{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Defines a Memo control. Also known as a multi-line text edit control. } unit fpg_memo; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} { TODO : Started a implementation for Tab support. It is still very experimental and should not be used yet. } interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_widget, fpg_scrollbar, fpg_menu; type TfpgMemo = class(TfpgWidget) private FLines: TStringList; FMaxLength: integer; FCursorPos: integer; FCursorLine: integer; FOnChange: TNotifyEvent; FSideMargin: integer; FSelStartLine: integer; FSelEndLine: integer; FSelStartPos: integer; FSelEndPos: integer; FSelecting: boolean; FMouseDragging: boolean; FMouseDragPos: integer; FFont: TfpgFont; FDrawOffset: integer; FLineHeight: integer; FFirstLine: integer; FTabWidth: integer; FUseTabs: boolean; FVScrollBar: TfpgScrollBar; FHScrollBar: TfpgScrollBar; FWrapping: boolean; FLongestLineWidth: TfpgCoord; FPopupMenu: TfpgPopupMenu; function GetFontDesc: string; procedure SetFontDesc(const AValue: string); procedure RecalcLongestLine; procedure DeleteSelection; procedure DoCopy; procedure DoPaste; procedure AdjustCursor; function LineCount: integer; function GetLineText(linenum: integer): string; procedure SetLineText(linenum: integer; Value: string); function GetCursorX: integer; procedure SetCPByX(x: integer); function CurrentLine: string; function VisibleLines: integer; function VisibleWidth: integer; procedure VScrollBarMove(Sender: TObject; position: integer); procedure HScrollBarMove(Sender: TObject; position: integer); procedure SetText(const AValue: TfpgString); function GetText: TfpgString; procedure SetCursorLine(aValue: integer); procedure UpdateScrollBarCoords; protected procedure HandleKeyChar(var AText: TfpgChar; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override; procedure HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override; procedure HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleRMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleResize(dwidth, dheight: integer); override; procedure HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); override; procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure HandleShow; override; procedure HandleMouseEnter; override; procedure HandleMouseExit; override; procedure HandleHide; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure UpdateScrollBars; function SelectionText: string; property CursorLine: integer read FCursorLine write SetCursorLine; property Font: TfpgFont read FFont; property LineHeight: integer read FLineHeight; property MaxLength: integer read FMaxLength write FMaxLength; property TabWidth: integer read FTabWidth write FTabWidth; property Text: TfpgString read GetText write SetText; property UseTabs: boolean read FUseTabs write FUseTabs default False; property PopupMenu: TfpgPopupMenu read FPopupMenu write FPopupMenu; published property BackgroundColor default clBoxColor; property FontDesc: string read GetFontDesc write SetFontDesc; property Hint; property Lines: TStringList read FLines; property ParentShowHint; property ShowHint; property TabOrder; property TextColor; property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnKeyPress; end; function CreateMemo(AOwner: TComponent; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord): TfpgMemo; implementation uses fpg_stringutils; type // custom stringlist that will notify the memo of item