{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Defines a Listview control. } unit fpg_listview; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, contnrs, fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_widget, fpg_scrollbar; type TfpgListView = class; TfpgLVItem = class; TfpgLVColumns = class; TfpgLVColumn = class; TfpgLVColumnClickEvent = procedure(Listview: TfpgListView; Column: TfpgLVColumn; Button: Integer) of object; TfpgLVColumn = class(TComponent) private FAlignment: TAlignment; FCaptionAlignment: TAlignment; FDown: Boolean; FAutoSize: Boolean; FCaption: String; FClickable: Boolean; FColumnIndex: Integer; FColumns: TfpgLVColumns; FHeight: Integer; FResizable: Boolean; FVisible: Boolean; FWidth: Integer; procedure SetAlignment(const AValue: TAlignment); procedure SetAutoSize(const AValue: Boolean); procedure SetCaption(const AValue: String); procedure SetCaptionAlignment(const AValue: TAlignment); procedure SetColumnIndex(const AValue: Integer); procedure SetHeight(const AValue: Integer); procedure SetResizable(const AValue: Boolean); procedure SetVisible(const AValue: Boolean); procedure SetWidth(const AValue: Integer); public constructor Create(AColumns: TfpgLVColumns); reintroduce; destructor Destroy; override; property Caption: String read FCaption write SetCaption; property CaptionAlignment: TAlignment read FCaptionAlignment write SetCaptionAlignment; property Alignment: TAlignment read FAlignment write SetAlignment; property AutoSize: Boolean read FAutoSize write SetAutoSize; property Width: Integer read FWidth write SetWidth; property Height: Integer read FHeight write SetHeight; property Visible: Boolean read FVisible write SetVisible; property ColumnIndex: Integer read FColumnIndex write SetColumnIndex; property Clickable: Boolean read FClickable write FClickable; property Resizable: Boolean read FResizable write SetResizable; end; TfpgLVColumns = class(TPersistent) private FListView: TfpgListView; FColumns: TObjectList; function GetColumn(AIndex: Integer): TfpgLVColumn; procedure SetColumn(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: TfpgLVColumn); public constructor Create(AListView: TfpgListView); destructor Destroy; override; function Add(AColumn: TfpgLVColumn): Integer; procedure Clear; procedure Delete(AIndex: Integer); procedure Insert(AColumn: TfpgLVColumn; AIndex: Integer); function Count: Integer; property Column[AIndex: Integer]: TfpgLVColumn read GetColumn write SetColumn; end; TfpgLVItemState = set of (lisFocused, lisSelected, lisHotTrack); TfpgLVItemPaintPart = set of (lvppBackground, lvppIcon, lvppText, lvppFocused); TfpgLVPaintColumnEvent = procedure(ListView: TfpgListView; Canvas: TfpgCanvas; Column: TfpgLVColumn; ColumnIndex: Integer; Area: TfpgRect; var PaintPart: TfpgLVItemPaintPart) of object; TfpgLVPaintItemEvent = procedure(ListView: TfpgListView; Canvas: TfpgCanvas; Item: TfpgLVItem; ItemIndex: Integer; Area:TfpgRect; var PaintPart: TfpgLVItemPaintPart) of object; TfpgLVItemSelectEvent = procedure(ListView: TfpgListView; Item: TfpgLVItem; ItemIndex: Integer; Selected: Boolean) of object; IfpgLVItemViewer = interface procedure ItemDeleted(AIndex: Integer); procedure ItemAdded(AIndex: Integer); procedure ItemChanged(AIndex: Integer); procedure ItemsUpdated; end; TfpgLVItems = class(TObject) private FUpdateCount: Integer; FColumns: TfpgLVColumns; FCurrentIndexOf: Integer; FViewers: TList; FItems: TObjectList; function GetCapacity: Integer; function GetItem(AIndex: Integer): TfpgLVItem; procedure SetCapacity(const AValue: Integer); procedure SetItem(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: TfpgLVItem); procedure AddViewer(AValue: IfpgLVItemViewer); procedure DeleteViewer(AValue: IfpgLVItemViewer); // interface method triggers procedure DoChange(AItem: TfpgLVItem); procedure DoAdd(AItem: TfpgLVItem); procedure DoDelete(AItem: TfpgLVItem); procedure DoEndUpdate; public constructor Create(AViewer: IfpgLVItemViewer); destructor Destroy; override; function Add(AItem: TfpgLVItem): Integer; function Count: Integer; procedure Clear; procedure Delete(AIndex: Integer); function IndexOf(AItem: TfpgLVItem): Integer; procedure InsertItem(AItem: TfpgLVItem; AIndex: Integer); procedure BeginUpdate; procedure EndUpdate; property Capacity: Integer read GetCapacity write SetCapacity; property Columns: TfpgLVColumns read FColumns; property Item[AIndex: Integer]: TfpgLVItem read GetItem write SetItem; end; TfpgLVItem = class(TObject) private FCaption: String; FItems: TfpgLVItems; FSubItems: TStrings; FUserData: Pointer; function GetSelected(ListView: TfpgListView): Boolean; procedure SetCaption(const AValue: String); procedure SetSelected(ListView: TfpgListView; const AValue: Boolean); procedure SubItemsChanged(Sender: TObject); public constructor Create(Items: TfpgLVItems); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; property Caption: String read FCaption write SetCaption; property UserData: Pointer read FUserData write FUserData; property SubItems: TStrings read FSubItems; property Selected[ListView: TfpgListView]: Boolean read GetSelected write SetSelected; end; TfpgListView = class(TfpgWidget, IfpgLVItemViewer) private FItemIndex: Integer; FMultiSelect: Boolean; FOnPaintColumn: TfpgLVPaintColumnEvent; FOnSelectionChanged: TfpgLVItemSelectEvent; FShiftCount: Integer; FSelectionFollowsFocus: Boolean; FSelectionShiftStart: Integer; FOnColumnClick: TfpgLVColumnClickEvent; FSelected: TList; FOldSelected: TList; FUpdateCount: Integer; FVScrollBar: TfpgScrollBar; FHScrollBar: TfpgScrollBar; FColumns: TfpgLVColumns; FItems: TfpgLVItems; FOnPaintItem: TfpgLVPaintItemEvent; FShowHeaders: Boolean; FResizingColumn: TfpgLVColumn; FMouseDownPoint: TPoint; FScrollBarNeedsUpdate: Boolean; function GetItemHeight: Integer; procedure SetItemIndex(const AValue: Integer); procedure SetItems(const AValue: TfpgLVItems); procedure SetMultiSelect(const AValue: Boolean); procedure SetOnColumnClick(const AValue: TfpgLVColumnClickEvent); procedure SetShowHeaders(const AValue: Boolean); procedure VScrollChange(Sender: TObject; Position: Integer); procedure HScrollChange(Sender: TObject; Position: Integer); // interface methods procedure ItemDeleted(AIndex: Integer); procedure ItemAdded(AIndex: Integer); procedure ItemChanged(AIndex: Integer); procedure ItemsUpdated; // function GetVisibleColumnsWidth: Integer; function GetItemAreaHeight: Integer; procedure StartShiftSelection; procedure EndShiftSelection; procedure SelectionSetRangeEnabled(AStart, AEnd: Integer; AValue: Boolean); procedure SelectionToggleRange(AStart, AEnd: Integer; const ShiftState: TShiftState; IgnoreStartIndex: Boolean); procedure SelectionClear; function ItemGetSelected(const AItem: TfpgLVItem): Boolean; procedure ItemSetSelected(const AItem: TfpgLVItem; const AValue: Boolean); function ItemGetFromPoint(const X, Y: Integer): TfpgLVItem; function ItemGetRect(AIndex: Integer): TfpgRect; function ItemIndexFromY(Y: Integer): Integer; function HeaderHeight: Integer; procedure DoRepaint; procedure DoColumnClick(Column: TfpgLVColumn; Button: Integer); procedure HandleHeaderMouseMove(x, y: Integer; btnstate: word; Shiftstate: TShiftState); protected procedure MsgPaint(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); message FPGM_PAINT; procedure HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); override; procedure HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleRMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleRMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override; procedure HandleKeyRelease(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override; procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure HandleResize(awidth, aheight: TfpgCoord); override; procedure PaintHeaders; virtual; procedure PaintItems; virtual; procedure UpdateScrollBarPositions; virtual; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; function GetClientRect: TfpgRect; override; procedure BeginUpdate; procedure EndUpdate; procedure MakeItemVisible(AIndex: Integer; PartialOK: Boolean = False); function ItemAdd: TfpgLVItem; deprecated; function AddItem: TfpgLVItem; function NewItem: TfpgLVItem; published property Align; property Columns: TfpgLVColumns read FColumns; property Enabled; property HScrollBar: TfpgScrollBar read FHScrollBar; property ItemHeight: Integer read GetItemHeight; property ItemIndex: Integer read FItemIndex write SetItemIndex; property Items: TfpgLVItems read FItems write SetItems; property Hint; property MultiSelect: Boolean read FMultiSelect write SetMultiSelect; property ParentShowHint; property SelectionFollowsFocus: Boolean read FSelectionFollowsFocus write FSelectionFollowsFocus; property ShowHeaders: Boolean read FShowHeaders write SetShowHeaders; property ShowHint; property TabOrder; property VScrollBar: TfpgScrollBar read FVScrollBar; property OnColumnClick: TfpgLVColumnClickEvent read FOnColumnClick write SetOnColumnClick; property OnPaintColumn: TfpgLVPaintColumnEvent read FOnPaintColumn write FOnPaintColumn; property OnPaintItem: TfpgLVPaintItemEvent read FOnPaintItem write FOnPaintItem; property OnSelectionChanged: TfpgLVItemSelectEvent read FOnSelectionChanged write FOnSelectionChanged; property OnShowHint; end; implementation uses fpg_constants; type // used to access protected methods TfpgScrollbarFriend = class(TfpgScrollbar) end; { TfpgLVItems } function Min(AInt, BInt: Integer): Integer; begin if AInt < Bint then Result := AInt else Result := BInt; end; function Max(AInt, BInt: Integer): INteger; begin if AInt > Bint then Result := AInt else Result := BInt; end; function TfpgLVItems.GetItem(AIndex: Integer): TfpgLVItem; begin Result := TfpgLVItem(FItems.Items[AIndex]); end; function TfpgLVItems.GetCapacity: Integer; begin Result := FItems.Capacity; end; procedure TfpgLVItems.SetCapacity(const AValue: Integer); begin FItems.Capacity := AValue; end; procedure TfpgLVItems.SetItem(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: TfpgLVItem); begin FItems.Items[AIndex] := AValue; end; procedure TfpgLVItems.AddViewer(AValue: IfpgLVItemViewer); begin if AValue <> nil then FViewers.Add(AValue); end; procedure TfpgLVItems.DeleteViewer(AValue: IfpgLVItemViewer); var AIndex: Integer; begin AIndex := FViewers.IndexOf(AValue); if AIndex > -1 then begin