{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: This descendant adds ReadOnly support and can read/write Form state information. } unit fpg_iniutils; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, IniFiles, fpg_form; type TfpgINIFile = class(TINIFile) private FReadOnly: Boolean; public constructor CreateExt(const AFileName: string = ''; AReadOnly: Boolean = False); function ReadString(const ASection, AIdent, ADefault: string): string; override; function ReadInteger(const ASection, AIdent: string; ADefault: longint): longint; override; function ReadBool(const ASection, AIdent: string; ADefault: Boolean): Boolean; override; function ReadDate(const ASection, AName: string; ADefault: TDateTime): TDateTime; override; function ReadDateTime(const ASection, AName: string; ADefault: TDateTime): TDateTime; override; function ReadFloat(const ASection, AName: string; ADefault: double): double; override; function ReadTime(const ASection, AName: string; ADefault: TDateTime): TDateTime; override; procedure ReadFormState(AForm: TfpgForm; AHeight: integer = -1; AWidth: integer = -1; const ASkipDimensions: Boolean = False); procedure WriteFormState(AForm: TfpgForm); end; // singleton function gINI(const AFileName: string = ''): TfpgINIFile; implementation uses fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_constants, fpg_utils; var uINI: TfpgINIFile; function gINI(const AFileName: string): TfpgINIFile; begin if uINI = nil then uINI := TfpgINIFile.CreateExt(AFileName); Result := uINI; end; { TfpgINIFile } constructor TfpgINIFile.CreateExt(const AFileName: string; AReadOnly: Boolean); var lDir: TfpgString; lFileName: TfpgString; begin FReadOnly := AReadOnly; lDir := fpgExtractFileDir(AFileName); lFileName := fpgExtractFileName(AFileName); if lDir = '' then lDir := GetAppConfigDir(False); if not (lDir[Length(lDir)] = PathDelim) then lDir := lDir + PathDelim; { We used a non-Global config dir, so should be able to create the dir } if not fpgForceDirectories(lDir) then raise Exception.CreateFmt(rsErrFailedToCreateDir, [lDir]); if lFileName = '' then lFileName := ApplicationName + '.ini' else if fpgExtractFileExt(lFileName) = '' then lFileName := lFileName + '.ini'; lFileName := lDir + lFileName; Create(lFileName); end; function TfpgINIFile.ReadString(const ASection, AIdent, ADefault: string): string; begin Result := inherited ReadString(ASection, AIdent, ADefault); if (not ValueExists(ASection, AIdent)) and (not FReadOnly) then WriteString(ASection, AIdent, ADefault); end; function TfpgINIFile.ReadInteger(const ASection, AIdent: string; ADefault: longint): longint; begin if (not ValueExists(ASection, AIdent)) and (not FReadOnly) then WriteInteger(ASection, AIdent, ADefault); Result := inherited ReadInteger(ASection, AIdent, ADefault); end; function TfpgINIFile.ReadBool(const ASection, AIdent: string; ADefault: Boolean): Boolean; var lValueExists: Boolean; begin lValueExists := ValueExists(ASection, AIdent); if (not lValueExists) and (not FReadOnly) then WriteBool(ASection, AIdent, ADefault); Result := inherited ReadBool(ASection, AIdent, ADefault); end; function TfpgINIFile.ReadDate(const ASection, AName: string; ADefault: TDateTime): TDateTime; begin if (not ValueExists(ASection, AName)) and (not FReadOnly) then WriteDate(ASection, AName, ADefault); Result := inherited ReadDate(ASection, AName, ADefault); end; function TfpgINIFile.ReadDateTime(const ASection, AName: string; ADefault: TDateTime): TDateTime; begin if (not ValueExists(ASection, AName)) and (not FReadOnly) then WriteDateTime(ASection, AName, ADefault); Result := inherited ReadDateTime(ASection, AName, ADefault); end; function TfpgINIFile.ReadFloat(const ASection, AName: string; ADefault: double): double; begin if (not ValueExists(ASection, AName)) and (not FReadOnly) then WriteFloat(ASection, AName, ADefault); Result := inherited ReadFloat(ASection, AName, ADefault); end; function TfpgINIFile.ReadTime(const ASection, AName: string; ADefault: TDateTime): TDateTime; begin if (not ValueExists(ASection, AName)) and (not FReadOnly) then WriteTime(ASection, AName, ADefault); Result := inherited ReadTime(ASection, AName, ADefault); end; // Do NOT localize procedure TfpgINIFile.ReadFormState(AForm: TfpgForm; AHeight: integer; AWidth: integer; const ASkipDimensions: Boolean = False); var LINISection: string; LTop: integer; LLeft: integer; LHeight: integer; LWidth: integer; begin Assert(AForm <> nil, Format(rsErrNotAssigned, ['pForm'])); LINISection := AForm.Name + 'State'; // Read form position, -1 if not stored in ini file LTop := readInteger(LINISection, 'Top', -1); LLeft := readInteger(LINISection, 'Left', -1); // The form pos was found in the ini file if (LTop <> -1) and (LLeft <> -1) then begin AForm.Top := readInteger(LINISection, 'Top', AForm.Top); AForm.Left := readInteger(LINISection, 'Left', AForm.Left); AForm.WindowPosition := wpUser; // No form pos in the ini file, so default to screen center end else if Assigned(fpgApplication.MainForm) and (fpgApplication.MainForm <> AForm) then AForm.WindowPosition := wpAuto else AForm.WindowPosition := wpScreenCenter; // Only set the form size if a bsSizable window if AForm.Sizeable and (not ASkipDimensions) then begin if AHeight = -1 then LHeight := AForm.Height else LHeight := AHeight; if AWidth = -1 then LWidth := AForm.Width else LWidth := AWidth; AForm.Height := readInteger(LINISection, 'Height', LHeight); AForm.Width := readInteger(LINISection, 'Width', LWidth); end; AForm.UpdateWindowPosition; // AForm.WindowState := TWindowState(ReadInteger(LINISection, 'WindowState', ord(wsNormal))); // If the form is off screen (positioned outside all monitor screens) then // center the form on screen. //{$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} //if (AForm.FormStyle <> fsMDIChild) {$IFNDEF FPC} and tiFormOffScreen(AForm) {$ENDIF} then //begin //if Assigned(Application.MainForm) and (Application.MainForm <> AForm) then //AForm.Position := poMainFormCenter //else //AForm.Position:= poScreenCenter; //end; //{$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} end; // Do NOT localize procedure TfpgINIFile.WriteFormState(AForm: TfpgForm); var LINISection: string; begin LINISection := AForm.Name + 'State'; // writeInteger(LINISection, 'WindowState', ord(AForm.WindowState)); // if AForm.WindowState = wsNormal then // begin // A work-around while WindowState is not implemented if (AForm.Top >= 0) or (AForm.Left >= 0) then begin writeInteger(LINISection, 'Top', AForm.Top); writeInteger(LINISection, 'Left', AForm.Left); end; if AForm.Sizeable then begin writeInteger(LINISection, 'Height', AForm.Height); WriteInteger(LINISection, 'Width', AForm.Width); end; // end; end; initialization uINI := nil; finalization uINI.Free; end.