changes TfpgMemoStrings = class(TStringList) protected Memo: TfpgMemo; procedure RefreshMemo; public constructor Create(AMemo: TfpgMemo); reintroduce; destructor Destroy; override; function Add(const s: String): Integer; override; procedure Clear; override; procedure Delete(Index: Integer); override; procedure Insert(Index: Integer; const S: string); override; end; { TfpgMemoStrings } procedure TfpgMemoStrings.RefreshMemo; begin if Assigned(Memo) and (Memo.HasHandle) then begin Memo.Invalidate; Memo.UpdateScrollBars; end; end; constructor TfpgMemoStrings.Create(AMemo: TfpgMemo); begin inherited Create; Memo := AMemo; end; destructor TfpgMemoStrings.Destroy; begin Memo := nil; inherited Destroy; end; function TfpgMemoStrings.Add(const s: String): Integer; begin Result := inherited Add(s); RefreshMemo; end; procedure TfpgMemoStrings.Delete(Index: Integer); begin // writeln('Delete''s Index = ', Index); inherited Delete(Index); RefreshMemo; end; procedure TfpgMemoStrings.Insert(Index: Integer; const S: string); begin // writeln('Insert''s Index = ', Index); inherited Insert(Index, S); RefreshMemo; end; procedure TfpgMemoStrings.Clear; begin inherited Clear; RefreshMemo; end; { TfpgMemo } function CreateMemo(AOwner: TComponent; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord): TfpgMemo; begin Result := TfpgMemo.Create(AOwner); Result.Left := x; Result.Top := y; Result.Width := w; if h > 0 then Result.Height := h; end; procedure TfpgMemo.SetCursorLine(aValue: integer); var i: integer; MaxLine: integer; yp: integer; begin if (aValue < 0) or (aValue = FCursorLine) then Exit; // wrong value if aValue < FFirstLine then begin FFirstLine := aValue; // moves the selected line to the top of the displayed rectangle FCursorLine := aValue; FCursorPos := 0; RePaint; Exit; end; yp := 2; MaxLine := 0; for i := FFirstLine to LineCount-1 do begin yp := yp + LineHeight; if yp > Height then begin MaxLine := i - 1; break; end; end; if MaxLine < aValue then begin FFirstLine := aValue; FCursorLine := aValue; FCursorPos := 0; RePaint; Exit; end else begin FCursorLine := aValue; FCursorPos := 0; RePaint; Exit; end; end; procedure TfpgMemo.UpdateScrollBarCoords; var HWidth: integer; VHeight: integer; begin VHeight := Height - 4; HWidth := Width - 4; if FVScrollBar.Visible then Dec(HWidth, FVScrollBar.Width); if FHScrollBar.Visible then Dec(VHeight, FHScrollBar.Height); FHScrollBar.Top := Height -FHScrollBar.Height - 2; FHScrollBar.Left := 2; FHScrollBar.Width := HWidth; FVScrollBar.Top := 2; FVScrollBar.Left := Width - FVScrollBar.Width - 2; FVScrollBar.Height := VHeight; FVScrollBar.UpdateWindowPosition; FHScrollBar.UpdateWindowPosition; end; constructor TfpgMemo.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Focusable := True; FFont := fpgGetFont('#Edit1'); FHeight := FFont.Height * 3 + 4; FWidth := 120; FLineHeight := FFont.Height + 2; FSelecting := False; FSideMargin := 3; FMaxLength := 0; FWrapping := False; FOnChange := nil; FTextColor := Parent.TextColor; FBackgroundColor := clBoxColor; FUseTabs := False; FTabWidth := 4; FMinWidth := 20; FMinHeight := 30; FLines := TfpgMemoStrings.Create(self); FFirstLine := 0; FCursorLine := 0; FCursorPos := 0; FSelStartPos := FCursorPos; FSelEndPos := 0; FSelStartLine := -1; FSelEndLine := -1; FDrawOffset := 0; FMouseDragging := False; FVScrollBar := TfpgScrollBar.Create(self); FVScrollBar.Orientation := orVertical; FVScrollBar.OnScroll := @VScrollBarMove; FVScrollBar.Visible := False; FHScrollBar := TfpgScrollBar.Create(self); FHScrollBar.Orientation := orHorizontal; FHScrollBar.OnScroll := @HScrollBarMove; FHScrollBar.ScrollStep := 5; FHScrollBar.Visible := False; end; destructor TfpgMemo.Destroy; begin TfpgMemoStrings(FLines).Free; FFont.