FViewers.Delete(AIndex); end; if FViewers.Count = 0 then Free; end; procedure TfpgLVItems.DoChange(AItem: TfpgLVItem); var I: Integer; AIndex: Integer; begin if FUpdateCount > 0 then Exit; AIndex := IndexOf(AItem); for I := 0 to FViewers.Count -1 do begin IfpgLVItemViewer(FViewers.Items[I]).ItemChanged(AIndex); end; end; procedure TfpgLVItems.DoAdd(AItem: TfpgLVItem); var I: Integer; AIndex: Integer; begin if FUpdateCount > 0 then Exit; AIndex := IndexOf(AItem); for I := 0 to FViewers.Count -1 do begin IfpgLVItemViewer(FViewers.Items[I]).ItemAdded(AIndex); end; end; procedure TfpgLVItems.DoDelete(AItem: TfpgLVItem); var I: Integer; AIndex: Integer; begin if FUpdateCount > 0 then Exit; AIndex := IndexOf(AItem); for I := 0 to FViewers.Count -1 do begin IfpgLVItemViewer(FViewers.Items[I]).ItemDeleted(AIndex); end; end; procedure TfpgLVItems.DoEndUpdate; var I: Integer; begin if FUpdateCount > 0 then Exit; for I := 0 to FViewers.Count -1 do begin IfpgLVItemViewer(FViewers.Items[I]).ItemsUpdated; end; end; constructor TfpgLVItems.Create(AViewer: IfpgLVItemViewer); begin FItems := TObjectList.Create; FViewers := TList.Create; AddViewer(AViewer); end; destructor TfpgLVItems.Destroy; begin FItems.Free; FViewers.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TfpgLVItems.Add(AItem: TfpgLVItem): Integer; begin Result := Count; InsertItem(AItem, Count); DoAdd(AItem); end; function TfpgLVItems.Count: Integer; begin Result := FItems.Count; end; procedure TfpgLVItems.Clear; var i: integer; begin for i := FItems.Count-1 downto 0 do Delete(i); FItems.Clear; end; procedure TfpgLVItems.Delete(AIndex: Integer); begin DoDelete(GetItem(AIndex)); FItems.Delete(AIndex); end; function TfpgLVItems.IndexOf(AItem: TfpgLVItem): Integer; begin Result := -1; // this checks for a index close to the old one whic can speed up // search significantly when we are using indexof in a for loop if (FCurrentIndexOf > 100) and (FCurrentIndexOf < Count-2) then begin if FItems.Items[FCurrentIndexOf] = AItem then Result := FCurrentIndexOf else if FItems.Items[FCurrentIndexOf+1] = AItem then Result := FCurrentIndexOf+1 else if FItems.Items[FCurrentIndexOf-1] = AItem then Result := FCurrentIndexOf-1 end; if Result = -1 then Result := FItems.IndexOf(AItem); FCurrentIndexOf := Result; end; procedure TfpgLVItems.InsertItem(AItem: TfpgLVItem; AIndex: Integer); begin if AItem.InheritsFrom(TfpgLVItem) then FItems.Insert(AIndex, AItem) else raise Exception.CreateFmt(rsErrItemOfWrongType, ['TfpgLVItem']); end; procedure TfpgLVItems.BeginUpdate; begin Inc(FUpdateCount); end; procedure TfpgLVItems.EndUpdate; begin Dec(FUpdateCount); if FUpdateCount < 0 then FUpdateCount := 0; if FUpdateCount = 0 then DoEndUpdate; end; { TfpgLVItem } procedure TfpgLVItem.SetCaption(const AValue: String); begin if FCaption=AValue then Exit; FCaption:=AValue; if Assigned(FItems) then FItems.DoChange(Self); end; function TfpgLVItem.GetSelected(ListView: TfpgListView): Boolean; begin Result := ListView.ItemGetSelected(Self); end; procedure TfpgLVItem.SetSelected(ListView: TfpgListView; const AValue: Boolean); begin ListView.ItemSetSelected(Self, AValue); end; procedure TfpgLVItem.SubItemsChanged(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(FItems) then FItems.DoChange(Self); end; constructor TfpgLVItem.Create(Items: TfpgLVItems); begin FItems := Items; FSubItems := TStringList.Create; TStringList(FSubItems).OnChange := @SubItemsChanged; end; destructor TfpgLVItem.Destroy; begin FSubItems.Free; inherited Destroy; end; { TfpgListView } procedure TfpgListView.SetShowHeaders(const AValue: Boolean); begin if FShowHeaders=AValue then Exit; FShowHeaders:=AValue; DoRePaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.VScrollChange(Sender: TObject; Position: Integer); begin DoRepaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.HScrollChange(Sender: TObject; Position: Integer); begin DoRepaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.SetItems(const AValue: TfpgLVItems); begin if AValue = FItems then Exit; AValue.AddViewer(Self); FItems.DeleteViewer(Self); Fitems := AValue; end; procedure TfpgListView.SetMultiSelect(const AValue: Boolean); begin if FMultiSelect=AValue then Exit; FMultiSelect:=AValue; end; procedure TfpgListView.SetOnColumnClick(const AValue: TfpgLVColumnClickEvent); begin if FOnColumnClick=AValue then Exit; FOnColumnClick:=AValue; end; function TfpgListView.GetItemHeight: Integer; begin Result := Canvas.Font.Height + 4; end; procedure TfpgListView.SetItemIndex(const AValue: Integer); begin if FItemIndex=AValue then Exit; if (AValue >= -1) and (AValue < FItems.Count) then FItemIndex:=AValue; end; procedure TfpgListView.ItemDeleted(AIndex: Integer); begin if FUpdateCount = 0 then DoRePaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.ItemAdded(AIndex: Integer); begin if FUpdateCount = 0 then DoRePaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.ItemChanged(AIndex: Integer); begin if FUpdateCount = 0 then DoRePaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.ItemsUpdated; begin DoRepaint; end; function TfpgListView.GetClientRect: TfpgRect; begin Result.Top := 2; Result.Left := 2; Result.SetRight(Width - 