{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2015 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: This unit contains various "composite" components. Components that work together as a single component. } unit fpg_editbtn; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes ,fpg_base ,fpg_main ,fpg_widget ,fpg_edit ,fpg_button ,fpg_panel ; type TfpgBaseEditButton = class(TfpgAbstractPanel) private FOnButtonClick: TNotifyEvent; FReadOnly: Boolean; procedure SetReadOnly(const AValue: Boolean); function GetExtraHint: TfpgString; procedure SetExtraHint(const AValue: TfpgString); protected FEdit: TfpgEdit; FButton: TfpgButton; function GetOnShowHint: THintEvent; override; procedure SetOnShowHint(const AValue: THintEvent); override; procedure SetHint(const AValue: TfpgString); override; function GetHint: TfpgString; override; procedure InternalButtonClick(Sender: TObject); virtual; procedure HandleResize(AWidth, AHeight: TfpgCoord); override; property ExtraHint: TfpgString read GetExtraHint write SetExtraHint; property ReadOnly: Boolean read FReadOnly write SetReadOnly default False; property OnButtonClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnButtonClick write FOnButtonClick; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; end; TFilenameSetEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const AOldValue, ANewValue: TfpgString) of object; TfpgFileNameEdit = class(TfpgBaseEditButton) private FOnFilenameSet: TFilenameSetEvent; FFilter: TfpgString; FInitialDir: TfpgString; procedure SetFilter(const AValue: TfpgString); procedure SetFileName(const AValue: TfpgString); function GetFileName: TfpgString; procedure DoFilenameSet(const AOld, ANew: TfpgString); protected procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure InternalButtonClick(Sender: TObject); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; published property Align; property Enabled; property ExtraHint; property FileName: TfpgString read GetFileName write SetFileName; property InitialDir: TfpgString read FInitialDir write FInitialDir; property Filter: TfpgString read FFilter write SetFilter; property ReadOnly; property TabOrder; property OnButtonClick; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseExit; property OnMouseEnter; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnShowHint; property OnFilenameSet: TFilenameSetEvent read FOnFilenameSet write FOnFilenameSet; end; TfpgDirectoryEdit = class(TfpgBaseEditButton) private FRootDirectory: TfpgString; function GetDirectory: TfpgString; procedure SetDirectory(const AValue: TfpgString); protected procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure InternalButtonClick(Sender: TObject); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; published property Align; property Directory: TfpgString read GetDirectory write SetDirectory; property Enabled; property ExtraHint; property RootDirectory: TfpgString read FRootDirectory write FRootDirectory; property ReadOnly; property TabOrder; property OnButtonClick; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseExit; property OnMouseEnter; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnShowHint; end; TfpgFontEdit = class(TfpgBaseEditButton) protected function GetFontDesc: TfpgString; virtual; procedure SetFontDesc(const AValue: TfpgString); virtual; procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure InternalButtonClick(Sender: TObject); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; published property Align; property Enabled; property ExtraHint; property FontDesc: TfpgString read GetFontDesc write SetFontDesc; property ReadOnly; property TabOrder; property OnButtonClick; property OnShowHint; end; TfpgEditButton = class(TfpgBaseEditButton) protected function GetText: TfpgString; procedure SetText(const AValue: TfpgString); procedure HandlePaint; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; published property Align; property Enabled; property ExtraHint; property ReadOnly; property TabOrder; property Text: TfpgString read GetText write SetText; property OnButtonClick; property OnShowHint; end; implementation uses fpg_constants ,fpg_dialogs ,fpg_utils ; { TfpgEditButton } function TfpgEditButton.GetText: TfpgString; begin Result := FEdit.Text; end; procedure TfpgEditButton.SetText(const AValue: TfpgString); begin FEdit.Text := AValue; end; procedure