{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2014 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Defines a scrollable frame widget. This unit was originally written by David Emerson } unit fpg_scrollframe; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_widget, fpg_panel, fpg_scrollbar; type TfpgScrollFrame = class; TfpgEmbeddingFrame = class (TfpgFrame) // The purpose of the EmbeddingFrame is to pass scroll events to the ParentScrollFrame private FParentScrollFrame : TfpgScrollFrame; protected procedure HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); override; procedure HandleMouseHorizScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); override; public property ParentScrollFrame : TfpgScrollFrame read FParentScrollFrame write FParentScrollFrame; end; TfpgAutoSizingFrame = class (TfpgEmbeddingFrame) private FMarginBR : integer; procedure SetMarginBR (AValue: integer); public procedure AfterConstruction; override; procedure AdjustDimsFor (w : TfpgWidget; updatewp: boolean = true); procedure AdjustDimsWithout (w : TfpgWidget); procedure RecalcFrameSize; property MarginBR : integer read FMarginBR write SetMarginBR; // bottom-right margin end; TfpgASFrameClass = class of TfpgAutoSizingFrame; TfpgScrollFrame = class(TfpgFrame) private FContentFrame: TfpgAutoSizingFrame; FVisibleArea: TfpgEmbeddingFrame; FHScrollBar: TfpgScrollBar; FVScrollBar: TfpgScrollBar; FScrollBarStyle: TfpgScrollStyle; function GetXOffset: integer; function GetYOffset: integer; procedure SetXOffset(x: integer); procedure SetYOffset(y: integer); protected procedure HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); override; procedure HandleMouseHorizScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); override; procedure HandleResize(awidth, aheight: TfpgCoord); override; procedure HandleShow; override; procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure HScrollBarMove(Sender: TObject; position: integer); procedure VScrollBarMove(Sender: TObject; position: integer); procedure UpdateScrollbars; virtual; property XOffset: integer read GetXOffset write SetXOffset; // these do not... property YOffset: integer read GetYOffset write SetYOffset; // ...updatewindowposition public constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent); override; constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent; ContentFrameType: TfpgASFrameClass); virtual; procedure AfterCreate; override; procedure SetContentFrameType(AContentFrameType: TfpgASFrameClass); property ContentFrame: TfpgAutoSizingFrame read FContentFrame write FContentFrame; end; implementation { TfpgEmbeddingFrame } procedure TfpgEmbeddingFrame.HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); begin ParentScrollFrame.HandleMouseScroll(x, y, shiftstate, delta); end; procedure TfpgEmbeddingFrame.HandleMouseHorizScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); begin ParentScrollFrame.HandleMouseHorizScroll(x, y, shiftstate, delta); end; { TfpgAutoSizingFrame } procedure TfpgAutoSizingFrame.SetMarginBR(AValue: integer); begin if FMarginBR=AValue then Exit; FMarginBR:=AValue; RecalcFrameSize; end; procedure TfpgAutoSizingFrame.AfterConstruction; begin inherited AfterConstruction; RecalcFrameSize; end; procedure TfpgAutoSizingFrame.AdjustDimsFor (w: TfpgWidget; updatewp: boolean = true); var new_w, new_h: integer; begin if not w.Visible then Exit; new_w := w.Right+MarginBR+1; new_h := w.Bottom+MarginBR+1; if (Width < new_w) or (Height < new_h) then begin HandleResize(new_w, new_h); if updatewp then if ParentScrollFrame is TfpgScrollFrame then ParentScrollFrame.UpdateScrollbars else UpdateWindowPosition; end; end; procedure TfpgAutoSizingFrame.AdjustDimsWithout (w: TfpgWidget); begin if (Width = w.Right+MarginBR+1) or (Height = w.Bottom+MarginBR+1) then RecalcFrameSize; end; procedure TfpgAutoSizingFrame.RecalcFrameSize; var i : integer; c : TComponent; max_w, max_h : integer; this_need : integer; begin if ComponentCount=0 then Exit; max_w := 1; max_h := 1; for i := 0 to ComponentCount-1 do begin c := Components[i]; if c is TfpgWidget then begin if not TfpgWidget(c).Visible then continue; this_need := TfpgWidget(c).right+MarginBR+1; if (this_need>max_w) then max_w := this_need; this_need := TfpgWidget(c).bottom+MarginBR+1; if (this_need>max_h) then max_h := this_need; end; end; HandleResize(max_w, max_h); if ParentScrollFrame is TfpgScrollFrame then ParentScrollFrame.UpdateScrollbars else UpdateWindowPosition; end; { TfpgScrollFrame } function TfpgScrollFrame.GetXOffset: integer; begin result := -FContentFrame.Left; end; function TfpgScrollFrame.GetYOffset: integer; begin result := -FContentFrame.Top; end; procedure TfpgScrollFrame.SetXOffset (x: integer); begin if ContentFrame.Left = -x then Exit; FContentFrame.Left := -x; end; procedure TfpgScrollFrame.SetYOffset (y: integer); begin if ContentFrame.Top = -y then Exit; FContentFrame.Top := -y; end; procedure TfpgScrollFrame.HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); begin inherited HandleMouseScroll(x, y, shiftstate, delta); with FVScrollBar do begin if not Visible then Exit; Position:=Position+delta*ScrollStep; if YOffset=Position then Exit; YOffset:=Position; end; UpdateScrollbars; end; procedure TfpgScrollFrame.HandleMouseHorizScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); begin inherited HandleMouseHorizScroll(x, y, shiftstate, delta); with FHScrollBar do begin if not Visible then Exit; Position:=Position+delta*ScrollStep; if XOffset=Position then Exit; XOffset:=Position; end; UpdateScrollbars; end; procedure TfpgScrollFrame.HandleResize(awidth, aheight: TfpgCoord); begin inherited HandleResize(awidth, aheight); if (csLoading in ComponentState) or (csUpdating in ComponentState) then Exit; //==> if HasHandle then UpdateScrollBars; end; procedure TfpgScrollFrame.HandleShow; begin inherited HandleShow; if (csLoading in ComponentState) then Exit; UpdateScrollBars; end; procedure TfpgScrollFrame.HandlePaint; begin if csDesigning in ComponentState then begin // clear background rectangle Canvas.Clear(clDarkGray); // When designing, don't draw colors // but draw an outline Canvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsDash); Canvas.DrawRectangle(GetClientRect); Canvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsSolid); Canvas.Color := clUIDesignerGreen; Canvas.DrawLine(0, 0, Width, Height); Canvas.DrawLine(Width, 0, 0, Height); Canvas.TextColor := clShadow1; Canvas.DrawText(5, 5, Name + ': ' + ClassName); Exit; //==> end; inherited HandlePaint; end; procedure TfpgScrollFrame.HScrollBarMove (Sender: TObject; position: integer); begin if position = XOffset then Exit; XOffset := position; FContentFrame.UpdateWindowPosition; end; procedure TfpgScrollFrame.VScrollBarMove (Sender: TObject; position: integer); begin if position = YOffset then Exit; YOffset := position; FContentFrame.UpdateWindowPosition; end; procedure TfpgScrollFrame.UpdateScrollbars; var contentWidth, contentHeight: integer; visWidth, visHeight: integer; Hfits, Vfits : boolean; showHsb, showVsb : boolean; prevHideHsb, prevHideVsb : boolean; procedure hideScrollbar (sb : TfpgScrollBar); begin with sb do if Visible then begin Visible := False; UpdateWindowPosition; end; end; procedure getVisWidth; begin if showVsb then visWidth := Width - (FVScrollBar.Width-1) else visWidth := Width; Hfits := visWidth >= contentWidth end; procedure getVisHeight; begin if showHsb then visHeight := Height - (FHScrollBar.Height-1) else visHeight := Height; Vfits := visHeight >= contentHeight; end; begin if (csLoading