{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2015 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Original author: Andrew Haines Description: Defines a ToggleBox control. A Checkbox like control that has an animated bar that slides side to side when toggled. } unit fpg_toggle; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_stylemanager, fpg_checkbox; type TfpgToggle = class(TfpgCheckBox) private FCheckedTextColor: TfpgColor; FToggleWidth: TfpgCoord; FToggleButtonWidth: TfpgCoord; FAnimateTimer: TfpgTimer; FCheckedCaption: TfpgString; FCheckedColor: TfpgColor; FSliderPosition: TfpgCoord; FPaintedSliderPosition: TfpgCoord; FUnCheckedCaption: TfpgString; FUnCheckedColor: TfpgColor; FUnCheckedTextColor: TfpgColor; FUseAnimation: Boolean; procedure SetCheckedCaption(AValue: TfpgString); procedure SetCheckedColor(AValue: TfpgColor); procedure SetCheckedTextColor(AValue: TfpgColor); procedure SetToggleWidth(AValue: TfpgCoord); procedure SetUnCheckedCaption(AValue: TfpgString); procedure SetUnCheckedColor(AValue: TfpgColor); procedure AnimateTimer(Sender: TObject); procedure SetUnCheckedTextColor(AValue: TfpgColor); function ToggleLeft: TfpgCoord; inline; protected procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure HandleCheckChanged; override; procedure HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published property UseAnimation: Boolean read FUseAnimation write FUseAnimation; property ToggleWidth: TfpgCoord read FToggleWidth write SetToggleWidth default 45; property CheckedCaption : TfpgString read FCheckedCaption write SetCheckedCaption; property CheckedColor: TfpgColor read FCheckedColor write SetCheckedColor default clLime; property CheckedTextColor: TfpgColor read FCheckedTextColor write SetCheckedTextColor default clHilite2; property UnCheckedCaption: TfpgString read FUnCheckedCaption write SetUnCheckedCaption; property UnCheckedColor: TfpgColor read FUnCheckedColor write SetUnCheckedColor default clWindowBackground; property UnCheckedTextColor: TfpgColor read FUnCheckedTextColor write SetUnCheckedTextColor default clText1; end; implementation { TfpgToggle } procedure TfpgToggle.SetCheckedColor(AValue: TfpgColor); begin if FCheckedColor=AValue then Exit; FCheckedColor:=AValue; Invalidate; end; procedure TfpgToggle.SetCheckedTextColor(AValue: TfpgColor); begin if FCheckedTextColor=AValue then Exit; FCheckedTextColor:=AValue; Invalidate; end; procedure TfpgToggle.SetToggleWidth(AValue: TfpgCoord); begin if FToggleWidth=AValue then Exit; FToggleWidth:=AValue; FToggleButtonWidth:=AValue - 10; Invalidate; end; procedure TfpgToggle.SetCheckedCaption(AValue: TfpgString); begin if FCheckedCaption=AValue then Exit; FCheckedCaption:=AValue; Invalidate; end; procedure TfpgToggle.SetUnCheckedCaption(AValue: TfpgString); begin if FUnCheckedCaption=AValue then Exit; FUnCheckedCaption:=AValue; Invalidate; end; procedure TfpgToggle.SetUnCheckedColor(AValue: TfpgColor); begin if FUnCheckedColor=AValue then Exit; FUnCheckedColor:=AValue; Invalidate; end; procedure TfpgToggle.AnimateTimer(Sender: TObject); begin if csDestroying in ComponentState then Exit; if not Checked then begin // not checked Dec(FSliderPosition, 1); if FSliderPosition < 1 then FSliderPosition:=0; end else // checked begin Inc(FSliderPosition); if FSliderPosition >= FToggleWidth - FToggleButtonWidth -2then FSliderPosition := FToggleWidth - FToggleButtonWidth -2; end; Invalidate; end; procedure TfpgToggle.SetUnCheckedTextColor(AValue: TfpgColor); begin if FUnCheckedTextColor=AValue then Exit; FUnCheckedTextColor:=AValue; Invalidate; end; function