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TfpgMemo.RecalcLongestLine; var n: integer; lw: TfpgCoord; begin FLongestLineWidth := 0; for n := 0 to LineCount-1 do begin lw := FFont.TextWidth(getlinetext(n)); if lw > FlongestLineWidth then FlongestLineWidth := lw; end; end; function TfpgMemo.GetFontDesc: string; begin Result := FFont.FontDesc; end; procedure TfpgMemo.DeleteSelection; var n: integer; selsl: integer; selsp: integer; selel: integer; selep: integer; ls: string; len: integer; st: integer; begin if FSelEndLine < 0 then Exit; if (FSelStartLine shl 16) + FSelStartPos <= (FSelEndLine shl 16) + FSelEndPos then begin selsl := FSelStartLine; selsp := FSelStartPos; selel := FSelEndLine; selep := FSelEndPos; end else begin selel := FSelStartLine; selep := FSelStartPos; selsl := FSelEndLine; selsp := FSelEndPos; end; for n := selsl to selel do begin ls := GetLineText(n); if selsl < n then st := 0 else st := selsp; if selel > n then len := UTF8Length(ls) else len := selep - st; UTF8Delete(ls, st + 1, len); SetLineText(n, ls); end; if selsl < selel then begin ls := GetlineText(selsl); ls := ls + GetLineText(selel); SetLineText(selsl, ls); end; //delete moves lines up, so delete same line number over and over. for n := (selsl+1) to selel do FLines.Delete(selsl+1); FCursorPos := selsp; FCursorLine := selsl; FSelEndLine := -1; end; procedure TfpgMemo.DoCopy; var n: integer; selsl: integer; selsp: integer; selel: integer; selep: integer; ls: string; len: integer; st: integer; s: string; begin if FSelEndLine < 0 then Exit; if (FSelStartLine shl 16) + FSelStartPos <= (FSelEndLine shl 16) + FSelEndPos then begin selsl := FSelStartLine; selsp := FSelStartPos; selel := FSelEndLine; selep := FSelEndPos; end else begin selel := FSelStartLine; selep := FSelStartPos; selsl := FSelEndLine; selsp := FSelEndPos; end; s := ''; for n := selsl to selel do begin if n > selsl then s := s + #13#10; ls := GetLineText(n); if selsl < n then st := 0 else st := selsp; if selel > n then len := UTF8Length(ls) else len := selep - st; s := s + UTF8Copy(ls, st + 1, len); end; //SetClipboardText(s); end; procedure TfpgMemo.DoPaste; { var s: string; si: string; si8: string; lineend: string; n: integer; l: integer; lcnt: integer; } begin Exit; (* DeleteSelection; s := GetClipboardText; si := UTF8Copy(CurrentLine,1,FCursorPos); lineend := UTF8Copy(CurrentLine,FCursorPos+1, UTF8Length(CurrentLine)); l := FCursorLine; n := 1; lcnt := 0; si8 := ''; while n <= length(s) do begin if (s[n] = #13) or (s[n] = #10) then begin if lcnt = 0 then SetLineText(l, si + si8) else FLines.Insert(l-1, si + si8); si := ''; si8 := ''; inc(lcnt); inc(l); // skip multibyte line end: if (s[n]=#13) and (n < length(s)) and (s[n+1]=#10) then inc(n); end else begin si8 := si8 + s[n]; end; inc(n); end; si := si + si8; FCursorPos := UTF8Length(si); si := si + lineend; if lcnt = 0 then begin SetLineText(l, si) end else begin FLines.Insert(l-1, si); FCursorLine := l; end; AdjustCursor; Repaint; *) end; procedure TfpgMemo.AdjustCursor; var tw: integer; begin // horizontal adjust RecalcLongestLine; tw := FFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(CurrentLine, 1, FCursorPos)); if tw - FDrawOffset > VisibleWidth - 2 then FDrawOffset := tw - VisibleWidth + 2 else if tw - FDrawOffset < 0 then begin FDrawOffset := tw; if tw <> 0 then Dec(FDrawOffset, 2); end; // vertical adjust if FCursorLine < FFirstLine then FFirstLine := FCursorLine; if FCursorline - FFirstLine + 1 > VisibleLines then FFirstLine := FCursorline - VisibleLines + 1; if (FFirstLine + VisibleLines) > LineCount then begin FFirstLine := LineCount - VisibleLines + 1; if FFirstline < 0 then FFirstLine := 0; end; UpdateScrollbars; end; procedure TfpgMemo.UpdateScrollBars; var vlines: integer; vsbw: integer; hsbwas: boolean; vsbwas: boolean; vsbvis: boolean; begin hsbwas := FHScrollBar.Visible; vsbwas := FVScrollBar.Visible; vlines := (Height - (FSideMargin shl 1)) div Lineheight; vsbvis := (LineCount > vlines); if vsbvis then vsbw := FVScrollBar.Width else vsbw := 0; FHScrollBar.Visible := FLongestLineWidth > (Width - vsbw - FSideMargin * 2) - 1; if FHScrollBar.Visible and not vsbvis then begin // recheck vertical scrollbar vlines := (Height - (FSideMargin shl 1) - FHScrollBar.Height) div Lineheight; vsbvis := (LineCount > vlines); end; FVScrollBar.Visible := vsbvis; UpdateScrollBarCoords; if FHScrollBar.Visible then begin FHScrollBar.Min := 0; FHScrollBar.Max := FLongestLineWidth - VisibleWidth - 1; if (FLongestLineWidth <= 0) or (FLongestLineWidth <= VisibleWidth) then FHScrollBar.SliderSize := 1 else FHScrollBar.SliderSize := VisibleWidth / FLongestLineWidth; FHScrollBar.Position := FDrawOffset; FHScrollBar.RepaintSlider; end; if FVScrollBar.Visible then begin FVScrollBar.Min := 0; // TODO: Look at calculation of vlines value to improve this! if LineCount > 0 then begin FVScrollBar.SliderSize := VisibleLines / LineCount; FVScrollBar.Max := LineCount - VisibleLines; end else begin FVScrollBar.SliderSize := 0.5; FVScrollBar.Max := 10; end; FVScrollBar.Position := FFirstLine; FVScrollBar.RepaintSlider; end; if (hsbwas <> FHScrollBar.Visible) or (vsbwas <> FVScrollBar.Visible) then AdjustCursor; end; function TfpgMemo.LineCount: integer; begin Result := FLines.Count; end; function TfpgMemo.GetLineText(linenum: integer): string; begin if LineCount = 0 then FLines.Add(''); if (linenum >= 0) and (linenum < LineCount) then Result := FLines.Strings[linenum] else Result := ''; end; procedure TfpgMemo.SetFontDesc(const AValue: string); begin FFont.Free; FFont := fpgGetFont(AValue); RePaint; end; procedure TfpgMemo.SetLineText(linenum: integer; Value: string); begin FLines.Strings[linenum] := Value; end; function TfpgMemo.GetCursorX: integer; begin Result := FFont.TextWidth(copy(CurrentLine, 1, FCursorPos)); end; // Set cursor position by X procedure TfpgMemo.SetCPByX(x: integer); var n: integer; cpx: integer; cp: integer; cx: integer; ls: string; begin // searching the appropriate character position ls := CurrentLine; cpx := FFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(ls, 1, FCursorPos)); // + FDrawOffset + FSideMargin; cp := FCursorPos; if cp > UTF8Length(ls) then cp := UTF8Length(ls); for n := 0 to UTF8Length(ls) do begin cx := FFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(ls, 1, n)); // + FDrawOffset + FSideMargin; if abs(cx - x) < abs(cpx - x) then begin cpx := cx; cp := n; end; end; FCursorPos := cp; end; function TfpgMemo.CurrentLine: string; begin Result := GetLineText(FCursorLine); end; function TfpgMemo.VisibleLines: integer; var sh: integer; begin if FHScrollBar.Visible then sh := 18 else sh := 