2); Result.SetBottom(Height - 2); end; function TfpgListView.GetVisibleColumnsWidth: Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := 0; for I := 0 to FColumns.Count-1 do if FColumns.Column[I].Visible then Inc(Result, FColumns.Column[I].Width); end; function TfpgListView.GetItemAreaHeight: Integer; begin Result := Height - 4; if ShowHeaders then Dec(Result, HeaderHeight); if FHScrollBar.Visible then Dec(Result,FHScrollBar.Height); end; procedure TfpgListView.StartShiftSelection; var I: Integer; begin Inc(FShiftCount); if FItems.Count = 0 then Exit; if FShiftCount> 1 then Exit; FSelectionShiftStart := FItemIndex; if FSelectionShiftStart = -1 then Inc(FSelectionShiftStart); FOldSelected.Clear; FOldSelected.Capacity := FSelected.Capacity; for I := 0 to FSelected.Count-1 do begin FOldSelected.Add(FSelected.Items[I]); end; end; procedure TfpgListView.EndShiftSelection; begin Dec(FShiftCount); if FShiftCount > 0 then Exit; FSelectionShiftStart := -1; FOldSelected.Clear; end; procedure TfpgListView.SelectionSetRangeEnabled(AStart, AEnd: Integer; AValue: Boolean); var TmpI: LongInt; I: LongInt; ShouldShow: Boolean; begin if AStart > AEnd then begin TmpI := AStart; AStart := AEnd; AEnd := TmpI; end; FSelected.Clear; FSelected.Capacity := FOldSelected.Capacity; for I := 0 to FOldSelected.Count-1 do begin FSelected.Add(FOldSelected.Items[I]); end; if (AStart < 0) or (AEnd > FItems.Count-1) then Exit; for I := AStart to AEnd do begin ShouldShow := AValue; if FOldSelected.IndexOf(FItems.Item[I]) > -1 then ShouldShow := not AValue; if I <> FSelectionShiftStart then ItemSetSelected(FItems.Item[I], ShouldShow); end; end; procedure TfpgListView.SelectionToggleRange(AStart, AEnd: Integer; const ShiftState: TShiftState; IgnoreStartIndex: Boolean); var TmpI: Integer; I: LongInt; begin TmpI := AStart; if AStart > AEnd then begin AStart := AEnd; AEnd := TmpI; end; if not FMultiSelect then begin SelectionClear; ItemSetSelected(FItems.Item[TmpI], True); Exit; end; if ssShift in ShiftState then for I := AStart to AEnd do begin if not(IgnoreStartIndex and (I = TmpI)) then ItemSetSelected(FItems.Item[I], not ItemGetSelected(FItems.Item[I])); end; end; procedure TfpgListView.SelectionClear; var Item: TfpgLVItem; I: Integer; begin for I := FSelected.Count-1 downto 0 do begin Item := TfpgLVItem(FSelected.Items[I]); FSelected.Delete(I); if Assigned(FOnSelectionChanged) then FOnSelectionChanged(Self, Item, Items.IndexOf(Item), False); end; end; function TfpgListView.ItemGetSelected(const AItem: TfpgLVItem): Boolean; begin Result := FSelected.IndexOf(AItem) > -1; end; procedure TfpgListView.ItemSetSelected(const AItem: TfpgLVItem; const AValue: Boolean); var Index: Integer; begin Index := FSelected.IndexOf(AItem); if AValue and (Index = -1) then FSelected.Add(AItem); if (AValue = False) and (Index <> -1) then FSelected.Delete(Index); if Assigned(FOnSelectionChanged) then FOnSelectionChanged(Self, AItem, Items.IndexOf(AItem), AValue); end; function TfpgListView.ItemGetFromPoint(const X, Y: Integer): TfpgLVItem; var Index: Integer; ItemTop: Integer; begin Result := nil; ItemTop := (FVScrollBar.Position + Y) -2; if ShowHeaders then Dec(ItemTop, HeaderHeight); Index := ItemTop div ItemHeight; if Index < 0 then Exit; if Index >= FItems.Count then Exit; if FHScrollBar.Position - 2 + X > GetVisibleColumnsWidth then Exit; Result := FItems.Item[Index]; end; function TfpgListView.ItemGetRect(AIndex: Integer): TfpgRect; begin Result.Top := 2 + (AIndex * ItemHeight) - FVScrollBar.Position; if ShowHeaders then Inc(Result.Top, HeaderHeight); Result.Height := ItemHeight; Result.Left := 2 - FHScrollBar.Position; Result.Width := GetVisibleColumnsWidth; end; function TfpgListView.ItemIndexFromY(Y: Integer): Integer; var TopPos: Integer; begin if ShowHeaders and (Y < HeaderHeight) then Exit(-1); TopPos := (FVScrollBar.Position + Y) - 2; if ShowHeaders then Dec(TopPos, HeaderHeight); Result := TopPos div ItemHeight; if Result > Fitems.Count-1 then Result := -1; end; function TfpgListView.HeaderHeight: Integer; begin Result := Canvas.Font.Height + 10; end; procedure TfpgListView.DoRepaint; begin if FUpdateCount = 0 then RePaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.DoColumnClick(Column: TfpgLVColumn; Button: Integer); begin if not Column.Clickable then Exit; if Assigned(FOnColumnClick) then FOnColumnClick(Self, Column, Button); Column.FDown := True; Repaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.HandleHeaderMouseMove(x, y: Integer; btnstate: word; Shiftstate: TShiftState); var I: Integer; curLeft: Integer; curRight: Integer; Column: TfpgLVColumn; LastColumn: TfpgLVColumn; HeaderX: Integer; // this is X from the headers point of view NewMouseCursor: TMouseCursor; begin curLeft := 0; HeaderX := FHScrollBar.Position - 2 + X; NewMouseCursor := MouseCursor; LastColumn := nil; for I := 0 to FColumns.Count-1 do begin Column := FColumns.Column[I]; if not Column.Visible then Continue; curRight := curLeft + Column.Width-1; if Column.Resizable or (Assigned(LastColumn) and LastColumn.Resizable) then begin if (FResizingColumn <> nil) and (FResizingColumn = Column) then begin FResizingColumn.Width := (x + FHScrollBar.Position)- curLeft; DoRepaint; Break; end else begin if (HeaderX >= curLeft) and (HeaderX <= curRight) then // we are within this columns space begin if ((LastColumn <> nil) and (LastColumn.Resizable) and (HeaderX - curLeft < 5)) or (Column.Resizable) and (curRight - HeaderX < 5) then begin NewMouseCursor := mcSizeEW; Break; end; end else NewMouseCursor := mcDefault; end; end; LastColumn := Column; Inc(curLeft, Column.Width); end; if not Assigned(FResizingColumn) and Assigned(LastColumn) and LastColumn.Resizable then if (HeaderX - curLeft < 5) and (HeaderX - curLeft >= 0) then NewMouseCursor := mcSizeEW; if FResizingColumn <> nil then NewMouseCursor := mcSizeEW; if NewMouseCursor <> MouseCursor then MouseCursor := NewMouseCursor; end; procedure TfpgListView.MsgPaint(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); begin // Optimises painting and prevents Begin[End]Draw and OnPaint event firing // in not needed. if FUpdateCount = 0 then inherited MsgPaint(msg); end; procedure TfpgListView.HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); var cRect: TfpgRect; begin cRect := GetClientRect; if FShowHeaders then Inc(cRect.Top, HeaderHeight); if FHScrollBar.Visible then Dec(cRect.Height, FHScrollBar.Height); if FVScrollBar.Visible then Dec(cRect.Width, FVScrollBar.Width); if not PtInRect(cRect, Point(X,Y)) then Exit; TfpgScrollbarFriend(FVScrollBar).HandleMouseScroll(x, y, shiftstate, delta); end; procedure TfpgListView.HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); var Item: TfpgLVItem; cRect: TfpgRect; curLeft, curRight: Integer; I: Integer; Column: TfpgLVColumn; LastColumn: TfpgLVColumn; HeaderX: Integer; begin inherited HandleLMouseDown(x, y, shiftstate); cRect := GetClientRect; FMouseDownPoint := Point(X,Y); if not PtInRect(cRect, Point(X,Y)) then Exit; if FShowHeaders then begin if (Y < HeaderHeight + cRect.Top) then begin LastColumn := nil; HeaderX := FHScrollBar.Position - 2 + x; curLeft := 0; for I := 0 to FColumns.Count-1 do begin Column := FColumns.Column[I]; if Column.Visible then begin curRight := curLeft + Column.Width-1; if (HeaderX <= curRight) and (HeaderX >= curLeft) then begin if (MouseCursor = mcSizeEW) then begin if Column.Resizable and (curRight - HeaderX < 5) then FResizingColumn := Column else if Assigned(LastColumn) and LastColumn.Resizable and (HeaderX - curLeft < 5) then FResizingColumn := LastColumn end else // only perform a mouse click if we aren't resizing DoColumnClick(Column, 1); end; Inc(curLeft, Column.Width); end; LastColumn := Column; end; if not Assigned(FResizingColumn) and Assigned(LastColumn) and LastColumn.Resizable then if (HeaderX - curLeft < 5) and (HeaderX - curLeft >= 0) then FResizingColumn := LastColumn; end; Inc(cRect.Top, HeaderHeight); end; if FHScrollBar.Visible then Dec(cRect.Height, FHScrollBar.Height); if FVScrollBar.Visible then Dec(cRect.Width, FVScrollBar.Width); if not PtInRect(cRect, Point(X,Y)) then Exit; Item := ItemGetFromPoint(X, Y); if not FMultiSelect then SelectionClear; if Item <> nil then begin FItemIndex := ItemIndexFromY(Y); MakeItemVisible(FItemIndex); if FMultiSelect then begin if not ((ssCtrl in shiftstate) or (ssShift in shiftstate)) then begin SelectionClear; ItemSetSelected(Item, True); end else begin if ssCtrl in shiftstate then ItemSetSelected(Item, not ItemGetSelected(Item)); if ssShift in shiftstate then SelectionSetRangeEnabled(FSelectionShiftStart, FItemIndex, True); end end else ItemSetSelected(Item, True); end; DoRepaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.HandleRMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); var I: Integer; cLeft, cRight: Integer; cRect: TfpgRect; Column: TfpgLVColumn; begin inherited HandleRMouseDown(x, y, shiftstate); cRect := GetClientRect; if not PtInRect(cRect, Point(X,Y)) then Exit; if FShowHeaders then begin if (Y < HeaderHeight + cRect.Top) then begin cLeft := cRect.Left - FHScrollBar.Position; for I := 0 to FColumns.Count-1 do begin Column := FColumns.Column[I]; if Column.Visible then begin cRight := cLeft + Column.Width-1; if (X <= cRight) and (X >= cLeft) then DoColumnClick(Column, 3); Inc(cLeft, Column.Width); end; end; end; Inc(cRect.Top, HeaderHeight); end; if FVScrollBar.Visible then Dec(cRect.Width, FVScrollBar.Width); if FHScrollBar.Visible then Dec(cRect.Height, FHScrollBar.Height); end; procedure TfpgListView.HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); var I: Integer; begin inherited HandleLMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate); for I := 0 to FColumns.Count-1 do begin FColumns.Column[I].FDown := False; end; FResizingColumn := nil; DoRepaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.HandleRMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); var I: Integer; begin inherited HandleRMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate); for I := 0 to FColumns.Count-1 do begin FColumns.Column[I].FDown := False; end; DoRepaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); var cRect: TfpgRect; begin inherited HandleMouseMove(x, y, btnstate, shiftstate); cRect := GetClientRect; if not PtInRect(cRect, Point(X,Y)) and (FResizingColumn = nil) then