{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Defines a Page Control and Tab Sheets. } unit fpg_tab; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} { TODO: * Tab Styles (tab, button, flat button, angled) * Better keyboard support * Focus rectangle drawn on tabs itself * FindNextPage() must be implemented * Popup menu for tab selection. Should occur with RClick on tabs. } interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_widget, fpg_button, fpg_menu; type // forward declaration TfpgPageControl = class; TfpgTabStyle = (tsTabs, tsButtons, tsFlatButtons); TfpgTabPosition = (tpTop, tpBottom, tpLeft, tpRight, tpNone); TfpgTabOption = (to_PMenuClose, to_PMenuShowAvailTabs); TfpgTabOptions = set of TfpgTabOption; TfpgTabSheet = class(TfpgWidget) private FPageControl: TfpgPageControl; FText: string; FTabVisible: boolean; function GetPageControl: TfpgPageControl; function GetPageIndex: Integer; function GetText: string; procedure SetPageIndex(const AValue: Integer); procedure SetText(const AValue: string); procedure SetPageControl(APageControl: TfpgPageControl); protected procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure SetName(const NewName: TComponentName); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; constructor CreateWithTitle(AOwner: TComponent; const AText: TfpgString = ''); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; procedure AfterConstruction; override; property PageIndex: Integer read GetPageIndex write SetPageIndex; property PageControl: TfpgPageControl read FPageControl write SetPageControl; property TabVisible: boolean read FTabVisible write FTabVisible; published property BackgroundColor; property Enabled; property Text: string read GetText write SetText; property OnPaint; end; TTabSheetChange = procedure(Sender: TObject; NewActiveSheet: TfpgTabSheet) of object; TTabSheetClosing = procedure(Sender: TObject; ATabSheet: TfpgTabSheet) of object; TfpgPageControl = class(TfpgWidget) private FFont: TfpgFont; FActivePage: TfpgTabSheet; FMargin: integer; FFixedTabWidth: integer; FFixedTabHeight: Integer; FOnClosingTabSheet: TTabSheetClosing; FPages: TList; FActivePageIndex: integer; FOnChange: TTabSheetChange; FRightButton: TfpgButton; // bottom/right FLeftButton: TfpgButton; // left/top FFirstTabButton: TfpgTabSheet; // when tabs don't fit in screen this is the first button on screen when tabs are scrolled FSortPages: boolean; FStyle: TfpgTabStyle; FTabPosition: TfpgTabPosition; FPopupMenu: TfpgPopupMenu; FTabOptions: TfpgTabOptions; FLastRClickPos: TfpgPoint; FUpdateCount: Integer; function GetActivePageIndex: integer; function GetPage(AIndex: integer): TfpgTabSheet; function GetPageCount: Integer; procedure InsertPage(var APage: TfpgTabSheet; SuppressOnChangeEvent: boolean = False); procedure RemovePage(const APage: TfpgTabSheet); procedure SetActivePageIndex(const AValue: integer); procedure SetActivePage(const AValue: TfpgTabSheet); procedure PositionTabSheets; procedure PositionTabSheet(var APage: TfpgTabSheet); function MaxButtonWidthSum: integer; function MaxButtonHeightSum: integer; function MaxButtonWidth: integer; function ButtonHeight: integer; function ButtonWidth(AText: string): integer; procedure SetFixedTabWidth(const AValue: integer); procedure SetFixedTabHeight(const AValue: integer); function GetTabText(AText: string): string; procedure LeftButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure RightButtonClick(Sender: TObject); function FindNextPage(ACurrent: TfpgTabSheet; AForward: boolean): TfpgTabSheet; procedure SetSortPages(const AValue: boolean); procedure SetStyle(const AValue: TfpgTabStyle); procedure SetTabPosition(const AValue: TfpgTabPosition); procedure DoPageChange(ATabSheet: TfpgTabSheet); procedure DoTabSheetClosing(ATabSheet: TfpgTabSheet); function DrawTab(const rect: TfpgRect; const Selected: Boolean = False; const Mode: Integer = 1): TfpgRect; procedure