0; Result := (Height - (FSideMargin shl 1) - sh) div Lineheight; end; function TfpgMemo.VisibleWidth: integer; var sw: integer; begin if FVScrollBar.Visible then sw := FVScrollBar.Width else sw := 0; Result := (Width - (FSideMargin shl 1) - sw); end; procedure TfpgMemo.HandleShow; begin inherited HandleShow; if (csLoading in ComponentState) then Exit; RecalcLongestLine; UpdateScrollBars; UpdateScrollBarCoords; end; procedure TfpgMemo.HandleMouseEnter; begin inherited HandleMouseEnter; MouseCursor := mcIBeam; end; procedure TfpgMemo.HandleMouseExit; begin inherited HandleMouseExit; MouseCursor := mcDefault; end; procedure TfpgMemo.HandleHide; begin fpgCaret.UnSetCaret(Canvas); inherited; end; procedure TfpgMemo.VScrollBarMove(Sender: TObject; position: integer); begin if FFirstLine <> position then begin FFirstLine := position; repaint; end; end; procedure TfpgMemo.HScrollBarMove(Sender: TObject; position: integer); begin if position <> FDrawOffset then begin FDrawOffset := position; Repaint; end; end; procedure TfpgMemo.HandlePaint; var n: integer; tw, tw2, st, len: integer; yp, xp: integer; ls: string; r: TfpgRect; selsl, selsp, selel, selep: integer; c: integer; s: string; begin Canvas.ClearClipRect; r.SetRect(0, 0, Width, Height); Canvas.DrawControlFrame(r); InflateRect(r, -2, -2); Canvas.SetClipRect(r); if Enabled then Canvas.SetColor(FBackgroundColor) else Canvas.SetColor(clWindowBackground); Canvas.FillRectAngle(r); Canvas.SetTextColor(FTextColor); Canvas.SetFont(FFont); if (FSelStartLine shl 16) + FSelStartPos <= (FSelEndLine shl 16) + FSelEndPos then begin selsl := FSelStartLine; selsp := FSelStartPos; selel := FSelEndLine; selep := FSelEndPos; end else begin selel := FSelStartLine; selep := FSelStartPos; selsl := FSelEndLine; selsp := FSelEndPos; end; yp := 3; for n := FFirstline to LineCount-1 do begin ls := GetLineText(n); if FUseTabs then begin xp := 0; s := ''; for c := 1 to Length(ls) do begin if ls[c] = #9 then begin if s <> '' then Canvas.DrawString(-FDrawOffset + FSideMargin + xp, yp, s); xp := xp + Canvas.Font.TextWidth(' ') * FTabWidth; s := ''; end else s := s + ls[c]; end; if s <> '' then Canvas.DrawString(-FDrawOffset + FSideMargin + xp, yp, s); end else Canvas.DrawString(-FDrawOffset + FSideMargin, yp, ls); if Focused then begin // drawing selection if (FSelEndLine > -1) and (selsl <= n) and (selel >= n) then begin if selsl < n then st := 0 else st := selsp; if selel > n then len := UTF8Length(ls) else len := selep - st; tw := FFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(ls, 1, st)); tw2 := FFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(ls, 1, st + len)); Canvas.XORFillRectangle(fpgColorToRGB(clSelection) xor $FFFFFF, -FDrawOffset + FSideMargin + tw, yp, tw2 - tw, LineHeight); end; //drawing cursor if FCursorLine = n then begin // drawing cursor tw := FFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(ls, 1, FCursorPos)); fpgCaret.SetCaret(Canvas, -FDrawOffset + FSideMargin + tw, yp, fpgCaret.Width, FFont.Height); end; end; { if } yp := yp + LineHeight; if yp > Height then Break; end; { for } // Special case because it never entered the for loop above if (LineCount = 0) and Focused then fpgCaret.SetCaret(Canvas, FSideMargin, 3, fpgCaret.Width, FFont.Height); if not Focused then fpgCaret.UnSetCaret(Canvas); // The little square in the bottom right corner if FHScrollBar.Visible and FVScrollBar.Visible then begin