: begin if Selection = nil then Selection := RootNode.FirstSubNode else if Selection <> RootNode then begin if NodeIsVisible(selection) then begin h := PrevVisualNode(Selection); if (h <> RootNode) and (h <> nil) then Selection := h; end else begin Selection := RootNode.FirstSubNode; end; end; Consumed := True; end; keyDown: begin Consumed := True; if Selection = nil then Selection := RootNode.FirstSubNode else begin if NodeIsVisible(selection) then begin h := NextVisualNode(Selection); if (h <> nil) then Selection := h; end else Selection := RootNode.FirstSubNode; end; end; keyPageUp: begin FVScrollbar.PageUp; end; keyPageDown: begin FVScrollbar.PageDown; end; else Consumed := False; end; if Selection <> OldSelection then begin RePaint; DoChange; end; if not Consumed then inherited HandleKeyPress(keycode, shiftstate, consumed); end; procedure TfpgTreeview.HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); var i: integer; dy: integer; begin inherited HandleMouseScroll(x, y, shiftstate, delta); dy := (VisibleHeight div 3); // mouse scrolling is 1/3 of the height if delta > 0 then // scrolling down begin inc(FYOffset, dy); //FScrollWheelDelta); i := (GetNodeHeightSum * GetNodeHeight) - VisibleHeight + FHScrollbar.Height; if FYOffset > i then FYOffset := i; i := FVScrollbar.Position + dy; FVScrollbar.Position := i; end else begin // scrolling up dec(FYOffset, dy); //FScrollWheelDelta); if FYOffset < 0 then FYOffset := 0; i := FVScrollbar.Position - dy; FVScrollbar.Position := i; end; UpdateScrollbars; RePaint; end; procedure TfpgTreeview.DoChange; begin if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(self); end; procedure TfpgTreeview.DoExpand(ANode: TfpgTreeNode); begin if Assigned(FOnExpand) then FOnExpand(self, ANode); end; function TfpgTreeview.NextVisualNode(ANode: TfpgTreeNode): TfpgTreeNode; //---------------- procedure _FindNextNode; begin if ANode.Next <> nil then begin result := ANode.Next; end else begin while ANode.Next = nil do begin ANode := ANode.Parent; if ANode = nil then exit; //==> end; result := ANode.Next; end; end; begin result := nil; if ANode.Collapsed then begin _FindNextNode; end else begin if ANode.Count > 0 then begin result := ANode.FirstSubNode; end else _FindNextNode; end; end; function TfpgTreeview.PrevVisualNode(ANode: TfpgTreeNode): TfpgTreeNode; var n: TfpgTreeNode; begin n := ANode; if ANode.Prev <> nil then begin result := ANode.Prev; ANode := ANode.Prev; while (not ANode.Collapsed) and (ANode.Count > 0) do begin result := ANode.LastSubNode; ANode := ANode.LastSubNode; end; end else begin if ANode.Parent <> nil then result := ANode.Parent else result := n; end; end; function TfpgTreeView.NextNode(ANode: TfpgTreeNode): TfpgTreeNode; //---------------- procedure _FindNextNode; begin if ANode.Next <> nil then begin result := ANode.Next; end else begin while ANode.Next = nil do begin ANode := ANode.Parent; // back out one level depth if ANode = nil then exit; //==> end; result := ANode.Next; end; end; begin result := nil; if ANode.Count > 0 then result := ANode.FirstSubNode else _FindNextNode; end; function TfpgTreeView.PrevNode(ANode: TfpgTreeNode): TfpgTreeNode; var n: TfpgTreeNode; begin n := ANode; if ANode.Prev <> nil then begin result := ANode.Prev; ANode := ANode.Prev; while {(not ANode.Collapsed) and} (ANode.Count > 0) do begin result := ANode.LastSubNode; ANode := ANode.LastSubNode; end; end else begin if ANode.Parent <> nil then result := ANode.Parent else result := n; end; end; function TfpgTreeview.SpaceToVisibleNext(aNode: TfpgTreeNode): integer; var h: TfpgTreeNode; i: integer; begin result := 0; i := 0; if aNode.next = nil then exit; h := aNode; while h <> aNode.next do begin inc(i); if (h.count > 0) and (not h.collapsed) then begin h := h.FirstSubNode; end else begin while h.next = nil do h := h.parent; h := h.next; end; end; result := i; end; function TfpgTreeview.StepToRoot(aNode: TfpgTreeNode): integer; var i: integer; begin i := -1; while aNode <> nil do begin aNode := aNode.parent; inc(i); end; result := i; end; constructor TfpgTreeview.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FRootNode := nil; FSelection := nil; FShowImages := False; FShowColumns := False; FDefaultColumnWidth := 15; FFirstColumn := nil; FFont := fpgGetFont('#Label1'); Width := 150; Height := 100; FHScrollbar := TfpgScrollbar.Create(self); FHScrollbar.Orientation := orHorizontal; FHScrollbar.OnScroll := @HScrollbarScroll; FHScrollbar.Visible := False; FHScrollbar.Position := 0; FHScrollbar.SliderSize := 0.5; FVScrollbar := TfpgScrollbar.Create(self); FVScrollbar.Orientation := orVertical; FVScrollbar.OnScroll := @VScrollbarScroll; FVScrollbar.Visible := False; FVScrollbar.Position := 0; FVScrollbar.SliderSize := 0.2; FBackgroundColor := clListBox; FTreeLineColor := clShadow1; //clText1; FTreeLineStyle := lsDot; FFocusable := True; FMoving := False; FXOffset := 0; FYOffset := 0; FColumnHeight := FFont.Height + 2; FScrollWheelDelta := 15; FNoImageIndent := 16; FIndentNodeWithNoImage := True; end; destructor TfpgTreeView.Destroy; begin if Assigned(FColumnLeft) then begin ClearColumnLeft; FColumnLeft.Free; end; FFont.Free; FreeAllTreeNodes; FRootNode.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TfpgTreeview.SetColumnWidth(AIndex, AWidth: word); var h: PfpgTreeColumnWidth; n: PfpgTreeColumnWidth; i: word; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('TfpgTreeView.SetColumnWidth'); {$ENDIF} h := FFirstColumn; if h = nil then begin new(h); h^.width := FDefaultColumnWidth; h^.next := nil; FFirstColumn := h; end; i := 0; while i < AIndex do begin if h^.next = nil then begin new(n); h^.next := n; n^.width := DefaultColumnWidth; n^.next := nil; end; h := h^.next; inc(i); end; if h^.width <> AWidth then begin h^.width := AWidth; RePaint; end; end; end.