{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2011 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Implements the classic Motif / CDE look. } unit fpg_style_motif; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes ,fpg_base ,fpg_main ; type TfpgMotifStyle = class(TfpgStyle) public constructor Create; override; { General } procedure DrawControlFrame(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); override; procedure DrawFocusRect(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect); override; { Buttons } procedure DrawButtonFace(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; AFlags: TfpgButtonFlags); override; function GetButtonBorders: TRect; override; end; implementation uses fpg_stylemanager ; { TfpgMotifStyle } constructor TfpgMotifStyle.Create; begin inherited Create; fpgSetNamedColor(clWindowBackground, $999999); fpgSetNamedColor(clButtonFace, $999999); fpgSetNamedColor(clBoxColor, $999999); fpgSetNamedColor(clListBox, $999999); end; procedure TfpgMotifStyle.DrawControlFrame(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); var r: TfpgRect; begin r.SetRect(x, y, w, h); ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow2); ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Left, r.Bottom, r.Left, r.Top); // left (outer) ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Left, r.Top, r.Right, r.Top); // top (outer) ACanvas.SetColor(clHilite1); ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Right, r.Top, r.Right, r.Bottom); // right (outer) ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Right, r.Bottom, r.Left, r.Bottom); // bottom (outer) ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow2); ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Left+1, r.Bottom-1, r.Left+1, r.Top+1); // left (inner) ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Left+1, r.Top+1, r.Right-1, r.Top+1); // top (inner) ACanvas.SetColor(clHilite1); ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Right-1, r.Top+1, r.Right-1, r.Bottom-1); // right (inner) ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Right-1, r.Bottom-1, r.Left+1, r.Bottom-1); // bottom (inner) end; procedure TfpgMotifStyle.DrawFocusRect(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect); var oldColor: TfpgColor; oldLineWidth: integer; oldLineStyle: TfpgLineStyle; begin oldColor := ACanvas.Color; oldLineWidth := ACanvas.LineWidth; oldLineStyle := ACanvas.LineStyle; ACanvas.SetColor(clBlack); ACanvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsSolid); ACanvas.DrawRectangle(r); // restore previous settings ACanvas.SetColor(oldColor); ACanvas.SetLineStyle(oldLineWidth, oldLineStyle); end; procedure TfpgMotifStyle.DrawButtonFace(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; AFlags: TfpgButtonFlags); var r: TfpgRect; begin r.SetRect(x, y, w, h); if btfIsDefault in AFlags then begin ACanvas.SetColor(clBlack); ACanvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsSolid); ACanvas.DrawRectangle(r); InflateRect(r, -1, -1); Exclude(AFlags, btfIsDefault); fpgStyle.DrawButtonFace(ACanvas, r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height, AFlags); Exit; //==> end; { Clear the rectangle with a color } ACanvas.SetColor(clButtonFace); ACanvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsSolid); ACanvas.FillRectangle(x, y, w, h); if (btfFlat in AFlags) and not (btfIsPressed in AFlags) then Exit; // no need to go further // Left and Top (outer) if (btfIsPressed in AFlags) then begin if (btfIsEmbedded in AFlags) then ACanvas.SetColor(clHilite2) else begin if (btfFlat in AFlags) or (btfHover in AFlags) then ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow1) { light shadow } else ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow2); { dark shadow } end; end else ACanvas.SetColor(clHilite1); ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Left, r.Bottom, r.Left, r.Top); // left ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Left, r.Top, r.Right, r.Top); // top // Left and Top (inner) if not ((btfFlat in AFlags) or (btfHover in AFlags)) then begin ACanvas.DrawLine(r.left+1, r.bottom-1, r.left+1, r.top+1); // left ACanvas.DrawLine(r.left+1, r.top+1, r.right-1, r.top+1); // top end; // Right and Bottom (outer) if (btfIsPressed in AFlags) then begin if (btfIsEmbedded in AFlags) then ACanvas.SetColor(clHilite1) else begin if (btfFlat in AFlags) or (btfHover in AFlags) then ACanvas.SetColor(clHilite2) { light shadow } else ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow2); { dark shadow } end; end else begin if btfHover in AFlags then ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow1) { light shadow } else ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow2); { dark shadow } end; ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Right, r.Top, r.Right, r.Bottom); // right ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Right, r.Bottom, r.Left-1, r.Bottom); // bottom if (btfFlat in AFlags) or (btfHover in AFlags) then exit; { "toolbar" style buttons need a nice thin/flat border } // Right and Bottom (inner) if btfIsPressed in AFlags then begin if (btfIsEmbedded in AFlags) then ACanvas.SetColor(clButtonFace) else ACanvas.SetColor(clHilite1); end else ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow2); ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Right-1, r.Top+1, r.Right-1, r.Bottom-1); // right ACanvas.DrawLine(r.Right-1, r.Bottom-1, r.Left, r.Bottom-1); // bottom end; function TfpgMotifStyle.GetButtonBorders: TRect; begin Result := Rect(4, 4, 4, 4); end; initialization fpgStyleManager.RegisterClass('Motif', TfpgMotifStyle); end.