TfpgToggle.ToggleLeft: TfpgCoord; begin if BoxLayout = tbLeftBox then Result := 1 else Result := Width - FToggleWidth; end; procedure TfpgToggle.HandlePaint; var ToggleText: TfpgString; TextEnabled: TfpgTextFlags; BvlWdth: TfpgCoord; ButtonRect: TfpgRect; begin Canvas.Clear(BackgroundColor); // Text Canvas.SetFont(Font); if Enabled then TextEnabled := [] else TextEnabled := [txtDisabled]; BvlWdth := fpgStyleManager.Style.GetBevelWidth; if BoxLayout = tbRightBox then Canvas.DrawText(fpgRect(0,0,FWidth-FToggleWidth, FHeight), Text, [txtLeft, txtVCenter] + TextEnabled) { internally this still calls fpgStyle.DrawString(), so theming will be applied } else Canvas.DrawText(fpgRect(ToggleWidth,0,FWidth-ToggleWidth, FHeight), Text, [txtRight, txtVCenter] + TextEnabled); { internally this still calls fpgStyle.DrawString(), so theming will be applied } // Toggle Stuff // Toggle area bevel fpgStyleManager.Style.DrawBevel(Canvas,ToggleLeft,0,FToggleWidth, Height, False); // Toggle Button ButtonRect := fpgRect(ToggleLeft+FSliderPosition+BvlWdth,BvlWdth,FToggleButtonWidth, Height -(BvlWdth*2)); fpgStyleManager.Style.DrawBevel(Canvas,ButtonRect.Left, ButtonRect.Top, ButtonRect.Width, ButtonRect.Height, True); // unchecked text if FSliderPosition < (FToggleWidth - FToggleButtonWidth) div 2 then begin ToggleText := FUnCheckedCaption; Canvas.SetTextColor(FUnCheckedTextColor); end // checked text else begin ToggleText := FCheckedCaption; Canvas.SetTextColor(FCheckedTextColor); end; // Toggle Text (inside 2 bevels) Canvas.DrawText(fpgRect(ToggleLeft+FSliderPosition+BvlWdth*2,BvlWdth*2,FToggleButtonWidth-BvlWdth*4, Height-BvlWdth*4),ToggleText, [txtVCenter, txtHCenter] + TextEnabled); // Paint on either side of the button part of the toggle if FSliderPosition > 0 then begin Canvas.SetColor(CheckedColor); Canvas.FillRectangle(fpgRect(ToggleLeft+1,1, FSliderPosition, FHeight - BvlWdth*2)); end; if FSliderPosition < FToggleWidth - FToggleButtonWidth -2 then begin Canvas.SetColor(UnCheckedColor); Canvas.FillRectangle(fpgRect(ToggleLeft + FSliderPosition + FToggleButtonWidth+BvlWdth, BvlWdth, FToggleWidth - FToggleButtonWidth - FSliderPosition -(BvlWdth*2), FHeight - BvlWdth*2)); end; // lastly draw focus if FFocusable and FFocused then begin InflateRect(ButtonRect, -1,-1); fpgStyleManager.Style.DrawFocusRect(Canvas, ButtonRect); end; if FPaintedSliderPosition = FSliderPosition then FAnimateTimer.Enabled:=False; FPaintedSliderPosition := FSliderPosition; end; procedure TfpgToggle.HandleCheckChanged; begin if FUseAnimation then FAnimateTimer.Enabled := True else begin if Checked then FSliderPosition := FToggleWidth - FToggleButtonWidth -2 else FSliderPosition := 0; end; FPaintedSliderPosition := -1; end; procedure TfpgToggle.HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); begin if ((BoxLayout = tbRightBox) and (x > Width - FToggleWidth)) or ((BoxLayout = tbLeftBox) and (x <= FToggleWidth)) then inherited HandleLMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate); end; constructor TfpgToggle.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Text := 'ToggleBox'; ToggleWidth := 45; BoxLayout := tbRightBox; FUseAnimation := True; FUnCheckedCaption := 'OFF'; FCheckedCaption := 'ON'; FUnCheckedColor := FBackgroundColor; FCheckedColor := clLime; FUnCheckedTextColor := clText1; FCheckedTextColor := clHilite2; FAnimateTimer := TfpgTimer.Create(12); FAnimateTimer.Enabled := False; FAnimateTimer.OnTimer := @AnimateTimer; end; destructor TfpgToggle.Destroy; begin FAnimateTimer.Free; inherited Destroy; end; end.