Exit; if ((Y < (cRect.Top + HeaderHeight)) and ShowHeaders) or (FResizingColumn <> nil) then begin HandleHeaderMouseMove(x, y, btnstate, shiftstate); end else if (MouseCursor <> mcDefault) and (FResizingColumn = nil) then MouseCursor := mcDefault; //if FVScrollBar.Visible then Dec(cRect.Width, FVScrollBar.Width); //if FHScrollBar.Visible then Dec(cRect.Height, FHScrollBar.Height); end; procedure TfpgListView.HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); var iIndex: Integer; OldIndex: Integer; procedure CheckMultiSelect; begin if FMultiSelect then begin if (ssShift in shiftstate) or (FSelectionShiftStart > -1) then begin SelectionSetRangeEnabled(FSelectionShiftStart, FItemIndex, True); end else if ssCtrl in shiftstate then begin SelectionToggleRange(FItemIndex, FItemIndex, shiftstate, False); end; end; end; procedure CheckSelectionFocus; begin if ((ssShift in shiftstate) or (ssCtrl in shiftstate)) then Exit; SelectionClear; if FSelectionFollowsFocus and (FItemIndex > -1) then ItemSetSelected(FItems.Item[FItemIndex], True); end; begin consumed := True; OldIndex := FItemIndex; //WriteLn('Got key: ',IntToHex(keycode, 4)); case keycode of keyShift, keyShiftR: begin if FMultiSelect then StartShiftSelection; end; keyUp: begin if ItemIndex > 0 then ItemIndex := ItemIndex-1; MakeItemVisible(ItemIndex); if OldIndex <> ItemIndex then CheckSelectionFocus; CheckMultiSelect; end; keyDown: begin ItemIndex := ItemIndex+1; MakeItemVisible(ItemIndex); if OldIndex <> ItemIndex then CheckSelectionFocus; CheckMultiSelect; end; keyLeft: begin FHScrollBar.Position := FHScrollBar.Position - FHScrollBar.ScrollStep; end; keyRight: begin FHScrollBar.Position := FHScrollBar.Position + FHScrollBar.ScrollStep; end; keyHome: begin ItemIndex := 0; MakeItemVisible(ItemIndex); if OldIndex <> ItemIndex then CheckSelectionFocus; CheckMultiSelect; end; keyEnd: begin ItemIndex := FItems.Count-1; MakeItemVisible(ItemIndex); if OldIndex <> ItemIndex then CheckSelectionFocus; CheckMultiSelect; end; keyPageUp: begin iIndex := ItemIndex - (GetItemAreaHeight div ItemHeight); if iIndex < 0 then iIndex := 0; ItemIndex := iIndex; MakeItemVisible(ItemIndex); if OldIndex <> ItemIndex then CheckSelectionFocus; CheckMultiSelect; end; keyPageDown: begin iIndex := ItemIndex + (GetItemAreaHeight div ItemHeight); if iIndex > FItems.Count-1 then iIndex := FItems.Count-1; ItemIndex := iIndex; MakeItemVisible(ItemIndex); if OldIndex <> ItemIndex then CheckSelectionFocus; CheckMultiSelect end; else consumed := False; inherited HandleKeyPress(keycode, shiftstate, consumed); Exit; end; DoRepaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.HandleKeyRelease(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); begin consumed := True; case keycode of keyShift, keyShiftR: begin EndShiftSelection; end; else consumed := False; inherited HandleKeyRelease(keycode, shiftstate, consumed); end; end; procedure TfpgListView.HandlePaint; var ClipRect: TfpgRect; begin //if FScrollBarNeedsUpdate then UpdateScrollBarPositions; fpgStyle.DrawControlFrame(Canvas, 0, 0, Width, Height); ClipRect.SetRect(2, 2, Width-4, Height-4); if ShowHeaders then begin PaintHeaders; Inc(ClipRect.Top, HeaderHeight); Dec(ClipRect.Height, HeaderHeight); end; Canvas.SetClipRect(ClipRect); // This paints the small square remaining below the vscrollbar // and to the right of the hscrollbar if FVScrollBar.Visible and FHScrollBar.Visible then begin Canvas.Color := clButtonFace; Canvas.FillRectangle(Width - 2 - FVScrollBar.Width, Height - 2 - FHScrollBar.Height, Width - 2, Height - 2); end; if FVScrollBar.Visible then Dec(ClipRect.Width, FVScrollBar.Width); if FHScrollBar.Visible then Dec(ClipRect.Height, FhScrollBar.Height); Canvas.SetClipRect(ClipRect); PaintItems; end; procedure TfpgListView.HandleResize(awidth, aheight: TfpgCoord); begin inherited HandleResize(awidth, aheight); FScrollBarNeedsUpdate := FScrollBarNeedsUpdate or FSizeIsDirty; end; procedure TfpgListView.PaintHeaders; var I: Integer; cLeft, cTop: Integer; Column: TfpgLVColumn; Flags: TFButtonFlags; ClipRect: TfpgRect; cRect: TfpgRect; PaintPart: TfpgLVItemPaintPart; tWidth, tLeft: Integer; begin cLeft := 2; ClipRect.Top := 2; ClipRect.Left := 2; ClipRect.Height := HeaderHeight; ClipRect.Width := Width -4; Canvas.SetClipRect(ClipRect); if FHScrollBar.Visible then Dec(cLeft, FHScrollBar.Position); cTop := 2; for I := 0 to Columns.Count-1 do begin Column := Columns.Column[I]; if Column.Visible then begin Flags := [btfIsEmbedded]; if Column.FDown then Flags := Flags + [btfIsPressed]; cRect.Top := cTop; cRect.Left := cLeft; cRect.Width := Column.Width; cRect.Height := HeaderHeight; fpgStyle.DrawButtonFace(Canvas,cLeft, cRect.Top, cRect.Width, cRect.Height, Flags); PaintPart := [lvppText]; if Assigned(FOnPaintColumn) then FOnPaintColumn(Self, Canvas, Column, I, cRect, PaintPart); if lvppText in PaintPart then begin tLeft := cLeft; tWidth := Canvas.Font.TextWidth(Column.Caption); case Column.CaptionAlignment of taRightJustify: Inc(tLeft, Column.Width - tWidth - 5); taCenter: Inc(tLeft, (Column.Width - tWidth - 5) div 2); taLeftJustify: Inc(tLeft, 