Canvas.SetColor(clButtonFace); Canvas.FillRectangle(FHScrollBar.Left+FHScrollBar.Width, FVScrollBar.Top+FVScrollBar.Height, FVScrollBar.Width, FHScrollBar.Height); end; end; procedure TfpgMemo.HandleKeyChar(var AText: TfpgChar; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); var prevval: string; s: string; ls: string; begin inherited; prevval := Text; s := AText; // Printable characters only // Note: This is now UTF-8 compliant! if (Ord(AText[1]) > 31) and (Ord(AText[1]) < 127) or (Length(AText) > 1) then begin if (FMaxLength <= 0) or (UTF8Length(FLines.Text) < FMaxLength) then begin if FCursorLine < 0 then FCursorLine := 0; DeleteSelection; ls := GetLineText(FCursorLine); UTF8Insert(s, ls, FCursorPos + 1); SetLineText(FCursorLine, ls); Inc(FCursorPos); FSelStartPos := FCursorPos; FSelStartLine := FCursorLine; FSelEndLine := -1; AdjustCursor; end; consumed := True; end; if prevval <> Text then if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(self); if consumed then RePaint; end; procedure TfpgMemo.HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); var cx: integer; ls: string; ls2: string; hasChanged: boolean; procedure StopSelection; begin FSelStartLine := FCursorLine; FSelStartPos := FCursorPos; FSelEndLine := -1; end; begin Consumed := True; hasChanged := False; case CheckClipBoardKey(keycode, shiftstate) of ckCopy: begin DoCopy; end; ckPaste: begin DoPaste; hasChanged := True; end; ckCut: begin DoCopy; DeleteSelection; hasChanged := True; end; else Consumed := False; end; if not Consumed then begin // checking for movement keys: consumed := True; FSelecting := (ssShift in shiftstate); case keycode of keyLeft: if FCursorPos > 0 then begin Dec(FCursorPos); if (ssCtrl in shiftstate) then // word search... (* while (FCursorPos > 0) and not pgfIsAlphaNum(copy(CurrentLine,FCursorPos,1)) do Dec(FCursorPos); while (FCursorPos > 0) and pgfIsAlphaNum(copy(CurrentLine,FCursorPos,1)) do Dec(FCursorPos); *); end;// left keyRight: if FCursorPos < UTF8Length(CurrentLine) then begin Inc(FCursorPos); if (ssCtrl in shiftstate) then // word search... (* while (FCursorPos < length(CurrentLine)) and pgfIsAlphaNum(copy(CurrentLine,FCursorPos+1,1)) do Inc(FCursorPos); while (FCursorPos < length(CurrentLine)) and not pgfIsAlphaNum(copy(CurrentLine,FCursorPos+1,1)) do Inc(FCursorPos); *); end;// right keyUp: begin // up cx := GetCursorX; if FCursorLine > 0 then begin Dec(FCursorline); SetCPByX(cx); end; end; keyDown: begin cx := GetCursorX; if FCursorLine < (LineCount-1) then begin Inc(FCursorline); SetCPByX(cx); end; end; keyHome: begin if (ssCtrl in shiftstate) then FCursorLine := 0; FCursorPos := 0; end; keyEnd: begin if (ssCtrl in shiftstate) then FCursorLine := LineCount-1; FCursorPos := UTF8Length(CurrentLine); end; keyPageUp: if FCursorLine > 0 then begin cx := GetCursorX; Dec(FCursorLine, VisibleLines); if FCursorLine < 0 then FCursorLine := 0; SetCPByX(cx); end; keyPageDown: begin cx := GetCursorX; if FCursorLine < (LineCount-1) then begin Inc(FCursorline, VisibleLines); if FCursorLine > (LineCount-1) then FCursorLine := LineCount-1; SetCPByX(cx); end; end; else Consumed := False; end; if Consumed then begin AdjustCursor; if FSelecting then begin FSelEndPos := FCursorPos; FSelEndLine := FCursorLine; end else StopSelection; end; end; if not Consumed then begin consumed := True; case keycode of keyReturn, keyPEnter: begin ls := UTF8Copy(FLines[FCursorline], 1, FCursorPos); ls2 := UTF8Copy(FLines[FCursorline], FCursorPos + 