TfpgEditButton.HandlePaint; var img: TfpgImage; begin inherited HandlePaint; // only so that it looks pretty in the UI Designer if csDesigning in ComponentState then begin FEdit.Visible := False; FButton.Visible := False; Canvas.Clear(clBoxColor); fpgStyle.DrawControlFrame(Canvas, 0, 0, Width - Height, Height); fpgStyle.DrawButtonFace(Canvas, Width - Height, 0, Height, Height, [btfIsEmbedded]); Canvas.SetFont(fpgStyle.DefaultFont); if Text <> '' then begin Canvas.TextColor := clText3; Canvas.DrawText(4, 0, Width - Height, Height, Text, [txtLeft, txtVCenter]); end else begin Canvas.TextColor := clShadow1; Canvas.DrawText(0, 0, Width - Height, Height, ClassName, [txtHCenter, txtVCenter]); end; img := fpgImages.GetImage('stdimg.ellipse'); // don't free the img instance - we only got a reference if img <> nil then Canvas.DrawImage(Width-Height+((Height-img.Width) div 2), (Height-img.Height) div 2, img); end; end; constructor TfpgEditButton.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FButton.ImageName := 'stdimg.ellipse'; end; { TfpgBaseEditButton } procedure TfpgBaseEditButton.SetReadOnly(const AValue: Boolean); begin if FReadOnly = AValue then Exit; FReadOnly := AValue; FEdit.ReadOnly := FReadOnly; FButton.Enabled := not FReadOnly; // Buttons don't have ReadOnly property. end; function TfpgBaseEditButton.GetExtraHint: TfpgString; begin Result := FEdit.ExtraHint; end; procedure TfpgBaseEditButton.SetExtraHint(const AValue: TfpgString); begin FEdit.ExtraHint := AValue; end; function TfpgBaseEditButton.GetOnShowHint: THintEvent; begin // rewire the FEdit event to the parent (composite) component Result := FEdit.OnShowHint; end; procedure TfpgBaseEditButton.SetOnShowHint(const AValue: THintEvent); begin // rewire the FEdit event to the parent (composite) component FEdit.OnShowHint := AValue; end; procedure TfpgBaseEditButton.SetHint(const AValue: TfpgString); begin FEdit.Hint := AValue; end; function TfpgBaseEditButton.GetHint: TfpgString; begin Result := FEdit.Hint; end; procedure TfpgBaseEditButton.InternalButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin // do nothing if Assigned(OnButtonClick) then OnButtonClick(self); end; procedure TfpgBaseEditButton.HandleResize(AWidth, AHeight: TfpgCoord); begin inherited HandleResize(AWidth, AHeight); { resizing can now occur before the component is shown, so we need extra checks here, like are we still busy creating everything. } if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then begin if csDesigning in ComponentState then begin FEdit.Visible := False; FButton.Visible := False; end else begin FEdit.SetPosition(0, 0, AWidth - AHeight, AHeight); FButton.SetPosition(AWidth - AHeight, 0, AHeight, AHeight); end; end; end; constructor TfpgBaseEditButton.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Width := 140; Height := 24; FReadOnly := False; FEdit := TfpgEdit.Create(self); with FEdit do begin Name := 'FEdit'; SetPosition(0, 0, self.Width - self.Height, self.Height); Text := ''; FontDesc := '#Edit1'; TabOrder := 0; end; FButton := TfpgButton.Create(self); with FButton do begin Name := 'FButton'; SetPosition(self.Width - self.Height, 0, self.Height, self.Height); Text := ''; FontDesc := '#Label1'; ImageMargin := -1; ImageName := 'stdimg.elipses'; ImageSpacing := 0; TabOrder := 1; OnClick := @InternalButtonClick; end; end; { TfpgFileNameEdit } constructor TfpgFileNameEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FFilter := ''; FButton.ImageName := 'stdimg.folderfile'; end; procedure TfpgFileNameEdit.SetFilter(const AValue: TfpgString); begin FFilter := AValue; end; procedure TfpgFileNameEdit.SetFileName(const AValue: TfpgString); begin FEdit.Text := AValue; end; function TfpgFileNameEdit.GetFileName: TfpgString; begin Result := FEdit.Text; end; procedure TfpgFileNameEdit.DoFilenameSet(const AOld, ANew: TfpgString); begin if Assigned(FOnFilenameSet) then FOnFilenameSet(self, AOld, ANew); end; procedure TfpgFileNameEdit.HandlePaint; var img: TfpgImage; begin inherited HandlePaint; // only so that it looks pretty in the UI Designer if csDesigning in ComponentState then begin FEdit.Visible := False; FButton.Visible := False; Canvas.Clear(clBoxColor); fpgStyle.DrawControlFrame(Canvas, 0, 0, Width - Height, Height); fpgStyle.DrawButtonFace(Canvas, Width - Height, 0, Height, Height, [btfIsEmbedded]); Canvas.SetFont(fpgStyle.DefaultFont); if