{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Defines a Splitter control. } unit fpg_splitter; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_widget; const clColorGrabBar = $839EFE; // Pale navy blue cSplitterWidth = 8; type NaturalNumber = 1..High(Integer); TfpgSplitter = class(TfpgWidget) private FAutoSnap: Boolean; FColorGrabBar: TfpgColor; FControl: TfpgWidget; FDownPos: TPoint; FMinSize: NaturalNumber; FMaxSize: Integer; FNewSize: Integer; FOldSize: Integer; FSplit: Integer; FMouseOver: Boolean; procedure CalcSplitSize(X, Y: Integer; out NewSize, Split: Integer); function FindControl: TfpgWidget; procedure SetColorGrabBar(const AValue: TfpgColor); procedure UpdateControlSize; procedure UpdateSize(const X, Y: Integer); protected function DoCanResize(var NewSize: Integer): Boolean; virtual; procedure HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleMouseEnter; override; procedure HandleMouseExit; override; procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure StopSizing; dynamic; Procedure DrawGrabBar(ARect: TfpgRect); virtual; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published property ColorGrabBar: TfpgColor read FColorGrabBar write SetColorGrabBar default clColorGrabBar; end; function CreateSplitter(AOwner: TComponent; ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: TfpgCoord; AnAlign: TAlign): TfpgSplitter; implementation function CreateSplitter(AOwner: TComponent; ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: TfpgCoord; AnAlign: TAlign): TfpgSplitter; begin Result := TfpgSplitter.Create(AOwner); Result.Left := ALeft; Result.Top := ATop; Result.Width := AWidth; Result.Height := AHeight; Result.Align := AnAlign; end; { TfpgSplitter } procedure TfpgSplitter.CalcSplitSize(X, Y: Integer; out NewSize, Split: Integer); var S: Integer; begin if Align in [alLeft, alRight] then Split := X - FDownPos.X else Split := Y - FDownPos.Y; S := 0; case Align of alLeft: S := FControl.Width + Split; alRight: S := FControl.Width - Split; alTop: S := FControl.Height + Split; alBottom: S := FControl.Height - Split; end; NewSize := S; if S < FMinSize then NewSize := FMinSize else if S > FMaxSize then NewSize := FMaxSize; if S <> NewSize then begin if Align in [alRight, alBottom] then S := S - NewSize else S := NewSize - S; Inc(Split, S); end; end; function TfpgSplitter.FindControl: TfpgWidget; var i: Integer; wg: TfpgWidget; p: TPoint; r: TfpgRect; begin Result := nil; p := Point(Left, Top); case Align of alLeft: Dec(p.X); alRight: Inc(p.X, Width); alTop: Dec(p.Y); alBottom: Inc(p.Y, Height); else Exit; end; for i := 0 to Parent.ComponentCount-1 do begin wg := TfpgWidget(Parent.Components[i]); if (wg <> nil) and wg.Visible and wg.Enabled then begin Result := wg; r := Result.GetBoundsRect; if (r.Width = 0) then if Align in [alTop, alLeft] then Dec(r.Left) else Inc(r.Width); if (r.Height = 0) then if Align in [alTop, alLeft] then Dec(r.Top) else Inc(r.Height); if PtInRect(r, p) then Exit; end; end; Result := nil; end; procedure TfpgSplitter.SetColorGrabBar(const AValue: TfpgColor); begin if FColorGrabBar = AValue then Exit; //==> FColorGrabBar := AValue; Repaint; end; procedure TfpgSplitter.UpdateControlSize; begin if FNewSize <> FOldSize then begin case Align of alLeft, alRight: // FControl.Width := FNewSize; // (1) FControl.SetPosition(FControl.Left, FControl.Top, FNewSize, FControl.Height); // (2) alTop, alBottom: // FControl.Height := FNewSize; // (1) FControl.SetPosition(FControl.Left, FControl.Top, FControl.Width, FNewSize); // (2) end; // FControl.UpdateWindowPosition; // (1) // vvzh: // Lines marked with (1) work wrong under Linux (e.g. folding/unfolding Memo1) // Lines marked with (2) work OK under both platforms. Why? Parent.Realign; // if Assigned(FOnMoved) then FOnMoved(Self); FOldSize := FNewSize; end; end; procedure TfpgSplitter.UpdateSize(const X, Y: Integer); begin CalcSplitSize(X, Y, FNewSize, FSplit); end; function TfpgSplitter.DoCanResize(var NewSize: Integer): Boolean; begin // Result := CanResize(NewSize); // omit onCanResize call Result := True; if Result and (NewSize <= FMinSize) and FAutoSnap then NewSize := 0; end; procedure TfpgSplitter.HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); var i: integer; wg: TfpgWidget; begin inherited HandleLMouseDown(x, y, shiftstate); FControl := FindControl; FDownPos := Point(X, Y); if Assigned(FControl) then begin if Align in [alLeft, alRight] then begin FMaxSize := Parent.Width - FMinSize; for i := 0 to Parent.ComponentCount-1 do begin wg := TfpgWidget(Parent.Components[i]); if wg.Visible and (wg.Align in [alLeft, alRight]) then Dec(FMaxSize, Width); end; Inc(FMaxSize, FControl.Width); end else begin FMaxSize := Parent.Height - FMinSize; for i := 0 to Parent.ComponentCount-1 do begin wg := TfpgWidget(Parent.Components[i]); if (wg.Align in [alTop, alBottom]) then Dec(FMaxSize, Height); end; Inc(FMaxSize, FControl.Height); end; UpdateSize(X, Y); CaptureMouse; {AllocateLineDC; with ValidParentForm(Self) do if ActiveControl <> nil then begin FActiveControl := ActiveControl; FOldKeyDown := TWinControlAccess(FActiveControl).OnKeyDown; TWinControlAccess(FActiveControl).OnKeyDown := FocusKeyDown; end; if ResizeStyle in [rsLine, rsPattern] then DrawLine;} end; end; procedure TfpgSplitter.HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); begin inherited HandleLMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate); if Assigned(FControl) then begin ReleaseMouse; // if ResizeStyle in [rsLine, rsPattern] then DrawLine; UpdateControlSize; {writeln('LT: ', FControl.Left, ':', FControl.Width, ' ', Self.Left, ':', Self.Width); writeln('RB: ', FControl.Top, ':', FControl.Height, ' ', Self.Top, ':', Self.Height);} StopSizing; end; end; procedure TfpgSplitter.HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); var NewSize, Split: Integer; begin inherited HandleMouseMove(x, y, btnstate, shiftstate); if (ssLeft in shiftstate) and Assigned(FControl) then begin CalcSplitSize(X, Y, NewSize, Split); if DoCanResize(NewSize) then begin // if ResizeStyle in [rsLine, rsPattern] then DrawLine; FNewSize := NewSize; FSplit := Split; // if ResizeStyle = rsUpdate then UpdateControlSize; // if ResizeStyle in [rsLine, rsPattern] then DrawLine; end; end; end; procedure TfpgSplitter.HandleMouseEnter; begin FMouseOver := True; if Align in [alBottom, alTop] then MouseCursor := mcSizeNS else MouseCursor := mcSizeEW; Repaint; end; procedure TfpgSplitter.HandleMouseExit; begin FMouseOver := False; if FControl = nil then MouseCursor := mcDefault; Repaint; end; procedure TfpgSplitter.HandlePaint; var lRect: TfpgRect; begin Canvas.SetColor(clWindowBackground); Canvas.FillRectangle(GetClientRect); case Align of alRight, alLeft: begin lRect.Top := Height div 4; lRect.SetBottom(Height div 4 * 3); lRect.Left := 