1, UTF8Length(FLines[FCursorline])); FLines.Insert(FCursorLine, ls); Inc(FCursorLine); SetLineText(FCursorLine, ls2); FCursorPos := 0; hasChanged := True; end; keyBackSpace: begin if FCursorPos > 0 then begin ls := GetLineText(FCursorLine); UTF8Delete(ls, FCursorPos, 1); SetLineText(FCursorLine, ls); Dec(FCursorPos); end else if FCursorLine > 0 then begin ls := CurrentLine; FLines.Delete(FCursorLine); Dec(FCursorLine); FCursorPos := UTF8Length(FLines.Strings[FCursorLine]); FLines.Strings[FCursorLine] := FLines.Strings[FCursorLine] + ls; end; hasChanged := True; end; keyDelete: begin ls := GetLineText(FCursorLine); if FSelEndLine > -1 then DeleteSelection else if FCursorPos < UTF8Length(ls) then begin UTF8Delete(ls, FCursorPos + 1, 1); SetLineText(FCursorLine, ls); end else if FCursorLine < (LineCount-1) then begin ls2 := FLines.Strings[FCursorLine+1]; FLines.Delete(FCursorLine); FLines.Strings[FCursorLine] := ls + ls2; end; hasChanged := True; end; keyTab: begin if FUseTabs then begin ls := GetLineText(FCursorLine); { if FSelEndLine > 0 then DeleteSelection else} if FCursorPos < UTF8Length(ls) then begin UTF8Insert(#9, ls, FCursorPos); SetLineText(FCursorLine, ls); end; { else if FCursorLine < LineCount then begin ls2 := FLines.Strings[FCursorLine]; FLines.Delete(FCursorLine); FLines.Strings[FCursorLine - 1] := ls + ls2; end; } hasChanged := True; end else Consumed := False; end; else Consumed := False; end; if Consumed then begin StopSelection; AdjustCursor; end; end; if Consumed then RePaint else inherited; if hasChanged then if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(self); end; procedure TfpgMemo.HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); var n: integer; cpx: integer; cp: integer; cx: integer; lnum: integer; ls: string; begin inherited HandleLMouseDown(x, y, shiftstate); // searching the appropriate character position lnum := FFirstLine + (y - FSideMargin) div LineHeight; if lnum > (LineCount-1) then lnum := LineCount-1; ls := GetLineText(lnum); cpx := FFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(ls, 1, FCursorPos)) - FDrawOffset + FSideMargin; cp := FCursorPos; for n := 0 to UTF8Length(ls) do begin cx := FFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(ls, 1, n)) - FDrawOffset + FSideMargin; if abs(cx - x) < abs(cpx - x) then begin cpx := cx; cp := n; end; end; FMouseDragging := True; FMouseDragPos := cp; FCursorPos := cp; FCursorLine := lnum; if (ssShift in shiftstate) then begin FSelEndLine := lnum; FSelEndpos := cp; end else begin FSelStartLine := lnum; FSelStartPos := cp; FSelEndLine := -1; end; Repaint; end; procedure TfpgMemo.HandleRMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); begin inherited HandleRMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate); if Assigned(PopupMenu) then PopupMenu.ShowAt(self, x, y); end; procedure TfpgMemo.HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); var n: integer; cpx: integer; cp: integer; cx: integer; lnum: integer; ls: string; begin if not FMouseDragging or ((btnstate and 1) = 0) then begin FMouseDragging := False; Exit; end; // searching the appropriate character position lnum := FFirstLine + (y - FSideMargin) div LineHeight; if lnum > LineCount-1 then lnum := LineCount-1; ls := GetLineText(lnum); cpx := FFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(ls, 1, FCursorPos)) - FDrawOffset + FSideMargin; cp := FCursorPos; for n := 0 to UTF8Length(ls) do begin cx := FFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(ls, 