pmCloseTab(Sender: TObject); protected procedure OrderSheets; // currently using bubblesort procedure RePaintTitles; virtual; procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure HandleShow; override; procedure HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleRMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override; procedure RePaint; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure BeginUpdate; procedure EndUpdate; function TabSheetAtPos(const x, y: integer): TfpgTabSheet; function AppendTabSheet(ATitle: string): TfpgTabSheet; procedure RemoveTabSheet(ATabSheet: TfpgTabSheet); property PageCount: Integer read GetPageCount; property ActivePage: TfpgTabSheet read FActivePage write SetActivePage; property Pages[AIndex: integer]: TfpgTabSheet read GetPage; property OnChange: TTabSheetChange read FOnChange write FOnChange; property OnClosingTabSheet: TTabSheetClosing read FOnClosingTabSheet write FOnClosingTabSheet; published property ActivePageIndex: integer read GetActivePageIndex write SetActivePageIndex default 0; property Align; property BackgroundColor; property Enabled; property FixedTabWidth: integer read FFixedTabWidth write SetFixedTabWidth default 0; property FixedTabHeight: integer read FFixedTabHeight write SetFixedTabHeight default 21; property Hint; property Options: TfpgTabOptions read FTabOptions write FTabOptions; property ParentShowHint; property ShowHint; property SortPages: boolean read FSortPages write SetSortPages default False; property Style: TfpgTabStyle read FStyle write SetStyle default tsTabs; property TabOrder; property TabPosition: TfpgTabPosition read FTabPosition write SetTabPosition default tpTop; property TextColor; property OnShowHint; end; implementation uses fpg_stringutils; // compare function used by FPages.Sort function SortCompare(Item1, Item2: Pointer): integer; begin Result := CompareText(TfpgTabSheet(Item1).Text, TfpgTabSheet(Item2).Text); end; { TfpgTabSheet } function TfpgTabSheet.GetPageControl: TfpgPageControl; begin if Owner is TfpgPageControl then Result := TfpgPageControl(Owner) else Result := nil; end; function TfpgTabSheet.GetPageIndex: Integer; begin if PageControl <> nil then Result := PageControl.FPages.IndexOf(Self) else Result := -1; end; function TfpgTabSheet.GetText: string; begin Result := FText; end; procedure TfpgTabSheet.SetPageIndex(const AValue: Integer); begin if PageControl <> nil then begin PageControl.FPages.Move(PageIndex, AValue); PageControl.RePaint;//Titles; end; end; procedure TfpgTabSheet.SetText(const AValue: string); begin if FText = AValue then Exit; //==> FText := AValue; if PageControl <> nil then PageControl.Invalidate; end; procedure TfpgTabSheet.HandlePaint; begin inherited HandlePaint; Canvas.Clear(FBackgroundColor); end; procedure TfpgTabSheet.SetName(const NewName: TComponentName); var old: String; begin old := NewName; inherited SetName(NewName); if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin if (Text = '') or (Text = old) then Text := NewName; end; end; constructor TfpgTabSheet.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FText := ''; FTabVisible:= True; FFocusable := True; FBackgroundColor := Parent.BackgroundColor; FTextColor := Parent.TextColor; FIsContainer := True; end; constructor TfpgTabSheet.CreateWithTitle(AOwner: TComponent; const AText: TfpgString); begin Create(AOwner); FText := AText; end; destructor TfpgTabSheet.Destroy; begin if FPageControl <> nil then FPageControl.RemovePage(self); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TfpgTabSheet.AfterConstruction; begin if (Owner <> nil) and (Owner is TfpgPageControl) then begin FPageControl:=TfpgPageControl(Owner); FPageControl.InsertPage(self, True); end; inherited AfterConstruction; end; procedure TfpgTabSheet.SetPageControl(APageControl: TfpgPageControl); begin FPageControl := APageControl; if APageControl <> nil then FPageControl.InsertPage(Self); end; { TfpgPageControl } function TfpgPageControl.GetActivePageIndex: integer; begin Result := FActivePageIndex; end; function TfpgPageControl.GetPage(AIndex: integer): TfpgTabSheet; begin Result := nil; if (AIndex >= 0) and (AIndex < FPages.Count) then Result := TfpgTabSheet(FPages[AIndex]); end; function TfpgPageControl.GetPageCount: Integer; begin Result := FPages.Count; end; procedure TfpgPageControl.InsertPage(var APage: TfpgTabSheet; SuppressOnChangeEvent: boolean = False); begin if FPages.IndexOf(APage) <> -1 then Exit; //==> The page has already been added. FPages.Add(APage); PositionTabSheets; { TODO: This behaviour could maybe be controlled by a Options property } if FPages.Count=1 then begin if SuppressOnChangeEvent then Loading; ActivePage := APage; if SuppressOnChangeEvent then Loaded; end; end; procedure TfpgPageControl.RemovePage(const APage: TfpgTabSheet); var i: integer; begin if APage = nil then Exit; // ==> if FPages.Count =0 then Exit; // ==> if FPages.Count > 1 then begin i:=FPages.IndexOf(APage); FPages.Remove(APage); APage.PageControl:=nil; APage.Visible:=false; if i = ActivePageIndex then begin if i > FPages.Count-1 then ActivePage:=TfpgTabSheet(FPages.Last) else if i = 0 then ActivePage:= TfpgTabSheet(FPages.First) else ActivePage:=TfpgTabSheet(FPages[i]); end else if i < ActivePageIndex then ActivePage:=TfpgTabSheet(Pages[i-1]); end else begin FPages.Remove(APage); APage.PageControl := nil; APage.Visible := False; ActivePage := nil; end; end; procedure TfpgPageControl.SetActivePageIndex(const AValue: integer); begin if FPages.Count = 0 then exit; if (AValue >= 0) or (AValue < FPages.Count) then ActivePage := TfpgTabSheet(FPages[AValue]); end; procedure TfpgPageControl.SetActivePage(const AValue: TfpgTabSheet); begin if FActivePage = AValue then Exit; //==> FActivePage := AValue; ActiveWidget := AValue; if AValue <> nil then FActivePageIndex := FPages.IndexOf(AValue); RePaint; DoPageChange(FActivePage); end; procedure TfpgPageControl.PositionTabSheets; var i: integer; t: TfpgTabSheet; begin for i := 0 to FPages.Count-1 do begin t := TfpgTabSheet(FPages[i]); PositionTabSheet(t); t.Anchors := [anLeft, anTop, anRight, anBottom]; end; end; procedure TfpgPageControl.PositionTabSheet(var APage: TfpgTabSheet); var r: TRect; w: integer; wd: integer; { width delta } h: integer; hd: integer; { height delta } msg: TfpgMessageParams; begin // PageControl has bevelled edges in some themes r := fpgStyle.GetControlFrameBorders; { Calculate and set Width and Height } if TabPosition in [tpTop, tpBottom] then begin w := Width - (FMargin*2) - r.Left - r.Right; wd := APage.Width - w; APage.Width := w; h := Height - ButtonHeight - (FMargin*2) - r.Top - r.Bottom; hd := APage.Height - h; APage.Height := h; end else if TabPosition in [tpLeft, tpRight] then begin w := Width - MaxButtonWidth - (FMargin*2) - r.Left - r.Right; wd := APage.Width - w; APage.Width := w; h := Height - (FMargin*2) - r.Top - r.Bottom; hd := APage.Height - h; APage.Height := h; end else begin // tpNone w := Width - (FMargin*2) - r.Left - r.Right; wd := APage.Width - w; APage.Width := w; h := Height - (FMargin*2) - r.Top - r.Bottom; hd := APage.Height - h; APage.Height := h; end; { Calculate and set Top and Left } if TabPosition = tpTop then begin APage.Left := FMargin + r.Left; APage.Top := ButtonHeight + FMargin + r.Top; end else if TabPosition = tpBottom then begin APage.Left := FMargin + r.Left; APage.Top := FMargin + r.Top; end else if TabPosition = tpLeft then begin APage.Left := MaxButtonWidth + FMargin + r.Left; APage.Top := FMargin + r.Top; end else if TabPosition = tpRight then begin APage.Left := FMargin + r.Left; APage.Top := FMargin + r.Top; end; if TabPosition in [tpNone] then begin APage.Left := FMargin + r.Left; APage.Top := FMargin + r.Top; end; APage.UpdateWindowPosition; { Internal state is now resolved } end; function TfpgPageControl.MaxButtonWidthSum: integer; var i: integer; t: TfpgTabSheet; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln(Classname + '.MaxButtonWidthSum');{$ENDIF} Result := 0; for i := 0 to FPages.Count-1 do begin t := TfpgTabSheet(FPages[i]); Result := Result + ButtonWidth(t.Text); end; end; function TfpgPageControl.MaxButtonHeightSum: integer; begin result := PageCount * ButtonHeight; end; function TfpgPageControl.MaxButtonWidth: integer; var t: TfpgTabSheet; i: integer; begin Result := 0; if FixedTabWidth > 0 then begin Result := FixedTabWidth; end else begin for i := 0 to FPages.Count-1 do begin t := TfpgTabSheet(FPages[i]); if ButtonWidth(t.Text) > Result then Result := ButtonWidth(t.Text); end; end; end; function TfpgPageControl.ButtonHeight: integer; begin if FFixedTabHeight > 0 then result := FFixedTabHeight else result := FFont.Height + 10; { TODO: correct this } end; function TfpgPageControl.ButtonWidth(AText: string): integer; begin if FFixedTabWidth > 0 then result := FFixedTabWidth else result := FFont.TextWidth(AText) + 10; end; procedure TfpgPageControl.SetFixedTabWidth(const AValue: integer); begin if FFixedTabWidth = AValue then Exit; //==> if AValue > 5 then begin FFixedTabWidth := AValue; RePaint; end; end; procedure TfpgPageControl.SetFixedTabHeight(const AValue: integer); begin if FFixedTabHeight = AValue then Exit; //==> if AValue > 5 then begin FFixedTabHeight := AValue; RePaint; end; end; function TfpgPageControl.GetTabText(AText: string): string; var s, s1: string; i: integer; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln(Classname + '.GetTabText');{$ENDIF} Result := AText; s := AText; s1 := ''; i := 1; if FFixedTabWidth > 0 then begin while FFont.TextWidth(s1) < (FFixedTabWidth-10) do begin if Length(s1) = Length(s) then Break; s1 := UTF8Copy(s, 1, i); inc(i); end; if FFont.TextWidth(s1) > (FFixedTabWidth-10) then UTF8Delete(s1, UTF8Length(s1), 1); if Length(s1) > 0 then s1 := Trim(s1); Result := s1; end; end; procedure TfpgPageControl.LeftButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln(Classname + '.LeftButtonClick');{$ENDIF} if FFirstTabButton <> nil then begin if TfpgTabSheet(FPages.First) <> FFirstTabButton then begin FFirstTabButton := TfpgTabSheet(FPages[FPages.IndexOf(FFirstTabButton)-1]); RePaint; end; end; end; procedure TfpgPageControl.RightButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln(Classname + '.RightButtonClick');{$ENDIF} if FFirstTabButton <> nil then begin if TfpgTabSheet(FPages.Last) <> FFirstTabButton then begin FFirstTabButton := TfpgTabSheet(FPages[FPages.IndexOf(FFirstTabButton)+1]); RePaint; end; end; end; function TfpgPageControl.FindNextPage(ACurrent: TfpgTabSheet; AForward: boolean): TfpgTabSheet; begin // To be completed result := nil; end; procedure TfpgPageControl.SetSortPages(const AValue: boolean); begin if FSortPages = AValue then Exit; //==> FSortPages := AValue; RePaint; end; procedure TfpgPageControl.SetStyle(const AValue: TfpgTabStyle); begin if FStyle = AValue then Exit; //==> FStyle := AValue; Invalidate; end; procedure TfpgPageControl.SetTabPosition(const AValue: TfpgTabPosition); begin if FTabPosition = AValue then Exit; //==> FTabPosition := AValue; RePaint; end; procedure TfpgPageControl.DoPageChange(ATabSheet: TfpgTabSheet); begin if (csLoading in ComponentState) then Exit; if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then Exit; if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(self, ATabSheet); end; procedure TfpgPageControl.DoTabSheetClosing(ATabSheet: TfpgTabSheet); begin if (csLoading in ComponentState) then Exit; if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then Exit; if Assigned(FOnClosingTabSheet) then FOnClosingTabSheet(self, ATabSheet); end; function TfpgPageControl.DrawTab(const rect: TfpgRect; const Selected: Boolean = False; const Mode: Integer = 1): TfpgRect; var r: TfpgRect; begin r := rect; if Selected then begin Result := rect; InflateRect(Result, 2, 