5); end; fpgStyle.DrawString(Canvas, tLeft, cTop+5, Column.Caption, Enabled); end; Inc(cLeft, Column.Width); end; end; if cLeft < FWidth-2 then begin Canvas.SetColor(clButtonFace); Canvas.FillRectangle(cLeft, cTop, cLeft+(Width-3-cLeft), Canvas.Font.Height+10); end; end; procedure TfpgListView.PaintItems; var FirstIndex, LastIndex: Integer; I, J : Integer; PaintPart: TfpgLVItemPaintPart; ItemRect: TfpgRect; ItemState: TfpgLVItemState; Item: TfpgLVItem; TheText: String; TheTextColor: TfpgColor; oClipRect: TfpgRect; iColumnClipRect: TfpgRect; ColumnIndex: Integer; cBottom: Integer; vBottom: Integer; tLeft, tWidth: Integer; begin FirstIndex := (FVScrollBar.Position) div ItemHeight; LastIndex := (FVScrollBar.Position+GetItemAreaHeight) div ItemHeight; if LastIndex > FItems.Count-1 then LastIndex := FItems.Count-1; cBottom := 2 + ((LastIndex+1 - FirstIndex) * ItemHeight); if ShowHeaders then Inc(cBottom, HeaderHeight); oClipRect := Canvas.GetClipRect; for I := FirstIndex to LastIndex do begin ItemState := []; PaintPart := [lvppBackground, lvppIcon, lvppText]; ItemRect := ItemGetRect(I); if (I = FirstIndex) and (ShowHeaders) and (ItemRect.Top < 2 + HeaderHeight) then Dec(cBottom, (2 + HeaderHeight) - ItemRect.Top); Item := FItems.Item[I]; if Item.Selected[Self] then Include(ItemState, lisSelected); if FItemIndex = I then begin Include(ItemState, lisFocused); Include(PaintPart, lvppFocused); end; if lisSelected in (ItemState) then begin if Focused then Canvas.Color := clSelection else Canvas.Color := clInactiveSel; end else Canvas.Color := clListBox; Canvas.FillRectangle(ItemRect); Exclude(PaintPart, lvppBackground); TheTextColor := Canvas.TextColor; if Assigned(FOnPaintItem) then FOnPaintItem(Self, Canvas, Item, I, ItemRect, PaintPart); if lvppIcon in PaintPart then begin { TODO: paint icon } end; if lvppFocused in PaintPart then begin Canvas.Color := clBlack; Canvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsDot); Canvas.DrawRectangle(ItemRect); end; if lvppText in PaintPart then begin if lisSelected in ItemState then Canvas.TextColor := clSelectionText; for J := 0 to FColumns.Count-1 do begin if FColumns.Column[J].Visible then begin iColumnClipRect.Left := Max(ItemRect.Left, oClipRect.Left); iColumnClipRect.Top := Max(ItemRect.Top, oClipRect.Top); iColumnClipRect.SetRight(Min(ItemRect.Left+FColumns.Column[J].Width, oClipRect.Right)); iColumnClipRect.SetBottom(Min(ItemRect.Bottom, oClipRect.Bottom)); Canvas.SetClipRect(iColumnClipRect); if FColumns.Column[J].ColumnIndex <> -1 then ColumnIndex := FColumns.Column[J].ColumnIndex else ColumnIndex := J; if ColumnIndex = 0 then TheText := Item.Caption else if Item.SubItems.Count >= ColumnIndex then TheText := Item.SubItems.Strings[ColumnIndex-1] else TheText := ''; tLeft := ItemRect.Left; tWidth := Canvas.Font.TextWidth(TheText); case FColumns.Column[J].Alignment of taRightJustify: Inc(tLeft, FColumns.Column[J].Width - tWidth - 5); taCenter: Inc(tLeft, (FColumns.Column[J].Width - tWidth - 5) div 2); taLeftJustify: Inc(tLeft, 5); end; fpgStyle.DrawString(Canvas, tLeft, ItemRect.Top+2, TheText, Enabled); Inc(ItemRect.Left, FColumns.Column[J].Width); //WriteLn(ItemRect.Left,' ', ItemRect.Top, ' ', ItemRect.Right, ' ', ItemRect.Bottom); end; end; end; Canvas.SetClipRect(oClipRect); Canvas.TextColor := TheTextColor; end; vBottom := Height - 2; if FHScrollBar.Visible then Dec(vBottom, FHScrollBar.Height); // the painted items haven't fully covered the visible area if vBottom > cBottom then begin ItemRect.Left := 2; ItemRect.Top := cBottom; ItemRect.SetBottom(vBottom); ItemRect.Width := Width - 4; Canvas.SetColor(clListBox); Canvas.FillRectangle(ItemRect); end; if GetVisibleColumnsWidth < oClipRect.Width then begin ItemRect.Left := GetVisibleColumnsWidth+2; ItemRect.SetRight(oClipRect.Right); ItemRect.Top := oClipRect.Top; ItemRect.Height := oClipRect.Height; Canvas.SetColor(clListBox); Canvas.FillRectangle(ItemRect); end; end; procedure TfpgListView.UpdateScrollBarPositions; var BevelSize: Integer; I: Integer; MaxH, MaxV: Integer; begin MaxH := 0; MaxV := 0; BevelSize := 2; for I := 0 to Columns.Count -1 do begin if Columns.Column[I].Visible then Inc(MaxH, Columns.Column[I].Width); end; MaxV := (FItems.Count+2) * ItemHeight - (Height); if ShowHeaders then Inc(MaxV, HeaderHeight); if FVScrollBar.Visible then Inc(MaxH, FVScrollBar.Width); FHScrollBar.Top := Height - FHScrollBar.Height - (BevelSize ); FHScrollBar.Left := BevelSize; FHScrollBar.Width := Width - (BevelSize * 2); FVScrollBar.Top := BevelSize; FVScrollBar.Left := Width - FVScrollBar.Width - (BevelSize ); FVScrollBar.Height := Height - FVScrollBar.Top - BevelSize; if FVScrollBar.Visible and FHScrollBar.Visible then begin FHScrollBar.Width := FHScrollBar.Width - FVScrollBar.Width; FVScrollBar.Height := FVScrollBar.Height - FHScrollBar.Height; end; FHScrollBar.Max := MaxH-(Width-(BevelSize * 2)); FVScrollBar.Max := MaxV; if FVScrollBar.Max = 0 then FVScrollBar.SliderSize := 1 else begin if (FVScrollBar.Max + FVScrollBar.Height) > 0 then FVScrollBar.SliderSize := FVScrollBar.Height / (FVScrollBar.Max + FVScrollBar.Height) else FVScrollBar.SliderSize := 0.5; end; FVScrollBar.RepaintSlider; if FHScrollBar.Max = 0 then FHScrollBar.SliderSize := 1 else begin if (FHScrollBar.Max + FHScrollBar.Width) > 0 then FHScrollBar.SliderSize := FHScrollBar.Width / (FHScrollBar.Max + FHScrollBar.Width) else FHScrollBar.SliderSize := 0.5; end; FHScrollBar.RepaintSlider; if FHScrollBar.Visible then FHScrollBar.UpdateWindowPosition; if FVScrollBar.Visible then FVScrollBar.UpdateWindowPosition; FScrollBarNeedsUpdate := False; end; constructor TfpgListView.