1; lRect.SetRight(6); end; alTop, alBottom: begin lRect.Left := Width div 4; lRect.SetRight(Width div 4 * 3); lRect.Top := 1; lRect.SetBottom(6); end; end; DrawGrabBar(lRect); end; procedure TfpgSplitter.StopSizing; begin if Assigned(FControl) then begin // if FLineVisible then DrawLine; FControl := nil; {ReleaseLineDC; if Assigned(FActiveControl) then begin TWinControlAccess(FActiveControl).OnKeyDown := FOldKeyDown; FActiveControl := nil; end;} end; {if Assigned(FOnMoved) then FOnMoved(Self);} end; procedure TfpgSplitter.DrawGrabBar(ARect: TfpgRect); var lFillRect: TfpgRect; lSaveColor: TfpgColor; begin lSaveColor := Canvas.Color; // Draw the outline of the rectangle Canvas.Color := clGray; Canvas.DrawRectangle(ARect); // If the mouse is over the splitter bar, then fill the grab bar part // with colour. if FMouseOver then begin lFillRect := ARect; InflateRect(lFillRect, -1, -1); Canvas.Color := FColorGrabBar; Canvas.FillRectangle(lFillRect); end; // Draw a shadow around the inside of the grab bar Canvas.Color := clWhite; Canvas.DrawLine(ARect.Left+1, ARect.Top+1, ARect.Right, ARect.Top+1); Canvas.DrawLine(ARect.Left+1, ARect.Top+1, ARect.Left+1, ARect.Bottom); // Draw some texture inside the grab bar Canvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsDot); if Align in [alLeft, alRight] then begin Canvas.DrawLine(ARect.Left+3, ARect.Top+15, ARect.Left+3, ARect.Bottom-15); Canvas.Color := clGray; Canvas.DrawLine(ARect.Left+4, ARect.Top+16, ARect.Left+4, ARect.Bottom-16); end else begin Canvas.DrawLine(ARect.Left+15, ARect.Top+3, ARect.Right-15, ARect.Top+3); Canvas.Color := clGray; Canvas.DrawLine(ARect.Left+16, ARect.Top+4, ARect.Right-16, ARect.Top+4); end; Canvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsSolid); Canvas.Color := clBlack; { TODO : Improve the look of the triangles } case Align of alRight: begin // Draw the top triangle Canvas.FillTriangle(ARect.Left+2, ARect.Top+5, ARect.Left+2, ARect.Top+10, ARect.Left+4, ARect.Top+7); // Draw the bottom triangle Canvas.FillTriangle(ARect.Left+2, ARect.Bottom-5, ARect.Left+2, ARect.Bottom-10, ARect.Left+4, ARect.Bottom-7); end; alLeft: begin // Draw the top triangle Canvas.FillTriangle(ARect.Right-2, ARect.Top+5, ARect.Right-2, ARect.Top+10, ARect.Right-4, ARect.Top+7); // Draw the bottom triangle Canvas.FillTriangle(ARect.Right-2, ARect.Bottom-5, ARect.Right-2, ARect.Bottom-10, ARect.Right-4, ARect.Bottom-7); end; alBottom: begin // Draw the left triangle Canvas.FillTriangle(ARect.Left+5, ARect.Top+2, ARect.Left+10, ARect.Top+2, ARect.Left+7, ARect.Top+4); // Draw the right triangle Canvas.FillTriangle(ARect.Right-5, ARect.Top+2, ARect.Right-10, ARect.Top+2, ARect.Right-7, ARect.Top+4); end; alTop: begin // Draw the left triangle Canvas.FillTriangle(ARect.Left+5, ARect.Bottom-1, ARect.Left+10, ARect.Bottom-1, ARect.Left+7, ARect.Bottom-4); // Draw the right triangle Canvas.FillTriangle(ARect.Right-5, ARect.Bottom-1, ARect.Right-10, ARect.Bottom-1, ARect.Right-7, ARect.Bottom-4); end; end; Canvas.Color := lSaveColor; end; constructor TfpgSplitter.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FAutoSnap := True; Height := 100; Align := alLeft; Width := cSplitterWidth; FMinSize := 30; // FResizeStyle := rsPattern; FOldSize := -1; FMouseOver := False; FColorGrabBar := clColorGrabBar; end; destructor TfpgSplitter.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; end; end.