2); Exit; //==> end; if Mode = 2 then r.Height -= 1; Canvas.SetColor(clWindowBackground); case TabPosition of tpTop: begin Canvas.FillRectangle(r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height-2); // fill tab background Canvas.SetColor(clHilite2); Canvas.DrawLine(r.Left, r.Bottom-2 , r.Left, r.Top+2); // left edge Canvas.DrawLine(r.Left, r.Top+2 , r.Left+2, r.Top); // left rounder edge Canvas.DrawLine(r.Left+2, r.Top, r.Right-1, r.Top); // top edge Canvas.SetColor(clShadow1); Canvas.DrawLine(r.Right-1, r.Top+1, r.Right-1, r.Bottom-1); // right inner edge Canvas.SetColor(clShadow2); Canvas.DrawLine(r.Right-1, r.Top+1, r.Right, r.Top+2); // right rounded edge (1px) Canvas.DrawLine(r.Right, r.Top+2, r.Right, r.Bottom-1); // right outer edge end; tpBottom: begin Canvas.FillRectangle(r.Left, r.Top, r.Width-2, r.Height-2); // fill tab background Canvas.SetColor(clHilite2); Canvas.DrawLine(r.Left, r.Top, r.Left, r.Bottom-1); // left edge Canvas.SetColor(clShadow2); Canvas.DrawLine(r.Left+2, r.Bottom, r.Right-1, r.Bottom); // bottom outer edge Canvas.SetColor(clShadow1); Canvas.DrawLine(r.Right-1, r.Bottom-1, r.Right-1, r.Top+1); // right inner edge Canvas.DrawLine(r.Left+1, r.Bottom-1, r.Right-1, r.Bottom-1);// bottom inner edge Canvas.SetColor(clShadow2); Canvas.DrawLine(r.Right-1, r.Bottom-1, r.Right, r.Bottom-2); // right rounded edge (1px) Canvas.DrawLine(r.Right, r.Bottom-2, r.Right, r.Top+1); // right outer edge end; tpLeft: begin if Mode = 2 then begin r.Width := r.Width - 1; r.Height := r.Height + 2; end; with Canvas do begin FillRectangle(r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height-2); SetColor(clHilite2); DrawLine(r.Left, r.Bottom-2, r.Left, r.Top+2); DrawLine(r.Left, r.Top+2, r.Left+2, r.Top); DrawLine(r.Left+2, r.Top, r.Right-1, r.Top); SetColor(clShadow1); DrawLine(r.Left+2, r.Bottom-1, r.Right-1, r.Bottom-1); SetColor(clShadow2); DrawLine(r.Left+1, r.Bottom-1, r.Left+3, r.Bottom); DrawLine(r.Left+2, r.Bottom, r.Right, r.Bottom); end; end; tpRight: begin if Mode = 2 then begin r.Width := r.Width + 1; r.Height := r.Height + 2; end; with Canvas do begin FillRectangle(r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height-2); SetColor(clHilite2); DrawLine(r.Left+1, r.Top, r.Right-2, r.Top); SetColor(clShadow1); DrawLine(r.Right-2,r.Top,r.Right-1,r.Top+1); DrawLine(r.Left+2, r.Bottom-1, r.Right-2, r.Bottom-1); DrawLine(r.Right-3, r.Bottom-1, r.Right-1, r.Bottom-3); DrawLine(r.Right-1, r.Bottom-3, r.Right-1, r.Top); SetColor(clShadow2); DrawLine(r.Left+2,r.Bottom,r.Right-3, r.Bottom); DrawLine(r.Right-3, r.Bottom, r.Right, r.Bottom-3); DrawLine(r.Right, r.Top+2, r.Right, r.Bottom-2); end; end; end; { case } end; procedure TfpgPageControl.pmCloseTab(Sender: TObject); var ts: TfpgTabSheet; begin ts := TabSheetAtPos(FLastRClickPos.x, FLastRClickPos.y); if not Assigned(ts) then ts := ActivePage; if ts = nil then exit; RemovePage(ts); DoTabSheetClosing(ts); ts.Free; end; procedure TfpgPageControl.OrderSheets; begin FPages.Sort(@SortCompare); FActivePageIndex := FPages.IndexOf(ActivePage); end; procedure TfpgPageControl.RePaintTitles; const TabHeight = 21; var TabW, TabH: Integer; r2: TfpgRect; r3: TfpgRect; h: TfpgTabSheet; lp: integer; toffset: integer; TextLeft, TextTop: Integer; dx: integer; lTxtFlags: TFTextFlags; ActivePageVisible: Boolean; begin if not HasHandle then Exit; //==> if PageCount = 0 then Exit; //==> TabW:=FixedTabWidth; TabH:=FixedTabHeight; ActivePageVisible := false; If TabH = 0 then TabH := TabHeight; h := TfpgTabSheet(FPages.First); if h = nil then Exit; //==> Canvas.SetTextColor(TextColor); lTxtFlags := []; if not Enabled then Include(lTxtFlags, txtDisabled); if TabPosition in [tpTop, tpBottom] then begin if MaxButtonWidthSum > (Width-(FMargin*2)) then begin if FFirstTabButton = nil then FFirstTabButton := h else h := FFirstTabButton; if TabPosition = tpTop then begin FLeftButton.SetPosition(Width - (FRightButton.Width * 2), FMargin, FRightButton.Height, FRightButton.Height); FRightButton.SetPosition(Width - FRightButton.Width, FMargin, FRightButton.Height, FRightButton.Height); end else begin FLeftButton.SetPosition(Width - (FRightButton.Width * 2), Height - ButtonHeight - FMargin, FRightButton.Height, FRightButton.Height); FRightButton.SetPosition(Width - FRightButton.Width, Height - ButtonHeight - FMargin, FRightButton.Height, FRightButton.Height); end; FLeftButton.Visible := True; FRightButton.Visible := True; end else begin FLeftButton.Visible := False; FRightButton.Visible := False; end; end; if TabPosition in [tpLeft, tpRight] then begin if MaxButtonHeightSum > (Height-(FMargin*2)) then begin if FFirstTabButton = nil then FFirstTabButton := h else h := FFirstTabButton; if TabPosition = tpLeft then begin FLeftButton.SetPosition(MaxButtonWidth - (FRightButton.Width * 2), Height - ButtonHeight - FMargin, FRightButton.Height, FRightButton.Height); FRightButton.SetPosition(MaxButtonWidth - FRightButton.Width, Height - ButtonHeight - FMargin, FRightButton.Height, FRightButton.Height); end else begin FLeftButton.SetPosition(Width - MaxButtonWidth, Height - ButtonHeight - FMargin, FRightButton.Height, FRightButton.Height); FRightButton.SetPosition(Width - MaxButtonWidth + FRightButton.Width, Height - ButtonHeight - FMargin, FRightButton.Height, FRightButton.Height); end; FLeftButton.Visible := True; FRightButton.Visible := True; end else begin FLeftButton.Visible := False; FRightButton.Visible := False; end; end; case TabPosition of tpNone: begin while h <> nil do begin if h <> ActivePage then h.Visible:=false else h.Visible:=True; h.SetPosition(FMargin+2, FMargin+2 , Width - (FMargin*2) - 4, Height - ((FMargin+2)*2)); if h <> TfpgTabSheet(FPages.Last) then h := TfpgTabSheet(FPages[FPages.IndexOf(h)+1]) else h := nil; end; r2.Left := 0; r2.Top := 0; r2.Width := Width; r2.Height := Height; Canvas.DrawButtonFace(r2, []); end; tpBottom: begin lTxtFlags += TextFlagsDflt; lp := 0; r2.SetRect(2, Height - ButtonHeight-3, 50, 21); while h <> nil do begin if h <> ActivePage then begin toffset := 2; h.Visible := False; end else begin toffset := 4; h.Visible := True; h.SetPosition(FMargin+2, FMargin+2 , Width - (FMargin*2) - 4, Height - r2.Height - (FMargin+2)*2); end; // paint tab button r2.Width := ButtonWidth(h.Text); r3 := DrawTab(r2, h = ActivePage); // paint text on non-active tabs if h <> ActivePage then Canvas.DrawText(lp + (ButtonWidth(h.Text) div 2) - FFont.TextWidth(GetTabText(h.Text)) div 2, Height-r2.Height-toffset, GetTabText(h.Text), lTxtFlags); r2.Left := r2.Left + r2.Width; lp := lp + ButtonWidth(h.Text); if h <> TfpgTabSheet(FPages.Last) then h := TfpgTabSheet(FPages[FPages.IndexOf(h)+1]) else h := nil; end; // Draw Page Control body rectangle (client area) r2.Left := 0; r2.Top := 0; r2.Width := Width; r2.Height := Height - r2.Height; Canvas.DrawButtonFace(r2, []); // Draw text of ActivePage, because we didn't before. DrawTab(r3, false, 2); Canvas.DrawText(r3.Left+4, r3.Top+5, r3.Width, r3.Height, ActivePage.Text, lTxtFlags); end; tpTop: begin lTxtFlags += TextFlagsDflt; lp := 0; r2.SetRect(2, 2, 50, 21); while h <> nil do begin if h <> ActivePage then begin toffset := 4; h.Visible := False; end else begin toffset := 2; h.Visible := True; h.SetPosition(FMargin+2, FMargin+2 + r2.Height, Width - (FMargin*2) - 4, Height - r2.Height - ((FMargin+2)*2)); end; // paint tab button r2.Width := ButtonWidth(h.Text); r3 := DrawTab(r2, h = ActivePage); // paint text on non-active tabs if h <> ActivePage then Canvas.DrawText(lp + (ButtonWidth(h.Text) div 2) - FFont.TextWidth(GetTabText(h.Text)) div 2, FMargin+toffset, GetTabText(h.Text), lTxtFlags); r2.Left := r2.Left + r2.Width; lp := lp + ButtonWidth(h.Text); if h <> TfpgTabSheet(FPages.Last) then h := TfpgTabSheet(FPages[FPages.IndexOf(h)+1]) else h := nil; end; // Draw Page Control body rectangle (client area) r2.Left := 0; r2.Top := r2.Top + r2.Height-2; r2.Width := Width; r2.Height := Height - r2.Height; Canvas.DrawButtonFace(r2, []); // Draw text of ActivePage, because we didn't before. DrawTab(r3, false, 2); Canvas.DrawText(r3.Left+4, r3.Top+3, r3.Width, r3.Height, ActivePage.Text, lTxtFlags); end; tpRight: begin lTxtFlags += [txtVCenter, txtLeft]; lp := 0; TabW := MaxButtonWidth; r2.SetRect(Width - 2 - TabW, 2, TabW, 21); while h <> nil do begin if h <> ActivePage then begin toffset := 4; h.Visible := False; end else begin toffset := 2; h.Visible := True; { set tab content page (client area) size } h.SetPosition(FMargin+2, FMargin+2, Width - ((FMargin+2)*2) - TabW, Height - ((FMargin+2)*2)); end; // paint tab button r3 := DrawTab(r2, h = ActivePage); // paint text on non-active tabs if h <> ActivePage then Canvas.DrawText(r2.left+toffset, r2.Top, r2.Width, r2.Height, GetTabText(h.Text), lTxtFlags); r2.Top += r2.Height; lp := r2.Top; if h <> TfpgTabSheet(FPages.Last) then h := TfpgTabSheet(FPages[FPages.IndexOf(h)+1]) else h := nil; end; // Draw Page Control body rectangle (client area) r2.Left := 0; r2.Top := 0; r2.Width := Width - TabW; r2.Height := Height; Canvas.DrawButtonFace(r2, []); // Draw text of ActivePage, because we didn't before. DrawTab(r3, false, 2); Canvas.DrawText(r3.left+toffset, r3.Top, r3.Width, r3.Height, ActivePage.Text, lTxtFlags); end; tpLeft: begin lTxtFlags += [txtVCenter, txtLeft]; lp := 0; TabW := MaxButtonWidth; r2.SetRect(2, 2, TabW, 21); while h <> nil do begin if h <> ActivePage then begin toffset := 4; h.Visible := False; end else begin toffset := 2; h.Visible := True; { set tab content page (client area) size } h.SetPosition(FMargin+2+TabW, FMargin+2, Width - ((FMargin+2)*2) - TabW, Height - ((FMargin+2)*2)); end; // paint tab button r3 := DrawTab(r2, h = ActivePage); // paint text on non-active tabs if h <> ActivePage then Canvas.DrawText(r2.left+toffset, r2.Top, r2.Width, r2.Height, GetTabText(h.Text), lTxtFlags); r2.Top += r2.Height; lp := r2.Top; if h <> TfpgTabSheet(FPages.Last) then h := TfpgTabSheet(FPages[FPages.IndexOf(h)+1]) else h := nil; end; // Draw Page Control body rectangle (client area) r2.Left := TabW; r2.Top := 0; r2.Width := Width - TabW; r2.Height := Height; Canvas.DrawButtonFace(r2, []); // Draw text of ActivePage, because we didn't before. DrawTab(r3, false, 2); Canvas.DrawText(r3.left+toffset, r3.Top, r3.Width, r3.Height, ActivePage.Text, lTxtFlags); end; end; { case } end; procedure TfpgPageControl.HandlePaint; begin if SortPages then OrderSheets; Canvas.ClearClipRect; Canvas.Clear(FBackgroundColor); // To make it more visible in the UI Designer if csDesigning in ComponentState then begin Canvas.SetColor(clInactiveWgFrame); Canvas.DrawRectangle(0, 0, Width, Height); if PageCount = 0 then begin Canvas.SetTextColor(clText1); Canvas.DrawString(2, 2, Name + ': ' + Classname); end; end; RePaintTitles; end; procedure TfpgPageControl.HandleShow; begin inherited HandleShow; FLeftButton.Visible := False; FRightButton.Visible := False; end; procedure TfpgPageControl.HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); var ts: TfpgTabSheet; begin // debugln('>> TfpgPageControl.HandleLMouseUp'); ts := TfpgTabSheet(FPages.First); if ts = nil then exit; //==> { This means there are no tabs } ts := TabSheetAtPos(x, y); if Assigned(ts) then ActivePage := ts; inherited HandleLMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate); end; procedure TfpgPageControl.HandleRMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); var ts: TfpgTabSheet; s: TfpgString; begin inherited HandleRMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate); { store the position for later usage } FLastRClickPos := fpgPoint(x,y); if to_PMenuClose in FTabOptions then begin ts := TabSheetAtPos(x, y); {$NOTE TODO: This text needs to become a resource string } if Assigned(ts) then s := Format('Close "%s" Tab', [ts.Text]) else s := 