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FWidth := 120; FHeight := 80; Focusable := True; FShowHeaders := True; FVScrollBar := TfpgScrollBar.Create(Self); FVScrollBar.Orientation := orVertical; FVScrollBar.OnScroll := @VScrollChange; FVScrollBar.ScrollStep := 18; FVScrollBar.Position := 0; FHScrollBar := TfpgScrollBar.Create(Self); FHScrollBar.Orientation := orHorizontal; FHScrollBar.OnScroll := @HScrollChange; FHScrollBar.ScrollStep := 18; FHScrollBar.Position := 0; FColumns := TfpgLVColumns.Create(Self); FItems := TfpgLVItems.Create(Self); FSelected := TList.Create; FOldSelected := TList.Create;; FSelectionShiftStart := -1; FSelectionFollowsFocus := True; FItemIndex := -1; FScrollBarNeedsUpdate := True; end; destructor TfpgListView.Destroy; begin FItems.DeleteViewer(Self); FSelected.Free; FOldSelected.Free; FColumns.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TfpgListView.BeginUpdate; begin Inc(FUpdateCount); FItems.BeginUpdate; end; procedure TfpgListView.EndUpdate; begin FItems.EndUpdate; Dec(FUpdateCount); if FUpdateCount < 0 then FUpdateCount := 0; if FUpdateCount = 0 then DoRePaint; end; procedure TfpgListView.MakeItemVisible(AIndex: Integer; PartialOK: Boolean); var iTop, iBottom: integer; tVisible, bVisible: Boolean; begin if AIndex = -1 then Exit; iTop := AIndex * ItemHeight; iBottom := iTop + ItemHeight; tVisible := (iTop >= FVScrollBar.Position) and (iTop < FVScrollBar.Position + GetItemAreaHeight); bVisible := (iBottom >= FVScrollBar.Position) and (iBottom < FVScrollBar.Position + GetItemAreaHeight); if PartialOK and (bVisible or tVisible) then Exit; if bVisible and tVisible then Exit; if (iBottom >= FVScrollBar.Position + GetItemAreaHeight) then FVScrollBar.Position := iBottom - GetItemAreaHeight else FVScrollBar.Position := iTop; end; function TfpgListView.ItemAdd: TfpgLVItem; begin Result := AddItem; end; function TfpgListView.AddItem: TfpgLVItem; begin Result := TfpgLVItem.Create(FItems); FItems.Add(Result); end; function TfpgListView.NewItem: TfpgLVItem; begin Result := TfpgLVItem.Create(FItems); end; { TfpgLVColumns } function TfpgLVColumns.GetColumn(AIndex: Integer): TfpgLVColumn; begin Result := TfpgLVColumn(FColumns.Items[AIndex]); end; procedure TfpgLVColumns.SetColumn(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: TfpgLVColumn); begin FColumns.Items[AIndex] := AValue; end; constructor TfpgLVColumns.Create(AListView: TfpgListView); begin FListView := AListView; FColumns := TObjectList.Create; end; destructor TfpgLVColumns.Destroy; begin FColumns.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TfpgLVColumns.Add(AColumn: TfpgLVColumn): Integer; begin Result := Count; Insert(AColumn, Count); end; procedure TfpgLVColumns.Clear; var i: integer; begin for i := FColumns.Count-1 downto 0 do Delete(i); FColumns.Clear; end; procedure TfpgLVColumns.Delete(AIndex: Integer); begin FColumns.Delete(AIndex); end; procedure TfpgLVColumns.Insert(AColumn: TfpgLVColumn; AIndex: Integer); begin FColumns.Insert(AIndex, AColumn); end; function TfpgLVColumns.Count: Integer; begin Result := FColumns.Count; end; { TfpgLVColumn } procedure TfpgLVColumn.SetCaption(const AValue: String); begin if FCaption=AValue then Exit; FCaption:=AValue; end; procedure TfpgLVColumn.SetCaptionAlignment(const AValue: TAlignment); begin if FCaptionAlignment=AValue then exit; FCaptionAlignment:=AValue; if Assigned(FColumns) and Assigned(FColumns.FListView) then FColumns.FListView.DoRepaint; end; procedure TfpgLVColumn.SetColumnIndex(const AValue: Integer); begin if FColumnIndex=AValue then Exit; FColumnIndex:=AValue; end; procedure TfpgLVColumn.SetHeight(const AValue: Integer); begin if FHeight=AValue then Exit; FHeight:=AValue; end; procedure TfpgLVColumn.SetResizable(const AValue: Boolean); begin if FResizable=AValue then exit; FResizable:=AValue; end; procedure TfpgLVColumn.SetVisible(const AValue: Boolean); begin if FVisible=AValue then exit; FVisible:=AValue; end; procedure TfpgLVColumn.SetAutoSize(const AValue: Boolean); begin if FAutoSize=AValue then exit; FAutoSize:=AValue; end; procedure TfpgLVColumn.SetAlignment(const AValue: TAlignment); begin if FAlignment=AValue then exit; FAlignment:=AValue; if Assigned(FColumns)and Assigned(FColumns.FListView) then FColumns.FListView.DoRepaint; end; procedure TfpgLVColumn.SetWidth(const AValue: Integer); begin if FWidth=AValue then exit; FWidth:=AValue; if FWidth < 1 then FWidth := 1; end; constructor TfpgLVColumn.Create(AColumns: TfpgLVColumns); begin FVisible := True; FColumnIndex := -1; FColumns := AColumns; FClickable := True; FAlignment := taLeftJustify; FCaptionAlignment := taLeftJustify; end; destructor TfpgLVColumn.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; end; end.