1, n)) - FDrawOffset + FSideMargin; if abs(cx - x) < abs(cpx - x) then begin cpx := cx; cp := n; end; end; if (cp <> FCursorPos) or (lnum <> FCursorLine) then begin FCursorLine := lnum; FSelEndLine := lnum; FSelEndPos := cp; FCursorPos := cp; Repaint; end; // searching the appropriate character position { cpx := FFont.TextWidth16(copy16(FText,1,FCursorPos)) + FDrawOffset + FSideMargin; cp := FCursorPos; s := ''; for n := 0 to Length16(Text) do begin cx := FFont.TextWidth16(copy16(Text,1,n)) + FDrawOffset + FSideMargin; if abs(cx - x) < abs(cpx - x) then begin cpx := cx; cp := n; end; end; //FMouseDragPos := cp; FSelOffset := cp-FSelStart; if FCursorPos <> cp then begin FCursorPos := cp; Repaint; end; } end; (* procedure TfpgMemo.HandleWindowScroll(direction, amount: integer); var pfl, pdo : integer; begin inherited HandleWindowScroll(direction, amount); pfl := FFirstLine; pdo := FDrawOffset; if direction = 0 then begin dec(FFirstLine, amount); end; if direction = 1 then begin inc(FFirstLine, amount); end; if FFirstLine > LineCount - VisibleLines + 1 then FFirstLine := LineCount - VisibleLines + 1; if FFirstLine < 1 then FFirstLine := 1; if FHScrollBar.Visible then begin if Direction = 2 then begin dec(FDrawOffset, amount*16); end; if Direction = 3 then begin inc(FDrawOffset, amount*16); end; if FDrawOffset > FHScrollBar.Max then FDrawOffset := FHScrollBar.Max; if FDrawOffset < 0 then FDrawOffset := 0; end; if (pfl <> FFirstLine) or (pdo <> FDrawOffset) then begin UpdateScrollBars; Repaint; end; end; *) procedure TfpgMemo.HandleResize(dwidth, dheight: integer); begin inherited HandleResize(dwidth, dheight); if (csLoading in ComponentState) then Exit; UpdateScrollBarCoords; UpdateScrollBars; end; procedure TfpgMemo.HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); var pfl, pdo : integer; begin inherited HandleMouseScroll(x, y, shiftstate, delta); pfl := FFirstLine; pdo := FDrawOffset; if delta < 0 then dec(FFirstLine, abs(delta)) // scroll up else inc(FFirstLine, abs(delta)); // scroll down if FFirstLine > LineCount - VisibleLines{ + 1} then FFirstLine := LineCount - VisibleLines {+ 1}; if FFirstLine < 0 then FFirstLine := 0; if FHScrollBar.Visible then begin if FDrawOffset > FHScrollBar.Max then FDrawOffset := FHScrollBar.Max; if FDrawOffset < 0 then FDrawOffset := 0; end; if (pfl <> FFirstLine) or (pdo <> FDrawOffset) then begin UpdateScrollBars; Repaint; end; end; function TfpgMemo.SelectionText: string; begin { if FSelOffset <> 0 then begin if FSelOffset < 0 then begin Result := Copy(FText,1+FSelStart + FSelOffset,-FSelOffset); end else begin result := Copy(FText,1+FSelStart,FSelOffset); end; end else } Result := ''; end; function TfpgMemo.GetText: TfpgString; var n: integer; s: TfpgString; begin s := ''; for n := 0 to LineCount-1 do begin if n > 0 then s := s + #13#10; s := s + GetLineText(n); end; Result := s; end; procedure TfpgMemo.SetText(const AValue: TfpgString); var n: integer; c: TfpgChar; s: TfpgString; begin FLines.Clear; s := ''; n := 1; while n <= UTF8Length(AValue) do begin c := UTF8Copy(AValue, n, 1); if (c[1] = #13) or (c[1] = #10) then begin FLines.Add(s); s := ''; c := UTF8Copy(AValue, n + 1, 1); if c[1] = #10 then Inc(n); end else s := s + c; Inc(n); end; if s <> '' then FLines.Add(s); FDrawOffset := 0; FCursorPos := 0; FCursorLine := 0; FSelStartLine := FCursorLine; FSelStartPos := FCursorPos; FSelEndLine := -1; AdjustCursor; Repaint; end; end.