'Close Tab'; if not Assigned(FPopupMenu) then begin FPopupMenu := TfpgPopupMenu.Create(self); FPopupMenu.AddMenuItem(s, '', @pmCloseTab); end else begin FPopupMenu.MenuItem(0).Text := s; { This is dangerous but works for now } end; FPopupMenu.ShowAt(self, x, y); end; end; procedure TfpgPageControl.HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); var i: integer; begin // writeln(Classname, '.Keypress'); consumed := True; i := ActivePageIndex; if ssAlt in shiftstate then case keycode of keyLeft: begin if ActivePage <> TfpgTabSheet(FPages.First) then begin ActivePage := TfpgTabSheet(FPages[i-1]); end; end; keyRight: begin if ActivePage <> TfpgTabSheet(FPages.Last) then begin ActivePage := TfpgTabSheet(FPages[i+1]); end; end; else consumed := False; end; { case/else } inherited HandleKeyPress(keycode, shiftstate, consumed); end; procedure TfpgPageControl.RePaint; begin if FUpdateCount > 0 then Exit; inherited RePaint; end; constructor TfpgPageControl.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FFont := fpgStyle.DefaultFont; FPages := TList.Create; Width := 150; Height := 100; FIsContainer := True; FTabOptions := []; FActivePageIndex := 0; FTextColor := Parent.TextColor; FBackgroundColor := Parent.BackgroundColor; FFocusable := True; FOnChange := nil; FFixedTabWidth := 0; FFixedTabHeight := 21; FFirstTabButton := nil; FStyle := tsTabs; FTabPosition := tpTop; FMargin := 1; FSortPages := False; FLeftButton := TfpgButton.Create(self); FLeftButton.Text := '<'; FLeftButton.Height := 20; FLeftButton.Width := 20; FLeftButton.OnClick := @LeftButtonClick; FRightButton := TfpgButton.Create(self); FRightButton.Text := '>'; FRightButton.Height := 20; FRightButton.Width := 20; FRightButton.OnClick := @RightButtonClick; end; destructor TfpgPageControl.Destroy; var i: integer; begin FOnChange := nil; for i:=0 to FPages.Count-1 do TfpgTabSheet(FPages[i]).PageControl:=nil; FPages.Free; ActiveWidget := nil; FFirstTabButton := nil; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TfpgPageControl.BeginUpdate; begin Inc(FUpdateCount); end; procedure TfpgPageControl.EndUpdate; begin Dec(FUpdateCount); if FUpdateCount <= 0 then RePaint; end; function TfpgPageControl.TabSheetAtPos(const x, y: integer): TfpgTabSheet; var h: TfpgTabSheet; lp: integer; // left position bw: integer; // button width bh: integer; // button height p1, p2: integer; // tab boundaries for mouse click to take affect begin Result := nil; h := TfpgTabSheet(FPages.First); lp := FMargin; if MaxButtonWidthSum > (Width-(FMargin*2)) then h := FFirstTabButton; case TabPosition of tpTop: begin p1 := FMargin; p2 := ButtonHeight; end; tpBottom: begin p1 := Height - FMargin - ButtonHeight; p2 := Height - FMargin; end; tpRight: begin p1 := Width - MaxButtonWidth; p2 := Width; end; tpLeft: begin p1 := FMargin; p2 := FMargin + MaxButtonWidth; end; end; if TabPosition in [tpTop, tpBottom] then begin if (y > p1) and (y < p2) then begin while h <> nil do begin bw := ButtonWidth(h.Text); // initialize button width if (x > lp) and (x < lp + bw) then begin if h <> ActivePage then Result := h; exit; end; { if } lp := lp + bw; if h <> TfpgTabSheet(FPages.Last) then h := TfpgTabSheet(FPages[FPages.IndexOf(h)+1]) else h := nil; end; { while } end; { if } end; if TabPosition in [tpLeft, tpRight] then begin if (x > p1) and (x < p2) then begin while h <> nil do begin bh := ButtonHeight; // initialize button height if (y > lp) and (y < lp + bh) then begin if h <> ActivePage then Result := h; exit; end; { if } lp := lp + bh; if h <> TfpgTabSheet(FPages.Last) then h := TfpgTabSheet(FPages[FPages.IndexOf(h)+1]) else h := nil; end; { while } end; { if } end; end; function TfpgPageControl.AppendTabSheet(ATitle: string): TfpgTabSheet; begin Result := TfpgTabSheet.Create(self); Result.Text := ATitle; InsertPage(Result); end; procedure TfpgPageControl.RemoveTabSheet(ATabSheet: TfpgTabSheet); begin RemovePage(ATabSheet); end; end.