in ComponentState) or (csUpdating in ComponentState) then Exit; //==> // if we don't want any scrollbars, hide them and exit if FScrollBarStyle = ssNone then begin hideScrollbar (FHScrollBar); hideScrollbar (FVScrollBar); exit; end; // preliminary width/height calculations prevHideHsb := not FHScrollBar.Visible; prevHideVsb := not FVScrollBar.Visible; showVsb := (FScrollBarStyle = ssBothVisible); showHsb := showVsb; contentWidth := ContentFrame.Width; contentHeight := ContentFrame.Height; getVisWidth; getVisHeight; // determine whether to show scrollbars for different configurations case FScrollBarStyle of ssHorizontal: begin hideScrollbar (FVScrollBar); if not Hfits then begin showHsb := true; getVisHeight; end; end; ssVertical: begin hideScrollbar (FHScrollBar); if not Vfits then begin showVsb := true; getVisWidth; end; end; ssAutoBoth: if not Vfits then begin showVsb := true; getVisWidth; if not Hfits then begin showHsb := true; getVisHeight; getVisWidth; end; end else if not Hfits then begin showHsb := true; getVisHeight; if not Vfits then begin showVsb := true; getVisWidth; getVisHeight; end; end; end; // show or hide the scrollbars if showVsb then with FVScrollBar do begin if prevHideVsb then Position := 0; Visible := true; Min := 0; Max := contentHeight - visHeight; // may set position! YOffset := Position; if contentHeight > 0 then SliderSize := visHeight / contentHeight else SliderSize := 0; RepaintSlider; Top := 0; Left := visWidth; Height := visHeight; PageSize:= visHeight; end else begin FVScrollBar.Visible := false; if Vfits then // if vertical doesn't fit and no scrollbar, do not change offset YOffset := 0; end; if showHsb then with FHScrollBar do begin if prevHideHsb then Position := 0; Visible := true; Min := 0; Max := contentWidth - visWidth; // may set position! XOffset := Position; if contentWidth > 0 then SliderSize := visWidth / contentWidth else SliderSize := 0; RepaintSlider; Top := visHeight; Left := 0; Width := visWidth; PageSize:= visWidth; end else begin FHScrollBar.Visible := false; if Hfits then // if horizontal doesn't fit and no scrollbar, do not change offset XOffset := 0; end; FVScrollBar.UpdateWindowPosition; FHScrollBar.UpdateWindowPosition; FVisibleArea.SetPosition(0, 0, visWidth, visHeight); FVisibleArea.UpdateWindowPosition; FContentFrame.UpdateWindowPosition; end; constructor TfpgScrollFrame.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FVisibleArea := TfpgEmbeddingFrame.Create(self); FVisibleArea.HandleMove(0, 0); FVisibleArea.ParentScrollFrame := self; FContentFrame := TfpgAutoSizingFrame.Create(FVisibleArea); FContentFrame.HandleMove(0, 0); FContentFrame.ParentScrollFrame := self; end; constructor TfpgScrollFrame.Create(AOwner: TComponent; ContentFrameType: TfpgASFrameClass); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FVisibleArea := TfpgEmbeddingFrame.Create(self); FVisibleArea.HandleMove(0, 0); FVisibleArea.ParentScrollFrame := self; FContentFrame := ContentFrameType.Create(FVisibleArea); FContentFrame.HandleMove(0, 0); FContentFrame.ParentScrollFrame := self; end; procedure TfpgScrollFrame.AfterCreate; begin inherited AfterCreate; FVScrollBar := TfpgScrollBar.Create(self); with FVScrollBar do begin Orientation := orVertical; OnScroll := @VScrollBarMove; Position := 0; ScrollStep := 10; end; FHScrollBar := TfpgScrollBar.Create(self); with FHScrollBar do begin Orientation := orHorizontal; OnScroll := @HScrollBarMove; Position := 0; ScrollStep := 10; end; FScrollBarStyle := ssAutoBoth; end; procedure TfpgScrollFrame.SetContentFrameType(AContentFrameType: TfpgASFrameClass); begin if Assigned(FContentFrame) then FContentFrame.Free; FContentFrame := AContentFrameType.Create(FVisibleArea); FContentFrame.HandleMove(0, 0); FContentFrame.ParentScrollFrame := self; end; end.