Filename <> '' then begin Canvas.TextColor := clText3; Canvas.DrawText(4, 0, Width - Height, Height, Filename, [txtLeft, txtVCenter]); end else begin Canvas.TextColor := clShadow1; Canvas.DrawText(0, 0, Width - Height, Height, ClassName, [txtHCenter, txtVCenter]); end; img := fpgImages.GetImage('stdimg.folderfile'); // don't free the img instance - we only got a reference if img <> nil then Canvas.DrawImage(Width-Height+((Height-img.Width) div 2), (Height-img.Height) div 2, img); end; end; procedure TfpgFileNameEdit.InternalButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var dlg: TfpgFileDialog; old: TfpgString; begin old := FEdit.Text; dlg := TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil); try if FileName = '' then begin if FInitialDir <> '' then dlg.InitialDir := FInitialDir; end else begin // Use path of existing filename dlg.InitialDir := fpgExtractFilePath(FileName); if dlg.InitialDir = '' then // FileName had no path dlg.InitialDir := FInitialDir; end; if FFilter = '' then dlg.Filter := rsAllFiles + ' (' + AllFilesMask + ')' + '|' + AllFilesMask else dlg.Filter := FFilter + '|' + rsAllFiles + ' (' + AllFilesMask + ')' + '|' + AllFilesMask; if dlg.RunOpenFile then begin FEdit.Text := dlg.FileName; end; finally dlg.Free; end; inherited InternalButtonClick(Sender); if old <> FEdit.Text then DoFilenameSet(old, FEdit.Text); end; { TfpgDirectoryEdit} constructor TfpgDirectoryEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FButton.ImageName := 'stdimg.folder'; end; function TfpgDirectoryEdit.GetDirectory: TfpgString; begin Result := FEdit.Text; end; procedure TfpgDirectoryEdit.SetDirectory(const AValue: TfpgString); begin FEdit.Text := AValue; end; procedure TfpgDirectoryEdit.HandlePaint; var img: TfpgImage; begin inherited HandlePaint; // only so that it looks pretty in the UI Designer if csDesigning in ComponentState then begin FEdit.Visible := False; FButton.Visible := False; Canvas.Clear(clBoxColor); fpgStyle.DrawControlFrame(Canvas, 0, 0, Width - Height, Height); fpgStyle.DrawButtonFace(Canvas, Width - Height, 0, Height, Height, [btfIsEmbedded]); Canvas.SetFont(fpgStyle.DefaultFont); if Directory <> '' then begin Canvas.TextColor := clText3; Canvas.DrawText(4, 0, Width - Height, Height, Directory, [txtLeft, txtVCenter]); end else begin Canvas.TextColor := clShadow1; Canvas.DrawText(0, 0, Width - Height, Height, ClassName, [txtHCenter, txtVCenter]); end; img := fpgImages.GetImage('stdimg.folder'); // don't free the img instance - we only got a reference if img <> nil then Canvas.DrawImage(Width-Height+((Height-img.Width) div 2), (Height-img.Height) div 2, img); end; end; procedure TfpgDirectoryEdit.InternalButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var dlg: TfpgSelectDirDialog; begin dlg := TfpgSelectDirDialog.Create(nil); try if FRootDirectory <> '' then dlg.RootDirectory := FRootDirectory; dlg.SelectedDir := Directory; if dlg.ShowModal = mrOK then begin FEdit.Text:= dlg.SelectedDir; end; finally dlg.Free; end; inherited InternalButtonClick(Sender); end; { TfpgFontEdit } function TfpgFontEdit.GetFontDesc: TfpgString; begin Result := FEdit.Text; end; procedure TfpgFontEdit.SetFontDesc(const AValue: TfpgString); begin FEdit.Text := AValue; end; procedure TfpgFontEdit.HandlePaint; var img: TfpgImage; begin inherited HandlePaint; // only so that it looks pretty in the UI Designer if csDesigning in ComponentState then begin FEdit.Visible := False; FButton.Visible := False; Canvas.Clear(clBoxColor); fpgStyle.DrawControlFrame(Canvas, 0, 0, Width - Height, Height); fpgStyle.DrawButtonFace(Canvas, Width - Height, 0, Height, Height, [btfIsEmbedded]); Canvas.TextColor := clShadow1; Canvas.SetFont(fpgStyle.DefaultFont); Canvas.DrawText(0, 0, Width - Height, Height, ClassName, [txtHCenter, txtVCenter]); img := fpgImages.GetImage('stdimg.font'); // don't free the img instance - we only got a reference if img <> nil then Canvas.DrawImage(Width-Height+((Height-img.Width) div 2), (Height-img.Height) div 2, img); end; end; procedure TfpgFontEdit.InternalButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var f: TfpgString; begin f := FontDesc; if SelectFontDialog(f) then FontDesc := f; inherited InternalButtonClick(Sender); end; constructor TfpgFontEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FButton.ImageName := 'stdimg.font'; end; end.